Murphy's Bowl LLC, the project applicant, proposes to develop the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC, or proposed project) in Inglewood, California. The City of Inglewood has determined that an environmental impact report (EIR) is required for the proposed project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The purpose of the EIR is to inform governmental agencies and the public of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project, recommended mitigation measures to lessen significant adverse impacts, and evaluate alternatives to the project. The City published a Draft EIR for the project on December 27, 2019.

On December 17, 2019, the proposed project was certified by the Governor of California for streamlining under California Public Resources Code section 21168.6.8 et seq. Beginning on December 27, 2019, pursuant to the requirements of California Public Resources Code and concurrent with the administrative process, this website provides access to all documents and materials in the record of proceedings for the proposed project in a downloadable format.

Using this website: Text shown on this page can be searched. Pressing CTRL+F will open a small search bar at the top or bottom of the page. Type the text you are searching for into the search bar and press the Enter key to search for the text. This same approach can be used to search for text within individual PDF documents, once opened in a web browser window.

Click on the links in the upper left of this page to navigate between document categories. Administrative record materials generated between Draft EIR publication and the issuance of Notice of Determination are included at the bottom of this website.

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Category Document Date

(YYYYMMDD-HHMM, military time)
Title or Description Email From Email To Website File No.
Notice of Determination
NOD 20200721-0000 City Transmittal of NOD to County Clerk.pdf IBECEIR_036604.pdf
NOD 20200723-0000 NOD opr website printout .pdf IBECEIR_036660.pdf
NOD 20200723-0000 Notice of Determination Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center IBECEIR_037120.pdf
NOD 20200723-0000 Filed Notice of Determination.PDF IBECEIR_037400.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1868 EIR Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits_1.pdf IBECEIR_035215.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1869 GPA Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_035216.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1870 Reso 1870 - 061720 - SPA-2020-001.pdf IBECEIR_035217.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1871 ZC and ZCA PC Reso Final Approved with Errata.pdf IBECEIR_035218.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1872 DG Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits_1.pdf IBECEIR_035219.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1873 DA Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits_1.pdf IBECEIR_035220.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200727-0000 Signed Resolution No. 20-105_Certifying EIR.pdf IBECEIR_037317.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200727-0000 Signed Resolution 20-106_Adopting Amendments to GP.PDF IBECEIR_037318.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200727-0000 Signed Resolution 20-107_Adopting Amendment to SP.pdf IBECEIR_037319.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200727-0000 Signed Resolution 20-108_Adopting SEC Guidelines.pdf IBECEIR_037320.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200805-0000 ORDINANCE NO. 20-12_Approving Zone Change.PDF IBECEIR_037321.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200805-0000 ORDINANCE NO. 20-13_Approving Zoning Code Amendment.PDF IBECEIR_037322.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200805-0000 ORDINANCE NO. 20-14_Approving Amendments to Municipal Code.PDF IBECEIR_037323.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/ Approvals 20200805-0000 ORDINANCE NO. 20-15_Approving Development Agreement.PDF IBECEIR_037324.pdf
CEQA Findings
CEQA Findings 20200716-0000 IBEC_CEQA findings and override_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036211.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project Draft Environmental Impact Report _IBEC_DEIR_Dec2019_WEB.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Summary 0.3_Summary.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Title Page 0.1_Title_IBEC_DEIR.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Table of Contents 0.2_TOC.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 1: Introduction 1.0_Introduction.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 2: Project Description 2.0_Project_Description.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 3: Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures 3.0_Introduction_to_the_Analysis.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.1: Aesthetics 3.1_Aesthetics.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.2: Air Quality 3.2_Air_Quality.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.3: Biological Resources 3.3_Biological_Resources.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.4: Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources 3.4_Cultural_and_Tribal_Cultural_Resources.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.5: Energy Demand and Conservation 3.5_Energy_Demand_and_Conservation.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.6: Geology and Soils 3.6_Geology_and_Soils.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.7: Greenhouse Gas Emissions 3.7_Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.8: Hazards and Hazardous Materials 3.8_Hazards_and_Hazardous_Materials.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.9: Hydrology and Water Quality 3.9_Hydrology_and_Water_Quality.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.10: Land Use and Planning 3.10_Land_Use_and_Planning.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.11: Noise and Vibration 3.11_Noise_and_Vibration.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.12: Population, Employment, and Housing 3.12_Population_Employment_and_Housing.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.13: Public Services 3.13_Public_Services.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.14: Transportation and Circulation 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Section 3.15: Utilities and Service Systems 3.15_Utilities_and_Service_Systems.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 4: Other CEQA Required Considerations 4.0_Other_CEQA-Required_Considerations.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 5: Project Variants 5.0_Project_Variants.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 6: Project Alternatives 6.0_Project_Alternatives.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Chapter 7: List of Preparers and Persons Consulted 7.0_List_of_Preparers_and_Persons_Consulted.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix A: Notice of Preparation (NOP) A_NOP.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix B: NOP Comments B_NOPComments.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix C: Light and Glare C_LightandGlare.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix D: Air Quality D_AirQuality.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix E: Biological Resources E_BiologicalResources.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix F: Cultural Resources F_CulturalResources.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix G: Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data G_EnergyandGreenhouseGasEmissionsData.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix H: Geotechnical Report H_GeotechnicalReport.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix I: Paleontological Resources Report I_PaleontologicalResourcesReport.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix J: Noise Data J_NoiseData.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix K: Transportation Data K_TransportationData.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix L: Sewer Area Study Plan L_SewerAreaStudyPlan.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix M: Water Supply Assessment M_WaterSupplyAssessment.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix N: AB 987 / PRC Section 21168.6.8 N_AB987-PRCSection21168.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix O: Hazardous Materials O_HazardousMaterials.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix P: Airspace Hazards P_AirspaceHazards.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix Q: Hydrology Data Q_HydrologyData.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix R: Analysis of Future Events R_AnalysisofFutureEvents.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20191200-0000 DEIR Appendix S: Displacement Study S_DisplacementStudy.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 FEIR_June2020_WEB.pdf IBECEIR_033386.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 0.1_Cover-Title_IBEC FEIR.pdf IBECEIR_033387.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 0.2_TOC.pdf IBECEIR_033388.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 1.0_Introduction.pdf IBECEIR_033389.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 2.0_Revisions.pdf IBECEIR_033390.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 3.0_Comments_and_Responses.pdf IBECEIR_033391.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 4.0_MMRP.pdf IBECEIR_033392.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App F_Cultural Resources_Revised Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033393.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App K.3_Tech Calcs_Revised Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033394.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App K.4 Revised Event TMP.pdf IBECEIR_033395.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App R_Analysis of Future Events_Additional Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033396.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200716-0000 IBEC EIR Errata_July 2020_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036209.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200716-0000 IBEC EIR MMRP_July 2020_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036210.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200721-0000 City of Inglewood Memo re EIR Errata.pdf IBECEIR_036523.pdf
EIR Reference Materials
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 General Plan Conservation and Natural Resources Element, by County of Los Angeles PREDEIR_0000016.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Form FAA 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, by Federal Aviation Administration PREDEIR_0000023.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Land Use Compatibility and Airports, by Federal Aviation Administration PREDEIR_0000026.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 2016 RTP/SCS Growth Forecast by Jurisdiction 2012-2040, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0000033.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Diseno for the Rancho Sausal Redondo, by California State Archives PREDEIR_0000125.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration PREDEIR_0000157.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Company Profile, by SoCalGas PREDEIR_0002452.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 California Commercial End-Use Survey, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002496.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates Table B25032 Tenure by Units in Structure, by US Census PREDEIR_0013299.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Crenshaw_LAX Transit Project, by LA Metro PREDEIR_0013305.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Plans for the Improvement of Century Boulevard Inglewood Ave to Doty Ave - Signs and Pavement Delineation, by AECOM PREDEIR_0021182.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 13 CCR Section 2485: Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Limit Diesel-Fueled Commercial Motor Vehicle Idling PREDEIR_0022067.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Final Regulation Order, Airborne Toxic Control Measure for In-Use Diesel-Fueled Transport Refrigeration Units and TRU Generator Sets, by CARB PREDEIR_0022074.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Part 1910, Standard 1910.95, by U.S. Dept of Labor, OSHA PREDEIR_0022086.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Tenure Tables B25032, B25038 and B25039, by U.S. Census PREDEIR_0022099.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Air Quality Modeling for CEQA, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0022107.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Appendix B- Traffic Level of Service Calculation Methods, City-County Association of Government of San Mateo County.pdf PREDEIR_0022108.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 California Scenic Highway Program, by CA Dept of Transportation PREDEIR_0022111.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Forum Event Summary PREDEIR_0022145.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 The Impact of Stadium Announcements on Residential Property Values: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Dallas-Fort Worth, by C. Dehring, et al. PREDEIR_0022307.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Gentry _ Definition of Gentry by Merriam-Webster PREDEIR_0022322.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 CCR Title 14 Section 15360 - Environment PREDEIR_0022332.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 CCR Title 14 Sections 15060 to 15065, CEQA PREDEIR_0022335.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 CCR Title 14 Sections 15120 to 15132, CEQA PREDEIR_0022336.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 CCR Title 14 Section 15358 - Effects PREDEIR_0022340.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Water Use Records from City of Lakewood PREDEIR_0022643.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 West Basin Water District Infrastructure Map PREDEIR_0022649.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 LEED Scorecards; IBEC Project Checklist PREDEIR_0022651.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 How Much Water Does a Dishwasher Use, American Home Shield PREDEIR_0022655.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Existing Street Pole Locations PREDEIR_0023013.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 FIGURE 3-3 Legend PREDEIR_0023018.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 IBEC Alt Prairie Access Var Conceptual Sign Locations PREDEIR_0023020.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 IBEC Century Bridge Var Conceptual Sign Locations PREDEIR_0023021.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 IBEC Proposed Project Conceptual Sign Locations (1) PREDEIR_0023026.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-55.5 PREDEIR_0023028.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-74 PREDEIR_0023029.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-75 PREDEIR_0023030.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-76 PREDEIR_0023031.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-80.5 PREDEIR_0023032.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Section 12-80 PREDEIR_0023033.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Sensitive Receptors Legend PREDEIR_0023034.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Site Illuminance Map PREDEIR_0023035.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Attachment to MPWMD Resolution No. 2018-21: Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors PREDEIR_0023086.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Recycled Water, West Basin Article PREDEIR_0023096.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 14 CFR Part 77 PREDEIR_0023122.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 FAA Obstruction Evaluation and Airport Airspace Analysis PREDEIR_0023128.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Determination of a Southern California Regional Background Arsenic Concentration in Soil, by G. Chernoff, et al. PREDEIR_0023132.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 10212 Prairie Ave Building Permit documents (various dates) PREDEIR_024589.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 California Public Resources Code Section 21151.8 PREDEIR_024611.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Overview: Tropospheric Ozone, Smog and Ozone-NOx-VOC Sensitivity, by S. Sillman, University of Michigan PREDEIR_024614.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 42 U.S.C. Section 7409. National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards PREDEIR_024616.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 42 U.S.C. Section 7502. Nonattainment Plan Provisions in General PREDEIR_024617.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 42 U.S.C. Section 7511a. Plan Submissions and Requirements PREDEIR_024618.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 00000000-0000 Sound Level Descriptors, by U.S. DOT PREDEIR_024623.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 18390000-0000 Location of Guahco on the 1839 Diseno for the Rancho La Ballona, by California State Archives PREDEIR_0000126.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 18960000-0000 CA (Los Angeles Co) Redondo Sheet, Map, by Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000068.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19020000-0000 California (Los Angeles County) Santa Monica Quadrangle, by U.S. Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000069.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19210000-0000 Santa Monica Quadrangle Grid Zone "G", by Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Tactical Map PREDEIR_0000070.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19240000-0000 California (Los Angeles County) Inglewood Quadrangle, by Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000072.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19250000-0000 Handbook of the Indians of California, by A. L. Kroeber PREDEIR_0000073.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19310000-0000 Gilliland Funeral Home, Los Angeles Co's Lennox Directory of Householders, Street and Avenue Guide PREDEIR_0022105.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19340000-0000 California (Los Angeles County) Venice Quadrangle, by U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000074.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19370000-0000 The Kirkman-Harriman Pictorial and Historical Map PREDEIR_0000075.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19440000-0000 Redondo Quadrangle, Archaeological Survey, by Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army PREDEIR_0000076.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19460000-0000 Southern California: An Island on the Land, by Carey McWilliams PREDEIR_0000077.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19480000-0000 California (Los Angeles County) Inglewood Quadrangle 6-Minute Series, by U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000078.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19521020-0000 City of Inglewood Building Permit 03226, by County of Los Angeles PREDEIR_0000079.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19521020-0000; 20050517; 20110307 Building Permit Applications/Plan Checks for 10204 Prairie Avenue, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000097.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19550000-0000 A Suggested Chronology for Southern California Coastal Archaeology, by William J. Wallace PREDEIR_0000080.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19590000-0000 A New Species of Fossil Turtle from Pliocene of Oregon, by B.H. Brattstrom and Ann Sturn PREDEIR_0000127.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19620000-0000 Sa'angna, Map of the Gabrielino Area of the Portola Expedition, by Johnston PREDEIR_0000082.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19620000-0000 USGS-AASG, Geologic Map of California Long Beach Sheet, by C.W. Jennings PREDEIR_0000105.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19620000-0000 Long Beach Sheet, Geologic Map of California, by C.W. Jennings PREDEIR_0022084.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19620000-0000 Explanatory Data, Long Beach Sheet Geologic Map of California, by C.W. Jennings PREDEIR_024588.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19650000-0000 Geology of Los Angeles Basin California, by R.F. Yerkes, et al. PREDEIR_0000128.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19650000-0000 Geology of the Los Angeles Basin, by R.F. Yerkes, et al. PREDEIR_0022077.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19650927-0000 Building Permit Application #57686, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000083.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19660000-0000 The Decline of the Californios: A Social History of the Spanish-Speaking Californians, 1846-1890, by Leonard Pitt PREDEIR_0000092.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19680000-0000 Archaic Prehistory in the Western United States, by C. N. Warren PREDEIR_0000084.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19680900-0000 Planned Utilization of the Ground Water Basins of the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles County, by State of California Department of Water Resources PREDEIR_0000081.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19700000-0000 Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, Historic Hotels of Los Angeles and Hollywood, by Ruth Wallach, et al. PREDEIR_0000109.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19710217-0000 Pleistocene Vertebrates of the Los Angeles Basin and Vicinity (Exclusive of Rancho La Brea), by Wade E. Miller PREDEIR_0000129.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19740301-0000 Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0002303.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19740710-0000 Building Permit Application (no number), by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000085.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19760710-0000 Building Permit Application #125586, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000086.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19770000-0000 Average Speed Levels and Spectra in Various Speaking Listening Conditions, by W.O. Olsen PREDEIR_0022109.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19770400-0000 Southern California Academy of Sciences, A Small Herpetofauna from the Late Pleistocene of Newport Beach Mesa, Orange County, California, by Dennis M. Hudson PREDEIR_0000130.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19770622-0000 Building Permit Application (no number), by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000087.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19770622-0000 Building Permit Application #141361, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000088.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19780000-0000 Handbook of North American Indians, Gabrielino, by L.J. Bean and C.R. Smith PREDEIR_0000089.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19781100-0000 Protective Noise Levels, Condensed Version of EPA Levels Document, by U.S. EPA PREDEIR_024590.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19790130-0000 City of Inglewood, Design and Development Standards and Guidelines PREDEIR_0023012.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19800000-0000 A Review of Osteology and Paleontology of Turkeys, by David W. Steadman PREDEIR_0000131.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19810000-0000 Inglewood, CA 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, by U.S. Geological Survey PREDEIR_0002507.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19810500-0000 Inner-City Reinvestment: Neighborhood Characteristics and Spatial Patterns Over Time, by S. Bradway, et al. PREDEIR_0022302.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19820000-0000 Mineral Land Classification of the Greater Los Angeles Area, Part IV, by California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0000004.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19820501-0000 Urban Studies: Inner-City Reinvestment: Neighborhood Characteristics and Spatial Patterns Over Time, by Shirley Bradway, et al. PREDEIR_0022299.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19820601-0000 Mineral Land Classification Map, Aggregate Resources Only, Inglewood Quadrangle, by California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0000003.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19820601-0000 Advanced Prediction and Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise, by Federal Highway Administration Office of Environmental Policy PREDEIR_0002304.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19830101-0000 Noise Control and Land Use Compatibility Study Phase Two Report, by Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Commission PREDEIR_0002305.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19860800-0000 Urban Gentrification: Evaluating Alternative Indicators, by Spinger PREDEIR_0022301.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19860800-0000 Urban Gentrification: Evaluating Alternative Indicators, by G. Galster, et al. PREDEIR_0022315.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19870603-0000 Noise Element of the General Plan, for the City of Inglewood, by Mestre Greve Associates PREDEIR_0002306.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19880000-0000 A Guide to Wildlife Habitats of California, by California Department of Fish and Wildlife PREDEIR_0013298.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19890120-0000 Cathay Mortuary, Inc. v. San Francisco Planning Com. PREDEIR_0022131.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19900000-0000 Journal of California and Great Basin, Tataviam Geography and Ethnohistory, by J.R. Johnson and D.D. Earle PREDEIR_0000090.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19910000-0000 Technical Reports, No 5, Catalogue of Late Quaternary Vertebrates from California, by G.T. Jefferson PREDEIR_0000132.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19910000-0000 Technical Reports, No 7, Catalogue of Late Quaternary Vertebrates from California: Mammals, by G.T. Jefferson PREDEIR_0000133.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19910000-0000 Assembly Bill 937 (Text) PREDEIR_0022125.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19910000-0000 Assembly Bill 3024 (Text) PREDEIR_0022128.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19911219-0000 Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Plan, by Department of Regional Planning PREDEIR_0000017.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19911219-0000 Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Commission Comprehensive Land Use Plan, by Department of Regional Planning PREDEIR_0000154.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19920000-0000 Assembly Bill 937 (History) PREDEIR_0022124.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19920000-0000 Assembly Bill 3024 (History) PREDEIR_0022127.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19920601-0000 Building Vibrations Induced by Noise from Rotorcraft and Propeller Aircraft Flyovers, by NASA PREDEIR_0002307.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19921215-0000 City of Inglewood, Circulation Element of the Inglewood General Plan PREDEIR_0021169.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19931101-0000 CEQA Air Quality Handbook (1993) Website, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002354.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19931221-0000 City of Inglewood International Business Park Specific Plan PREDEIR_0013302.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19940000-0000 The History of Inglewood, Historical Society of Centinela Valley, by Gladys Waddingham PREDEIR_0000093.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19940000-0000 FAUNMAP: Database Documenting Late Quaternary Distributions of Mammal Species in the U.S., by Russell W. Graham, et al. PREDEIR_0000134.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19950000-0000 Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Debating Cultural Evolution: Regional Implications of Fishing Intensification at Eel Point, by L. Mark Raab, et al. PREDEIR_0000094.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19950000-0000 The Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring & Reconstructing Historic Buildings, by , Kay D. Weeks and Anne E. Grimmer PREDEIR_0000095.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19950000-0000 Petrofacies and Provenance Puente Formation, by S. Critelli, et al. PREDEIR_0022088.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19950000-0000 U.S. EPA Air Pollution Factors: Wet Cooling Towers PREDEIR_024591.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19950100-0000 Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Nonrenewable Paleontologic Resources, by Society of Vertebrate Paleontology PREDEIR_0000136.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19950700-0000 Safety Element of the Inglewood General Plan PREDEIR_0000165.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19951000-0000 Petrofacies and Provenance Puente Formation, by Salvatore Critelli, et al. PREDEIR_0000135.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19951200-0000 Inglewood General Plan, Open Space Element, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002322.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19960000-0000 The First Angelinos: The Gabrielino Indians of Los Angeles, by William McCawley PREDEIR_0000096.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19961100-0000 Scales of Climatic Variability Pleistocene Biotas, by Kaustuv Roy, et al. PREDEIR_0000137.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19970000-0000 Senate Bill 1113 (Status) PREDEIR_0022141.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19970000-0000 Senate Bill 1113 (Text) PREDEIR_0022142.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19970000-0000 Senate Bill 1113 (Veto Message) PREDEIR_0022143.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19970100-0000 Cambridge Core, Early Hunter-Gatherers of the California Coast, by Jon M. Erlandson PREDEIR_0000091.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19970313-0000 Special Publication 117A, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, CA Geologic Survey PREDEIR_0022097.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19971021-0000 General Plan Conservation Element, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000041.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19971201-0000 Caltrans CO Protocol Website, by DOT PREDEIR_0002355.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19980000-0000 Historic Adobes of Los Angeles County, by John Kielbasa PREDEIR_0000098.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19980000-0000 Late Pleistocene C4 Plant Dominance and Summer Rainfall in the Southwestern U.S. from Isotopic Study of Herbivore Teeth, by Sean L. Connin , et al. PREDEIR_0000138.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19980417-0000 Clippers to Join Kings, Lakers in New Arena, by Los Angeles Times PREDEIR_0000001.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19980422-0000 Report to the Air Resources Board on the Proposed Identification of Diesel Exhaust as a Toxic Air Contaminant, Part A Exposure Assessment, by CARB PREDEIR_0002356.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19980501-0000 Part B: Health Risk Assessment for Diesel Exhaust, by OEHHA PREDEIR_0002357.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990000-0000 Map of Monitoring Areas, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002358.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990000-0000 Assembly Bill 2024 and Assembly Bill 937 (vetoed) PREDEIR_0022126.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990000-0000 Senate Bill 115 (compared to earlier version) PREDEIR_0022135.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990000-0000 Senate Bill 115 (History) PREDEIR_0022136.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990000-0000 Senate Bill 115 (Text) PREDEIR_0022137.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990325-0000 Earthquake Zones of Required Investigation Inglewood Quadrangle, by CA Geological Survey PREDEIR_0013307.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990401-0000 Guidelines for Community Noise, by World Health Organization PREDEIR_0002308.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990700-0000 Three-Stage Evolution of the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California, by Raymond V. Ingersoll PREDEIR_0000139.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19990700-0000 Three-Stage Evolution of the Los Angeles Basin, by R.V. Ingersoll PREDEIR_0022100.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19991123-0000 Ergonomics Program, by OSHA PREDEIR_0002309.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20000200-0000 Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Risk Assessment Guidelines, Part III, Technical Support Document RE Noncancer Chronic Reference Exposure Levels, by CA EPA PREDEIR_024594.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20000401-0000 CA DOF E-4 Population Estimates for Counties and States PREDEIR_024625.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20000401-0000 CA DOF E-8 Population and Housing Estimates, 1990 & 2000 Census PREDEIR_024626.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20010000-0000 Los Angeles River: Its Life, Death, and Possible Rebirth, by Blake Gumprecht PREDEIR_0000099.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20010200-0000 Uncertainties in Episodic Ozone Modeling Stemming from Uncertainties in the Meteorological Fields, by J. Biswas PREDEIR_024592.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20010926-0000 Conservation Element of the City of Los Angeles General Plan, by City of Los Angeles Planning Commission PREDEIR_0000013.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20011200-0000 Uncertainties in Predicted Ozone Concentrations Due to Input Uncertainties for the UAM-V Photochemical Grid Model Applied to the July 1995 OTAG Domain, by S. Hanna PREDEIR_024593.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20020000-0000 The Southern Pacific in Los Angeles, 1873-1996, by Larry Mullaly and Bruce Petty PREDEIR_0000100.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20020700-0000 Assembly Bill 1493 Pavley Standards, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002423.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20021200-0000 Caltrans Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies PREDEIR_0021185.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20021206-0000 Rule 1303, Requirements, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002359.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20030000-0000 USGS-AASG, National Geologic Map of the Long Beach 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle, California, by G.J. Saucedo, et al. PREDEIR_0000116.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20030000-0000 AEP, CEQA and Fossil Preservation in California, by Eric Scott, et al. PREDEIR_0000140.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20030613-0000 OFFROAD Modeling Change Technical Memo: Change in Population and Activity Factors for Lawn and Garden Equipment, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002453.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20030801-0000 Health Risk Assessment Guidance for Analyzing Cancer Risks from Mobile Source Diesel Idling Emissions for CEQA Air Quality Analysis, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002360.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040000-0000 The Human Journey & Ancient Life in California's Deserts, Proceedings from the 2001 Millennium Conference, by Scott, et al. PREDEIR_0000143.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040000-0000 Bakersfield Citizens for Local Control v. City of Bakersfield, by PREDEIR_0002500.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040000-0000 Gentrification and Displacement, New York City in the 1990s, by L. Freeman and F. Braconi PREDEIR_0022313.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040227-0000 California Groundwater Bulletin 118: Coastal Plan of Los Angeles County Groundwater Basin, West Coast Subbasin, by CA Department of Water Resources PREDEIR_0000166.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040300-0000 Working Paper No. 02-12/R - Compensating Differentials and the Social Benefits of the NFL, by G. Carlino, et al. PREDEIR_0022303.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040400-0000 Recommended Criteria for Delineating Seismic Hazard Zones in California, Special Publication 118, by CA Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000141.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040401-0000 Air Toxics Risk Assessment Reference Library, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002361.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040412-0000 PNAS, Exceptional Record of Mid-Pleistocene Vertabrates, by Anthony Barnosky, et al. PREDEIR_0000142.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040510-0000 Final Regulation Order, Title 13, CA Code of Regs, Div 3, Chp 1, Article 4.5, Sect 2025 PREDEIR_0002362.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040600-0000 Compass Southern California - Growth Vision Report, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0013303.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040700-0000 U.S. Department of Transportation, Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software PREDEIR_0021195.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040715-0000 Final Regulation Order, Amendments to the California Diesel Fuel Regulations, Amend Section 2281 PREDEIR_0002363.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20040729-0000 City of Rancho Palos Verdes Natural Communities Conservation Planning Subarea Plan, by URS PREDEIR_0000061.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20041201-0000 Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Plan, by Los Angeles County Airport Land Use Commission PREDEIR_0002505.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20041213-0000 Bakersfield Citizens for Local Control v. City of Bakersfield PREDEIR_0022130.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050000-0000 California: A History, by Kevin Starr PREDEIR_0000107.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050000-0000 Sunset Limited: The Southern Pacific Railroad and the Development of the American West, 1850-1930 by Orsi, Richard J PREDEIR_0002508.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050000-0000 Displacement or Succession? Residential Mobility in Gentrifying Neighborhoods, by Lance Freeman PREDEIR_0022314.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050415-0000 State of California Tribal Consultation Guidelines, by Governor's Office of Planning and Research PREDEIR_0000101.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050506-0000 Guidance Document for Addressing Air Quality Issues in General Plans and Local Planning, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002364.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050603-0000 Rule 403, Fugitive Dust PREDEIR_0002365.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20050630-0000 Anderson First Coalition v. City of Anderson PREDEIR_0022129.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060000-0000 L.A. CEQA Thresholds Guide, by City of Los Angeles PREDEIR_0013306.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060000-0000 City of Los Angeles CEQA Thresholds Guide PREDEIR_0023011.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060100-0000 Council Districts 2006 Map, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002323.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060100-0000 PIER Final Project Report, Refining Estimates of Water-Related Energy Use in California, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002455.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060101-0000 FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s Guide, by FHWA PREDEIR_0002310.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060622-0000 Gilroy Citizens for Responsible Planning v. City of Gilroy PREDEIR_0022132.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060700-0000 Journal of Urban Economics: Compensating Differentials and the Social Benefits of the NFL: A Comment, by D. Coates, et al. PREDEIR_0022304.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20060721-0000 Letter from Jami Orloff, EKI, to Dr. Arthur Heath, CA Regional Water Quality Control Board, re Application for Oversight Agency Selection; Hollywood Park, Inglewood, CA PREDEIR_0023134.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20061001-0000 Final Methodology to Calculate Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 and PM2.5 Significance Thresholds, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002366.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20061030-0000 Hollywood Park Racetrack and Casino, Property-Wide Subsurface Investigation Report and Soil Vapor Extraction Work Plan for Former Dry Cleaning Area, by EKI PREDEIR_0023140.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20061209-0000 Modeling Guidance for AERMOD, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002367.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070000-0000 Geologic Map of the Venice and Inglewood Quadrangles, Los Angeles County, California, Scale: 1:24,000, by T.W. Dibblee and J.A. Minch PREDEIR_0000104.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070000-0000 National Geologic Map Database, Venice and Inglewood Quadrangles, by T.W. Dibblee, et al. PREDEIR_0000144.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070000-0000 Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report, by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change PREDEIR_0002456.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070100-0000 Life at the Nexus of the Wetland and Coastal Prairie, West Los Angeles, by ResearchGate PREDEIR_0000102.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070100-0000 Prehistory of the Southern Bight: Models for a New Millennium, by Brian F. Byrd and L. Mark Raab PREDEIR_0000103.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070206-0000 Inglewood Police Dept Beat Map, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002334.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070221-0000 Beat 4 Map, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002333.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070305-0000 Managing Floodplain Development Through the NFIP, by FEMA PREDEIR_0000182.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070508-0000 Letter from Su Han, Regional Water Quality Control Board, to Doug Moreland, Hollywood Park Land Company, re Conditional Approval of Soil Vapor Extraction Work Plan PREDEIR_0023139.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070703-0000 Hollywood Park Racetrack and Casino, Soil Management Plan, by EKI (with transmittal letter) PREDEIR_0023135.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070711-0000 EKI Soil Management Plan PREDEIR_0022162.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20070828-0000 Advisory Circular 150/5200-33B - Hazardous Wildlife Attractants on or Near Airports, by U.S. DOT, Federal Aviation Administration PREDEIR_0000155.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080000-0000 Regional Comprehensive Plan, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0000027.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080000-0000 Towers of Gold, by France Dinkelspiel PREDEIR_0000108.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080000-0000 Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California, Special Publication 117A, by CA Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000145.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080000-0000 Final 2008 Regional Comprehensive Plan, Helping Communities Achieve a Sustainable Future, by SCAG PREDEIR_0022073.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080423-0000 Hollywood Park Racetrack and Casino, Technical Report and Work Plan, by EKI PREDEIR_0023136.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080500-0000 NBER Working Paper Series: Who Gentrifies Low-Income Neighborhoods?, by T. McKinnish, et al. PREDEIR_0022341.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080528-0000 Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Western and Southern North America, Distribution of Pleistocene Northrotheriops, by Gregory McDonald and George Jefferson PREDEIR_0000146.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20080700-0000 Final Localized Significance Threshold Methodology, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002368.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081000-0000 Hollywood Park Redevelopment DEIR, Population, Housing & Employment, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000028.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081000-0000 Ag Decision Maker - Energy Measurements and Conversions, by Iowa State University PREDEIR_0002424.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081000-0000 Draft Guidance Document – Interim CEQA Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Significance Threshold, by Southern California Air Quality Management District PREDEIR_0002457.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081000-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report, Hollywood Park Redevelopment Project, Hazards and Hazardous Materials Section, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0022071.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081003-0000 Hollywood Park Racetrack and Casino, Additional Technical Information, by EKI PREDEIR_0023137.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081024-0000 Gray v. County of Madera PREDEIR_0022133.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081200-0000 Climate Change Scoping Plan, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002458.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081200-0000 OEHHA Appendix D. Individual Acute, 8-Hour and Chronic Reference Exposure Level Summaries PREDEIR_024613.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081202-0000 Yale University Press, Hotel: An American , by A.K. Sandoval-Strausz PREDEIR_0000106.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 Searching for Guaspet: A Mission Period Rancheria in West Los Angeles, by Anne Q. Stoll, et al. PREDEIR_0000111.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 People and Language: Defining the Takic Expansion into Southern California, by Mark Q. Sutton PREDEIR_0000112.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 The Diamond Valley Lake Local Fauna, by Kathleen Springer, et al. PREDEIR_0000147.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 Chapter 2, The Noise Regulation, Noise Guidebook, by U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development PREDEIR_0002312.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 2009 California Climate Adation Strategy, by California Natural Resources Agency PREDEIR_0002460.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 Night Noise Guidelines for Europe, by World Health Organization PREDEIR_0022163.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090300-0000 Estimating 2003 Building-Related Construction and Demolition Materials Amounts, by US Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0000042.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090600-0000 Ohlone/Costanoan Indians of the San Francisco Peninsula and their Neighbors, Yesterday and Today, by Randall Milliken, et al. PREDEIR_0000110.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090700-0000 City of Santa Clara, 49ers Santa Clara Stadium Project, DEIR, Volume I - EIR Text PREDEIR_0000029.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090700-0000 49ers Santa Clara Stadium Project Draft Environmental Impact Report, by City of Santa Clara PREDEIR_0002311.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090708-0000 Land Use Element, Inglewood General Plan, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002369.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090800-0000 Mapping Susceptibility to Gentrification: The Early Warning Toolkit, by K. Chapple PREDEIR_0022330.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20091015-0000 Hollywood Park Racetrack and Casino, 3rd Quarter 2009 Groundwater Monitoring Report, by EKI (with transmittal letter) PREDEIR_0023138.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20091125-0000 Construction Noise and Vibration Impacts on Sensitive Premises, by Cedric Roberts PREDEIR_0022070.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20091200-0000 Final Statement of Reasons for Regulatory Action; Amendments to the State CEQA Guidelines Addressing Analysis and MMitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Pursuant to SB97, by California Natural Resources Agency PREDEIR_0002459.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 California Geological Survey, Special Report 209, by California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0000005.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 Update of Mineral Land Classification for Portland Cement Concrete-Grade Aggregate, by Susan L. Kohler PREDEIR_0000006.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological Resources, by Society of Vertebrate Paleontology PREDEIR_0000148.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 Advancing the Science of Climate Change, by National Academy of Sciences PREDEIR_0002463.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, 2010 Congestion Management Program PREDEIR_0021164.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 2006 - 2010 American Community Survey Selected Population Tables, by U.S Census PREDEIR_0022062.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 DP-3 Population Group-Total Population Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics, by U.S. Census PREDEIR_0022112.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 Staples Center Event Summary PREDEIR_0022147.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100401-0000 The Effect of Sports Franchises on Property Values: The Role of Owners Versus Renters, by K. Kiel PREDEIR_0022326.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100527-0000 General Information About “Hot Spots.”, by CARB PREDEIR_0002370.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100700-0000 Guidelines for Estimating Unmetered Landscaping Water Use, by U.S Department of Energy PREDEIR_0022078.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100706-0000 Expert Credibility in Climate Change, by William R. L. Anderegg, James W. Prall, Jacob Harold, and Stephen H. Schneider PREDEIR_0002461.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100721-0000 Federal Register, 14 CFR Part 77, Safe, Efficient Use, and Preservation of the Navigable Airspace PREDEIR_0000156.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100800-0000 Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures, by CAPCOA PREDEIR_0022092.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110000-0000 Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 684, Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-Use Developments PREDEIR_0021194.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110101-0000 California 2010 Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen), by California Building Standards Commission PREDEIR_0002462.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110200-0000 SB375 CEQA Provisions Flow Charts, by Office of Planning and Research PREDEIR_0002371.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110200-0000 City of Inglewood Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Report, by South Bay Cities Council of Governments PREDEIR_0002464.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110300-0000 How Low Income Neighborhoods Change: Entry, Exit and Enhancement, by I.G. Ellen, et al. PREDEIR_0022310.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110517-0000 2010 Urban Water Management Plan for City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0022644.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110518-0000 LACSD District 5 Ordinance Prescribing the Connection Fee Rate and Mean Loadings Per Unit of Usage PREDEIR_0022645.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110700-0000 2010 Urban Water Management Plan Southwest - Final Report, by Kennedy Jenks Consultants PREDEIR_0023084.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110800-0000 EPA and NHTSA Adopt First-Ever Program to Reduce GHG Emissions and Improve Fuel Efficiency of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration PREDEIR_0002425.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110800-0000 Chapter 3. Transportation Impacts of the Alignment and Stations, by Metro PREDEIR_0022295.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110800-0000 Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons for Proposed Rulemaking - 2011 Amendments for the Airborne Toxic Control Measures, by CARB PREDEIR_024595.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20110900-0000 Los Angeles, Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones in LRA as Recommended, by Cal Fire PREDEIR_0022075.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20111000-0000 California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook, by CA Dept of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics PREDEIR_0022068.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120000-0000 2012 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report, by Southern California Edison PREDEIR_0002466.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120000-0000 Final Waste Discharge Requirements for Municipal Separate Storm Water System (MS4) Discharge within the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles County, Attachment H PREDEIR_0002717.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120000-0000 Natural Gas Conversion Guide, by International Gas Union PREDEIR_0022085.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120000-0000 Regional Scale Photochemical Model Evaluation of Total Mercury Wet Deposition and Speciated Ambient Mercury, by Baker and Bash PREDEIR_024596.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120214-0000 Solid Waste Proposal Summary, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000043.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120223-0000 Special Meeting of City Council, Evaluation of Solid Waste and Recycling Services Proposals, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000044.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120312-0000 2012 Draft RTP Growth Forecast PREDEIR_0023089.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120400-0000 Regional Transportation Plan 2012-2035 Sustainable Communities Strategy, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0000030.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120405-0000 City of Los Angeles, Convention and Event Center Project Draft EIR, Chapter IV.K.1, Utilities-Water PREDEIR_0022654.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120731-0000 The Impact of Professional Sports Facilities on Housing Values: Evidence from Census Block Group Data, by Xia Feng, et al. PREDEIR_0022311.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120800-0000 EPA and NHTSA Set Standards to Reduce GHG and Improve Fuel Economy for Model Years 2017-2025 Cars and Light trucks, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration PREDEIR_0002426.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20121015-0000 2017 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle GHG Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration PREDEIR_0002427.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20121015-0000 Federal Register Environmental Documents: 2017 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0002465.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20121024-0000 School Facility Program Guide for State Allocation Board Program Review Subcommittee, by Office of Public School Construction PREDEIR_0002324.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20121205-0000 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Site A, Between West Century Boulevard and West 101st Street, Inglewood, CA, by Ninyo and Moore PREDEIR_0022089.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20121205-0000 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Site B, Between West 101st Street and West 102nd Street, Inglewood, CA, by Ninyo and Moore PREDEIR_0022090.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130000-0000 Wildfires and Air Pollution: The Hidden Health Hazards of Climate Change, by Alyson Kenward, PhD, Dennis Adams-Smith and Urooj Raja PREDEIR_0002468.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130000-0000 2009-2013 American Community Survey (5-year estimates), by U.S. Census PREDEIR_0022063.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130000-0000 Senate Bill 731 (History) PREDEIR_0022138.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130000-0000 Senate Bill 731 (Status) PREDEIR_0022139.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130000-0000 Senate Bill 731 (Text) PREDEIR_0022140.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130107-0000 2011 National Health Interview Survey Data - Asthma Prevalence Percents by Age, by CDC PREDEIR_024597.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130201-0000 Final 2012 Air Quality Management Plan, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002372.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130300-0000 Inglewood Energy and Climate Action Plan, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002467.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130301-0000 Inglewood Energy and Climate Action Plan, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002373.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130800-0000 Carson Master Plan of Bikeways, by Snyder Associates PREDEIR_0022606.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130901-0000 Technical Noise Supplement to the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol, by Caltrans PREDEIR_0002313.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20131000-0000 Preparing California for Extreme Heat: Guidance and Recommendations, by California Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0002469.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20131000-0000 Gentrification, An Updated Literature Review, by S. Mathema PREDEIR_0022321.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140000-0000 People in a Changing Land, the Archaeology and History of the Ballona in Los Angeles, CA, Paleoenvironment and Culture History, by Jeffrey A. Homburg PREDEIR_0000114.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140100-0000 Cummins Tier 4 Final Field-Test Program Exceeds 140,000 Hours, Gaining Valuable Erxperience with Operators On-Site, by Cummins, Inc. PREDEIR_0002428.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140100-0000 Climate Change Report, Synthesis Report, by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change PREDEIR_0002472.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140128-0000 General Plan Housing Element 2013-2021, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000031.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140200-0000 Low Impact Development Standards Manual, by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works PREDEIR_0000045.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140200-0000 Low Impact Development Standards Manual, by County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works PREDEIR_0000167.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140500-0000 First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002470.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140630-0000 Administrative Manual: Guidelines for Design, Investigation, and Reporting Low Impact Development Stormwater Infiltration, by County of Los Angeles PREDEIR_0000046.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140630-0000 Administrative Manual: Guidelines for Design, Investigation, and Reporting Low Impact Development Stormwater Infiltration, by County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works PREDEIR_0000168.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140700-0000 ResearchGate: Global Late Quaternary Megafauna Extinctions Linked to Humans Not Climate Change, by Christopher Sandom, et al. PREDEIR_0000149.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140700-0000 Safeguarding California: Reducing Climate Risk; An Update to the 2009 California Climate Adaptation Strategy, by California Natural Resources Agency PREDEIR_0002471.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140800-0000 Pomona Ranch Plaza Walmart Expansion Project DEIR for the City of Pomona, by Applied Planning, Inc. PREDEIR_0002314.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140805-0000 National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Forum, Los Angeles, CA, by U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service PREDEIR_0000113.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140815-0000 Gentrification, Urban Displacement and Affordable Housing: Overview and Research Roundup, by Justin Feldman PREDEIR_0022319.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140820-0000 Inglewood USD, BP 7211 Facilities, Developer Fees, by GAMUT online PREDEIR_0002352.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20141114-0000 BKF Technical Memorandum Re Mission Bay Blocks 29-32 Water Demand PREDEIR_0022653.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20141211-0000 2009-2013 American Community Survey (5-year Estimates) Selected Economic Characteristics, California, Counties, Incorporated Cities and Census Designated Places PREDEIR_024634.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150000-0000 Los Angeles County Williamson Act FY 2015/2016 Map, by California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0000008.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150000-0000 Water Use Records from City of Lakewood Commercial Retail PREDEIR_0022646.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150000-0000 Water Efficient Products for Responsible Living, American Standard PREDEIR_0022656.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150000-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, West Basin Municipal Water District PREDEIR_0023095.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150102-0000 City of Inglewood Initiative Measure to be Submitted Directly to Voters PREDEIR_0022297.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150109-0000 Water and Sewer Analyses for Golden State Warriors Arena at Mission Blocks 29-32, by BKF Engineers PREDEIR_0023080.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150200-0000 Traffic Impact Analysis for the Hollywood Park Stadium Alternative Project, by LLG Engineers PREDEIR_0021176.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150200-0000 Transportation and Parking Plan for the Hollywood Park Stadium Alternative Project, by LLG Engineers PREDEIR_0021177.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150200-0000 Gentrification in America Report: Governing the States and Localities, by M. Maciag PREDEIR_0022318.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150201-0000 Air Toxics Hot Spots Program Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments, by OEHHA PREDEIR_0002374.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150210-0000 Moreno Valley Walmart Noise Impact Analysis for City of Moreno Valley, by Urban Crossroads PREDEIR_0002316.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150212-0000 Salt and Nutrient Management Plan, Central Basin and West Coast Basin, by Water Replenishment District of Southern California PREDEIR_0000170.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150212-0000 Salt and Nutrient Management Plan, Central Basin and West Coast Basin PREDEIR_0023092.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150213-0000 Hollywood Park Results of Preliminary Acoustical Modeling, by Charles Salter PREDEIR_0022169.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150215-0000 Res No. R15-001 Am to Water Quality Control Plan for LA Region to Incorporate Stakeholder-Proposed Groundwater Quality Control Measures, by CA Regional Water Quality Control Board LA Region PREDEIR_0002718.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150224-0000 Hollywood Park Specific Plan for the City of Inglewood, by BCV Architects et al. PREDEIR_0000018.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150224-0000 City of Inglewood, Council Staff Report re CEC Section 9212 / City of Champions Revitalization Initiative PREDEIR_0021187.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150300-0000 Feeding Family and Ancestors: Persistence of Traditional Native American Lifeways during the Mission Period in Coastal Southern California, by Seetha N. Reedy PREDEIR_0000115.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150300-0000 Working Group Earthquake Forecast, by USGS PREDEIR_0000150.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150301-0000 SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002375.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150306-0000 Air Toxics Hot Spots Program, Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments, by CARB PREDEIR_0002376.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150401-0000 State of California, Executive Order B-29-15 PREDEIR_0023090.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150413-0000 SCAQMD Amicus Curiae Brief in Sierra Club v. County of Fresno (S219783) PREDEIR_024598.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150501-0000 MATES IV Carcinogenic Risk Interactive Map, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002377.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150501-0000 Multiple Air Toxics Exposure Study, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002378.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150511-0000 MLO Quick Reference Guide PREDEIR_0023010.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150518-0000 Plans for the Improvement of Century Boulevard Doty Ave to Van Ness Ave - Plan and Profile, by AECOM PREDEIR_0021178.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150518-0000 Plans for the Improvement of Century Boulevard La Cienega Ave to Felton Ave - Signs and Pavement Delineation, by AECOM PREDEIR_0021180.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150518-0000 Plans for the Improvement of Century Boulevard Felton Ave to Inglewood Ave - Signs and Pavement Delineation, by AECOM PREDEIR_0021181.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150518-0000 Plans for the Improvement of Century Boulevard Doty Ave to Van Ness Ave - Signs and Pavement Delineation, by AECOM PREDEIR_0021183.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150518-0000 Tracking and Explaining Neighborhood Socioeconomic Change in U.S. Metropolitan Areas Between 1990 and 2010, by John Landis PREDEIR_0022300.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150518-0000 Tracking and Explaining Neighborhood Socioeconomic Change in US Metropolitan Areas Between 1990 and 2010, by J. Landis PREDEIR_0022327.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150600-0000 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002429.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150600-0000 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, by CA Energy Commission PREDEIR_0022064.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150600-0000 OSWER Technical guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air, by US EPA PREDEIR_0023131.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150602-0000 City Observatory Article: How Governing Got It Wrong: The Problem With Confusing Gentrification and Displacement PREDEIR_0022305.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150801-0000 Los Angeles International Airport, Noise Exposure Map Report Update for City of LA, by ESA PREDEIR_0002315.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150811-0000 Stadium Reconstruction EIR, Environmental Impacts, by City of San Diego PREDEIR_0000047.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150826-0000 Long-Range Property Management Plan, by City of Inglewood Successor Agency PREDEIR_0000019.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150908-0000 Citylab: The Complicated Link Between Gentrification and Displacement, by R. Florida PREDEIR_0022312.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150923-0000 LAX Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update, by Los Angeles World Airports PREDEIR_0000021.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20151000-0000 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Transit Service Policy PREDEIR_0021193.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20151001-0000 Ozone and Ambient Air Quality Standards - Overview, by CARB PREDEIR_0002379.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20151130-0000 City of Hayward v. Board of Trustees (Alameda County Superior Court No. RG09480852); Hayward Planning Association et al., v. Board of Trustees of the California State University, by First Appellate District PREDEIR_0002325.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20151200-0000 Urban Displacement Project, Executive Summary, Berkeley University of California PREDEIR_0022339.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20151204-0000 FAA Advisory Circular: Obstruction Marking and Lighting PREDEIR_0023014.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan 2016 Annual Report, by County of Los Angeles PREDEIR_0000050.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 Strategic Plan, Annual Report 2013-2015, by Los Angeles County Fire Department PREDEIR_0002328.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 NAAQS/CAAQS and Attainment Status for South Coast Air Basin, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002387.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 2016 RTP SCS Growth Forecast by Jurisdiction, by Southern California Association of Governments.pdf PREDEIR_0013297.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 Exhibit 5.1: High Quality Transit Areas in the SCAG Region for 2040 Plan PREDEIR_0021167.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 Human and Environmental Effects of LED Community Lighting, by American Medical Association PREDEIR_0022113.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160000-0000 Commentary: Cause and Consequences of Gentrification and the Future of Equitable Development Policy, by D. Hyra PREDEIR_0022308.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160100-0000 2016 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy Executive Summary, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0002431.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160101-0000 E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State, by California Department of Finance Demographic Research Unit PREDEIR_0002499.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160101-0000 Gentrification: Causes and Consequences, by S. Holland PREDEIR_0022320.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160120-0000 Mobility Plan 2035, An Element of the General Plan, by Los Angeles City Planning PREDEIR_0022605.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160200-0000 Enhanced Watershed Management Program, by/for the Dominguez Channel Watershed Management Area Group PREDEIR_0000048.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160200-0000 Enhanced Watershed Management Program for the Dominguez Channel Watershed Management Area Group, by Dominguez Channel Watershed Management Area Group, et al. PREDEIR_0000171.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160300-0000 Strategic Plan, 2015-2017, by Los Angeles County Fire Department PREDEIR_0002326.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160309-0000 Preserve Poway v. City of Poway PREDEIR_0022134.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160314-0000 FAA Order 8260.3C, United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) PREDEIR_0023124.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160400-0000 Regional Transportation Plan - Sustainable Communities Strategy 2016-2040, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0000032.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160400-0000 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0002473.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160403-0000 TAC Identification List, by CARB PREDEIR_0002420.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160425-0000 AB 25188 Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Program, by CARB PREDEIR_0002380.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160500-0000 2016-2017 Invesment Plan Update for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002433.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160500-0000 Mobile Source Strategy, by California Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002474.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160500-0000 2015 Final Draft Urban Water Management Plan, by Arcadis PREDEIR_0022168.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160500-0000 Housing Production, Filtering and Displacement: Untangling the Relationships, by Zuk and Chapple PREDEIR_0022338.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160504-0000 California Ambient Air Quality Standards, by CARB PREDEIR_0002381.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160600-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, by Metropolitan Water District of SoCal PREDEIR_0022164.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160600-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan - Final, by Arcadis PREDEIR_0023082.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160609-0000 Toxic Air Contaminants Monitoring, by CARB PREDEIR_0002382.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160628-0000 Southern California Association of Governments’ (SCAG) 2016 Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) ARB Acceptance of GHG Quantification Determination, by CARB PREDEIR_0002383.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160628-0000 Executive Order G- 16- 066, Southern California Association of Governments’ (SCAG) 2016 Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) ARB Acceptance of GHG Quantification, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002475.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160630-0000 Response to the 2016 AMA Report on LED Lighting, by Mark Rea and Mariana Figueiro PREDEIR_0022119.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160630-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, by West Basin Municipal Water District PREDEIR_0022165.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160700-0000 2016 California Fire Code, California Code Of Regulations Title 24, Part 9, by California Building Standards Commission PREDEIR_0002327.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160800-0000 2015 City of Inglewoood Urban Water Management Plan, by PSOMAS PREDEIR_0000172.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan - Southwest, by Golden State Water Company PREDEIR_0000049.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, Southwest, by Golden State Water Company PREDEIR_0000173.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 Groundwater Basins Master Plan for Water Replenishment District of Southern California, by ch2m PREDEIR_0000174.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 CalEEMod Appendix E: Technical Source Documentation, by California Air Pollution Control Officers Association PREDEIR_0002432.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Los Angeles International Airport Landside Access Modernization Program PREDEIR_0021174.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Los Angeles International Airport Landside Access Modernization Program _ Appendix O PREDEIR_0021175.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 Discussion Papers: Gentrification and Residential Mobility in Philadelphia, by Lei Ding, et al. PREDEIR_0022309.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160900-0000 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, Southwest - Final Report, by Kennedy Jenks Consultants PREDEIR_0023085.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160907-0000 General Plan Mobility Element 2035, by City of Los Angeles PREDEIR_0000015.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160907-0000 Inhalable Particulate Matter and Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0002384.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160908-0000 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Pollution, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002385.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160908-0000 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Pollution in Outdoor Air, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002386.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160914-0000 General Plan, Land Use Element, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000022.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160925-0000 Some Cities Are Taking Another Look at LED Lighting After AMA Warning, by The Washington Post PREDEIR_0022096.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161000-0000 In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation, Revised October 2016, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002430.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161000-0000 GHG Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles - Phase 2, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration PREDEIR_0002434.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161004-0000 City of Inglewood Public Works, 2015 Urban Water Management Plan PREDEIR_0023087.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161011-0000 Visibility-Reducing Particles and Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0022104.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161101-0000 The New Downtown Fairview Heights Transit Oriented Development Plan and Design Guidelines, Inglewood, CA PREDEIR_0022334.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161109-0000 California Department of Transportation, Local Development- Intergovernmental Review Program Interim Guidance PREDEIR_0021163.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161222-0000 Bulletin 118 Interim Update 2016 - California's Groundwater Working Toward Sustainability, by DWR PREDEIR_0023081.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170000-0000 Population Ethnicity and Age Distribution, City of Inglewood, by US Census PREDEIR_0000035.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170000-0000 Pollstar 2017 Year End Business Analysis PREDEIR_0022144.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170000-0000 NY Arenas Event Summary PREDEIR_0022146.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170100-0000 Off-Road Diesel Emission Factor Update for NOx and PM, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002436.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170100-0000 Guide to the 2016 California Green Building Standards Code, by California Building Standards Commission PREDEIR_0002437.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170100-0000 SCE Annual Report, by Southern California Edison PREDEIR_0002440.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170101-0000 City of Inglewood 2017 GP Land Use Map, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002501.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170209-0000 Hazardous Air Pollutants: Sources and Exposure, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002388.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170301-0000 Final 2016 Air Quality Management Plan, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002389.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170306-0000 LEED Credits, Prerequisites and Points: How are they different PREDEIR_0022650.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170412-0000 Technical Overview of Volatile Organic Compounds, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002390.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170417-0000 Lighting Experts Refute American Medical Association Report on Blue Light, by The Construction Specifier PREDEIR_0022115.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170425-0000 Policy and Guidance for Polychlorinated Biphenyl, byUS Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0000161.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170426-0000 Developing a New Methodology for Analyzing Potential Displacement, ARB Agreement No. 13-310, by California Universities of Berkeley and Los Angles PREDEIR_0022296.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170427-0000 FAA Order JO 7400.2L, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters PREDEIR_0023123.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170501-0000 Profile of the City of Inglewood, by SCAG PREDEIR_0002391.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170517-0000 Updated Interim Guidance on Mobile Source Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents, by DOT PREDEIR_0002392.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170606-0000 1990 to 2004 Inventory Data and Documentation, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002478.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170615-0000 Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Murphy's Bowl LLC, by City of Inglewood Office of the City Mayor PREDEIR_0000002.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170630-0000 Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program - Community Edition User's Manual, by CMAQ PREDEIR_0002393.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170700-0000 Los Angeles Citywide Historic Context Statement, Hotels, 1870-1980, by Survey LA PREDEIR_0000117.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170815-0000 Resolution 17-124 of the City Council, City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0023083.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170817-0000 BenMAP Community Edition, by U.S. EPA PREDEIR_024615.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170900-0000 Strategic Plan, 2015-2017 Accomplishments, by Los Angeles County Fire Department PREDEIR_0002329.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170901-0000 Risk Assessment Procedures for Rule 1401, 1401.1, and 212, version 8.1, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0022095.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170906-0000 Historic Aerials, by EDR PREDEIR_0000071.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170913-0000 Inter-District Attendance Permits AR 5117, by Inglewood PREDEIR_0002349.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170913-0000 Project Condor, Obstruction Evaluation and Airspace Analysis, by Capitol Airspace Group PREDEIR_0023120.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170913-0000 Capitol Airspace Group Reports List of Documents PREDEIR_0023129.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171000-0000 CalEEMod User’s Guide Appendix D: Default Data Tables, October 2017, by California Air Pollution Control Officers Association PREDEIR_0002435.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171000-0000 Final Golden 1 Center Year One Travel Monitoring Report, by Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0021171.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171000-0000 Permit Application Package N, for Use in Conjunction with Risk Assessment Procedures, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0022116.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171100-0000 California’s 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan: The strategy for achieving California’s 2030 greenhouse gas target, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002477.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171100-0000 Regional Housing Needs Assessment, Frequently Asked Questions, by SCAG PREDEIR_0022094.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171103-0000 Environmental Site Assessment Technical Memorandum, by EKI Environment & Water, Inc. PREDEIR_0000159.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171106-0000 Volatile Organic Compounds Impact on Indoor Air Quality, by U.S. EPA PREDEIR_024633.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171113-0000 Will Serve Letter for 17 Acres Development between Century Blvd to the North, 103rd Street to the South, Prairie Ave to the West, and Doty Ave to the East, by Golden State Water Company PREDEIR_0022172.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171117-0000 The California Almanac of Emissions and Air Quality, by CARB PREDEIR_0002394.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171128-0000 Fiscal Year-End Report and Updated Developer Fee Detailed Fire Station Plan for the Consolidated Fire Protection District of LA County for LA County Board, by LA Fire Dept PREDEIR_0002330.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171129-0000 Lead Air Pollution, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002395.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171201-0000 Frequent Questions About General Conformity, by U.S. EPA PREDEIR_024621.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 FY 2018 Income Limits Summary for Los Angeles, by Office of Housing and Urban Development PREDEIR_0000038.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 FY 2018 Median Family Income Documentation System, Los Angeles County, by Office of Housing and Urban Development PREDEIR_0000039.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Bottle Bases, by Society for Historical Archaeology PREDEIR_0000120.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Inglewood Quadrangle, Los Angeles County, 7.5-Minute Series, by U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey PREDEIR_0000123.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 CA Building Standards Code, 2016 Triennial Edition of Title 24, by DGS PREDEIR_0002351.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 2018 California Gas Report, by California Gas and Electric Utilities PREDEIR_0002443.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Hydroelectric Power in California, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002446.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 CEQA Guidelines Amendments, Sections 15064.4, 15183.5, 15364.5, by California Natural Resources Agency PREDEIR_0002480.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Climate Central 2018, by Climate Central PREDEIR_0002497.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Energy for What's Ahead: 2018 Annual Report, by Southern California Edison PREDEIR_0022066.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Gentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment, by Miriam Zuk, et al. PREDEIR_0022076.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region: A Systematic Review on Environmental Noise and Effects on Sleep, by M Basner and S McGuire PREDEIR_0022166.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Journal of Planning Literature, 2018, Vol. 33(1) 31-44, Gentrification, Displacement, and the Role of Public Investment PREDEIR_0022298.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 Envision Inglewood, Inglewood Transit Connector, Overview Fact Sheet PREDEIR_0022325.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180100-0000 Draft Staff Report; California Energy Demand 2018-2030 Revised Forecast, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002445.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180100-0000 Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update, California's Climate Adaptation Strategy, by California Natural Resources Agency PREDEIR_0002489.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180119-0000 Will Serve Letter for Project Condor, by County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County PREDEIR_0000051.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180129-0000 Speciation Profiles Used in ARB Modeling, by CARB PREDEIR_024601.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180200-0000 Final 2017 Integrated Energy Policy Report, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002447.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180200-0000 Just the FACTS: Alternative Water Supplies PREDEIR_0023088.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180300-0000 Water Replenishment District of Southern California, Regional Groundwater Monitoring Report Water Year 2016-2017, by WRD PREDEIR_0000175.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180300-0000 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards FAQ, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002442.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180300-0000 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002444.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180301-0000 Plans for the Improvement of Century Boulevard Inglewood Ave to Doty Ave - Plan and Profile, by AECOM PREDEIR_0021179.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180309-0000 Sustainable Communities, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002495.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180311-0000 F&P Clippers Fee Proposal.pdf PREDEIR_0002847.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180312-0000 ESA Phase 2 Cost Estimate.pdf PREDEIR_0002844.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180322-0000 California Commercial End-use Survey, by CEC PREDEIR_0002396.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180322-0000 SB 375 Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002488.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180323-0000 EPA Water Budget Tool Data Finder PREDEIR_0022652.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180329-0000 Scope for Clippers Phase 2_Budget Cost Allocations.pdf PREDEIR_0002848.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180425-0000 Correspondence from Gayle Totton, Program Analyst, Native American Heritage Commission RE SLF Search Results PREDEIR_0000118.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180427-0000 Cancer Statistics, by National Cancer Institute PREDEIR_024602.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180501-0000 Asthma Triggers: Gain Control, by U.S. EPA PREDEIR_024603.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180504-0000 California Gross State Product (GDP), 1963-2017, by US Bureau of Economic Analysis PREDEIR_0002486.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180508-0000 Correspondence from Samuel McLeod, Ph.D, Vertebrate Paleontology RE Paleontological Resources for Proposed Clippers Arena PREDEIR_0000151.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180515-0000 Web Soil Survey, by United States Department of Agriculture PREDEIR_0013312.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180517-0000 Commercial/Industrial Development School Fee Justification Study, for Inglewood Unified School District, by Cooperative Strategies PREDEIR_0000036.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180517-0000 Residential Development School Fee Justification Study for Inglewood Unified School District, by Cooperative Strategies PREDEIR_0002337.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180523-0000 Appendix H - Traffic Impact Analysis PREDEIR_0003142.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180600-0000 City of Inglewood, Envision Inglewood, Connecting People, Places and the Future PREDEIR_0021202.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180600-0000 Final Project Report, Deep Decarbonization in a High Renewables Future, Updates Results from the California PATHWAYS Model, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0022098.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180600-0000 Water Supply Assessment, Rancho Los Amigos, South Campus, by Todd Groundwater PREDEIR_0023094.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180612-0000 Air Quality Standards and Area Designations, by CARB PREDEIR_024608.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180620-0000 Metro Board Report File 2018-0122, Planning and Programming Committee, Agenda Item 22 PREDEIR_0021165.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180622-0000 California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory - 2018 Edition. 2000-2016 Inventory Documentation, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002482.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180625-0000 Crenshaw_LAX Transit Corridor, by US Department of Transportation PREDEIR_0013304.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180628-0000 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Pollution, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002398.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180629-0000 Impact Analysis, 2019 Update to the California Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Non-Residential Buildings, by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0022110.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 City of Inglewood, Proposed Well No. 8 Preliminary Design Report, by Tetra Tech PREDEIR_0000176.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 Inglewood Unified School District Progress Report, by California School Information Services PREDEIR_0002331.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 2017 Power Content Label, by Southern California Edison PREDEIR_0002441.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 U.S. Department of Transportation, Summary of Travel Trends, 2017 National Household Travel Survey PREDEIR_0021191.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 Inglewood Transit Connector Project, Initial Study, by Meridian Consultants PREDEIR_0021203.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 2017 Power Content Label, by CA Energy Commission PREDEIR_0022065.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180700-0000 Inglewood Transit Connector (CA OPR) PREDEIR_024630.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180701-0000 QuickFacts - City of Inglewood Population, by U.S. Census PREDEIR_0022093.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180702-0000 IBEC Demolition and Construction Assumptions, by AECOM PREDEIR_0002317.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180703-0000 Annual Crime Statistics 1978-2017, by City of Inglewood Police Department PREDEIR_0002338.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180711-0000 California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory - 2018 Edition, 2000-2016 GHG Emissions Trend Report, by California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002487.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180718-0000 Excerpt from FY18 Rail Activity Report, by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PREDEIR_0021196.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180718-0000 FY18 Rail Activity Report, by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PREDEIR_0021197.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180722-0000 ASA Technical Report, Rationale for Withdrawing ANSI/ASA S12.9-2008/Part 6 PREDEIR_024604.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180800-0000 About the Police Department Web Page, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002332.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180800-0000 Divisions, by City of Inglewood Police Department PREDEIR_0002335.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180800-0000 Wildfire Simulations for the Fourth California Climate Assessment: Projecting Changes in Extreme Wildfire Events with a Warming Climate. California’s, by Anthony LeRoy Westerling, UC Merced PREDEIR_0002479.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180800-0000 Statewide Summary Report. California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, by California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CEC, California Public Utilities Commission PREDEIR_0002490.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180806-0000 State and Federally Listed Endangered and Threatened Animals of California, by California Department of Fish and Wildlife PREDEIR_0000063.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180806-0000 State and Federally Listed Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plants of California, by California Department of Fish and Wildlife PREDEIR_0000064.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180814-0000 Concept Design Progress EIR Site Plan, by AECOM PREDEIR_0003078.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180820-0000 Solid Waste Cleanup Program Weights and Volumes for Project Estimates, by CalRecycle PREDEIR_0000060.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180823-0000 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center Project: Low Impact Development (LID) Report, by D & D Engineering, Inc. PREDEIR_0000053.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180823-0000 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center Project: Low Impact Development (LID) Report, by D&D Engineerings, Inc. et al. PREDEIR_0000177.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180823-0000 Project Preliminary Hydrology Report for IBEC, by D & D Engineering PREDEIR_0002720.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180824-0000 Federal Register. Vol. 83, No. 165. August 24, 2018. Proposed Rules, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0002483.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180829-0000 Existing Conditions Plan Sheet C-101, by AECOM PREDEIR_0000054.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180829-0000 Existing Conditions Plan Sheet C-101, by AECOM PREDEIR_0000178.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180829-0000 Improvement Plans for L.A. Stadium and Entertainment District at Hollywood Park - On-Site Signing and Striping Plans - Phase 1, by David Evans and Associates PREDEIR_0021188.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180900-0000 2017 California Annual Retail Fuel outlet Report Results (CEC A15), by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002438.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180900-0000 Georgia Tech Study: Fiscal Impact of Suntrust Park and the Battery Atlanta on Cobb County PREDEIR_0022323.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180901-0000 Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Manual, for FTA PREDEIR_0002318.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180907-0000 IBEC Program Events and Employment, by Murphy's Bowl, LLC PREDEIR_0000037.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180911-0000 FAA Order 8260.58A CHG 2, United States Standard for Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Instrument Procedure Design PREDEIR_0023125.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180914-0000 Tree Survey Map, by AECOM PREDEIR_0000062.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180914-0000 Preliminary Geotechnical Report, by AECOM PREDEIR_0000152.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180914-0000 Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report, by AECOM PREDEIR_0022091.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180918-0000 Photo Simulations Sheets A901-A to A903-A, by AECOM PREDEIR_0002506.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180922-0000 Inglewood Redevelopment Agency Website, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000024.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180922-0000 Successor Agency, Agendas and Minutes, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000025.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180924-0000 California Important Farmland Finder, by California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0000007.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180924-0000 California Scenic Highway Program 2018, by California Department of Transportation PREDEIR_0000012.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180925-0000 California Natural Diversity Database, by California Department of Fish and Wildlife PREDEIR_0000065.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180925-0000 Inventory of Rare and Endagered Plants, by California Native Plant Society PREDEIR_0000066.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180927-0000 Long-Range Property Management Plan, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000020.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180927-0000 Hazardous Air Pollutants, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002399.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180927-0000 2017 California Annual Retail Fuel Outlet Report Results (CEC-A15) PREDEIR_0002439.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180927-0000 ESG/Sustainability Template - Section 2: Quantitative Information, by Southern California Edison PREDEIR_0002484.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180927-0000 The New Downtown Inglewood TOD Plan website, by Arroyo Group PREDEIR_0002719.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180927-0000 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Anticipated Annual Event Characteristics PREDEIR_0021172.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180928-0000 California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment, Los Angeles Region Report, by CA Governors Office of Planning and Research PREDEIR_0000179.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180930-0000 AB 987 Signing Message, by Office of the Governor PREDEIR_0002400.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180930-0000 Assembly Bill 987 Signing Message, by Office of the Governor PREDEIR_0002485.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181002-0000 Dominguez Channel Watershed, by City of Los Angeles Stormwater Program PREDEIR_0000180.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181002-0000 Dominguez Watershed, by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works PREDEIR_0000181.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181004-0000 Basin Plan for the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, by Los Angeles Regional Water Control Board PREDEIR_0000169.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181008-0000 West Coast Groundwater Basin PREDEIR_0000183.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181010-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code Article 32 Tree Preservation, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000067.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181010-0000 Health Effects of Ozone Pollution, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002401.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181011-0000 Facilities, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002339.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181011-0000 Inglewood Police Dept Letter to Brian Allee, ESA, re Request for Info re Police Protection Services and Facilities for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center PREDEIR_0002340.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181011-0000 Regional Inspection Offices, Central Region Offices, by Los Angeles County Fire Department PREDEIR_0002341.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181011-0000 Fire Station Locater, by Los Angeles County Fire Department PREDEIR_0002342.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181011-0000 Los Angeles County Fire Department – Station 171 (Battalion 20 Headquarters), by Los Angeles County Fire Department PREDEIR_0002343.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181016-0000 Caltrans Scenic Highways, by California Department of Transportation PREDEIR_0000014.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181025-0000 Letter from County of LA Fire Dept to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re Revised Notice of Prep of DEIR PREDEIR_0002344.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181026-0000 Los Angeles County Metro, Centinela Avenue Grade Separation Traffic Analysis, Draft Report PREDEIR_0021204.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181026-0000 Los Angeles County Metro, Centinela Avenue Grade Separation Traffic Analysis, Technical Appendix PREDEIR_0021205.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181100-0000 Inglewood Unified School District 2018-2023 Strategic Plan PREDEIR_0002336.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181100-0000 Inglewood Unified School District 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0022082.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181101-0000 IBEC Application, by AECOM PREDEIR_0002402.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181113-0000 City of Inglewood, Council Staff Report re Resolution to Opt-Out of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority, Congestion Management Program PREDEIR_0021166.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181114-0000 Federal Ban on Asbestos, by US Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0000160.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181114-0000 Particulate Matter (PM) Pollution, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002403.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181115-0000 Metro Board Report File 2018-0710, Operations, Safety and Customer Experience Committee, Agenda Item 28 PREDEIR_0021161.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181126-0000 Web Soil Survey, by NRCS PREDEIR_0000119.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181128-0000 SWIS Facility Detail: Sunshine Canyon Landfill, by CalRecycle PREDEIR_0000055.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181128-0000 Waste Collection, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000056.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181128-0000 Sunshine Canyon Landfill: About, by Republic Services, Inc. PREDEIR_0000057.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181129-0000 Long Beach Water Supply Assessment for Alexan Long Beach Project PREDEIR_0022647.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181200-0000 CEQA and Climate Change Advisory Discussion Draft, by Governor’s Office of Planning and Research PREDEIR_0002481.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181200-0000 California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA PREDEIR_0021162.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181200-0000 Technical Advisory on Evaluating Transportation Impacts in CEQA, by Governor's Office of Planning and Research PREDEIR_0022123.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181203-0000 Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, by County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County PREDEIR_0000058.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181216-0000 Route Map and Schedule for LA Metro Line 117, by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PREDEIR_0021198.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181216-0000 Route Map and Schedule for LA Metro Green Line 803, by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PREDEIR_0021201.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181221-0000 FEMA Flood Map Service Center, City of Inglewood, Map Number 06037C1780G, by FEMA PREDEIR_0000184.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181228-0000 City Emergency Preparedness, by City of Ingelwood PREDEIR_0000163.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181228-0000 ESA Memorandum RE Well Relocation Site Historic Uses PREDEIR_0000164.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181228-0000 Area Designations Maps, State and National, by CARB PREDEIR_0002404.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20181231-0000 GeoSearch Preliminary Radius Report PREDEIR_0000162.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Well Production and Water Consumption Data Years 2016 and 2017, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0000186.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 AP-42 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emissions Factors, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002422.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS), by California Energy Commission PREDEIR_0002448.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Air Quality Modeling for CEQA, by Southern California Air Quality Management District PREDEIR_0002498.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Gentrification Explained _ Urban Displacement Project PREDEIR_0022316.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Fig2-1_Regional Map PREDEIR_0023015.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Fig2-3_Existing_Uses_Ownership PREDEIR_0023016.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Common Air Pollutants, by CARB PREDEIR_024605.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Localized Significance Thresholds, by South Coast Air Quality Management District PREDEIR_024609.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 LA County GIS Portal Historic Imagery PREDEIR_024612.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190101-0000 Email from Sabrina Barnes, City of Inglewood to Brian Allee re IBEC Request for Info from Parks PREDEIR_0002345.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190102-0000 Overview: Diesel Exhaust & Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0002405.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190102-0000 2014 Historical Data by Year, Air Quality Data Tables, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002406.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190102-0000 2015 Historical Data by Year, Air Quality Data Tables, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002407.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190102-0000 2016 Historical Data by Year, Air Quality Data Tables, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002408.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190107-0000 Message from Brian Allee, ESA to Yadalitl Preciado, Attendance Clerk with Inglewood School District re AR 5117 Students PREDEIR_0002346.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190108-0000 Average Hotel Room, by USA Today PREDEIR_0013300.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190110-0000 Letter from Inglewood Police Dept to Brian Allee, ESA re Request for further information regarding police protection services and facilities PREDEIR_0002347.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190110-0000 City of Inglewood, Request for Proposals (RFP-0125) re Development, Operation and Management of City Parking Assets, Remote Parking Facilities and Shuttle Vehicle Services PREDEIR_0021189.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190114-0000 Methodology for Determining Remaining Landfill Capacity, by CalRecycle PREDEIR_0000052.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190114-0000 Email Correspondence from Chris Coyle, Republic Services, Inc. RE: Sunshine Canyon Landfill PREDEIR_0000059.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190116-0000 Toward a Socioecological Model of Gentrification: How People, Place, and Policy Shape Neighborhood Change, by A. Rigolon PREDEIR_0022337.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190124-0000 Letter from County of LA Fire Dept to Brian Allee, ESA re Request for info as a follow up to 2018 ESA correspondence PREDEIR_0002348.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190128-0000 DOGGR Well Finder PREDEIR_0000153.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190129-0000 ScienceDaily: Predicting Gentrification In Order to Prevent It PREDEIR_0022331.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190201-0000 Revised Draft Water Supply Assessment, Burbank Town Center Project, City of Burbank, by Todd Groundwater PREDEIR_0023093.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190206-0000 Assessing the U.S. Climate in 2018, by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration PREDEIR_0002491.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190207-0000 Amicus brief USCA Case #18-1114, Doc#1772455_filed February 07, 2019, by State of California PREDEIR_0002492.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190208-0000 Los Angeles County Storm Drain System PREDEIR_0000185.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190210-0000 About SCAG, by Southern California Association of Governments PREDEIR_0000040.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190212-0000 Unemployment Rate and Labor Force: Annual Averages, by CA Employment Development Department PREDEIR_0000034.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190219-0000 Weekday Events at SoCal Stadiums from ESA Memorandum PREDEIR_0022607.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190227-0000 Wildland Hazard & Building Codes, California Fire Hazard Severity Zone Map Update Project, by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection PREDEIR_0000010.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190227-0000 State Responsibility Area Viewer, by California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection PREDEIR_0000011.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190227-0000 Mobile Source Emissions Inventory, by CARB PREDEIR_0002409.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190300-0000 2017-2018 data, by California Department of Education PREDEIR_0002350.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190305-0000 Inglewood Urgent Rent Control Ordinance of City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0022324.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190306-0000 LA County Metro - High Quality Transit Areas, Southwest Quadrant Map PREDEIR_0021168.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190312-0000 Centinela Springs, Historical Landmark, Listed Resources, by Office of Historic Preservation PREDEIR_0000124.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 AECOM Photometrics Alt Prairie Access Var PREDEIR_0023008.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 AECOM Photometrics Century Bridge Var PREDEIR_0023009.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 IBEC AECOM Photometrics Proposed Project (1) PREDEIR_0023019.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E101 Main Arena Site PREDEIR_0023022.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E102 East Transportation Site PREDEIR_0023023.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E103 West Parking Site PREDEIR_0023024.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E104 Lighting Schedule PREDEIR_0023025.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190315-0000 AECOM Photometric and Conceptual Plans PREDEIR_024740.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190318-0000 Related Projects List Methodology for the proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center, by Trifiletti Consulting Inc. PREDEIR_0000009.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190322-0000 California Emissions Estimator Model, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002397.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190325-0000 Email re IBEC Indirect/Induced Employment PREDEIR_024607.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190326-0000 NETRonline: Historic Aerials, by PREDEIR_0000122.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190327-0000 Carbon Monoxide & Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0002410.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190327-0000 Lead & Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0002411.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190327-0000 Nitrogen Dioxide & Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0002412.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190327-0000 Ozone & Health, Health Effects of Ozone, by CARB PREDEIR_0002413.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190327-0000 Sulfur Dioxide & Health, by CARB PREDEIR_0002414.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190328-0000 LA County Code of Ordinances, Title 32- Fire Code, 101.2 Scope, by Municode Library PREDEIR_0002353.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190329-0000 Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants (Green Book), by USEPA PREDEIR_0002415.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190400-0000 USEPA Regional Screening Level Summary Table PREDEIR_0023130.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190400-0000 Human Health Risk Assessment Note, by CA DTSC PREDEIR_0023133.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190402-0000 2017 Historical Data by Year, Air Quality Data Tables, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002416.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190402-0000 Monitor Values Report AirData 2015, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002417.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190402-0000 Monitor Values Report AirData 2016, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002418.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190402-0000 Monitor Values Report AirData 2017, by USEPA PREDEIR_0002419.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190408-0000 Amicus brief, 2019_USCA Case #18-1114 _Doc #1781696, by Respondents U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S Dept. Justice, with Addendum PREDEIR_0002493.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190410-0000 Letter from Mark Fronterotta, Inglewood Police Department, to Mindy Wilcox, Re: IBEC PREDEIR_0013311.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190415-0000 Letter from Lorraine Buck, County of Los Angeles, to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood, Re: IBEC PREDEIR_0013309.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190416-0000 Air Quality Analysis Handbook, by SCAQMD PREDEIR_0002421.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190425-0000 California Public Utilities Commission, by California Public Utilities Commission PREDEIR_0002449.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190425-0000 RPS Program Overview, by California Public Utilities Commission PREDEIR_0002450.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190425-0000 Who We Are, by Southern California Edison PREDEIR_0002451.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190425-0000 Executive Orders on California Climate Change, by California Office of the Governor PREDEIR_0002454.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190425-0000 California Green Resources Webpage Re: Building Standards Code (Part 11 of Title 24), by California Building Standards Code, Guidelines and Checklists PREDEIR_0002476.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190425-0000 California Emissions Estimator Model, by California Air Pollution Control Officers Association PREDEIR_0002494.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190426-0000 WebTrack, by Los Angeles World Airports PREDEIR_0002320.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190426-0000 Inglewood Municipal Code, Chapter 5, Article 2, Section 5-27, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002321.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190426-0000 CEQA Guidelines sections 15126.2(a), (c-e), 15126.4, and 15126.6, by CEQA PREDEIR_0002503.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190426-0000 City of Inglewood Municipal Code, Chapter 10, Article 16, Section 10-208, by City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0002504.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190500-0000 South Bay SBHP & MSP Candidate Project, Inglewood Intermodal Transit Facility at Hollywood Park PREDEIR_0021186.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190500-0000 CA DOF Total Estimated and Projected Population for California and Counties: 2010-2060 1-year Increments PREDEIR_024627.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190501-0000 Report E-5: Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties and the State, by CA Department of Finance PREDEIR_0022072.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190508-0000 Hollywood Park, Retail/ Office/ Residential Building Plan Check Submittal Timeline PREDEIR_0022122.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190509-0000 Staples Center Seating Capacity PREDEIR_0021184.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190510-0000 IBEC Project, A Description of Aeronautical Study Process and Results of an Obstruction Evaluation & Airspace Analysis, by Capitol Airspace Group PREDEIR_0022079.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190510-0000 IBEC Project Review of Water Demands, by Stetson Engineers PREDEIR_0022170.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190510-0000 Memorandum from Stetson Engineers, Inc., to Chris Holmquist, Wilson Meany, Re IBEC Project Review of Water Demands PREDEIR_0023091.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190510-0000 IBEC Project, A Description of Aeronautical Study Process and Results of an Obstruction Evaluation and Airspace Analysis, by Capitol Airspace Group PREDEIR_0023121.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190514-0000 AB 987 Application for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center, Attachment 3, Exhibit 1, Staples Center Vacated Event Days Analysis, by AECOM PREDEIR_0022106.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190514-0000 IBEC Signage Narrative and Design Plan PREDEIR_0023027.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190516-0000 NBA Scheduling Letter PREDEIR_0022120.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190522-0000 Personal Communication with Naoko Munakata, by Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts PREDEIR_0022117.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190523-0000 LAX Takeoff Minimums, Departure Procedures and Diverse Vector Area PREDEIR_0023126.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190523-0000 HHR Takeoff Minimums, Departure Procedures and Diverse Vector Area PREDEIR_0023127.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190601-0000 California Natural Diversity Database, by California Department of Fish and Wildlife PREDEIR_0013301.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190603-0000 Memorandum from Stetson Engineers, Inc., to Chris Holmquist, Wilson Meany, Re IBEC Project Review of Water Demands PREDEIR_0022657.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190603-0000 IBEC Project Review of Water Demands PREDEIR_0022658.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190621-0000 U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Order in State of California v. EPA (18-1114) PREDEIR_024624.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190623-0000 Route Map and Schedule for LA Metro Line 211/215, by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PREDEIR_0021199.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190623-0000 Route Map and Schedule for LA Metro Line 212/312, by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority PREDEIR_0021200.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190624-0000 South Coast Air Quality Management District, What is Title V PREDEIR_024599.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190625-0000 Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor Portal PREDEIR_0013310.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190626-0000 Information for Planning and Consultation, by United States Fish and Wildlife Service PREDEIR_0013308.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190627-0000 Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants, by California Native Plant Society PREDEIR_0022114.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190627-0000 Caltrans PeMS Traffic Data PREDEIR_024610.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190628-0000 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project Investigations, Technical Memorandum, by EKI PREDEIR_0022080.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190628-0000 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project Soil and Soil Gas Investigations, Technical Memorandum, by EKI PREDEIR_0022081.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190628-0000 EKI Reports Documents List PREDEIR_0023141.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190700-0000 Website of the U.S. Census Bureau PREDEIR_0022102.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190700-0000 Water Supply Assessment for IBEC, by Todd Groundwater PREDEIR_0022167.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190701-0000 2018 California Annual Retail Fuel Outlet Report Results, Energy Assessments Division PREDEIR_024600.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190705-0000 Crenshaw/LAX Line - Wikipedia PREDEIR_0022328.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190705-0000 List of National Basketball Association Arenas, by Wikipedia PREDEIR_024631.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190708-0000 Inglewood Sports & Entertainment District, Transportation Management and Operations Plan by City of Inglewood Public Works - Draft Submittal PREDEIR_0021190.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190715-0000 Estimated Solid Waste Generation Rates, by CalRecycle PREDEIR_024628.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190716-0000 Indirect and Induced Employment Calculations Memorandum for Table 4-1 of the Draft EIR, by ESA PREDEIR_0022171.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190718-0000 Oil Reserves, by BP global PREDEIR_0022087.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190719-0000 California Driver Handbook - Laws and Rules of the Road, by CA DMV PREDEIR_0022069.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190719-0000 Title V Operating Permits, by U.S. EPA PREDEIR_0022101.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190719-0000 Vinyl Chloride & Health, by CARB.pdf PREDEIR_0022103.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190723-0000 City of Inglewood Municipal Code Section 3-2.2 (Authority of Officers and Designated Personnel); Section 3-63 (Off-Street Parking Regulation); Section 3-80 (Regulations by District); Section 3-81 (Parking District Boundaries Defined) PREDEIR_0021170.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190723-0000 The Forum Inglewood Gigography, Concert History, Past Events 2016-2018 PREDEIR_0021192.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190723-0000 Project Level Air Quality, by CA Dept of Transportation PREDEIR_0022118.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190725-0000 LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction PREDEIR_0022648.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190811-0000 Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park - Wikipedia PREDEIR_0022329.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190813-0000 What Causes Gentrification PREDEIR_0022342.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190816-0000 Fehr & Peers Technical Memorandum re Documents Used by Excluded from the Administrative Record PREDEIR_0021206.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190820-0000 Letter from Deven Kumar, Hollywood Park Casino, to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood, re Available Parking at Hollywood Casino for IBEC Patrons PREDEIR_0022642.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190821-0000 Air Pollution and Asthma, by AAFA PREDEIR_024619.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190821-0000 California Ambient Air Quality Standards, by CARB PREDEIR_024620.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190826-0000 Letter from David Cushing, U.S. DOT, to Mayor Butts, City of Inglewood RE Status of Reuse Plan for City of Inglewood Parcels PREDEIR_024629.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190900-0000 Fig2-7_Conceptual Site Plan PREDEIR_0023017.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190900-0000 Todd Groundwater References WSA IBEC PREDEIR_0023097.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190926-0000 IBEC - Event Employees Full Time Equivalency PREDEIR_024622.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190930-0000 ESA Memorandum to IBEC File RE Indirect and Induced Employment Calculations for Table 4-1 of the IBEC Draft EIR PREDEIR_024632.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20170312-0000 Public Scoping Meeting Sign In Sheet PREDEIR_0002866.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20170312-0000 Public Scoping Meeting Sign In Sheet PREDEIR_0002867.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20170312-0000 Sign-In Form, Public Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_0002992.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20170312-0000 Sign-In Form, Public Scoping Meeting 2 PREDEIR_0003198.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20170312-0000 Community Responses/Public Input Forms from Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_0003200.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20170312-0000 City of Inglewood, Public Input Form: IBEC Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_024086.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180309-0000 Inglewood BEC Boards Scoping Meeting Presentation PREDEIR_0003068.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180309-0000 Inglewood BEC Boards Scoping Meeting Presentation v2 PREDEIR_0003069.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180312-0000 Scoping Meeting Sign-In Information PREDEIR_0002865.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180312-0000 EIR Scoping Meeting Presentation PREDEIR_0002988.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180312-0000 Inglewood-Clippers Scoping Meeting Information Binder PREDEIR_0002991.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180312-0000 Proposed EIR Scoping Meeting Presentation PREDEIR_0003006.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180312-0000 Proposed EIR Scoping Meeting Presentation - logos PREDEIR_0003007.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180312-0000 Proposed EIR Scoping Meeting Presentation - RF PREDEIR_0003008.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20180326-0000 Scoping Meeting Comment Cards PREDEIR_0003001.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20190723-0000 City Council Agenda Packet; Item DR-2 Re Murphy's Bowl PREDEIR_024576.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20190910-0000 City Council Agenda Packet Re IBEC Presentation PREDEIR_024585.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20190910-0000 IBEC Presentation at Sept 2019 City Council meeting PREDEIR_024587.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20191119-0000 City Council Agenda Packet; Item DR-1 Re Murphy's Bowl PREDEIR_024577.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20191217-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_033664.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20191217-0000 City Council Special Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_033666.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20191217-0000 City Council Special Meeting Staff Report.pdf PREDEIR_033668.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200324-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_030281.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200324-0000 Tri-Party Agreement.pdf IBECEIR_033652.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200519-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_033653.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200506-0000 May PC Agenda Packet.pdf IBECEIR_034026.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission IBEC Power Point Presentation.pptx IBECEIR_035083.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Additional Comment Letters.pdf IBECEIR_035084.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Errata.pdf IBECEIR_035085.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Packet.pdf IBECEIR_035086.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Page.pdf IBECEIR_035087.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200701-0000 ALUC Staff Report and Exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_035747.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200707-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_035748.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200707-0000 SPH-1 City Staff Report.pdf IBECEIR_035749.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Agenda.PDF IBECEIR_036336.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Staff Report - public hearing - item 4.PDF IBECEIR_036337.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Staff Report - consent calendar - item 2.PDF IBECEIR_036338.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Staff Report - consent calendar - item 3.PDF IBECEIR_036339.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Presentation.PPTX IBECEIR_036524.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200609-0000 Staff Report re. CSD application submittal (June 9, 2020).PDF IBECEIR_037080.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20190910-0000 City Council Minutes of Sept 10, 2019 Meeting PREDEIR_024586.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20190910-0000 Sept 10, 2019 Inglewood City Council Meeting Transcription RE IBEC Project IBECEIR_026331.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20191217-0000 City Council Minutes.pdf PREDEIR_033665.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20191217-0000 City Council Special Meeting Minutes.pdf PREDEIR_033667.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200324-0000 City Council Hearing Transcript.PDF IBECEIR_035081.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200519-0000 City Council Hearing Transcript.PDF IBECEIR_035082.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200617-0000 Special Planning Commission Meeting Transcript IBECEIR_037121.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200721-0000 City Countil Meeting Transcript IBECEIR_037134.pdf
Correspondence 20100628-0000 Letter from City of Inglewood to Los Angeles Airports District Office re Noise Land Use Reuse Management Plan PREDEIR_024771.pdf
Correspondence 20151001-0000 Letter from Department of Finance to City of Inglewood Approving Long-Range Property Management Plan PREDEIR_024772.pdf
Correspondence 20151026-0000 Letter from Dianna Watson, DOT to Lisa Trifiletti, Trifiletti Consulting re Assumptions and Methodology, LAX, and LAMP PREDEIR_0002968.pdf
Correspondence 20160608-0000 Memo from Bhuyian, Area Traffic Engineer to DiAnna Watson, CEQA Review Branch re LAWA-LAMP Traffic Thresholds of Significance PREDEIR_0002966.pdf
Correspondence 20160701-0000 Amended Letter from Department of Finance to City of Inglewood RE Long-Range Property Management Plan PREDEIR_024774.pdf
Correspondence 20170727-1839 Inglewood Signs ENA With Clippers New IUSD Administrator.msg Mayor James T. Butts, Jr. Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001172.pdf
Correspondence 20170727-1839 Inglewood Signs ENA With Clippers New IUSD Administrator.msg Mayor James T. Butts, Jr. Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014268.pdf
Correspondence 20170810-1746 FW rush map request.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000883.pdf
Correspondence 20170810-1746 Attch: CenturyProjectParcels_24X36.pdf PREDEIR_0000884.pdf
Correspondence 20170810-1746 FW rush map request.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014269.pdf
Correspondence 20170810-1746 Attch: CenturyProjectParcels_24X36.pdf PREDEIR_0014270.pdf
Correspondence 20170926-1512 Status of WBMWD Disinfection Station Lease.msg Chris Holmquist Boytrese Osias ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021968.pdf
Correspondence 20170928-0828 RE Status of WBMWD Disinfection Station Lease.msg Boytrese Osias Chris Holmquist ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021900.pdf
Correspondence 20170928-0828 Attch: DOC011.pdf PREDEIR_0021901.pdf
Correspondence 20170928-1413 Murphy's Bowl CEQA Strategy Call.msg Chris Holmquist Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Artie Fields ; Pam Duffy ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001305.pdf
Correspondence 20171005-1724 RE ClippersNegotiatingAgrmt pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.msg Mindala Wilcox Patricia McNish PREDEIR_0001509.pdf
Correspondence 20171005-1724 RE ClippersNegotiatingAgrmt pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.msg Mindala Wilcox Patricia McNish PREDEIR_0014271.pdf
Correspondence 20171010-0842 Metro Call - Prep Mtg Agenda.msg Marietta Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021733.pdf
Correspondence 20171010-0842 Attch: Inglewood Call with Marie Sullivan - Prep Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0021734.pdf
Correspondence 20171012-1530 ECD Weekly (776).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000723.pdf
Correspondence 20171012-1530 Attch: 2017.10.12 Weekly.docx PREDEIR_0000724.pdf
Correspondence 20171012-1653 Fwd ECD Weekly.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0000900.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1504 Murphy's Bowl Timeline.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001339.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1504 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0001340.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1504 Murphys Bowl Timeline.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014272.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1504 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0014273.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1632 WE10132017 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT (002) docx.msg Yakema Decatur Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002211.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1632 Attch: WE10132017 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT (002).docx PREDEIR_0002212.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1704 RE WE10132017 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT (002) docx.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0002125.pdf
Correspondence 20171013-1704 Attch: WE10132017 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT (002).docx PREDEIR_0002126.pdf
Correspondence 20171016-1642 Suggestions for bi-weekly Agenda.msg Mike Bohlke Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021971.pdf
Correspondence 20171016-1642 Attch: Inglewood Briefing Agenda Template v2.doc PREDEIR_0021972.pdf
Correspondence 20171016-1650 Fwd Suggestions for bi-weekly Agenda.msg Stephen Lantz Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021634.pdf
Correspondence 20171016-1650 Attch: Inglewood Briefing Agenda Template v3 (1).doc PREDEIR_0021635.pdf
Correspondence 20171019-0949 Meeting Cancellation - Murphys Bowl llc.msg Gerard McCallum Gershwin, Dan ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Chris Holmquist ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021728.pdf
Correspondence 20171023-0752 RE Inglewood Briefing Agenda Template .msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021850.pdf
Correspondence 20171023-0752 Attch: Inglewood Briefing Agenda Template v2.doc PREDEIR_0021851.pdf
Correspondence 20171027-1035 RE Weekly Reports.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0002136.pdf
Correspondence 20171027-1035 Attch: 20171027 Pics CE Division Format 2 weekly photos.pdf PREDEIR_0002137.pdf
Correspondence 20171027-1035 Attch: Stadium progress attachment 20171019.pdf PREDEIR_0002138.pdf
Correspondence 20171106-1259 Re Current Project List.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001532.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-0951 RE WE11032017 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT docx.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0002127.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-0951 Attch: 20171107 Pics CE Division biweekly photos.pdf PREDEIR_0002128.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-0951 Attch: BUILDING SAFETY BIWEEKLY REPORT 10-16-17 to 10-27-17.pdf PREDEIR_0002129.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-1720 Murphys Bowl Timeline.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001337.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-1720 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0001338.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-1720 Murphys Bowl Timeline.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014274.pdf
Correspondence 20171109-1720 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0014275.pdf
Correspondence 20171110-1352 RE Meeting w Lisa Lopez Trifiletti of Trifiletti Consulting.msg Marietta Christopher E. Jackson ; Phoebe Allen ; Mindala Wilcox ; Bertha Hall ; Cynthia Robinson ; Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0001776.pdf
Correspondence 20171120-1019 FW Clippers Arena EIR - ESA Qualifications.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0000771.pdf
Correspondence 20171120-1019 Attch: ESA Clippers Arena Qualifications Package.pdf PREDEIR_0000772.pdf
Correspondence 20171122-0946 Fairview ENA.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000737.pdf
Correspondence 20171122-0946 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0000738.pdf
Correspondence 20171122-0946 Fairview ENA.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014276.pdf
Correspondence 20171122-0946 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0014277.pdf
Correspondence 20171127-1107 FW Inglewood Final Mobility Plan .msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Artie Fields PREDEIR_0000819.pdf
Correspondence 20171127-1107 Attch: Final Mobility Plan Presentation 11.26.17.pdf PREDEIR_0000820.pdf
Correspondence 20171129-0851 RE Short Form Contract Terms and Conditions (366).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0002063.pdf
Correspondence 20171129-1123 Planning Weekly w CD 3 notes.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001392.pdf
Correspondence 20171130-1232 Clippers Arena EIR ESA Letter Proposal and Cost Estimate Draft 11-30-17 pdf.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000673.pdf
Correspondence 20171130-1232 Attch: Clippers Arena EIR ESA Letter Proposal and Cost Estimate Draft 11-30-17.pdf PREDEIR_0000674.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Dee Wickramarachchi, re 09-14-14 Agency properties-Agency PREDEIR_024782.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-0000 Email chain between Dee Wickramarachchi, Accountant for City of Inglewood, Margarita Cruz, Sharon Koike, re 09-14-14 Agency properties-Agency PREDEIR_024783.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1243 CC Agenda.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0000615.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1243 Attch: 2017.12.12 ATP Contract Amendment.docx PREDEIR_0000616.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1243 Attch: 2017.12.12 Arroyo Group Agmt Amendment.docx PREDEIR_0000617.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1255 checking in .msg Lisa Trifiletti Christine Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000630.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1312 FW Revised Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR (364).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christine Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000879.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1312 Attch: Clippers Arena EIR Cost Estimate 12-4-17.pdf PREDEIR_0000880.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1333 FW Revised Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000881.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1333 Attch: CITY OF INGLEWOOD EIR Coordination Services 12.6.17.pdf PREDEIR_0000882.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1333 FW Revised Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000877.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1333 Attch: Clippers Arena EIR Cost Estimate 12-4-17.pdf PREDEIR_0000878.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1333 FW Revised Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020235.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1333 Attch: Clippers Arena EIR Cost Estimate 12-4-17.pdf PREDEIR_0020236.pdf
Correspondence 20171206-1711 RE checking in .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001473.pdf
Correspondence 20171207-1211 Clippers Arena EIR ESA Letter Proposal and Cost Estimate Draft 12-4-17 pdf.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000676.pdf
Correspondence 20171207-1211 Attch: Clippers Arena EIR ESA Letter Proposal and Cost Estimate Draft 12-4-17.pdf PREDEIR_0000677.pdf
Correspondence 20171207-1720 ECD Weekly (768).msg Mindala Wilcox Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0000722.pdf
Correspondence 20171207-1738 RE Revised Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR (6).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0002055.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-0532 Re Requested Information - Inglewood Business License.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002052.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-0857 RE environmental consultants (363).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001545.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-0857 RE environmental consultants (401).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0012150.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1032 RE Revised Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0002056.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1054 RE environmental consultants (399).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012147.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1057 RE environmental consultants (361).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001542.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1057 RE environmental consultants (398).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012146.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1101 RE environmental consultants (360).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001541.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1101 RE environmental consultants (397).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012145.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1108 RE environmental consultants (396).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012144.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1110 Re environmental consultants (359).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001540.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1110 Re environmental consultants (395).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012143.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1142 Untitled (358).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002203.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1142 Attch: CITY OF INGLEWOOD EIR Coordination Services 12.6.17.pdf PREDEIR_0002204.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1143 Re environmental consultants.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001546.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1638 RE Trifiletti Consulting - Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0002085.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1732 Fw Clippers Arena EIR ESA Letter Proposal and Cost Estimate Draft 12-4-17 pdf.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000773.pdf
Correspondence 20171208-1732 Attch: Cost Estimates for Clippers Arena EIR.xlsx PREDEIR_0000774.pdf
Correspondence 20171211-0859 Re Trifiletti Consulting - Proposal for Clippers Arena EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0002086.pdf
Correspondence 20171211-1535 Meetings tomorrow .msg Lisa Trifiletti Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0001193.pdf
Correspondence 20171211-1549 Re Meetings tomorrow .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001778.pdf
Correspondence 20171227-1658 RE Preliminary (Working Draft) Schedule of Information Needs (363).msg Chris Holmquist Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012607.pdf
Correspondence 20180102-1122 Traffic Coordination.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ; Brian Boxer ; srinath raju ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0012915.pdf
Correspondence 20180102-1158 Happy New Year! .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0000943.pdf
Correspondence 20180102-1201 RE Happy New Year! .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001550.pdf
Correspondence 20180110-1102 Murphy's Bowl LLC Project Inglewood CA.msg Doug Couper Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001327.pdf
Correspondence 20180110-1102 Murphys Bowl LLC Project Inglewood CA.msg Doug Couper Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014278.pdf
Correspondence 20180110-2058 Planning Weekly (759).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001391.pdf
Correspondence 20180111-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Bettye Griffith, re appraisal rules PREDEIR_024784.pdf
Correspondence 20180111-1234 Executed Contract.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000734.pdf
Correspondence 20180111-1334 Executed Contract.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0010820.pdf
Correspondence 20180115-1151 KickOff Meeting for the Clippers EIR .msg Perla Solis Louis A. Atwell ;;;;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Omar Pulido ; Lisa Trifiletti ; srinath raju ; Brian Boxer ; Terri Avila ; PREDEIR_0011423.pdf
Correspondence 20180118-0837 Inglewood-Related Projects_v3 xlsx.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021715.pdf
Correspondence 20180118-0837 Attch: Inglewood-Related Projects_v3.xlsx PREDEIR_0021716.pdf
Correspondence 20180119-1028 FW Planning Weekly (758).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000869.pdf
Correspondence 20180119-1434 RE Weekly (757).msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0002132.pdf
Correspondence 20180119-1434 Attch: ECON IND.pdf PREDEIR_0002133.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1119 Action Items.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Artie Fields ; Tunisia Johnson ; Barmeshwar Rai ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0000587.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1119 Attch: Action Items - Clippers EIR Team Kick Off Meeting 1.16.docx PREDEIR_0000588.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1119 Action Items.msg Lisa Trifiletti;;; Artie Fields ;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0009978.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1119 Attch: Action Items - Clippers EIR Team Kick Off Meeting 1.16.docx PREDEIR_0009979.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1119 Action Items.msg Lisa Trifiletti;;; Artie Fields ;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer ; Terri Avila ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0010421.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1119 Attch: Action Items - Clippers EIR Team Kick Off Meeting 1.16.docx PREDEIR_0010422.pdf
Correspondence 20180120-1125 Re Action Items (232).msg Christopher E. Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Artie Fields ; Tunisia Johnson ; Barmeshwar Rai ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer ; Terri Avila ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0011644.pdf
Correspondence 20180122-1435 Clippers.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0000689.pdf
Correspondence 20180122-1435 Clippers.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0014279.pdf
Correspondence 20180125-0929 Re Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001777.pdf
Correspondence 20180126-1109 Re EIR Check-in Standing Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001537.pdf
Correspondence 20180126-1139 Fwd Clippers Traffic Meeting (199).msg Brian Boxer Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0011105.pdf
Correspondence 20180129-1053 Accepted Clippers Traffic Meeting (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000447.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1604 CLIPPERS Traffic Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Fred Jackson ; PREDEIR_0000644.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1604 Attch: Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Coordination Meeting 1-31-18.docx PREDEIR_0000645.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1604 CLIPPERS Traffic Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Fred Jackson ; PREDEIR_0002228.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1604 Attch: Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Coordination Meeting 1-31-18.docx PREDEIR_0002229.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1633 got your vm.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000942.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1641 Meeting Forward Notification Clippers Traffic Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001181.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1704 CLIPPERS Traffic Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ;; Louis A. Atwell ;; PREDEIR_0010497.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1704 Attch: Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Coordination Meeting 1-31-18.docx PREDEIR_0010498.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1843 CLIPPERS-AB 52.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000690.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1843 Attch: AB 52 Letters for Gateway MND - Gabrieleño Tribe -022916 MW.docx PREDEIR_0000691.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1843 CLIPPERS-AB 52.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014280.pdf
Correspondence 20180130-1843 Attch: AB 52 Letters for Gateway MND - Gabrieleño Tribe -022916 MW.docx PREDEIR_0014281.pdf
Correspondence 20180131-1123 Clippers Traffic Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ;; Louis A. Atwell ;; PREDEIR_0010605.pdf
Correspondence 20180131-1134 FW: Clippers Traffic Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ;; Louis A. Atwell ;; PREDEIR_0016095.pdf
Correspondence 20180201-1149 Clippers Traffic Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000670.pdf
Correspondence 20180201-1536 Re Forum & Staples 2016 -2017 Events w Dates & Times & Attendance xlsx.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001547.pdf
Correspondence 20180201-1639 Clippers Arena Transportation Conference Call (Continuation of last weeks Traffic Meeting).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ;; Tom Gaul ;;; Louis A. Atwell ;; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0010577.pdf
Correspondence 20180202-1241 FW Weekly Update.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0000892.pdf
Correspondence 20180202-1643 RE Monday at 11 (351).msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0001795.pdf
Correspondence 20180205-0858 Clippers Arena Transportation Meeting (Continuation of last weeks Traffic Meeting).msg Perla Solis Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Omar Pulido ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;; Louis A. Atwell ;; Hodil, Robert B. ; Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010578.pdf
Correspondence 20180205-0858 Attch: Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Coordination Meeting 1-31-18.docx PREDEIR_0010579.pdf
Correspondence 20180205-1653 RE MurphysBowlConsultantFunding121917 pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.msg Mindala Wilcox Patricia McNish PREDEIR_0002037.pdf
Correspondence 20180205-1653 RE MurphysBowlConsultantFunding121917 pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.msg Mindala Wilcox Patricia McNish PREDEIR_0014282.pdf
Correspondence 20180206-1934 Re Short Form for Trifiletti Consulting Inc #18-063 (347).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002067.pdf
Correspondence 20180207-1159 Clippers Agency Contact List .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000646.pdf
Correspondence 20180208-0939 Planning Weekly (747).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001390.pdf
Correspondence 20180208-1002 CLIPPERS-NOP Checklist.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0000692.pdf
Correspondence 20180208-1002 Attch: Copy of 1.25.18_Draft.NOP.Checklist (002)_mw edits.xlsx PREDEIR_0000693.pdf
Correspondence 20180209-1132 Clippers Weekly Check-In Call at 9am .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000688.pdf
Correspondence 20180210-1642 RE Short Form for Trifiletti Consulting Inc #18-063 .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002069.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-0856 RE Clippers Weekly Check-In Call at 9am .msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001506.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-1113 Invoice.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011416.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-1259 Re Invoice (118).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012389.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-1338 RE Invoice (116).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0012388.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-1509 RE Invoice.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012390.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-2109 Clippers Project Components for Citys NOP.msg Loren Montgomery Mindy Wilcox, AICP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0010530.pdf
Correspondence 20180212-2109 Attch: Clippers - NOP Project Description Draft for City Use 2.9.18.docx PREDEIR_0010531.pdf
Correspondence 20180213-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to John G. Ellis, IRR, re Clippers ENA area PREDEIR_024785.pdf
Correspondence 20180213-0915 FW Clippers - Project Components for City's NOP.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000767.pdf
Correspondence 20180213-0915 Attch: NOP Project Description Draft for City Use 2.9.18.docx PREDEIR_0000768.pdf
Correspondence 20180213-0915 FW Clippers - Project Components for Citys NOP.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020239.pdf
Correspondence 20180213-0915 Attch: Clippers - NOP Project Description Draft for City Use 2.9.18.docx PREDEIR_0020240.pdf
Correspondence 20180214-0931 Clippers-NOP Misc Contacts.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000694.pdf
Correspondence 20180214-0931 Clippers-NOP Misc Contacts.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014283.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1153 Untitled (335).msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0002201.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1153 Attch: Copy of 2.15.18_Draft.NOP.Checklist .xlsx PREDEIR_0002202.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1335 RE .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0001401.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1452 Meeting Forward Notification Clippers - Project Components for City's NOP Meeting .msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001180.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1759 Murphy's Bowl Invoice payment.msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0001265.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1811 Murphy's Bow Scoping Meeting Date.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001209.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1824 Re Murphy's Bow Scoping Meeting Date.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001849.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1825 Murphy's Bowl Draft NOP with City comments.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001234.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1825 Murphys Bowl Draft NOP with City comments.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011516.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1825 Attch: Clippers Arena_NOP Draft_2-13-18_mw edits.docx PREDEIR_0011517.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1828 RE Murphy's Bowl Invoice payment (725).msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001903.pdf
Correspondence 20180215-1828 RE Murphy's Bowl Invoice payment (726).msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0001904.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-0750 RE March 6th City Council Agenda Item - Advance Fund Agreements (724).msg Christopher E. Jackson Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001773.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-0756 RE March 6th City Council Agenda Item - Advance Fund Agreements (723).msg Fred Jackson Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001772.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-0924 RE Murphy's Bowl Invoice payment (721).msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001902.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1143 RE Murphy's Bowl Invoice payment.msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0001905.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1143 Attch: 2018.01.31 WM Report Request.pdf PREDEIR_0001906.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1219 Correspondence Request.msg Mindala Wilcox City Clerk PREDEIR_0000706.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1239 Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001197.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1239 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena .pdf PREDEIR_0001198.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1239 Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014293.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1239 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena .pdf PREDEIR_0014294.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1308 FW March 6th City Council Agenda Item - Advance Fund Agreements.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000833.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1324 RE March 6th City Council Agenda Item - Advance Fund Agreements (720).msg Fred Jackson Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0001769.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1439 RE March 6th City Council Agenda Item - Advance Fund Agreements.msg Yakema Decatur Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001774.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1446 NOP Mailing List to the US Army Air Force Navy Marine Corps notification per SB1462.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001369.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1504 RE Correspondence Request (716).msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0001528.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1504 RE Correspondence Request (716).msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0015258.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1534 CLIPPERS working draft NOC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000671.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1534 Attch: Clippers Arena_NOC 2-15-18.docx PREDEIR_0000672.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1534 CLIPPERS: working draft NOC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020078.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1534 Attch: Clippers Arena_NOC 2-15-18.docx PREDEIR_0020079.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1535 RE Correspondence Request (714).msg Mindala Wilcox Aisha Thompson ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0001527.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1535 RE Correspondence Request (714).msg Mindala Wilcox Aisha Thompson ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0015259.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1538 FW CLIPPERS working draft NOC.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000769.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1538 Attch: Clippers Arena_NOC 2-15-18.docx PREDEIR_0000770.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1538 FW CLIPPERS working draft NOC.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020241.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1538 Attch: Clippers Arena_NOC 2-15-18.docx PREDEIR_0020242.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1542 RE Correspondence Request (713).msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0001526.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1542 RE Correspondence Request (713).msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0014298.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1558 RE Correspondence Request (712).msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0001525.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1558 RE Correspondence Request (712).msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0015260.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1600 RE Correspondence Request (711).msg Mindala Wilcox Aisha Thompson ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0001524.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1634 CLIPPERS working draft NOC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0010561.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1634 Attch: Clippers Arena_NOC 2-15-18.docx PREDEIR_0010562.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1641 Murphy's Bowl Transmittal.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001286.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1641 Murphys Bowl Transmittal.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014299.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1644 EIR Initial Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis;; Omar Pulido ;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000730.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1644 Attch: Clippers EIR Initial Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000731.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1644 EIR Initial Coordination Meeting (323).msg Perla Solis Omar Pulido ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ;; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000728.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1644 Attch: Clipper EIR Initial Coordination Meeting _LAWA.docx PREDEIR_0000729.pdf
Correspondence 20180216-1831 RE FY19 Goals & Objectives.msg Christopher E. Jackson Kenyetta Hinton ; Mandhir Singh ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001549.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1330 Fwd Clippers NOP.msg - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000893.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1434 Clippers NOP.msg Lisa Trifiletti;; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000687.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1552 RE CLIPPERS Sponsor Comments on NOP (64).msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011702.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1652 RE: CLIPPERS: Sponsor Comments on NOP.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018770.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1730 CLIPPERS NOP and NOC signature.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000651.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1730 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOP_2-20-18.docx PREDEIR_0000652.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1730 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOC 2-20-18.docx PREDEIR_0000653.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1730 CLIPPERS: NOP and NOC signature.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020068.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1730 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOP_2-20-18.docx PREDEIR_0020069.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1730 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOC 2-20-18.docx PREDEIR_0020070.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1830 CLIPPERS NOP and NOC signature.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0010520.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1830 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOP_2-20-18.docx PREDEIR_0010521.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-1830 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOC 2-20-18.docx PREDEIR_0010522.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2016 Re: CLIPPERS: Sponsor Comments on NOP.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020067.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2112 CLIPPERS NOP.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0000656.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2112 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOP_2-20-18.pdf PREDEIR_0000657.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2112 CLIPPERS: NOP.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0020065.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2112 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOP_2-20-18.pdf PREDEIR_0020066.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2122 Re CLIPPERS NOP (308).msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001494.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2122 Re CLIPPERS NOP (61).msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011746.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2122 Re: CLIPPERS: NOP.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018769.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2129 Re CLIPPERS NOP (307).msg Tom Gaul Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001493.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2130 RE CLIPPERS NOP (306).msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001492.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2152 RE CLIPPERS NOP (304).msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0001490.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2152 Re CLIPPERS NOP (305).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001491.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2212 CLIPPERS NOP.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0010524.pdf
Correspondence 20180219-2212 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOP_2-20-18.pdf PREDEIR_0010525.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0741 Re CLIPPERS NOP.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0001496.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0741 Attch: MW Signature.jpg PREDEIR_0001497.jpg
Correspondence 20180220-0753 Re CLIPPERS NOP.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0011749.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0753 Re: CLIPPERS: NOP.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0020064.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0809 EIR Initial Coordination Meeting .1.msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0010087.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0810 RE_ EIR Initial Coordination Meeting .msg TOMCHECK, PATRICK Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0010071.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0816 Re_ EIR Initial Coordination Meeting .1.msg Omar Pulido TOMCHECK, PATRICK PREDEIR_0010093.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0818 RE_ EIR Initial Coordination Meeting (3).msg TOMCHECK, PATRICK Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0010070.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0820 Re_ EIR Initial Coordination Meeting .2.msg Omar Pulido TOMCHECK, PATRICK PREDEIR_0010094.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-0822 Re_ EIR Initial Coordination Meeting .3.msg Omar Pulido TOMCHECK, PATRICK PREDEIR_0010095.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1044 CLIPPERS stamped NOC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000668.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1044 Attch: Inglewood BEC_NOC_2-20-18_stamped.pdf PREDEIR_0000669.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1202 Murphy's Bowl File.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001323.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1202 Murphys Bowl File.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014301.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1330 Murphy's Bowl NOP Link.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001268.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1330 Murphys Bowl NOP Link.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014302.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1456 Clippers Notice of Preparation (NOP) Filed .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000658.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1456 Attch: NOP.PDF PREDEIR_0000659.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1456 Attch: NOC.pdf PREDEIR_0000660.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1456 Attch: LA Recorder Receipt for filing NOP PREDEIR_0000661.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1456 Attch: LA Recorder Receipt for filing NOC PREDEIR_0000662.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1526 RE Correspondence Request.msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton PREDEIR_0001529.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1526 RE Correspondence Request.msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton PREDEIR_0015261.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1545 RE Correspondence Request--Murphy's Bowl (686).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001530.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1545 RE Correspondence Request--Murphys Bowl (686).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014303.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1546 RE Correspondence Request--Murphy's Bowl.msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001531.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1546 RE Correspondence Request--Murphys Bowl.msg Aisha Thompson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014304.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1713 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Notice of Preparation.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001166.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1713 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0001167.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1713 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP NOC 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0001168.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1713 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Notice of Preparation.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020243.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1713 Atch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP NOC 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0020244.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1713 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0020245.pdf
Correspondence 20180220-1925 Good job today! .msg Lisa Trifiletti Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000941.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1107 FW New details of Clippers' proposed Inglewood arena complex revealed.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ali Pouraghabagher ; Anita Castellanos ; Arturo Salazar ; Aubrey Washington ; Bernard McCrumby ; Carmen Hayes ; Carmen Lopez ; Cesar D. Cervantes ; Cheryl Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Ericka Ford ; Estela Hill ; Evangeline Lane ; Fred Jackson ; Isaac Yoshinaga ; Jerry Tucker ; Joe Greenwood ; John Jones ; Johnetta Carey ; Mandhir Singh ; Marissa Fewell ; Mimi Win ; Mindala Wilcox ; Myron Mathis ; Olivia Ortiz ; Phoebe Allen ; Sharon Garrett ; Taylor Kay ; Temico Howard ; Vanessa Scrubb PREDEIR_0000866.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1107 FW New details of Clippers proposed Inglewood arena complex revealed.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ali Pouraghabagher ; Anita Castellanos ; Arturo Salazar ; Aubrey Washington ; Bernard McCrumby ; Carmen Hayes ; Carmen Lopez ; Cesar D. Cervantes ; Cheryl Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Ericka Ford ; Estela Hill ; Evangeline Lane ; Fred Jackson ; Isaac Yoshinaga ; Jerry Tucker ; Joe Greenwood ; John Jones ; Johnetta Carey ; Mandhir Singh ; Marissa Fewell ; Mimi Win ; Mindala Wilcox ; Myron Mathis ; Olivia Ortiz ; Phoebe Allen ; Sharon Garrett ; Taylor Kay ; Temico Howard ; Vanessa Scrubb PREDEIR_0014305.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1121 Murphy's Bowl-Scoping Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001360.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1136 Re Murphy's Bowl-Scoping Mtg.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002032.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1150 Contact information.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010748.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1251 RE Clipper's Arena Scoping Meeting .msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001501.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1253 Clippers Arena Scoping Meeting .msg Perla Solis Louis A. Atwell ;;;;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Omar Pulido ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Terri Avila ; Tunisia Johnson ;; Gerard McCallum ; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gershwin, Dan ; Tom Gaul ;; Tiffany Wright ;; PREDEIR_0010576.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1500 FW Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Notice of Preparation.msg Fred Jackson Aisha Thompson PREDEIR_0000822.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1500 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0000823.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1500 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP NOC 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0000824.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1500 FW Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Notice of Preparation.msg Fred Jackson Aisha Thompson PREDEIR_0020246.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1500 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0020247.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1500 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Ctr NOP NOC 2018.02.20.pdf PREDEIR_0020248.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1534 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Notice of Preparation.msg Aisha Thompson Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001754.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1534 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Notice of Preparation.msg Aisha Thompson Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014306.pdf
Correspondence 20180221-1848 Planning Weekly (684).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001389.pdf
Correspondence 20180223-0000 Letter from Gayle Totton, Native American Heritage Commission to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re NOP for DEIR PREDEIR_0003004.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-0938 RE Clippers Weekly Team Check-in Call (296).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001507.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-0938 Attch: 02.22.18 EIR Weekly Call.docx PREDEIR_0001508.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-0958 FW Proposed Well 8 location (679).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000873.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-0958 Attch: Well No. 8 Exhibit.pdf PREDEIR_0000874.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-0958 FW Proposed Well 8 location (679).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014307.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-0958 Attch: Lot 34 figure PREDEIR_0014308.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-1041 FW Proposed Well 8 location.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000875.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-1041 Attch: Well No. 8 Exhibit.pdf PREDEIR_0000876.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-1041 FW Proposed Well 8 location.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014309.pdf
Correspondence 20180226-1041 Attch: Lot 34 figure PREDEIR_0014310.pdf
Correspondence 20180227-1138 RE Media Request-EIR Clippers.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Freeman' PREDEIR_0001775.pdf
Correspondence 20180227-1138 RE Media Request-EIR Clippers.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Freeman' PREDEIR_0020249.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1236 Declined FW Collaboration Meeting.msg Whit Manley Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0010770.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1447 Murphy's Bowl Report 1.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0001332.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1447 Attch: 2018.03.06 CEQA Consult Phase II Agreement SR.docx PREDEIR_0001333.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1559 2018 03 06 CEQA Consult Phase II Agreement SR docx.msg Yakema Decatur Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000437.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1559 Attch: 2018.03.06 CEQA Consult Phase II Agreement SR.docx PREDEIR_0000438.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1725 Murphy's Bowl Report 2.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0001334.pdf
Correspondence 20180228-1725 Attch: 2018.03.06 Murphy's Bowl Phase II Funding Agreement SR.docx PREDEIR_0001335.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1156 Clippers Murphy's Bowl Funding Agreements Reporting Request 2.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000639.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1156 Attch: 180301 M Wilcox Funding Agreement 18-055 Reporting Request 2.pdf PREDEIR_0000640.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1156 Attch: 180301 M Wilcox Funding Agreement 18-059 Reporting Request 2.pdf PREDEIR_0000641.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1305 CEQA Funding Agmt with Murphy's Bowl for Phase II docx.msg Yakema Decatur Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000590.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1305 Attch: CEQA Funding Agmt with Murphy's Bowl for Phase II.docx PREDEIR_0000591.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1329 RE Agen03062018 - SR - CEQA Funding Agmt with Murphy's Bowl for Phase II docx (677).msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0001426.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1415 Re Agen03062018 - SR - CEQA Funding Agmt with Murphy's Bowl for Phase II docx (676).msg Yakema Decatur Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001425.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1452 RE Agen03062018 - SR - CEQA Funding Agmt with Murphy's Bowl for Phase II docx.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0001427.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1452 RE Agen03062018 - SR - CEQA Funding Agmt with Murphys Bowl for Phase II docx.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0020250.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1554 FW Clippers Notice of Preparation (NOP) Filed .msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_029392.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1554 Attch: NOP.PDF PREDEIR_029393.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1554 Attch: NOC.pdf PREDEIR_029394.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1554 Attch: sharp620@gmail.com_20180220_173419.pdf PREDEIR_029395.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1554 Attch: sharp620@gmail.com_20180220_173734.pdf PREDEIR_029396.pdf
Correspondence 20180301-1743 Planning Weekly (675).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001388.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1009 Scoping meeting boards.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002163.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1009 Scoping meeting boards.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020057.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1112 Re Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (295).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001792.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1409 Letter from Andrew Salas, Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re AB52 Consultation request for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0002858.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1411 Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001199.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1411 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center .pdf PREDEIR_0001200.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1411 Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014315.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1411 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center .pdf PREDEIR_0014316.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1439 Clippers Scoping Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000666.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1501 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (294).msg Marietta Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0001791.pdf
Correspondence 20180302-1528 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (293).msg Marietta Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0001790.pdf
Correspondence 20180305-1842 Attch: Fwd ESA DeliverIt (29).msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011125.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0651 Boards.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000602.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0651 Attch: Clippers Scoping Meeting Boards - CEQA Overview, Approvals Flowchart Entitlements.pptx PREDEIR_0000603.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0651 Boards.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003736.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0651 Attch: Clippers Scoping Meeting Boards - CEQA Overview, Approvals Flowchart Entitlements.pptx PREDEIR_0003737.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0905 Fwd Clippers Transportation Study Fee Proposal.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Perla Solis ; Omar Pulido ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000894.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0905 Attch: clippers.fee proposal.pdf PREDEIR_0000895.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0905 Fwd_ Clippers Transportation Study Fee Proposal.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ;; Perla Solis ; Omar Pulido ;; PREDEIR_0010032.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-0905 Attch: clippers.fee proposal.pdf PREDEIR_0010033.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-1733 Re Boards.msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001450.pdf
Correspondence 20180306-1733 Re_ Boards.msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004033.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-0955 Draft Boards.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000719.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1032 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (286).msg Marietta Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0001789.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1055 Draft Boards.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0010785.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1117 RE Draft Boards.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001535.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1117 RE Draft Boards.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0012122.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1117 RE: Draft Boards.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020051.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1142 RE Murphy's Bowl Photos of Inglewood Well Site.msg Chris Holmquist Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001856.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1142 Attch: IMG00059.jpg PREDEIR_0001857.jpg
Correspondence 20180307-1142 Attch: IMG00060.jpg PREDEIR_0001858.jpg
Correspondence 20180307-1142 Attch: IMG00058.jpg PREDEIR_0001859.jpg
Correspondence 20180307-1234 CLIPPERS NOP mailing.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0000655.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1237 RE CLIPPERS NOP mailing.msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001495.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-1946 Planning Weekly (661).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001387.pdf
Correspondence 20180307-2010 RE Scoping Mtg.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002060.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-0921 Automatic reply Murphy's Bowl (Clippers Arena) Communication Protocol.msg Bettye Griffith Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000597.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1042 Tentative Murphy's Bowl (Clippers Arena) Communication Protocol.msg Mark Fronterotta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002169.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1134 RE Weekly .msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0002134.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1134 Attch: BUILDING SAFETY BIWEEKLY REPORT 02-12-18 to 02-23-18.pdf PREDEIR_0002135.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1252 Murphy's Bowl (657).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001297.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1252 Murphys Bowl (657).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020251.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1258 Re Murphy's Bowl (284).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001997.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1258 Re Murphys Bowl (284).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020252.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1258 Re Murphys Bowl.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027656.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1332 Conference Call re ESA Scope.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010651.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1344 Re COMMENTS - EIR Scope Phase 2 (Traffic) (280).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001512.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1350 Re COMMENTS - EIR Scope Phase 2 (Traffic).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001513.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1410 3pm Conference Call re ESA Scope .msg Perla Solis Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; 'Mindy Wilcox )';; Brian Boxer ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; 'Mindy Wilcox '; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0010328.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1532 Meeting with the City.msg Gerard McCallum Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001192.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1641 City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12.msg Marietta PREDEIR_0013895.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1707 RE City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12 (278).msg Lisa Trifiletti Marietta ; PREDEIR_0001475.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1707 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOP .pdf PREDEIR_0001476.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1802 RE City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12- PRICE QUOTE (276).msg Marietta Raj PREDEIR_0001478.pdf
Correspondence 20180308-1812 RE City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12- PRICE QUOTE (275).msg Marietta Raj ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001477.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-0932 RE City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12- PRICE QUOTE.msg Raj Marietta ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001479.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-0947 RE City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12 (274).msg Raj;; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001474.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-0958 RE City of Inglewood - Translating Services - Monday March 12.msg Raj Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001480.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-1130 Revised IBEC Fact Sheet.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002150.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-1130 Attch: IBEC Fact Sheet 3-8-18.docx PREDEIR_0002151.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-1130 Revised IBEC Fact Sheet.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020035.pdf
Correspondence 20180309-1130 Attch: IBEC Fact Sheet 3-8-18.docx PREDEIR_0020036.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000663.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Scoping Meeting Presentation 3-7-18_FINAL.pptx PREDEIR_0000664.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 Attch: IBEC Fact Sheet 3-9-18.docx PREDEIR_0000665.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0010526.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Scoping Meeting Presentation 3-7-18_FINAL.pptx PREDEIR_0010527.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 Attch: IBEC Fact Sheet 3-9-18.docx PREDEIR_0010528.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 CLIPPERS: PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020032.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Scoping Meeting Presentation 3-7-18_FINAL.pptx PREDEIR_0020033.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1328 Attch: IBEC Fact Sheet 3-9-18.docx PREDEIR_0020034.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1602 RE CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts (273).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001499.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1602 RE CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts (15).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0011750.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1602 RE: CLIPPERS: PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020031.pdf
Correspondence 20180311-1649 Re CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts (272).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001498.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-0000 Letter from Brian Boxer, ESA to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re Phase 2 Scope of Work.pdf PREDEIR_0002846.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-0609 Re CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001500.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-0609 Re CLIPPERS PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0011751.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-0609 Re: CLIPPERS: PPT and Project Facts.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020030.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-0929 Board delivery .msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020029.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-1028 Re Board delivery .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001449.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-1311 Set up.msg Marietta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002164.pdf
Correspondence 20180312-1412 RE Revised Scope of Work and Cost Estimate.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002057.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-0729 Re Collaboration Meeting.msg Loren Montgomery Gerard McCallum II PREDEIR_026799.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-0827 Additional Meeting tomorrow.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000589.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-0827 Additional Meeting tomorrow.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0010423.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-1043 Automatic reply Murphy's Bowl (Proposed Basketball Arena) Communication Protocol.msg Sabrina Barnes Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000598.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-1143 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl (Proposed Basketball Arena) Communication Protocol (265).msg Microsoft Outlook - on behalf of - Mark Fronterotta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001189.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-1144 Tentative Murphy's Bowl (Proposed Basketball Arena) Communication Protocol.msg Mark Fronterotta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002170.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-1237 Tomorrow .msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002174.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-1518 Call in number for tomorrow's collaboration meeting at 11 .msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000604.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-2135 Untitled (251).msg John DeVincent Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002200.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-2135 Untitled (251).msg John DeVincent Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014319.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-2205 Clippers concern .msg Rosa Meza Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000680.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-2205 Clippers concern .msg Rosa Meza Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014320.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-2208 Clippers concerns .msg Dennis Bordenave Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000681.pdf
Correspondence 20180313-2208 Clippers concerns .msg Dennis Bordenave Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020253.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1018 RE Call in number for tomorrow's collaboration meeting at 11 (248).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001456.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1031 RE Call in number for tomorrow's collaboration meeting at 11 .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001457.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1031 Attch: Murphy's Bowl EIR Coordination Services.pdf PREDEIR_0001458.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1031 Attch: Trifiletti Scope for Clippers Phase 2_03.12.18.pdf PREDEIR_0001459.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1113 CLIPPERS NOP Boards for web posting.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000654.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1113 CLIPPERS: NOP Boards for web posting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020028.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1146 CLIPPERS site access.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000667.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1146 CLIPPERS: site access.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020027.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1211 Re FW .msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001548.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1211 Re FW .msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014321.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1234 3 12 18 Inglewood Cmty Mtg Docs.msg marietta torriente Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000427.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1234 3 12 18 Inglewood Cmty Mtg Docs (1).msg marietta torriente Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014322.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1354 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl (Proposed Basketball Arena) Communication Protocol (243).msg Microsoft Outlook - on behalf of - Mark Fronterotta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001188.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1354 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl (Proposed Basketball Arena) Communication Protocol.msg Microsoft Outlook - on behalf of - Ken Campos Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001190.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1641 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (239).msg Fred Jackson Marietta ; Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0001788.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1646 Re Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (238).msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001784.pdf
Correspondence 20180314-1727 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (237).msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001783.pdf
Correspondence 20180315-1602 I’m a resident .msg monic deavila Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000947.pdf
Correspondence 20180315-1602 I’m a resident .msg monic deavila Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014323.pdf
Correspondence 20180315-1612 Clippers Arena.msg Sara Dietler Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000679.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1009 Murphy's Bowl Email Formatting (596).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001239.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1009 Murphys Bowl Email Formatting.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022444.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1033 Murphys Bowl Email Formatting.msg Fred Jackson Jeffery A. Lewis ; Yvonne Horton ; Margarita Cruz ; Peter Puglese ; Sharon Koike ; David L. Esparza ; Louis Perez ; Matthew Chambers ; Louis A. Atwell ; Sabrina Barnes ; Jose O. Cortes ; Cecil Flournoy ; Diana P. Andrade ; Artie Fields ; Wanda Brown ; Ken Campos ; Mark Fronterotta ; Bettye Griffith PREDEIR_0021746.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1046 FW Murphy's Bowl Email Formatting.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Justin Hall ; Jessica Spurgeon ; Alan Sako ; Olivia Chan ; May Lau ; Sara Dietler ; Chris Taylor ; Alyssa Bell ; Eric Schniewind ; Douglas DiCarlo ; Sean Burlingame ; Janelle Kassarjian ; Brian Allee ; Susumu Shirayama ; Lisa Maier ; Arabesque Abdelwahed ; Jonathan Teofilo ; Monica Strauss ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0002724.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1146 Planning Weekly (594).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001386.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1354 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (233).msg Marietta Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001782.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1356 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena (231).msg Brian Boxer Marietta ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001779.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1356 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena.msg Brian Boxer Marietta ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024947.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1359 RE Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta PREDEIR_0001793.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1359 RE Mindy WilcoxIglewoodBasketball Arena.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta PREDEIR_0012494.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1534 FW Clippers Murphy's Bowl Funding Agreements Reporting Request 2 (590).msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0000761.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1534 Attch: M Wilcox Funding Agreement 18-055 Reporting Request 2.pdf PREDEIR_0000762.pdf
Correspondence 20180316-1534 Attch: M Wilcox Funding Agreement 18-059 Reporting Request 2.pdf PREDEIR_0000763.pdf
Correspondence 20180317-1128 Murphy's Bowl HPSP EIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001251.pdf
Correspondence 20180317-1128 Murphys Bowl: HPSP EIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020025.pdf
Correspondence 20180319-1417 RE Murphys Bowl Agency Meeting Coordination Need LA County Contacts (256).msg Peter Puglese Perla Solis PREDEIR_0021869.pdf
Correspondence 20180319-1428 Re Murphys Bowl Agency Meeting Coordination Need LA County Contacts .msg Perla Solis Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021870.pdf
Correspondence 20180319-1509 Attch: NOP mailing list.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001370.pdf
Correspondence 20180319-1509 Attch: 3.7.18_Draft.NOP.Checklist_v5_mailing list.xlsx PREDEIR_0001371.pdf
Correspondence 20180319-1638 RE consultation (227).msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Marietta PREDEIR_0001519.pdf
Correspondence 20180319-1747 Re consultation.msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001521.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-0000 Letter from Metro to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re Comments on NOP of DEIR and Public Scoping Meeting (w/ App D References) PREDEIR_0002842.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-0000 Letter from Metro to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re Comments on NOP of DEIR and Public Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_0020741.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-1656 Metro Comment Letter - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOP for DEIR.msg Hull, Derek Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001194.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-1656 Attch: CMP Appendix D -Transport Impact Analysis Guidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0001195.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-1656 Attch: 2018_20_03_Comment_Letter_Inglewood_Basketball_Entertainment_Center.pdf PREDEIR_0001196.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-1656 Metro Comment Letter - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOP for DEIR.msg Hull, Derek Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014327.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-1656 Attch: 2018_20_03_Comment_Letter_Inglewood_Basketball_Entertainment_Center.pdf PREDEIR_0014328.pdf
Correspondence 20180320-1656 Attch: CMP Appendix D -Transport Impact Analysis Guidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0014329.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-0852 Murphy's Bowl Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians Consultation.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Cynthia Robinson ; Phoebe Allen ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta PREDEIR_0000337.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-0852 Murphy's Bowl Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians Consultation.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Cynthia Robinson ; Phoebe Allen ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta PREDEIR_0001248.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1033 Comment on February 20 2018 Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000696.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1033 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center N....pdf PREDEIR_0000697.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1033 Comment on February 20 2018 Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014330.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1033 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center N....pdf PREDEIR_0014331.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1100 RE Comment on February 20 2018 Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting (226).msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014232.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1110 RE Comment on February 20 2018 Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001510.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1110 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re NOP.PDF PREDEIR_0001511.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1110 RE Comment on February 20 2018 Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014332.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1110 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re NOP.PDF PREDEIR_0014333.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1318 Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000619.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1318 Attch: 1938 LA County Map.jpg PREDEIR_0000620.jpg
Correspondence 20180321-1318 Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014334.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1318 Attch: 1938 LA County Map.jpg PREDEIR_0014335.jpg
Correspondence 20180321-1332 Re Century Blvd & Prairie Ave (225).msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001467.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1332 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie 2.JPG PREDEIR_0001468.jpg
Correspondence 20180321-1332 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie.JPG PREDEIR_0001469.jpg
Correspondence 20180321-1332 Re Century Blvd & Prairie Ave (225).msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014336.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1332 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie.JPG PREDEIR_0014337.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1332 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie 2.JPG PREDEIR_0014338.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1349 Sites within your project.msg Andy Salas Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002165.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1349 Sites within your project.msg Andy Salas Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015263.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1350 Re Century Blvd & Prairie Ave (224).msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001465.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1350 Attch: Kizh Nation Mitigation Measures.pdf PREDEIR_0001466.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1350 Re Century Blvd & Prairie Ave (224).msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014339.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1350 Attch: Kizh Nation Mitigation Measures.pdf PREDEIR_0014340.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1413 Please this is confidential .msg Andy Salas Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001394.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1413 Attch: Ltr Native American Heritage Lists unknown.pdf PREDEIR_0001395.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1413 Please this is confidential .msg Andy Salas Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014341.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1413 Attch: Native American Heritage Commission letter PREDEIR_0014342.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1416 RE Century Blvd & Prairie Ave (223).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001464.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1622 Comments on Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball Entertainment Center.msg Cynthia Kellman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000700.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1622 Attch: Comment Letter re NOP of DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_0000701.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1622 Comments on Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball Entertainment Center.msg Cynthia Kellman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020254.pdf
Correspondence 20180321-1622 Attch: Comment Letter re NOP of DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_0020255.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0000 Letter from Lee, DOT to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re Traffic analysis PREDEIR_0002964.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0825 RE Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001470.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0825 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES .docx PREDEIR_0001471.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Murphys Bowl: NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0018722.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Comments on Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball Entertainment Center.msg Cynthia Kellman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018723.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Comment Letter re NOP of DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_0018724.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: RE_ Comment on February 20, 2018, Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018725.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re NOP.PDF PREDEIR_0018726.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: RE_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018727.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES .docx PREDEIR_0018728.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Metro Comment Letter - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOP for DEIR.msg Hull, Derek Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018729.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: CMP Appendix D -Transport Impact Analysis Guidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0018730.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Comment_Letter_Inglewood_Basketball_Entertainment_Center.pdf PREDEIR_0018731.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: I’m a resident .msg monic deavila Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018732.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Clippers concerns .msg Dennis Bordenave Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018733.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Clippers concern .msg Rosa Meza Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018734.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Untitled Message.msg John DeVincent Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018735.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Murphys Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date (121).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022445.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Comments on Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball Entertainment Center.msg Cynthia Kellman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022446.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Comment Letter re NOP of DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_0022447.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: RE_ Comment on February 20, 2018, Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022448.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re NOP.PDF PREDEIR_0022449.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: RE_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022450.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES .docx PREDEIR_0022451.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Metro Comment Letter - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOP for DEIR.msg Hull, Derek Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022452.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: CMP Appendix D -Transport Impact Analysis Guidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0022453.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: 2018_20_03_Comment_Letter_Inglewood_Basketball_Entertainment_Center.pdf PREDEIR_0022454.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: I’m a resident .msg monic deavila Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022455.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Clippers concerns .msg Dennis Bordenave Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022456.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Clippers concern .msg Rosa Meza Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022457.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0858 Attch: Untitled.msg John DeVincent Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022458.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0936 scoping comments re proposed Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Doug Smith Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002161.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0936 Attch: Uplift Inglewood scoping comments re proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0002162.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0936 scoping comments re proposed Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Doug Smith Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014343.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0936 Attch: Uplift Inglewood scoping comments re proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0014344.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0949 Murphys Bowl: NOP Comment Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0018719.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0949 Attch: scoping comments re proposed Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Doug Smith Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018720.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0949 Attch: Uplift Inglewood scoping comments re proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0018721.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 FW Murphys Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date.msg Brian Boxer Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0011040.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: Comments on Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball Entertainment Center.msg Cynthia Kellman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011041.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: Comment Letter re NOP of DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_0011042.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: RE_ Comment on February 20, 2018, Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report and Public Scoping Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011043.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: March 21, 2018 Letter re NOP.PDF PREDEIR_0011044.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: RE_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011045.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES .docx PREDEIR_0011046.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: Metro Comment Letter - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOP for DEIR.msg Hull, Derek Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011047.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: CMP Appendix D -Transport Impact Analysis Guidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0011048.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: 2018_20_03_Comment_Letter_Inglewood_Basketball_Entertainment_Center.pdf PREDEIR_0011049.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: I’m a resident .msg monic deavila Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011050.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: Clippers concerns .msg Dennis Bordenave Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011051.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: Clippers concern .msg Rosa Meza Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011052.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-0958 Attch: Untitled Message.msg John DeVincent Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011053.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1319 Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration Meeting.msg Christopher E. Jackson Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021736.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1507 SCH # 2018021056 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Lin, Alan S@DOT OPR State Clearinghouse PREDEIR_0002159.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1507 Attch: LA-2018-01359-NOP Inglewood Basketball.pdf PREDEIR_0002160.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1507 SCH # 2018021056 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Lin, Alan S@DOT OPR State Clearinghouse PREDEIR_0020256.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1507 Attch: LA-2018-01359-NOP Inglewood Basketball.pdf PREDEIR_0020257.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1556 Re Murphy's Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date (221).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001915.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1656 Response to Notice of Preparation.msg Forbes, Amy R. Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002148.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1656 Attch: Forbes March 22 2018 Letter to Wilcox (01).pdf PREDEIR_0002149.pdf
Correspondence 20180322-1846 Re Murphy's Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date (218).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001914.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1045 Canceled Murphy's Bowl Initial Traffic Coordination Meeting with LA County.msg Perla Solis; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0000611.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1045 Attch: 03.26.18 Agenda Initial Coord. Mtg with LA County .docx PREDEIR_0000612.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1045 Attch: campus map.pdf PREDEIR_0000613.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1111 Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0001280.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1342 Interim Budget.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001173.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1342 Interim Budget.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024871.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1514 Re Murphy's Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date (557).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001918.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1526 RE Murphy's Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date (556).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001917.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1526 RE Murphys Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012554.pdf
Correspondence 20180323-1640 Re Murphy's Bowl NOP Comment Ltrs Received To Date (555).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001916.pdf
Correspondence 20180324-0910 Tentative Murphy's Bowl-Communication Protocol IT Needs.msg David L. Esparza Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002171.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Fwd Murphy's Bowl Scoping Meeting Comment Cards Summary .msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000907.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\03.15.18 Monica Deavila.pdf PREDEIR_0000908.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\2018.03.22 Chatten Brown Carstens IRATE.pdf PREDEIR_0000909.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\2018.03.22 Gibson Dunn HP.pdf PREDEIR_0000910.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\2018.03.22 LathamWatkins MSG.pdf PREDEIR_0000911.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\2018.03.22 SambranoDiane.pdf PREDEIR_0000912.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\2018.03.22 Uplift Inglewood.pdf PREDEIR_0000913.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.12.18 Scoping Meeting\3.12.18 Analysis of Comment Cards (002).pdf PREDEIR_0000914.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.12.18 Scoping Meeting\3.12.18 Inglewood Scoping Meeting Comment Cards (002).pdf PREDEIR_0000915.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.13.18 Dennis Bordenave.pdf PREDEIR_0000916.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.13.18 John DeVincent.pdf PREDEIR_0000917.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.13.18 Rosa Meza.pdf PREDEIR_0000918.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.20.18 LA Metro\2018_20_03_Comment_Letter_Inglewood_Basketball_Entertainment_Center.pdf PREDEIR_0000919.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.20.18 LA Metro\CMP Appendix D -Transport Impact Analysis Guidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0000920.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\3.22.18 Caltrans\2018.03.22 Caltrans.pdf PREDEIR_0000921.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0814 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Comments (2).zip Murphy's Bowl Comments\Letter to Mindy Wilcox from Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0000922.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0825 Re Murphy's Bowl Scoping Meeting Comment Cards Summary .msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001990.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0846 Tentative Murphys Bowl Collaboration meeting (10).msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0012903.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0848 Tentative Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0002168.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0848 Tentative Murphys Bowl Collaboration meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0012904.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-0948 Canceled Murphys Bowl Transportation Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Joi Aldridge ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021460.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1026 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County (554).msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001976.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 Delivered FW Murphys Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call (175).msg Microsoft Outlook David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0021487.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 FW_ Murphys Bowl_ Weekly Team Check-In Call .msg Louis A. Atwell - on behalf of - Perla Solis David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0021488.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 Delivered FW Murphys Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call .msg Microsoft Outlook David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0021489.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 FW_ Murphys Bowl_ Weekly Team Check-In Call .msg Louis A. Atwell - on behalf of - Perla Solis David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0021490.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 FW Murphys Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call (226).msg Louis A. Atwell - on behalf of - Perla Solis David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0021545.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 FW Murphys Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call (227).msg Louis A. Atwell - on behalf of - Perla Solis David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0021546.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 Meeting Forward Notification Murphys Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call (156).msg Louis A. Atwell Perla Solis PREDEIR_0021731.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1103 Meeting Forward Notification Murphys Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call .msg Louis A. Atwell Perla Solis PREDEIR_0021732.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1104 FW Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration meeting (553).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000836.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1104 FW Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration meeting (553).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014345.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1106 FW Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration meeting (552).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000835.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1106 FW Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration meeting (552).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020258.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1107 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County (551).msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001975.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1108 RE call in number (74).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindy Wilcox ; Brian Boxer ; '' PREDEIR_0011681.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1110 RE call in number (39).msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; '' PREDEIR_0011679.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1112 RE call in number (73).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; '' PREDEIR_0011680.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1115 RE call in number.msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; ''; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0011682.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1156 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County (550).msg Mindala Wilcox Tom Gaul' ; Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001974.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1204 RE Thursday (549).msg Phoebe Allen Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002081.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1204 RE Thursday (549).msg Phoebe Allen Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014346.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1211 Murphy's Bowl Logistics.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001328.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1211 Murphys Bowl Logistics.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014347.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1219 Murphy's Bowl-Methodology.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Brian Boxer ' PREDEIR_0001355.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1221 RE Thursday.msg Mindala Wilcox Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0002082.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1221 RE Thursday.msg Mindala Wilcox Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0014233.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1224 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County (548).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001973.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1229 Murphy's Bowl-Thursday mtgs.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001362.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1237 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County .msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001977.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1431 RE Murphy's Bowl-Methodology.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002025.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1431 RE Murphys BowlMethodology.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0012575.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1459 RE MURPHY'S BOWL IBEC Event Characteristics and Employment Summary .msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001852.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1459 RE MURPHYS BOWL IBEC Event Characteristics and Employment Summary .msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012516.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1659 MURPHY'S BOWL Draft Agenda and Hollywood Park Site Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001210.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1659 Attach: 3.28.18 IBEC Meeting Draft Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001211.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1659 Attch: EX 6-9 Stadium Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0001212.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1659 MURPHYS BOWL Draft Agenda and Hollywood Park Site Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011468.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1659 Attch: IBEC Meeting Draft Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011469.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1659 Attch: EX 6-9 Stadium Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0011470.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1756 Murphy's Bowl (547).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001296.pdf
Correspondence 20180326-1756 Murphys Bowl (547).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014348.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-0921 Murphy's Bowl Internal Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Peter Puglese ;; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ;; PREDEIR_0001326.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1124 Attch: Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ;;;; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ;;;; Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0001206.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1124 Canceled Murphys Bowl Collaboration meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0010483.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1124 Murphys Bowl Collaboration meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ;;;; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ;;;; Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0011510.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1124 Murphy’s Bowl: Collaboration meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ;;;; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ;;;; Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0016086.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1124 Canceled Murphy’s Bowl Collaboration meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0021448.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1154 Murphy's Bowl Comment Letters.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001231.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1154 Attch: _IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0001232.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1154 Murphys Bowl: Comment Letters.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020021.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1154 Attch: _IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0020022.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1156 FW Murphy's Bowl Comment Letters (544).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000848.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1156 Attch: IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0000849.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1156 FW Murphys Bowl Comment Letters (544).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020259.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1156 Attch: IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0020260.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1156 FW Murphys Bowl Comment Letters (120).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022416.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1156 Attch: IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0022417.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1206 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting Setup.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001345.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1206 Murphys Bowl-Collaboration Meeting Setup.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014349.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1239 Murphy's Bowl Data Collection.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001233.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1239 Murphys Bowl: Data Collection.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020020.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1555 Meeting Forward Notification Murphys Bowl Collaboration meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0011451.pdf
Correspondence 20180327-1555 Meeting Forward Notification Murphys Bowl Internal Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0011453.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1330 Murphy's Bowl F&P Interview Ltr.msg Mindala Wilcox Tom Gaul' PREDEIR_0001321.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1330 Attch: 2018.03.28 FP authorization ltr.docx PREDEIR_0001322.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1422 Re Murphy's Bowl-Authorization Letter for (543).msg Gerard McCallum Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002016.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1617 RE Murphy's Bowl Comment Letters (540).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001868.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1617 Attch: _IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0001869.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1617 RE: Murphys Bowl: Comment Letters.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020013.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1617 Attch: _IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0020014.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1626 Re Murphy's Bowl Comment Letters (539).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001867.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1626 Re Murphys Bowl Comment Letters.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012527.pdf
Correspondence 20180328-1626 Re: Murphys Bowl: Comment Letters.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018704.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0658 3 29 Murphy's Bowl Meeting Agenda (2) docx.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000430.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0658 Attch: 3.29 Murphy's Bowl Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_0000431.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0700 Fwd Murphy's Bowl-Methodology.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000926.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0718 Murphy's Bowl EIR Meeting (agenda attached).msg Lisa Trifiletti Lisa Trifiletti ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christina Erwin ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0001318.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0718 Attch: 3.29 Murphy's Bowl Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001319.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0740 Murphy's Bowl Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000343.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-0740 Murphy's Bowl Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001329.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-1511 Re Murphy's Bowl-Authorization Letter for (534).msg Gerard McCallum Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0002015.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-1511 Re Murphys BowlAuthorization Letter for.msg Gerard McCallum Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0012574.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-1548 Planning Weekly (533).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001385.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2317 Murphy's Bowl-Draft Comm Protocol Email (532).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001349.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2317 Murphys Bowl-Draft Comm Protocol Email (532).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014350.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 FW Murphy's Bowl Comment Letters.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000850.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 Attch: NOP Comment Letters Received.xlsx PREDEIR_0000851.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 RE Murphy's Bowl Comment Letters.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001870.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 RE: Murphys Bowl: Comment Letters.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018692.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 FW Murphys Bowl Comment Letters.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020261.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 Attch: NOP Comment Letters Received.xlsx PREDEIR_0020262.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 FW Murphys Bowl Comment Letters.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022418.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2347 Attch: NOP Comment Letters Received.xlsx PREDEIR_0022419.pdf
Correspondence 20180329-2355 Murphy's Bowl-Site Access.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001361.pdf
Correspondence 20180402-1558 MURPHY'S BOWL Proposed agenda for March 5 2018.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001269.pdf
Correspondence 20180402-1558 Attch: 4.5.18 IBEC Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001270.pdf
Correspondence 20180402-1634 Re MURPHY'S BOWL Proposed agenda for March 5 2018 (529).msg Lisa Trifiletti Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001920.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1030 Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Tom Gaul Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0018689.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1030 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0018690.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1030 Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Tom Gaul Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021977.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1030 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0021978.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1031 Murphy's Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC (528).msg Tom Gaul Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0001284.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1031 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0001285.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1031 Murphys Bowl: Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Tom Gaul Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0018686.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1031 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0018687.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1053 Fwd Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Lisa Trifiletti; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021637.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1053 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0021638.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1634 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (275).msg srinath raju Lisa Trifiletti' ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021920.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1634 Attch: Data Collection Plan-Breakdown of Costs.pdf PREDEIR_0021921.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1634 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map Overall.pdf PREDEIR_0021922.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1634 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_42Intersections.pdf PREDEIR_0021923.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1634 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_Clippers.pdf PREDEIR_0021924.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1634 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_Other Projects.pdf PREDEIR_0021925.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1812 Re Traffic Counts for IBEC (147).msg Lisa Trifiletti srinath raju PREDEIR_0021909.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1817 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (274).msg srinath raju Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0021919.pdf
Correspondence 20180403-1823 Re Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Lisa Trifiletti srinath raju PREDEIR_0021929.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0000 Memo from Srinath Raju and Lisa Trifiletti to Louis Atwell, City of Inglewood re Projected Growth PREDEIR_0003209.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0945 FW Traffic Counts for IBEC (146).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021585.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0945 Attch: Data Collection Plan-Breakdown of Costs.pdf PREDEIR_0021586.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0945 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map Overall.pdf PREDEIR_0021587.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0945 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_42Intersections.pdf PREDEIR_0021588.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0945 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_Clippers.pdf PREDEIR_0021589.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-0945 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_Other Projects.pdf PREDEIR_0021590.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-1129 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (255).msg Peter Puglese Srinath Raju PREDEIR_0021911.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-2153 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (273).msg srinath raju Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021916.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-2153 Attch: Inglewood Data Collection Plan-Counts Locations.xlsx PREDEIR_0021917.pdf
Correspondence 20180404-2153 Attch: Inglewood Data Collection Plan-Prelimianry Count Locations.xlsx PREDEIR_0021918.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-0948 Re MURPHY'S BOWL Proposed agenda for March 5 2018 (524).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001919.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-0951 Re MURPHY'S BOWL Proposed agenda for March 5 2018.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001921.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1014 Exhibit A - budget am reso .msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000735.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1014 Attch: Copy of Budget Amendment Reso Exhibit - Murphys Bowl 2018 04 10.xls PREDEIR_0000736.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1014 Exhibit A .msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020263.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1014 Attch: Copy of Budget Amendment Reso Exhibit - Murphys Bowl 2018 04 10.xls PREDEIR_0020264.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Fwd Murphy's Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000924.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0000925.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Fwd Murphy's Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002266.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Attch: aster count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0002267.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Fwd Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020265.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0020266.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Fwd Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020267.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0020268.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Fwd Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022431.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1155 Attch: master count location lists.xlsx PREDEIR_0022432.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1306 Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Lisa Trifiletti Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ;; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0021753.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1306 Attch: Data Collection Plan-Breakdown of Costs.pdf PREDEIR_0021754.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1306 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map Overall.pdf PREDEIR_0021755.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1306 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_42Intersections.pdf PREDEIR_0021756.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1306 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_Clippers.pdf PREDEIR_0021757.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1306 Attch: Traffic Data Collection Plan Map_Other Projects.pdf PREDEIR_0021758.pdf
Correspondence 20180405-1519 Murphy's Bowl EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0001236.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-0959 FW Traffic Counts for IBEC.msg Lisa Trifiletti Srinath Raju ' PREDEIR_0021592.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1136 RE Exterior Video Displays at arenas (1).msg Christina Erwin Mark Johnson ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012163.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1420 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (272).msg srinath raju PREDEIR_0021915.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1618 Murphy's Bowl comment letter.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001229.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1618 Attch: NAHC 2-23-18.pdf PREDEIR_0001230.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1618 Murphys Bowl comment letter.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0011511.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1618 Attch: NAHC 2-23-18.pdf PREDEIR_0011512.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1618 Murphys Bowl: comment letter.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020007.pdf
Correspondence 20180406-1618 Attch: NAHC 2-23-18.pdf PREDEIR_0020008.pdf
Correspondence 20180407-1455 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (271).msg srinath raju PREDEIR_0021914.pdf
Correspondence 20180407-1502 FW Traffic Counts for IBEC (270).msg srinath raju Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021591.pdf
Correspondence 20180407-1521 Re Traffic Counts for IBEC (155).msg Louis A. Atwell srinath raju PREDEIR_0021910.pdf
Correspondence 20180407-1753 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (289).msg Tom Gaul srinath raju PREDEIR_0021927.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1052 Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne .msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001281.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1110 FW MURPHY'S BOWL IBEC Event Characteristics and Employment Summary .msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0000843.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1110 Attch: IBEC Events and Employment 3.26.2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0000844.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1111 FW MURPHY'S BOWL Draft Agenda and Hollywood Park Site Plan.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0000837.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1111 Attch: 3.28.18 IBEC Meeting Draft Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000838.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1111 Attch: Stadium Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0000839.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1111 FW: MURPHYS BOWL: Draft Agenda and Hollywood Park Site Plan.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018668.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1111 Attch: IBEC Meeting Draft Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0018669.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1111 Attch: EX 6-9 Stadium Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0018670.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1143 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (517).msg Peter Puglese Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001988.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1225 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (516).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0001987.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1418 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (515).msg Tom Gaul Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001986.pdf
Correspondence 20180409-1741 FW: Contract.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0018662.pdf
Correspondence 20180410-1244 FW Clippers Murphy's Bowl Funding Agreements Reporting Request 2.msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0000764.pdf
Correspondence 20180410-1244 Attch: M Wilcox Funding Agreement 18-055 Reporting Request 2.pdf PREDEIR_0000765.pdf
Correspondence 20180410-1244 Attch: M Wilcox Funding Agreement 18-059 Reporting Request 2.pdf PREDEIR_0000766.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1019 murphys bowl meetings.msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001330.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1019 murphys bowl meetings.msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014354.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1043 Re murphys bowl meetings (514).msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0002006.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1043 Re murphys bowl meetings (514).msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0014355.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1045 RE murphys bowl meetings.msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002007.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1045 RE murphys bowl meetings.msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014234.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1429 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (513).msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001985.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1446 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (512).msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001984.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1446 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne .msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0010081.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1505 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (511).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001983.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1517 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (510).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001982.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1519 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (509).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001981.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1520 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (508).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001980.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1521 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (507).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001979.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1524 RE Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne (506).msg Peter Puglese Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001978.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1757 Re Murphy's Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001989.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-1757 Re Murphys Bowl Reschedule Meeting with LA County and meeting with Hawthorne .msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0012562.pdf
Correspondence 20180411-2010 Planning Weekly (505).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001384.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-0712 Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti; Gerard McCallum ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ;; PREDEIR_0018652.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-0712 Collaboration Meeting (119).msg Lisa Trifiletti Admin Executive Conference Room ; Gerard McCallum ;; Tunisia Johnson ;;; David L. Esparza ;; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Cynthia Robinson ; Royce Jones ; Kathy Ares ;; Mindala Wilcox ;;;; James Butts ;; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0022395.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-0857 FW SCAQMD Staff NOP Comments for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000885.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-0857 Attch: NOP Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0000886.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-0857 FW SCAQMD Staff NOP Comments for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020269.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-0857 Attch: NOP Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0020270.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-1008 Murphy's Bowl Initial Traffic Coordination Meeting with Metro .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Tom Gaul ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Joi Aldridge ; Peter Puglese ; Netai Basu ;;; srinath raju PREDEIR_0001324.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-1008 Attch: 4.24.18 Metro Agenda_ Murphy's Bowl.pdf PREDEIR_0001325.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-1012 Murphys Bowl data needs and comment ltrs.msg Mindala Wilcox Gerald McCallum (External) ;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022460.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-1012 Attch: Information Needs 4-11-18.xlsx PREDEIR_0022461.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-1012 Attch: _IBEC_List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0022462.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-2015 RE Weekly.msg Christopher E. Jackson Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0002142.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-2015 Attch: Stadium progress attachment PREDEIR_0002143.pdf
Correspondence 20180412-2015 Attch: WE04132018 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT.docx PREDEIR_0002144.pdf
Correspondence 20180413-0000 Letter from Department of Finance to City of Inglewood re 2018-19 Annual Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule PREDEIR_024776.pdf
Correspondence 20180413-1650 Murphy's Bowl GABRIELENO TRIBE NOTES.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001249.pdf
Correspondence 20180413-1650 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES .docx PREDEIR_0001250.pdf
Correspondence 20180413-1715 RE Murphy's Bowl GABRIELENO TRIBE NOTES (499).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001883.pdf
Correspondence 20180413-1715 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.docx PREDEIR_0001884.pdf
Correspondence 20180416-1126 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (288).msg Tom Gaul srinath raju PREDEIR_0021926.pdf
Correspondence 20180416-1334 Murphy's Bowl-4 23 EIR Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001342.pdf
Correspondence 20180416-1613 RE Traffic Counts for IBEC (269).msg srinath raju Tom Gaul' PREDEIR_0021912.pdf
Correspondence 20180416-1613 Attch: Preliminary Count Summary-Saturday_Sunday.pdf PREDEIR_0021913.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-0947 Murphys Bowl-Draft Comm Protocol Email (492).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014356.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-0948 Murphy's Bowl-Draft Comm Protocol Email (492).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001348.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1155 Murphy's Bowl-Monday Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001357.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1205 Re Murphy's Bowl-Monday Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002029.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1211 Fwd Murphy's Bowl-Monday Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000927.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1212 Murphy's Bowl EIR Meeting Coordination Workshop (3).msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Gerard McCallum ;;; PREDEIR_0001237.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1212 Murphys Bowl: EIR Meeting Coordination Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;; PREDEIR_0016082.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1223 RE Murphy's Bowl-Site Access.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002033.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1223 RE Murphys Bowl-Site Access.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020271.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1255 RE Murphy's Bowl-4 23 EIR Meeting (491).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002010.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1329 FW Murphy's Bowl-4 23 EIR Meeting (489).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000859.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1329 FW Murphys Bowl-4 23 EIR Meeting (489).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020272.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1414 FW Murphys Bowl Lunch for EIR Meeting 4 23.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020273.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1632 FW Murphys Bowl-4 23 EIR Meeting.msg Fred Jackson Sidia Landaverde ; Ashli Marzett PREDEIR_0014357.pdf
Correspondence 20180419-1632 Attch: Community Room Layout U Shape.pptx PREDEIR_0014358.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1013 Murphy's Bowl_ Lunch for 4_23 EIR Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003964.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1129 IBEC Meeting Agenda 4_23_18 .msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Jason D'Andrea ; Omar Pulido ; Marietta ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Peter Puglese ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Louis Atwell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0003878.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1129 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Meeting Agenda 4-23-18.docx PREDEIR_0003879.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1129 IBEC Meeting Agenda 4/23/18 .msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Jason D'Andrea ; Omar Pulido ;; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Peter Puglese ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Louis Atwell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019985.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1129 Attch: Murphys Bowl Meeting Agenda 4-23-18.docx PREDEIR_0019986.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1221 IBEC Site Visit.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0002744.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1221 IBEC Site Visit.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019984.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1518 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Lunch for 4_23 EIR Meeting (228).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004131.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1521 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Lunch for 4_23 EIR Meeting (227).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004130.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1523 Re Murphy's Bowl Lunch for 4 23 EIR Meeting (484).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001908.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1523 Attch: image001.jpg PREDEIR_0001909.jpg
Correspondence 20180420-1523 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Lunch for 4_23 EIR Meeting (226).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004128.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1526 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Lunch for 4_23 EIR Meeting (225).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004127.pdf
Correspondence 20180420-1527 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Lunch for 4_23 EIR Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004132.pdf
Correspondence 20180422-2016 Murphy's Bowl_ Phone for Dial-in.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003966.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-0910 Call in number.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019981.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-0912 Murphys Bowl EIR Meeting Coordination Workshop (5).msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;; PREDEIR_0011522.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1059 Murphy's Bowl April 24th Metro Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001303.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1059 Murphy's Bowl April 24th Metro Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003895.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1103 Printing.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019979.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1103 Attch: Clippers_Thresholds Matrix.xlsx PREDEIR_0019980.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1124 RE: Printing.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019977.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1124 RE: Printing.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019978.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Striping Plans for Century.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002252.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject1_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0002253.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject2_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0002254.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject4_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0002255.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject3_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0002256.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Striping Plans for Century.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015223.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject4_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0015224.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject3_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0015225.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject1_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0015226.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1156 Attch: CenturyProject2_SS.pdf PREDEIR_0015227.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1159 Modified Traffic signal plans - Project 3.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002239.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1159 Attch: Century Doty TS.PDF PREDEIR_0002240.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1159 Modified Traffic signal plans - Project 3.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015228.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1159 Attch: Century Doty TS.PDF PREDEIR_0015229.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Signal Plans for Century.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002248.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Attch: Project 4 -Signal Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0002249.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Attch: Project 2 - Signal Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0002250.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Attch: Project 1 - Signal Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0002251.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Signal Plans for Century.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015230.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Attch: Project 2 - Signal Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0015231.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Attch: Project 4 -Signal Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0015232.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1205 Attch: Project 1 - Signal Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0015233.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1324 Revised Irrigation Plans - Project 3.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002246.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1324 Attch: Century_Project 3_Irrigation Addendum1_18-0409.pdf PREDEIR_0002247.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1324 Revised Irrigation Plans - Project 3.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015234.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1324 Attch: Century_Project 3_Irrigation Addendum1_18-0409.pdf PREDEIR_0015235.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1328 Century Project 3 - Planting Plans.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002230.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1328 Attch: Century Project 3-Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0002231.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1328 Century Project 3 - Planting Plans.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020274.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1328 Attch: Century Project 3-Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0020275.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1333 Planting Plans Project 2 and 4.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002241.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1333 Attch: Project 4 - Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0002242.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1333 Attch: Project 2 - Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0002243.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1333 Planting Plans Project 2 and 4.msg Albert Mendoza Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020276.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1333 Attch: Project 4 - Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0020277.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1333 Attch: Project 2 - Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0020278.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1431 Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans Future Baseline Street Improvements and Century Blvd Plans (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001275.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1431 Attch: IBEC_Study_Intersections04_10_18.xlsx PREDEIR_0001276.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1515 Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Kent Tsujii PREDEIR_0001279.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1515 Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Kent Tsujii PREDEIR_0002274.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1619 RE Murphy's Bowl April 24th Metro Meeting (480).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001998.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1619 RE_ Murphy's Bowl April 24th Metro Meeting (224).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004079.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1645 RE Murphy's Bowl April 24th Metro Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001999.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1645 RE_ Murphy's Bowl April 24th Metro Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004080.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1719 Murphys Bowl Initial Traffic Coordination Meeting with Metro .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Tom Gaul ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Joi Aldridge ; Peter Puglese ; Netai Basu ;;; srinath raju PREDEIR_0021766.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1719 Attch: Metro Agenda_ Murphys Bowl.pdf PREDEIR_0021767.pdf
Correspondence 20180423-1721 Murphy's Bowl Prep for Interagency Metro Meeting .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul ; Lisa Trifiletti ; srinath raju ; Louis A. Atwell ; Joi Aldridge ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0001331.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1347 Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne .msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0003963.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1347 Murphys Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (223).msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021748.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1348 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (478).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001894.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1349 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (477).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001893.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1355 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (475).msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001891.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1355 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (476).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001892.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1355 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (223).msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; 'Mindy Wilcox '; Louis A. Atwell; PREDEIR_0004125.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1400 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (474).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001890.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1403 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne (473).msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001889.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1403 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne .msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; 'Mindy Wilcox '; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0004126.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1423 Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Joi Aldridge ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Leung, Alan PREDEIR_0001262.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1423 Attch: 4.26.18 Agenda Hawthorne Mtg 01 .pdf PREDEIR_0001263.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1423 Murphys Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Joi Aldridge ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Leung, Alan PREDEIR_0021749.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1423 Attch: Agenda Hawthorne Mtg 01 .pdf PREDEIR_0021750.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1429 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Hawthorne .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001895.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1430 Murphy's Bowl_ April 26 Collaboration Meeting Cancelled .msg Jason D'Andrea;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003937.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1430 Murphys Bowl April 26 Collaboration Meeting Cancelled .msg Jason D'Andrea Gerard McCallum ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ;; Melanie McDade Dickens ;; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ;;;;; Royce Jones ;;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021743.pdf
Correspondence 20180424-1456 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ April 26 Collaboration Meeting Cancelled .msg Melanie McDade Dickens Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004113.pdf
Correspondence 20180425-1713 Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001273.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-0000 Letter from Artie Fields, City of Inglewood re Collecting Data to Aid in Transportation Planning PREDEIR_0015389.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-0901 FW Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Louis A. Atwell Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021543.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-0914 Delivered FW Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Microsoft Outlook Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021485.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-0914 FW_ Murphys Bowl_ Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Louis A. Atwell Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021486.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-0919 Fwd Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Victor Nunez Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021623.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-0923 Re Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (154).msg Louis A. Atwell Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021878.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1002 Delivered RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Microsoft Outlook Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021495.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1002 Attch: RE_ Murphys Bowl_ Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Louis A. Atwell Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021496.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1002 RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Louis A. Atwell Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021887.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1251 Murphy's Bowl Forum Transportation Requirements .msg Jason D'Andrea Peter Puglese ; Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001244.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1251 Murphy's Bowl_ Forum Transportation Requirements .msg Jason D'Andrea;; PREDEIR_0003953.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1440 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (470).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001946.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1440 Attch: 2018.04.28 FP authorization ltr_city.pdf PREDEIR_0001947.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1440 RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (202).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021885.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1440 Attch: FP authorization ltr_city.pdf PREDEIR_0021886.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1520 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (469).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001945.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1522 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (468).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001944.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1529 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (467).msg Kent Tsujii Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001969.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1529 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (14).msg Kent Tsujii Netai Basu PREDEIR_0002288.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1539 Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001277.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1539 Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0002273.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1540 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (466).msg Netai Basu Kent Tsujii PREDEIR_0001968.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1540 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (13).msg Netai Basu Kent Tsujii PREDEIR_0002287.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1554 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (465).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001943.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1558 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (464).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001942.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1602 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (463).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001941.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1649 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (462).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001940.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1740 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (461).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0001938.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1740 Attch: 2018.04.28 FP authorization ltr_city.pdf PREDEIR_0001939.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1740 RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (201).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu PREDEIR_0021883.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1740 Attch: FP authorization ltr_city.pdf PREDEIR_0021884.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1741 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (460).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001937.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1815 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (459).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0001935.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1815 Attch: DOC444.PDF PREDEIR_0001936.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1815 RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (200).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu PREDEIR_0021881.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1815 Attch: DOC444.PDF PREDEIR_0021882.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1816 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (458).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001934.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Murphy's Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Jerry Tucker PREDEIR_0001365.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Attch: Ltr re: vehicle counts DOC444.PDF PREDEIR_0001366.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Murphy's Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Jerry Tucker PREDEIR_0002279.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Attch: DOC444.PDF PREDEIR_0002280.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Murphys Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Jerry Tucker PREDEIR_0014241.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Attch: City of Inglewood letter re Collecting Data PREDEIR_0014242.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Murphys Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Jerry Tucker PREDEIR_0014359.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1818 Attch: DOC444.PDF PREDEIR_0014360.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1830 Re Murphy's Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018 (457).msg Mark Fronterotta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002035.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1830 Re Murphys Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018 (457).msg Mark Fronterotta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014361.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1831 Vehicle Counts PREDEIR_0015330.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1838 RE Murphy's Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0002036.pdf
Correspondence 20180426-1838 RE Murphys Bowl-Vehicle Counts April 28 2018.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0014362.pdf
Correspondence 20180427-0019 RE: Murphys Bowl: Site Visit.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0019975.pdf
Correspondence 20180427-0852 RE Murphy's Bowl Site Visit.msg Fred Jackson Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001991.pdf
Correspondence 20180427-0852 RE: Murphys Bowl: Site Visit.msg Fred Jackson Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018622.pdf
Correspondence 20180427-0950 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey.msg Mike Samuelson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018621.pdf
Correspondence 20180427-0959 RE: Clippers Fan Transportation Survey.msg Christina Erwin Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0019974.pdf
Correspondence 20180427-1059 FW Clippers Fan Transportation Survey.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022403.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1232 Re Accepted Murphy's Bowl EIR Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001424.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1232 Re_ Accepted_ Murphy's Bowl_ EIR Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0007280.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1319 Murphy's Bowl Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg Louis A. Atwell srinath raju' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001283.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1319 Murphy's Bowl_ Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg Louis A. Atwell srinath raju' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007023.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1319 Delivered Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg Microsoft Outlook Mindala Wilcox ; Albert Mendoza ; Peter Puglese ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021491.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1319 Attch: Murphys Bowl_ Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg Louis A. Atwell srinath raju' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021492.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1319 Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg Louis A. Atwell srinath raju' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021752.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1350 IBEC LA Clippers ticket zip code data for 201718 season.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011189.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1350 Attch: 2017-18 LA Clippers Tickets by ZIP 4.30.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0011190.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1350 IBEC: LA Clippers ticket zip code data for 2017-18 season.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0018607.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1350 Attch: 2017-18 LA Clippers Tickets by ZIP 4.30.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0018608.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1359 IBEC: Employee zip codes.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0018605.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1359 Attch: LA Clippers Employee Zip data 4.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0018606.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1359 FW IBEC Employee zip codes.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022404.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1359 Attch: LA Clippers Employee Zip data 4.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0022405.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1359 FW IBEC LA Clippers ticket zip code data for 2017-18 season.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022406.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1359 Attch: 2017-18 LA Clippers Tickets by ZIP 4.30.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0022407.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1422 Delivered Murphys Bowl Well at proposed Clippers Arena site.msg Microsoft Outlook Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021493.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1422 Murphys Bowl_ Well at proposed Clippers Arena site.msg Louis A. Atwell Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021494.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1422 Murphys Bowl Well at proposed Clippers Arena site.msg Louis A. Atwell Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021762.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1442 RE Murphys Bowl Well at proposed Clippers Arena site.msg Barmeshwar Rai Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021891.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1508 Murphy's Bowl EIR Needs.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001320.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1508 Murphys Bowl EIR Needs.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014363.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1509 Delivered RE Murphys Bowl Well at proposed Clippers Arena site.msg Microsoft Outlook Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021497.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1509 RE_ Murphys Bowl_ Well at proposed Clippers Arena site.msg Louis A. Atwell Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021498.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1509 RE Murphys Bowl Well at proposed Clippers Arena site (153).msg Louis A. Atwell Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021890.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1602 RE IBEC LA Clippers ticket zip code data for 201718 season.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0012210.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1602 RE: IBEC: LA Clippers ticket zip code data for 2017-18 season.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0018592.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1604 RE IBEC Employee zip codes.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0012205.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1604 RE: IBEC: Employee zip codes.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0018591.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1825 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ 4_30_18 Weekly Team Check-In Call (1936).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0009290.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1828 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ 4_30_18 Weekly Team Check-In Call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009286.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1838 RE Murphy's Bowl Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg srinath raju Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001992.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1838 RE Murphy's Bowl Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg srinath raju Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002291.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-1838 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg srinath raju Louis A. Atwell' ; 'Peter Puglese' PREDEIR_0009347.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-2230 FW Additional Count Locations and FP summary notes from 4 28 meeting with Hawthorne (ref 3002).msg Lisa Trifiletti Srinath Raju ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002232.pdf
Correspondence 20180430-2230 FW_ Additional Count Locations and FP summary notes from 4_28 meeting with Hawthorne (ref_ 3002).msg Lisa Trifiletti Srinath Raju ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0005000.pdf
Correspondence 20180501-0805 FW Murphys Bowl Traffic Counts and Century Boulevard Plans.msg Louis A. Atwell Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0021544.pdf
Correspondence 20180501-1008 Murphy's Bowl-Draft Comm Protocol Email.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001350.pdf
Correspondence 20180501-1008 Murphys Bowl-Draft Comm Protocol Email.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014364.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-0935 Murphy's Bowl Counts and Videos.msg Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0001312.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-0935 Murphys Bowl Counts and Videos.msg Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018586.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-0940 Murphys Bowl Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014365.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1145 Clippers Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000637.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1145 Attch: 180501a Murphys Bowl Inglewood Well No. 8 PDR.pdf PREDEIR_0000638.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1145 Clippers_ Inglewood Well No_ 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004735.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1145 Attch: Murphys Bowl Inglewood Well No. 8 PDR.pdf PREDEIR_0004736.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1357 Murphys Bowl CEQA Cat X for Forum.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001227.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1357 Attch: Cat Ex for MSG Forum project.pdf PREDEIR_0001228.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1357 Murphys Bowl CEQA Cat X for Forum.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014366.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1357 Attch: Cat Ex for MSG Forum project.pdf PREDEIR_0014367.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1430 Collaboration Meeting (1933).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004754.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1518 Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Metro .msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001264.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1518 Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Metro .msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; 'Mindy Wilcox'; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0007001.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1657 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Metro (216).msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001900.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1657 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Metro (1930).msg Tom Gaul Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; 'Mindy Wilcox '; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0009330.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1755 Murphy's Bowl (449).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001295.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-1755 Murphy's Bowl (1929).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006852.pdf
Correspondence 20180502-2046 Planning Weekly (448).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001383.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0000 Letter from Wilson Meany to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re Murphy's Bowl 1st Amendment to CEQA Funding Agreement PREDEIR_0020742.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Bettye Griffith, re Notes on ROPS PREDEIR_024786.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0853 agreements.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000592.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0953 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Metro (215).msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001899.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0953 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Metro (1928).msg Perla Solis Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; 'Mindy Wilcox '; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0009329.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0958 Re Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Metro (214).msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001897.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-0958 Attch: image001.jpg PREDEIR_0001898.jpg
Correspondence 20180503-0958 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Metro (1927).msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis PREDEIR_0009327.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1231 ECD Weekly.msg Mindala Wilcox Ashli Marzett ; Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0000725.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1231 Attch: 2018.05.03 ECD weekly attachment.pdf PREDEIR_0000726.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1231 Attch: 2018.05.03 ECD weekly.docx PREDEIR_0000727.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1748 IBEC Survey and Data.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001124.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1748 IBEC Survey and Data.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0006093.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1748 IBEC Survey and Data.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019965.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanok PREDEIR_0001098.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 Attch: IBEC Events and Employment 3.26.2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0001099.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 Attch: LA Clippers Employee Zip data 4.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0001100.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanok PREDEIR_0006030.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 Attch: IBEC Events and Employment 3.26.2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0006031.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 Attch: LA Clippers Employee Zip data 4.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0006032.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanok PREDEIR_0019962.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 Attch: IBEC Events and Employment 3.26.2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0019963.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1837 Attch: LA Clippers Employee Zip data 4.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0019964.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1943 Re IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001692.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1943 Re_ IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008111.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1943 Re IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012359.pdf
Correspondence 20180503-1943 Re: IBEC Employees and Ticket Data.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018572.pdf
Correspondence 20180504-1102 RE Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Metro (213).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001896.pdf
Correspondence 20180504-1102 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Metro (1926).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0009326.pdf
Correspondence 20180504-1157 Re Murphy's Bowl Interagency Meeting with Metro .msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0001901.pdf
Correspondence 20180504-1157 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Interagency Meeting with Metro (1925).msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0009325.pdf
Correspondence 20180507-0000 Memo from Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood to Sharon Koike re Payment Submission PREDEIR_0020743.pdf
Correspondence 20180507-1115 IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002743.pdf
Correspondence 20180507-1115 IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019960.pdf
Correspondence 20180507-1511 RE Murphys Bowl 4 30 18 Weekly Team Check-In Call.msg Peter Puglese Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027262.pdf
Correspondence 20180507-1705 Murphy's Bowl (436).msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0001293.pdf
Correspondence 20180507-1705 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Agreement No. 18-055.PDF PREDEIR_0001294.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-0935 Murphy's Bowl (435).msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0001292.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-0935 Murphys Bowl (435).msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0014368.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1014 Grosvenor Street Vacation Easements.msg Tom Murphy, RCE Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021642.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1014 Attch: Condition of Approval Easements.pdf PREDEIR_0021643.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1014 Attch: EASEMENT FORM Generic for Inglewood.pdf PREDEIR_0021644.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1024 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (206).msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001732.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1024 RE: IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018571.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1549 RE Request for Notification – Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Bernard McCrumby Yelena Zeltser PREDEIR_0002050.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1549 RE Request for Notification – Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Bernard McCrumby Yelena Zeltser PREDEIR_0014369.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1616 RE Murphy's Bowl GABRIELENO TRIBE NOTES (433).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0001882.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1616 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ GABRIELENO TRIBE NOTES (1923).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis PREDEIR_0009313.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1623 RE Murphy's Bowl GABRIELENO TRIBE NOTES.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001885.pdf
Correspondence 20180508-1623 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ GABRIELENO TRIBE NOTES.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009314.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-0912 Clippers Murphy's Bowl LLC Funding Agreement 18-055 Phase 2 Payment Letter of Transmittal.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000642.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-0912 Attch: 180502 M Wilcox Funding Agreement Phase 2 Payment LOT.pdf PREDEIR_0000643.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-0949 Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) .msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001278.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1023 RE Clippers Murphy's Bowl LLC Funding Agreement 18-055 Phase 2 Payment Letter of Transmittal.msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_0001489.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1025 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (205).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu ; PREDEIR_0001956.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1059 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) .msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001970.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1219 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (204).msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001731.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1219 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (1).msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002765.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1219 RE: IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019959.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1435 May 15 and May 21 Meetings.msg Jason D'Andrea Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003883.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1523 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans Future Baseline Street Improvements and Century Blvd Plans (ref 3002).msg Mike Samuelson Netai Basu ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001951.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1523 Attch: IBEC_Simulation_Intersections_CityofInglewood.xlsx PREDEIR_0001952.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1524 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts and Videos (203).msg Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0002002.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1524 RE: Murphys Bowl Counts and Videos.msg Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018564.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Century Blvd.msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0013884.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Inglewood.pdf PREDEIR_0013885.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Firmona~Fir.pdf PREDEIR_0013886.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Grevillea.pdf PREDEIR_0013887.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~LaBrea.pdf PREDEIR_0013888.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Freeman.pdf PREDEIR_0013889.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Prairie.pdf PREDEIR_0013890.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Doty.pdf PREDEIR_0013891.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~Yukon.pdf PREDEIR_0013892.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~5th.pdf PREDEIR_0013893.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1611 Attch: Century~VanNess.pdf PREDEIR_0013894.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1621 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (202).msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001730.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1621 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0002766.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1621 RE: IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018563.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-1648 RE Century Blvd.msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001472.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2240 notes for tomorrow's call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0007058.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2240 notes for tomorrows call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0011600.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2240 notes for tomorrows call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0018560.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 FW Prep for Call at 4 30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0000871.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0000872.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 FW_ Prep for Call at 4_30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker (1917).msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0005599.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0005600.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 FW Prep for Call at 4 30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0011063.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0011064.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 FW: Prep for Call at 4:30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0018558.pdf
Correspondence 20180509-2244 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0018559.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0512 RE Prep for Call at 4 30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0002047.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0512 RE_ Prep for Call at 4_30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker (1915).msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0009453.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0512 RE Prep for Call at 4 30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0012617.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0512 RE: Prep for Call at 4:30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0018557.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0733 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1914).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004670.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call (35).msg Chris Holmquist; Marissa Mendoza ; Gerard McCallum ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; AICP Brian D. Boxer ;;;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000683.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0000684.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call (1913).msg Chris Holmquist; Marissa Mendoza ; Gerard McCallum ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; AICP Brian D. Boxer ;;;; PREDEIR_0004730.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0004731.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Chris Holmquist; Marissa Mendoza ; Gerard McCallum ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ;;; PREDEIR_0010592.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0010593.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Chris Holmquist Chris Holmquist ;; Marissa Mendoza ; Gerard McCallum ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ;;; PREDEIR_0016078.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0901 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0016079.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0924 RE_ notes for tomorrow's call (1912).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0009403.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0924 RE: notes for tomorrows call.msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018556.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0924 RE notes for tomorrows call (116).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0022487.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-0938 Re_ notes for tomorrow's call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0009404.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1123 RE EIR for Arena Project.msg Rosemary Medel Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001538.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1123 RE EIR for Arena Project.msg Rosemary Medel Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020282.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1705 RE_ Prep for Call at 4_30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ;; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0009455.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1705 RE: Prep for Call at 4:30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0018555.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1733 Murphy's Bowl Follow Up Actions from Call at 4 30 pm Thursday with Clippers' Gillian Zucker (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001241.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1733 Murphy's Bowl_ Follow Up Actions from Call at 4_30 pm Thursday with Clippers' Gillian Zucker (ref_ 3002).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006931.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1733 Murphys Bowl: Follow Up Actions from Call at 4:30 pm Thursday with Clippers Gillian Zucker (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018554.pdf
Correspondence 20180510-1826 Planning Weekly (426).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001382.pdf
Correspondence 20180511-1051 Communication Protocol.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000702.pdf
Correspondence 20180511-1051 Communication Protocol.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014373.pdf
Correspondence 20180511-1512 Murphy's Bowl_ Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts.msg Mike Samuelson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007024.pdf
Correspondence 20180511-1512 Murphys Bowl: Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts.msg Mike Samuelson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018553.pdf
Correspondence 20180511-1622 RE_ May 15 and May 21 Meetings (218).msg Fred Jackson Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004069.pdf
Correspondence 20180511-1644 RE_ May 15 and May 21 Meetings (217).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004068.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0758 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Chris Holmquist; PREDEIR_0000685.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0758 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0000686.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0758 Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Chris Holmquist; PREDEIR_0004732.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0758 Attch: ClippersFanTranspSurveyScreenshots.docx PREDEIR_0004733.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0815 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (200).msg Addie Farrell Fred Jackson ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001729.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0834 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (199).msg Fred Jackson Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001728.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0838 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (198).msg Fred Jackson Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001727.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0841 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10 (197).msg Tim Witwer Fred Jackson ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001726.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0849 RE IBEC Site Visit May 10.msg Fred Jackson Tim Witwer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001733.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0918 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (196).msg Netai Basu Kent Tsujii PREDEIR_0001967.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0922 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans (ref 3002) (195).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001954.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-0932 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (194).msg Kent Tsujii Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001966.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1112 RE: City of Gardena Related Projects List Jorge Gamboa Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003148.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1112 Attch: City of Gardena Projects.xlsx PREDEIR_0003149.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1137 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl EIR Call (416).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001184.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1605 RE_ May 15 and May 21 Meetings.msg Jason D'Andrea Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004070.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1706 RE Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call (34).msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001503.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1706 RE_ Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call (1907).msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0007489.pdf
Correspondence 20180514-1706 RE: Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0019951.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-0945 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans (ref 3002) (190).msg Netai Basu Leung, Alan PREDEIR_0001953.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1012 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans (ref 3002).msg Leung, Alan Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0001955.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1142 RE: City of Lawndale Related Projects List Sean Moore Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003167.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1623 Follow Up on - Murphy's Bowl Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000739.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1623 Follow Up on - Murphys Bowl: Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018542.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1626 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (189).msg Mike Samuelson Mindala Wilcox ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001931.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1626 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Mike Samuelson Mindala Wilcox ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018541.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1627 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (409).msg Mindala Wilcox Mike Samuelson' ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001933.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1627 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Mindala Wilcox Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018540.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1627 RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (199).msg Mindala Wilcox Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0021880.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1644 Fwd_ Follow Up on - Murphy's Bowl_ Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref_ 3002).msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ;; PREDEIR_0005710.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1644 Fwd Follow Up on - Murphys Bowl Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref 3002).msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ;; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021607.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1648 Collaboration Meeting (Murphy's Bowl).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000695.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1648 RE_ Follow Up on - Murphy's Bowl_ Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0007842.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1648 Collaboration Meeting (Murphys Bowl).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014374.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1648 RE Follow Up on - Murphys Bowl Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref 3002) (250).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0021787.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1652 Murphy's Bowl Signal Timing Plans Request for Caltrans .msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001282.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1652 Murphy's Bowl_ Signal Timing Plans Request for Caltrans .msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007016.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1652 Murphys Bowl: Signal Timing Plans Request for Caltrans .msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018539.pdf
Correspondence 20180515-1725 Collaboration Meeting (1905).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004753.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-0956 RE Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call (33).msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001502.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-0956 RE_ Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call (1903).msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0007488.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-0956 RE: Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0019947.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1125 Requests for LA County Projects.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004152.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1125 Attch: NOP for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0004153.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1211 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1902).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004669.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1246 RE_ Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0007490.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1246 RE: Clippers Fan Transportation Survey Conference Call.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0018534.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1344 City of Hawthorne Related Projects List Jason D'Andrea '' PREDEIR_0003154.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1344 Attch: NOP for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0003155.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1344 Attch: City of Hawthrone Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003156.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1408 LA Clippers_ Working Draft Site Plan.msg Chris Holmquist Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006746.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1408 Attch: 180515 Working Draft IBEC Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006747.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1631 Murphy's Bowl EIR Meeting Coordination Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; PREDEIR_0001238.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1631 Murphys Bowl: EIR Meeting Coordination Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; PREDEIR_0016077.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1724 FW_ LA Clippers_ Working Draft Site Plan.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ;; Brian Boxer ; Fred Jackson ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0005495.pdf
Correspondence 20180516-1724 Attch: 180515 Working Draft IBEC Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0005496.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (188).msg Kent Tsujii Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001958.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Hawthorne Blvd @ 104th St.pdf PREDEIR_0001959.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Hawthorne Blvd @ 111th st.pdf PREDEIR_0001960.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Hawthorne Blvd @ Lennox Blvd.pdf PREDEIR_0001961.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Inglewood Ave @ 104th St.pdf PREDEIR_0001962.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Inglewood Ave @ Lennox Blvd.pdf PREDEIR_0001963.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Lennox Blvd @ Freeman Ave.pdf PREDEIR_0001964.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0739 Attch: Van Ness Ave @ 104th St.pdf PREDEIR_0001965.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-0914 Planning Weekly (407).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001381.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1108 5_21_18 Community Room Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003620.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1209 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002) (187).msg Netai Basu Kent Tsujii PREDEIR_0001957.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1212 RE_ Follow Up on - Murphy's Bowl_ Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts Chris Munoz PREDEIR_0007841.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1359 RE: City of Hawthorne Related Projects List Majcherek, Maria Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003157.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1359 Attch: City of Hawthrone Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003158.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1419 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002).msg Kent Tsujii Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001971.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1419 Attch: 104TH ST ET AL.pdf PREDEIR_0001972.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1419 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Signal Timing Plans and Future Baseline Street Improvements (ref 3002).msg Kent Tsujii Netai Basu PREDEIR_0002289.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1419 Attch: 104TH ST ET AL.pdf PREDEIR_0002290.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1434 FW_ Requests for LA County Projects.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003850.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1434 Attch: NOP for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0003851.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1703 RE_ Follow Up on - Murphy's Bowl_ Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref_ 3002) (1900).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0007840.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1755 RE_ Follow Up on - Murphy's Bowl_ Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts Chris Munoz Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0007843.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-1755 RE Follow Up on - Murphys Bowl Truck Counts and Rescheduling Forum Counts (ref 3002).msg Chris Munoz Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0021788.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2100 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts and Videos (186).msg srinath raju Mike Samuelson' PREDEIR_0002001.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2100 RE: Murphys Bowl Counts and Videos.msg srinath raju Mike Samuelson' PREDEIR_0018529.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2100 RE Murphys Bowl Counts and Videos.msg srinath raju Mike Samuelson' PREDEIR_027269.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Monday logistics.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jason D'Andrea ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001203.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Meeting Agenda 5-21-18.docx PREDEIR_0001204.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Attch: Site Plan 5-15-18.pdf PREDEIR_0001205.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Monday logistics.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jason D'Andrea ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0003886.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Meeting Agenda 5-21-18.docx PREDEIR_0003887.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Attch: Site Plan 5-15-18.pdf PREDEIR_0003888.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Monday logistics.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jason D'Andrea ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019944.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Attch: Murphys Bowl Meeting Agenda 5-21-18.docx PREDEIR_0019945.pdf
Correspondence 20180517-2320 Attch: Site Plan 5-15-18.pdf PREDEIR_0019946.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0440 Re Monday logistics (185).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001847.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0440 Re_ Monday logistics (215).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0004072.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0440 Re_ Monday logistics (1899).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0009194.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0440 Re: Monday logistics.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018528.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0734 Re Monday logistics.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001848.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0734 Re_ Monday logistics.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004073.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-0734 Re: Monday logistics.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019943.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1528 LA Clippers_ IBEC_ 2017-18 Clippers ticket data.msg Chris Holmquist Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006744.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1528 Attch: 2017-18 Clippers Tickets By Type and ZIP Percentage 5.18.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0006745.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts and Videos.msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0002003.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 Clarifying Vehicle Classification Request for - Murphy's Bowl Truck Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0002262.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 Attch: FHWA Vehicle Classifications02-1.pdf PREDEIR_0002263.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts and Videos.msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0002301.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 RE: Murphys Bowl Counts and Videos.msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0018524.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 Clarifying Vehicle Classification Request for - Murphys Bowl Truck Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0021474.pdf
Correspondence 20180518-1609 Attch: FHWA Vehicle Classifications02-1.pdf PREDEIR_0021475.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-0713 Fwd Condor - EIR Webex today.msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000897.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-0713 Fwd_ Condor - EIR Webex today.msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0005698.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-0916 Murphys Bowl EIR Meeting Coordination Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; PREDEIR_0011523.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1012 FW: Century-Prairie to Yukon.msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018513.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1012 Attch: Century-Doty to Yukon.pdf PREDEIR_0018514.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1012 Attch: Century-Prairie to Doty.pdf PREDEIR_0018515.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1012 FW Century-Prairie to Yukon.msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027233.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1012 Attch: Century-Doty to Yukon.pdf PREDEIR_027234.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1012 Attch: Century-Prairie to Doty.pdf PREDEIR_027235.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1209 Community Room Meeting (213).msg Tunisia Johnson Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004024.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1309 FW_ LA Clippers_ IBEC_ 2017-18 Clippers ticket data (1887).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ;; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0005491.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1309 Attch: 2017-18 Clippers Tickets By Type and ZIP Percentage 5.18.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0005492.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1309 FW: LA Clippers: IBEC: 2017-18 Clippers ticket data.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018511.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1309 Attch: Clippers Tickets By Type and ZIP Percentage 5.18.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0018512.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1354 City of Manhattan Beach Related Projects List Drew Teora Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003177.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1358 Documentation Related Projects List_Culver City.msg Jason D'Andrea Silva, Gabriela' PREDEIR_0003138.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1358 Attch: NOP for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.pdf PREDEIR_0003139.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1420 RE: Century-Prairie to Yukon.msg Tom Gaul Peter Puglese ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018510.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1421 RE_ LA Clippers_ IBEC_ 2017-18 Clippers ticket data (1885).msg Tom Gaul Mindala Wilcox ; Brian Boxer ;; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0008985.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-1421 RE: LA Clippers: IBEC: 2017-18 Clippers ticket data.msg Tom Gaul Mindala Wilcox ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018509.pdf
Correspondence 20180521-2040 Community Room Meeting (212).msg Jason D'Andrea Tunisia Johnson PREDEIR_0004023.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-0853 Additional Data Requests.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002261.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1122 Community Room Meeting.msg Tunisia Johnson Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004025.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1351 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project .msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000632.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1351 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0000633.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1351 City of Inglewood Related Projects List_ Murphy's Bowl Project .msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003767.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1351 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003768.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1442 FW City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project (403).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000754.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1442 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0000755.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1442 FW City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphys Bowl Project (403).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020283.pdf
Correspondence 20180522-1442 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0020284.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-0000 Email from Dan Gershwin, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl, to Royce K. Jones, re Following up on last week's discussion PREDEIR_024787.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-0755 RE Additional Data Requests.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002281.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-0755 Attch: FHWA Vehicle Classifications02-1.pdf PREDEIR_0002282.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-0805 Addition Counts.msg Peter Puglese Srinath Raju ; PREDEIR_024084.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-0805 Attch: FHWA Vehicle Classifications02-1 PREDEIR_024085.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1157 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1882).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela PREDEIR_0004668.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1317 FW City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project (184).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000751.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1317 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0000752.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1317 FW_ City of Inglewood Related Projects List_ Murphy's Bowl Project (211).msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003788.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1317 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003789.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1324 RE: Los Angeles County Development Projects List for Surrounding Inglewood Cities Jennifer Borobia Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003171.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1332 RE City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project (401).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea' PREDEIR_0001482.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1332 RE_ City of Inglewood Related Projects List_ Murphy's Bowl Project (210).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004043.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1414 RE: City of El Segundo Related Projects List Jason D'Andrea Toler, Russell' PREDEIR_0003144.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1550 RE City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project (183).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001481.pdf
Correspondence 20180523-1550 RE_ City of Inglewood Related Projects List_ Murphy's Bowl Project (209).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004042.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1310 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (182).msg Mike Samuelson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001930.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1310 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Mike Samuelson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018506.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1504 FW Grosvenor Street Vacation Easements.msg Tom Murphy, RCE Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021518.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1504 Attch: Condition of Approval Easements.pdf PREDEIR_0021519.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1504 Attch: EASEMENT FORM Generic for Inglewood.pdf PREDEIR_0021520.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1704 FW Clippers Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0000759.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1704 Attch: 180501a Murphys Bowl Inglewood Well No. 8 PDR.pdf PREDEIR_0000760.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1704 FW_ Clippers_ Inglewood Well No_ 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0005053.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1704 Attch: Murphys Bowl Inglewood Well No. 8 PDR.pdf PREDEIR_0005054.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1714 Planning Weekly (398).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001380.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1719 Planning Weekly (397).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001379.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1944 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (181).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001929.pdf
Correspondence 20180524-1944 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018505.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-0940 RE Clippers Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report (32).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001486.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-0940 RE_ Clippers_ Inglewood Well No_ 8 Preliminary Design Report (1880).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007494.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-0959 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (395).msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001932.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-0959 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018504.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1205 FW City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project (393).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000753.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1205 FW_ City of Inglewood Related Projects List_ Murphy's Bowl Project (204).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0003786.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1211 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002).msg Mindala Wilcox Mike Samuelson' PREDEIR_0001948.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1211 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref. 3002).msg Mindala Wilcox Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018503.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1211 RE Murphys Bowl Request for City of Inglewood Letter - for Counts at the Forum (ref 3002) (198).msg Mindala Wilcox Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0021879.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1408 Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0001245.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1408 Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0002272.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1408 Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0018502.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1543 RE City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project .msg Fred Jackson Jason D'Andrea ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001483.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1543 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.pdf PREDEIR_0001484.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1543 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0001485.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1543 RE: City of Inglewood Related Projects List, Murphy's Bowl Project Fred Jackson Jason D'Andrea ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0003161.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1543 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.pdf PREDEIR_0003162.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1543 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003163.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1933 RE Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002) (179).msg srinath raju Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0001875.pdf
Correspondence 20180525-1933 RE: Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref. 3002).msg srinath raju Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0018501.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Century Blvd Plans.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000621.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: Century-Doty to Yukon.pdf PREDEIR_0000622.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: Century-Prairie to Doty.pdf PREDEIR_0000623.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: CenturyProject1_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0000624.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: CenturyProject2_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0000625.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: CenturyProject3_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0000626.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: CenturyProject4_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0000627.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1112 Attch: Century Project 3-Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0000628.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1343 RE_ Century Blvd Plans (1870).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007458.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 FW Century Blvd Plans.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0010845.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Attch: Century-Doty to Yukon.pdf PREDEIR_0010846.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Attch: Century-Prairie to Doty.pdf PREDEIR_0010847.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Attch: CenturyProject1_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0010848.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Atch: CenturyProject2_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0010849.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Attch: CenturyProject3_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0010850.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Attch: CenturyProject4_SS.PDF PREDEIR_0010851.pdf
Correspondence 20180529-1416 Attch: Century Project 3-Planting Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0010852.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1440 RE Clippers Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001487.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1440 Attch: review comments well 8.pdf PREDEIR_0001488.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1440 RE Clippers Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002244.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1440 Attch: review comments well 8.pdf PREDEIR_0002245.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1440 RE_ Clippers_ Inglewood Well No_ 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007495.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1440 Attch: review comments well 8.pdf PREDEIR_0007496.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1604 Murphy's Bowl-Updated Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; 'Mike Samuelson' PREDEIR_0001363.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1604 Attch: Ltr Vehicle County on City property DOC454.PDF PREDEIR_0001364.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1604 Murphy's Bowl-Updated Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0007043.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1604 Attch: DOC454.PDF PREDEIR_0007044.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1756 RE Murphy's Bowl-Updated Letter.msg Mike Samuelson Mindala Wilcox ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0002034.pdf
Correspondence 20180530-1756 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-Updated Letter.msg Mike Samuelson Mindala Wilcox ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0009369.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-0845 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1844).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela PREDEIR_0004667.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1233 FW_ LA Clippers_ ENA Site Plan and Legal Description.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005489.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1233 Attch: 180530 Murphys Bowl ENA Site Plan & Legal Description Submittal.pdf PREDEIR_0005490.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1526 Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001356.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1526 Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007040.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1526 Murphys Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018496.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1712 RE Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg (178).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002026.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1712 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg (1837).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009365.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1712 RE: Murphys Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019935.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1722 Re Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg (390).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0002027.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1722 Re_ Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg (1835).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0009364.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1722 Re: Murphys Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018495.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1727 Re Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0002028.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1727 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0009366.pdf
Correspondence 20180531-1727 RE: Murphys Bowl-Monday Afternoon Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018494.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-0647 Inglewood Free Money for Rich Developers.msg Marvin McCoy PREDEIR_0013533.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-0647 Inglewood Free Money for Rich Developers.msg Marvin McCoy PREDEIR_0015236.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-1121 Murphy's Bowl_ Call-In Meeting Next Week.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0003938.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-1121 Murphy's Bowl_ Call-In Meeting Next Week.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0006914.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-1121 Murphys Bowl: Call-In Meeting Next Week.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018493.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-1429 RE Murphy's Bowl Call-In Meeting Next Week (389).msg Christina Erwin Jason D'Andrea ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001861.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-1429 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Call-In Meeting Next Week (203).msg Christina Erwin Jason D'Andrea ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004114.pdf
Correspondence 20180601-1429 RE: Murphys Bowl: Call-In Meeting Next Week.msg Christina Erwin Jason D'Andrea ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019933.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Traffic Data Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010988.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Traffic Data Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0010989.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Traffic Data Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0010990.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010991.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 1_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010992.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 2_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010993.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 3_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010994.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 4_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010995.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 5_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010996.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 6_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010997.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 7_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010998.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 8_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0010999.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 9_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011000.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 10_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011001.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 11_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011002.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 12_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011003.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 13_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011004.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 14_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011005.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 15_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011006.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 16_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011007.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: 17_Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011008.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Traffic Data Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0011009.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011010.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011011.pdf
Correspondence 20180603-2019 Attch: Traffic Data PREDEIR_0011012.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re Oversight Board Meeting PREDEIR_024788.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-0000 Email from Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl, to Royce K. Jones, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only; Draft Resolution PREDEIR_024789.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-0910 RE Murphy's Bowl Call-In Meeting Next Week.msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea' ; PREDEIR_0001862.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-0910 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Call-In Meeting Next Week.msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea ; PREDEIR_0004115.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-1305 Murphy's Bowl Calendar Invites.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0001304.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-1305 Murphy's Bowl Calendar Invites.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0006856.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-1305 Murphys Bowl Calendar Invites.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018490.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-1332 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Weekly Team Check-In Call (193).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004137.pdf
Correspondence 20180604-1337 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Weekly Team Check-In Call (189).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004136.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-0000 Email chain between Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, Olga Castaneda, re OB Meeting PREDEIR_024790.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 FW City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000756.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.pdf PREDEIR_0000757.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0000758.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 FW City of Inglewood Related Projects List Murphy's Bowl Project .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002233.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.pdf PREDEIR_0002234.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0002235.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 FW_ City of Inglewood Related Projects List_ Murphy's Bowl Project .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003790.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.pdf PREDEIR_0003791.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1706 Attch: 2018.05 Current Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003792.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1713 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Weekly Team Check-In Call (177).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004135.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1816 Re Murphy's Bowl Weekly Team Check-In Call.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001993.pdf
Correspondence 20180605-1816 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Weekly Team Check-In Call.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004138.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1058 Murphy's Bowl Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_0001217.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1058 Attch: review comments well 8.pdf PREDEIR_0001218.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1058 Murphy's Bowl_ Inglewood Well No_ 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0006866.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1058 Attch: review comments well 8.pdf PREDEIR_0006867.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1135 RE Murphy's Bowl Inglewood Well No 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001853.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1135 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Inglewood Well No_ 8 Preliminary Design Report.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009281.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1220 Murphy’s Bowl Communication Protocol.msg Artie Fields Department Heads PREDEIR_0014225.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1220 Subject Murphy’s Bowl Communication Protocol.msg Artie Fields Department Heads PREDEIR_0021970.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-1728 RE Murphy's Bowl Cancelling tomorrow 10 AM meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk' PREDEIR_0001863.pdf
Correspondence 20180606-2312 Planning Weekly (384).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001378.pdf
Correspondence 20180607-0746 Collaboration Meeting (1828).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004752.pdf
Correspondence 20180607-0753 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1827).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004666.pdf
Correspondence 20180608-1606 Documentation Related Projects List Updated_Culver City.msg Silva, Gabriela Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003140.pdf
Correspondence 20180611-1357 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001185.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re June 27 meeting PREDEIR_024791.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-0000 Email chain between Royce Jones, Counsel for Successor Agency, Tay Via, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only; Draft Resolution PREDEIR_024792.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-0000 Email chain between Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl and Royce K. Jones, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only; Draft Resolution PREDEIR_024793.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-0000 Email chain between Royce Jones and Tay Via, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only; Draft Resolution PREDEIR_024794.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1555 RE Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002) (171).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0001874.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1555 RE: Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0018472.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 NBA Clippers Press Conference.msg Ralph Franklin Ralph Franklin PREDEIR_0015237.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 Attch: 100733_1528846274038_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0015238.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 Attch: 103503_1528846271490_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0015239.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 Attch: 104338_1528846267239_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0015240.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 Attch 111636_1528846265720_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0015241.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 Attch: 104333_1528846268539_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0015242.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-1632 Attch: 103510_1528846270127_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0015243.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000634.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 Attch: Inglewood Updated Related Projects List (via email from Inglewood 5.25.18).xlsx.pdf PREDEIR_0000635.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 Attch: May.2018 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0000636.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003764.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 Attch: Inglewood Updated Related Projects List (via email from Inglewood 5.25.18).xlsx.pdf PREDEIR_0003765.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 Attch: May.2018 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0003766.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015364.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 Attch: Inglewood Updated Related Projects List (via email from Inglewood 5.25.18).xlsx.pdf PREDEIR_0015365.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2033 Attch: City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0015366.pdf
Correspondence 20180612-2314 RE Contract Request.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001523.pdf
Correspondence 20180613-0000 Email from Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl, to Royce K. Jones, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only PREDEIR_024795.pdf
Correspondence 20180613-0000 Email chain between Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency and Tay Via, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only PREDEIR_024796.pdf
Correspondence 20180613-0000 Email chain between Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency and Tay Via, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only PREDEIR_024797.pdf
Correspondence 20180613-0000 Email chain between Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl and Gustavo Lamanna, re Draft for Purposes of Negotiation Only PREDEIR_024798.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-0000 Email from Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency, to Olga Castaneda, re Inglewood Oversight Board \ 10-Day Notice to Public PREDEIR_024799.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-0920 Planning Weekly (375).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001377.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-0959 RE_ Collaboration Meeting (1812).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0007502.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1003 Collaboration Meeting (1811).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;; PREDEIR_0004751.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1003 Collaboration Meeting (23).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; PREDEIR_0010641.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1030 Tentative HOLD Murphy's Bowl Circulation Plan Mtg.msg Phoebe Allen - on behalf of - Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002167.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1100 Planning Weekly (373).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001376.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1249 RE Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002) (170).msg srinath raju Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0001873.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1249 RE: Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref. 3002).msg srinath raju Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0018470.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1249 RE Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002) (1).msg srinath raju Netai Basu' PREDEIR_027263.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1254 Murphy's Bowl-Meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001354.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1254 Murphy's Bowl-Meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007039.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1254 Murphys Bowl-Meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015264.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1302 Re Murphy's Bowl-Meetings.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002024.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1302 Re_ Murphy's Bowl-Meetings.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004139.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1556 RE: City of Hawthorne Related Projects Majcherek, Maria Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003152.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1556 Attch: City of Hawthorne Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0003153.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1640 RE Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002) (169).msg Peter Puglese srinath raju ; 'Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0001872.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1640 RE: Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref. 3002).msg Peter Puglese srinath raju ; 'Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0018469.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1640 RE Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002).msg Peter Puglese srinath raju ; 'Netai Basu' PREDEIR_027264.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1652 RE: City of Lawndale Related Projects List Christopher Wilson Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003166.pdf
Correspondence 20180614-1738 RE Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002) (168).msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese ; srinath raju ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001871.pdf
Correspondence 20180615-0911 RE Murphy's Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese ; srinath raju PREDEIR_0001876.pdf
Correspondence 20180615-0911 RE: Murphys Bowl - FP Follow Up on Timing for Delivery of New Baseline Traffic Counts (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese ; srinath raju PREDEIR_0018468.pdf
Correspondence 20180615-1055 IBEC EIR Team Coordination .msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mike Samuelson ;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; David L. Esparza ; Peter Puglese ; Sharon Koike ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0001095.pdf
Correspondence 20180615-1055 Attch: 06.21.18 IBEC Circulation Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001096.pdf
Correspondence 20180615-1159 06 21 18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000436.pdf
Correspondence 20180615-1159 06_21_18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0003626.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Artie Fields, re Murphy's Bowl meeting this Tuesday PREDEIR_024800.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0841 IBEC EIR Team Meeting (146).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004007.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0841 IBEC EIR Team Meeting (148).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004008.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0911 Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call.msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0001343.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0911 Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call.msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0007031.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0911 Murphys Bowl-afternoon call.msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0015265.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0911 Murphys Bowl-afternoon call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0018467.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0917 RE 06 21 18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting (167).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001402.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0917 IBEC EIR Team Meeting (143).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004006.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0935 Re Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call (166).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002011.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0935 Re_ Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call (1807).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009352.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0935 Re: Murphys Bowl-afternoon call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018464.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0952 RE Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call (366).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0002013.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0952 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call (1806).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009351.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0952 RE: Murphys Bowl-afternoon call.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018463.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 Murphy's Bowl-meeting cancelled.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001353.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 RE Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call (365).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002012.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 RE Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002014.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call (1805).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009350.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-afternoon call.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009353.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 RE: Murphys Bowl-afternoon call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018462.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-0954 RE: Murphys Bowl-afternoon call.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019919.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1004 IBEC EIR Team Meeting (138).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004005.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1014 RE 06 21 18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001403.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1014 IBEC EIR Team Meeting (137).msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004026.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1207 IBEC EIR Team Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004009.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 FW Murphy Bowl.msg Claudette Matthews Ralph Franklin PREDEIR_0013503.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: South Bay COG Letter 1.docx PREDEIR_0013504.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: AB987 FACT SHEET (1).pdf PREDEIR_0013505.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: AB 987 Economic & Community Benefits (1).pdf PREDEIR_0013506.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: 2018 ClippersArena FAQs R1 (3).pdf PREDEIR_0013507.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 FW Murphy Bowl.msg Claudette Matthews Ralph Franklin PREDEIR_0015244.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: 2018 ClippersArena FAQs R1 (3).pdf PREDEIR_0015245.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: AB 987 Economic & Community Benefits (1).pdf PREDEIR_0015246.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: South Bay COG Letter 1.docx PREDEIR_0015247.pdf
Correspondence 20180618-1548 Attch: AB987 FACT SHEET (1).pdf PREDEIR_0015248.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re 06.27.18 Oversight Board Inglewood Agenda (GFL Comments) PREDEIR_024801.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1129 RE_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (113).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004051.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1130 Re_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (112).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004050.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1133 RE_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (111).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004049.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1153 Re_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (110).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004048.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1250 Delivered FW IBEC EIR Team Coordination .msg Microsoft Outlook Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0021483.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1250 FW_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination .msg Louis A. Atwell Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0021484.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1250 FW IBEC EIR Team Coordination .msg Louis A. Atwell Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0021531.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1406 IBEC EIR Meeting (161).msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001093.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1406 IBEC EIR Meeting.msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006025.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1406 IBEC EIR Meeting (161).msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015266.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1410 IBEC EIR Meeting.msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001094.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1410 IBEC EIR Meeting.msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014375.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1411 RE IBEC EIR Team Coordination (111).msg Joi Aldridge Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021842.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1417 RE_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (1788).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0008108.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1419 RE IBEC EIR Meeting (196).msg Mindala Wilcox Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0021841.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1421 Re_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (109).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004047.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1430 RE_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (108).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004046.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1435 RE_ IBEC EIR Team Coordination (106).msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004045.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1435 RE IBEC EIR Team Coordination (16).msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024935.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1543 RE IBEC EIR Meeting.msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001691.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1543 RE IBEC EIR Meeting.msg Joi Aldridge Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014376.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1640 IBEC - Transportation questions.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001057.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1640 IBEC - Transportation questions.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005888.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1640 IBEC - Transportation questions.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019914.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1732 Murphy's Bowl--FW IBEC - Transportation questions.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001351.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1732 Murphy's Bowl--FW_ IBEC - Transportation questions.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007035.pdf
Correspondence 20180619-1843 Re Murphy's Bowl--FW IBEC - Transportation questions.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002021.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager to Olga Castaneda, re 06.27.18 Oversight Board Inglewood Agenda (GFL Comments) PREDEIR_024802.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager to Olga Castaneda, re Draft Inglewood Agenda PREDEIR_024803.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager to Olga Castaneda, re 06-27-18 Inglewood Oversight Board Agenda PREDEIR_024804.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1644 06_21_18 IBEC AECOM Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003622.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 06 21 18 IBEC EIR Team Coordination Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Tom Gaul ;; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0000434.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 Attch: 06.21.18 IBEC Circulation Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000435.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 06 21 18 IBEC EIR Team Coordination Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Tom Gaul ;; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0002257.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 Attch: 06.21.18 IBEC Circulation Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0002258.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 IBEC EIR Team Coordination Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ;; Louis A. Atwell ; Tom Gaul ;; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0003624.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 Attch: IBEC Circulation Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003625.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 IBEC EIR Team Coordination Meeting.msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ;; Louis A. Atwell ; Tom Gaul ;; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004437.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-1902 Attch: IBEC Circulation Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0004438.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-2049 Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop (90).msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0003958.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-2050 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop (2).msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001258.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-2050 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0001259.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-2050 Murphys Bowl: IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Jason D'Andrea ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0016073.pdf
Correspondence 20180620-2050 Attch: Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0016074.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-0000 Email chain between Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager and Patricia McNish, re Request for Successor Agency agendas PREDEIR_024805.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re Request for Agenda PREDEIR_024806.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re Request for Agenda PREDEIR_024807.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-0910 Emailing You Back.msg Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0003784.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-0923 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1781).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;;; PREDEIR_0004665.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-1143 06 21 18 IBEC EIR Team Coordination Call-In Information .msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mike Samuelson ;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; David L. Esparza ; Peter Puglese ; Sharon Koike ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0000433.pdf
Correspondence 20180621-1200 Planning Weekly (355).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001375.pdf
Correspondence 20180622-0000 Email chain between Olga Castaneda, Secretary to the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency and Margarita Cruz, re Request for Agenda PREDEIR_024808.pdf
Correspondence 20180622-1239 Monday meeting .msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003885.pdf
Correspondence 20180622-1330 RE_ Monday meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004071.pdf
Correspondence 20180622-1603 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ 06_25_18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team 11 AM and 1 PM Meetings .msg Sharon Koike Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004095.pdf
Correspondence 20180624-2348 Mon 6 25.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001201.pdf
Correspondence 20180624-2348 Mon 6_25.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0006830.pdf
Correspondence 20180625-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re executed staff report for this week PREDEIR_024809.pdf
Correspondence 20180625-0000 Email chain between Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager and Olga Castaneda, re executed staff report for this week PREDEIR_024810.pdf
Correspondence 20180625-0545 Re Mon 6 25.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001794.pdf
Correspondence 20180625-0545 Re_ Mon 6_25.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0009137.pdf
Correspondence 20180625-1401 Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop (72).msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Marietta ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0003957.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-0000 Letter from Public Counsel to Chairperson and Members of the City of Inglewood Oversight Board RE Oversight Board Action - Proposed Disposition of Properties PREDEIR_024777.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-0916 Canceled Murphys Bowl Communication Protocol.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Yvonne Horton ; Louis A. Atwell ; Sharon Koike ; Margarita Cruz ; Louis Perez ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Bettye Griffith ; Matthew Chambers ; Jose O. Cortes ; David L. Esparza ; Mark Fronterotta ; Cecil Flournoy ; Ken Campos ; Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0020673.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-1030 Murphy's Bowl Communication Protocol Rescheduling.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001310.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-1134 Murphy's Bowl 7 2 Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001222.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-1134 Murphy's Bowl_ 7_2 Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0006907.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-1209 FW Planning Weekly.msg Mindala Wilcox Marissa Fewell ; Bernard McCrumby ; Arturo Salazar PREDEIR_0000870.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-1639 RE Planning Weekly (350).msg Mindala Wilcox Marissa Fewell PREDEIR_0002045.pdf
Correspondence 20180626-1804 RE Planning Weekly.msg Mindala Wilcox Bernard McCrumby PREDEIR_0002046.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Letter from Chatten-Brown & Carstens LLP to Chairperson Butts RE Oversight Board Proposed 6/27/2018 Action; with attachment PREDEIR_024778.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager and Olga Castaneda, re Letter to the City of Inglewood's Oversight Board PREDEIR_024811.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re meeting presentation PREDEIR_024812.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Royce Jones and Tay Via, re Oversight Board submittals PREDEIR_024813.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency and Tay Via, re Inglewood SA / Oversight Board PREDEIR_024814.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl and Gustavo Lamanna, re Inglewood SA / Oversight Board PREDEIR_024815.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager and Olga Castaneda, re Oversight Board Proposed June 27, 2018 Action - Disposition of Properties PREDEIR_024816.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Artie Fields, re Resolution No. 18-OB-000 - LRPMP-highlights PREDEIR_024817.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency and Tay Via, Harry O’Brien, re Another Protest Letter PREDEIR_024818.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency and Tay Via, re Another Protest Letter PREDEIR_024819.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl and Gustavo Lamanna, re Another Protest Letter PREDEIR_024821.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0000 Email chain between Tay Via, Counsel for Murphy's Bowl and Gustavo Lamanna, re Inglewood SA / Oversight Board PREDEIR_024822.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-0956 Murphy's Bowl_ Monday_ July 2_ 2018 Community Room Reservation.msg Jason D'Andrea Tunisia Johnson PREDEIR_0003965.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-1002 stop .msg Donald Weeks Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021969.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-1315 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1777).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004664.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-1315 Canceled Collaboration Meeting (22).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0010478.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-1519 FW Murphy's Bowl 07 02 18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting Agenda for Review.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000846.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-1519 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000847.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-1704 RE_ City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.msg Jason D'Andrea Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004038.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-2214 Murphy's Bowl 07 02 18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda for Review.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001220.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-2214 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001221.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-2214 Murphy's Bowl_ 07_02_18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda for Review.msg Jason D'Andrea Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0003925.pdf
Correspondence 20180627-2214 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003926.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1045 Planning Weekly.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001393.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1237 Canceled_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Marietta PREDEIR_0003753.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1237 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0003754.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1237 Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0003959.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1237 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0003960.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1243 Murphy's Bowl_ 07_02_18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Information .msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0003927.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1243 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0003928.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1243 Murphy's Bowl_ 07_02_18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Information .msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0006902.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1243 Attch: 07.02.18 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0006903.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1243 Murphys Bowl: 07.02.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Information .msg Jason D'Andrea Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis ;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018440.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1243 Attch: Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0018441.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1336 RE: Murphys Bowl: 07.02.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Workshop Logistics .msg Christina Erwin Jason D'Andrea ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019903.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1402 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ 07_02_18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Information (32).msg Mindala Wilcox Jason D'Andrea PREDEIR_0004096.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1440 RE Murphy's Bowl 07 02 18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting Agenda for Review.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001860.pdf
Correspondence 20180628-1440 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ 07_02_18 IBEC EIR Team Meeting Agenda for Review.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009289.pdf
Correspondence 20180629-0000 Letter from Chatten-Brown & Carstens LLP to Successor Agency RE Demand to Cure and Correct Brown Act Violation; with attachments PREDEIR_024779.pdf
Correspondence 20180629-0000 Letter from Public Counsel to Successor Agency RE Demand to Cure and Correct - Oversight Board's Action Concerning Proposed Disposition of Properties PREDEIR_024780.pdf
Correspondence 20180629-0000 Email from Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency, to Tay Via, Royce K. Jones, re Inglewood SA / OB Resolution re LRPMP Implementation PREDEIR_024820.pdf
Correspondence 20180629-0659 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ 07_02_18 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Information .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004083.pdf
Correspondence 20180702-0000 Email from Margarita Cruz, Successor Agency Manager, to Olga Castaneda, re Demand to Cure Violation of the Brown Act PREDEIR_024823.pdf
Correspondence 20180702-1047 part 2.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019890.pdf
Correspondence 20180702-1047 Attch: 3002ClippersThresholdsUpdateMemoJune22_2018.pdf PREDEIR_0019891.pdf
Correspondence 20180702-1403 Emailing WE06272018 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT.msg Eloy Castillo Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021505.pdf
Correspondence 20180702-1403 Attch: WE06272018 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT.docx PREDEIR_0021506.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1015 Attch: Murphy's Bowl Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001225.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1015 Attch: CIP Project Tracking_FY 18_1.xlsx PREDEIR_0001226.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1015 Murphy's Bowl Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002270.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1015 Attch: CIP Project Tracking_FY 18_1.xlsx PREDEIR_0002271.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1015 Murphys Bowl: Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0018427.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1015 Attch: CIP Project Tracking_FY 18_1.xlsx PREDEIR_0018428.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1206 Murphy's Bowl_ Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref_ 3002).msg Netai Basu Srinath Raju' ; PREDEIR_0006915.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1206 Murphys Bowl Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Srinath Raju' ; PREDEIR_0021744.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1210 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1765).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004663.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1355 RE Murphy's Bowl Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref 3002).msg srinath raju Peter Puglese ; 'Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0002285.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1355 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref_ 3002) (1764).msg srinath raju; 'Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0009293.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1355 RE Murphys Bowl Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref 3002) (268).msg srinath raju Peter Puglese ; 'Netai Basu' PREDEIR_0021872.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1436 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref_ 3002) (1763).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0009292.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1436 RE Murphys Bowl Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu srinath raju PREDEIR_0021873.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1503 Data Collection Program - City of Inglewood Traffic Counts.msg srinath raju PREDEIR_0004850.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1503 Data Collection Program - City of Inglewood Traffic Counts.msg srinath raju Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021477.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1638 RE_ Data Collection Program - City of Inglewood Traffic Counts.msg Peter Puglese srinath raju PREDEIR_0007728.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1638 RE Data Collection Program - City of Inglewood Traffic Counts.msg Peter Puglese srinath raju PREDEIR_0021781.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1745 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref_ 3002).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu ; srinath raju PREDEIR_0009294.pdf
Correspondence 20180703-1745 RE Murphys Bowl Check in on Request for Classified ADT Counts (ref 3002) (247).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu ; srinath raju PREDEIR_0021871.pdf
Correspondence 20180705-1736 Murphys Bowl Communication Protocol.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014377.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-0000 Email from Gustavo Lamanna, Counsel for Successor Agency, to Tay Via, re Inglewood SA / LAX Noise Mitigation Properties (OB Reso) PREDEIR_024824.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1319 Clippers ENA area property.msg Sharon Garrett Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000682.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1319 Clippers ENA area property.msg Sharon Garrett Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014378.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1623 RE Murphy's Bowl Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref 3002) (153).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001865.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1623 RE: Murphys Bowl: Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref. 3002).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018425.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1836 RE Murphy's Bowl Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref 3002) (152).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001864.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1836 RE Murphy's Bowl Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002284.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1836 RE Murphy's Bowl Clippers Signal Timing Questions (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002286.pdf
Correspondence 20180706-1836 RE: Murphys Bowl: Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0018424.pdf
Correspondence 20180709-0853 RE Murphy's Bowl Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref 3002).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001866.pdf
Correspondence 20180709-0853 RE: Murphys Bowl: Capacity Changes due to Inglewood CIP Projects (ref. 3002).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018423.pdf
Correspondence 20180710-1723 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting (151).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001344.pdf
Correspondence 20180710-1723 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting (1756).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007032.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1458 FW IBEC Property map.msg Lisa Trifiletti Sanjeev Shah '; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021523.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1458 Attch: IBEC Project Site 5.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0021524.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1732 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1752).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004662.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1732 Canceled Collaboration Meeting (21).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0010477.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1804 FW ITC - NOP and IS for Final Review.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021538.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1804 Attch: NOP_FINAL_FOR_LT.docx PREDEIR_0021539.pdf
Correspondence 20180711-1804 Attch: IS_FINAL_FOR_LT.docx PREDEIR_0021540.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1602 FW UPDATED ADDRESS FOR SCOPING MTG.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021593.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1602 Attch: NOP_FINAL_071218_All_Comments.docx PREDEIR_0021594.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1821 Murphy's Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001358.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1821 Murphy's Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0007041.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1821 Murphys Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018416.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1840 Re Murphy's Bowl-Monday Mtg (150).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002030.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1840 Re_ Murphy's Bowl-Monday Mtg (1746).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009367.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1840 Re: Murphys Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018415.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1841 RE Murphy's Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002031.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1841 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009368.pdf
Correspondence 20180712-1841 RE: Murphys Bowl-Monday Mtg.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019886.pdf
Correspondence 20180713-0000 Letter from Latham & Watkins to Members of the Successor Agency RE Demand to Cure Violation of Brown Act PREDEIR_024781.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1158 Murphy's Bowl Communication Protocol Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001309.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1158 Murphys Bowl Communication Protocol Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014379.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1232 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001347.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1232 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007034.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1237 RE Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration (148).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002017.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1238 RE Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0002020.pdf
Correspondence 20180716-1238 RE_ Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration (1735).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009355.pdf
Correspondence 20180717-0811 Collaboration Meeting (1733).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004750.pdf
Correspondence 20180717-0840 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1732).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004661.pdf
Correspondence 20180717-1207 RE_ Centinela Grade Crossing Meeting.msg Carter, Peter Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ;; Bohlke, Mike ; PREDEIR_0007448.pdf
Correspondence 20180717-1207 Attch: Centinela_Grade_Separation TrafficAnalysis_draft_07-13-18.pdf PREDEIR_0007449.pdf
Correspondence 20180717-1207 Attch: Centinela_Grade_Separation TrafficAnalysis_Appendix_07-13-18.pdf PREDEIR_0007450.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-0732 Mon the 23rd.msg Lisa Trifiletti; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; PREDEIR_0011463.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-0834 Re_ Mon the 23rd (1726).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009141.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-0834 Re: Mon the 23rd.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019882.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1459 Murphy's Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001213.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1459 Attch: IBEC Full Season Equivalent Projected Change .xlsx PREDEIR_0001214.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1459 Murphys Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011476.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1459 Attch: IBEC Full Season Equivalent Projected Change .xlsx PREDEIR_0011477.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1459 Murphys Bowl / IBEC: Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018412.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1459 Attch: IBEC Full Season Equivalent Projected Change .xlsx PREDEIR_0018413.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1503 FW Murphy's Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (147).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0000840.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1503 Attch: IBEC Full Season Equivalent Projected Change .xlsx PREDEIR_0000841.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1503 FW_ Murphy's Bowl _ IBEC_ Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (1721).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005541.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1503 Attch: IBEC Full Season Equivalent Projected Change .xlsx PREDEIR_0005542.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1509 RE Murphy's Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (146).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001850.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1509 RE Murphys Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (9).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012514.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1509 RE: Murphys Bowl / IBEC: Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018411.pdf
Correspondence 20180718-1509 RE Murphys Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (21).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024949.pdf
Correspondence 20180719-0838 RE: Mon the 23rd.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018410.pdf
Correspondence 20180719-1000 RE_ Mon the 23rd (1720).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009138.pdf
Correspondence 20180719-1000 RE: Mon the 23rd.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019880.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1111 FW_ Murphy's Bowl _ IBEC_ Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (1705).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005537.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1111 Attch: IBEC Full Season Equivalent Projected Change .xlsx PREDEIR_0005538.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1422 RE: Invoice due.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018404.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1630 Murphy's Bowl (143).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001291.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1630 Murphy's Bowl (1703).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006851.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1651 RE Murphy's Bowl (142).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001995.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1702 FW Collaboration Meeting - Murphy's Bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000858.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-1702 FW Murphys Bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020285.pdf
Correspondence 20180723-2245 Missed Call.msg Jason D'Andrea Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003884.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-0932 Collaboration Meeting (1698).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004749.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1318 RE Murphy's Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001851.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1318 RE: Murphys Bowl / IBEC: Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018399.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1325 FW Murphy's Bowl IBEC Updated projected ticket purchaser location data.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0000842.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1325 FW_ Murphy's Bowl _ IBEC_ Updated projected ticket purchaser location data (1693).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005536.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1524 FW Interagency Consultation.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000825.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1550 RE Interagency Consultation.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001760.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1550 RE_ Interagency Consultation.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008756.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1551 FW AB 52 Letter for your review.msg Mindala Wilcox Bernard McCrumby PREDEIR_0020286.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1551 Attch: ITC AB 52 071818.docx PREDEIR_0020287.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1728 RE: Murphys Bowl - Preparation for 7-24-18 Call on Related Projects Questions (ref. 3002).msg Mike Samuelson Perla Solis ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018398.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1747 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop (1).msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ;; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ;; Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Marietta Torriente PREDEIR_0001255.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1747 Attch: 08.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001256.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1747 Attch: Information Needs_7-30-18.xlsx PREDEIR_0001257.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1803 RE AB 52 Letter for your review (139).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001417.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1803 Attch: 2018.07.24 AB 52 Ltr.docx PREDEIR_0001418.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1803 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1690).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007251.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1803 Attch: 2018.07.24 AB 52 Ltr.docx PREDEIR_0007252.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1803 RE AB 52 Letter for your review.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021777.pdf
Correspondence 20180724-1803 Attch: AB 52 Ltr.docx PREDEIR_0021778.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1226 IBEC Info Needs.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Jason D'Andrea ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanok ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0003876.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1226 Attch: Information Needs_7-25-18.xlsx PREDEIR_0003877.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1226 IBEC Info Needs (1685).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Jason D'Andrea ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanok ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0006036.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1226 Attch: Information Needs_7-25-18.xlsx PREDEIR_0006037.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1226 IBEC Info Needs.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Jason D'Andrea ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanok ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0019871.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1226 Attch: Information Needs_7-25-18.xlsx PREDEIR_0019872.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1352 RE: Collaboration Meeting.msg Chris Holmquist Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Gerard McCallum ; Emerald Bloom ;;; James Butts ; Christopher Meany ;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0018396.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1420 FW_ Collaboration Meeting (1683).msg Mindala Wilcox; Perla Solis ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0005064.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1444 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1681).msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007246.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1449 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1680).msg Mindala Wilcox Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0007245.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1453 IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List.msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001028.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1453 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0001029.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1453 IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List.msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0006399.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1453 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0006400.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1453 IBEC Murphys Bowl Related Project List.msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015480.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1453 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0015481.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1456 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1679).msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007244.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1504 FW IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000794.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1504 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0000795.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1504 FW IBEC Murphys Bowl Related Project List.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015399.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1504 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0015400.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1504 FW IBEC Murphys Bowl Related Project List.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020288.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-1504 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0020289.pdf
Correspondence 20180725-2252 RE_ Collaboration Meeting (1672).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0007500.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0744 Tentative_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0009822.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Christopher Jackson ;;; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese ;; PREDEIR_0006396.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 Attch: 07.26.18 IBEC EIR Team Coordination Call _ Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006397.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Christopher Jackson ;;; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese ;; PREDEIR_0010035.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 Attch: IBEC EIR Team Coordination Call _ Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010036.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 IBEC Murphys Bowl EIR Team Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Christopher Jackson ;;; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese ;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011283.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 Attch: IBEC EIR Team Coordination Call _ Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011284.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 IBEC: Murphys Bowl EIR Team Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Christopher Jackson ;;; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese ;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018390.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0800 Attch: IBEC EIR Team Coordination Call _ Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0018391.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0849 Collaboration Meeting (1667).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004748.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-0849 Collaboration Meeting (20).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0010640.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1008 Attch: Owed Items for Clippers.msg Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0007063.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1248 IBEC Survey results.msg Christina Erwin; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0001125.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1248 Attch: Clippers Survey Results.xlsx PREDEIR_0001126.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1248 IBEC Survey results.msg Christina Erwin; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0006094.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1248 Attch: Clippers Survey Results.xlsx PREDEIR_0006095.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1248 IBEC Survey results.msg Christina Erwin; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019869.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1248 Attch: Clippers Survey Results.xlsx PREDEIR_0019870.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1649 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (137).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001649.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1649 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0001650.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1649 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (1665).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0008496.pdf
Correspondence 20180726-1649 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0008497.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-0745 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1664).msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007243.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1148 RE IBEC Update.msg Brian Boxer Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0012382.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1234 Re IBEC Update (10).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0012380.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1355 RE IBEC Update (6).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0012381.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1454 IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001115.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1454 IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011385.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1454 IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018387.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1512 RE IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018 (136).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001714.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1512 RE IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012371.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1512 RE IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024938.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1514 Re IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001715.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1514 Attch: IBEC Inglewood Well No 8 PDR.pdf PREDEIR_0001716.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1514 Re: IBEC Preliminary Well Design July 2018.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018385.pdf
Correspondence 20180727-1514 Attch: IBEC Inglewood Well No 8 PDR.pdf PREDEIR_0018386.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 RE AB 52 Letter for your review.msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001419.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 1_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0001420.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 2_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0001421.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 3_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0001422.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 4_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0001423.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1655).msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007238.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 1_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0007239.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 2_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0007240.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 3_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0007241.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1139 Attch: AB 52_Ltr 4_07.30.2018_FINAL.docx PREDEIR_0007242.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1143 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1654).msg Mindala Wilcox Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0007237.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1155 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (135).msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001648.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1155 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (1653).msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0008495.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1156 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1652).msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007236.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1203 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review (1650).msg John Thomason Omar Pulido ; Joe Gibson PREDEIR_0007235.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1353 IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Weekly Check-In Call .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ;; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0006401.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1534 IBEC August 6 2018 Room Reservations .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000984.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1544 FW IBEC August 6 2018 Room Reservations (134).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000786.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1553 FW IBEC August 6 2018 Room Reservations .msg Perla Solis Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0000787.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1553 FW_ IBEC_ August 6_2018 Room Reservations .msg Perla Solis Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0005324.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1623 RE_ ITC AB 52 Letter.msg Omar Pulido John Thomason ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0008828.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1623 Attch: ITC_INITIAL_STUDY_SECURED.pdf PREDEIR_0008829.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1623 Attch: RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review.msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008830.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1810 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001346.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1810 Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0007033.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1810 Murphys Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018373.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1814 Re Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting (133).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002018.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1814 Re_ Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting (1632).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009357.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1814 Re: Murphys Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019865.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1816 Re Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002019.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1816 Re_ Murphy's Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009358.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1816 Re: Murphys Bowl-Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018372.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1817 Murphy's Bowl Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001307.pdf
Correspondence 20180730-1817 Murphys Bowl Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014380.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-0824 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (132).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001647.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-0824 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (1631).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0008494.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1008 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1630).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; PREDEIR_0004660.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1137 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (131).msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001645.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1137 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0001646.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1137 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (1628).msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0008492.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1137 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0008493.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1137 RE IBEC Murphys Bowl Related Project List (64).msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015583.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1137 Attch: Related Projects_Inglewood_Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0015584.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1150 Re_ IBEC_ Related Projects List for City of LA.msg Sean Haeri Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0008519.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1225 RE IBEC August 6 2018 Room Reservations (130).msg Joi Aldridge Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001586.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1225 RE_ IBEC_ August 6_2018 Room Reservations (1624).msg Joi Aldridge Perla Solis PREDEIR_0008199.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1306 RE_ AB 52 Letter for your review.msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007253.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1306 Attch: AB_52_Alvarez_Gabrielino_073018_CLEAN.pdf PREDEIR_0007254.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1306 Attch: AB_52_Dorame_Gabrielino_073018_CLEAN.pdf PREDEIR_0007255.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1306 Attch: AB_52_Goad_GabrielinoNation_073018_CLEAN.pdf PREDEIR_0007256.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1306 Attch: AB_52_Morales_GabrielenoSG_073018_CLEAN.pdf PREDEIR_0007257.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1324 RE IBEC August 6 2018 Room Reservations .msg Perla Solis Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0001587.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1324 RE_ IBEC_ August 6_2018 Room Reservations .msg Perla Solis Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0008200.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1712 Canceled_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Perla Solis Omar Pulido ; Fred Jackson ; Christina Erwin ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul ;; Gerard McCallum ;; Christopher Jackson PREDEIR_0009981.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1712 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0009982.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1712 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Perla Solis Omar Pulido ; Fred Jackson ; Christina Erwin ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul ; Royce Jones ; Gerard McCallum ;; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020666.pdf
Correspondence 20180731-1712 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020667.pdf
Correspondence 20180801-1441 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (128).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001644.pdf
Correspondence 20180801-1441 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (1620).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0008491.pdf
Correspondence 20180801-1646 Updated Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Complex DRAFT Program Update.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009955.pdf
Correspondence 20180801-1648 FW Updated Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Complex DRAFT Program Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000887.pdf
Correspondence 20180801-1648 FW Updated Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Complex DRAFT Program Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020290.pdf
Correspondence 20180802-1646 Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Netai Basu ;;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Marietta Torriente PREDEIR_0011539.pdf
Correspondence 20180802-1646 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011540.pdf
Correspondence 20180802-1646 Attch: Information Needs_7-30-18.xlsx PREDEIR_0011541.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1055 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1601).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;;; PREDEIR_0004659.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1055 Collaboration Meeting (1600).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;;; PREDEIR_0004747.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1055 Canceled Collaboration Meeting (19).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0010476.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1055 Collaboration Meeting (18).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0010639.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1422 Murphy's Bowl No meeting for Thursday August 9.msg Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001219.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1422 Murphy's Bowl_ No meeting for Thursday August 9.msg Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0006869.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-1431 Re Murphy's Bowl No meeting for Thursday August 9 (125).msg Lisa Trifiletti Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001854.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-2047 Re Murphy's Bowl No meeting for Thursday August 9.msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001855.pdf
Correspondence 20180808-2047 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ No meeting for Thursday August 9.msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009282.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1509 Monday IBEC call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001202.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1509 Monday IBEC call.msg Lisa Trifiletti;; PREDEIR_0003475.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1516 RE Monday IBEC call (124).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001798.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1516 RE_ Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003575.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1516 RE_ Monday IBEC call (1596).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009144.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1540 RE Monday IBEC call (123).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001797.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1540 RE_ Monday IBEC call (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003573.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1541 Re Monday IBEC call (122).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001796.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1541 Re_ Monday IBEC call (3).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003574.pdf
Correspondence 20180810-1541 Re_ Monday IBEC call (1592).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009143.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0732 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center: Lighting, Signage and EIR Data Needs Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Duethman, Steve ; Susan Fulton ; Matthew Bates ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0016065.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 RE Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001799.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: Fwd_ C.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001800.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001801.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 2. No Event Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0001802.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001803.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001804.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001805.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001806.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 7. Pincay Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0001807.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 8. Pincay bet. Carliton & Renissance.pdf PREDEIR_0001808.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 9. Kareem Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0001809.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 10. Manchester Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0001810.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 11. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0001811.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 12. CMS Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001812.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 13. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001813.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 14. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001814.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 15. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0001815.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 16. Prairie Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001816.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 17. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0001817.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 18. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0001818.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: Fwd_ B.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001819.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001820.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 2. No event sign.pdf PREDEIR_0001821.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001822.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0001823.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001824.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001825.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0001826.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0001827.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0001828.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001829.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001830.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0001831.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0001832.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0001833.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0001834.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001835.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0001836.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0001837.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001838.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001839.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001840.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001841.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0001842.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0001843.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0001844.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0001845.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0001846.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 RE_ Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009145.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: Fwd_ C.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0009146.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009147.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 2. No Event Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0009148.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009149.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009150.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009151.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009152.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 7. Pincay Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0009153.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 8. Pincay bet. Carliton & Renissance.pdf PREDEIR_0009154.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 9. Kareem Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0009155.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 10. Manchester Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0009156.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 11. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0009157.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 12. CMS Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009158.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 13. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009159.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 14. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009160.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 15. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0009161.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 16. Prairie Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009162.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 17. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0009163.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 18. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0009164.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Fwd_ B.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0009165.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009166.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 2. No event sign.pdf PREDEIR_0009167.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009168.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0009169.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009170.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009171.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0009172.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0009173.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0009174.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009175.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009176.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0009177.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0009178.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0009179.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0009180.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0009181.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0009182.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0009183.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009184.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009185.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009186.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009187.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0009188.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0009189.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0009190.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0009191.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-0810 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0009192.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-1041 FW Murphy's Bowl No meeting for Thursday August 9.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000845.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-1041 FW Murphys Bowl No meeting for Thursday August 9.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020291.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-1407 RE community room (310).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001514.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-1407 RE community room (310).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014381.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-1438 RE community room.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001515.pdf
Correspondence 20180813-1438 RE community room.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014382.pdf
Correspondence 20180815-0910 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List (121).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001643.pdf
Correspondence 20180815-0910 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl Related Project List.msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008498.pdf
Correspondence 20180815-1039 RE: IBEC Info Needs.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0018335.pdf
Correspondence 20180815-1039 Attch: Murphy Bowl_Outstanding Department Contacts.xlsx PREDEIR_0018336.pdf
Correspondence 20180815-1041 RE: IBEC Info Needs.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019851.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-0909 FW_ Collaboration Meeting (1581).msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; Mayor ;;;;; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0005063.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1026 EIFD Presentation .msg Perla Solis; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0004909.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1026 Attch: Inglewood EIFD Analysis 8-15-18 REV.pptx PREDEIR_0004910.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1412 IBEC Viewpoints.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001135.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1412 Attch: FigX_PotentialViews.pdf PREDEIR_0001136.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1412 IBEC Viewpoints.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006114.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1412 Attch: FigX_PotentialViews.pdf PREDEIR_0006115.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1412 IBEC Viewpoints.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019847.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1412 Attch: FigX_PotentialViews.pdf PREDEIR_0019848.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1508 RE IBEC Viewpoints (118).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001734.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1508 RE_ IBEC Viewpoints (1578).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008155.pdf
Correspondence 20180816-1508 RE: IBEC Viewpoints.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0018320.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1613 Murphy's Bowl-Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001359.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1613 Murphy's Bowl-Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0007042.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1621 IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Meeting & Related Project List .msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006398.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1656 RE IBEC Murphy's Bowl Related Project List.msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001651.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1656 Attch: Draft Related Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0001652.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1656 RE IBEC Murphys Bowl Related Project List.msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015585.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1656 Attch: Draft Related Project List.xlsx PREDEIR_0015586.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1818 RE: Murphys Bowl: EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018308.pdf
Correspondence 20180817-1819 FW_ Murphy's Bowl_ EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005554.pdf
Correspondence 20180819-2308 RE IBEC Viewpoints.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001735.pdf
Correspondence 20180819-2308 RE_ IBEC Viewpoints.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0008156.pdf
Correspondence 20180819-2308 RE: IBEC Viewpoints.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0018307.pdf
Correspondence 20180820-1139 Murphy's Bowl Room Availability.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001336.pdf
Correspondence 20180820-1139 Murphys Bowl Room Availability.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014383.pdf
Correspondence 20180820-1249 IBEC Site Plan Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016064.pdf
Correspondence 20180821-1324 3pm Meeting at the Mayor's Conference Room_ 9th Floor .msg Perla Solis; PREDEIR_0004428.pdf
Correspondence 20180821-1324 Attch: Kroenke Group 8.21.2018 (01).pptx PREDEIR_0004429.pdf
Correspondence 20180821-1425 FW_ 3pm Meeting at the Mayor's Conference Room_ 9th Floor .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ;; PREDEIR_0004973.pdf
Correspondence 20180821-1425 Attch: Kroenke Group 8.21.2018 (01).pdf PREDEIR_0004974.pdf
Correspondence 20180821-1453 Re Project Condor - EIR Site Plan CAD file (2).msg Duethman, Steve Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027272.pdf
Correspondence 20180821-1529 RE Project Condor - EIR Site Plan CAD file (1).msg Duethman, Steve Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027271.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-0632 Re Project Condor - EIR Site Plan CAD file.msg Duethman, Steve Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027273.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-0820 Project Condor - EIR Site Plan CAD file .msg Schreiner, Amy Schreiner, Amy ; Duethman, Steve ; Fulton, Susan ; Dillon, John (Los Angeles) ;;; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016062.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1319 FW_ Murphy's Bowl Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005547.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1321 RE Murphy's Bowl Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0002008.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1321 RE Murphys Bowl Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014384.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1608 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Meeting & Related Project List (1563).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008489.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1608 RE IBEC Murphys Bowl EIR Team Meeting & Related Project List (110).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022467.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1706 Collaboration Meeting (1562).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;; PREDEIR_0004746.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1707 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1561).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;; PREDEIR_0004658.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1707 Canceled Collaboration Meeting (17).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;; PREDEIR_0010475.pdf
Correspondence 20180822-1707 Canceled: Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;; PREDEIR_0018274.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1350 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Meeting & Related Project List (1558).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008488.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1423 RE_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Meeting & Related Project List (1556).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008487.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1645 Re Murphy's Bowl (108).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001994.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0011013.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011014.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011015.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0011016.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0011017.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0011018.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011019.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011020.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0011021.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0011022.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0011023.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0011024.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0011025.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0011026.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0011027.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011028.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011029.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011030.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011031.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0011032.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0011033.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0011034.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0011035.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1702 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0011036.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Murphys Bowl: IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Catherine Aguilar Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Netai Basu ;;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0016012.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: RE_ Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0016013.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: Fwd_ C.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0016014.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016015.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 2. No Event Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0016016.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016017.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016018.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016019.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016020.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 7. Pincay Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0016021.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 8. Pincay bet. Carliton & Renissance.pdf PREDEIR_0016022.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 9. Kareem Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0016023.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 10. Manchester Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0016024.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 11. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0016025.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 12. CMS Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016026.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 13. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016027.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 14. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016028.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 15. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0016029.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 16. Prairie Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016030.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 17. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0016031.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 18. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0016032.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: Fwd_ B.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0016033.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016034.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 2. No event sign.pdf PREDEIR_0016035.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016036.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0016037.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016038.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016039.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0016040.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0016041.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0016042.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016043.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016044.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0016045.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0016046.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0016047.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0016048.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0016049.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0016050.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0016051.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016052.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016053.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016054.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016055.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0016056.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0016057.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0016058.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0016059.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0016060.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1703 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0016061.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1731 IBEC Meeting Agenda (107).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001107.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1731 IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003442.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1731 IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019825.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1740 Re IBEC Meeting Agenda (106).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001710.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1801 Re IBEC Meeting Agenda (105).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001709.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1801 Re_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0003541.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1811 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda (104).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001708.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1811 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0003543.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1811 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1548).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008144.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1811 RE: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018268.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1813 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda (103).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001707.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1813 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (3).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003544.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1813 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1547).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008143.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1813 RE: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019824.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1815 IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001108.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1815 IBEC Meeting Agenda (4).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003440.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1815 IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0016011.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1815 IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019823.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1818 Re IBEC Meeting Agenda (102).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001706.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1818 Re_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (5).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0003546.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1818 Re_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1546).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008142.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-1818 Re: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018267.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-2204 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda (101).msg Tom Gaul Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001705.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-2204 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (7).msg Tom Gaul Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003548.pdf
Correspondence 20180823-2204 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1545).msg Tom Gaul Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008141.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-0939 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1540).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008134.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-0939 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0008135.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-0939 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0012366.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-0939 Attch: 08.27.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0012367.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-0939 RE: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0018264.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-0939 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0018265.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1112 Monday.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0018263.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1222 FW_ IBEC_ Murphy's Bowl EIR Team Meeting & Related Project List .msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; PREDEIR_0005372.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1230 Murphys Bowl: Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018252.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1230 Attch: Future Network Changes.pdf PREDEIR_0018253.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1327 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1536).msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0008130.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1327 RE: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018262.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1332 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Brian Boxer Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0001711.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1332 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (4).msg Brian Boxer Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0003545.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1332 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1535).msg Brian Boxer Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0008129.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1332 RE: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Brian Boxer Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018261.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1332 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Brian Boxer Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_024937.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1357 RE IBEC Meeting Agenda (100).msg Tom Gaul Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0001704.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1357 RE_ IBEC Meeting Agenda (1534).msg Tom Gaul Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0008128.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1357 RE: IBEC Meeting Agenda.msg Tom Gaul Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018259.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1536 IBEC 8_27 Meeting.msg Catherine Aguilar Gerald Goodman ; Netai Basu ;;;; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0005901.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1702 Murphy's Bowl Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001246.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1702 Attch: Future Network Changes.pdf PREDEIR_0001247.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1702 Murphy's Bowl_ Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006934.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1702 Attch: Future Network Changes.pdf PREDEIR_0006935.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1702 Murphys Bowl: Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0018254.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-1702 Attch: Future Network Changes.pdf PREDEIR_0018255.pdf
Correspondence 20180824-2225 Re Monday.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0012503.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-0855 Murphy's Bowl Synchro Networks.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006860.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop (1527).msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Netai Basu ;;;; Mindala Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0006947.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: RE_ Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0006948.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: Fwd_ C.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006949.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006950.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 2. No Event Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0006951.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006952.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006953.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006954.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006955.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 7. Pincay Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0006956.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 8. Pincay bet. Carliton & Renissance.pdf PREDEIR_0006957.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 9. Kareem Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0006958.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 10. Manchester Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0006959.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 11. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0006960.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 12. CMS Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006961.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 13. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006962.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 14. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006963.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 15. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0006964.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 16. Prairie Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006965.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 17. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0006966.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 18. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0006967.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: Fwd_ B.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006968.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006969.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 2. No event sign.pdf PREDEIR_0006970.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006971.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0006972.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006973.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006974.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0006975.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0006976.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0006977.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006978.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006979.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0006980.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0006981.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0006982.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0006983.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006984.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0006985.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0006986.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006987.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006988.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006989.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006990.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0006991.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0006992.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0006993.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0006994.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0006995.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1035 Attch: 08.27.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006996.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1113 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001187.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1113 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003590.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1113 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0009324.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1227 IBEC Building Permits.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001079.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1227 IBEC Building Permits.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019816.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 FW Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg - on behalf of - Catherine Aguilar Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020675.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: RE_ Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020676.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: Fwd_ C.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020677.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020678.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 2. No Event Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0020679.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020680.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020681.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020682.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020683.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 7. Pincay Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0020684.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 8. Pincay bet. Carliton & Renissance.pdf PREDEIR_0020685.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 9. Kareem Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0020686.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 10. Manchester Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0020687.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 11. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0020688.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 12. CMS Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020689.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 13. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020690.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 14. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020691.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 15. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0020692.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 16. Prairie Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020693.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 17. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0020694.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 18. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0020695.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: Fwd_ B.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020696.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020697.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 2. No event sign.pdf PREDEIR_0020698.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020699.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0020700.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020701.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020702.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0020703.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0020704.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0020705.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020706.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020707.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0020708.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0020709.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0020710.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0020711.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020712.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0020713.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0020714.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020715.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020716.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020717.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020718.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0020719.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0020720.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0020721.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0020722.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0020723.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1240 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020724.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 FW_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg - on behalf of - Catherine Aguilar Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0003348.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 RE_ Monday IBEC call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003349.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: Fwd_ C.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0003350.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003351.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 2. No Event Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0003352.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003353.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003354.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003355.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003356.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 7. Pincay Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0003357.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 8. Pincay bet. Carliton & Renissance.pdf PREDEIR_0003358.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 9. Kareem Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0003359.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 10. Manchester Street Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0003360.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 11. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0003361.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 12. CMS Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003362.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 13. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003363.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 14. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003364.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 15. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0003365.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 16. Prairie Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003366.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 17. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0003367.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 18. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0003368.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: Fwd_ B.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0003369.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 1. CMS Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003370.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 2. No event sign.pdf PREDEIR_0003371.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003372.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 4. Prairie & Osage inboound.pdf PREDEIR_0003373.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003374.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003375.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 7. Carlton Pincay Closure.pdf PREDEIR_0003376.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow .pdf PREDEIR_0003377.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 9. CMS Outboud.pdf PREDEIR_0003378.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 10. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003379.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 11. Pincay & Kareem Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003380.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 12. Uber.pdf PREDEIR_0003381.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 13. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0003382.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 14. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0003383.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 15. Pincay Loadout.pdf PREDEIR_0003384.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: Fwd_ A.msg Rigo Rios Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0003385.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 1. CMS INBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0003386.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 2. No Event Parking Signs.pdf PREDEIR_0003387.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 3. Kareem & Pincay Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003388.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 4. PRAIRIE & Osage Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003389.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 5. Manchester BL Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003390.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 6. Kareem Inbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003391.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 7. Kareem & Manchester Outbound.pdf PREDEIR_0003392.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 8. Inbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0003393.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 9. CMS OUTBOUND.pdf PREDEIR_0003394.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 10. Prairie Line Set Up.pdf PREDEIR_0003395.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 11. Outbound Traffic Flow.pdf PREDEIR_0003396.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1253 Attch: 08.27.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003397.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1333 Untitled (40).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindy Wilcox ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Fred Jackson ; 'Whit Manley' ; 'Tiffany Wright' PREDEIR_0012926.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1333 Attch: 8.5 Reconciled Project Objectivew.docx PREDEIR_0012927.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1333 Attch: revised final IBEC Project Objectives 8.27.docx PREDEIR_0012928.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1333 (No subject/filename).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindy Wilcox ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Fred Jackson ; 'Whit Manley' ; 'Tiffany Wright' PREDEIR_0018249.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1333 Attch: 8.5 Reconciled Project Objectivew.docx PREDEIR_0018250.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1333 Attch: revised final IBEC Project Objectives 8.27.docx PREDEIR_0018251.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1434 RE_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Cynthia Robinson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0003490.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1434 RE_ Collaboration Meeting (1526).msg Lisa Trifiletti Cynthia Robinson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0007499.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1505 Murphy's Bowl (94).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001289.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1508 FW IBEC Building Permits.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000803.pdf
Correspondence 20180827-1508 FW IBEC Building Permits.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020292.pdf
Correspondence 20180828-0859 NFL TMOP Data Needs.msg Mike Samuelson Lisa Trifiletti' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007047.pdf
Correspondence 20180828-0934 IBEC Meeting Invite .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001109.pdf
Correspondence 20180828-0934 IBEC Meeting Invite .msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0006044.pdf
Correspondence 20180828-1036 Murphy's Bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003477.pdf
Correspondence 20180828-1105 RE Murphy's Bowl (280).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001996.pdf
Correspondence 20180828-1105 RE_ Murphy's Bowl.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0009276.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0732 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Catherine Aguilar Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Christine Jackson ; David L. Esparza ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ;;;; PREDEIR_0001260.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0732 Attch: 09.17.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001261.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0732 Murphys Bowl: IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Catherine Aguilar Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0016009.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0732 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0016010.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0959 Meeting Forward Notification Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001186.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0959 FW_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg - on behalf of - Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003347.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-0959 FW_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg - on behalf of - Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005562.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1031 RE Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001888.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1110 RE_ NFL TMOP Data Needs (1524).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0009393.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1124 RE_ NFL TMOP Data Needs (1523).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0009391.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1124 Attch: 20 - Off-Site Parking Park & Ride_08.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0009392.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1430 IBEC Call 8 30.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001084.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1430 IBEC Call 8_30.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0005940.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1430 IBEC Call 8/30.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019810.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1442 Re IBEC Call 8 30.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012323.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1443 RE IBEC Call 8 30 (89).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001684.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1443 RE_ IBEC Call 8_30.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008002.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1443 RE: IBEC Call 8/30.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019809.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1444 RE IBEC Call 8 30.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001685.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1444 RE_ IBEC Call 8_30 (1522).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008001.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1506 FW_ NFL TMOP Data Needs (1521).msg Peter Puglese Jeffrey Lau ; Robert Brooks PREDEIR_0005575.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1506 Attch: 20 - Off-Site Parking Park & Ride_08.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0005576.pdf
Correspondence 20180829-1555 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1520).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;;;; PREDEIR_0004657.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0000 Letter From Brian Allee, ESA to Sabrina Barnes, City of Inglewood re Request for Info re Parks and Rec Services and Facilities PREDEIR_0003223.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0000 Letter from Brian Allee, ESA to Marion Jaikowski, LA County Fire Dept re Request for Info re Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services PREDEIR_0003225.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0000 Letter from Brian Allee, ESA to Mark Fronterotta, City of Inglewood Police Dept re Request for Info re Police Protection Services and Facilities PREDEIR_0003226.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0945 RE IBEC Photo Simulation Locations.msg Christina Erwin Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0001712.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0945 Attch: FigX_PotentialViews.pdf PREDEIR_0001713.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0945 RE_ IBEC Photo Simulation Locations.msg Christina Erwin Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0008149.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0945 Attch: FigX_PotentialViews.pdf PREDEIR_0008150.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0945 RE: IBEC Photo Simulation Locations.msg Christina Erwin Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0019807.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-0945 Attch: FigX_PotentialViews.pdf PREDEIR_0019808.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1113 RE_ NFL TMOP Data Needs (1516).msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0009390.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1122 Re Meeting with F&P (4).msg Brian Boxer Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0012490.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1130 RE Meeting with F&P (3).msg Brian Boxer Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0012489.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1132 RE_ NFL TMOP Data Needs (1515).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0009389.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1140 RE Meeting with F&P (1).msg Chris Holmquist Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012487.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1141 RE Meeting with F&P (2).msg Brian Boxer Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_0012488.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1144 FW_ NFL TMOP Data Needs.msg Peter Puglese Robert Brooks ; Jeffrey Lau ; Vanessa Munoz PREDEIR_0005577.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1337 RE Meeting with F&P.msg Brian Boxer Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0012491.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1347 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; David Reel ; Markovitz, Carley ; Pena, Paola ; Gerard McCallum ;; Gershwin, Dan ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0016007.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1350 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin David Reel ; Markovitz, Carley ; Pena, Paola ; Gerard McCallum ;; Gershwin, Dan ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Tiffany Wright ; PREDEIR_0019802.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1351 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin David Reel ; Markovitz, Carley ; Pena, Paola ; Gerard McCallum ;; Gershwin, Dan ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Tiffany Wright ; PREDEIR_0019801.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1436 IBEC Services.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019796.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1436 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0019797.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1436 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0019798.pdf
Correspondence 20180830-1436 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0019799.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1549 RE_ Parking Contact Information.msg Mario Inga Charlotte Stadelmann PREDEIR_0009436.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1549 Attch: -1088428708_20180904_153911_7779810_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0009437.jpg
Correspondence 20180904-1700 SurveyMonkey for private parking owners.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002166.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1703 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (88).msg Mario Inga Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002076.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1703 Attch: RE_ Parking Contact Information.msg Mario Inga Charlotte Stadelmann PREDEIR_0002077.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1703 Attch: -1088428708_20180904_153911_7779810_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0002078.jpg
Correspondence 20180904-1703 RE_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (1508).msg Mario Inga Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009604.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1703 Attch: RE_ Parking Contact Information.msg Mario Inga Charlotte Stadelmann PREDEIR_0009605.pdf
Correspondence 20180904-1703 Attch: -1088428708_20180904_153911_7779810_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0009606.jpg
Correspondence 20180905-0755 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (87).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002075.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-0755 RE_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (1507).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009603.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-0803 Re SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (86).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002079.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-0805 Pre-collaboration meeting check in.msg Tiffany Wright Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0016006.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-0951 Fwd: SurveyMonkey for private parking owners.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0018219.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-0951 Attch: RE_ Parking Contact Information.msg Mario Inga Charlotte Stadelmann PREDEIR_0018220.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-0951 Attch:_resized.jpg PREDEIR_0018221.jpg
Correspondence 20180905-1110 RE Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- 9 6 Conference Call (85).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001886.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1110 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- 9_6 Conference Call .msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003585.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1110 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- 9_6 Conference Call (1504).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0009317.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1115 RE Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- 9 6 Conference Call .msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001887.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1115 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- 9_6 Conference Call .msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009318.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1124 Canceled_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0004694.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1124 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0010486.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1124 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Christine Jackson ; David L. Esparza ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ;;;; PREDEIR_0020665.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1345 FW_ Collaboration Meeting.msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; 'Tiffany Wright' ; 'Whit Manley' ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003311.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1440 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin David Reel ; Markovitz, Carley ; Pena, Paola ; Gerard McCallum ;; Gershwin, Dan ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0019789.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1457 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team 9 6 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000338.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1457 Attch: 09.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000339.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1457 Murphy's Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team 9 6 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001253.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1457 Attch: 09.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001254.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1457 Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team 9_6 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar; PREDEIR_0006943.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1457 Attch: 09.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006944.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1723 Collaboration Meeting (15).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0010637.pdf
Correspondence 20180905-1723 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010638.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0001 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg Unspecified Sender PREDEIR_0021455.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0001 Attch: Canceled_ Murphys Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Christine Jackson ; David L. Esparza ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ;;;; PREDEIR_0021456.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0924 Murphy's Bowl Counts.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002275.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0924 Attch: IBEC-Event Day_ADT Count Index Sheet.pdf PREDEIR_0002276.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0924 Attch: IBEC-Event Day_TMC Count Index Sheet.pdf PREDEIR_0002277.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0924 Attch: IBEC-Non-Event Day_TMC Count Index Sheet.pdf PREDEIR_0002278.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-0928 Discuss limits of Project Condor Photometric Study.msg Chris Holmquist Chris Holmquist ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016004.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1006 09 06 18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.msg Louis A. Atwell Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002259.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1006 Attch: 09.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0002260.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1006 09 06 18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.msg Louis A. Atwell Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020293.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1006 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020294.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1115 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (84).msg Charlotte Stadelmann Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002074.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1115 RE_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (1492).msg Charlotte Stadelmann Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009601.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1124 Murphy's Bowl docs.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001317.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1124 Murphy's Bowl docs.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006858.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1130 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (83).msg Peter Puglese Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002073.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1130 RE_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (1491).msg Peter Puglese Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009600.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1154 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (82).msg Mario Inga Peter Puglese ; Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002072.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1154 RE_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (1490).msg Mario Inga Peter Puglese ; Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009599.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1156 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (81).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002071.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1156 RE_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (1488).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009598.pdf
Correspondence 20180906-1156 RE SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (194).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Charlotte Stadelmann ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Mario Inga ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0021903.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-0447 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (12).msg srinath raju Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002300.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-0447 RE Murphys Bowl Counts (13).msg srinath raju Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020295.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-0821 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (11).msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002299.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1004 Re SurveyMonkey for private parking owners (267).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002070.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1005 Re Murphy's Bowl docs.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002004.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1005 Re_ Murphy's Bowl docs.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0003579.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1102 Murphy’s Bowl: IBEC EIR Coordination 9/6 Mtng. Minutes.msg Catherine Aguilar Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0018200.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1401 IBEC ESA_AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Christina Erwin; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0006033.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1401 IBEC ESA/AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Christina Erwin; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0019781.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 IBEC Updated Project Program Events and Employment Summary.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001063.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.7.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0001064.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 IBEC_ Updated Project Program_ Events_ and Employment Summary.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0006440.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.7.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0006441.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 IBEC Updated Project Program Events and Employment Summary.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0011332.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.7.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0011333.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 IBEC: Updated Project Program, Events, and Employment Summary.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018196.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1639 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.7.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0018197.pdf
Correspondence 20180907-1656 Re_ SurveyMonkey for private parking owners.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009608.pdf
Correspondence 20180908-1126 Fwd IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000903.pdf
Correspondence 20180908-1126 Fwd_ IBEC ESA_AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ; PREDEIR_0005728.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0722 Re IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call (79).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001693.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0722 Re_ IBEC ESA_AECOM AB 987 GHG call (1481).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0008117.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0722 Re IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021846.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0722 Re IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call (108).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022476.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0758 FW IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call (151).msg Louis A. Atwell Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021533.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0805 RE IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0001694.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-0805 RE_ IBEC ESA_AECOM AB 987 GHG call (1480).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0008116.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1055 RE_ survey monkey.msg Charlotte Stadelmann Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0009590.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1055 Attch: IBEC-parking within one mile.pdf PREDEIR_0009591.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1055 Attch: IBEC_1 Mile Parking_ 50 spaces Plus.xls PREDEIR_0009592.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1055 Attch: IBEC-parking within one mile-largefacilities.pdf PREDEIR_0009593.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 RE Murphy's Bowl Future Network Changes (78).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0001879.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001880.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Future Network Changes (1477).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0009310.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0009311.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 RE: Murphys Bowl: Future Network Changes.msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018187.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018188.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 RE Murphys Bowl Future Network Changes (6).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_027265.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1057 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_027266.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1322 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (10).msg Chris Munoz Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002297.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1322 Attch: ADT15 107th Street, between Prairie Avenue and Doty Avenue-SAT.xlsx PREDEIR_0002298.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1322 RE Murphys Bowl Counts (11).msg Chris Munoz Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020296.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1322 Attch: ADT15 107th Street, between Prairie Avenue and Doty Avenue-SAT.xlsx PREDEIR_0020297.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 RE Murphy's Bowl Future Network Changes (76).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0001877.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001878.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Future Network Changes (1475).msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0009308.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0009309.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 RE: Murphys Bowl: Future Network Changes.msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0018179.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018180.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 RE Murphys Bowl Future Network Changes.msg Peter Puglese Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_027267.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1545 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_027268.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1617 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1473).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004656.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1617 Canceled Collaboration Meeting (14).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;; PREDEIR_0010473.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1728 FW_ IBEC ESA_AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; '' PREDEIR_0005239.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1728 FW IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021534.pdf
Correspondence 20180910-1730 RE IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0014535.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-0832 RE_ IBEC ESA_AECOM AB 987 GHG call.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0008119.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-0832 RE IBEC ESA AECOM AB 987 GHG call (241).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021845.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-0837 RE_ Fehr & Peer Synchro Network (1469).msg Jeffrey Lau Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007834.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1304 RE_ Fehr & Peer Synchro Network (1468).msg Peter Puglese Jeffrey Lau ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007832.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1304 Attch: F&P - Future Network Changes Comments 09-10-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0007833.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1456 IBEC -- GHG AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Robert Hodil ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001018.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1456 IBEC -- GHG/AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Robert Hodil ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0016003.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1456 IBEC -- GHG/AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Robert Hodil ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019773.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1459 Re: IBEC -- GHG/AB 987.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018174.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1520 Re: IBEC -- GHG/AB 987.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0018172.pdf
Correspondence 20180911-1802 FW Fehr & Peer Synchro Network.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0021517.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0551 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (9).msg srinath raju Peter Puglese ; PREDEIR_0002296.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0551 RE Murphys Bowl Counts (10).msg srinath raju Peter Puglese ; PREDEIR_0020298.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0749 RE_ Fehr & Peer Synchro Network (1466).msg Mike Samuelson Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0007829.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0749 Attch: F1_Study Area.pdf PREDEIR_0007830.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0811 RE Murphy's Bowl Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001881.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0811 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0009312.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-0811 RE: Murphys Bowl: Future Network Changes.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0018171.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-1636 Murphy's Bowl mtg-misc .msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Phoebe Allen ; Cynthia Robinson ; Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0000344.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-1649 AB 987 Transportation Analysis Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Paola Pena ; Markovitz, Carley ; Matthew Gerken ; David Reel ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_026691.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-1650 AB 987 Transportation Analysis Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Paola Pena ; Markovitz, Carley ; Matthew Gerken ; David Reel ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0016002.pdf
Correspondence 20180912-1701 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (8).msg Chris Munoz Peter Puglese ; 'srinath raju' PREDEIR_0002295.pdf
Correspondence 20180913-1531 Murphy's Bowl_ Future Network Changes (ref_ 3002).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0006932.pdf
Correspondence 20180913-1531 Attch: Future Network Changes.pdf PREDEIR_0006933.pdf
Correspondence 20180913-1531 Murphys Bowl: Future Network Changes (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu PREDEIR_0018157.pdf
Correspondence 20180913-1531 Attch: Future Network Changes.pdf PREDEIR_0018158.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1131 Murphy’s bowl (2).msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013900.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1131 Murphy’s bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015267.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1414 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop 9 17 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001091.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1414 Attch: 09.17.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001092.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1414 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop 9_17 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005998.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1414 Attch: 09.17.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005999.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1559 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop 9 17 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001689.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1559 Attch: 09.17.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001690.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1716 Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0006999.pdf
Correspondence 20180914-1716 Attch: 09.17.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0007000.pdf
Correspondence 20180917-1748 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- CONFERENCE CALL .msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003588.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1108 Arena - parking spacies.msg Vanessa Munoz Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004588.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1205 IMPORTANT PLEASE READ -- IBEC Information Needs - updated.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Christopher Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0003465.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1205 Attch: Information Needs_9-18-18.pdf PREDEIR_0003466.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1205 IMPORTANT PLEASE READ -- IBEC Information Needs - updated.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Christopher Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0006460.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1205 Attch: Information Needs_9-18-18.pdf PREDEIR_0006461.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1205 IMPORTANT PLEASE READ -- IBEC Information Needs - updated.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Christopher Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0019751.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1205 Attch: Information Needs_9-18-18.pdf PREDEIR_0019752.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1705 RE_ Fehr & Peer Synchro Network.msg Jeffrey Lau Lisa Trifiletti ; PREDEIR_0007835.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1714 Collaboration Meeting (1426).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004745.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1715 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1425).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0004655.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 IBEC Parking description and plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0000952.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: E. Parking Narratives 9.18.18.pdf PREDEIR_0000953.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: Bicycle and EV Parking 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000954.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: AECOM Parking Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000955.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 IBEC_ Parking description and plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006141.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: E. Parking Narratives 9.18.18.pdf PREDEIR_0006142.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: Bicycle and EV Parking 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006143.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: AECOM Parking Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006144.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 IBEC Parking description and plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011193.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: E. Parking Narratives 9.18.18.pdf PREDEIR_0011194.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: Bicycle and EV Parking 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011195.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: AECOM Parking Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011196.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 IBEC: Parking description and plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018087.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: E. Parking Narratives 9.18.18.pdf PREDEIR_0018088.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: Bicycle and EV Parking 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018089.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: AECOM Parking Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018090.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 IBEC Parking description and plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026736.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: E. Parking Narratives 9.18.18.pdf PREDEIR_026737.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: Bicycle and EV Parking 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026738.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1728 Attch: AECOM Parking Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026739.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 IBEC Utility Plans LEED Scorecard Water Consumption Emergency Power DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0000964.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Utility Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000965.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: A. LEED Scorecard 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000966.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Emergency Power Info 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000967.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: K. Water Consumption Estiamtes 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000968.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: C. DAS Description 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000969.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 IBEC_ Utility Plans_ LEED Scorecard_ Water Consumption_ Emergency Power_ DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006190.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Utility Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006191.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: A. LEED Scorecard 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006192.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Emergency Power Info 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006193.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: K. Water Consumption Estiamtes 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006194.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: C. DAS Description 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006195.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 IBEC Utility Plans LEED Scorecard Water Consumption Emergency Power DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011208.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Utility Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011209.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: A. LEED Scorecard 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011210.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Emergency Power Info 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011211.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: K. Water Consumption Estiamtes 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011212.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: C. DAS Description 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011213.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 IBEC: Utility Plans, LEED Scorecard, Water Consumption, Emergency Power, DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018075.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Utility Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018076.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: A. LEED Scorecard 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018077.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Emergency Power Info 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018078.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: K. Water Consumption Estiamtes 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018079.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: C. DAS Description 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018080.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: C. DAS Description 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026753.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: K. Water Consumption Estiamtes 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026752.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Emergency Power Info 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026751.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: AECOM Utility Plans 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026749.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 IBEC Utility Plans LEED Scorecard Water Consumption Emergency Power DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026748.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1752 Attch: A. LEED Scorecard 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026750.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 IBEC LID Report .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001020.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001021.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 IBEC_ LID Report .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006379.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006380.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 IBEC LID Report .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011270.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011271.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 IBEC: LID Report .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018073.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018074.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026755.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1808 Attch: IBEC LID Report .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026754.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 IBEC Site Plan Elevations and Cross-Sections.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001044.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Site Plan 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001045.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Elevations and Sections 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001046.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 IBEC_ Site Plan_ Elevations and Cross-Sections.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006426.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Site Plan 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006427.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Elevations and Sections 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006428.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 IBEC Site Plan Elevations and CrossSections.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011303.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Site Plan 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011304.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Elevations and Sections 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011305.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 IBEC: Site Plan, Elevations and Cross-Sections.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018070.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Site Plan 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018071.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Elevations and Sections 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018072.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Elevations and Sections 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026766.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 Attch: AECOM Site Plan 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026765.pdf
Correspondence 20180918-1811 IBEC Site Plan Elevations and Cross-Sections.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026764.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1018 RE_ NFL TMOP Data Needs.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0009394.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1018 RE: NFL TMOP Data Needs.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0018067.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 IBEC Preliminary Grading Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0000956.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: Prelim Earthwork Calculations 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000957.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: AECOM Prelim Grading Plan 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000958.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 IBEC_ Preliminary Grading Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006145.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: Prelim Earthwork Calculations 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006146.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: AECOM Prelim Grading Plan 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006147.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 IBEC Preliminary Grading Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011197.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: Prelim Earthwork Calculations 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011198.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: AECOM Prelim Grading Plan 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011199.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 IBEC: Preliminary Grading Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018064.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: Prelim Earthwork Calculations 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018065.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: AECOM Prelim Grading Plan 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018066.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 Attch: AECOM Prelim Grading Plan 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026742.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1533 IBEC Preliminary Grading Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026740.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 FW IBEC Utility Plans LEED Scorecard Water Consumption Emergency Power DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0000779.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 Attch: AECOM Additional Power Information 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000780.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 FW_ IBEC_ Utility Plans_ LEED Scorecard_ Water Consumption_ Emergency Power_ DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0005294.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 Attch: AECOM Additional Power Information 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0005295.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 FW IBEC Utility Plans LEED Scorecard Water Consumption Emergency Power DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010934.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 Attch: AECOM Additional Power Information 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0010935.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 FW: IBEC: Utility Plans, LEED Scorecard, Water Consumption, Emergency Power, DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018059.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 Attch: AECOM Additional Power Information 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018060.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 Attch: AECOM Additional Power Information 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026726.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1709 FW IBEC Utility Plans LEED Scorecard Water Consumption Emergency Power DAS.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026725.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 IBEC Preliminary off-site improvements .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0000961.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: AECOM Water Consumption and CalGreen Measures 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000962.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: IBEC Preliminary Off-Site Improvements 9.19.2018.docx PREDEIR_0000963.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 IBEC_ Preliminary off-site improvements_ .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006150.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: AECOM Water Consumption and CalGreen Measures 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006151.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: IBEC Preliminary Off-Site Improvements 9.19.2018.docx PREDEIR_0006152.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 IBEC Preliminary offsite improvements .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011202.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: AECOM Water Consumption and CalGreen Measures 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011203.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: IBEC Preliminary Off-Site Improvements 9.19.2018.docx PREDEIR_0011204.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 IBEC: Preliminary off-site improvements, .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018056.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: AECOM Water Consumption and CalGreen Measures 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018057.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: IBEC Preliminary Off-Site Improvements 9.19.2018.docx PREDEIR_0018058.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: IBEC Preliminary Off-Site Improvements 9.19.2018.docx PREDEIR_026747.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 Attch: AECOM Water Consumption and CalGreen Measures 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026746.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1716 IBEC Preliminary off-site improvements .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026745.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1748 RE IBEC Parking description and plans.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001556.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1748 RE_ IBEC_ Parking description and plans.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0008163.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1748 RE IBEC Parking description and plans.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015549.pdf
Correspondence 20180919-1748 RE: IBEC: Parking description and plans.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018055.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-0959 FW IBEC LID Report .msg Mindala Wilcox Boytrese Osias PREDEIR_0000790.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-0959 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000791.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-0959 FW IBEC LID Report .msg Mindala Wilcox Boytrese Osias PREDEIR_0020299.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-0959 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0020300.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1008 FW IBEC LID Report (118).msg Mindala Wilcox Boytrese Osias PREDEIR_029407.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1008 Attch: LID Report 8.23.2018.pdf PREDEIR_029408.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1012 RE IBEC LID Report .msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001634.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1012 RE IBEC LID Report .msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020301.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1012 RE IBEC LID Report .msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022466.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1207 Murphy’s bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001208.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1207 Murphy's Bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006861.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1210 Re Murphy's Bowl.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002009.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 IBEC Lighting Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001022.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Photometric Drawings Base Plan 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001023.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Color Photometric 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001024.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 IBEC_ Lighting Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006381.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Photometric Drawings Base Plan 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006382.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Color Photometric 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006383.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 IBEC Lighting Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011272.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Photometric Drawings Base Plan PREDEIR_0011273.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Color Photometric 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011274.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 IBEC: Lighting Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018047.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Photometric Drawings Base Plan 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018048.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Color Photometric 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018049.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Photometric Drawings Base Plan 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026757.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 IBEC Lighting Information.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026756.pdf
Correspondence 20180920-1531 Attch: IBEC Color Photometric 9.20.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026758.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1128 FW Murphys Bowl Timeline.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000856.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1128 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0000857.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1128 FW Murphys Bowl Timeline.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014385.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1128 Attch: Murphys Bowl ENA Milestone Tracking.xlsx PREDEIR_0014386.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 FW_ IBEC Services (1411).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0005276.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0005277.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0005278.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0005279.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 FW: IBEC Services.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019720.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0019721.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0019722.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1620 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0019723.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 IBEC Preliminary Signage Plan .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001037.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 Attch: IBEC Signage Plan 9.24.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001038.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 IBEC_ Preliminary Signage Plan .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0006402.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 Attch: IBEC Signage Plan 9.24.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006403.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 IBEC Preliminary Signage Plan .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011291.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 Attch: IBEC Signage Plan PREDEIR_0011292.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 IBEC: Preliminary Signage Plan .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018028.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 Attch: IBEC Signage Plan 9.24.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0018029.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 IBEC Preliminary Signage Plan .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026762.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1637 Attch: IBEC Signage Plan 9.24.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026763.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1808 RE IBEC Services (61).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001722.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1808 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0001723.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1808 RE: IBEC Services.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019718.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1808 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0019719.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 RE IBEC Services (60).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001720.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0001721.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 RE IBEC Services.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001724.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0001725.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 RE: IBEC Services.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019714.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0019715.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 RE: IBEC Services.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019716.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1809 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0019717.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1813 Murphy's Bowl--info requests from Police Fire and Parks.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001352.pdf
Correspondence 20180924-1813 Murphys Bowl--info requests from Police Fire and Parks.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014387.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0715 RE Murphy's Bowl--info requests from Police Fire and Parks (59).msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002022.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0715 RE Murphys Bowl--info requests from Police Fire and Parks (243).msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014388.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0820 FW IBEC Services (58).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000806.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0820 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0000807.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0820 FW IBEC Services (242).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020302.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0820 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0020303.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0820 FW IBEC Services (100).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022410.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0820 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0022411.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 FW IBEC Services.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000808.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0000809.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 FW IBEC Services (57).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000804.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0000805.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 FW IBEC Services.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020304.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020305.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 FW IBEC Services (241).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020306.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020307.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 FW IBEC Services (99).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022408.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0022409.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 FW IBEC Services.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022412.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0822 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0022413.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0823 RE Murphy's Bowl--info requests from Police Fire and Parks.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002023.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-0823 RE Murphys Bowl--info requests from Police Fire and Parks.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014389.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-1158 IBEC info needs.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0006038.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-1158 IBEC info needs.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0019711.pdf
Correspondence 20180925-1625 IBEC EIR Coordination_ Inquiry.msg Catherine Aguilar Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0006020.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-0919 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (7).msg Chris Munoz Mike Samuelson' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002294.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1025 Urgent Discussion RE Status and Schedule of Murphy's Bowl DEIR.msg Christopher E. Jackson Christopher E. Jackson ; James Butts ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002210.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1025 Urgent Discussion RE_ Status and Schedule of Murphy's Bowl DEIR.msg Christopher E. Jackson James Butts ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0009968.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1127 IBEC Schedule v8_1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones PREDEIR_0003443.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1127 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Draft Schedule v8.1 (0....pdf PREDEIR_0003444.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1127 IBEC Schedule v8_1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones PREDEIR_0006086.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1127 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Draft Schedule v8.1 (0....pdf PREDEIR_0006087.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1127 IBEC Schedule v8.1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones PREDEIR_0019705.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1127 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Draft Schedule v8.1 (0....pdf PREDEIR_0019706.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1128 RE: IBEC: Site photos and photo simulations .msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0019704.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1143 IBEC September 27 meeting agenda.msg Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001040.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1143 IBEC_ September 27 meeting agenda.msg Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006423.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1150 FW IBEC September 27 meeting agenda.msg Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000796.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1150 Attch: IBEC 9.27.2018 Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000797.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1150 FW_ IBEC_ September 27 meeting agenda.msg Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0005376.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1150 Attch: IBEC 9.27.2018 Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005377.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1448 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (6).msg Mike Samuelson; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002293.pdf
Correspondence 20180926-1507 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts (5).msg Chris Munoz Mike Samuelson' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002292.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1229 Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (55).msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0001169.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1229 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0001170.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1229 Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (239).msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0020308.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1229 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0020309.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1252 Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0001372.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1252 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0001373.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1252 Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0020310.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1252 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020311.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1255 Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (54).msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001176.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1255 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0001177.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1255 Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (238).msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020312.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1255 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020313.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1304 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (53).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001767.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1304 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (237).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020314.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 IBEC Summary of project program events and employment.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001052.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0001053.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 IBEC Summary of project program events and employment.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011314.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0011315.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 IBEC: Summary of project program, events, and employment.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0018007.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0018008.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.27.18.xlsx PREDEIR_026768.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1318 IBEC Summary of project program events and employment.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026767.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1446 RE Murphy's Bowl Counts.msg Mike Samuelson; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002302.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1537 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (52).msg JAIKOWSKI, Marion Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001766.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1537 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (236).msg JAIKOWSKI, Marion Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020315.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1600 Re_ IBEC info needs.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008120.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1600 Attch: Landscape Narrative 9.27.18.pdf PREDEIR_0008121.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1600 Re: IBEC info needs.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0018003.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1600 Attch: Landscape Narrative 9.27.18.pdf PREDEIR_0018004.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1600 Re IBEC info needs.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026815.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1600 Attch: Landscape Narrative 9.27.18.pdf PREDEIR_026816.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1749 Fwd IBEC AB 987 Coordination Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000902.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1925 Re Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (235).msg Sabrina Barnes Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002043.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1925 Re Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (235).msg Sabrina Barnes Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020316.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1928 Re Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (234).msg Sabrina Barnes Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002041.pdf
Correspondence 20180927-1928 Re Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (234).msg Sabrina Barnes Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020317.pdf
Correspondence 20180928-1236 IBEC -- HPSP 2024.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0003424.pdf
Correspondence 20180928-1236 IBEC -- HPSP 2024.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0005885.pdf
Correspondence 20180928-1236 IBEC -- HPSP 2024.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0019698.pdf
Correspondence 20180928-1431 AB 987 Transportation Analysis Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0016000.pdf
Correspondence 20180928-1431 AB 987 Transportation Analysis Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_026692.pdf
Correspondence 20180928-1551 RE IBEC AB 987 Coordination Meeting (49).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001673.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 FW_ IBEC Services (4).msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0003330.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0003331.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0003332.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0003333.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 FW_ IBEC Services.msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson ; 'Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0005280.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_Parks_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0005281.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0005282.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2152 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0005283.pdf
Correspondence 20180930-2228 FW IBEC AB 987 Coordination Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000802.pdf
Correspondence 20181001-1347 FW Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (48).msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000829.pdf
Correspondence 20181001-1347 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0000830.pdf
Correspondence 20181001-1347 FW Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (232).msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020320.pdf
Correspondence 20181001-1347 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020321.pdf
Correspondence 20181001-1404 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (47).msg Cuadra, Alexandra Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001765.pdf
Correspondence 20181001-1404 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (231).msg Cuadra, Alexandra Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020322.pdf
Correspondence 20181002-0000 Letter from Sabrina Barnes, Parks and Recreation, City of Inglewood, to Brian Allee, ESA PREDEIR_0002217.pdf
Correspondence 20181002-0951 RE IBEC AB 987 Coordination Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001674.pdf
Correspondence 20181002-1435 Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services PREDEIR_0015331.pdf
Correspondence 20181002-1445 FW Updated Stone Planning proposal (25).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000889.pdf
Correspondence 20181002-1743 RE: IBEC AB 987: GHG & Air Quality coordination call with ESA.msg Gerken, Matthew Dennis Kanuk ; Pena, Paola ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017979.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-0638 Untitled.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021983.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1039 RE Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (230).msg Fred Jackson Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0002040.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1039 RE Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (230).msg Fred Jackson Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0020324.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1041 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (45).msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0001758.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1041 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (229).msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0014390.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1657 FW Building permits needed.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000748.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1657 FW: Building permits needed.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019684.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1724 RE Building permits needed (44).msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001454.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1724 RE: Building permits needed.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017974.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1820 Fwd_ tomorrow (1386).msg PREDEIR_0005827.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1820 Attch: 10.4.18 IBEC Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005828.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1832 Fwd_ tomorrow meeting and agenda.msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003420.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1832 Attch: 10.4.18 IBEC Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003421.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1926 RE Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (227).msg Sabrina Barnes Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0002038.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1926 Attch: Letter - ESA - ClippersREV.pdf PREDEIR_0002039.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1926 RE Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services (227).msg Sabrina Barnes Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020325.pdf
Correspondence 20181003-1926 Attch: Letter - ESA - ClippersREV.pdf PREDEIR_0020326.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0001 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- CONFERENCE CALL .msg Unspecified Sender PREDEIR_0021452.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0001 Attch: Canceled_ Murphys Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- CONFERENCE CALL .msg Catherine Aguilar Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; David L. Esparza ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ;;;;; Via, Tay ; Gershwin, Dan ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Reel, David PREDEIR_0021453.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0001 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0021454.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0839 RE_ meeting tomorrow.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0003599.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0839 RE_ tomorrow (1383).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009678.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0903 Re tomorrow.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002083.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0903 Attch: 10.04.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0002084.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0903 Re_ tomorrow (1382).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009676.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0903 Attch: 10.04.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0009677.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0905 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team CONFERENCE CALL .msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Via, Tay ; Gershwin, Dan ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Reel, David PREDEIR_0010484.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0905 Attch: 10.03.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010485.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0905 Canceled Murphys Bowl IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- CONFERENCE CALL .msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; David L. Esparza ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ;;;;; Via, Tay ; Gershwin, Dan ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Reel, David PREDEIR_0020663.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0905 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020664.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0909 here is the agenda-please send asap.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0000944.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0909 Attch: 10.04.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000945.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0909 here is the agenda-please send asap.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0020327.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0909 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020328.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0927 IBEC EIR Coordination Mtg Agenda.msg Evangeline Lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; Mayor ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike PREDEIR_029446.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0927 Attch: 10.04.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_029447.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0935 RE_ Murphy's Bowl_ IBEC EIR Coordination Team -- CONFERENCE CALL (1).msg DeRosa, David Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003586.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0939 IBEC EIR Coordination Mtg_ Agenda.msg Evangeline Lane Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003438.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-0939 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003439.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1010 IBEC Call-In Details for 10 am.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0003432.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1010 IBEC CallIn Details for 10 am.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0011361.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1010 IBEC Call-In Details for 10 am.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0017970.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1037 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Mtg Agenda.msg Tunisia Johnson Artie Fields PREDEIR_0001688.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1052 RE Building permits needed (39).msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001452.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1052 Attch: Building Permits DOC177.PDF PREDEIR_0001453.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1052 RE: Building permits needed.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017968.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1052 Attch: DOC177.PDF PREDEIR_0017969.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1100 RE Building permits needed.msg Amber Grady Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001455.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1100 RE: Building permits needed.msg Amber Grady Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017967.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1101 RE Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0002044.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1101 RE Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0020329.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1108 FW Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0000867.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1108 Attch: Letter - ESA - ClippersREV.pdf PREDEIR_0000868.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1108 FW: Parks & Recreation Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017965.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1108 Attch: Letter - ESA - ClippersREV.pdf PREDEIR_0017966.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1135 Fwd AB987 Lead Agency Letter to CARB.msg Gerard McCallum Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020727.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1135 Attch: City Letter Re Intent to File AB 987 Application-c-c.docx PREDEIR_0020728.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1135 Attch: AB 987 Planning Committment Letter(1)-c.docx PREDEIR_0020729.pdf
Correspondence 20181004-1135 Attch: NOC Form-c.pdf PREDEIR_0020730.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1116 IBEC Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Perla Solis; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0001051.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1116 IBEC_ Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Perla Solis; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0006432.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1116 IBEC Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0011311.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1116 IBEC: Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0017962.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1242 RE IBEC Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0001657.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1242 RE_ IBEC_ Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0008529.pdf
Correspondence 20181005-1242 RE: IBEC: Status Update on Metro Station Architectural Drawings .msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer ;; PREDEIR_0019677.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-0949 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (37).msg Fred Jackson Cuadra, Alexandra PREDEIR_0001763.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-0949 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0001764.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-0949 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (221).msg Fred Jackson Cuadra, Alexandra PREDEIR_0020330.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-0949 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020331.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1009 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (36).msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0001756.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1009 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0001757.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1009 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (220).msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0020332.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1009 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_PD_8.30.18.pdf PREDEIR_0020333.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1319 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (35).msg Mark Fronterotta Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001755.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1319 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services (219).msg Mark Fronterotta Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014391.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1339 Murphys Bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001341.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1339 Murphys Bowl.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014392.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1345 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0001759.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1345 RE Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0014393.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1648 Murphys Bowl Map of Residential Parking Permit Zones .msg Netai Basu Mario Inga PREDEIR_0021751.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1658 RE Murphys Bowl Map of Residential Parking Permit Zones .msg Mario Inga Netai Basu PREDEIR_0021876.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1658 Attch: Residential Parking Permit Oct-2017.pdf PREDEIR_0021877.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1705 RE Clippers Inglewood Basketball Arena Project (34).msg Lisa Trifiletti Datu, Louise ; Meade, Rick ; Clarke, Richard ; Wiggins, Stephanie ; McMillan, Therese ; Gallagher, Jim PREDEIR_0001504.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1717 RE Murphys Bowl Map of Residential Parking Permit Zones (208).msg Netai Basu Mario Inga PREDEIR_0021875.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1746 Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001171.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1746 Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017956.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1756 Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001178.pdf
Correspondence 20181008-1756 Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017955.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-0806 Canceled_ Clippers Inglewood Basketball Arena Project.msg Datu, Louise Meade, Rick ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Clarke, Richard ; Wiggins, Stephanie ; McMillan, Therese ; Gallagher, Jim PREDEIR_0004652.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-0806 Clippers Inglewood Basketball Arena Project.msg Datu, Louise Meade, Rick ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Clarke, Richard ; Wiggins, Stephanie ; McMillan, Therese ; Gallagher, Jim PREDEIR_0004734.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-0817 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001768.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-0817 RE Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020334.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-0835 Re Clippers Inglewood Basketball Arena Project.msg McMillan, Therese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001505.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-1334 Inglewood Police Department - IBEC Services PREDEIR_0015332.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-2012 IBEC Application Review (1375).msg Dennis Kanuk Chris Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0005917.pdf
Correspondence 20181009-2012 FW: IBEC Application Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Chris Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0015999.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-0808 RE_ Cancellation of Collaboration Meeting today_.msg Evangeline Lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;;;;; PREDEIR_0003488.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-0931 RE_ IBEC Application Review.msg Catherine Aguilar Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0007991.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-0931 RE IBEC Application Review.msg Catherine Aguilar Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0012314.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-0931 RE: IBEC Application Review.msg Catherine Aguilar Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0017951.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-0931 RE IBEC Application Review.msg Catherine Aguilar Dennis Kanuk ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David L. Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0021833.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-1101 FW Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (33).msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000828.pdf
Correspondence 20181010-1101 FW Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services (217).msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014394.pdf
Correspondence 20181011-1038 RE CAD Files Request IBEC (Clippers) and TMOP Team (221).msg Perla Solis Boytrese Osias ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021779.pdf
Correspondence 20181011-1046 RE CAD Files Request IBEC (Clippers) and TMOP Team .msg Boytrese Osias Perla Solis ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021780.pdf
Correspondence 20181011-1510 RE: IBEC Application Review.msg Tom Gaul Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0017941.pdf
Correspondence 20181011-1604 IBEC Application Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Chris Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David Esparza ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0005918.pdf
Correspondence 20181011-1604 IBEC Application Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Chris Jackson ; Sharon Koike ; David Esparza ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0011354.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-0856 Re: IBEC Application Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0017940.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-0905 Re: IBEC Application Review.msg Tom Gaul Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0017939.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1029 FW Updated Stone Planning proposal (15).msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0000888.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1104 Fwd Special Event Service Inglewood Stadium.msg Lisa Trifiletti T. Gaul@fehrandpeers. com ;; Louis A. Atwell ;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011148.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1104 Fwd: Special Event Service - Inglewood Stadium.msg Lisa Trifiletti T. Gaul@fehrandpeers. com ;; Louis A. Atwell ;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0017936.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1327 IBEC_ Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0006117.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1327 IBEC Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0011177.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1327 IBEC: Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0017927.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1327 IBEC Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_026733.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1341 RE IBEC Emissions Review October 16 or 17 (31).msg Gerard McCallum Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0001552.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1341 RE_ IBEC_ Emissions Review October 16 or 17 (1373).msg Gerard McCallum Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0008159.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1341 RE IBEC Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Gerard McCallum Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0012204.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1341 RE: IBEC: Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Gerard McCallum Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0017926.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1403 IBEC Trip Generation and Reduction Review .msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0001061.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1403 IBEC_ Trip Generation and Reduction Review .msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0006439.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1410 RE IBEC Trip Generation and Reduction Review (30).msg Reel, David Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0001661.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1410 RE_ IBEC_ Trip Generation and Reduction Review (1372).msg Reel, David Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0008542.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1450 RE IBEC Emissions Review October 16 or 17 (28).msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk' PREDEIR_0001551.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1622 RE IBEC Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001553.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1622 RE_ IBEC_ Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0008160.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1622 RE: IBEC: Emissions Review October 16 or 17.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; Paola Pena ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019650.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-1630 RE_ IBEC_ Trip Generation and Reduction Review (1371).msg Peter Puglese Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0008541.pdf
Correspondence 20181012-2330 RE IBEC Trip Generation and Reduction Review (27).msg Peter Puglese Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. PREDEIR_0001659.pdf
Correspondence 20181013-1256 Re_ IBEC_ Trip Generation and Reduction Review (1369).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0008540.pdf
Correspondence 20181013-1256 Re IBEC Trip Generation and Reduction Review .msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021832.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-0811 RE IBEC Trip Generation and Reduction Review .msg Mike Samuelson Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001662.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-0811 RE_ IBEC_ Trip Generation and Reduction Review .msg Mike Samuelson Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0008543.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-0823 FW: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Response.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017920.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-0823 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Response.pdf PREDEIR_0017921.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1139 RE: Murphys Bowl: EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017919.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1458 IBEC Trip Generation and TDM Program Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel PREDEIR_0001132.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1458 IBEC Emissions Review (1367).msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Paola Pena ; Matthew Gerken PREDEIR_0006028.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1458 IBEC Trip Generation and TDM Program Review (1366).msg Dennis Kanuk Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel PREDEIR_0006112.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1458 IBEC Trip Generation and TDM Program Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel PREDEIR_0015997.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1542 Jobs.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019645.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1542 Attch: IBEC Program Events and Employment 9.7.18.xlsx PREDEIR_0019646.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1558 Murphy's Bowl RE I-Line Information Needed .msg Netai Basu Thomas Uwal ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001271.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1558 Murphys Bowl: RE: I-Line Information Needed .msg Netai Basu Thomas Uwal ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017916.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1620 Attch: Lineshuttle2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001925.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1620 RE: Murphys Bowl: RE: I-Line Information Needed .msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017914.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1620 Attch: Lineshuttle2018.pdf PREDEIR_0017915.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1620 RE Murphys Bowl RE I-Line Information Needed (91).msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022485.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1620 Attch: Lineshuttle2018.pdf PREDEIR_0022486.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1621 RE Murphy's Bowl RE I-Line Information Needed (24).msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001923.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1621 RE: Murphys Bowl: RE: I-Line Information Needed .msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017913.pdf
Correspondence 20181015-1621 RE Murphys Bowl RE I-Line Information Needed (90).msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022484.pdf
Correspondence 20181016-1818 RE Murphy's Bowl RE I-Line Information Needed (23).msg Netai Basu Thomas Uwal PREDEIR_0001922.pdf
Correspondence 20181016-1818 RE: Murphys Bowl: RE: I-Line Information Needed .msg Netai Basu Thomas Uwal PREDEIR_0017901.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-0845 RE Murphy's Bowl RE I-Line Information Needed .msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001926.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-0845 RE: Murphys Bowl: RE: I-Line Information Needed .msg Thomas Uwal Netai Basu PREDEIR_0017900.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-1005 IBEC Emissions Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Paola Pena ; Matthew Gerken PREDEIR_0001097.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-1005 IBEC Emissions Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Paola Pena ; Matthew Gerken PREDEIR_0006029.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-1005 IBEC Emissions Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Elliot Schwimmer ; Paola Pena ; Matthew Gerken PREDEIR_0011380.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-1307 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1364).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004654.pdf
Correspondence 20181017-1329 IBEC Trip Generation and TDM Program Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Gerard McCallum ; David Reel ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ; Casil, Noel PREDEIR_0006113.pdf
Correspondence 20181018-1622 David Stone - Kick Off Meeting/Call.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017896.pdf
Correspondence 20181019-0943 RE: David Stone - Kick Off Meeting/Call.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019640.pdf
Correspondence 20181019-1035 Re: David Stone - Kick Off Meeting/Call.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017891.pdf
Correspondence 20181019-1633 RE: David Stone - Kick Off Meeting/Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0017890.pdf
Correspondence 20181022-1326 IBEC-Monday Meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001150.pdf
Correspondence 20181022-1326 IBEC-Monday Meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0015268.pdf
Correspondence 20181022-1326 IBEC-Monday Meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017887.pdf
Correspondence 20181022-1720 Re_ Meeting regarding HP 60 acres.msg Gerard McCallum Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0009112.pdf
Correspondence 20181023-1329 IBEC Cumulative (1358).msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0005959.pdf
Correspondence 20181023-1329 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0019634.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0844 RE: IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017883.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0903 Re_ IBEC Cumulative (1357).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008023.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0903 Re: IBEC Cumulative.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017882.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0906 RE: IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017881.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0907 FW: IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0017880.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0946 FW: IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017879.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0953 Re: IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019631.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-0954 RE: IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017878.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1029 Re: IBEC Cumulative.msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017876.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1029 Re IBEC Cumulative.msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026813.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1044 Re: IBEC Cumulative.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017875.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1143 FW Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000831.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1143 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0000832.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1143 FW Los Angeles County Fire Department - IBEC Services.msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020338.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1143 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Info Request_LACFD_8.30.18....pdf PREDEIR_0020339.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1150 IBEC Cumulative (1356).msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ;; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0005958.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1150 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ;; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0019630.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1216 FW: IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017874.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1239 IBEC Cumulative (1354).msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ;; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0005957.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1239 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ;; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0019629.pdf
Correspondence 20181024-1740 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0019626.pdf
Correspondence 20181025-0953 RE_ Collaboration Meeting - Proposed Agenda for today's Meeting_.msg Evangeline Lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0007497.pdf
Correspondence 20181025-0953 Attch: 10.25.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0007498.pdf
Correspondence 20181025-1038 Re Stone Planning - City of Inglewood Business License (86).msg David Stone Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0022488.pdf
Correspondence 20181025-1217 Canceled_ IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ;; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0004672.pdf
Correspondence 20181025-1217 Canceled: IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ;; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0019625.pdf
Correspondence 20181025-1217 Canceled IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Phoebe Allen ; Artie Fields ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0021446.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-0805 FW: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Environmental Impact Report.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017867.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-0805 Attch: FFER #201800109.pdf PREDEIR_0017868.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1514 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Jackson ;; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0015994.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1518 AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015993.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1520 AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004486.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1520 AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Alan Sako ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0019620.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1521 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Jackson ;; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0005961.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1521 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Jackson ;; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0019619.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1522 IBEC Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ;; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001088.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1523 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Cumulative.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001182.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 IBEC Project Description WORKING DRAFT (1348).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0006054.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: 2.0 Project Description.docx PREDEIR_0006055.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0006056.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006057.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006058.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006059.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Concourse Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006060.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006061.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Building Elevations.pdf PREDEIR_0006062.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Landscaping Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006063.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Sign Locations - Arena, Training Facility, Southern Parking Garage.pdf PREDEIR_0006064.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Sign Locations - Plaza.pdf PREDEIR_0006065.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description and Permanent Bus Stop Relocations.pdf PREDEIR_0006066.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0006067.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description and Electric Vehicle Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0006068.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Variants.pdf PREDEIR_0006069.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description - Lane Closures.pdf PREDEIR_0006070.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0006071.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0006072.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0006073.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0006074.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006075.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006076.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006077.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 IBEC Project Description WORKING DRAFT.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0019594.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: 2.0 Project Description.docx PREDEIR_0019595.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0019596.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019597.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019598.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019599.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Concourse Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019600.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019601.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Building Elevations.pdf PREDEIR_0019602.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Landscaping Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019603.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Sign Locations - Arena, Training Facility, Southern Parking Garage.pdf PREDEIR_0019604.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Sign Locations - Plaza.pdf PREDEIR_0019605.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description and Permanent Bus Stop Relocations.pdf PREDEIR_0019606.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0019607.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description and Electric Vehicle Parking.pdf PREDEIR_0019608.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Variants.pdf PREDEIR_0019609.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description - Lane Closures.pdf PREDEIR_0019610.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0019611.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0019612.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0019613.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description PREDEIR_0019614.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019615.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019616.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1809 Attch: DRAFT_IBEC Project Description Level Floor Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019617.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1816 IBEC Project Description WORKING DRAFT.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0006078.pdf
Correspondence 20181026-1816 IBEC Project Description WORKING DRAFT.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0019593.pdf
Correspondence 20181029-1417 FW Murphy's Bowl Meeting (7).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000853.pdf
Correspondence 20181029-1418 RE Murphy's Bowl Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0002005.pdf
Correspondence 20181029-1538 FW_ Hollywood Park Easements Sheet (1339).msg Lisa Trifiletti Robert Brooks ;; Jeffrey Lau ;; Robin Rickman PREDEIR_0005152.pdf
Correspondence 20181029-1538 Attch: VTTM 80314 LASED tabloid 4.pdf PREDEIR_0005153.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-0713 Re: IBEC.msg David Stone Christina Erwin ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0017847.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-0814 RE_ Hollywood Park Easements Sheet (1333).msg Louis A. Atwell Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Brooks ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias PREDEIR_0007904.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-1308 Hollywood Park VTTM Note 37.msg Chris Holmquist Boytrese B. Osias PREDEIR_0005860.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-1308 Attch: HP VTTM 37.pdf PREDEIR_0005861.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-1308 Attch: Civic Site Grant Deed Executed.pdf PREDEIR_0005862.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-1326 RE_ Hollywood Park Easements Sheet.msg Boytrese Osias Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Brooks ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007906.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-1326 Attch: HP VTTM 37.pdf PREDEIR_0007907.pdf
Correspondence 20181030-1326 Attch: Civic Site Grant Deed Executed.pdf PREDEIR_0007908.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-0923 RE_ IBEC _UPDATED_ Kick-Off Conference Call Meeting w_ David Stone (1_00 pm PST) (1316).msg Brian Boxer David Stone ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0007984.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1111 Murphy's Bowl Request for Attendance Data Estimates for Forum Events (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001272.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1111 Murphys Bowl: Request for Attendance Data/Estimates for Forum Events (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0017827.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1355 FW Murphy's Bowl Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000854.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1436 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Attendance Data Estimates for Forum Events (ref 3002) (173).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001927.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1436 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for Attendance Data/Estimates for Forum Events (ref. 3002).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0017825.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1621 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting (1305).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004653.pdf
Correspondence 20181031-1621 Canceled: Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;; PREDEIR_0017822.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1043 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_5 Mtng_ Inquiry.msg Catherine Aguilar Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0006310.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1054 IBEC Team Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Joe Wittmann ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Jackson ; David Stone ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mike Samuelson ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce K. Jones ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0015990.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1054 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015991.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1158 IBEC EIR Coordination Mtng Rm Reservations.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001007.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1213 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Mtng Rm Reservations (172).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001615.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1517 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Mtng Rm Reservations (11).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001613.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1626 RE_ (1290).msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007132.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1626 Attch: 100520 Baseline MMRP Compliance Log.xls PREDEIR_0007133.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1639 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Mtng Rm Reservations (167).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001614.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1643 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Mtng Rm Reservations.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001616.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1810 IBEC Team Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindala Wilcox ; Joe Wittmann ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; David Stone ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mike Samuelson ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce Jones ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001127.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1810 Attch: 11.5.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001128.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1810 IBEC Team Meeting (1289).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Stone ; Joe Wittmann ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0006096.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1810 Attch: 11.5.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006097.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1810 IBEC Team Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Stone ; Joe Wittmann ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0019558.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1810 Attch: 11.5.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019559.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-1812 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Team Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001183.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-2212 Baseline MMRP Compliance Log.msg Lisa Trifiletti '' PREDEIR_0004968.pdf
Correspondence 20181101-2212 Attch: Baseline MMRP Compliance Log.xls PREDEIR_0004969.pdf
Correspondence 20181102-0000 Draft Memo from City of Inglewood to ESA re Additional Info on the Transportation Impact Analysis Methodology PREDEIR_0003235.pdf
Correspondence 20181102-1551 RE Murphy's Bowl Request for Attendance Data Estimates for Forum Events (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001928.pdf
Correspondence 20181102-1551 RE: Murphys Bowl: Request for Attendance Data/Estimates for Forum Events (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0017793.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0000 Mindy Wilcox Email about IBEC Protocols.JPG PREDEIR_0003282.jpg
Correspondence 20181105-0846 RE_ IBEC Team Meeting (1279).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Stone ; Joe Wittmann ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0008153.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0846 RE: IBEC Team Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Stone ; Joe Wittmann ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0017790.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0846 RE IBEC Team Meeting (192).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; David Stone ; Joe Wittmann ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0021847.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0922 IBEC Team Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Joe Wittmann ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Jackson ; David Stone ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mike Samuelson ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce K. Jones ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0006098.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0922 Attch: 11.5.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006099.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0922 IBEC Team Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Joe Wittmann ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Jackson ; David Stone ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mike Samuelson ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce K. Jones ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0019555.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-0922 Attch: 11.5.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019556.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-1251 RE_ IBEC Team Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Joe Wittmann ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; David Stone ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mike Samuelson ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce Jones ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0008154.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-1251 RE IBEC Team Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Joe Wittmann ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; David Stone ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mike Samuelson ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce Jones ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Netai Basu ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0021848.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-1319 FW IBEC Team Meeting.msg Louis A. Atwell Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021535.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-1615 Inglewood materials meeting.msg David Stone Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000905.pdf
Correspondence 20181105-1719 Inglewood materials meeting.msg David Stone Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000906.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1011 Existing Drainage Infrastructure.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; PREDEIR_0019549.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1109 Murphys Bowl IBEC Local Hire.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017787.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1131 RE: Existing Drainage Infrastructure.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0017785.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1131 Attch: IBEC Existing Utilities & Easements.pdf PREDEIR_0017786.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1241 IBEC (162).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001072.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1241 IBEC (1268).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005889.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1526 IBEC-Department Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001143.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1526 IBEC-Department Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006455.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1609 IBEC (160).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001071.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1609 IBEC (160).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014395.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1642 RE IBEC-Department Coordination.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001738.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1642 RE_ IBEC-Department Coordination.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008564.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1752 Murphy's Bowl Communication Mtng 11 07.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001308.pdf
Correspondence 20181106-1754 RE Murphy's Bowl Communication Mtng 11 07.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0002000.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-0901 RE Murphy's Bowl Communication Protocol.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000373.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-0922 RE Document Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Patricia McNish ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0001534.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-0922 RE Document Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Patricia McNish ; City Clerk PREDEIR_0014396.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1037 MurphysBowlENA17456 pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.msg Patricia McNish Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001367.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1037 Attch: MurphysBowlENA17456.pdf PREDEIR_0001368.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1203 IBEC Site History .msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001123.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1203 IBEC Site History .msg Addie Farrell; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006092.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1232 Undeliverable Murphy’s Bowl Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Communication Protocol.msg Microsoft Outlook Sabrina Barnes ; Jose O. Cortes PREDEIR_0000422.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1232 Murphy’s Bowl_Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Communication Protocol.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Artie Fields ; Yvonne Horton ; Louis A. Atwell ; Sharon Koike ; Margarita Cruz ; Louis Perez ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Bettye Griffith ; Matthew Chambers ; Jose O. Cortes ; David L. Esparza ; Mark Fronterotta ; Cecil Flournoy ; Ken Campos ; Sabrina Barnes ; Stephanie Maldonado ; Carla Lewis ; Teresa Sanford PREDEIR_0000423.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1246 Collaboration Meeting (1247).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004744.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1303 IBEC Site History .msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013529.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1303 IBEC Site History .msg Addie Farrell; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0017755.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1357 Re_ History of the IBEC site.msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0007902.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-1513 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004671.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-2123 RE WE11092018 - CITY MGR WEEKLY REPORT.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0002130.pdf
Correspondence 20181107-2123 Attch: 2018.11.07 Planning weekly edits.docx PREDEIR_0002131.pdf
Correspondence 20181108-0944 FW Inglewood Arena Event Analysis .msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0000821.pdf
Correspondence 20181108-0944 Canceled: Inglewood Arena Event Analysis .msg Benham Wrigley Benham Wrigley ; David Stone ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum ; Gershwin, Dan ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Adam Kerns ; Juliana Rogers PREDEIR_0015988.pdf
Correspondence 20181112-1418 Murphy's Bowl Follow Up on Request for Attendance Data Estimates for Forum Events (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001242.pdf
Correspondence 20181112-1420 IBEC Baseline and Cumulative.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001078.pdf
Correspondence 20181112-1518 Murphys Bowl: Follow Up on Request for Attendance Data/Estimates for Forum Events (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0017709.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1425 IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0000950.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1425 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000951.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1425 IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_026734.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1425 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_026735.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1525 IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0011182.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1525 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011183.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1525 IBEC: Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0017706.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1525 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0017707.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1741 IBEC meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001110.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1805 Murphys Bowl Division Attendees Listing - 11 2018 xlsx.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001315.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1805 Attch: Murphys Bowl Division Attendees Listing - 11 2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0001316.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1805 Murphys Bowl Division Attendees Listing - 11 2018 xlsx.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015282.pdf
Correspondence 20181113-1805 Attch: Murphys Bowl Division Attendees Listing - 11 2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0015283.pdf
Correspondence 20181115-1021 Re_ Hollywood Park Historic Soil Remediation Costs for Retail Area of Western Parking Lot (1195).msg Louis A. Atwell Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0007910.pdf
Correspondence 20181115-1021 Attch: image003.png PREDEIR_0007911.png
Correspondence 20181115-1022 RE_ Hollywood Park Historic Soil Remediation Costs for Retail Area of Western Parking Lot (1194).msg Perla Solis Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007909.pdf
Correspondence 20181115-1527 IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 1.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0006207.pdf
Correspondence 20181115-1527 IBEC: ADEIR Bundle 1.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019535.pdf
Correspondence 20181116-1624 RE Inglewood Visit (4).msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023655.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1013 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1181).msg Catherine Aguilar Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0006312.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1110 Murphy's Bowl Request for Metro Documents Plans .msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001274.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1110 Murphy's Bowl_ Request for Metro Documents_Plans .msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007014.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1137 Re Murphy's Bowl Request for Metro Documents Plans (152).msg Lisa Trifiletti Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001949.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1137 Attch: image003.jpg PREDEIR_0001950.jpg
Correspondence 20181119-1137 Re_ Murphy's Bowl_ Request for Metro Documents_Plans (1180).msg Lisa Trifiletti Netai Basu PREDEIR_0009342.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1210 Murphys Bowl: Request for Metro Documents/Plans .msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0017677.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1237 Re: Murphys Bowl: Request for Metro Documents/Plans .msg Lisa Trifiletti Netai Basu PREDEIR_0017675.pdf
Correspondence 20181119-1309 ON THE CALL WITH MURPHYS BOWL TEAM.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0021774.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-0747 IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (149).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001005.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-0747 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1171).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006311.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-0849 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (148).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001604.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-0849 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1168).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008333.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-0849 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination 11/26-11/27 Room Reservation.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0017670.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1043 IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation.msg Catherine Aguilar Yulanda Parson PREDEIR_0001006.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1043 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation.msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0006313.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1051 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (147).msg Yulanda Parson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001603.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1051 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1166).msg Yulanda Parson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008332.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1055 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (146).msg Catherine Aguilar Yulanda Parson PREDEIR_0001602.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1055 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1165).msg Catherine Aguilar Yulanda Parson PREDEIR_0008331.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1123 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (145).msg Yulanda Parson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001601.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1123 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1163).msg Yulanda Parson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008330.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1342 RE Inglewood Visit (3).msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023654.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christine Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0001074.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0001075.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1 (1155).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0005904.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005905.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 1 (7).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011342.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011343.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0015984.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0015985.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1 (6).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024850.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1753 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_024851.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1757 IBEC-Barmeshwar.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001139.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1757 IBEC-Barmeshwar.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014397.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Christine Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0001076.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0001077.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (1154).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;; PREDEIR_0005912.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005913.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 2 (5).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;; PREDEIR_0011350.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011351.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0015982.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 Attch; IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0015983.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (7).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;; PREDEIR_024858.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1758 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_024859.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1803 RE IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1 (18).msg Brian Boxer Gershwin, Dan ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024930.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1808 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (1153).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0005910.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1808 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005911.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1808 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 2 (4).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0011348.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1808 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011349.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1808 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (4).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_024856.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1808 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_024857.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1811 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (143).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' ; Yulanda Parson PREDEIR_0001600.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1811 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1152).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Yulanda Parson PREDEIR_0008329.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1816 RE IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Gershwin, Dan ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024931.pdf
Correspondence 20181120-1825 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation (1151).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008349.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0852 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1 (1136).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0005902.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0852 Attch:11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_0005903.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0852 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 1 (6).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0011340.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0852 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_0011341.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0852 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1 (3).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_024848.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0852 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_024849.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0853 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (1135).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0005908.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0853 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_0005909.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0853 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 2 (3).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0011346.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0853 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_0011347.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0853 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (2).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_024854.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-0853 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (2).docx PREDEIR_024855.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1002 IBEC ADEIR - Hydrology and Water Quality w Barnmeshwar Rai.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Barmeshwar Rai ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001073.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1131 Re IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation (139).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001596.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1131 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_26-11_27 Room Reservation.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008352.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1235 Re IBEC EIR Coordination 11 26-11 27 Room Reservation.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001607.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1348 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0005906.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1348 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0005907.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1348 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0011344.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1348 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0011345.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1348 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 1 (25).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Via, Tay PREDEIR_024852.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1348 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_024853.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0005914.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0005915.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0011352.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0011353.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_0017667.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_0017668.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 IBEC ADEIR Bundle 1 Review - Day 2 (26).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;; Via, Tay PREDEIR_024860.pdf
Correspondence 20181121-1349 Attch: 11.26.18 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda (3).docx PREDEIR_024861.pdf
Correspondence 20181126-1134 IBEC_ Parcels with Billboards.msg Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0006140.pdf
Correspondence 20181126-1239 IBEC Request for Information_Inglewood PD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002781.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 IBEC Preliminary LID Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0000959.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 Attch: IBEC Prelim LID Report 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000960.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 IBEC_ Preliminary LID Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0006148.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 Attch: IBEC Prelim LID Report 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0006149.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 Attch: IBEC Prelim LID Report 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011201.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 IBEC Preliminary LID Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_026743.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1417 Attch: IBEC Prelim LID Report 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_026744.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1506 RE IBEC Preliminary LID Report.msg Lauren Amimoto Dennis Kanuk ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0001557.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1506 RE_ IBEC_ Preliminary LID Report.msg Lauren Amimoto Dennis Kanuk ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0008164.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1517 IBEC Preliminary LID Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0011200.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1517 IBEC Preliminary LID Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0013509.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1517 Attch: IBEC Prelim LID Report 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0013510.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1517 IBEC: Preliminary LID Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0017654.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1517 Attch: IBEC Prelim LID Report 9.19.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0017655.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1606 RE: IBEC: Preliminary LID Report.msg Lauren Amimoto Dennis Kanuk ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0017653.pdf
Correspondence 20181127-1828 Agreement.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0004579.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1146 IBEC Public Record.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001039.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1146 IBEC_ Public Record.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006406.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1236 IBEC David Stone.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001000.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1236 IBEC David Stone.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020342.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1427 IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Agenda Item for 11 29 Meeting.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001086.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1427 IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Agenda Item for 11_29 Meeting.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003435.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1427 IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Agenda Item for 11_29 Meeting.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005948.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1428 RE IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Agenda Item for 11 29 Meeting.msg Catherine Aguilar Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001687.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1428 RE_ IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Agenda Item for 11_29 Meeting.msg Catherine Aguilar Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0003509.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1428 RE_ IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Agenda Item for 11_29 Meeting.msg Catherine Aguilar Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0008020.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1449 Re_ IBEC_ Public Record (1090).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008501.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1459 IBEC Collaboration Conference Call Meeting w David Stone & Joe Wittman at 11 30 am (PST).msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; David Stone ; Joe Wittmann ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000949.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1548 RE_ IBEC Collaboration 11_29 Conference Call Agenda Items.msg Catherine Aguilar Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0008019.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1644 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (11_29) Mtng_ (1083).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008416.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1644 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0008417.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1831 Accepted: IBEC: Pre-meeting discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019529.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1851 IBEC EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for 11_29_18_.msg Evangeline Lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0005995.pdf
Correspondence 20181128-1851 11.29.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005996.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0903 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (11_29) Mtng_.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008418.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0903 Attch: 11.29.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0008419.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0911 Undeliverable FW IBEC EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (11 29) Mtng .msg Microsoft Outlook Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000419.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0911 FW_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (11_29) Mtng..msg Cynthia Robinson Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0000420.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0911 Attch: 11.29.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000421.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0938 RE IBEC Preliminary LID Report.msg Barmeshwar Rai Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027836.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-0938 Attch: Water Data yrs 16-17.xlsx PREDEIR_027837.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1003 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 11_29 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0006316.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1003 Attch: 11.29.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006317.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1003 IBEC EIR Coordination 11 29 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0011259.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1003 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011260.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1013 FW_ IBEC EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for 11_29_18_.msg Evangeline Lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Gerard McCallum ;;; Chris Holmquist ;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ; Christopher Meany ;;;; 'Bove, Matthew J.' ; 'Duffy, Pamela' ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0005233.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1013 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination 11-29-18 Agenda UPDATE.docx PREDEIR_0005234.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1047 Undeliverable FW Collaboration Meeting.msg Microsoft Outlook Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000417.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1047 FW_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000418.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1103 IBEC: EIR Coordination 11/29 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0017645.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1103 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017646.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1145 Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0003476.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1145 Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0006832.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1145 Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0011464.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1145 Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024875.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1147 RE_ Monday Meetings going forward (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0003576.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1147 RE_ Monday Meetings going forward (1075).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0009195.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1148 RE_ Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0003577.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1148 RE_ Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0009196.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1148 RE Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024198.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1148 RE Monday Meetings going forward.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024948.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1246 IBEC: EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019525.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1326 IBEC_ EIR Call (1071).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006271.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1326 12.3.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006272.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1326 IBEC_ EIR Call (1072).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006273.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1326 Attch: 12.3.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006274.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1326 IBEC: EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019523.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1326 Attch: 12.3.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019524.pdf
Correspondence 20181129-1625 Murphy's Bowl Forum Event Estimates in December and f u on early November attendance.msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001243.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1358 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Call (1065).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0008298.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1358 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Call (1066).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0008299.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1358 RE: IBEC: EIR Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0014088.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1358 RE IBEC EIR Call (133).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021813.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 IBEC_ Station Plans (1064).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006177.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1.4 La Brea Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006178.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006179.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1 4 La Brea-NDC-130_STAMPED_Bus Transfer Facility Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006180.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 IBEC_ Station Plans.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006181.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1.4 La Brea Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006182.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006183.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1 4 La Brea-NDC-130_STAMPED_Bus Transfer Facility Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006184.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 IBEC: Station Plans.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0014084.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1.4 La Brea Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0014085.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0014086.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1407 Attch: AFC B-1 4 La Brea-NDC-130_STAMPED_Bus Transfer Facility Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0014087.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1411 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Call (1061).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0008296.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1411 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Call (1062).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0008297.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1411 RE IBEC EIR Call (284).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021814.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 IBEC_ Station area plans (1063).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006155.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: A-3001_R2_Florence La Brea Stn Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006156.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC A 4H Hindry Station_NDC-086_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006157.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1 .5 Local Streets_Hindry_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006158.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.4 La Brea Stations_NDC-334_Extract Axonometric View.pdf PREDEIR_0006159.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-267_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006160.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-331_Extract Parking Lot.pdf PREDEIR_0006161.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.5 Local Streets_La Brea Portion Extract_20181105.pdf PREDEIR_0006162.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.5 Local Streets_West Portion Extract_20181105.pdf PREDEIR_0006163.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.5 Local Sts_NDC-130_La Brea Portion Extract_20181129.pdf PREDEIR_0006164.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: Fairview Plans_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006165.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 IBEC_ Station area plans .msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006166.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: A-3001_R2_Florence La Brea Stn Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0006167.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC A 4H Hindry Station_NDC-086_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006168.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1 .5 Local Streets_Hindry_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006169.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.4 La Brea Stations_NDC-334_Extract Axonometric View.pdf PREDEIR_0006170.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-267_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006171.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-331_Extract Parking Lot.pdf PREDEIR_0006172.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.5 Local Streets_La Brea Portion Extract_20181105.pdf PREDEIR_0006173.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.5 Local Streets_West Portion Extract_20181105.pdf PREDEIR_0006174.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: AFC B-1.5 Local Sts_NDC-130_La Brea Portion Extract_20181129.pdf PREDEIR_0006175.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1413 Attch: Fairview Plans_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0006176.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1440 IBEC Existing Conditions on Perimeter Exhibit.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017642.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1440 Attch: Project Condor Perimeter Existing Conditions Exhibit.pdf PREDEIR_0017643.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1507 IBEC Station Plans.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021648.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1507 Attch: AFC B-1.4 La Brea Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0021649.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1507 Attch: AFC B-1.4 West Stns_NDC-86_Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0021650.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1507 Attch: AFC B-1 4 La Brea-NDC-130_STAMPED_Bus Transfer Facility Extract.pdf PREDEIR_0021651.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1547 Meeting Forward Notification FW Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0011447.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1636 RE Inglewood Visit (2).msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023653.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1749 RE_ Pacifica agreement status.msg Desiree Gonzales Robert Braden ; Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0009415.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1749 Attch: Inglewood Mobility Plan Project Schedule_v3.pdf PREDEIR_0009416.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1749 Attch: ITC EIR Schedule V6.1 112718 (1).pdf PREDEIR_0009417.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1749 Attch: TMOP phase 2-fee Proposal-extraservices_12-03-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0009418.pdf
Correspondence 20181203-1749 Attch: Contract Amendment TMOP Phase 2 Letter 12-03-2018.pdf PREDEIR_0009419.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1044 IBEC Monday 12 10.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0001027.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1044 IBEC_ Monday_ 12_10.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006389.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1044 IBEC Monday 12 10.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0015285.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1112 RE Inglewood Visit.msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023656.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1217 Re IBEC Monday 12 10.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001642.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1217 Re_ IBEC_ Monday_ 12_10.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008483.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1632 RE IBEC Public Record (124).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001654.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1632 RE_ IBEC_ Public Record (1048).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008500.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1751 RE IBEC Public Record (123).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0001653.pdf
Correspondence 20181204-1751 RE_ IBEC_ Public Record (1047).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008499.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-0752 Re_ IBEC_ Public Record.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008502.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1510 IBEC EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001002.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1510 IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (1029).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox' PREDEIR_0006278.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1539 RE IBEC EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (119).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001593.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1539 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (1027).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008304.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1539 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (1028).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008305.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1546 RE IBEC EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (118).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001592.pdf
Correspondence 20181205-1546 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (1025).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008303.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_6 Conference Call Agenda (1014).msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0006318.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 Attch: 12.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006319.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_6 Conference Call Agenda (1015).msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0006320.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 Attch: 12.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006321.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_6 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0006322.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 Attch: 12.06.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006323.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 IBEC EIR Coordination 12 6 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0011261.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-0943 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011262.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1043 IBEC: EIR Coordination 12/6 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0017589.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1043 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017590.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1119 RE IBEC EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (116).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001591.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1119 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (1008).msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008302.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1122 RE IBEC EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001594.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1122 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records (1006).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008301.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1122 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Collection for Public Admin Records.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008306.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1455 IBEC Development permits review.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001001.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1551 FW IBEC Development permits review.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000788.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1551 FW IBEC Development permits review.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000300.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1551 RE IBEC Development permits review.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk' ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001590.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1644 IBEC Development permits review.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000318.pdf
Correspondence 20181206-1647 Re IBEC Development permits review.msg Dennis Kanuk Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000353.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-0933 Public Admin Records Process Mtng .msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ; Marietta Torriente ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001397.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-0933 Attch: PAR Timeline.xlsx PREDEIR_0001398.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-0933 Public Admin Records Process Mtng_.msg Catherine Aguilar; Perla Solis ; Marietta Torriente ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007121.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-0933 Attch: PAR Timeline.xlsx PREDEIR_0007122.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-1314 IBEC (107).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001070.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-1314 IBEC (107).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014398.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-1803 IBEC_ EIR Call (983).msg Christina Erwin Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006269.pdf
Correspondence 20181207-1803 Attch:12.10.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006270.pdf
Correspondence 20181208-0919 IBEC_ EIR Call (982).msg Christina Erwin Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0006267.pdf
Correspondence 20181208-0919 12.10.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006268.pdf
Correspondence 20181210-1218 Canceled IBEC EIR Call (134).msg Christina Erwin Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000283.pdf
Correspondence 20181210-1218 Attch: 12.10.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000284.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-0906 IBEC-Meeting on 12 18.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001149.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-0917 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0015976.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-0917 Attch: IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015977.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1006 IBEC-Meeting on 12/18.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017579.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1012 IBEC (105).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001069.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1012 IBEC (105).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014399.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1058 IBEC Transportation (935).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_0006108.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1058 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006109.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1058 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_0019490.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1058 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019491.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1158 Murhpys Bowl: Request for Updated Counts Authorization Letter (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017577.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1158 Attch: FP authorization ltr_city.pdf PREDEIR_0017578.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1419 Murhpys Bowl: Request for Attendance at Forum Shows on Specific Dates (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0017576.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1648 IBEC HP - NFL Office Square Footage Numbers.msg Fred Jackson; PREDEIR_0001019.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1648 IBEC HP NFL Office Square Footage Numbers.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011269.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1648 IBEC HP - NFL Office Square Footage Numbers.msg Fred Jackson; PREDEIR_0015286.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1748 IBEC: HP - NFL Office Square Footage Numbers.msg Fred Jackson Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0017575.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1805 IBEC Traffic Count Letter of Authorization.msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0001055.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1805 Attch: 2018.12.11 FP authorization ltr_city_cm.docx PREDEIR_0001056.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1805 IBEC Traffic Count Letter of Authorization.msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0020343.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1805 Attch: FP authorization ltr_city_cm.docx PREDEIR_0020344.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1905 RE: Murhpys Bowl: Request for Updated Counts Authorization Letter (ref. 3002).msg Mindala Wilcox Netai Basu PREDEIR_0017574.pdf
Correspondence 20181211-1909 RE: Murhpys Bowl: Request for Updated Counts Authorization Letter (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017573.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1532 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000989.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1532 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014400.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1538 IBEC FW LASED Event Programming.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001014.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1538 IBEC FW LASED Event Programming.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020346.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1538 IBEC FW LASED Event Programming (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020345.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1551 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda (922).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; PREDEIR_0008339.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1551 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda (923).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; PREDEIR_0008340.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1554 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda (920).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0008338.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1554 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination 12/13 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017569.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1600 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda (918).msg Christina Erwin Catherine Aguilar ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008336.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1600 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda (919).msg Christina Erwin Catherine Aguilar ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008337.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1605 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda (916).msg Catherine Aguilar Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008334.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1605 Attch: 12.13.18 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0008335.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1610 Remy Moose.msg Ken Campos Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Jeffery A. Lewis PREDEIR_0009747.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1614 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 12_13 Conference Call Agenda.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008341.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1633 IBEC: EIR Coordination 12/13 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017571.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1633 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017572.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1638 IBEC FW LASED Event Programming.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013516.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1651 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination 12/13 Conference Call Agenda.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017570.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1705 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination 12/13 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017567.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1705 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017568.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1719 RE_ Collaboration Meeting (914).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0007504.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1719 Attch: 2018.12.13 Collaboration Meeting.pdf PREDEIR_0007505.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1824 FW Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013495.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1824 Attch: Collaboration Meeting.pdf PREDEIR_0013496.pdf
Correspondence 20181212-1951 RE Conference Call w Inglewood Economic Development Manager (1).msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023638.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-0841 Re Conference Call w Inglewood Economic Development Manager.msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023639.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1000 Canceled Collaboration Meeting (123).msg Cynthia Robinson Admin Executive Conference Room PREDEIR_0000279.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1000 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0000280.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1041 IBEC Transportation (913).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0006106.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1041 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006107.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1041 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0019484.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1041 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019485.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Sharon Koike ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001130.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001131.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 IBEC Transportation (911).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0006102.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006103.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 Attch: IBEC Transportation (912).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0006104.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006105.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0019482.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1045 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019483.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1111 RE Conference Call w Amy Herman & Sharon Garrett - City of Inglewood Economic Development Manager .msg Amy Herman Sharon Garrett ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023637.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1114 IBEC Conference Call w Amy Herman & Sharon Garrett.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Sharon Garrett ; PREDEIR_0000995.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1114 IBEC Conference Call w Amy Herman & Sharon Garrett.msg Fred Jackson Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000315.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1122 Conference Call w Stone Planning & Amy Herman.msg Fred Jackson David Stone ; PREDEIR_0000704.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1211 RE Conference Call w Amy Herman & Sharon Garrett - City of Inglewood Economic Development Manager .msg Amy Herman Sharon Garrett ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013567.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1238 Re Conference Call w Stone Planning & Amy Herman (94).msg David Stone Fred Jackson ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0001517.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1323 RE Conference Call w Stone Planning & Amy Herman (93).msg Amy Herman David Stone' ; Fred Jackson ; 'Joe Wittmann' PREDEIR_0001516.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1333 Re Conference Call w Stone Planning & Amy Herman.msg David Stone; Fred Jackson ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0001518.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1430 FW IBEC Transportation.msg Louis Atwell - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021536.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1430 Attch: IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0021537.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1430 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Transportation.msg Louis Atwell Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021730.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1432 IBEC Conference Call w Amy Herman David Stone Joe Wittman.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; David Stone ;;; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000994.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1632 IBEC Confernce Call w Amy Herman (110).msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ;; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000316.pdf
Correspondence 20181213-1632 IBEC Confernce Call w Amy Herman .msg Fred Jackson Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000317.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 IBEC Transportation (905).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0006100.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 Attch: IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006101.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0006110.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006111.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; skoike ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0019480.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019481.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 IBEC Transportation (40).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Sharon Koike ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Omar Pulido ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0021705.pdf
Correspondence 20181214-1233 Attch: IBEC Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0021706.pdf
Correspondence 20181218-1428 Crenshaw Line (890).msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti ;;; 'Tiffany Wright' ; 'Whit Manley' ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0004842.pdf
Correspondence 20181218-1428 Attch: Board Report (9).pdf PREDEIR_0004843.pdf
Correspondence 20181218-1428 Attch: ocd-bill-2f3908d5-eb43-47e3-afc8-b13d5e49438d.pdf PREDEIR_0004844.pdf
Correspondence 20181218-1528 Crenshaw Line.msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; 'Tiffany Wright' ; 'Whit Manley' ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0017540.pdf
Correspondence 20181218-1528 Attch: Board Report (9).pdf PREDEIR_0017541.pdf
Correspondence 20181218-1528 Attch: ocd-bill-2f3908d5-eb43-47e3-afc8-b13d5e49438d.pdf PREDEIR_0017542.pdf
Correspondence 20181219-1220 FW_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center NOX and PM 2_5 (882).msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005387.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 IBEC_ Action Items 12_18_18 (873).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0006203.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Mtg_Action Items.docx PREDEIR_0006204.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 IBEC_ Action Items 12_18_18.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0006205.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Mtg_Action Items.docx PREDEIR_0006206.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 Automatic reply: IBEC: Action Items 12/18/18.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017537.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 IBEC: Action Items 12/18/18.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0019471.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0430 Attch: 12.18.18 IBEC Transportation Mtg_Action Items.docx PREDEIR_0019472.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0630 IBEC Action Items 12 18 18.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0021657.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0630 Attch: IBEC Transportation Mtg_Action Items.docx PREDEIR_0021658.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0952 IBEC: Check in call.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0015975.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0954 IBEC Check in call.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0000988.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0954 IBEC_ Check in call (872).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0006225.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0954 IBEC_ Check in call.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0006226.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0954 IBEC: Check in call.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0019470.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-0954 IBEC Check in call.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0021666.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1250 IBEC: Construction management plan.msg Christina Erwin Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019466.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1250 Attch: fig2-29_construction-plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019467.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1250 Attch: fig2-30_construction-trk-rtes.pdf PREDEIR_0019468.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1250 Attch: fig2-28_demo-area_rev.pdf PREDEIR_0019469.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1320 IBEC Parking Assumptions.msg Dennis Kanuk Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000329.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1320 IBEC Parking Assumptions.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001114.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1322 RE_ IBEC_ Action Items 12_18_18 (871).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0008174.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1322 Attch: rev IBEC Transportation Mtg_Action Items.docx PREDEIR_0008175.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1322 RE: IBEC: Action Items 12/18/18.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Catherine Aguilar ; Victor Nunez ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Omar Pulido ;; Perla Solis ; PREDEIR_0019464.pdf
Correspondence 20181220-1322 Attch: 12.18.18_rev IBEC Transportation Mtg_Action Items.docx PREDEIR_0019465.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-0952 Please send call in info .msg Brian Boxer ;;; Thomas P. Gaul ; PREDEIR_0007101.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-0952 Please send call in info .msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ;; Thomas P. Gaul ; PREDEIR_0011607.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 FW IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000812.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 FW IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination (106).msg - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000303.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 FW_ IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination.msg - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0005288.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 RE_ Please send call in info .msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ;; Thomas P. Gaul ; PREDEIR_0009452.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 FW IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0010957.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 RE Please send call in info .msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti' ; Christina Erwin ;; Thomas P. Gaul ; PREDEIR_0012606.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1042 RE Please send call in info .msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Thomas P. Gaul ; PREDEIR_024202.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1043 FW: IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Mike Samuelson ; Brian Boxer ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Dan Gershwin PREDEIR_0015974.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1043 FW: IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination.msg Brian Boxer - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017534.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1142 RE: Please send call in info .msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ;; Thomas P. Gaul ; PREDEIR_0017535.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1603 IBEC: Bundle 2 schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019463.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1636 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps (87).msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0000777.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1636 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0000778.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1636 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_026722.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1636 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_026723.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1736 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0010926.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1736 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0010927.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1736 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps (35).msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0013497.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1736 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0013498.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1736 FW: IBEC: Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0017532.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1736 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0017533.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1842 FW IBEC Transportation Analysis Coordination.msg - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000304.pdf
Correspondence 20181221-1857 IBEC Agreement to amendments.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013508.pdf
Correspondence 20181224-2023 Fwd IBEC Agreement to amendments.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0000901.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0810 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002264.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0810 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0002265.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0810 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013896.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0810 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0013897.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0910 FW IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021521.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0910 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0021522.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0911 RE: IBEC: Bundle 2 schedule.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017529.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0930 Fwd IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Louis Atwell Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021608.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-0930 Attch: IBEC Shuttle Program Map Nov. 2018.pdf PREDEIR_0021609.pdf
Correspondence 20181226-1810 RE: IBEC: Bundle 2 schedule.msg Whit Manley Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0017528.pdf
Correspondence 20181227-1655 IBEC services.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0019460.pdf
Correspondence 20181227-1655 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Applicant Team_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0019461.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1211 IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002737.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1211 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002738.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1212 IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD_1.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002735.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1212 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Inglewood PD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002736.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1213 IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002741.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1213 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Parks_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002742.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1311 IBEC Request for Information from LACFD (34).msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0013523.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1311 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013524.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1311 IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017521.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1311 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017522.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1312 IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Brian Allee Gloria McPeake PREDEIR_0013521.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1312 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Inglewood PD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013522.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1312 IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017519.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1312 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Inglewood PD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017520.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1313 IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Brian Allee Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0013527.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1313 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Parks_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013528.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1313 IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017517.pdf
Correspondence 20181228-1313 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Parks_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017518.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1212 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD_1.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002787.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1212 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002788.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1230 IBEC Request for Information from LACFD_2.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002739.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1230 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002740.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1239 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD_2.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002780.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1243 RE IBEC Request for Information from Parks_1.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002793.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1243 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Parks_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002794.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1312 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD (32).msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0013582.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1312 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013583.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1312 RE: IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017511.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1312 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017512.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1330 IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0013525.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1330 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013526.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1330 IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017509.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1330 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017510.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1339 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD (31).msg Brian Allee Gloria McPeake PREDEIR_0013579.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1339 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Inglewood PD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013580.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1339 RE: IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017507.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1339 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Inglewood PD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017508.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1343 RE IBEC Request for Information from Parks (30).msg Brian Allee Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0013585.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1343 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Parks_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0013586.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1343 RE: IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017505.pdf
Correspondence 20181231-1343 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_Parks_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0017506.pdf
Correspondence 20190101-1855 IBEC Request for Information from Parks 01012019.msg Sabrina Barnes Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002219.pdf
Correspondence 20190101-1855 Re IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Sabrina Barnes Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002792.pdf
Correspondence 20190101-1955 Re IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Sabrina Barnes Brian Allee PREDEIR_0013587.pdf
Correspondence 20190101-1955 Re: IBEC Request for Information from Parks.msg Sabrina Barnes Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017504.pdf
Correspondence 20190102-0927 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Gloria McPeake Brian Allee PREDEIR_027798.pdf
Correspondence 20190102-1027 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD (29).msg Gloria McPeake Brian Allee PREDEIR_0013578.pdf
Correspondence 20190102-1621 IBEC: Agenda 1/3/19.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; skoike ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019458.pdf
Correspondence 20190102-1621 Attch: 01.03.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019459.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1057 RE IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps (73).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0001554.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1057 RE_ IBEC_ Event Shuttle Circulation Maps (847).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0008161.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1128 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015973.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1135 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015972.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1141 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001080.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1141 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0005926.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1141 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019448.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1141 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019449.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1142 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; PREDEIR_0001081.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1142 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; PREDEIR_0005927.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1142 IBEC Bundle 2 Review - Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; PREDEIR_0019447.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1156 IBEC-Stone (72).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001159.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1156 IBEC-Stone (72).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020347.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1157 RE IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps (27).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0013571.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1552 Re IBEC - Krahe Proposal Follow-up - SLBE Certifications (36).msg Louis Atwell Monica Rubio PREDEIR_0014228.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1552 Re IBEC - Krahe Proposal Follow-up - SLBE Certifications (36).msg Louis Atwell Monica Rubio PREDEIR_0014229.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1552 Re IBEC - Krahe Proposal Follow-up - SLBE Certifications.msg Louis Atwell Monica Rubio PREDEIR_0021822.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1556 Fwd IBEC - Krahe Proposal Follow-up - SLBE Certifications (35).msg Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0014265.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1556 Attch: ATT00001.htm PREDEIR_0014266.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1556 Attch: Pages from Specialty Lighting RFP_FK.PDF PREDEIR_0014267.pdf
Correspondence 20190103-1633 IBEC WSA.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Iris Priestaf ; Maureen Reilly ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0015971.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1224 IBEC-Stone.msg Fred Jackson; PREDEIR_0001160.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1324 IBEC-Stone.msg Fred Jackson Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017483.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1746 IBEC_ EIR Call (828).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0006263.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1746 Attch: 01.07.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006264.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1746 IBEC_ EIR Call (829).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0006265.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1746 Attch: 01.07.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006266.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1746 IBEC: EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019438.pdf
Correspondence 20190104-1746 Attch: 01.07.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019439.pdf
Correspondence 20190107-0941 RE IBEC - Krahe Proposal Follow-up - SLBE Certifications (205).msg Monica Rubio Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021821.pdf
Correspondence 20190107-1137 RE December IBEC invoice.msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone' PREDEIR_0001533.pdf
Correspondence 20190107-1825 HP Traffic Study.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0005863.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1006 FAA Grants/Redevelopment .msg Tiffany Wright Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Amy L Herman ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015970.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1012 IBEC Webex link for Thursday .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001067.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1012 IBEC Webex link for Thursday .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000321.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1143 RE IBEC - Krahe Proposal Follow-up - SLBE Certifications (204).msg Monica Rubio Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021820.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1148 FW_ Collaboration Meeting (816).msg Evangeline Lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ;;;;;;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Kioke ; Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0005059.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1148 Attch: Collaboration Meeting.ics Cynthia Robinson Artie Fields ;;;;;; Admin Executive Conference Room ; James Butts ;;;;; Bove, Matthew J. ; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza PREDEIR_0005060.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1503 IBEC Site Plan.msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0001047.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1503 Attch: AECOM Site Plan 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001048.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1503 IBEC Site Plan.msg Fred Jackson Mark Fronterotta PREDEIR_0014417.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1503 Attch: AECOM Site Plan PREDEIR_0014418.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1515 IBEC Communication Protocol.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000992.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1515 Attch: Murphy Bowl Memo _Communication Protocol.doc PREDEIR_0000993.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1515 IBEC Communication Protocol.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020351.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1515 Attch: Murphy Bowl Memo _Communication Protocol.doc PREDEIR_0020352.pdf
Correspondence 20190108-1746 Information Request_ List of Affordable Housing Projects .msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0006464.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-0951 Re IBEC services.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002795.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-0951 Attch: Jan 2019 Draft Sheet C-401A-F.pdf PREDEIR_0002796.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-0951 Attch: IBEC Sponsor Rep Response to RFI - Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services.docx PREDEIR_0002797.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1447 RE_ Information Request_ List of Affordable Housing Projects .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0008567.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1507 RE IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0001555.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1507 RE_ IBEC_ Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0008162.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1607 RE IBEC Event Shuttle Circulation Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021801.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1649 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1_10) Mtng (799).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008412.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1652 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1_10) Mtng (797).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008410.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1652 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0008411.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1657 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1_10) Mtng (795).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008408.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1657 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1_10) Mtng (796).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008409.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1705 IBEC: EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1/10) Mtng.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017465.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1705 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017466.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1802 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD_3.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002789.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1804 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD_3.msg Brian Allee Gloria McPeake PREDEIR_0002782.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1902 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0013584.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1902 RE: IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Brian Allee PREDEIR_0017461.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-1904 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Brian Allee Gloria McPeake PREDEIR_0013581.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-2101 Fwd: IBEC Transportation Analysis Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Brian Boxer ; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Via, Tay ; Dan Gershwin PREDEIR_0015969.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-2224 IBEC NOTICE_ Change in Time for Collaboration Meeting to 10_30 AM (793).msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson;;;;;;;;;;;; Brian Boxer ; Catherine Aguilar ;; ''; 'Whit Manley' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0006045.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-2224 IBEC NOTICE_ Change in Time for Collaboration Meeting to 10_30 AM.msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;;;;; Brian Boxer ; Catherine Aguilar ;; ''; 'Whit Manley' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0006046.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-2224 IBEC NOTICE Change in Time for Collaboration Meeting to 10 30 AM.msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson;;;;; Gerard McCallum ;;;;;;; Brian Boxer ; Catherine Aguilar ;; ''; 'Whit Manley' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011383.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-2232 FW_ IBEC NOTICE_ Change in Time for Collaboration Meeting to 10_30 AM (792).msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson;;; ''; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005246.pdf
Correspondence 20190109-2232 FW_ IBEC NOTICE_ Change in Time for Collaboration Meeting to 10_30 AM.msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson;;; ''; Peter Puglese ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005247.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-0830 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1_10) Mtng.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ;;;;;;;;;; Duffy, Pamela ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Bove, Matthew J. PREDEIR_0008413.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-0830 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0008414.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-0921 IBEC: Collaboration Meeting @ 10:30am, 1/10/19.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0017457.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-0921 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0017458.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-0936 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD_2.msg Gloria McPeake Brian Allee PREDEIR_027800.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1004 Los Angeles Area Arena Events 1617.msg Dennis Kanuk John Gard PREDEIR_0011436.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1004 Attch: LA Arena Events Calendars 16-17.xlsx PREDEIR_0011437.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1316 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD_1.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Brian Allee PREDEIR_027801.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1344 Got your VM.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005839.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1344 Got your VM.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024116.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1344 Got your VM.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024843.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1347 RE_ Got your VM (780).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007877.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1350 RE_ Got your VM (779).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007876.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1350 RE Got your VM.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024181.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1350 RE Got your VM.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox' ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024917.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1403 RE_ Got your VM.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007878.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1528 FW_ 3900 West Century Boulevard.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004980.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1628 FW 3900 West Century Boulevard.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013481.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1754 IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Gloria McPeake Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002733.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1754 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Response Jan2019 Final.pdf PREDEIR_0002734.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1804 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD.msg Gloria McPeake Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002779.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1815 Affordable Developments.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004577.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1815 Attch: 2019.01.10 Affordable Hsg Snapshot.xlsx PREDEIR_0004578.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-1844 Re_ Affordable Developments (775).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007300.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-2005 RE IBEC Request for Information from Inglewood PD_4.msg Brian Allee Gloria McPeake PREDEIR_0002783.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-2005 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center EIR Response Jan2019 Final....pdf PREDEIR_0002784.pdf
Correspondence 20190110-2005 Attch: Fig2-2_ProjectSite_20190108.pdf PREDEIR_0002785.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-0845 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD_4.msg Brian Allee Cuadra, Alexandra PREDEIR_0002790.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-0845 Attch: IBEC Request for Information_LACFD_11.26.18.docx PREDEIR_0002791.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1015 RE_ Affordable Developments (774).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007299.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1242 IBEC Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer' PREDEIR_0001085.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1242 IBEC Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0005945.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1334 RE IBEC Call (66).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001680.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1334 RE_ IBEC Call (773).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007995.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1338 Re IBEC Call (65).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001679.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1355 RE IBEC Call (64).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001678.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1355 RE IBEC Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0012324.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1356 RE IBEC Call (63).msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001677.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1356 RE_ IBEC Call (772).msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007994.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1415 Re_ IBEC Call (771).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0007993.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1426 AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013464.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1426 AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0017447.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1426 AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023608.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1451 RE: ESA DeliverIt.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0019423.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1451 RE ESA DeliverIt (1).msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027738.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1515 Re IBEC Call (62).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001676.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1552 Re IBEC Call (61).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0001675.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1552 Re_ IBEC Call (770).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007992.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1659 RE IBEC Call.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001686.pdf
Correspondence 20190111-1659 RE_ IBEC Call.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008011.pdf
Correspondence 20190113-2227 IBEC-David Stone.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001142.pdf
Correspondence 20190113-2250 IBEC: GSWC.msg Christina Erwin Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019421.pdf
Correspondence 20190113-2250 IBEC: GSWC.msg Christina Erwin Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_025677.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0904 Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team.msg Fred Jackson David Stone ; PREDEIR_0000600.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0907 Re Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team (60).msg Joe Wittmann Fred Jackson ; David Stone PREDEIR_0001446.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0924 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027715.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0924 Attch: Re_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027716.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0924 Attch: Kizh Nation Mitigation Measures.pdf PREDEIR_027717.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0925 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_027551.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0925 Attch: Re_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027552.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0925 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie 2.JPG PREDEIR_027553.jpg
Correspondence 20190114-0925 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie.JPG PREDEIR_027554.jpg
Correspondence 20190114-0936 Re Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team (59).msg David Stone Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0001445.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-0942 RE IBEC Request for Information from LACFD.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002786.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1020 FW AB 52 Documentation Needs (58).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0000740.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1020 FW_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (765).msg Fred Jackson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004985.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1024 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (25).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013561.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1024 Attch: Re_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013562.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1024 Attch: Kizh Nation Mitigation Measures.pdf PREDEIR_0013563.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1025 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (24).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013557.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1025 Attch: Re_ Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013558.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1025 Attch: Century Blvd Prairie 2.JPG PREDEIR_0013559.jpg
Correspondence 20190114-1025 Atch: Century Blvd Prairie.JPG PREDEIR_0013560.jpg
Correspondence 20190114-1030 IBEC: EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019415.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1030 01.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019416.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1054 Re Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team (57).msg Joe Wittmann David Stone PREDEIR_0001444.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1054 Airport Parkview Motel-3900 W_ Century.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004580.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1055 RE Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team (56).msg Fred Jackson Joe Wittmann ; David Stone PREDEIR_0001443.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1115 RE: AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017440.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1115 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena .pdf PREDEIR_0017441.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1115 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center .pdf PREDEIR_0017442.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1115 Attch: Letter from Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians to Lead Agency re AB52 Consultaion PREDEIR_0017443.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1154 Airport Parkview Motel-3900 W Century.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013467.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1226 Related Projects Map Request .msg Perla Solis Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013596.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1226 Attch: Related Projects List Spreadsheets_v1.docx PREDEIR_0013597.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1325 FW AB 52 Documentation Needs (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027540.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1325 Attch: Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027541.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1325 Attch: 1938 LA County Map.jpg PREDEIR_027542.jpg
Correspondence 20190114-1325 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027543.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1325 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center .pdf PREDEIR_027544.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1325 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_027545.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1325 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena .pdf PREDEIR_027546.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1356 RE_ Affordable Developments.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007301.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1356 Attch: 2019.01.10 Affordable Hsg Snapshot.xlsx PREDEIR_0007302.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1425 FW AB 52 Documentation Needs (23).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013482.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1425 Attch: Century Blvd & Prairie Ave.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013483.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1425 Attch: 1938 LA County Map.jpg PREDEIR_0013484.jpg
Correspondence 20190114-1425 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013485.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1425 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Inglewood-Inglewood Basketball and Entertanment center .pdf PREDEIR_0013486.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1425 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena.msg Administration Gabrieleno Indians Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013487.pdf
Correspondence 20190114-1425 Attch: Mindy Wilcox-Iglewood-Basketball Arena .pdf PREDEIR_0013488.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-0810 RE Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team (50).msg Fred Jackson David Stone ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0001442.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-0813 Re Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team (49).msg Joe Wittmann Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001441.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1037 FW IBEC Stone Planning Draft Report Review.msg Joe Wittmann Joe Wittmann ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ;; Christina Erwin ;; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Cynthia Robinson ; Evangeline Lane ; David Stone ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000798.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1038 Re Availability for Conference Call w Consultant Team.msg Joe Wittmann Fred Jackson ; David Stone PREDEIR_0001447.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1045 FW IBEC Stone Planning Draft Report Review.msg Fred Jackson - on behalf of - Joe Wittmann Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ;; Christina Erwin ;; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Cynthia Robinson ; Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0000302.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1053 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (754).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007234.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1108 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (752).msg Catherine Aguilar Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0007231.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1108 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0007232.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1108 Attch: 03.02.18 Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0007233.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1111 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (751).msg Lisa Trifiletti Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0007230.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (46).msg Lisa Trifiletti Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001412.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (47).msg Lisa Trifiletti Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001413.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission (1).pdf PREDEIR_0001414.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0001415.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (749).msg Lisa Trifiletti Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0007226.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission (1).pdf PREDEIR_0007227.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0007228.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1113 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (750).msg Lisa Trifiletti Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0007229.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1119 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (747).msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0007224.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1120 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (45).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001411.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1120 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (746).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0007223.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1122 FW AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000741.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1122 FW_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (745).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004983.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1153 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (22).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013556.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1153 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023632.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1213 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (20).msg Lisa Trifiletti Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013552.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1213 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (21).msg Lisa Trifiletti Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013553.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1213 Attch: Letter re Native American Heritage Commission (1).pdf PREDEIR_0013554.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1213 Attch: Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0013555.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1216 RE IBEC Requested Photosimulation Images update.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_027764.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1220 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (19).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013551.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1247 FW_ AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Unspecified Sender PREDEIR_0004986.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1247 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission (1).pdf PREDEIR_0004987.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1247 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0004988.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1311 IBEC AB52 letters .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000975.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1311 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0000976.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1311 Attch: 03.02.18 Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0000977.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1311 IBEC_ AB52 letters .msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0006200.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1311 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0006201.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1311 Attch: 03.02.18 Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0006202.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 FW IBEC AB52 letters .msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000781.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 Attch: 02.23.18 Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0000782.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 Attch: 03.02.18 Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0000783.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 FW IBEC AB52 letters .msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020356.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 Attch: Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0020357.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 Attch: Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0020358.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 FW IBEC AB52 letters (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020353.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 Attch: Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0020354.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1318 Attch: Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0020355.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1357 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (41).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001409.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1357 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.docx PREDEIR_0001410.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1357 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (734).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007221.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1357 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.docx PREDEIR_0007222.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1359 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (40).msg Sara Dietler Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001408.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1359 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (732).msg Sara Dietler Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007220.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1404 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (39).msg Lisa Trifiletti Sara Dietler ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001407.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1404 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (731).msg Lisa Trifiletti Sara Dietler ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007219.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1406 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (38).msg Sara Dietler Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001406.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1406 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (729).msg Sara Dietler Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007218.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1416 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015967.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1418 FW IBEC AB52 letters .msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013499.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1418 Attch: Letter re Native American Heritage Commission.pdf PREDEIR_0013500.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1418 Attch: Letter re Gabrielenos Tribe.pdf PREDEIR_0013501.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1457 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (17).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013549.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1457 Attch: GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.docx PREDEIR_0013550.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1504 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (15).msg Lisa Trifiletti Sara Dietler ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013547.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1506 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (14).msg Sara Dietler Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013546.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 RE IBEC AB52 letters .msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020359.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 Attch: AB52 Letter(Kizh Nation) _Murphys Bowl.docx PREDEIR_0020360.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 Attch: AB52 Letter(Tongva Nation) _Murphys Bowl.docx PREDEIR_0020361.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 Attch: AB52 Letter _Murphys Bowl.docx PREDEIR_0020362.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 Attch: AB52 Letter(Tongva) _Murphys Bowl.docx PREDEIR_0020363.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 Attch: AB52 Letter(Tongva Tribe) _Murphys Bowl.docx PREDEIR_0020364.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1540 Attch: AB52 Letter(Tongva California Council) _Murphys Bowl.docx PREDEIR_0020365.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1559 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (16).msg Sara Dietler Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013548.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1759 IBEC Market Analysis.msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone' ; '' PREDEIR_0001106.pdf
Correspondence 20190115-1849 Re IBEC Market Analysis (37).msg David Stone Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001702.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-0948 RE ESA DeliverIt (2).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027744.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-0948 RE ESA DeliverIt (3).msg Christina Erwin Steve Smith ; PREDEIR_027745.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1012 RE IBEC Market Analysis (36).msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone' PREDEIR_0001701.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1018 Re IBEC Market Analysis (35).msg David Stone Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001700.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1038 RE IBEC Market Analysis (34).msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone' PREDEIR_0001699.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1133 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs (33).msg Fred Jackson Sara Dietler ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001404.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1133 Attch: Ltr to Salas re: Notification of Proposed Arena CDOC214.PDF PREDEIR_0001405.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1133 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs (14).msg Fred Jackson Sara Dietler ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004285.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1133 Attch: Notification re CA AB 52 DOC214.PDF PREDEIR_0004286.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1138 Murphys Bowl Division Attendees - 2018 xlsx.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001313.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1138 Attch: Murphys Bowl Division Attendees - 2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0001314.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1138 Murphys Bowl Division Attendees - 2018 xlsx.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015287.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1138 Attch: Murphys Bowl Division Attendees - 2018.xlsx PREDEIR_0015288.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1200 Webex meeting invitation IBEC Webex.msg David Stone Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002213.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1200 Attch: Webex_Meeting.ics David Stone David Stone ; PREDEIR_0002214.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1200 Webex meeting invitation IBEC Webex.msg David Stone Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015669.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1200 Attch: Webex_Meeting.ics David Stone David Stone ; PREDEIR_0015670.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1228 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Fred Jackson ; Sara Dietler ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001416.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1228 RE_ AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Fred Jackson ; Sara Dietler ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004287.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1228 RE AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell Fred Jackson ; Sara Dietler ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015540.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1233 RE: AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Fred Jackson Sara Dietler ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0017397.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1233 Attch: RE: AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg PREDEIR_0017398.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1239 Contracts.msg Michael H. Tate Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013474.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1239 Attch: 19-028 Agreement ..pdf PREDEIR_0013475.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1239 Attch: 19-027 Ageement..pdf PREDEIR_0013476.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1358 RE ESA DeliverIt (6).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk' PREDEIR_027746.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1631 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 1_17 Conference Call Agenda (708).msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0006285.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1631 Attch: 01.17.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006286.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1631 Attch: 01.17.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0006287.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1650 IBEC Invite.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000328.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1650 IBEC Invite.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001105.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1650 IBEC Invite.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020371.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1714 IBEC Event Analysis.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; David L. Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0001103.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1714 IBEC Event Analysis.msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; David L. Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ;;;;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0015965.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1715 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 1_17 Conference Call Agenda (706).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008325.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1718 IBEC Event Analysis (28).msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone' ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0001102.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1728 Re IBEC Event Analysis (27).msg Joe Wittmann Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001696.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1729 RE IBEC Event Analysis (26).msg Mindala Wilcox Joe Wittmann' PREDEIR_0001695.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1731 IBEC: EIR Coordination 1/17 Conference Call Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017385.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1731 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017386.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1731 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0017387.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1801 RE Murhpy's Bowl Request for Attendance at Forum Shows on Specific Dates (ref 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002283.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1815 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination 1/17 Conference Call Agenda.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017384.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1818 IBEC Event Analysis.msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone ; Joe Wittmann PREDEIR_0013520.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1833 RE: Murhpys Bowl: Request for Attendance at Forum Shows on Specific Dates (ref. 3002).msg Peter Puglese Netai Basu PREDEIR_0017382.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1901 RE: Murhpys Bowl: Request for Attendance at Forum Shows on Specific Dates (ref. 3002).msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0017381.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-1922 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 1_17 Conference Call Agenda (704).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008324.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-2053 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 1_17 Conference Call Agenda (702).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008320.pdf
Correspondence 20190116-2053 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 1_17 Conference Call Agenda (703).msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008322.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0821 Tentative IBEC Collaboration Meeting (16).msg Tunisia Johnson - on behalf of - Artie Fields Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000389.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0821 Tentative IBEC Collaboration Meeting (14).msg Tunisia Johnson Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000388.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0931 RE IBEC Market Analysis.msg Mindala Wilcox David Stone' PREDEIR_0001703.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0940 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination 1_17 Conference Call Agenda (701).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008319.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0953 Murphys Bowl Agenda pdf.msg evangeline lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000340.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0953 Attch: Murphys Bowl Agenda .pdf PREDEIR_0000341.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0953 Murphys Bowl Agenda pdf.msg evangeline lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001301.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0953 Attch: Murphys Bowl Agenda .pdf PREDEIR_0001302.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0953 Murphys Bowl Agenda pdf.msg evangeline lane Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014419.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0953 Attch: Murphys Bowl Agenda .pdf PREDEIR_0014420.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0957 IBEC Collaboration Meeting (700).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; Lisa Trifiletti ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Catherine Aguilar ; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0005950.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0957 Attch: 01.17.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda_updated.pdf PREDEIR_0005951.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0957 IBEC Collaboration Meeting (12).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011362.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-0957 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda_updated.pdf PREDEIR_0011363.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1004 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Collaboration Meeting (7).msg Microsoft Outlook - on behalf of - Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000334.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1004 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0011448.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1004 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Event Analysis.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0011449.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1025 Tentative IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg David L. Esparza Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000390.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1025 Tentative IBEC Event Analysis.msg David L. Esparza Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000391.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1049 IBEC Event Analysis.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; David L. Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ;;;;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0011381.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1049 IBEC Event Analysis.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; David L. Esparza ; Royce Jones ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0021700.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1204 RE_ NFL Mode Split Assumption (696).msg Robert Brooks Peter Puglese' ; 'Jeffrey Lau' ; 'Nick VanGunst' ; Lisa Trifiletti ; PREDEIR_0009386.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1204 Attch: Modal Split 1-17-19 r1.pdf PREDEIR_0021895.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1234 IBEC Amy Herman.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000983.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1234 IBEC Amy Herman.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020372.pdf
Correspondence 20190117-1304 RE NFL Mode Split Assumption (265).msg Robert Brooks Peter Puglese ; 'Jeffrey Lau' ; 'Nick VanGunst' ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021894.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1053 2nd bundle of IBEC ADEIR section links PREDEIR_0002560.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1053 IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2_ Part 1.msg Christina Erwin Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0006208.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1053 IBEC: ADEIR Bundle 2, Part 1.msg Christina Erwin Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0019404.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1111 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0015963.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1111 Attch: IBEC EIR and Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015964.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1455 IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2, Part 2.pdf PREDEIR_0002561.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1455 IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2_ Part 2.msg Christina Erwin Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0006209.pdf
Correspondence 20190118-1455 IBEC: ADEIR Bundle 2, Part 2.msg Christina Erwin Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_0019400.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-0634 Fwd IBEC Cumulative list and DRAFT project description.msg Christina Erwin Justin Hall ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0002726.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-0635 Re IBEC Cumulative list and DRAFT project description (5).msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002755.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-0904 RE IBEC Cumulative list and DRAFT project description (4).msg Justin Hall Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002753.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-0904 Attch: Fig3_0_1_Cumulative_Projects.pdf PREDEIR_0002754.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-0958 Re IBEC Cumulative list and DRAFT project description (3).msg Lisa Trifiletti Justin Hall ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0002752.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-0959 RE IBEC Cumulative list and DRAFT project description (2).msg Addie Farrell Lisa Trifiletti ; Justin Hall ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0002751.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-1112 RE IBEC Cumulative list and DRAFT project description.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Justin Hall PREDEIR_0002756.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-1758 IBEC Collaboration Logistics.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001087.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-1758 IBEC Collaboration Logistics.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0005949.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-1824 Re: 1/24 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017346.pdf
Correspondence 20190122-1858 IBEC Collaboration Logistics.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017347.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0733 City of Inglewood Projects-People Mover and NBA Stadium (626).msg Lin, Alan S@DOT Lisa Trifiletti ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT ; Tan, Siew Mei@DOT ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004711.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0852 IBEC Update.msg Fred Jackson; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001062.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0857 FW Meeting Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000834.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0857 Meeting Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000336.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0857 Meeting Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001191.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0857 Meeting Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014421.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0857 FW Meeting Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014422.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0929 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1_24) Mtng_ (624).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008415.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0929 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1/24) Mtng..msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017337.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-0959 IBEC Entitlements Meeting (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000326.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1011 Collaboration Meeting (11).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; James Butts ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010635.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1011 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0010636.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1026 IBEC: EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (1/24) Mtng..msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017338.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1026 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0017339.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1026 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017340.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1033 City of Inglewood Projects-People Mover and NBA Stadium (621).msg Lin, Alan S@DOT Lisa Trifiletti ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT ; Tan, Siew Mei@DOT ; Perla Solis ; Berkebile, Mark A@DOT PREDEIR_0004710.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1145 IBEC FW Feb 4-5.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001013.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1145 IBEC: FW: Feb. 4-5.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017336.pdf
Correspondence 20190123-1245 IBEC FW Meeting Feb 4-5.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013515.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0736 RE: IBEC: FW Feb 4-5 Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001632.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0736 RE: IBEC: FW: Feb. 4-5.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019379.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0836 RE IBEC FW Feb 4-5 (13).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013574.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0904 RE: IBEC: FW Feb 4-5 Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001631.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0905 RE IBEC FW Feb 45 (4).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012275.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0905 RE IBEC FW Feb 4-5.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015579.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-0941 RE IBEC Update (5).msg Fred Jackson; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001663.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1032 IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (4).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Sharon Koike ; Cardell Hurt ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0001008.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1032 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (8).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0004264.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1032 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (13).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0004265.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1033 01242019 Email from Catherine Aguilar.pdf PREDEIR_0002220.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1223 01272019 Email from Catherine Aguilar.pdf PREDEIR_0002222.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1241 FW IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000789.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1241 FW IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000301.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1241 FW IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020373.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1506 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (602).msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0006360.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1506 IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (9) (3).msg Marietta Torriente Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013771.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1817 RE: IBEC: FW Feb 4-5 Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001633.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1817 RE IBEC FW Feb 45.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012276.pdf
Correspondence 20190124-1817 RE: IBEC: FW: Feb. 4-5.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017320.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-0633 01252019 Email from Catherine Aguilar.pdf PREDEIR_0002221.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-0926 Meeting Request re_ Caltrans Meeting next Tuesday (1_29) .msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0004275.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-0926 Attch: Caltrans Briefing 1.29.19 v,2.pptx PREDEIR_0004276.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-0926 Meeting Request re_ Caltrans Meeting next Tuesday (1_29) .msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0006790.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-0926 Attch: Caltrans Briefing 1.29.19 v,2.pptx PREDEIR_0006791.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-1515 RE_ Meeting Request re_ Caltrans Meeting next Tuesday (1_29) .msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis PREDEIR_0009115.pdf
Correspondence 20190125-1832 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (565).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0008437.pdf
Correspondence 20190126-1334 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (563).msg Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008436.pdf
Correspondence 20190127-1222 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (560).msg Catherine Aguilar Cardell Hurt PREDEIR_0008435.pdf
Correspondence 20190127-1750 Re: IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001619.pdf
Correspondence 20190127-1750 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (558).msg Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008432.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0615 Re IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check In Catherine Aguilar Cardell Hurt PREDEIR_0001618.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0615 01282019 Email from Catherine Aguilar.pdf PREDEIR_0002224.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0615 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (557).msg Catherine Aguilar Cardell Hurt PREDEIR_0008431.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0803 Re IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (121).msg Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001617.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0803 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (556).msg Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008430.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0900 IBEC Entitlements Meeting (2).msg PREDEIR_0015293.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0900 Canceled IBEC Entitlements Meeting.msg PREDEIR_0015324.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0903 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (555).msg Mindala Wilcox Cardell Hurt ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008429.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0904 01282019 Email from Catherine Aguilar 2.pdf PREDEIR_0002223.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0908 IBEC Entitlements Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000327.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0908 IBEC Entitlements Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001101.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0947 IBEC Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000991.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-0947 IBEC Collaboration.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014423.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1104 Inglewood Intersection Count.msg Chris Munoz PREDEIR_0002268.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1104 Attch: TMC102 Ash and Manchester.xlsx PREDEIR_0002269.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1319 Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004187.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1319 Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004633.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1349 RE_ Inglewood Transit Connector Project_ Request for Consultation.msg Perla Solis Administration Gabrieleno PREDEIR_0004372.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1349 Attch: Inglewood-Transit-Connector_NOP_SECURED.pdf PREDEIR_0004373.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1407 FW_ Call-In Number for 2_45pm meeting (538).msg Lisa Trifiletti Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0005013.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1513 IBEC Caltrans Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000987.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1513 IBEC_ Caltrans Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006224.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1539 City of Inglewood Projects - People Mover and NBA Stadium .msg Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004191.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1539 Attch: IBEC_Caltrans Agenda .docx PREDEIR_0004192.pdf
Correspondence 20190128-1609 RE IBEC Update (26).msg Ken Campos Fred Jackson ; Michael H. Tate PREDEIR_0015601.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0727 Cost of Revenue of Inglewood's Arena Project.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000707.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0727 Cost of Revenue of Inglewoods Arena Project.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014470.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0802 City of Inglewood Projects-People Mover and NBA Stadium.msg Lin, Alan S@DOT Lisa Trifiletti ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT ; Tan, Siew Mei@DOT ; Perla Solis ; Berkebile, Mark A@DOT ; Horn, Sarah S@DOT PREDEIR_0000631.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0843 Caltrans Presentation.msg Marietta Torriente Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000608.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0912 RE_ Caltrans Presentation (527).msg Mindala Wilcox Marietta Torriente ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007409.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0914 RE_ Caltrans Presentation (526).msg Mindala Wilcox Marietta Torriente ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007408.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0928 Caltrans PPT in PDF.msg Marietta Torriente Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000605.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0928 Attch: Safari - Jan 29, 2019 at 926 AM.pdf PREDEIR_0000606.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0930 Re Caltrans PPT in PDF.msg Marietta Torriente Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001460.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 RE Caltrans Presentation.msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox ; Marietta Torriente ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001461.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 Attch: 01.29.19 IBEC_Caltrans Agenda .pdf PREDEIR_0001462.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 Attch: CalTrans IBEC Presentation 012819 v5.pdf PREDEIR_0001463.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 RE_ Caltrans Presentation.msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox ; Marietta Torriente ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0004302.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 Attach: 01.29.19 IBEC_Caltrans Agenda .pdf PREDEIR_0004303.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 Attch: CalTrans IBEC Presentation 012819 v5.pdf PREDEIR_0004304.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 RE_ Caltrans Presentation.msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox ; Marietta Torriente ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0007411.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 Attch: 01.29.19 IBEC_Caltrans Agenda .pdf PREDEIR_0007412.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0935 Attch: CalTrans IBEC Presentation 012819 v5.pdf PREDEIR_0007413.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0950 IBEC Caltrans Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000986.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-0950 IBEC_ Caltrans Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006223.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1027 1 29 19 Caltrans Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000424.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1027 Attch: 01.29.19 IBEC_Caltrans Agenda .docx PREDEIR_0000425.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1027 Attch: CalTrans IBEC Presentation 012819 v4.pdf PREDEIR_0000426.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1027 Caltrans Meeting (525).msg Perla Solis Mindy Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0004425.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1027 Attch: IBEC_Caltrans Agenda .docx PREDEIR_0004426.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1027 Attch: CalTrans IBEC Presentation 012819 v4.pdf PREDEIR_0004427.pdf
Correspondence 20190129-1050 IBEC Caltrans Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021665.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0000 Letter from Amy Forbes, Gibson Dunn to Louis Atwell, City of Inglewood re Status of Restated Development Agreement Implementation and Mitgation PREDEIR_0003192.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0858 IBEC Collaboration Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000990.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0858 IBEC_ Collaboration Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006231.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0926 IBEC Folder.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0001104.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0926 IBEC Folder.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0020381.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0948 RE IBEC Folder.msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001698.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-0948 RE IBEC Folder.msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020382.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1111 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (7).msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004291.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1111 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (519).msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007355.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1134 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (6).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004290.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1134 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (517).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007354.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1208 IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0000985.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1208 IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006219.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1313 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (516).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007353.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1320 IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed (118).msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Sabrina Barnes ; ''; ''; Barmeshwar Rai ; Angela Williams PREDEIR_0000978.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1320 IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed 01032019.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Sabrina Barnes ;;; Barmeshwar Rai ; Angela Williams PREDEIR_0002218.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1320 IBEC_ Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Mark Fronterotta ; Sabrina Barnes ;;; Barmeshwar Rai ; Angela Williams PREDEIR_0006210.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 IBEC Sponsor Comments on Bundle 2.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027442.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.2.0 Project Description_1-18-19 4817-1986-4198 v.1-cl....docx PREDEIR_027443.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.3.1 Aesthetics 4848-5130-5862 v.1-cl.docx PREDEIR_027444.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.3.4 Cultural Resources_1-16-19 4824-2889-8694 v.1-cl.....docx PREDEIR_027445.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.Cultural Resources Tech Report_Jan 2019.docx PREDEIR_027446.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 4829-8470-9766 v.....docx PREDEIR_027447.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.3.13 Public Services_1-16-19 4816-1494-1830 v.1-cl.docx PREDEIR_027448.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1638 Attch: 2019.01.30 SPONSOR.3.15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19 4844-6759-....docx PREDEIR_027449.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1700 IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0000979.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1700 IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed (2).msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0014471.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1700 IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015249.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1703 RE_ SCH #.msg Lin, Alan S@DOT Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009534.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1723 IBEC: EIR Coordination Proposed Agenda for (2/1) Mtng.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0017295.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1723 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017296.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1723 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0017297.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1747 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Marietta Torriente PREDEIR_0000359.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1747 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Marietta Torriente PREDEIR_0004357.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1747 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (511).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Marietta Torriente PREDEIR_0008428.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1757 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (4).msg Marietta Torriente Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004355.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1757 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (509).msg Marietta Torriente Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0008426.pdf
Correspondence 20190130-1800 IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013512.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-0925 3 15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19.msg Angela Williams Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000428.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-0925 Attch: 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19.docx PREDEIR_0000429.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-0925 3 15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19 (1).msg Angela Williams Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020389.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-0925 Attch: 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19.docx PREDEIR_0020390.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-0927 Prep for AB52 Initial Consultation with Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Mindy Wilcox ; Joe Gibson ; Omar Pulido PREDEIR_0007102.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-0927 Attch: 01.31.19 Agenda AB 52 Prep.pdf PREDEIR_0007105.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 Canceled IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000286.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 Attch: 02.01.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0000287.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; PREDEIR_0005952.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 Attch: 02.01.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0005953.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011364.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0011365.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0017289.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1014 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0017290.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1036 Murphys Bowl Folder.msg Cynthia Robinson Juan Caceros PREDEIR_0015321.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1126 RE Murphys Bowl Folder.msg Cynthia Robinson Juan Caceros PREDEIR_0015322.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1146 01312019 Email from Catherine Aguilar.pdf PREDEIR_0002225.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1345 Re IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review (111).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001588.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1345 Re_ IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004343.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1356 IBEC_ Agenda 2_4-2_5 (504).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Joe Wittmann ; David Stone ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0006211.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1356 Attch: 02.04.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0006212.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1356 IBEC: Agenda 2/4-2/5.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Joe Wittmann ; David Stone ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0019360.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1356 Attch: 02.04.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0019361.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1434 RE_ IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review (498).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008217.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1437 IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001026.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1444 IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics.msg Catherine Aguilar;; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001004.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1444 IBEC_ EIR Coordination 2_4-2_5 Logistics.msg Catherine Aguilar;; PREDEIR_0006290.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1453 Re IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics (110).msg Dennis Kanuk Catherine Aguilar ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001609.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1529 FW IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (109).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0000792.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1607 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (491).msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0008425.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1607 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (8) (2).msg Marietta Torriente Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013826.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1629 UPDATE IBEC records keeping.msg Marietta Torriente Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002207.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1629 UPDATE_ IBEC records keeping.msg Marietta Torriente Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0009954.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1906 IBEC EIR Utilities Edits.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001011.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1906 IBEC: EIR Utilities Edits.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017285.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-1906 Attch: 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19_mw and aw edits1.docx PREDEIR_0017286.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-2346 IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Sharon Koike ; Cardell Hurt ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0000319.pdf
Correspondence 20190131-2346 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (489).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0006359.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0014 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics (104).msg Catherine Aguilar Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001608.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0704 Re IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics (103).msg Loren Montgomery Catherine Aguilar ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001606.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0747 RE_ IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review (486).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0008216.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0748 Re IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics (102).msg Lisa Trifiletti Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0001605.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0805 RE_ IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review (485).msg Louis Atwell Lisa Trifiletti ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0008215.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0823 RE_ IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review (483).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008214.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0847 RE IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review (235).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021808.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0901 Re IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review (126).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021805.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0905 RE IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review (163).msg Louis Atwell Lisa Trifiletti' ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021806.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0910 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (101).msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0001639.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0910 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (101).msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0014472.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0922 Re IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review (125).msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021804.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0923 RE IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review (234).msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021807.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0925 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (100).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001638.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0925 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (100).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014473.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0947 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Microsoft Outlook - on behalf of - Louis Atwell Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000335.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-0952 Re_ IBEC_ Bundle 2 Departmental Review.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0008218.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1000 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg PREDEIR_0015323.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1008 FW_ IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2_ Part 2.msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004231.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1008 FW_ IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2_ Part 2 (478).msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005302.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1011 FW_ IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2_ Part 2 (476).msg Catherine Aguilar Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0005301.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1052 Re IBEC Bundle 2 Departmental Review.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021809.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1313 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics (99).msg Catherine Aguilar Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001611.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1341 FW IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto PREDEIR_0000793.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1341 FW IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto PREDEIR_0014474.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1348 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (98).msg Lauren Amimoto Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001637.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1348 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (98).msg Lauren Amimoto Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014475.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1358 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics (97).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001610.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1426 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 2 4-2 5 Logistics.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001612.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1427 02012019 Email from Catherine Aguilar.pdf PREDEIR_0002226.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1443 IBEC EIR Coordination - Weekly PAR Check in.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001003.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1443 IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Weekly PAR Check in.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0004263.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1443 IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Weekly PAR Check in.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006284.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1624 Fwd_ Status of Restated Development Agreement Implementation and Mitigation Monitoring Program for Stadium Alternative at Hollywood Park.msg Louis Atwell Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0005820.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1624 Attch: Forbes January 30 2019 Letter to Atwell.pdf PREDEIR_0005821.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1644 Draft EIR Section Publc Services Inglewood Arena.msg Bagwell, Loretta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000720.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1644 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0000721.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1644 Draft EIR Section Publc Services Inglewood Arena.msg Bagwell, Loretta Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014476.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1644 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0014477.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1656 Fwd Draft EIR Section Publc Services Inglewood Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0000898.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1656 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0000899.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1656 Fwd: Draft EIR Section Publc Services Inglewood Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017275.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1656 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0017276.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1721 Canceled IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000610.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1721 Canceled_ IBEC_ Meeting on Water_Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004687.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1723 RE Draft EIR Section Publc Services Inglewood Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Bagwell, Loretta' PREDEIR_0001536.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1723 RE Draft EIR Section Publc Services Inglewood Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Bagwell, Loretta' PREDEIR_0014478.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1731 RE IBEC EIR Coordination - Weekly PAR Check in.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001595.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1731 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Weekly PAR Check in.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0004354.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1731 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination - Weekly PAR Check in.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008318.pdf
Correspondence 20190201-1732 02012019 Email from Mindala Wilcox.pdf PREDEIR_0002227.pdf
Correspondence 20190202-1004 RE IBEC Agenda 2 4-2 5.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Joe Wittmann ; David Stone ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0002747.pdf
Correspondence 20190202-1004 Attch: 02.04.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.pdf PREDEIR_0002748.pdf
Correspondence 20190202-1004 RE_ IBEC_ Agenda 2_4-2_5 (465).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Joe Wittmann ; David Stone ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0008189.pdf
Correspondence 20190202-1004 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.pdf PREDEIR_0008190.pdf
Correspondence 20190202-1004 RE: IBEC: Agenda 2/4-2/5.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Joe Wittmann ; David Stone ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0019358.pdf
Correspondence 20190202-1004 Attch: 02.04.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.pdf PREDEIR_0019359.pdf
Correspondence 20190203-2232 IBEC Zoning Map.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001138.pdf
Correspondence 20190203-2232 IBEC Zoning Map.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014479.pdf
Correspondence 20190203-2251 Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0019349.pdf
Correspondence 20190203-2251 Attch: 02.04.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.pdf PREDEIR_0019350.pdf
Correspondence 20190203-2351 Agenda.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013465.pdf
Correspondence 20190203-2351 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.pdf PREDEIR_0013466.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0000 Draft -- Letter from Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood to Miya Edmonson re Freeway Analysis Thresholds and Approach for the IBEC Project EIR PREDEIR_0003194.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0000 Letter from City of Inglewood to Miya Edmonson, CA DOT re Freeway Analysis Thresholds PREDEIR_0020747.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0726 Re_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (463).msg Philip Burns Lisa Trifiletti ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0007352.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0832 Re_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (461).msg Lloyd Zola Philip Burns ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0007351.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0842 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR (460).msg Fred Jackson Lloyd Zola ; Philip Burns ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007350.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0958 IBEC-water well.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001162.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-0958 IBEC-water well.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0014480.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1019 IBEC-Fehr and Peers.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001145.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1019 IBEC-Fehr and Peers.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020391.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1051 RE IBEC-Fehr and Peers.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001739.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1051 RE IBEC-Fehr and Peers.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020392.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1053 RE_ Availability for Call with Arroyo Group_Metis Environmental re_ TOD DEIR.msg Fred Jackson Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007356.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1113 RE IBEC-water well.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001751.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1113 RE IBEC-water well.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014481.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1533 RE_ signal plan.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009542.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1535 Thank you.msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002172.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1535 Attch: City to Caltrans Letter on IBEC.pdf PREDEIR_0002173.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1535 Thank you (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013874.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1535 Attch: City to Caltrans Letter on IBEC.pdf PREDEIR_0013875.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1539 FW: Latest fire letter.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0017256.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1539 Attch: LA County Fire Response_1.24.19.pdf PREDEIR_0017257.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1601 IBEC_ EIR Transpo.msg Peter Puglese Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0006368.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1610 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center Fire Flow.msg Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001164.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1610 Attch: LA County Fire Code.pdf PREDEIR_0001165.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1612 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Transpo (444).msg Peter Puglese Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008456.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1612 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Transpo (445).msg Catherine Aguilar Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0008457.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1614 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Transpo.msg Catherine Aguilar Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0008458.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1639 FW Latest fire letter.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023625.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1639 Attch: LA County Fire Response_1.24.19.pdf PREDEIR_0023626.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1745 IBEC-Solid Waste edits.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001155.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1745 IBEC-Solid Waste edits.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017252.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1745 Attch: 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19_mw and aw edits1.docx PREDEIR_0017253.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1751 IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Angela Williams PREDEIR_0001157.pdf
Correspondence 20190204-1751 IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Angela Williams PREDEIR_0014482.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0700 Re ALUC for Inglewood Project (93).msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001439.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0700 Re_ ALUC for Inglewood Project (439).msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0007317.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0841 RE ALUC for Inglewood Project .msg Mindala Wilcox Loren Montgomery' ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001440.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0923 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (92).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001636.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0923 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (92).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020393.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0924 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (91).msg Lauren Amimoto Barmeshwar Rai ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001635.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-0924 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter (91).msg Lauren Amimoto Barmeshwar Rai ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020394.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1014 IBEC-Hazards.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001146.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1014 IBEC-Hazards.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006456.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1014 Attch: 3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials.docx PREDEIR_0006457.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1341 RE IBEC-Solid Waste Question (89).msg Angela Williams Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001747.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1341 RE IBEC-Solid Waste Question (89).msg Angela Williams Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014483.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1348 Sample construction graphics.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0019346.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1348 Attch: fig2-30_construction-trk-rtes.pdf PREDEIR_0019347.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1348 Attch: fig2-29_construction-plan.pdf PREDEIR_0019348.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1350 FW: Murphys Bowl City Contracted Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017249.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1350 FW Murphys Bowl City Contracted Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027803.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1604 Fwd: IBEC: Western Parking Area New North/South Street Public?.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017248.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1604 Fwd IBEC Western Parking Area New North South Street Public .msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027805.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1755 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto PREDEIR_0001640.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1755 RE IBEC Meeting on Water Wastewater Utilities and Service Systems EIR Chapter.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto PREDEIR_0020395.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1755 Attch: DOC481.PDF PREDEIR_0020396.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1759 RE IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Angela Williams PREDEIR_0001748.pdf
Correspondence 20190205-1759 RE IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Angela Williams PREDEIR_0014484.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1402 RE IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001584.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1402 RE IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020397.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1402 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0020398.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1614 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination 2/7 Agenda Items.msg Christina Erwin Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019344.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1618 FW IBEC-Solid Waste Question (88).msg Angela Williams Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000816.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1618 FW IBEC-Solid Waste Question (88).msg Angela Williams Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014485.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1621 AB 52 Documents.msg Omar Pulido Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0004184.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1621 Attch: ITC AB 52 talking points.docx PREDEIR_0004185.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1621 Attch: Inglewood-Transit-Connector_NOP_SECURED.pdf PREDEIR_0004186.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1732 FW IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0000817.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1732 FW_ IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0005383.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1732 FW: IBEC-Solid Waste Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0017237.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1736 FW IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0000784.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1736 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0000785.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1736 FW_ IBEC_ Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0005306.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1736 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0005307.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1736 FW: IBEC: Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0017235.pdf
Correspondence 20190206-1736 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0017236.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-0934 Collaboration Meeting (420).msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; PREDEIR_0004742.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-0934 Attch: 02.06.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0004743.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-0934 Collaboration Meeting (26).msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010644.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-0934 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010645.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1044 Emailing: IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop 2-5-19.msg Cynthia Robinson Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017233.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1044 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop 2-5-19.PDF PREDEIR_0017234.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1046 IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (86).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Sharon Koike ; Cardell Hurt ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0001009.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1046 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (418).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0006358.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1112 IBEC Bundle 3 Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0015960.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1112 IBEC Bundle 3 Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0015961.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1114 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0015956.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1114 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0015957.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1114 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0015958.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1114 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015959.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1117 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Jeremiah LaRose ; Netai Basu ; Alan Sako ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Dennis Kanuk ; Anitra Rice ; Christopher Jackson ; Addie Farrell ; Robert Hodil ; Susumu Shirayama ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Gerard McCallum ; Olivia Chan ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Royce K. Jones ; Catherine Aguilar ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0015952.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1117 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0015953.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1117 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Gerard McCallum ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Hodil ; Fred Jackson ; Loren Montgomery ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Brian Boxer ;; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Christopher Jackson ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Jeff Caton ; Dennis Kanuk ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Royce K. Jones PREDEIR_0015954.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1117 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0015955.pdf
Correspondence 20190207-1132 RE IBEC Update (85).msg Fred Jackson; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001671.pdf
Correspondence 20190208-1552 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (415).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0008423.pdf
Correspondence 20190208-1609 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (414).msg Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008422.pdf
Correspondence 20190208-1726 RE IBEC Update (74).msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001670.pdf
Correspondence 20190208-1726 RE IBEC Update.msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015602.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-0751 FW IBEC Update (73).msg Fred Jackson Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000800.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-0751 FW IBEC Update (73).msg Fred Jackson Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020399.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1120 IBEC Update (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; '' PREDEIR_0000330.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1120 IBEC Update (6).msg Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; PREDEIR_0001133.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1155 IBEC Agenda 2 11 19.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000980.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1155 Attch: 02.11.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000981.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1155 IBEC Agenda 2 11 19 (2).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013753.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1155 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013754.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1156 IBEC: Agenda 2/11/19.msg Christina Erwin;;;;; PREDEIR_0019335.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1156 Attch: 02.11.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019336.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1245 RE IBEC Update.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000372.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1327 Re IBEC Update (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013588.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1345 RE IBEC Update.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013589.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1432 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez ; Mike Samuelson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Royce Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001058.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1503 IBEC Stormwater.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0019332.pdf
Correspondence 20190211-1506 RE IBEC Stormwater.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012379.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1121 CANCELED-Development Agreement for Murphys Bowl.msg Kathy Ares Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Royce Jones ; Phoebe Allen ; Tunisia Johnson ; Joi Aldridge ; PREDEIR_0021465.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1238 FW: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; PREDEIR_0019326.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1240 IBEC AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000973.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1240 IBEC: AB 987.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0019325.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1253 RE IBEC AB 987 (71).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0001569.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1253 RE IBEC AB 987.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0012213.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1253 RE: IBEC: AB 987.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0014069.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1305 RE IBEC AB 987 (70).msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001568.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1305 RE: IBEC: AB 987.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017200.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1305 RE IBEC AB 987.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027240.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1550 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (2).msg Robert Dizon Henrik Nazarian ; Chris Holmquist ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027851.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1550 Attch: Fire Flow Test Results.pdf PREDEIR_027852.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1550 Attch: Will Serve Letter.pdf PREDEIR_027853.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1604 RE: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Christina Erwin Robert Dizon ; Henrik Nazarian ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0019324.pdf
Correspondence 20190212-1700 Photosims.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027737.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-0851 RE IBEC AB 987.msg Tom Gaul Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001570.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-0851 RE: IBEC: AB 987.msg Tom Gaul Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017178.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1103 RE: IBEC Stormwater.msg Christina Erwin Henrik Nazarian PREDEIR_0019322.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1105 RE IBEC Stormwater (3).msg Henrik Nazarian Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027850.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1124 IBEC Stormwater.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Henrik Nazarian ; Boris Tantchev ; Robert Dizon ; Janelle Firoozi ; Dennis Kanuk ; PREDEIR_0015950.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1232 IBEC_ EIR Schedule (389).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0006366.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1232 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 2.13.19.pdf PREDEIR_0006367.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1232 IBEC: EIR Schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019319.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1232 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 2.13.19.pdf PREDEIR_0019320.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1246 IBEC Photosimulations Discussion .msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_0015949.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1252 IBEC Transportation Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0001129.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1252 IBEC Transportation Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011396.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1252 IBEC Transportation Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; David Reel ; DeRosa, David ; Chau, Raizalyn ; Casil, Noel ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015948.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1410 FW_ IBEC Transportation Discussion.msg - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0005289.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1619 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Schedule (381).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008454.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1619 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised v2.pdf PREDEIR_0008455.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1619 RE IBEC EIR Schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0015569.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1619 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 2.13.19v2.pdf PREDEIR_0015570.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1619 RE: IBEC: EIR Schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019315.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1619 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 2.13.19v2.pdf PREDEIR_0019316.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1656 IBEC-Collaboration Meeting Agenda Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0000332.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1656 IBEC-Collaboration Meeting Agenda Needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0001140.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1656 IBEC-Collaboration Meeting Agenda Needed (372).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0006454.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1657 IBEC: EIR Coordination 2/14 Proposed Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0017167.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1657 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017168.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1703 Collaboration Meeting (369).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0004740.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1703 Attch: 02.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0004741.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1703 Collaboration Meeting (10).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010633.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1703 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010634.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1802 IBEC Amy Herman Data Needs.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000982.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1802 IBEC Amy Herman Data Needs.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020400.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1802 IBEC Amy Herman Data Needs (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020401.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1819 Revised.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0002157.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1819 Attch: 02.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0002158.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1819 Revised.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019313.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1819 Attch: 02.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019314.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1820 IBEC FW Revised.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0001015.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1820 Attch: 02.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001016.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1820 IBEC FW Revised.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0020402.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1820 Attch: 02.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020403.pdf
Correspondence 20190213-1902 IBEC Amy Herman Data Needs.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013513.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-0849 RE_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0007508.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-0849 Attch: 02.14.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0007509.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-0849 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0011908.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-0849 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0011909.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-0849 RE: Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014067.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-0849 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0014068.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Sample LEED scorecards.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ;; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0009780.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Attch: 2.0_Project_Description LEED Discussion.pdf PREDEIR_0009781.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Attch: Sacramento - LEED Scoresheet (Gold).pdf PREDEIR_0009782.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Sample LEED scorecards.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ;; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019309.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Attch: 2.0_Project_Description LEED Discussion.pdf PREDEIR_0019310.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Attch: Sacramento - LEED Scoresheet (Gold).pdf PREDEIR_0019311.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Sample LEED scorecards.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ;; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_024212.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Attch: 2.0_Project_Description LEED Discussion.pdf PREDEIR_024213.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1107 Attch: Sacramento - LEED Scoresheet (Gold).pdf PREDEIR_024214.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1131 Emergency Access Plan example.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0004924.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1131 Attch: GSW Emergency Access Plan Example.pdf PREDEIR_0004925.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1131 Emergency Access Plan example.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019307.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1131 Attch: GSW Emergency Access Plan Example.pdf PREDEIR_0019308.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1131 Emergency Access Plan example.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_024103.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1131 Attch: GSW Emergency Access Plan Example.pdf PREDEIR_024104.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1150 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (364).msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0008421.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1150 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (7) (2).msg Marietta Torriente Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013825.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1205 IBEC EIR Coordination TC Weekly Clippers PAR Check-in.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Sharon Koike ; Cardell Hurt ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0000320.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1205 IBEC_ EIR Coordination TC Weekly Clippers PAR Check-in (363).msg Catherine Aguilar;;; PREDEIR_0006361.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1230 out of the office next week.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0007062.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1303 Final confirmation of future intersection driveway configurations.msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013478.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1616 FW Need Map of Projects .msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000862.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1616 Attch: ProjSiteDev_1_Rev_Map.pdf PREDEIR_0000863.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1616 Attch: ProjSiteDev_Rev_Map.pdf PREDEIR_0000864.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1616 Attch: Related Projects List Spreadsheets_v1.docx PREDEIR_0000865.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1706 IBEC Gabrieleno Follow-up.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001017.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1706 IBEC_ Gabrieleno Follow-up.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006376.pdf
Correspondence 20190214-1806 IBEC Gabrieleno Follow-up.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013517.pdf
Correspondence 20190215-0942 IBEC Prelim Hydrology report from D&D.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027813.pdf
Correspondence 20190215-0942 Attch: IBEC Preliminary Hydrology Report 8.23.18.pdf PREDEIR_027814.pdf
Correspondence 20190215-1701 IBEC-Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001154.pdf
Correspondence 20190215-1701 IBEC-Room Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017162.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 IBEC Updated site plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_0001065.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan 2.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_0001066.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 IBEC_ Updated site plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_0006444.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan 2.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_0006445.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 IBEC Updated site plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_0011334.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan 2.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011335.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 IBEC: Updated site plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_0017135.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1035 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan 2.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_0017136.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1039 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001089.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1039 Attch: 02.25.19 IBEC EIR and Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0001090.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1039 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting (357).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005976.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1039 Attch: 02.25.19 IBEC EIR and Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005977.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1039 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019301.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1039 Attch: 02.25.19 IBEC EIR and Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019302.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1135 IBEC--Updated site plan.MSG Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_0013531.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1135 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan 2.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013532.pdf
Correspondence 20190219-1356 IBEC Agency Individual Coordination Information.msg Justin Hall Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0002732.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-0916 CANCELED- Development Agreement for Murphys Bowl.msg Kathy Ares Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Tunisia Johnson ; Phoebe Allen ;; Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0021463.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-0916 Attch: Scheduling a Meeting with the City - Development Agreement for Murphys Bowl .msg Gerard McCallum Kathy Ares PREDEIR_0021464.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-0921 RE Proposed Development list .msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Jesse Sira PREDEIR_0002048.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-0921 Attch: 2019.02.15 current projects.pdf PREDEIR_0002049.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-0921 RE Proposed Development list .msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Jesse Sira PREDEIR_0014489.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-0921 Attch: current projects.pdf PREDEIR_0014490.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-1118 FW Murphys Bowl Contact Information.msg Sharon Garrett Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022426.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-1717 Collaboration Meeting (326).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; PREDEIR_0004738.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-1717 Attch: 02.21.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0004739.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-1717 Collaboration Meeting (9).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010631.pdf
Correspondence 20190220-1717 Attch: 02.21.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010632.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1251 Fwd Project Condor EIR Site Plan Question.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027806.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1251 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan +SF response.pdf PREDEIR_027807.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1359 IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Sharon Koike ; Cardell Hurt ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0001010.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1359 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ;;; PREDEIR_0004267.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1359 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (319).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ;;; PREDEIR_0006364.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1359 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ;;; PREDEIR_0006365.pdf
Correspondence 20190221-1415 RE Future Lane Geometries for IBEC EIR (66).msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027616.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-0702 Re_ Caltrans Presentation (315).msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007404.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-0945 IBEC Crane Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0000998.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-0945 Attch: IBEC Crane Plan 2.8.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0000999.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-0945 IBEC: Crane Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0014061.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-0945 Attch: IBEC Crane Plan 2.8.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0014062.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1026 IBEC - quick question about transportation assumptions.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027825.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1034 RE IBEC Crane Plan.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001589.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1034 RE: IBEC: Crane Plan.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0019294.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1037 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Catherine Aguilar Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0001630.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1037 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (309).msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008452.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1043 Re: IBEC: EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Catherine Aguilar Cardell Hurt PREDEIR_0001629.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1043 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (308).msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008451.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1044 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Catherine Aguilar Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0001628.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1044 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (307).msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008450.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1045 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (9).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000366.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1045 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (306).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008449.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1045 IBEC Crane Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011241.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1045 Attch: IBEC Crane Plan 2.8.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0011242.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1056 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (304).msg Marietta Torriente Marietta Torriente ;;;; PREDEIR_0008420.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1056 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (6) (3).msg Marietta Torriente Marietta Torriente ; Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013824.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1115 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (302).msg Cardell Hurt Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008448.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1205 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (8).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0000365.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1205 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001627.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1205 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (299).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008447.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1211 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (7).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000364.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1211 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (298).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008446.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1606 Re: IBEC: EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Maurice Hernandez Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001625.pdf
Correspondence 20190222-1606 Re_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (296).msg Maurice Hernandez Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008444.pdf
Correspondence 20190224-1612 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting (293).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0005974.pdf
Correspondence 20190224-1612 Attch: 02.25.19 IBEC EIR and Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005975.pdf
Correspondence 20190224-1612 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0019290.pdf
Correspondence 20190224-1612 Attch: 02.25.19 IBEC EIR and Transportation Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019291.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1004 RE_ IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0008060.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1004 RE IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0015615.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1005 RE IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Victor Nunez ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0012357.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1104 RE: IBEC: EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Sharon Koike Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001624.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1120 IBEC Preliminary Haul Route map.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001035.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1120 Attch: IBEC Haul Routes 2.7.19.pdf PREDEIR_0001036.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1120 IBEC Preliminary Haul Route map.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011288.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1120 Attch: IBEC Haul Routes 2.7.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011289.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1120 IBEC: Preliminary Haul Route map.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017107.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1120 Attch: IBEC Haul Routes 2.7.19.pdf PREDEIR_0017108.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1155 RE IBEC Update (55).msg Fred Jackson; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001669.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1200 RE: IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Sharon Koike Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0001623.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1207 RE: IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In Catherine Aguilar Sharon Koike PREDEIR_0001622.pdf
Correspondence 20190225-1705 IBEC signage and lighting.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027735.pdf
Correspondence 20190226-0846 RE IBEC Update (52).msg Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001668.pdf
Correspondence 20190226-1005 RE IBEC Update (51).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson ; PREDEIR_0001667.pdf
Correspondence 20190226-1701 IBEC: Signage .msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015946.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1031 RE IBEC Update (50).msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0001666.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1423 IBEC: EIR Coordination 2/28 Proposed Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0017095.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1423 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0017096.pdf
Correspondence 20190226-1434 IBEC Transportation call.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027826.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1737 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; PREDEIR_0003300.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1737 Attch: 02.28.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003301.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1755 Collaboration Meeting (7).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010628.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1755 Attch: 02.28.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010629.pdf
Correspondence 20190227-1755 Collaboration Meeting (8).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010630.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1152 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (4).msg Marietta Torriente Marietta Torriente ;;;; PREDEIR_0003456.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1152 IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (5) (3).msg Marietta Torriente Marietta Torriente ; Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013770.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1229 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (4).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000363.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1229 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (273).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008440.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1327 IBEC Century Boulevard Improvement project plans.msg Dennis Kanuk John Gard PREDEIR_027812.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1443 RE IBEC Update (47).msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001665.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1455 FW IBEC Update (46).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000799.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1455 FW IBEC Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020406.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1455 FW IBEC Update (46).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020405.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1555 FW IBEC Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013502.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1600 RE IBEC Update (45).msg Fred Jackson; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001664.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1643 IBEC Parking and Circulation Discussion (102).msg Dennis Kanuk Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Victor Nunez ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0021701.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1737 IBEC Pedestrian Levels of Service.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0001034.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1737 IBEC: Pedestrian Levels of Service.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0017074.pdf
Correspondence 20190228-1737 IBEC Pedestrian Levels of Service.msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_027823.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-0707 IBEC Parking and Circulation Discussion.msg Louis Atwell - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0021702.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-0756 RE IBEC Update.msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001672.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-0907 FW IBEC Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000801.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-0907 FW IBEC Update (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0020407.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-0926 IBEC Conference Call w Amy Herman.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ;; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000996.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1014 IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request (44).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001116.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1014 RE_ IBEC_ Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001117.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1014 IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request (44).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020408.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1014 Attch: RE IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020409.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1014 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0020410.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1058 RE IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request (43).msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001718.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1058 RE IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request (43).msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014491.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1113 Attch: IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0001119.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1113 RE_ IBEC_ Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001120.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1113 IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0020411.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1113 Attch: RE IBEC Admin Draft EIR Review Needed.msg Cuadra, Alexandra Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020412.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1113 Attch: Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services2.docx PREDEIR_0020413.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1312 IBEC Circulation.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Mindy Wilcox ; Royce K. Jones ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ;; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard PREDEIR_0015945.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1321 IBEC Circulation.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Mindy Wilcox ; Royce K. Jones ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ;; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard PREDEIR_0019263.pdf
Correspondence 20190301-1321 IBEC Circulation.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Chau, Raizalyn ; DeRosa, David ;; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard PREDEIR_0021692.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1112 Re IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request (39).msg Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0001717.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1112 Re IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request (39).msg Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0014492.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1137 IBEC_ Bundle 3 ADEIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0003450.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1137 IBEC: Bundle 3 ADEIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0019257.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1142 IBEC Bundle 3 Review Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001082.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1142 IBEC Bundle 3 Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0005928.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1142 IBEC Bundle 3 Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0005929.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1142 IBEC Bundle 3 Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0019255.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1142 IBEC Bundle 3 Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0019256.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1143 IBEC Bundle 3 Review Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001083.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1143 IBEC Bundle 3 Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019253.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1143 IBEC Bundle 3 Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019254.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1350 Re_ IBEC_ Bundle 3 ADEIR (269).msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0008219.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1350 Re: IBEC: Bundle 3 ADEIR.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017058.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1408 Tuesday call.msg Lisa Trifiletti; Royce Jones ; PREDEIR_0009914.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1439 Re_ _EXTERNAL_ Tuesday call (268).msg Gershwin, Dan Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007164.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1711 Re_ _EXTERNAL_ Tuesday call (267).msg Lisa Trifiletti Gershwin, Dan PREDEIR_0007163.pdf
Correspondence 20190302-1814 Re_ _EXTERNAL_ Tuesday call (266).msg Royce K. Jones Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007162.pdf
Correspondence 20190303-0717 RE_ _EXTERNAL_ Tuesday call (265).msg Lisa Trifiletti Royce K. Jones PREDEIR_0007161.pdf
Correspondence 20190303-0723 Re_ _EXTERNAL_ Tuesday call (264).msg Royce K. Jones Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007160.pdf
Correspondence 20190303-0724 RE_ _EXTERNAL_ Tuesday call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Royce K. Jones PREDEIR_0007165.pdf
Correspondence 20190303-1150 Grant Discussion.msg Gershwin, Dan Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Lisa Trifiletti ; PREDEIR_0005843.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-0845 IBEC Parking Calculation Meeting (37).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson ;;;; Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0001031.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-0908 IBEC Parking Calculation Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna PREDEIR_0001032.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1024 RE prairie ave reversible lane.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013594.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1024 Attch: Future Geo Quick Figure.xlsx PREDEIR_0013595.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1139 IBEC AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0000972.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1139 IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0003447.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1139 IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0004259.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1239 IBEC AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013511.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1354 IBEC-parking (35).msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0001152.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1359 Re IBEC-parking (34).msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0001745.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1400 RE IBEC-parking (33).msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk' ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0001744.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1402 Re IBEC-parking (32).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001743.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1408 RE IBEC-parking.msg Mindala Wilcox Loren Montgomery' ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0001746.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1415 IBEC Parking.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery' ;;; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; John Gard ;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0001033.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1415 IBEC: Parking.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; John Gard ;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015944.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1435 IBEC TOD EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0001054.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1435 IBEC TOD EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011321.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1435 IBEC: TOD EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017055.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1438 RE IBEC TOD EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0001658.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1438 RE IBEC TOD EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012293.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1438 RE: IBEC: TOD EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017054.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1737 IBEC-Parking.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery' PREDEIR_0001153.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1737 IBEC-Parking.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0006459.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1827 FW_ IBEC_ Bundle 3 ADEIR (246).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; PREDEIR_0005327.pdf
Correspondence 20190304-1827 FW: IBEC: Bundle 3 ADEIR.msg Mindala Wilcox; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017049.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1036 Florence - Prairie signing and striping plan.msg Vanessa Munoz Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015250.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1036 Attch: Centinela & Florence NDC 202 approved 2017-08-15 SS 02.pdf PREDEIR_0015251.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1038 FW IBEC AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000299.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1038 FW_ IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0004228.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1056 RE_ Grant Discussion.msg Gershwin, Dan Bettye Griffith PREDEIR_0007891.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1136 Florence - Prairie signing and striping plan.msg Vanessa Munoz Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013479.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1136 Attch: Centinela & Florence NDC 202 approved 2017-08-15 SS 02.pdf PREDEIR_0013480.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1226 RE Florence - Prairie signing and striping plan.msg Mike Samuelson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013570.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1234 RE 3700 W 102nd St--Inglewood International Business Park Specific .msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015252.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1242 Parking.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindy Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015943.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1242 Parking.msg Christina Erwin John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindy Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0019247.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1256 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In (3).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000362.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1256 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008453.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1302 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0000351.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1334 RE 3700 W 102nd St--Inglewood International Business Park Specific .msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013545.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1355 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (30).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001566.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1355 RE_ IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation (4).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004335.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1413 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0000367.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1413 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Weekly TC-City Check-In.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003565.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1506 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (1).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000350.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1641 IBEC-Mtgs next week.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001151.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1641 IBEC-Mtgs next week.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017048.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1643 RE IBEC-Mtgs next week.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001742.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1643 RE: IBEC-Mtgs next week.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019245.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1659 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation .msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0000352.pdf
Correspondence 20190305-1659 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (25).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001565.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1511 Inglewood Master Fee Schedule.msg Dennis Kanuk Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013534.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1527 Collaboration Meeting (6).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010626.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1527 Attch: 03.07.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010627.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1527 Collaboration Meeting (13).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015383.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1527 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015384.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1557 FW IBEC EIR Coordination 3 7 Proposed Agenda.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015405.pdf
Correspondence 20190306-1557 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015406.pdf
Correspondence 20190307-0945 IBEC-Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001141.pdf
Correspondence 20190307-1045 IBEC-Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013530.pdf
Correspondence 20190307-1112 RE: Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014059.pdf
Correspondence 20190308-1104 RE IBEC-Conference Call (24).msg Amy Herman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001736.pdf
Correspondence 20190308-1404 IBEC_ Transportation Regulatory Setting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Chris Stiles PREDEIR_0003464.pdf
Correspondence 20190308-1404 IBEC: Transportation Regulatory Setting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Chris Stiles PREDEIR_0019237.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1047 IBEC Agenda 3 13 19 - 3 14 19.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0002727.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1047 Attch: 03.13.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0002728.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1047 IBEC_ Agenda 3_13_19 - 3_14_19.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0003448.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1047 Attch: 03.13.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0003449.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1047 IBEC: Agenda 3/13/19 - 3/14/19.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0019235.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1047 Attch: 03.13.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019236.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1105 RE IBEC-Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0001737.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1136 RE_ IBEC_ Agenda 3_13_19 - 3_14_19 (232).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008195.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1136 RE: IBEC: Agenda 3/13/19 - 3/14/19.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0017024.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1206 RE_ IBEC_ Agenda 3_13_19 - 3_14_19 (231).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008194.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1206 RE: IBEC: Agenda 3/13/19 - 3/14/19.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0019234.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1213 RE_ IBEC_ Agenda 3_13_19 - 3_14_19.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008197.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1213 RE: IBEC: Agenda 3/13/19 - 3/14/19.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0017023.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1216 IBEC (21).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001068.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1216 IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017022.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1218 IBEC-Status Update.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0001158.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1223 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (20).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001564.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1223 RE_ IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation (1).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0004332.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1702 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (62).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015555.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-1704 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (61).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015554.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 IBEC Sponsor Comments on Bundle 3.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027450.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.1.0 Introduction_B3_03022019 4844-6958-8106 v.1-cl.docx PREDEIR_027451.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.0 Introduction to the Analysis_B3_03022019 4838-453....docx PREDEIR_027452.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.3 Biological Resources_B3_03022019 4848-1640-0522 v....docx PREDEIR_027453.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.6_Geology and Soils_B3_03022019 4826-6557-7866 v.1-....docx PREDEIR_027454.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.9 Hydrology and WQ_B3_03022019 4845-7365-8250 v.1-c....docx PREDEIR_027455.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.10 Land Use_B3_03022019 4839-9077-7994 v.1-cl.docx PREDEIR_027456.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.12 Population Employment and Housing_B3_03022019 48....docx PREDEIR_027457.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.3.14 Transportation and Circulation Existing Setting ....docx PREDEIR_027458.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2044 Attch: 2019.03.11 SPONSOR.5.0 Project Variants_B3_03022019 4848-6765-3514 v.1-c....docx PREDEIR_027459.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2307 FW IBEC Site Plan.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0000810.pdf
Correspondence 20190311-2307 Attch: IBEC EIR Site Plan Feb 2019.pdf PREDEIR_0000811.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 IBEC Sight and stopping distance to signals and pedestrian bridges.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Pehrson PREDEIR_0001042.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 Attch: IBEC Sight Distance for Bridges 3.4.19.pdf PREDEIR_0001043.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 IBEC_ Sight and stopping distance to signals and pedestrian bridges.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Pehrson PREDEIR_0006424.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 Attch: IBEC Sight Distance for Bridges 3.4.19.pdf PREDEIR_0006425.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 IBEC Sight and stopping distance to signals and pedestrian bridges.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Pehrson PREDEIR_0011300.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 Attch: IBEC Sight Distance for Bridges 3.4.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011301.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 IBEC: Sight and stopping distance to signals and pedestrian bridges.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Pehrson PREDEIR_0017015.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1131 Attch: IBEC Sight Distance for Bridges 3.4.19.pdf PREDEIR_0017016.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1228 IBEC AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0000974.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1228 IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004260.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1228 IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0006199.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1228 IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014058.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1240 IBEC-Weds mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001163.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1245 RE IBEC-Weds mtg (18).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0001752.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1245 RE: IBEC-Weds mtg.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019226.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1303 RE IBEC-Weds mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0001753.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1316 RE: Time to talk with ESA next week?.msg Tiffany Wright Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0017014.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1536 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (17).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001563.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1536 RE_ IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation (3).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004334.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1536 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (60).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015553.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1716 Untitled.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0002205.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1716 Attch: Calendar_002.ics Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0002206.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1837 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (15).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0001562.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1837 RE_ IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0004333.pdf
Correspondence 20190312-1837 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation (59).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0015552.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1019 RE IBEC AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001567.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1019 RE_ IBEC_ AB 52 Consultation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0004336.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1042 IBEC Dry Utility Will Serve Letters.msg Chris Holmquist Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0017009.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1042 Attch: Electricity Gas Phone Cable Will Serve Letters.pdf PREDEIR_0017010.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1216 Attch: IBEC schedule.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0001122.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1230 AB 987 Application.msg Hodil, Robert B. Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004485.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1504 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0003457.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1504 IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0004266.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1504 IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (1) (3).msg Marietta Torriente Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013769.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1507 Re International Business Park Building Information.msg Mindala Wilcox Arturo Salazar ; Eddy Ikemefuna PREDEIR_0013590.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1507 Re International Business Park Building Information.msg Mindala Wilcox Arturo Salazar ; Eddy Ikemefuna PREDEIR_0015253.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1513 International Business Park Building Information.msg Eddy Ikemefuna Taylor Kay PREDEIR_0013535.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1513 International Business Park Building Information.msg Eddy Ikemefuna Taylor Kay PREDEIR_0015254.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1552 EJ Conference Call Tomorrow.msg Mary Wright Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015255.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1602 IBEC Parking and Prairie Access Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Chris Holmquist ; David DeRosa ; Madera, David ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul PREDEIR_0021669.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1701 Fwd IBEC_HPSP.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0000904.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1701 Fwd: IBEC_HPSP.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019219.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1705 IBEC Tree survey map.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0001059.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1705 Attch: AECOM Tree Survey 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0001060.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1705 IBEC Tree survey map.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011322.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1705 Attch: AECOM Tree Survey 9.18.2018.pdf PREDEIR_0011323.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1722 Fw IBEC_HPSP.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna PREDEIR_0000813.pdf
Correspondence 20190313-1722 Fw IBEC_HPSP.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna PREDEIR_0020414.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1426 LID.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019215.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1426 LID.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024143.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1433 IBEC-LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai ; Lauren Amimoto PREDEIR_0001148.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1433 IBEC-LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai ; Lauren Amimoto PREDEIR_0020415.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1437 RE: LID.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019214.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1439 IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Harry Frisby ; Flynn Marine PREDEIR_0001161.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1439 IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Harry Frisby ; Flynn Marine PREDEIR_0020416.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1549 Fw ForumSpecial Event Permits.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0010918.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1549 Attch: ForumParkingLotEvents1718.xlsx PREDEIR_0010919.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1549 Attch; ForumEventPermit1718.PDF PREDEIR_0010920.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1549 Fw: Forum-Special Event Permits.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0016992.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1549 Attch: ForumParkingLotEvents1718.xlsx PREDEIR_0016993.pdf
Correspondence 20190314-1549 Attch: ForumEventPermit1718.PDF PREDEIR_0016994.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-0957 RE IBEC-LID (10).msg Lauren Amimoto Mindala Wilcox ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0001740.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-0957 RE IBEC-LID (10).msg Lauren Amimoto Mindala Wilcox ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0020417.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1006 RE IBEC-LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0001741.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1006 RE IBEC-LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Lauren Amimoto ; Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0020418.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1206 FW IBEC-LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0000814.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1206 FW IBEC LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010958.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1206 FW: IBEC-LID.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016991.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1207 FW IBEC Bundle 3 ADEIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010940.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1207 FW: IBEC: Bundle 3 ADEIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016990.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1415 RE IBEC AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (9).msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001574.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1415 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (6).msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004340.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1415 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (220).msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0008171.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1415 RE: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0019212.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 IBEC West parking access diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0000970.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 Attch: IBEC West Parking Diagrams 3.15.19.pdf PREDEIR_0000971.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 IBEC West parking access diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0011214.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 Attch: IBEC West Parking Diagrams 3.15.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011215.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 IBEC West parking access diagrams (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0013745.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 Attch; IBEC West Parking Diagrams 3.15.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013746.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 IBEC: West parking access diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0016988.pdf
Correspondence 20190315-1904 Attch: IBEC West Parking Diagrams 3.15.19.pdf PREDEIR_0016989.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-0818 RE IBEC West parking access diagrams (8).msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001560.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-0818 RE IBEC West parking access diagrams (1).msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0013572.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-0818 RE: IBEC: West parking access diagrams.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0016987.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1209 Re IBEC West parking access diagrams (7).msg Dennis Kanuk Mike Samuelson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001559.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1209 Re IBEC West parking access diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Mike Samuelson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0012212.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1209 Re IBEC West parking access diagrams (1) (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Mike Samuelson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0013802.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1209 Re: IBEC: West parking access diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Mike Samuelson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0016986.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1324 RE IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0001719.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1354 Consultation with Gabrieleno Tribe .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Sara Dietler ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0010745.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1355 Consultation with Gabrieleno Tribe .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0015938.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1409 RE IBEC AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (6).msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001573.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1409 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (3).msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004339.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1409 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (211).msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0008170.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1409 RE: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014053.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1424 RE IBEC Proposed NBA Arena Fire Department Comment Clarification Request.msg Mindala Wilcox '' PREDEIR_0014493.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1451 RE IBEC West parking access diagrams (5).msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001558.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1451 RE IBEC West parking access diagrams (2).msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0015550.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1451 RE: IBEC: West parking access diagrams.msg Mike Samuelson Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0016983.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1452 RE IBEC West parking access diagrams.msg Christina Erwin Mike Samuelson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0001561.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1452 RE IBEC West parking access diagrams.msg Christina Erwin Mike Samuelson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0015551.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1452 RE: IBEC: West parking access diagrams.msg Christina Erwin Mike Samuelson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0019207.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1501 FW: Truck Route Map.msg Peter Puglese Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016981.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1501 Attch: DesigTruckRouteMap_June2018.pdf PREDEIR_0016982.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1733 RE IBEC AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (3).msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001572.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1733 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (2).msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004338.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1733 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (210).msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0008169.pdf
Correspondence 20190318-1733 RE: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0019201.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0824 RE IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures (2).msg Flynn Marine Mindala Wilcox ; Harry Frisby PREDEIR_0001749.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0824 RE IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures (2).msg Flynn Marine Mindala Wilcox ; Harry Frisby PREDEIR_0020419.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0946 RE IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Flynn Marine ; Harry Frisby PREDEIR_0001750.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0946 RE IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Flynn Marine ; Harry Frisby PREDEIR_0020420.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0956 RE IBEC AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001571.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0956 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004337.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0956 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled (209).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0008168.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0956 RE: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014050.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0959 FW IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0000818.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0959 FW IBEC Sweeping of City Parking Lots Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010959.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-0959 FW: IBEC-Sweeping of City Parking Lots/Structures.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016979.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1017 RE IBEC AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0001575.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1017 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.pdf PREDEIR_0001576.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1017 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0004341.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1017 Attch: 03.21.18 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.pdf PREDEIR_0004342.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1017 RE_ IBEC_ AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0008172.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1017 Attch: GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.pdf PREDEIR_0008173.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1200 Re_ Freeway Thresholds.msg Louis Atwell Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007866.pdf
Correspondence 20190319-1438 question re food.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003479.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1204 RE Rent Control Moratorium.msg Amy Herman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023663.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1623 RE Consultation Request Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Perla Solis Administration Gabrieleno PREDEIR_0001520.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1623 RE_ Consultation Request_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Perla Solis Administration Gabrieleno PREDEIR_0007662.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1730 IBEC EIR Coordination_ 3_21 Proposed Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0006006.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1730 Attch: 03.21.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006007.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1752 Collaboration Meeting (5).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010624.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1752 Attch: 03.21.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010625.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1752 Collaboration Meeting (3).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015371.pdf
Correspondence 20190320-1752 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015372.pdf
Correspondence 20190321-1146 IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000331.pdf
Correspondence 20190321-1439 IBEC Entitlements Meeting.msg PREDEIR_0014505.pdf
Correspondence 20190322-1440 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0003564.pdf
Correspondence 20190322-1440 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in.msg Marietta Torriente;;; PREDEIR_0004358.pdf
Correspondence 20190322-1440 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Records Collection - Weekly Check in (5).msg Marietta Torriente Jeffery A. Lewis ;;; PREDEIR_0013823.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1054 ITC _ IBEC Coordination Meeting .msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti ; Sanjeev Shah ; 'Srinath Raju '; 'Iris Yuan '; 'Dennis Kanuk '; Hanway, Bill ; Gerard McCallum ; 'Whit Manley' ; 'Jed Zimmerman'; Paul Dana ; 'Mindy Wilcox '; 'Peter Puglese'; 'Louis A. Atwell' PREDEIR_0006593.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1054 ITC IBEC Coordination Meeting .msg Omar Pulido Lisa Trifiletti ; Sanjeev Shah ; 'Srinath Raju '; 'Iris Yuan '; 'Dennis Kanuk '; Hanway, Bill ; Gerard McCallum ; 'Whit Manley' ; 'Jed Zimmerman '; Paul Dana ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021719.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1600 IBEC Question on shade and shadow study.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027824.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1704 IBEC EIR Coordination 3 28 Proposed Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000323.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1704 Attch: 03.28.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000324.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1753 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0000290.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1753 Attch: 03.28.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0000291.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1753 Collaboration Meeting (4).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010622.pdf
Correspondence 20190327-1753 Attch: 03.28.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010623.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-0932 Re IBEC Question on shade and shadow study.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027840.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-0957 RE AB 52.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023633.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1035 Hilton Tru.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011167.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1035 RE Hilton Tru.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0012198.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1035 Hilton Tru.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016957.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1035 RE Hilton Tru.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024182.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1217 IBEC: GHG.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0015935.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1217 IBEC: GHG.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0019162.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1520 FW IBEC Sight and stopping distance to signals and pedestrian bridges (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013725.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1520 Attch: IBEC Sight Distance for Bridges 3.4.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013726.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1539 Request for Meeting Workshop .msg Molina, Rafael A@DOT Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021962.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1645 RE Request for MeetingWorkshop (27).msg Louis Atwell Molina, Rafael A@DOT' PREDEIR_0014230.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1645 RE Request for MeetingWorkshop .msg Louis Atwell Molina, Rafael A@DOT PREDEIR_0014231.pdf
Correspondence 20190328-1645 RE Request for Meeting Workshop .msg Louis Atwell Molina, Rafael A@DOT' PREDEIR_0021897.pdf
Correspondence 20190329-0803 Mayor Butts’ No-holds Barred Interview The Los Angeles Clippers The Forum and MSG.msg eNewspaper | Digital Edition | March 7th, 2019 Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_0014237.pdf
Correspondence 20190329-0900 IBEC Parking structure details .msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0011287.pdf
Correspondence 20190329-0900 IBEC Parking structure details .msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0013518.pdf
Correspondence 20190329-0900 IBEC: Parking structure details .msg Dennis Kanuk Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; John Gard ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0016946.pdf
Correspondence 20190330-2138 IBEC_ Bundle 4 ADEIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0003451.pdf
Correspondence 20190330-2138 IBEC: Bundle 4 ADEIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019158.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 IBEC Bundle 4 Review_ Day 1 (139).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005930.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005931.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 IBEC Bundle 4 Review_ Day 2 (138).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Sara Dietler ; Vanessa Ortiz ; Jessica Mares ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005934.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0005935.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 IBEC Bundle 4 Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Annakaren Larriva ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Fred Jackson ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Dennis Kanuk ; Whit Manley ; Gerard McCallum ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Hodil ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Jessica Mares ; Conf - SMO - Large (WebEx) ; Tiffany Wright ; Sara Dietler ; Vanessa Ortiz ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0015931.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0015932.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 IBEC Bundle 4 Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Jessica Mares PREDEIR_0015933.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0015934.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 IBEC Bundle 4 Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Sara Dietler ; Vanessa Ortiz ; Jessica Mares ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019152.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019153.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 IBEC Bundle 4 Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019154.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-1629 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019155.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-2031 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0011130.pdf
Correspondence 20190401-2031 Fwd IBEC Bundle 4 Review Day 1.msg Brian Boxer - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0011129.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 IBEC_ Sun and Shade Study.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006434.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 Attch: IBEC Sun and Shade Study Winter Summer DRAFT 4.2.19.pdf PREDEIR_0006435.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 IBEC Sun and Shade Study.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011316.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 Attch: IBEC Sun and Shade Study Winter Summer DRAFT PREDEIR_0011317.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 IBEC Sun and Shade Study (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013780.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 Attch: IBEC Sun and Shade Study Winter Summer DRAFT 4.2.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013781.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 IBEC: Sun and Shade Study.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0016933.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1213 Attch: IBEC Sun and Shade Study Winter Summer DRAFT 4.2.19.pdf PREDEIR_0016934.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 IBEC_ Updated site plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006446.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 Attch: IBEC Project Site Plan 4.2.2019 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0006447.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 Attch: IBEC Project Site Plan 4.2.2019 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0006448.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 IBEC Updated site plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011336.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 Attch: IBEC Project Site Plan 4.2.2019 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0011337.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 Attch: IBEC Project Site Plan 4.2.2019 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0011338.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 IBEC: Updated site plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0016928.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 Attch: IBEC Project Site Plan 4.2.2019 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0016929.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1257 Attch: IBEC Project Site Plan 4.2.2019 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0016930.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 IBEC_ Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0006213.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0006214.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0006215.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011226.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0011227.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0011228.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013755.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0013756.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0013757.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 IBEC: Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0016922.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 no labels.pdf PREDEIR_0016923.pdf
Correspondence 20190402-1455 Attch: IBEC Alternate Prairie Access Variant Site Plan 4.2.19 w labels.pdf PREDEIR_0016924.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-0839 FW Meeting with Citys Team and Murphys Bowl Team (2).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Kathy Ares Artie Fields PREDEIR_0013738.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1001 RE_ next week (114).msg Jonathan Chambers Lisa Trifiletti ; Patrick Gibson PREDEIR_0009379.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1633 IBEC EIR Coordination 4 4 Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000325.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1634 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 4 4 Conference Call (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Catherine Aguilar ; Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000368.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1657 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 4 4 Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000369.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1657 First_Last Mile Plan.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0004950.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1715 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0015930.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1722 Re_ next week (106).msg Sean Haeri Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0009376.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1820 RE April 11 (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011666.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1820 RE: April 11.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0014043.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1820 April 11.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019148.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1820 April 11.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024093.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1825 RE April 11 (6).msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024155.pdf
Correspondence 20190403-1922 Re April 11.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024156.pdf
Correspondence 20190404-0935 IBEC_ Bundle 4_ Alternatives.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0003453.pdf
Correspondence 20190404-0935 IBEC: Bundle 4, Alternatives.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0019145.pdf
Correspondence 20190404-1251 Re: April 11.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0019139.pdf
Correspondence 20190404-1251 Re April 11 (1).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024154.pdf
Correspondence 20190404-1412 IBEC Cumulative Transportation.msg Brian Boxer Brian Boxer ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0015929.pdf
Correspondence 20190405-1214 IBEC EIR Coordination .msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0000322.pdf
Correspondence 20190405-1214 IBEC EIR Coordination_ .msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0006002.pdf
Correspondence 20190406-1130 IBEC_ Bundle 4_ Air Quality.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0003452.pdf
Correspondence 20190406-1130 IBEC: Bundle 4, Air Quality.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019136.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-0730 ITC _ IBEC Design Mtg .msg Omar Pulido Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0006596.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-0730 ITC IBEC Design Mtg (2).msg Omar Pulido Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013791.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-0959 RE April 11.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0011667.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-0959 RE: April 11.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0014042.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1740 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ .msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0008089.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1740 RE IBEC EIR Coordination (2).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013851.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1743 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Record Check-In.msg Catherine Aguilar;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0008103.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1743 RE IBEC EIR Coordination Public Admin Record Check-In (1) (2).msg Catherine Aguilar Jeffery A. Lewis ;;;; Michael Pan ; Patricia McNish ; Isabel Soto ; Stephanie Maldonado PREDEIR_0013853.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1748 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ .msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003530.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1748 RE IBEC EIR Coordination (42).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0015616.pdf
Correspondence 20190408-1750 Re IBEC EIR Coordination .msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015617.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-0758 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Record Check-In (2).msg Michael Pan Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003537.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-0801 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Record Check-In (1).msg Lawanda Richardson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003536.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 IBEC Bundle 4 Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005932.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0005933.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 IBEC Bundle 4 Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Sara Dietler ; Vanessa Ortiz ; Jessica Mares ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005936.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0005937.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 IBEC Bundle 4 Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Sara Dietler ; Vanessa Ortiz ; Jessica Mares ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019131.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0019132.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 IBEC Bundle 4 Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019133.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1056 Attch: 04.11.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0019134.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1124 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Record Check-In.msg Lawanda Richardson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0003538.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1255 IBEC Additional site investigation report (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013740.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1255 Attch: DRAFT EKI Env Analysis Tech Memo IBEC West Parking Site 4.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0013741.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1255 IBEC: Additional site investigation report.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0016901.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1255 Attch: DRAFT EKI Env Analysis Tech Memo IBEC West Parking Site 4.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0016902.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1255 IBEC Additional site investigation report.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027810.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-1255 Attch: DRAFT EKI Env Analysis Tech Memo IBEC West Parking Site 4.2019.pdf PREDEIR_027811.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-2143 IBEC Sponsor Comments on Bundle 4.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027460.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-2143 Attch: 2019.04.09 SPONSOR.3.4 Cultural Resources_03302019.docx PREDEIR_027461.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-2143 Attch: 2019.04.09 SPONSOR.3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation_03302019.docx PREDEIR_027462.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-2143 Attch: 2019.04.09 SPONSOR.3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions_03302019.docx PREDEIR_027463.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-2143 Attch: 2019.04.09 SPONSOR.3.11 Noise and Vibration_03302019.docx PREDEIR_027464.pdf
Correspondence 20190409-2143 Attch: 2019.04.09 SPONSOR.3.13 Public Services_03302019.docx PREDEIR_027465.pdf
Correspondence 20190410-0000 Letter from Inglewood Police Dept to Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood re IBEC PREDEIR_0020749.pdf
Correspondence 20190410-2132 IBEC_ Correspondence from IPD.msg Mindala Wilcox Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0006240.pdf
Correspondence 20190410-2132 Attch: 2019.04.10 IPD Correspondence.pdf PREDEIR_0006241.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1138 Information request regarding Staples Center fire response.msg Brian Allee Terrance W O'Connell ; David Sifuentes PREDEIR_0002745.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1143 Information request regarding Staples Center police response.msg Brian Allee; PREDEIR_0002746.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1302 IBEC EIR Coordination_ 4_18 Proposed Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0006015.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1302 Attch: 04.18.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0006016.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1451 RE Information request regarding Staples Center police response.msg Howard Leslie Brian Allee ; Mark Aceves PREDEIR_027799.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0010105.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Attch: 04.18.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010106.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Collaboration Meeting (3).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010620.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Attch: 04.18.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010621.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Collaboration Meeting (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015369.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015370.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0016864.pdf
Correspondence 20190417-1522 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0016865.pdf
Correspondence 20190418-1046 FW IBEC Discussion (160) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013735.pdf
Correspondence 20190418-1225 IBEC-Community Room Reservation.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014235.pdf
Correspondence 20190418-1225 IBEC-Community Room Reservation.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015521.pdf
Correspondence 20190418-1438 Fw Information request regarding Staples Center police response.msg Timothy Harrelson Brian Allee PREDEIR_027797.pdf
Correspondence 20190418-1509 RE Fw Information request regarding Staples Center police response_1.msg Brian Allee Timothy Harrelson PREDEIR_0002778.pdf
Correspondence 20190418-1542 RE Fw Information request regarding Staples Center police response.msg Timothy Harrelson Brian Allee PREDEIR_0002777.pdf
Correspondence 20190419-0000 Letter from DOT to Mindy Wilcox re IBEC PREDEIR_0020750.pdf
Correspondence 20190419-1552 Los Angeles Arena Events Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Chris Holmquist ; Hodil, Robert B. ; David Stone ; Benham Wrigley ; Juliana Rogers ; Adam Kerns ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dan Gershwin PREDEIR_0015927.pdf
Correspondence 20190422-1406 FW IBEC Discussion (157) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013734.pdf
Correspondence 20190422-1407 FW IBEC Discussion (156) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Successor Agency Conference Room PREDEIR_0013733.pdf
Correspondence 20190422-1413 Re IBEC Wednesday Mtg (155) (2).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013841.pdf
Correspondence 20190422-1438 IBEC: Cultural Resources.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Amber Grady ; Sara Dietler ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0015925.pdf
Correspondence 20190422-1943 FW ALUC for Inglewood Project (1) (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Loren Montgomery ; 'Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013716.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-0812 Hold for IBEC discussion.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015462.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-0828 RE IBEC Wednesday Mtg (141) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Loren Montgomery' ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013839.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-0858 Re IBEC Wednesday Mtg (2).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013840.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-0912 FW IBEC Discussion (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013732.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1126 Murphy Bowl - Master Plan.msg Thomas Maloof Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022442.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1454 IBEC Meeting locations (3).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013773.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1454 IBEC: Meeting locations.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0019112.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1701 Agenda - Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0010111.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1709 RE_ Agenda - Collaboration Meeting.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0007303.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1709 Attch: 04.25.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0007304.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1725 RE_ Agenda - Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010113.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1727 RE_ agenda.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010114.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1728 Collaboration Meeting (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010618.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1728 Attch: 04.25.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010619.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1728 Collaboration Meeting (137) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; PREDEIR_0013701.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1728 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013702.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1728 Collaboration Meeting (9).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015381.pdf
Correspondence 20190424-1728 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015382.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-0802 Parking Restrictions.msg Tom Gaul Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015536.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1137 IBEC well relocation.msg Mindala Wilcox Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0014236.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1146 RE IBEC well relocation (2).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013842.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1146 RE IBEC well relocation (2).msg Barmeshwar Rai Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014238.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1155 Hollywood Park VTTM (Public Document).msg Chris Holmquist Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_027808.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1155 Attch: VTTM 80314 LASED tabloid.pdf PREDEIR_027809.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1207 FW IBEC Meeting locations (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013724.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1207 FW IBEC Meeting locations (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020422.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1430 IBEC: Cultural Resources.msg Christina Erwin Amber Grady ; Sara Dietler ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019105.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1433 FW Accepted IBEC GHG Emissions Discussion (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013715.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1705 RE IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (134) (2).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013847.pdf
Correspondence 20190425-1839 ALUC Initial Consultation and Meet & Greet.msg - on behalf of - Lisa Trifiletti Loren Montgomery ; 'Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Mindala Wilcox ;; PREDEIR_024092.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1029 RE Parking Restrictions (50).msg Peter Puglese Tom Gaul' PREDEIR_027658.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1308 IBEC Fire protection diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0011264.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1308 IBEC Fire protection diagram (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013772.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1308 IBEC: Fire protection diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0016839.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1333 RE IBEC Fire protection diagram (128) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk' PREDEIR_0013827.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Re IBEC Fire protection diagram (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0012266.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Attch: IBEC Fire Protection Diagram 4.26.19.pdf PREDEIR_0012267.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Re IBEC Fire protection diagram (126) (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013830.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Attch: IBEC Fire Protection Diagram 4.26.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013831.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Re IBEC Fire protection diagram (14).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015571.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Attch: IBEC Fire Protection Diagram 4.26.19.pdf PREDEIR_0015572.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Re: IBEC: Fire protection diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0016837.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1336 Attch: IBEC Fire Protection Diagram 4.26.19.pdf PREDEIR_0016838.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1352 IBEC_ Tribal Consultation.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0006438.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1517 RE Parking Restrictions (49).msg Peter Puglese Tom Gaul' PREDEIR_027657.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1724 RE IBEC Meeting locations (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0013832.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1724 RE IBEC Meeting locations.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015580.pdf
Correspondence 20190426-1724 RE: IBEC: Meeting locations.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016836.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1318 IBEC_ Bundle 5A Review.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton ; Olivia Chan ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0006220.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1318 IBEC: Bundle 5A Review.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton ; Olivia Chan ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0015924.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1318 IBEC: Bundle 5A Review.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton ; Olivia Chan ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0019103.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1326 IBEC Bundle 5B Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005938.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1326 IBEC Bundle 5B Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0005939.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1326 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019101.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1326 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019102.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1338 IBEC_ Bundle 6A Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006221.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1338 IBEC_ Bundle 6A Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006222.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1338 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019099.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1338 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019100.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006418.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006419.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Review_ Day 3.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006420.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Review_ Day 4.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006421.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Review_ Day 5.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006422.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 5.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019094.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 4.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019095.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 3.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019096.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019097.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1351 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019098.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 IBEC_ Updated schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0006442.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 4.28.19v4.docx PREDEIR_0006443.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 IBEC Updated schedule (13).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0015486.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 4.28.19v4.docx PREDEIR_0015487.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 IBEC: Updated schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019092.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 4.28.19v4.docx PREDEIR_0019093.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 IBEC: Updated schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_025635.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1359 Attch: Draft IBEC DEIR Calendar Schedule_revised 4.28.19v4.docx PREDEIR_025636.pdf
Correspondence 20190428-1610 Re IBEC Tribal Consultation (121) (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013837.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-0909 RE_ IBEC_ Tribal Consultation.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0008539.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-0909 RE IBEC Tribal Consultation (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0013838.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1041 Tribe Consultation Meeting (2).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013876.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1102 RE Tribe Consultation Meeting (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0013871.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1208 FW Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (2).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013737.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1211 RE Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (113) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013861.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1252 RE Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (110) (2).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013860.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1352 Accepted IBEC Conference Call re Draft Report with Amy Herman @ Wed May 1 2019 12 30pm - 1 30pm (PDT) (Mindala Wilcox) (2).msg Google Calendar - on behalf of - Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013635.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1352 Attch: invite.ics Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox ; PREDEIR_0013636.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1447 RE Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (109) (2).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013859.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1456 RE Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (108) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013858.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1515 IBEC Admin Record (1).msg Addie Farrell Karen Lancelle ; Christina Erwin ; Justin Hall ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0002730.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1515 RE Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (107) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013857.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1515 IBEC Admin Record .msg Addie Farrell Addie Farrell ; Karen Lancelle ; Christina Erwin ; Justin Hall ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0015923.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1603 Coordination Call.msg Tiffany Wright Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ;; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0015922.pdf
Correspondence 20190429-1655 IBEC Admin Record .msg Addie Farrell Karen Lancelle ; Christina Erwin ; Justin Hall ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0002731.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-0948 IBEC Construction information request (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0013762.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-0948 Attch: IBEC Construction Information Data Request 4.30.19.docx PREDEIR_0013763.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-0948 IBEC Construction information request.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_027821.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-0948 Attch: IBEC Construction Information Data Request 4.30.19.docx PREDEIR_027822.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1047 RE IBEC Construction information request (105) (2).msg Heidi Rous Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0013811.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1047 RE: IBEC: Construction information request.msg Heidi Rous Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0016793.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1102 RE Inglewood Transit Connector Project Request for Consultation (2).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013856.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1142 RE IBEC Construction information request (104) (2).msg Addie Farrell Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0013810.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1142 RE: IBEC: Construction information request.msg Addie Farrell Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0016791.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1148 RE IBEC Construction information request (2).msg Heidi Rous Addie Farrell ; Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0013809.pdf
Correspondence 20190430-1148 RE: IBEC: Construction information request.msg Heidi Rous Addie Farrell ; Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016790.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1139 RE IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (103) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist' ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013846.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1216 Re IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (102) (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0013843.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1230 IBEC conference call (2).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Successor Agency Conference Room Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0013783.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1457 RE IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (99) (2).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013845.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1509 FW IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013727.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1509 RE IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist' ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013844.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1509 FW IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015402.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1509 FW IBEC Well Relocation Mtg with Public Works (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020423.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1548 FW IBEC EIR Coordination 5 2 Proposed Agenda.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015411.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1548 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015412.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1700 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010646.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1700 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010647.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1700 Collaboration Meeting (98) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; PREDEIR_0013699.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1700 Attch; IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013700.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1700 Collaboration Meeting (8).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015379.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1700 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015380.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1711 Los Angeles Arena Event Calendars - Third-Party Events.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027828.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1711 Attch: Staples Center Third Party Events 2016-2018.xlsx PREDEIR_027829.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1711 Attch: Forum 3rd Party Events 2016 2017.xlsx PREDEIR_027830.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1731 RE IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works (97) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0013849.pdf
Correspondence 20190501-1731 RE IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works (97) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0014239.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-0738 Re IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works (3).msg Barmeshwar Rai Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013848.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-0738 Re IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works (3).msg Barmeshwar Rai Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0014240.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-0907 FW IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0013728.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-0907 FW IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015403.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-0907 FW IBEC Well Relocation Mtng with Public Works (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020424.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1053 IBEC Updated IBEC site plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0011324.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1053 Attch: IBEC Site Plan PREDEIR_0011325.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1053 Attch: IBEC Site Plan No Labels PREDEIR_0011326.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1053 IBEC: Updated IBEC site plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014026.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1053 Attch: IBEC Site Plan 5.2.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0014027.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1053 Attch: IBEC Site Plan No Labels 5.2.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0014028.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1128 IBEC Well Relocation Meeting with Public Works (31).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; ''; ''; ''; Barmeshwar Rai ; Thomas Lee PREDEIR_0015488.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1255 IBEC: Visual Simulations.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk ; Steve Smith ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015920.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1308 IBEC: Visual Simulations.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Steve Smith ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019079.pdf
Correspondence 20190502-1825 Re Murphy Bowl - Master Plan (2).msg Thomas Maloof Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022477.pdf
Correspondence 20190505-2247 IBEC_ Bundle 5A.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0010149.pdf
Correspondence 20190505-2247 IBEC: Bundle 5A.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0019065.pdf
Correspondence 20190506-1319 Re_ IBEC and City of Long Beach Mtng_ Request (10).msg Daniel Garcia Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0010233.pdf
Correspondence 20190506-1336 RE Murphy Bowl - Master Plan.msg Mindala Wilcox Thomas Maloof' PREDEIR_0022478.pdf
Correspondence 20190507-0945 Re Clipper Stadium Update Request (2).msg David Frelow Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013798.pdf
Correspondence 20190507-1158 IBEC Record Docs.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0015483.pdf
Correspondence 20190507-1433 Re 102nd Street - Quick follow up question (2).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna PREDEIR_0013793.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-0544 IBEC: Contract Amendment.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0013050.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-0939 IBEC Discussion.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; ''; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015506.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1105 City of Inglewood Administration - Clippers Project.msg Yakema Decatur Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010187.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Re IBEC Fire protection diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0012268.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Attch: IBEC Fire Utilities Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0012269.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Re IBEC Fire protection diagram (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013828.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Attch: IBEC Fire Utilities Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013829.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Re: IBEC: Fire protection diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0014022.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Attch: IBEC Fire Utilities Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014023.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Re IBEC Fire protection diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015573.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1207 Attch: IBEC Fire Utilities Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0015574.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1223 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (2).msg Drummond, David Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013790.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1605 ESA DeliverIt (85) (2).msg PREDEIR_0013711.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1605 ESA DeliverIt (24).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027711.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1626 ESA DeliverIt (23).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027710.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 IBEC Wet utility diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011216.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Potable Water Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011217.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Reclaimed Water Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011218.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Sewer Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011219.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Storm Drain Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011220.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Well Transmission Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011221.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 IBEC Wet utility diagrams (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0013747.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Potable Water Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013748.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Reclaimed Water Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013749.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Sewer Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013750.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Storm Drain Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013751.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Well Transmission Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013752.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 IBEC: Wet utility diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014016.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Potable Water Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014017.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Reclaimed Water Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014018.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Sewer Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014019.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Storm Drain Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014020.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1656 Attch: IBEC Well Transmission Diagram 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014021.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1722 Collaboration Meeting Agenda.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0010188.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1722 Collaboration Meeting Agenda.msg Cynthia Robinson; PREDEIR_024097.pdf
Correspondence 20190508-1802 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010189.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0850 IBEC_ Collaboration Meeting 5_9_19.msg Christina Erwin;;; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ;;; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECproject PREDEIR_0010212.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0850 IBEC: Collaboration Meeting 5/9/19.msg Christina Erwin;;; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013049.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0850 IBEC Collaboration Meeting 5 9 19 (2).msg Christina Erwin; Peter Puglese ;; Brian Boxer ;; Royce Jones ;;; David L. Esparza ;;;; Artie Fields ;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Addie Farrell ; Louis Atwell ; Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ;;; Tunisia Johnson ; Fred Jackson ;; Sharon Koike ;;;; Evangeline Lane ; Kathy Ares ;; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013760.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0850 IBEC Collaboration Meeting 5 9 19.msg Christina Erwin; Peter Puglese ;; Brian Boxer ;; Royce Jones ;;; David L. Esparza ;;;; Artie Fields ;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Addie Farrell ; Louis Atwell ; Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ;;; Tunisia Johnson ; Fred Jackson ;; Sharon Koike ;;;; Evangeline Lane ; Kathy Ares ;; IBECproject PREDEIR_0015465.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0850 IBEC: Collaboration Meeting 5/9/19.msg Christina Erwin;;; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECproject PREDEIR_0019063.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0855 IBEC EIR Coordination_ 5_9 Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0010206.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0855 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010207.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0942 Collaboration Meeting (25).msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Anitra Rice ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ;; Netai Basu ; Artie Fields ; Tom Gaul ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0010643.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0942 Collaboration Meeting (83) (2).msg Evangeline Lane - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Anitra Rice ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Netai Basu ; Artie Fields ; Tom Gaul ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0013698.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0942 Collaboration Meeting.msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Anitra Rice ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ;; Netai Basu ; Artie Fields ; Tom Gaul ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0016696.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0943 Re IBEC Construction Information Discussion (9).msg Dennis Kanuk Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Elbert Hsiung PREDEIR_027841.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0943 Attch: IBEC Resource Allocation 5.8.19.pdf PREDEIR_027842.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-0943 Attch: IBEC Construction Table ESA Request Updated 5.8.19.docx PREDEIR_027843.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1011 ESA DeliverIt (80) (2).msg PREDEIR_0013710.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1011 ESA DeliverIt (22).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027709.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1223 Declined IBEC Prep Call for Gabrielino Tribe Consultation #3 (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013705.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1231 IBEC Supplemental noise monitoring report.msg Dennis Kanuk Heidi Rous ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027819.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1231 Attch: IBEC Supplemental Noise Technical Memo.docx PREDEIR_027820.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1243 IBEC Well Relocation Meeting with Public Works (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ;;;; Barmeshwar Rai ; Thomas Lee PREDEIR_0013601.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1243 Canceled IBEC Well Relocation Meeting with Public Works.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015361.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1243 IBEC Well Relocation Meeting with Public Works.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; ''; ''; ''; Barmeshwar Rai ; Thomas Lee PREDEIR_0015489.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1249 Tribal Prep Call.msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis PREDEIR_0016685.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1255 Follow-up IBEC Discussion.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; ''; ''; ''; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; '' PREDEIR_0015393.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1303 RE IBEC Prep Call for Gabrielino Tribe Consultation #3 (2).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013835.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1308 RE: Tribal Prep Call.msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014015.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1308 RE Tribal Prep Call (6).msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell PREDEIR_024207.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1311 IBEC_ Prep Call for Gabrielino Tribe Consultation #3.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Sara Dietler ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0010213.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1326 Declined IBEC Discussion (2).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013706.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1333 RE: Tribal Prep Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0016683.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1333 RE Tribal Prep Call.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_024208.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1443 RE: ALUC Meeting.msg Alyson Stewart Lisa Trifiletti' ; Addie Farrell ; Chris Jones ; Christina Erwin ; IBECproject ; Bruce Durbin PREDEIR_0013045.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1456 RE: ALUC Meeting.msg Addie Farrell Alyson Stewart ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' ; Chris Jones ; Christina Erwin ; IBECproject ; Bruce Durbin PREDEIR_0013044.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1524 Re IBEC Construction Information Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Elbert Hsiung PREDEIR_027341.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1603 Fwd ALUC Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024111.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1614 EKI.msg Addie Farrell Dennis Kanuk ; Eric Schniewind ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0013043.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1639 Re: EKI.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013042.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1639 20190509 FYI - tasks for each contractor to do on a new well (2).msg Thomas Lee Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_0013598.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1639 Attch: BID2 #CB-17-08 -New Well 7 Drilling Equipping - Bid Table.pdf PREDEIR_0013599.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1639 Attch: BID1 #CB-17-07 -New Well 7 Site Improvements - Bid Table.pdf PREDEIR_0013600.pdf
Correspondence 20190509-1639 Re EKI.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027833.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 RE Reference document for Inglewood New Well.....5102019 (2).msg Thomas Lee Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_0013602.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 Attch: Ref - Bid Items Summary for New Well 7 Construction.docx PREDEIR_0013603.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 Attch: draft Well No 7 MNDEI report.pdf PREDEIR_0013604.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 Attch: State Clearinghouse NOC - ING New Well 7.pdf PREDEIR_0013605.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 Attch: Reply Letter from State Fish & Game on MNDEI Well7.pdf PREDEIR_0013606.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 Attch: Final MNDEI for Well 7.pdf PREDEIR_0013607.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1431 Attch: Well No. 7 Notice Of Determination filed & Fee paid Receipt.pdf PREDEIR_0013608.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1522 IBEC Estimated water demand analysis.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011180.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1522 Attch: Stetson Water Demand Analysis 5.10.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0011181.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1522 IBEC Estimated water demand analysis (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0013742.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1522 Attch: Stetson Water Demand Analysis 5.10.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0013743.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1522 IBEC: Estimated water demand analysis.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0016665.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1522 Attch: Stetson Water Demand Analysis 5.10.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0016666.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1556 RE IBEC Estimated water demand analysis (7).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0012208.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1556 RE IBEC Estimated water demand analysis (58) (2).msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013801.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1556 RE: IBEC: Estimated water demand analysis.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0016663.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1614 Re IBEC Estimated water demand analysis (1).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0012206.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1614 Attch: Stetson Water Demand Analysis 5.10.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0012207.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1614 Re IBEC Estimated water demand analysis (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013799.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1614 Attch: Stetson Water Demand Analysis 5.10.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0013800.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1614 Re: IBEC: Estimated water demand analysis.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014011.pdf
Correspondence 20190510-1614 Attch: Stetson Water Demand Analysis 5.10.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0014012.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-0944 Re IBEC GHG analysis call (7).msg Dennis Kanuk Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_027835.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-0955 Re: IBEC: GHG analysis call.msg Heidi Rous Jeff Caton ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0016658.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1303 Document Request (2).msg Yakema Decatur Council and Assistants ; Administration PREDEIR_0013707.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1537 IBEC Prep Call for Gabrielino Tribe Consultation #3 (3).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Sara Dietler ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0013777.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1556 IBEC Dry utility diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0011255.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1556 Attch: IBEC Dry Utility Diagram 5.13.19.pdf PREDEIR_0011256.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1556 IBEC Dry utility diagram (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0013767.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1556 Attch: IBEC Dry Utility Diagram 5.13.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013768.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1556 IBEC: Dry utility diagram.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014009.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1556 Attch: IBEC Dry Utility Diagram 5.13.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014010.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1623 RE IBEC Dry utility diagram (2).msg Addie Farrell Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0013822.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1623 RE: IBEC: Dry utility diagram.msg Addie Farrell Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0016652.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 IBEC Updated photometric plan set.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Matthew Bates PREDEIR_0011327.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E101 Main Arena Site.pdf PREDEIR_0011328.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E103 West Parking Site.pdf PREDEIR_0011329.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E102 East Transportation Site.pdf PREDEIR_0011330.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E104 Lighting Schedule.pdf PREDEIR_0011331.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 IBEC: Updated photometric plan set.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Matthew Bates PREDEIR_0016647.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E101 Main Arena Site.pdf PREDEIR_0016648.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E103 West Parking Site.pdf PREDEIR_0016649.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E102 East Transportation Site.pdf PREDEIR_0016650.pdf
Correspondence 20190513-1646 Attch: IBEC Photometric Plan Sheet E104 Lighting Schedule.pdf PREDEIR_0016651.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 AB 52 Notes.msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0010255.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 Attch: AB52 Mtg Min_v2_ESA.docx PREDEIR_0010256.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 AB 52 Notes.msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0013039.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 Attch: 03.20.19 AB52 Mtg Min_v2_ESA.docx PREDEIR_0013040.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 AB 52 Notes (3).msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013624.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 Attch: AB52 Mtg Min_v2_ESA.docx PREDEIR_0013625.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 AB 52 Notes.msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0016638.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0917 Attch: AB52 Mtg Min_v2_ESA.docx PREDEIR_0016639.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0924 RE FYI - tasks for each contractor to do on a new well (2).msg Chris Holmquist Thomas Lee PREDEIR_0013612.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-0927 Re 3700 W 102nd Street - Examples of other discretionary approval projects that rely on Class 32 Cat Ex Infill Exemption (2).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013794.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1009 RE Well 8 schedule affecting Prairie Street Improvements.....5142019. (2).msg Thomas Lee Hung T. Nguyen-Hunter ; Eloy Castillo PREDEIR_0013609.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1011 Well 8 schedule affecting Prairie Street Improvements.....5142019. (2).msg Thomas Lee Hung Nguyen-Hunter PREDEIR_0013618.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1011 Attch: ING Well estimated Schedule Timeline.pdf PREDEIR_0013619.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1011 Attch: Clippers Arena Layout.pdf PREDEIR_0013620.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1037 RE Utilities check on Clippers ArenaWell 8.....5142019 (2).msg Thomas Lee Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_0013613.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1037 Attch: SewerIndexMap.pdf PREDEIR_0013614.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1037 Attch: StormDrainIndex.pdf PREDEIR_0013615.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1037 Attch: WaterIndexMap.pdf PREDEIR_0013616.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1333 Reply RE Utilities check on Clippers ArenaWell 8.....5142019 (2).msg Chris Holmquist Thomas Lee PREDEIR_0013617.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1535 IBEC_ ALUC Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0010280.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1535 Attch: 05.13.19 ALUC Presentation_v2.pptx PREDEIR_0010281.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1542 ALUC Meeting (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti; Mindala Wilcox ;;; PREDEIR_0013684.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1542 ALUC Meeting (47) (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013685.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1731 RE IBEC ALUC Meeting (46) (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013804.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1742 RE_ IBEC_ ALUC Meeting .msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0010317.pdf
Correspondence 20190514-1742 RE IBEC ALUC Meeting (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013803.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0744 IBEC EIR Coordination_ City Collection of PAR.msg Catherine Aguilar Evangeline Lane PREDEIR_0010272.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0852 IBEC - TMOP Assumption re Traffic Control Officers.msg Julie Soic Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021671.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0916 IBEC: Updated fire protection and reclaimed water diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014006.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0916 Attch: IBEC Reclaimed Water Diagram 5.14.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014007.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0916 Attch: IBEC FIre Protection Diagram 5.14.19.pdf PREDEIR_0014008.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0916 Attch: IBEC Reclaimed Water Diagram 5.14.19.pdf PREDEIR_026770.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0916 Attch: IBEC FIre Protection Diagram 5.14.19.pdf PREDEIR_026771.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-0916 IBEC Updated fire protection and reclaimed water diagrams.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026769.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1006 RE_ IBEC - TMOP Assumption re_ Traffic Control Officers (3).msg Louis Atwell Julie Soic PREDEIR_0010305.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1006 RE IBEC - TMOP Assumption re Traffic Control Officers (161).msg Louis Atwell Julie Soic' PREDEIR_0021824.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1022 RE_ IBEC - TMOP Assumption re_ Traffic Control Officers (2).msg Julie Soic Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0010304.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1022 RE IBEC - TMOP Assumption re Traffic Control Officers.msg Julie Soic Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021825.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1151 RE ALUC Meeting (43) (2).msg Alyson Stewart Lisa Trifiletti' ; Bruce Durbin ; Mindala Wilcox ;; PREDEIR_0013796.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1309 RE_ IBEC - TMOP Assumption re_ Traffic Control Officers.msg Louis Atwell Julie Soic PREDEIR_0010306.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1309 RE IBEC - TMOP Assumption re Traffic Control Officers (160).msg Louis Atwell Julie Soic' PREDEIR_0021823.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1335 RE: AB 52 Notes.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013030.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1335 RE: AB 52 Notes.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0014005.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1335 RE AB 52 Notes.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_027555.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1635 IBEC EIR Coordination_ 5_16 Proposed Agenda.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0010267.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1635 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0010268.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1647 Collaboration Meeting (6).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015377.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1647 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015378.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1648 Collaboration Meeting (42) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0013696.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1648 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013697.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1648 Collaboration Meeting (5).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015375.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1648 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015376.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1650 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 5 16 Proposed Agenda (24).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0015618.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1700 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 5 16 Proposed Agenda.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0015619.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1733 Follow Up Items from 5 15 Final TMOP Coordination Call (2).msg Netai Basu Lisa Trifiletti ; Juliana Soic PREDEIR_0013712.pdf
Correspondence 20190515-1852 Re ALUC Meeting (2).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Alyson Stewart ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' ; Bruce Durbin ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0013795.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-0631 ESA DeliverIt (8).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027297.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-0631 ESA DeliverIt (21).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027708.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-0836 Well 8 next to Clippers Arena (2).msg Thomas Lee Jesse Sira PREDEIR_0013621.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-0836 Attch: ING Well estimated Schedule Timeline.pdf PREDEIR_0013622.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-0836 Attch: Clippers Arena Layout.pdf PREDEIR_0013623.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-0842 RE Follow Up Items from 5 15 Final TMOP Coordination Call .msg Tom Gaul Netai Basu ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Juliana Soic PREDEIR_0020738.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1005 FW_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0010257.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1005 FW Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation (2).msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0013736.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1005 FW: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0014003.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1009 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation (41) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0013855.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1009 RE: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0014002.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1009 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_027558.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1032 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0010322.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1032 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation (2).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0013854.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1032 RE: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ; Christina Erwin ; Sara Dietler PREDEIR_0016611.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1046 IBEC_ Third Consultation with Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation.msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Sara Dietler ; 'Brandy Salas' PREDEIR_0010295.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1134 IBEC - Construction .msg Anitra Rice Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Dennis Kanuk ; Blake Barroso ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015918.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1148 ESA DeliverIt (40) (2).msg PREDEIR_0013709.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1148 ESA DeliverIt (20).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027707.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1149 FW ESA DeliverIt (3).msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013718.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1233 IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Records (1).msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010274.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1237 IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Records.msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010275.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1402 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ Public Admin Records.msg Joi Aldridge Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0010308.pdf
Correspondence 20190516-1412 IBEC emails.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021699.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1117 Re IBEC Question -- Sign Tower (01).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027794.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1119 RE IBEC Question -- Sign Tower (02).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027795.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1320 IBEC Percent for the Arts (3).msg Mindala Wilcox; PREDEIR_0013775.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1320 Attch: Inglewood_Developer-Percent-for-Art_2019.pdf PREDEIR_0013776.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1458 ESA DeliverIt (2).msg PREDEIR_0013708.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1458 ESA DeliverIt (19).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027706.pdf
Correspondence 20190517-1621 FW: Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson IBECproject PREDEIR_0013019.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0814 IBEC Anticipated events characteristics (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0013758.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0814 Attch: IBEC Anticipated Events Characteristics 5.17.2019.xlsx PREDEIR_0013759.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0814 IBEC: Anticipated events characteristics.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0014000.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0814 Attch: IBEC Anticipated Events Characteristics 5.17.2019.xlsx PREDEIR_0014001.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0814 IBEC Anticipated events characteristics.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Mike Samuelson ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0014738.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0814 Attch: IBEC Anticipated Events Characteristics 5.17.2019.xlsx PREDEIR_0014739.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0829 IBEC Measured travel characteristics (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0013744.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-0829 IBEC Measured travel characteristics.msg Dennis Kanuk Mike Samuelson PREDEIR_0014727.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1243 FW IBEC (1) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0013729.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1249 IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013998.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1249 Attch: 05.16.19 IBEC AB52 Mtg Min_v1.docx PREDEIR_0013999.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1253 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013997.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1253 RE IBEC Cultural Resources .msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_027557.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1255 Fwd: IBEC Conf Call 5/20.msg John Gard John Gard ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0015917.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1302 RE_ IBEC_ Cultural Resources (1).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013106.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1302 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0016597.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1323 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0016596.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1329 IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (3).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013779.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1337 RE IBEC Cultural Resources (33) (2).msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013818.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1337 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0016595.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1341 RE IBEC Cultural Resources (32) (2).msg Sara Dietler Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013817.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1341 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Sara Dietler Addie Farrell ; Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0016594.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1414 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (21).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015595.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1506 IBEC Conf Call.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Gerard McCallum ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0015916.pdf
Correspondence 20190520-1508 IBEC Conf Call.msg Christina Erwin John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Gerard McCallum ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers PREDEIR_0019033.pdf
Correspondence 20190521-1018 Champions Plaza (2).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0013688.pdf
Correspondence 20190521-1041 IBEC Mike Samuelson.msg Brian Boxer Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0014748.pdf
Correspondence 20190521-1104 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Addie Farrell Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0012990.pdf
Correspondence 20190521-1104 Attch: 05.16.19 IBEC AB52 Mtg Min_v1_SD.docx PREDEIR_0012991.pdf
Correspondence 20190521-1138 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (20).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015594.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1140 IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20.msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015485.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1147 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (19).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015593.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1148 IBEC Discussion w M Wilcox .msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015505.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1150 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (18).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015592.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1152 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (17).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015591.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1225 RE: IBEC - Construction Meeting .msg Anitra Rice Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0012984.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1343 RE_ Meeting Inquiry with (4).msg Lijin Sun Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013115.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1402 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (16).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015590.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1502 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013083.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1502 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_024098.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1523 RE Collaboration Meeting (5).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024161.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1524 RE_ Collaboration Meeting (3).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013100.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1631 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (15).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015589.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1641 Re Collaboration Meeting (4).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024160.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1642 RE_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013101.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1713 Collaboration Meeting (30) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0013694.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1713 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013695.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1713 Collaboration Meeting (4).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_0015373.pdf
Correspondence 20190522-1713 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015374.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-0821 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (13).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015588.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-0825 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Perla Solis Sara Dietler ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0012983.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-0825 RE IBEC Cultural Resources (28) (2).msg Perla Solis Sara Dietler ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013814.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-0930 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20 (12).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015587.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-0934 RE IBEC Request to schedule call from June 10 - June 20.msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015596.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1053 IBEC: Project Description Review.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0015914.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1053 Attch: 2.0 Project Description_WORKING DRAFT.docx PREDEIR_0015915.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1055 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Sara Dietler Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0012982.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1055 RE IBEC Cultural Resources (2).msg Sara Dietler Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013813.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1055 RE: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Sara Dietler Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0016575.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1139 IBEC Analysis Discussion (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0013782.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1242 RE_ Meeting Inquiry with.msg Lijin Sun Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013116.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1551 Re Canceled IBEC - Construction follow-up (6).msg Dennis Kanuk Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_027831.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1613 FW: IBEC Analysis Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015913.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1615 Re Canceled IBEC - Construction follow-up.msg Dennis Kanuk Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_027832.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1737 IBEC: Project Description Review.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019024.pdf
Correspondence 20190523-1739 IBEC Bundle 5B Review Day 3.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0019023.pdf
Correspondence 20190524-0856 IBEC Request for graphics data .msg Dennis Kanuk Anitra Rice PREDEIR_027815.pdf
Correspondence 20190524-1757 IBEC: Bundle 5B Sections, part 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013350.pdf
Correspondence 20190524-1757 IBEC: Bundle 5B Sections, part 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0019018.pdf
Correspondence 20190526-1329 IBEC: Bundle 5B Sections, part 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013349.pdf
Correspondence 20190526-1329 IBEC: Bundle 5B Sections, part 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0019017.pdf
Correspondence 20190528-1731 Re IBEC Bundle 5B Sections part 2 (5).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027838.pdf
Correspondence 20190528-1750 Re IBEC Bundle 5B Sections part 2.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027839.pdf
Correspondence 20190529-1404 Attch: 05.30.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013117.pdf
Correspondence 20190529-1612 Collaboration Meeting (10) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0013692.pdf
Correspondence 20190529-1612 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013693.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1057 IBEC Transportation Topics Meeting (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0013789.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1057 IBEC Transportation Topics Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021708.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1105 Re Stetson Water Report (4).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027845.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1129 Re Utilities Questions.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027847.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1129 Attch: Tables 2 revised for MGD.pdf PREDEIR_027848.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1254 Re Stetson Water Report (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027844.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1354 RE: Location of Bundle 5B Day #.msg Christina Erwin Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0019009.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1356 IBEC - Construction.msg Anitra Rice Anitra Rice ; Dennis Kanuk ; Schreiner, Eric ; Blake Barroso ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Olivia Chan PREDEIR_0015910.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1451 Re EV Spaces.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027834.pdf
Correspondence 20190530-1528 Re Stetson Water Report.msg Dennis Kanuk Anitra Rice ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027846.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-0815 RE Need Map of Projects .msg Amy Herman Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0023657.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1248 IBEC_ Project Description Review.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0013134.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1248 Attch: 2.0 Project Description_WORKING DRAFT.docx PREDEIR_0013135.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1248 IBEC: Project Description Review.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019006.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1248 Attch: 2.0 Project Description_WORKING DRAFT.docx PREDEIR_0019007.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1527 IBEC Bundle 5B Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0013124.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1527 Attch: 06.03.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013125.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1527 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019004.pdf
Correspondence 20190531-1527 Attch: 06.03.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0019005.pdf
Correspondence 20190600-0000 AECOM Memo to OPR re Replies to Correspondence Re AB 987 IBEC Project Application PREDEIR_0020871.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1326 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0019000.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1326 Attch: 06.03.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0019001.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1422 IBEC - Sound Walls.msg Anitra Rice Heidi Rous ;;; Olivia Chan ; Blake Barroso ;; IBECproject ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0013327.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1422 IBEC - Sound Walls.msg Anitra Rice Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ;;; Olivia Chan ; Blake Barroso ;; IBECproject ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015908.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1647 6/4/19 Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016514.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1651 IBEC Bundle 5B Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013185.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1651 Attch: 06.03.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0013186.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1651 IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0018998.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1651 Attch: 06.03.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0018999.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1656 FW_ IBEC Bundle 5B Review_ Day 2.msg Catherine Aguilar - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013168.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1656 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0013169.pdf
Correspondence 20190603-1702 Re: IBEC Bundle 5B Review, Day 2.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016513.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Sponsor comments on Bundle 5B.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016499.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.1.0 Introduction_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_0016500.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.0 Introduction to Analysis_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_0016501.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.3 Biological Resources_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_0016502.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.4 Cultural Resources_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_0016503.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.6 Geology and Soils_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_0016504.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.10 Land Use_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_0016505.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Sponsor comments on Bundle 5B.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027282.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.1.0 Introduction_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027283.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.0 Introduction to Analysis_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027284.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.3 Biological Resources_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027285.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.4 Cultural Resources_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027286.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.6 Geology and Soils_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027287.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-0731 Attch: Comments.3.10 Land Use_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027288.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-1122 IBEC - Noise (3).msg Anitra Rice Heidi Rous ; Olivia Chan ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Schreiner, Eric ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_0013774.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-1122 IBEC - Noise.msg Anitra Rice Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Olivia Chan ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Schreiner, Eric ;;; Christina Erwin ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_0015907.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-2028 RE Sponsor comments on Bundle 5B.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027280.pdf
Correspondence 20190604-2028 Attch: Comments.3.13 Public Services_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027281.pdf
Correspondence 20190605-1312 IBEC - AQMD Mtg Agenda.msg Anitra Rice Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013323.pdf
Correspondence 20190605-1312 Attch: AQMD Agenda 6.6.19_draft.docx PREDEIR_0013324.pdf
Correspondence 20190605-1723 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0013159.pdf
Correspondence 20190605-1723 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013160.pdf
Correspondence 20190605-1723 Collaboration Meeting (4) (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0013690.pdf
Correspondence 20190605-1723 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013691.pdf
Correspondence 20190606-1027 RE Availability for Call with Arroyo Group Metis Environmental re TOD DEIR (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0013797.pdf
Correspondence 20190606-1053 IBEC Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dan Gershwin ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0015906.pdf
Correspondence 20190606-1228 IBEC_ AQMD Presentation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Anitra Rice ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Heidi Rous ;; Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0013196.pdf
Correspondence 20190606-1228 Attch: 06.06.19 IBEC AQMD Presentation_v6.pptx PREDEIR_0013197.pdf
Correspondence 20190606-1228 IBEC: AQMD Presentation .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Anitra Rice ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Heidi Rous ;; Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; PREDEIR_0016477.pdf
Correspondence 20190606-1228 Attch: IBEC AQMD Presentation_v6.pptx PREDEIR_0016478.pdf
Correspondence 20190607-0903 RE IBEC - Noise (1) (2).msg Heidi Rous Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Schreiner, Eric ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_0013833.pdf
Correspondence 20190607-0903 RE IBEC - Noise.msg Heidi Rous Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Schreiner, Eric ;;; Christina Erwin ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_025255.pdf
Correspondence 20190607-1025 RE IBEC - Noise (3).msg Olivia Chan Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Schreiner, Eric ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Blake Barroso PREDEIR_0013834.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1211 RE Request for access - folder on ing-rds1 for Communication With The Clippers .msg Maurice Hernandez Thomas Lee PREDEIR_0015639.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1704 Water Supply Permit Amendment 1910051PA-002 (91).msg Barmeshwar Rai Thomas Lee ; Ismael Perez ; Jose J. Ramirez PREDEIR_0015428.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1704 Attch: Water Supply Permit Amendment 1910051PA-002.pdf PREDEIR_0015429.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1730 Water Supply Permit Amendment 1910051PA-002.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015430.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1730 Attch: Water Supply Permit Amendment 1910051PA-002.pdf PREDEIR_0015431.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1734 FW_ IBEC - Preliminary HRA Discussion.msg - on behalf of - Anitra Rice Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0013249.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1734 FW IBEC - Preliminary HRA Discussion.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015401.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1734 FW: System No. 1910051-Water Supply Permit Amendment 1910051PA-002.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016458.pdf
Correspondence 20190611-1734 Attch: System No. 1910051-Water Supply Permit Amendment 1910051PA-002.pdf PREDEIR_0016459.pdf
Correspondence 20190612-0000 Letter from Robert Hodil, Coblentz, to Kate Gordon, OPR, re Supplemental Submittal Re AB 987 Application for IBEC Project PREDEIR_0020872.pdf
Correspondence 20190612-1042 Re Re IBEC - Preliminary HRA Discussion.msg Mindala Wilcox Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; PREDEIR_0015539.pdf
Correspondence 20190612-1345 IBEC Plan Review .msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015903.pdf
Correspondence 20190613-0928 FAA Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024105.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1144 IBEC Sound Wall Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Olivia Chan PREDEIR_0014791.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1144 Attch: IBEC Sound Barrier Design Detail 6.13.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0014792.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1144 IBEC Sound Wall Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Olivia Chan PREDEIR_0016430.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1144 Attch: IBEC Sound Barrier Design Detail 6.13.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0016431.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1215 IBEC - Noise.msg Anitra Rice Dennis Kanuk ; Olivia Chan ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015482.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1440 IBEC AB 987 Supplemental Material .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0014757.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1440 IBEC AB 987 Supplemental Material .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015490.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1440 IBEC AB 987 Supplemental Material .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016426.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1531 Request for Recent Daily Traffic Volumes on Prairie Manchester and Century .msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015654.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1613 ESA DeliverIt (7).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027296.pdf
Correspondence 20190614-1613 ESA DeliverIt (18).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027705.pdf
Correspondence 20190617-1007 RE Request for Recent Daily Traffic Volumes on Prairie Manchester and Century .msg Netai Basu Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015640.pdf
Correspondence 20190617-1029 IBEC - HRA .msg Anitra Rice Heidi Rous ; Blake Barroso ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0015477.pdf
Correspondence 20190617-1126 Site Photos Review.msg Dennis Kanuk Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0015901.pdf
Correspondence 20190617-1554 IBEC Additional site photos.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Steve Smith PREDEIR_027730.pdf
Correspondence 20190617-1554 Attch: Century near Yukon.jpg PREDEIR_027731.jpg
Correspondence 20190617-1554 Attch: Dorty & Century.jpg PREDEIR_027732.jpg
Correspondence 20190618-1157 IBEC AQ and GHG.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015464.pdf
Correspondence 20190618-1157 IBEC: AQ and GHG.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0015899.pdf
Correspondence 20190618-1157 IBEC: AQ and GHG.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0018979.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1511 Fwd IBEC AQ and GHG.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015457.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1618 Re: IBEC EIR Coordination: 6/20 Proposed Agenda Items.msg Catherine Aguilar Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016407.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1634 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ 6_20 Proposed Agenda Items.msg Christina Erwin Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013284.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1634 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013285.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1634 RE: IBEC EIR Coordination: 6/20 Proposed Agenda Items.msg Christina Erwin Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0018968.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1634 Attch: 06.20.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0018969.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1636 Fwd IBEC EIR Coordination 6 20 Proposed Agenda Items.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015458.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1636 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0015459.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1638 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ 6_20 Proposed Agenda Items (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013283.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1638 RE IBEC EIR Coordination 6 20 Proposed Agenda Items.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar' PREDEIR_0015620.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1640 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0013271.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1640 Attch: 06.20.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013272.pdf
Correspondence 20190619-1827 Re_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ 6_20 Proposed Agenda.msg Dennis Kanuk Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013286.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1228 RE: IBEC Cultural Report - Not for Distribution.msg Sara Dietler Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0013316.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1231 RE: IBEC Cultural Report - Not for Distribution.msg Mindala Wilcox Sara Dietler ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013315.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1231 RE IBEC Cultural Report - Not for Distribution.msg Mindala Wilcox Sara Dietler ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027556.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1309 IBEC: Updated obstruction and airspace evaluation .msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0013988.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1309 Attch: IBEC Obstruction Evaluation and Airspace Analysis 5.10.19.pdf PREDEIR_0013989.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1658 call.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Sara Dietler ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013313.pdf
Correspondence 20190620-1658 call.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Sara Dietler ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0013403.pdf
Correspondence 20190621-1150 RE_ IBEC EIR Coordination_ In Person Meetings - Food Order (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0013293.pdf
Correspondence 20190623-1357 IBEC_ Draft Energy section.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013276.pdf
Correspondence 20190623-1357 IBEC: Draft Energy section.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013398.pdf
Correspondence 20190623-1357 IBEC: Draft Energy section.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0018963.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 IBEC_ Bundle 6A Review_ Day 1 (3).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0013419.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013420.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 IBEC_ Bundle 6A Review_ Day 2 (2).msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose PREDEIR_0013423.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013424.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose PREDEIR_0018958.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 Attch: 06.27.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0018959.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0018960.pdf
Correspondence 20190624-1417 Attch: 06.27.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0018961.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-0857 IBEC: Draft Transportation discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose PREDEIR_0013394.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-0857 IBEC_ Draft Transportation discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose PREDEIR_0013428.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-0857 IBEC: Draft Transportation discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose PREDEIR_0018957.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1046 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0013405.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1126 RE_ Collaboration Meeting (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0013430.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1126 RE: Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0013987.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1129 Re_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0013431.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1129 Re Collaboration Meeting.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014830.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1129 Re: Collaboration Meeting.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0016378.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1129 Re Collaboration Meeting (3).msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_024159.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1144 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Sharon Koike Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024162.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1310 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0013404.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1254 IBEC: Draft PEH discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013393.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1254 IBEC_ Draft PEH discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013427.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1254 IBEC: Draft PEH discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0018955.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1327 ESA DeliverIt (6).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027295.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1327 ESA DeliverIt (17).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027704.pdf
Correspondence 20190625-1327 ESA DeliverIt (5).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027718.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 IBEC_ Bundle 6A Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0013421.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0013422.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 IBEC_ Bundle 6A Review_ Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Susumu Shirayama ; Alan Sako ; Olivia Chan ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0013425.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0013426.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Susumu Shirayama ; Alan Sako ; Olivia Chan ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0018951.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 Attch: 06.27.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0018952.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 IBEC: Bundle 6A Review, Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0018953.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 Attch: 06.27.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0018954.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 IBEC Bundle 6A Review Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Perla Solis ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0021661.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0021662.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 IBEC Bundle 6A Review Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Susumu Shirayama ; Alan Sako ; Olivia Chan ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeremiah LaRose ; Anitra Rice PREDEIR_0021663.pdf
Correspondence 20190626-1329 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0021664.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1331 IBEC: Draft GHG discussion.msg Addie Farrell Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013392.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1342 IBEC Design Features.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0015467.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1342 Attch: Project Design Features LEED 6-27-19.docx PREDEIR_0015468.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1342 IBEC: Design Features.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ;; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0018948.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1342 Attch: Project Design Features LEED 6-27-19.docx PREDEIR_0018949.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1500 IBEC Smart Parking Discuss.msg Chris Holmquist Smith, Mary ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ;;;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015517.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1500 IBEC Smart Parking Discuss.msg Chris Holmquist Chris Holmquist ; Smith, Mary ; Mindy Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ;;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015898.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1502 Fw IBEC Smart Parking Discuss (50).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015413.pdf
Correspondence 20190628-1522 Fw IBEC Smart Parking Discuss.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015414.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-0717 IBEC Smart Parking Discuss UPDATE.msg Putwen, Sara Smith, Mary ;; Mindala Wilcox ;;;;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0015516.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-0717 IBEC Smart Parking Discuss UPDATE.msg Putwen, Sara Putwen, Sara ; Smith, Mary ;;;; Christina Erwin ;;; PREDEIR_0015897.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1237 DRAFT AB 52 Closeout Letter.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0013389.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1237 Attch: AB 52 Consultation Close Out Letter_Gabrieleno Band.docx PREDEIR_0013390.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1315 IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015491.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1524 IBEC: Draft Project Variants section.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013388.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1524 IBEC_ Draft Project Variants section.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0013446.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1524 IBEC Draft Project Variants section.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0015469.pdf
Correspondence 20190701-1524 IBEC: Draft Project Variants section.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0018943.pdf
Correspondence 20190702-1846 ESA DeliverIt (16).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027703.pdf
Correspondence 20190702-1846 ESA DeliverIt (6).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027719.pdf
Correspondence 20190702-1855 Re ESA DeliverIt (11).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027739.pdf
Correspondence 20190703-1003 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Maureen Reilly Cole, Heather D. PREDEIR_0016345.pdf
Correspondence 20190703-1003 Attch: Todd_IBEC_WSA_DRAFT_070219.pdf PREDEIR_0016346.pdf
Correspondence 20190703-1047 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Cole, Heather D. Maureen Reilly PREDEIR_0016344.pdf
Correspondence 20190703-1644 ESA DeliverIt (15).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027702.pdf
Correspondence 20190703-1644 ESA DeliverIt (7).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027720.pdf
Correspondence 20190705-1411 ESA DeliverIt (5).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027294.pdf
Correspondence 20190705-1411 ESA DeliverIt (14).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027701.pdf
Correspondence 20190705-1411 ESA DeliverIt (8).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027721.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-0532 RE: IBEC Smart Parking Discuss ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION: Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center Parking Plan.msg Smith, Mary Chris Holmquist ; Mindy Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ;;; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_0016265.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-0532 Attch: gated vs gateless 7 2 2019 - Compatibility Mode.pdf PREDEIR_0016266.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1020 RE ESA DeliverIt (12).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027740.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1128 RE ESA DeliverIt (13).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027741.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1132 Re ESA DeliverIt (14).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027742.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1132 Attch: ESA View Locations Map w added views 6.14.19.pdf PREDEIR_027743.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1144 RE ESA DeliverIt (15).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027747.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1144 Attch: Figure 3.1-11 and 3.1-12 mockups.docx PREDEIR_027748.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1144 Attch: Fig3.1-1_Viewpoint Location Map.pdf PREDEIR_027749.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1151 Re ESA DeliverIt (16).msg Dennis Kanuk Steve Smith PREDEIR_027751.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1153 RE ESA DeliverIt (17).msg Steve Smith Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_027750.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1304 RE: DRAFT AB 52 Closeout Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014096.pdf
Correspondence 20190709-1304 Attch: AB 52 Consultation Close Out Letter_Gabrieleno Band.docx PREDEIR_0014097.pdf
Correspondence 20190710-1405 RE EJ Element Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014964.pdf
Correspondence 20190710-1756 IBEC EIR Transportation Update.msg Brian Boxer Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindy Crenshaw PREDEIR_0014775.pdf
Correspondence 20190710-1834 Follow-Up Call re Hotel VMT.msg Tom Gaul Tom Gaul ; Whit Manley ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ;; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; David L. Esparza ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar ; Royce K. Jones ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0015895.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-0955 RE IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis PREDEIR_0015612.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-0958 RE IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter (4).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015611.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-1009 RE IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter (3).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015610.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-1035 RE IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015609.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-1038 RE IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; 'Perla Solis' PREDEIR_0015608.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-1200 IBEC meetings tomorrow.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0014111.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-1234 Fwd IBEC Worksession.msg Louis Atwell - on behalf of - Mindala Wilcox Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0021615.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-1407 RE IBEC Action Item Road Closures Information for Public Services Chapter .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015613.pdf
Correspondence 20190711-2154 HPSP Civic Use.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0014723.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-0843 Re HPSP Civic Use.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014984.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1104 ESA DeliverIt (13).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027700.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1208 RE HPSP Civic Use (1).msg Brian Boxer Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0014978.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1208 RE: HPSP Civic Use.msg Brian Boxer Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016228.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1223 RE: HPSP Civic Use.msg Brian Boxer Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016225.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1223 RE HPSP Civic Use (35).msg Brian Boxer Perla Solis ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024918.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1228 RE: HPSP Civic Use.msg Perla Solis Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016224.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1240 ESA DeliverIt (12).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027699.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1348 ESA DeliverIt (11).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027698.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1353 TMOP_ IBEC Documents - Transportation Documents .msg Perla Solis Robert Brooks ; Jeffrey Lau ; Vanessa Munoz ;; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0014141.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1430 Contract Amendment.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024100.pdf
Correspondence 20190712-1430 Contract Amendment.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024830.pdf
Correspondence 20190713-1142 Christina Erwin availability.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christopher Jackson ; Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0018907.pdf
Correspondence 20190713-1142 Christina Erwin availability.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0021469.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-0000 Letter from Mindy Wilcox, City of Inglewood, to Andrew Salas, Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation, Re: Tribal Consultation for IBEC PREDEIR_025969.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1001 RE: Christina Erwin availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016203.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1403 ESA DeliverIt (10).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027697.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1433 ESA DeliverIt (9).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027696.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1530 FW Public records request.msg Bettye Griffith Sharon Warmack PREDEIR_0015456.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1531 FW GIP 13 completed homes with addresses and APN numbers.msg Bettye Griffith Sharon Warmack PREDEIR_0015450.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1531 Attch: Copy of GIP 13 HOMES 11.7.18.xls PREDEIR_0015451.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1531 FW Information for Mr. Smith - Phases 2.1 - 3.6 (2).msg Bettye Griffith Sharon Warmack PREDEIR_0015452.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1531 FW Information for Mr. Smith - Phases 2.1 - 3.6.msg Bettye Griffith Sharon Warmack PREDEIR_0015453.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1531 Attch: Info for D. Smith.xls PREDEIR_0015454.pdf
Correspondence 20190715-1531 Attch: Listing 38 Units Completed - Inception of Program 1996.PDF PREDEIR_0015455.pdf
Correspondence 20190716-0950 RE: stadium gross square footage.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0014165.pdf
Correspondence 20190716-0950 RE stadium gross square footage.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015641.pdf
Correspondence 20190716-1640 IBEC: Draft Alternatives and Variants Sections.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0014164.pdf
Correspondence 20190716-1640 IBEC_ Draft Alternatives and Variants Sections.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0014195.pdf
Correspondence 20190716-1640 IBEC Draft Alternatives and Variants Sections.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0014746.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-0038 IBEC Shuttles.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0014163.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-0421 IBEC Bus Stops.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0014162.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-0423 IBEC Bicycle and EV Parking.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0014161.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-0424 IBEC Construction Lane Closures.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0014160.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-0950 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Maureen Reilly Cole, Heather D. PREDEIR_0016177.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1204 IBEC AQ.msg Brian Boxer Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ; Robert B. Hodil ; Tay Via PREDEIR_0014758.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1220 Current Events.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_0022400.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1220 Current Events.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_027589.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1338 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Cole, Heather D. Maureen Reilly PREDEIR_0016176.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1415 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Maureen Reilly Cole, Heather D. PREDEIR_0016175.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1503 Re: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Maureen Reilly Cole, Heather D. PREDEIR_0016168.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1506 IBEC: Draft Energy Section.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0014159.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1506 IBEC_ Draft Energy Section.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0014196.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1506 IBEC Draft Energy Section.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0014747.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1512 AB 52 Letter.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0014158.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1512 AB 52 Letter.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015333.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1549 RE: AB 52 Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014157.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1549 RE AB 52 Letter (35).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_0015542.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1549 RE AB 52 Letter (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020755.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1601 Re: IBEC EIR Coordination: 7/18 Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0015894.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1715 Agenda for Thursdays Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0014178.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1719 RE Agenda for Thursdays Meeting.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024148.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1723 RE_ Agenda for Thursdays Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0014201.pdf
Correspondence 20190717-1724 Fwd IBEC EIR Coordination 7 18 Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015460.pdf
Correspondence 20190718-0758 RE Information Questions - Traffic.msg Tom Gaul Peter Puglese ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0022184.pdf
Correspondence 20190718-1202 Mass Emission Dispersion Modeling Assumptions.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024872.pdf
Correspondence 20190718-1358 IBEC Transportation (8).msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; PREDEIR_024865.pdf
Correspondence 20190718-1507 Contract Amendment Schedule.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024099.pdf
Correspondence 20190718-1507 Contract Amendment Schedule.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024829.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-0743 IBEC Transportation.msg Brian Boxer Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0014795.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-0743 IBEC Transportation (9).msg Brian Boxer Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021704.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-0844 RE Contract Amendment Schedule.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014954.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-0847 Re Contract Amendment Schedule.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024165.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-0851 IBEC Transportation Pre-Call.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021707.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1017 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Cole, Heather D. Maureen Reilly PREDEIR_0016163.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1017 Attch: 25032171 WSA comments.pdf PREDEIR_0016164.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1341 RE_ IBEC Hazards.pdf PREDEIR_027714.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1352 RE: 25032171 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - SWRCB.msg Cole, Heather D. Maureen Reilly PREDEIR_0016161.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1520 Re 7 23 19 Agenda.msg Yakema Decatur Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022463.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1539 IBEC Emails.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015513.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1539 IBEC Emails.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020754.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1539 IBEC Emails.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022178.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1639 Re IBEC Emails.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015630.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1641 FW Inglewood Rent Control Ordinance.msg Amy Herman Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023622.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1641 Attch: Minutes_06-18-2019 Inglewood City Council.pdf PREDEIR_0023623.pdf
Correspondence 20190719-1641 Attch: Agen062519 Inglewood City Council.pdf PREDEIR_0023624.pdf
Correspondence 20190721-1409 TMOP.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Julie Soic ; Peter Puglese ; PREDEIR_0021975.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-0854 IBEC Reminder to upload emails documents from previous week each Monday.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015484.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1052 RE: AB 52 Letter.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015222.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1052 RE AB 52 Letter (21).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015541.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1054 FW AB 52 Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0015394.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1054 FW AB 52 Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0020753.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1100 RE: AB 52 Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0015221.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1100 RE AB 52 Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_0015543.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1100 RE AB 52 Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020756.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1152 IBEC EIR Scheduling (4).msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindy Wilcox ; Tay Via ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014773.pdf
Correspondence 20190722-1617 IBEC EIR Scheduling.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Mindy Wilcox ; Tay Via ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0014774.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1022 IBEC Meeting with Caltrans about I-105 ExpressLanes Project .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015479.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1023 RE IBEC Meeting with Caltrans about I-105 ExpressLanes Project (15).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015581.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1023 RE IBEC Meeting with Caltrans about I-105 ExpressLanes Project (36).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_023877.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1025 RE IBEC Meeting with Caltrans about I-105 ExpressLanes Project .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015582.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1104 AB52 Letter.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025141.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1104 Attch: AB 52 Close Out.pdf PREDEIR_025142.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1505 IBEC Worksession (14).msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0015519.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1511 IBEC Funding Agreement.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015474.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1608 IBEC Contract Amendment.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014742.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1619 RE IBEC Contract Amendment (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0015002.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1632 RE IBEC Contract Amendment (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0015001.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1653 RE IBEC Contract Amendment.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0015003.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1701 RE food.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014974.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1701 RE food.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024180.pdf
Correspondence 20190723-1741 Murphys Bowl CEQA Funding Agreement.msg Kenyetta Hinton Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022459.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-0923 Request for a Meeting to Discuss IBEC Mitigation Measures .msg Perla Solis Joi Aldridge PREDEIR_0021961.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-0928 Urgent Document Request.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0015215.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-0928 Urgent Document Request.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0015668.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-0947 RE: Urgent Document Request.msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015214.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-0947 RE Urgent Document Request (7).msg Perla Solis Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015651.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1117 RE: Urgent Document Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015213.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1117 RE Urgent Document Request (6).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' ; Addie Farrell ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015650.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1123 Undeliverable Urgent Document Request.msg Mail Delivery System PREDEIR_0015665.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1123 Attch: Undelivered Message.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015666.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1123 Prep for Meeting with Mayor at 5pm .msg Perla Solis Joi Aldridge ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Melissa Jaworowski ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021775.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1125 IBEC Meeting to discuss mitigation measures with Mayor .msg Perla Solis Louis Atwell ; Joi Aldridge ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Kathy Ares ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015478.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1129 FW Urgent Document Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Walker PREDEIR_0015437.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1225 Salter Report.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024211.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1346 Murphys Bowl - Apporved 07 23 19.msg Cheryl Moore Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022443.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1456 RE: Urgent Document Request.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015211.pdf
Correspondence 20190724-1456 RE Urgent Document Request.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis ;; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0015652.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1505 Agenda for IBEC Meetings 7 30-8 2.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; 'Christopher E. Jackson' ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Addie Farrell ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerrit Platenkamp ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0014556.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1505 Attch:IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014557.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1505 Agenda for IBEC Meetings.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; 'Christopher E. Jackson' ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Addie Farrell ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerrit Platenkamp ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0015176.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1505 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0015177.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1508 RE Agenda for IBEC Meetings 7 30-8 2.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0014817.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1508 RE Agenda for IBEC Meetings 7 30-8 2 (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer' PREDEIR_0015544.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1518 RE Agenda for IBEC Meetings 7 30-8 2.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015545.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1533 Canceled_ IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Review_ Day 1.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0015180.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1658 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 2.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Netai Basu ;; Addie Farrell ; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Brian Boxer ; Tiffany Wright ; Robert Hodil ; John Gard ; Fred Jackson ; Catherine Aguilar ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce K. Jones ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_0018892.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1704 RE IBEC Screencheck Draft Review Day 2.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0015597.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1704 RE: IBEC: Screencheck Draft Review, Day 2.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0016153.pdf
Correspondence 20190725-1714 RE Murphys Bowl - Apporved 07 23 19 (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cheryl Moore PREDEIR_0022479.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0509 Canceled IBEC Screencheck Draft Review Day 3.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0022001.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0710 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 1 (3).msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0014777.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0710 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014778.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0714 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 2 (2).msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0014781.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0714 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014782.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0724 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 3 (1).msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Steven D Smith ; David Beauchamp ; Amy L Herman ; PREDEIR_0014785.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0724 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014786.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0730 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 4.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Eric Schniewind ; Douglas DiCarlo ; Chris Jones PREDEIR_0014789.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0730 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014790.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0730 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review_ Day 4.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Eric Schniewind ; Douglas DiCarlo ; Chris Jones PREDEIR_0015195.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0730 Attch: 07.29.19-08.02.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0015196.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0014779.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014780.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 3.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Steven D Smith ; David Beauchamp ; Amy L Herman ; PREDEIR_0014787.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014788.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review_ Day 1.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu PREDEIR_0015189.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 Attch: 07.29.19-08.02.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0015190.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review_ Day 3.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Steve Smith ; Leslie Moulton-Post ; David Beauchamp ; Amy L Herman ; PREDEIR_0015193.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0731 Attch: 07.29.19-08.02.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0015194.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0732 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0014783.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0732 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0014784.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0732 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review_ Day 2.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0015191.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0732 Attch: 07.29.19-08.02.19 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0015192.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-0737 Section Review Issues Discussions.msg Brian Boxer Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_0015116.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-1222 Clippers Arena.msg Jim Sullivan Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0015367.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-1222 Attch: Clippers Inglewood Arena_190726.pdf PREDEIR_0015368.pdf
Correspondence 20190726-1454 FW LAZ City of Inglewood - GTrans Passenger Fare Pricing.msg Julie Soic Mario Inga ; Adam Karp ; Rio Lupisan PREDEIR_0020955.pdf
Correspondence 20190727-1523 Clippers Arena News 1.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_0022392.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1114 Food for this week.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020504.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1119 RE Food for this week.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024179.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1146 FW IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 1 (27).msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020820.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1146 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0020821.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1146 FW IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 2.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020824.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1146 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0020825.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1146 FW IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 3.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020826.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1146 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0020827.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1147 FW IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 1.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020822.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1147 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0020823.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1147 FW IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 4.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020828.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1147 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0020829.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1159 Chris availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0021023.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1358 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review_ Day 3.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Steve Smith ; Leslie Moulton-Post ; David Beauchamp ; Amy L Herman ; PREDEIR_0020428.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1358 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003) (002).docx PREDEIR_0020429.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1358 IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR -1 Section Review Day 3.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Addie Farrell ; Louis A. Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Chris Holmquist ; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Steven D Smith ; David Beauchamp ; Amy L Herman ; PREDEIR_0020548.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1358 Attch: IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003) (002).docx PREDEIR_0020549.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1430 RE_ Assistance with Short Form Agreement RE_ Proposed Murphys Bowl Project (Clipper Arena) (19).msg Tunisia Johnson Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021062.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1454 IBEC Kick-off Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020833.pdf
Correspondence 20190729-1510 RE_ Assistance with Short Form Agreement RE_ Proposed Murphys Bowl Project (Clipper Arena).msg Tunisia Johnson Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021063.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-1044 RE Murphys Bowl - Apporved 07 23 19.msg Cheryl Moore Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022480.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-1558 IBEC-EIR Draft Chapters.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020841.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-1558 IBEC-EIR Draft Chapters.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021047.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-1624 Re_ IBEC-EIR Draft Chapters.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020803.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-1624 Re IBEC-EIR Draft Chapters.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020866.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-2224 FW IBEC EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0020815.pdf
Correspondence 20190730-2226 Collaboration Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021024.pdf
Correspondence 20190731-2234 IBEC Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020223.pdf
Correspondence 20190731-2234 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020430.pdf
Correspondence 20190801-0922 Clippers.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_0022394.pdf
Correspondence 20190801-1920 IBEC - Noise.msg Anitra Rice Kaiser, Chris ; Olivia Chan ; Susumu Shirayama ; Tony Chung ; Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020834.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-0801 Clippers News.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_0022393.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-0801 Clippers News.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_027587.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-0807 RE_ IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020443.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-0807 RE IBEC Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020584.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-0807 RE: IBEC: Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020653.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-0926 RE_ checking back (16).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Walker PREDEIR_0021064.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-1134 IBEC - Trucks.msg Anitra Rice Heidi Rous ; Blake Barroso ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0020837.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-1221 Gordon Anderson Contact Info.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;; Tiffany Wright ;; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0020525.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-1221 Gordon Anderson Contact Info.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ;; Tiffany Wright ;; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum PREDEIR_0022177.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-1232 Re_ checking back.msg James Kirk Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021065.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-1251 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Utilities Chapter.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020431.pdf
Correspondence 20190802-1251 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Utilities Chapter.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0020645.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1416 IBEC EIR Water Supply.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Leslie Moulton-Post ; David Beauchamp ; Mindy Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0020545.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1416 IBEC EIR Water Supply.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Leslie Moulton-Post ; David Beauchamp ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0020840.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1416 IBEC EIR Water Supply.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Leslie Moulton-Post ; David Beauchamp ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0021698.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1420 IBEC EIR Summary.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0020544.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1420 IBEC EIR Summary.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0020839.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1420 IBEC EIR Summary.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0021694.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1426 IBEC EIR Energy and Alternatives (1).msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Anitra Rice ; Mindy Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tay Via ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil PREDEIR_0020542.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1426 IBEC EIR Energy and Alternatives.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Anitra Rice ; Mindy Wilcox ; Louis A. Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tay Via ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil PREDEIR_0020543.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1426 IBEC EIR Energy and Alternatives.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Anitra Rice ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tay Via ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil PREDEIR_0021693.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1536 Canceled_ IBEC_ EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ;; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Perla Solis ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021022.pdf
Correspondence 20190804-1536 Canceled IBEC EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Netai Basu ; Mike Samuelson ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Catherine Aguilar ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; John Gard ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_0021445.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-0840 FW IBEC EIR Water Supply.msg Louis Atwell - on behalf of - Brian Boxer Barmeshwar Rai PREDEIR_0021532.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-0840 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC EIR Water Supply.msg Louis Atwell Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0021729.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-0947 RE_ IBEC Folder (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0020782.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-0947 RE IBEC Folder (19).msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0020864.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-0951 RE_ IBEC Folder.msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020783.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-0951 RE IBEC Folder (18).msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020863.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1218 RE IBEC Folder.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindala Wilcox ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0020865.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1225 IBEC Folder.msg Juan Caceros Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0020773.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1225 Attch: MB Project VPN.docx PREDEIR_0020774.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1227 FW IBEC EIR Energy and Alternatives (16).msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer '' PREDEIR_0020817.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1228 FW IBEC EIR Energy and Alternatives.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer Royce Jones PREDEIR_0020818.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1408 IBEC FAA Meeting .msg Lisa Trifiletti; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0022011.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1456 RE_ IBEC_ FAA Meeting (7).msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0020787.pdf
Correspondence 20190805-1456 RE IBEC FAA Meeting (33).msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti ; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0022041.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-0720 Fwd IBEC EIR Water Supply.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0020830.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-0831 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (36).msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027626.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-0906 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (35).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_027625.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1159 IBEC Construction information (1).msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Anitra Rice ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020537.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1159 Attch: IBEC Construction Schedule and Equipment 8.2019.xlsx PREDEIR_0020538.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1159 Attch: IBEC Workers on Site by Month 8.2019.xlsx PREDEIR_0020539.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1415 RE IBEC FAA Meeting (32).msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist ; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0022040.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1419 Re_ IBEC_ FAA Meeting .msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti ; Chris Holmquist ; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0020788.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1419 Re IBEC FAA Meeting (31).msg Loren Montgomery Lisa Trifiletti ; Chris Holmquist ; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0022039.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1610 Meeting Request.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020633.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1610 Meeting Request.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020852.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1615 RE Request (1).msg Brian Boxer David Stone PREDEIR_0020588.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1617 RE: Meeting Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020630.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1617 RE Meeting Request (6).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_0020867.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1617 RE_ Meeting Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0021078.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1626 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (34).msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027624.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1627 RE: IBEC: Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0020627.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1627 RE_ IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Project Description.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0020795.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1653 DEIR Publication Steps.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Alta Cunningham ; PREDEIR_0021025.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1719 FW_ IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (2).msg Peter Puglese Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0020766.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1719 FW IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Peter Puglese Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0021530.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1730 IBEC construction information .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Olivia Chan ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0020540.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1730 Attch: IBEC Construction 8.6.19.pdf PREDEIR_0020541.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1736 Re: Meeting Request.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020626.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1736 Re Meeting Request.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020868.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1935 Re_ IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (1).msg Louis Atwell Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0020780.pdf
Correspondence 20190806-1935 Re IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Louis Atwell Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021837.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-0829 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (231).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0021836.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-0829 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (31).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_027623.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-0852 FW_ IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020767.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-0852 Attch: 190731a IBEC Traffic Migitation Measures Update.xlsx PREDEIR_0020768.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1045 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (26).msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese PREDEIR_023880.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1051 Re_ IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Peter Puglese Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020781.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1136 Example NOA.msg Mindala Wilcox Alta Cunningham ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026118.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1136 Attch: Notice of Availability.Inglewood TOD.doc PREDEIR_026119.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1136 Attch: 2016 09 PC Crusader Notice_r2.docx PREDEIR_026120.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1139 FW IBEC EIR Summary.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0020819.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1139 FW_ IBEC EIR Summary.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0021032.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1304 2pm call today.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021018.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1326 IBEC EIR approximate page count.msg Alta Cunningham;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020620.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1326 IBEC EIR approximate page count.msg Alta Cunningham; Mindala Wilcox ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020838.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1326 IBEC EIR approximate page count.msg Alta Cunningham;; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0021040.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1326 IBEC EIR approximate page count.msg Alta Cunningham; Mindala Wilcox; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026121.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1520 Lot Layout for Inglewood Well 8 + design consideration.....872019.msg Thomas Lee Lee, Adrian' PREDEIR_0020751.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1520 Attch: ParcelMap Well 8 Lot Layout.pdf PREDEIR_0020752.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1552 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0020758.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1552 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020759.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1552 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PREDEIR_0022174.pdf
Correspondence 20190807-1552 Attch: 08.05.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0022175.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-0845 Re Email to Linda Bradley.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024176.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1006 RE Emergency Vehicle Access During Special Events-Request for Meeting (1).msg Mohammad Naser (CHMC) Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024177.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1039 Lets chat after this Conference Call about Centinela Hospital Access Matter.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020800.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1041 RE_ Lets chat after this Conference Call about Centinela Hospital Access Matter.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021077.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1057 FW_ Emergency Vehicle Access During Special Events-Request for Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021030.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1106 RE_ Emergency Vehicle Access During Special Events-Request for Meeting (11).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' PREDEIR_0020801.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1106 RE_ Emergency Vehicle Access During Special Events-Request for Meeting.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' PREDEIR_0020802.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1106 RE Emergency Vehicle Access During Special Events-Request for Meeting.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024178.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1108 RE_ Emergency Vehicle Access During Special Events-Request for Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021066.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1136 Section Comments.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Tay Via ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0021394.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1145 Appendices.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0020619.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1747 IBEC Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; 'Gordon Anderson' PREDEIR_0020832.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1747 IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021044.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-1747 IBEC Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022012.pdf
Correspondence 20190808-2347 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (3).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020853.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1102 IBEC Transportation Mitigation Measures.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020836.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1102 IBEC_ Transportation Mitigation Measures.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021046.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1113 Re IBEC Transportation Mitigation Measures (2).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020862.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1113 Re_ IBEC_ Transportation Mitigation Measures (9).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021075.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1113 Re IBEC Transportation Mitigation Measures (24).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023879.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1117 Re IBEC Transportation Mitigation Measures (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020861.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1117 Re_ IBEC_ Transportation Mitigation Measures (8).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021074.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1117 Re IBEC Transportation Mitigation Measures (23).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023878.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1121 RE_ IBEC_ Transportation Mitigation Measures.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0020796.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1121 RE_ IBEC_ Transportation Mitigation Measures.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021076.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1354 Re_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation (7).msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021071.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1354 Re IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (28).msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022050.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1736 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft Summary Table.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0020778.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1736 IBEC: Screencheck Draft Summary Table.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0020921.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1736 IBEC Screencheck Draft Summary Table.msg Brian Boxer Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021286.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1803 IBEC Conceptual Floor Plans and Sections .msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0021290.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1803 Attch: IBEC Conceptual Design Sections.pdf PREDEIR_0021291.pdf
Correspondence 20190809-1803 Attch: IBEC Conceptual Design Floor Plans.pdf PREDEIR_0021292.pdf
Correspondence 20190810-0718 Well Site.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0020869.pdf
Correspondence 20190810-0718 Well Site.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020920.pdf
Correspondence 20190810-1948 Salter noise study.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0021391.pdf
Correspondence 20190810-1948 Salter noise study.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024210.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1155 Re IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (15).msg Artie Fields Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021055.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1155 Re_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation (6).msg Artie Fields Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021070.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1155 Re IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (27).msg Artie Fields Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0022049.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1209 IBEC Administrative Record Procedures Follow-Up.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021039.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1209 IBEC Administrative Record Procedures Follow-Up.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0022013.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1242 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (14).msg Gordon Anderson Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021054.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1242 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (26).msg Gordon Anderson Artie Fields ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0022048.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1248 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (13).msg Artie Fields Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021053.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1248 RE_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation (5).msg Artie Fields Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021069.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1248 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (25).msg Artie Fields Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0022047.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1557 RE_ IBEC_ FAA Meeting .msg Christopher E. Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021015.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1557 RE IBEC FAA Meeting .msg Christopher E. Jackson Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021052.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1557 RE IBEC FAA Meeting .msg Christopher E. Jackson Lisa Trifiletti' ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0022042.pdf
Correspondence 20190812-1757 Fwd_ City of Inglewood - Emergency Access Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti - on behalf of - Rosalba Cambria (CHMC) Louis A. Atwell ;;; PREDEIR_0021038.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-0000 Memo from Fehr and Peers re Supplemental Existing Conditions Information PREDEIR_0021135.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-0000 Memor from Fehr and Peers re Project Travel Demand Estimate PREDEIR_0021136.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-0000 Memor from Fehr and Peers re Vehicle Miles Travel Analysis PREDEIR_0021137.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-0822 FW IBEC Website Review.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of - Lisa Maier Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021027.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-0822 FW_ IBEC Website Review.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Lisa Maier Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021033.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-0822 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Website Review.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Maier PREDEIR_0021050.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1044 RE: Well Site.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0020911.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1044 RE Well Site (4).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021060.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1054 RE: Well Site.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0020910.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1054 RE Well Site.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0021061.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1210 ESA DeliverIt (4).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027293.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1332 ESA DeliverIt (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027292.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1454 Confidential Attorney Client Communication IBEC Follow UP Noise Question.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0021247.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1454 Attch: RE_ Question.msg Tom Gaul Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0021248.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1454 Attch: Preliminary Count Summary-Thursday_Friday.pdf PREDEIR_0021249.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1454 Attch: Preliminary Count Summary-Saturday_Sunday.pdf PREDEIR_0021250.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1524 Salter Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021392.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1524 Attch: Hollywood Park (14-0718) Results of Acoustical Modeling.pdf PREDEIR_0021393.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1527 RE Salter Report.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021390.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1527 RE Salter Report.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024203.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1548 ESA DeliverIt (2).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027291.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1740 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021058.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1740 RE_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021072.pdf
Correspondence 20190813-1740 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (16).msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0022044.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-0845 Request to view Clippers proposals.msg Angel Leon-Martell PREDEIR_0021108.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1113 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (17).msg Artie Fields Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021093.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1113 RE_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation (9).msg Artie Fields Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021119.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1116 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (16).msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0021092.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1116 RE_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation (8).msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0021118.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1205 Re IBEC Administrative Record Preparation.msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0021095.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1205 Re_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation.msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0021121.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1205 Re IBEC Administrative Record Preparation.msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0022052.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1612 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0020947.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1612 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020948.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1804 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation (14).msg Artie Fields Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021091.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1804 RE_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation (6).msg Artie Fields Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021117.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1913 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0021094.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1913 RE_ IBEC_ Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0021120.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-1913 RE IBEC Administrative Record Preparation .msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0022051.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-2107 IBEC_ Screencheck Draft EIR Sections .msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021140.pdf
Correspondence 20190814-2107 IBEC: Screencheck Draft EIR Sections .msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021405.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1104 IBEC Meeting with City Manager .msg Gordon Anderson Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0021085.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1104 IBEC Work Session Next Week-Transportation.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021088.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1104 IBEC Work Session Next Week-Transportation.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021109.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1104 IBEC_ Meeting with City Manager (3).msg Gordon Anderson Christopher E. Jackson' PREDEIR_0021128.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1104 IBEC_ Meeting with City Manager .msg Gordon Anderson Christopher E. Jackson' PREDEIR_0021129.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1104 IBEC Work Session Next Week-Transportation.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0021710.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1256 IBEC Record Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021087.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1256 IBEC_ Record Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021114.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1256 IBEC Record Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022017.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1304 RE IBEC Record Coordination (10).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021103.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1304 RE_ IBEC_ Record Coordination (3).msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021126.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1322 RE IBEC Worksession.msg Louis Atwell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021107.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1322 RE IBEC Worksession.msg Louis Atwell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021849.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1333 RE_ IBEC_ Screencheck Draft EIR Sections (2).msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021159.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1333 RE: IBEC: Screencheck Draft EIR Sections .msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021403.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1352 FW Clippers Arena.msg Lisa Trifiletti Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ;; 'Dan Gershwin' ; Loren Montgomery PREDEIR_0022621.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1352 Attch: Clippers Arena.msg Young, Carlette (FAA) Girvin, Raquel (FAA) ; Swann, Tamara A (FAA) ; Garcia, Faviola (FAA) ; Armstrong, Brian (FAA) ; Richardson, Al (FAA) ; Foyle, Dave (FAA) ; Morgan, Thomas C (FAA) ; Cushing, Dave (FAA) PREDEIR_0022622.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1352 Attch: PARKING MAP for 777 S Aviation_2018.10.04.pdf PREDEIR_0022623.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1417 RE_ Clippers Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0021115.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1552 RE IBEC Record Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar' ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021104.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1552 RE_ IBEC_ Record Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0021127.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1615 IBEC Record Coordination .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ;; PREDEIR_0021086.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1615 IBEC_ Record Coordination .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ;; PREDEIR_0021113.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1615 IBEC Record Coordination .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; ''; '' PREDEIR_0022016.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1854 RE IBEC Meeting with City Manager (7).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021101.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1854 RE_ IBEC_ Meeting with City Manager (2).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021132.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-1854 RE_ IBEC_ Meeting with City Manager .msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021133.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-2035 Re IBEC Meeting with City Manager .msg Christopher E. Jackson Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021102.pdf
Correspondence 20190815-2035 Re_ IBEC_ Meeting with City Manager .msg Christopher E. Jackson Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021125.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-0910 RE_ IBEC_ Screencheck Draft EIR Sections .msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021160.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-0910 RE: IBEC: Screencheck Draft EIR Sections .msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021402.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1018 RE_ IBEC_ Screencheck Draft EIR Sections (1).msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021158.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1018 RE: IBEC: Screencheck Draft EIR Sections .msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil PREDEIR_0021401.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1236 IBEC Project renderings.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021301.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1236 Attch: IBEC Aerial 8.5x11.jpg PREDEIR_0021302.jpg
Correspondence 20190816-1236 Attch: IBEC Plaza view 8.5x11.jpg PREDEIR_0021303.jpg
Correspondence 20190816-1311 RE: IBEC Project renderings.msg Addie Farrell Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021396.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1400 IBEC DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0021084.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1400 IBEC_ DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_0021112.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1402 RE IBEC DEIR Copies (4).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021099.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1402 RE_ IBEC_ DEIR Copies (2).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021123.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1408 RE IBEC DEIR Copies (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021098.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1408 RE_ IBEC_ DEIR Copies (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021122.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1733 RE IBEC DEIR Copies (2).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0021097.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1733 RE_ IBEC_ DEIR Copies (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' PREDEIR_0021130.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1733 RE_ IBEC_ DEIR Copies.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' PREDEIR_0021131.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1802 RE IBEC DEIR Copies (1).msg Unspecified Sender Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0021096.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1804 RE IBEC DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021100.pdf
Correspondence 20190816-1804 RE_ IBEC_ DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0021124.pdf
Correspondence 20190818-1517 Transportation .msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; John Gard PREDEIR_024962.pdf
Correspondence 20190818-2059 Re EXTERNAL IBEC Stone Planning Report (3).msg Gershwin, Dan Whit Manley PREDEIR_0022036.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1023 IBEC Transportation.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0021709.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1023 IBEC Transportation (2).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022030.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1023 IBEC Transportation.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022032.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1023 IBEC Transportation.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tom Gaul ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022862.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1026 IBEC Air Quality GHG Noise Energy1.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0022020.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1026 IBEC Air Quality_ GHG_ Noise_ Energy (5).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0022021.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1026 IBEC Air Quality GHG Noise Energy (6).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0022832.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1028 IBEC Summary (4).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022026.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1028 IBEC Summary1.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022029.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1028 IBEC Summary 5.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022860.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1030 IBEC EIR TBD.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0021695.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1030 IBEC EIR TBD 1.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022024.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1030 IBEC EIR TBD.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022025.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1030 IBEC EIR TBD (4).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022841.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Air Quality GHG Noise Energy.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0021675.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Summary.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0021703.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Air Quality GHG Noise Energy.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0022019.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Air Quality_ GHG_ Noise_ Energy.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0022022.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Summary 1.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022027.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Summary.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022028.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Air Quality GHG Noise Energy.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton PREDEIR_0022833.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1031 IBEC Summary 3.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross PREDEIR_0022859.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1032 Are you joining the 10_30 call_.msg Catherine Aguilar Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0021999.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1033 IBEC - Status of Record Gathering.msg Catherine Aguilar Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022018.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1421 Automatic reply_ IBEC Record - City of Inglewood Documents.msg Mindala Wilcox Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0022149.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1700 Re City of Inglewood - Emergency Access Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Rosalba Cambria (CHMC) PREDEIR_024157.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1816 IBEC Communication Protocol Update.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022014.pdf
Correspondence 20190819-1816 IBEC Communication Protocol Update1.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022015.pdf
Correspondence 20190820-0849 Re_ IBEC Transportation (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0022058.pdf
Correspondence 20190820-1024 IBEC Transportation 1.msg Christopher E. Jackson - on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0022031.pdf
Correspondence 20190820-1054 Fwd IBEC Transportation.msg Christopher E. Jackson- on behalf of - Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0022010.pdf
Correspondence 20190820-1736 IBEC Project--NBA Scheduling Letter.msg Gershwin, Dan Tiffany Wright; Whitman F. Manley PREDEIR_026787.pdf
Correspondence 20190820-1736 Attch: 2019.05.16 NBA Scheduling Letter-c.pdf PREDEIR_026788.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-0000 Letter from M. Naser, COO of Centinela Hospital, to Mindy Wilcox, Planning, City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0022293.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1448 Inglewood Stadium.msg Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Molina, Rafael A@DOT ; Duong, Frances M@DOT ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT ; Chen, Allen Z@DOT ; Tan, Siew Mei@DOT PREDEIR_0022245.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1453 Fw_ Inglewood Stadium.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022220.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1521 RE Inglewood Stadium - Confirmation.msg Lisa Trifiletti Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Molina, Rafael A@DOT ; Chen, Allen Z@DOT ; Horn, Sarah S@DOT ; Tan, Siew Mei@DOT ; Duong, Frances M@DOT ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT PREDEIR_0022266.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1614 RE meeting with (2).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Netai Basu ; John Gard PREDEIR_024194.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1619 RE meeting with (1).msg Peter Puglese Tom Gaul ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Netai Basu ; John Gard PREDEIR_024193.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1621 Re meeting with .msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024197.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1701 Fw_ Clippers Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022209.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1701 Clippers Arena (809 KB).msg Young, Carlette (FAA) Girvin, Raquel (FAA) ; Swann, Tamara A (FAA) ; Garcia, Faviola (FAA) ; Armstrong, Brian (FAA) ; Richardson, Al (FAA) ; Foyle, Dave (FAA) ; Morgan, Thomas C (FAA) ; Cushing, Dave (FAA) PREDEIR_0022210.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1701 Attch: PARKING MAP for 777 S Aviation_2018.10.04.pdf PREDEIR_0022211.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1703 IBEC EIR TBD (13).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022231.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1703 IBEC EIR TBD (1).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022840.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1703 IBEC Summary.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_024864.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1706 IBEC EIR TBD.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022232.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1706 IBEC EIR TBD.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022440.pdf
Correspondence 20190821-1706 IBEC EIR TBD.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell ; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jessica Mares ; Melissa Gross ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_0022842.pdf
Correspondence 20190822-0847 IBEC Reminder to UpLoad Emails Documents.msg Gordon Anderson Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0022230.pdf
Correspondence 20190822-0847 IBEC_ Reminder to UpLoad Emails_Documents.msg Gordon Anderson Louis A. Atwell ' PREDEIR_0022243.pdf
Correspondence 20190822-0910 IBEC Reminder to Upload Emails Documents for Clippers Murphys Bowl project.msg Gordon Anderson Bettye Griffith PREDEIR_0022228.pdf
Correspondence 20190822-0910 Attch: IBEC_ Communication Protocol Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Aisha Thompson ; Bettye Griffith ; Bruce Gridley ; Cardell Hurt ; Catherine Aguilar ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; David L. Esparza ; Diana Andrade ; Fred Jackson ; Isabel Soto ; Jeffery A. Lewis ; Joi Aldridge ; Jose O. Cortes ; Ken Campos ; Lawanda Richardson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis Atwell ; Louis Perez ; Maria Heaney ; Mark Fronterotta ; Matthew Chambers ; Maurice Hernandez ; Melanie McDade Dickens ; Michael Pan ; Patricia McNish ; Peter Puglese ; Royce Jones ; Sabrina Barnes ; Sharon Koike ; Stephanie Maldonado ; Teresa Sanford ; Tiffany Wright ;; Tony Nguyen ; Tunisia Johnson ; Whit Manley ; Yakema Decatur ; Yvonne Horton PREDEIR_0022229.pdf
Correspondence 20190822-1317 FW Murphys Bowl - Apporved 07 23 19.msg Cheryl Moore Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022207.pdf
Correspondence 20190822-1759 Fw_ IBEC_ Alternatives Discussion.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022219.pdf
Correspondence 20190823-1412 IBEC_ Displacement Study.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022235.pdf
Correspondence 20190823-1412 IBEC_ Displacement Study.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022346.pdf
Correspondence 20190823-1459 IBEC NOA Noticing.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022227.pdf
Correspondence 20190823-1459 IBEC_ NOA Noticing.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022240.pdf
Correspondence 20190823-1459 IBEC_ NOA Noticing.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022347.pdf
Correspondence 20190823-1622 2018.05.23 NDS count approval.pdf PREDEIR_0022382.pdf
Correspondence 20190825-1803 RE_ IBEC DRAFT FAA Exhibits for Discussion Only (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0022349.pdf
Correspondence 20190825-2104 RE_ IBEC DRAFT FAA Exhibits for Discussion Only.msg Chris Holmquist Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022350.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-0000 Letter from David Cushing, Los Angeles Airports, to Mayor James Butts, City of Inglewood PREDEIR_0022294.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-0935 Re IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Henrik Nazarian Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022475.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-0935 RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Henrik Nazarian Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027627.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-1611 RE_ IBEC_ Reminder to Upload Emails_Documents for Clippers_Murphys Bowl project.msg Diana Andrade Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022510.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-1616 2018.04.26 NDS counting approval.pdf PREDEIR_0022381.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-1658 RE_ IBEC_ Reminder to Upload Emails_Documents for Clippers_Murphys Bowl project (1) (1).msg Gordon Anderson Diana Andrade' PREDEIR_0022508.pdf
Correspondence 20190826-1658 RE_ IBEC_ Reminder to Upload Emails_Documents for Clippers_Murphys Bowl project (1).msg Gordon Anderson Diana Andrade' PREDEIR_0022509.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1217 IBEC_ Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022523.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1217 IBEC_ Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022598.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1242 RE IBEC Transportation.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026810.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1327 RE_ IBEC_ Transportation.msg Addie Farrell Gershwin, Dan ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0022543.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1510 IBEC 3 1.msg Brian Boxer Steve Smith ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_0022829.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1632 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (14).msg Henrik Nazarian Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0023661.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1632 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (15).msg Henrik Nazarian Victor Nunez ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027661.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1636 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (13).msg Peter Puglese Henrik Nazarian ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0023660.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1638 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (14).msg Henrik Nazarian Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_027660.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1643 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (11).msg Peter Puglese Henrik Nazarian ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0023658.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1644 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Henrik Nazarian Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_0023662.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1644 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1 (13).msg Henrik Nazarian Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez PREDEIR_027659.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1647 RE RE IBEC Draft Traffic Mitigation Measures Update 1.msg Henrik Nazarian Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027662.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1803 IBEC_ Air Quality.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; 'John Gard '; 'Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers '; 'Netai Basu '; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022521.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1803 IBEC_ Air Quality.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; 'John Gard '; 'Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers '; 'Netai Basu '; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022592.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1832 IBEC_ Noise.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; 'John Gard '; 'Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers '; 'Netai Basu '; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022522.pdf
Correspondence 20190827-1832 IBEC_ Noise.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; 'John Gard '; 'Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers '; 'Netai Basu '; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022597.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1144 RE IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0023581.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1144 Attch: appendix_k.5(cmp)(08-18-19).docx PREDEIR_0023582.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1144 Attch: appendix_k.5(cmp)(08-18-19).pdf PREDEIR_0023583.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1418 Freeway Analysis Thresholds.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0022616.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1418 Attch: Freeway Analysis Thresholds and Approach for the IBEC Project EIR.PDF PREDEIR_0022617.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1649 IBEC Summary.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil PREDEIR_0022635.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1649 IBEC Summary.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil PREDEIR_0022861.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1656 Tomorrows collab meeting.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0022641.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1702 Table 3 7-10.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Robert B. Hodil PREDEIR_0022966.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1739 RE IBEC Summary.msg Gerard McCallum Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022637.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1739 RE_ IBEC Summary.msg Gerard McCallum Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022640.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1739 RE_ IBEC Summary.msg Gerard McCallum Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Chris Holmquist ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0022689.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1740 FW: IBEC Summary.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_0022730.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1754 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022724.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1754 Attch; 3.14_Transportation_Part 1_Screencheck_8 26 19.docx PREDEIR_0022725.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1754 Attch: 3.14_Transportation_Part2_Screencheck_OUT TO F&P.docx PREDEIR_0022726.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1754 Attch: IBEC TMP v3 8 26 19.docx PREDEIR_0022727.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-1824 IBEC Air Quality Noise GHG.msg Christina Erwin Heidi Rous ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_0023540.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-2037 IBEC Energy Section.msg Hodil, Robert B. Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026775.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-2037 Attch: 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation_Screencheck_08282019-c.docx PREDEIR_026776.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-2352 IBEC_ Greenhouse Gas Emissions.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022675.pdf
Correspondence 20190828-2352 IBEC: Greenhouse Gas Emissions.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; 'Dennis Kanuk '; 'Loren Montgomery '; ''; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0022722.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-0527 RE EXTERNAL IBEC Air Quality Noise GHG.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027279.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-0930 IBEC Air QualityNoiseGHG 2.msg Christina Erwin Heidi Rous ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_0023541.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1242 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Air Quality Noise GHG.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0022636.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1336 Attch: SPONSOR.3.14_Transportation_Part2_Screencheck_OUT [C. Erwin 8.27.2019 Email] (copy).docx PREDEIR_026786.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1336 IBEC Project Transportation Part 2 Comments.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026785.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1434 FW: IBEC Project: Transportation Part 2 Comments.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_0022718.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1434 Attch: SPONSOR.3.14_Transportation_Part 2_Screencheck_OUT [C. Erwin 8.27.2019 Email] (copy).docx PREDEIR_0022719.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1539 ESA DeliverIt (1).msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027290.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1712 IBEC Project AQ Comments.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026777.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1712 Attch: SPONSOR.3.2 Air Quality Screencheck_08272019 [C Erwin 8.27.2019 Email] (copy).docx PREDEIR_026778.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1815 Attch: SPONSOR.3.14_Transportation_Part 1_Screencheck_8 26 19 [C Erwin 8.27.2019 Email] (copy).docx PREDEIR_026784.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1815 IBEC Project Transportation Part 1 Comments.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026783.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-1942 IBEC AQ.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_0022834.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-2052 Attch: SPONSOR.IBEC TMP v3 8 26 19 [A. Farrell 8.27.2019 Email].docx PREDEIR_026818.pdf
Correspondence 20190829-2052 RE IBEC Project Transportation TMP Comments.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026817.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-0903 FW IBEC Project Transportation TMP Comments (13).msg Whit Manley Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; 'Gordon Anderson '; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0022800.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-0903 Attch: SPONSOR.IBEC TMP v3 8 26 19 [A. Farrell 8.27.2019 Email].docx PREDEIR_0022801.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1229 IBEC Letter from D Kumar to M Wilcox City of Inglewood .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0022633.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1229 Attch: Deven Kumar Letter to City of Inglewood .pdf PREDEIR_0022634.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1229 IBEC Letter from D Kumar to M Wilcox City of Inglewood .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0022845.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1229 Attch: Deven Kumar Letter to City of Inglewood .pdf PREDEIR_0022846.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1506 IBEC EIR Publication Schedule (2).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Alta Cunningham ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Dameron ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0022631.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1506 IBEC EIR Publication Schedule (1).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Alta Cunningham ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Dameron ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0022835.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1532 IBEC EIR Publication Schedule.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0022632.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1532 IBEC EIR Publication Schedule.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0022990.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1533 IBEC EIR Publication Schedule.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0022836.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1626 IBEC Project Project Description Edits.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026781.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1626 Attch: SPONSOR.2.0 Project Description_Screencheck_08142019 [A Farrell 8.14.2019 Email]-c.DOCX PREDEIR_026782.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1629 IBEC Meeting.msg Lijin Sun Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous PREDEIR_0022668.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1901 Re IBEC Extension of DEIR Publication Date.msg Louis Atwell Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023645.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1929 Centinela Hospital -- EMS Service Area.msg Molly Lawson (CHMC) Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0022614.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-1929 Attch: 1026220_HOSP_SrvcB_CNT_030117 -- Updated EMS.pdf PREDEIR_0022615.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-2133 IBEC Project Introduction (1 0).msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026779.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-2133 Attch: SPONSOR.1.0 Introduction_Screencheck_08152019 [A Farrell 8.14.2019 Email]-c.docx PREDEIR_026780.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-2149 Attch: SPONSOR.3.10 Land Use_Screencheck_08142019 [A Farrell 8.14.2019 Email]-c.docx PREDEIR_026820.pdf
Correspondence 20190830-2149 RE IBEC Project Land Use (3 10).msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026819.pdf
Correspondence 20190831-1533 IBEC Alternatives Chapter.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_024862.pdf
Correspondence 20190831-1533 Attch: 6.0 Alternatives Screencheck 8-31-19.docx PREDEIR_024863.pdf
Correspondence 20190901-0929 RE IBEC Alternatives Chapter.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026811.pdf
Correspondence 20190901-0929 Attch: SPONSOR.6.0 Alternatives Screencheck 8-31-19 [B Boxer 8.31.2019 Email].docx PREDEIR_026812.pdf
Correspondence 20190901-0939 Re IBEC Alternatives Chapter.msg Brian Boxer Gershwin, Dan PREDEIR_024932.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1040 Summary Meeting Appointment.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Alta Cunningham PREDEIR_0022965.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1040 Summary.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Alta Cunningham PREDEIR_0023006.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1431 IBEC Email Address (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Matthew Chambers ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0022988.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1431 IBEC Email Address.msg Mindala Wilcox Matthew Chambers ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0022989.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1431 IBEC_ Email Address.msg Mindala Wilcox Matthew Chambers ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0022991.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1433 RE Summary (1).msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023002.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1433 RE_ Summary (1).msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023004.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1433 RE Summary.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024957.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1437 RE Summary.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0023486.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1455 RE Summary.msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0023003.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1455 RE_ Summary.msg Lisa Trifiletti Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0023005.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1458 Summary.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Alta Cunningham PREDEIR_024960.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1554 Permit question.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0023429.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1555 FW Permit question.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_029418.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1602 Re City of Inglewood - Clippers Stadium (1).msg Constance Turner Ramiro Martinez ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0022992.pdf
Correspondence 20190903-1745 FW_ City of Inglewood - Clippers Stadium.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0022987.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0859 RE IBEC Email Address (6).msg Christopher E. Jackson Matthew Chambers ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0022999.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0859 RE IBEC Email Address (7).msg Christopher E. Jackson Matthew Chambers ; Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_0023193.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0911 RE IBEC Email Address (5).msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0022998.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0911 RE_ IBEC_ Email Address (8).msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0023215.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0930 RE IBEC Email Address (4).msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0022997.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0930 RE IBEC Email Address.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0023194.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-0930 RE_ IBEC_ Email Address.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0023216.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1014 RE IBEC Email Address (3).msg Christopher E. Jackson Maurice Hernandez ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0022996.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1016 RE IBEC Email Address (2).msg Maurice Hernandez Christopher E. Jackson ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0022995.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1017 Reminder to Upload to Murphys Bowl Drive (2).msg Gordon Anderson Peter Puglese' PREDEIR_0023226.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1017 Reminder to Upload to Murphys Bowl Drive.msg Gordon Anderson Peter Puglese' PREDEIR_0023227.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1018 RE IBEC Email Address (1).msg Christopher E. Jackson Maurice Hernandez ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0022994.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1029 RE IBEC Email Address.msg Maurice Hernandez Christopher E. Jackson ; Matthew Chambers PREDEIR_0023000.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1032 RE Permit question (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0023481.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1101 RE Permit question.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024201.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1106 RE Permit question.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0023483.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1159 Reminder to Upload to Murphy’s Bowl Drive.msg Gordon Anderson Louis A. Atwell PREDEIR_0023225.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1258 RE_ Reminder to Upload to Murphys Bowl Drive.msg Peter Puglese Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023223.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1315 Re_ Reminder to Upload to Murphys Bowl Drive (1).msg Gordon Anderson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0023222.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1633 Final Screencheck Draft Summary Chapter.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_0023394.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-1633 Attch: _Summary_Screencheck_09042019.docx PREDEIR_0023395.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-2012 FW Final Screencheck Draft Summary Chapter.msg Brian Boxer Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0023401.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-2012 Attch: _Summary_Screencheck_09042019.docx PREDEIR_0023402.pdf
Correspondence 20190904-2012 Summary.msg Brian Boxer Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_0023489.pdf
Correspondence 20190905-1221 District 1 Meeting Wednesday 9 11 2019 6 30pm.msg Gwen Goodman Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0022984.pdf
Correspondence 20190905-1243 RE District 1 Meeting Wednesday 9 11 2019 6 30pm.msg Christopher E. Jackson Gwen Goodman PREDEIR_0022993.pdf
Correspondence 20190905-1718 IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Michael H. Tate PREDEIR_0023183.pdf
Correspondence 20190905-1718 IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento .msg Mindala Wilcox Michael H. Tate PREDEIR_0023184.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1041 Public Access Question (1).msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023191.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1041 Public Access Question.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0023192.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1041 Public Access Question.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0023431.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1045 FW: IBEC Sound Wall Plan.msg Olivia Chan IBECproject PREDEIR_0023040.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1045 Attch: IBEC Sound Barrier Design Detail 6.13.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023041.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1216 RE Public Access Question.msg Gordon Anderson Brian Boxer' ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023210.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1216 RE_ Public Access Question.msg Gordon Anderson Brian Boxer' ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023221.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1605 IBEC EIR Schedule 9_6_19.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023101.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1605 IBEC EIR Schedule 9 6 19.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023423.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1608 FW: IBEC EIR Schedule 9/6/19.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_0023038.pdf
Correspondence 20190906-1709 Appendices Distribution.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum II PREDEIR_0023163.pdf
Correspondence 20190907-1041 IBEC Flip Through.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0023037.pdf
Correspondence 20190907-1041 IBEC Flip Through.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023187.pdf
Correspondence 20190907-1205 IBEC Report Preparers.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023036.pdf
Correspondence 20190907-1205 IBEC Report Preparers (1).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023188.pdf
Correspondence 20190907-1205 IBEC Report Preparers.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023189.pdf
Correspondence 20190908-1759 FW IBEC Report Preparers.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023173.pdf
Correspondence 20190908-1759 FW_ IBEC Report Preparers (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023177.pdf
Correspondence 20190908-1759 FW_ IBEC Report Preparers.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023178.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-0807 RE: IBEC Flip Through.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0023119.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-0808 RE IBEC Flip Through.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_0023206.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-0842 IBEC EIR Availability (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0023181.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-0842 IBEC EIR Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0023182.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-0842 IBEC_ EIR Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0023190.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-0957 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (13) (1).msg Michael H. Tate Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023168.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1023 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (12).msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0023167.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1023 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (15).msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields PREDEIR_0023170.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1046 RE: IBEC Report Preparers.msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023118.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1046 RE IBEC Report Preparers (10).msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin' ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023208.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1046 RE_ IBEC Report Preparers (3).msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin' ; 'Mindy Wilcox ' PREDEIR_0023213.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1046 RE_ IBEC Report Preparers (4).msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin' ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023214.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1052 RE: IBEC Report Preparers.msg Christina Erwin Gordon Anderson ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023117.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1052 RE IBEC Report Preparers (9).msg Christina Erwin Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023207.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1118 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (8).msg Mindala Wilcox Michael H. Tate PREDEIR_0023166.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1118 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (13).msg Mindala Wilcox Michael H. Tate PREDEIR_0023169.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1145 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento (1).msg Bianca Plascencia Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023165.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1211 RE: IBEC Report Preparers.msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023116.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1211 RE IBEC Report Preparers.msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin' ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023209.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1211 RE_ IBEC Report Preparers (1).msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin' ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023211.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1211 RE_ IBEC Report Preparers (2).msg Gordon Anderson Christina Erwin' ; 'Mindy Wilcox' PREDEIR_0023212.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1508 IBEC Revised Schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Gerard McCallum '; ''; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil ' PREDEIR_0023114.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1508 Attch: IBEC Draft EIR Schedule 9-9-19.pdf PREDEIR_0023115.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1508 IBEC Revised Schedule.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Catherine Aguilar ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Gerard McCallum '; ''; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil ' PREDEIR_0023153.pdf
Correspondence 20190909-1508 Attch: IBEC Draft EIR Schedule 9-9-19.pdf PREDEIR_0023154.pdf
Correspondence 20190910-1601 IBEC Flip - Conference Call.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023186.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-0814 Attch: IBEC Stack.jpg PREDEIR_0023156.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-0814 Attch: IBEC Laid Out.jpg PREDEIR_0023157.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-0814 IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023155.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-0814 IBEC: Flip-Through EIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023328.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-0814 Attch: IBEC Stack.jpg PREDEIR_0023329.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-0814 Attch: IBEC Laid Out.jpg PREDEIR_0023330.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-1029 Fw IBEC Flip - Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0023336.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1029 Fw IBEC Flip - Conference Call.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_0023619.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1030 Attch: IBEC Stack.jpg PREDEIR_0023151.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-1030 Attch: IBEC Laid Out.jpg PREDEIR_0023152.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-1030 Fw_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023150.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1159 Re IBEC Re Suggestion to 7 0 List of Preparers.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023356.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1159 Re_ IBEC_ Re_ Suggestion to 7_0 List of Preparers.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_0023362.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1227 Fw IBEC Flip-Through EIR (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_029404.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1227 Attch: IBEC Stack.jpg PREDEIR_029405.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-1227 Attch: IBEC Laid Out.jpg PREDEIR_029406.jpg
Correspondence 20190911-1429 FW Certificate of Insurance.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_0023528.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1429 Attch: City of Inglewood Cert.pdf PREDEIR_0023529.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1518 RE_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR--Transportation Edits.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023296.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1518 Attch: 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023297.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1518 RE: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR--Transportation Edits.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023326.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1518 Attch: 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023327.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1518 RE IBEC Flip-Through EIR--Transportation Edits.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023353.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1518 Attch: 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023354.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1534 Fw_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR--Transportation Edits.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_0023266.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1534 Attch: 3.14 Transportation and Circulation PREDEIR_0023267.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1615 IBEC Re EIR Documents for Council.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023343.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1615 IBEC Re_ EIR Documents for Council (3).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023345.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1615 IBEC Re_ EIR Documents for Council.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023346.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1630 IBEC Flip - Conference Call (1).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023185.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1630 IBEC Flip - Conference Call.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023325.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1630 IBEC Flip - Conference Call.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; 'Gerard McCallum '; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023341.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1703 IBEC call 9_12.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0023268.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1703 IBEC call 9/12.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0023324.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1703 IBEC call 9 12.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECproject ; Catherine Aguilar PREDEIR_0023340.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1703 IBEC Meeting Tomorro.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_0023342.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1749 RE_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR--GHG Section (6).msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023291.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1749 Attch: SPONSOR.Greenhouse Gas Emissions-c-c.pdf PREDEIR_0023292.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1749 RE: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR--GHG Section.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023322.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1749 Attch: SPONSOR.Greenhouse Gas Emissions-c-c.pdf PREDEIR_0023323.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1756 RE_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR--GHG Section.msg Brian Boxer Gershwin, Dan ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023293.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1756 RE: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR--GHG Section.msg Brian Boxer Gershwin, Dan ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023321.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1756 RE IBEC Flip-Through EIR--GHG Section.msg Brian Boxer Gershwin, Dan ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Loren Montgomery '; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023472.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1800 Fw IBEC Flip-Through EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0023405.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1800 Attch: DOC257.PDF PREDEIR_0023406.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1800 Attch: DOC256.PDF PREDEIR_0023407.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1800 Attch: DOC255.PDF PREDEIR_0023408.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1800 Attch: DOC258.PDF PREDEIR_0023409.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Re_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR Aesthetics and PD figures (5).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023285.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Attch: Section 3.1 Aesthetics sponsor.pdf PREDEIR_0023286.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Attch: IBEC Lane Closure Diagram rev 2[3][1].pdf PREDEIR_0023287.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Attch: IBEC Conceptual Sign Locations [2][1].pdf PREDEIR_0023288.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Re: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR Aesthetics and PD figures.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023316.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Attch: Section 3.1 Aesthetics sponsor.pdf PREDEIR_0023317.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Attch: IBEC Lane Closure Diagram rev 2[3][1].pdf PREDEIR_0023318.pdf
Correspondence 20190911-1853 Attch: IBEC Conceptual Sign Locations [2][1].pdf PREDEIR_0023319.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-0837 Canceled_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; PREDEIR_0023261.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1405 FW IBEC Travel Arrangements to Sacramento .msg Christopher E. Jackson Phoebe Allen PREDEIR_0023171.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Re_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR (3).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023278.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Attch: 3.11 Noise SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023279.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Attch: 6.0 Project Alternatives SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023280.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Attch: Summary SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023281.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Re: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023312.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Attch: 3.11 Noise SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023313.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Attch: 6.0 Project Alternatives SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023314.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1423 Attch: Summary SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023315.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1510 RE_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR--Project Variants (5_0) Comments.msg Gershwin, Dan Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023294.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1510 Attch: SPONSOR5.0_Project_Variants_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023295.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1510 RE: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR--Project Variants (5.0) Comments.msg Gershwin, Dan Dennis Kanuk ; Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Via, Tay ; Hodil, Robert B. ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023310.pdf
Correspondence 20190912-1510 Attch: SPONSOR5.0_Project_Variants_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023311.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-0759 Re IBEC Schedule question.msg Phalee Kim Christina Erwin ; Gary Gick ; Melissa Gross ; Joel Miller PREDEIR_026177.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1416 Re_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR (1).msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023274.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1416 Attch: 2.3 Air Quality SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023275.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1416 Re: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR.msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023308.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1416 Attch: 2.3 Air Quality SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023309.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1440 Re_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR .msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023282.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1440 Attch: 3.2 Air Quality SPONSOR p.72.pdf PREDEIR_0023283.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1440 Re: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR .msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject PREDEIR_0023306.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1440 Attch: 3.2 Air Quality SPONSOR p.72.pdf PREDEIR_0023307.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1530 FW: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_0023304.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1530 Attch: 3.2 Air Quality SPONSOR p.72.pdf PREDEIR_0023305.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1532 FW: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR--Project Variants (5.0) Comments.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_0023300.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1532 Attch: SPONSOR5.0_Project_Variants_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_0023301.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1532 FW: IBEC: Flip-Through EIR.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_0023302.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1532 Attch: 2.3 Air Quality SPONSOR.pdf PREDEIR_0023303.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1634 IBEC_ List of Preparers.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_0023350.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1654 Re IBEC List of Preparers.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023355.pdf
Correspondence 20190913-1654 Re IBEC List of Preparers.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023473.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-0909 IBEC List of Preparers.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_0023416.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-0909 Attch: List of Preparers_mw edits.PDF PREDEIR_0023417.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1333 Admin Record website.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0023612.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1457 RE IBEC EIR Availability (7).msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0023643.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1457 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Availability (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0023673.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1457 RE IBEC EIR Availability (28).msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_024494.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1459 RE IBEC EIR Availability (6).msg Sabrina Barnes Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023642.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1459 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Availability (4).msg Sabrina Barnes Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023672.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1501 RE_ IBEC_ EIR Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_0023674.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1725 RE_ IBEC-AQMD Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023607.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1733 RE_ IBEC-AQMD Meeting (1).msg Melissa Jaworowski Perla Solis PREDEIR_0023604.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1733 RE IBEC-AQMD Meeting (4).msg Melissa Jaworowski Perla Solis PREDEIR_0023650.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1916 RE_ IBEC-AQMD Meeting (2).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023605.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1916 RE IBEC-AQMD Meeting (3).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0023649.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-1916 RE_ IBEC-AQMD Meeting (1) (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' ; 'Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_0023675.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-2003 RE_ IBEC-AQMD Meeting (3).msg Perla Solis Gordon Anderson ; 'Mindala Wilcox' ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023606.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-2003 RE IBEC-AQMD Meeting (2).msg Perla Solis Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023648.pdf
Correspondence 20190916-2205 ESA DeliverIt.msg Dennis Kanuk Addie Farrell PREDEIR_027298.pdf
Correspondence 20190917-0901 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC-AQMD Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023631.pdf
Correspondence 20190917-0905 Re IBEC-AQMD Meeting.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023652.pdf
Correspondence 20190917-0905 Re_ IBEC-AQMD Meeting (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023676.pdf
Correspondence 20190917-1319 Re_ Admin Record website (1).msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_0023670.pdf
Correspondence 20190917-1320 RE_ Admin Record website.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_0023671.pdf
Correspondence 20190918-0920 Potential Revised Analyses.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP PREDEIR_023757.pdf
Correspondence 20190918-1707 Canceled IBEC Communication Protocol Update.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_023747.pdf
Correspondence 20190919-1023 RE_ IBEC Meeting (1).msg Celia Diamond Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_0023682.pdf
Correspondence 20190925-1601 Fwd_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson ; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_023774.pdf
Correspondence 20190925-1632 FW IBEC EIR Coordination 9 26 Conference Call.msg Catherine Aguilar Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024064.pdf
Correspondence 20190925-1643 Re_ Collaboration Meeting (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023775.pdf
Correspondence 20190925-1726 FW_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson; Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_023773.pdf
Correspondence 20190925-1727 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_023772.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0910 Meeting Request.msg Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_023864.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0910 Meeting Request.msg Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027611.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0921 FW: IBEC: DEIR Copies.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023839.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0922 FW: Collaboration Meeting.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023836.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0923 FW: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023833.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0924 FW: AB 52 Documentation Needs.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023827.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0924 FW: IBEC: AB 987.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023828.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0924 FW: Collaboration Meeting.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023829.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0924 Attch: IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_023830.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0924 FW: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023831.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0943 FW: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Request for Consultation.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023819.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0943 FW: IBEC: Cultural Resources .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023820.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0943 Attch: IBEC AB52 Mtg Min_v1.docx PREDEIR_023821.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0944 FW: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023805.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0944 FW: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023808.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0944 FW: IBEC: AB52 Follow-up meeting scheduled .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_023811.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-0944 Attch: GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS CONSULTATION NOTES_mw edits.pdf PREDEIR_023812.pdf
Correspondence 20190926-1248 Re Meeting Request.msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_023865.pdf
Correspondence 20191001-0943 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023862.pdf
Correspondence 20191002-1101 Inglewood Transportation Management Operations Plan Overview with IBEC Project Team.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Brooks ; Nick VanGunst ; 'Bob Burch' ; Jeffrey Lau ; Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez ;;; 'Harry Frisby' PREDEIR_023932.pdf
Correspondence 20191002-1645 IBEC EIR Coordination 10 3 Agenda Items.msg Catherine Aguilar Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_023863.pdf
Correspondence 20191002-1645 IBEC EIR Coordination 10 3 Agenda Items.msg Catherine Aguilar Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_023900.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-0928 IBEC Draft CC Staff Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_023869.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-0928 Attch: 2019.07.23 Murphys Bowl Phase II Funding Agreement SR.docx PREDEIR_023870.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-1330 RE Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (8).msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027635.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-1611 Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution.msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum ; Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell PREDEIR_027606.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-1612 RE Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution.msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027636.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-1642 Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_023867.pdf
Correspondence 20191007-1741 RE Christian Erwin Invited You to Review Document.msg Peter Puglese Christina Erwin PREDEIR_023903.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0801 Re Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (4).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023875.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0831 RE Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (3).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023874.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0850 RE Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_023873.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0850 RE Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (6).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_027613.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0852 RE Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution (1).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_023872.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0900 RE Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution.msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_023876.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-0902 RE Accepted Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution.msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027614.pdf
Correspondence 20191008-1030 Canceled_ Inglewood Transportation Management Operations Plan Overview with IBEC Project Team.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Brooks ; Nick VanGunst ; 'Bob Burch' ; Jeffrey Lau ; Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez ;;; 'Harry Frisby' PREDEIR_023934.pdf
Correspondence 20191010-1154 Inglewood Community Center.msg Michael Anderson Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_024231.pdf
Correspondence 20191010-1154 Attch: Nico_ComptonCC_3262 (1024x683).jpg PREDEIR_024232.jpg
Correspondence 20191010-1154 Attch: Nico_ComptonCC_3002 (1024x683).jpg PREDEIR_024233.jpg
Correspondence 20191010-1154 Attch: ComptonCC_3959_x (1024x683).jpg PREDEIR_024234.jpg
Correspondence 20191010-1237 RE Inglewood Community Center.msg Christopher E. Jackson Michael Anderson PREDEIR_023955.pdf
Correspondence 20191010-1245 RE Inglewood Community Center (7).msg Michael Anderson Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_024241.pdf
Correspondence 20191011-0932 IBEC Meeting Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024000.pdf
Correspondence 20191014-1213 RE IBEC Augmentation Request to Existing Consultant Services for Proposed Clipper Arena Project .msg Gordon Anderson Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_024236.pdf
Correspondence 20191014-1213 Attch: Augmentation Proposal to Existing Consultant Services for Proposed Clipper Arena Project.pdf PREDEIR_024237.pdf
Correspondence 20191015-1058 invite.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024031.pdf
Correspondence 20191015-1810 RE_ TC_IBEC_FINAL EIR DRAFT AMENDMENT_10152019_pdf.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_024015.pdf
Correspondence 20191015-1810 RE TC_IBEC_FINAL EIR DRAFT AMENDMENT_10152019 pdf.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' PREDEIR_024034.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-0853 IBEC Funding Agreement.msg Evangeline Lane - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ;; Royce Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_024026.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-0853 IBEC Funding Agreement.msg Evangeline Lane - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ;; Royce Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_024224.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1110 Meeting Forward Notification Inglewood ITS System Scheduled Improvements IBEC Contribution.msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_024032.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1723 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Robert Hodil ; John Gard PREDEIR_024033.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1723 RE: Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Robert Hodil ; John Gard PREDEIR_024047.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1741 IBEC staff report (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson' PREDEIR_024027.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1741 Attch: Funding Agmt Staff Report.docx PREDEIR_024028.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1742 IBEC staff report.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024029.pdf
Correspondence 20191016-1742 Attch: Funding Agmt Staff Report.docx PREDEIR_024030.pdf
Correspondence 20191017-1907 IBEC Exhibit.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024039.pdf
Correspondence 20191018-1104 RE: IBEC Exhibit.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024043.pdf
Correspondence 20191018-1104 Attch: Fig2-3_Existing_Uses_Ownership.pdf PREDEIR_024044.pdf
Correspondence 20191018-1241 Re: IBEC Exhibit.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024042.pdf
Correspondence 20191025-1305 Re Time to touch base today by phone (5).msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024322.pdf
Correspondence 20191025-1311 RE Time to touch base today by phone (3).msg Gordon Anderson Loren Montgomery' ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024320.pdf
Correspondence 20191025-1311 RE Time to touch base today by phone (4).msg Mindala Wilcox Loren Montgomery' ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024321.pdf
Correspondence 20191025-1411 Re Time to touch base today by phone (2).msg Loren Montgomery Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024319.pdf
Correspondence 20191025-1420 RE Time to touch base today by phone (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Loren Montgomery' ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024318.pdf
Correspondence 20191025-1729 IBEC Meeting Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024121.pdf
Correspondence 20191027-2218 Conference Call Web-Ex Tomorrow Morning at 10 am.msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024307.pdf
Correspondence 20191028-0717 IBEC Discussion .msg Dennis Kanuk Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_024124.pdf
Correspondence 20191028-0855 FW IBEC Discussion .msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_024218.pdf
Correspondence 20191028-1436 IBEC Augmentation Request for Consultant Services.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024117.pdf
Correspondence 20191028-1436 Attch: Third Updated Augmentation Proposal to Existing Consultant Services for Proposed Clipper Arena Project.pdf PREDEIR_024118.pdf
Correspondence 20191028-1706 IBEC Revised Exhibits to Proposed Consultant Agreement .msg Gordon Anderson Jeffery A. Lewis ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024122.pdf
Correspondence 20191028-1706 Attch: Third Updated Augmentation Proposal to Existing Consultant Services for Proposed Clipper Arena Project v2 Exhibits.pdf PREDEIR_024123.pdf
Correspondence 20191029-1032 Re Inglewood Community Center (1).msg Michael Anderson Christopher E. Jackson ; Michael Anderson PREDEIR_024240.pdf
Correspondence 20191030-1047 Parks and Rec Conference room request.msg Cynthia Robinson Stephanie Maldonado PREDEIR_024235.pdf
Correspondence 20191031-1431 IBEC Latest and Greatest staff report.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024220.pdf
Correspondence 20191031-1431 Attch: Funding Agmt Staff Report 11-5-19 PREDEIR_024221.pdf
Correspondence 20191031-1431 IBEC_ Latest and Greatest staff report.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024227.pdf
Correspondence 20191031-1431 Attch: Funding Agmt Staff Report 11-5-19 PREDEIR_024228.pdf
Correspondence 20191101-1538 FAA Approves Clippers Arena Plan.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_030425.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-0747 Good morning - confirming Wed afternoon meeting .msg Loren Montgomery Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024309.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-0933 FW Good morning - confirming Wed afternoon meeting .msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024256.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-0933 FW Good morning - confirming Wed afternoon meeting .msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024334.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1209 IBEC Entitlements (4).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; ''; ''; '' PREDEIR_024338.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 IBEC July 23 Attachments.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024267.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: A1 ESA_SCOPE.docx PREDEIR_024268.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: A2 RMM_SCOPE.docx PREDEIR_024269.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: A3 STONE_SCOPE.pdf PREDEIR_024270.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: A4 HERMAN_SCOPE.docx PREDEIR_024271.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: A5 Anderson Scope of Work.docx PREDEIR_024272.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: B1 ESA_BUDGET Cost Estimate.docx PREDEIR_024273.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: B2 RMM_BUDGET.docx PREDEIR_024274.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: B3 STONE_BUDGET.pdf PREDEIR_024275.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: B4 HERMAN_BUDGET.docx PREDEIR_024276.pdf
Correspondence 20191104-1242 Attch: B5 Anderson Budget (Scope of Work).docx PREDEIR_024277.pdf
Correspondence 20191105-0800 RE CJs availability.msg Phoebe Allen Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024315.pdf
Correspondence 20191105-1655 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_024314.pdf
Correspondence 20191105-1655 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; ''; ''; ''; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones PREDEIR_024339.pdf
Correspondence 20191106-1104 Re IBEC Entitlements.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Loren Montgomery ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_024317.pdf
Correspondence 20191107-1139 IBEC Meeting.msg Christina Erwin IBECproject ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Jeff Caton ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Kristine Olsen ; Alta Cunningham ; Tim Witwer ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Trevor Clark PREDEIR_024388.pdf
Correspondence 20191107-1151 IBEC Check-in.msg Christina Erwin IBECproject ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; 'Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP '; 'Robert Hodil '; 'Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ' PREDEIR_024387.pdf
Correspondence 20191107-1206 Accepted EXTERNAL IBEC Meeting.msg Hodil, Robert B. Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024354.pdf
Correspondence 20191108-1338 IBEC Agreement Exhibit.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024336.pdf
Correspondence 20191111-1259 Tentative EXTERNAL IBEC Meeting.msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024406.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1437 FW IBEC Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese PREDEIR_024460.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1437 FW IBEC Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027593.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1509 RE IBEC Meeting (14).msg Peter Puglese Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024468.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1509 RE IBEC Meeting (4).msg Peter Puglese Christina Erwin' PREDEIR_027633.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1535 RE IBEC Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024405.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1535 RE IBEC Meeting (13).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024467.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1535 RE IBEC Meeting (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Peter Puglese ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_027632.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1539 RE: IBEC Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_024408.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1539 RE IBEC Meeting (12).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese PREDEIR_024466.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1542 RE IBEC Meeting (8).msg Peter Puglese Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024404.pdf
Correspondence 20191112-1542 RE IBEC Meeting.msg Peter Puglese Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024469.pdf
Correspondence 20191113-2156 EVCS GHG Reduction.msg Brian Boxer Jeff Caton ; Elbert Hsiung ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_024419.pdf
Correspondence 20191114-1013 eVMT estimates for level 2 chargers..msg Jeff Caton PREDEIR_024454.pdf
Correspondence 20191114-1013 Attch: Plugging in at Work.pdf PREDEIR_024455.pdf
Correspondence 20191114-1209 Intelligent Traffic System.msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027610.pdf
Correspondence 20191118-1021 RE_ IBEC_ Flip-Through EIR Aesthetics and PD figures.msg Perla Solis Loren Montgomery ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_024484.pdf
Correspondence 20191118-1155 FW Inglewood TMOP IBEC Coordination Meeting .msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024461.pdf
Correspondence 20191119-0942 IBEC AB 987 Supplement to GHG Emission Commitment Letter.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin ; Mindala Wilcox ; Whit Manley PREDEIR_024473.pdf
Correspondence 20191119-0942 Attch: 20191119-AB900_IBEC_Residential_EV_Charger_Program.pdf PREDEIR_024474.pdf
Correspondence 20191120-1335 Inglewood TMOP_IBEC Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Robert Brooks ; Nick VanGunst ; Bob Burch ; Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez ; 'Harry Frisby' ; Louis Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_024582.pdf
Correspondence 20191120-1335 Attch: TMOP Outreach Presentation Draft for IBEC_v3_11.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_024583.pdf
Correspondence 20191120-1335 Inglewood TMOP IBEC Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Robert Brooks ; Nick VanGunst ; Bob Burch ; Peter Puglese ; Victor Nunez ; Harry Frisby ; Louis Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Dennis Kanuk PREDEIR_024652.pdf
Correspondence 20191120-1335 Attch: TMOP Outreach Presentation Draft for IBEC_v3_11.19.19.pdf PREDEIR_024653.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1032 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Lisa Trifiletti Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell ; Christopher E. Jackson ; PREDEIR_027466.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1049 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject PREDEIR_024575.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1049 IBEC (2).msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject PREDEIR_024698.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1058 IBEC IT Coordination.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024574.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1058 IBEC IT Coordination.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024647.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1402 FW: IBEC: DEIR Copies.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_024569.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1402 FW IBEC DEIR Copies.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024639.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1630 RE Intelligent Traffic System (5).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_024661.pdf
Correspondence 20191121-1630 RE Intelligent Traffic System (9).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_027647.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1734 RE: IBEC: DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_024561.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1250 RE Intelligent Traffic System.msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_024662.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1250 RE Intelligent Traffic System (8).msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027646.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1654 AB 987 IBEC.msg Hatcher, Shannon@ARB Christopher E. Jackson PREDEIR_024672.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1658 Mtg re IBEC Document Collection (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024655.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1658 Mtg re IBEC Document Collection.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024656.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1734 RE IBEC DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_024657.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1734 RE IBEC DEIR Copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_024705.pdf
Correspondence 20191122-1737 Mtg re IBEC Computer availability at Library for EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Frances Tracht PREDEIR_024654.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-0835 RE_ Mtg re IBEC Document Collection.msg Maurice Hernandez Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_024665.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-0855 RE Intelligent Traffic System (7).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_027645.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-1053 RE Intelligent Traffic System (6).msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027644.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-1059 RE Intelligent Traffic System (5).msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_027643.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-1117 RE Intelligent Traffic System (4).msg Chris Holmquist Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027642.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-1139 IBEC.msg Peter Puglese Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_027605.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-1342 Re Intelligent Traffic System (3).msg Gordon Anderson Peter Puglese PREDEIR_027641.pdf
Correspondence 20191125-1408 RE Intelligent Traffic System.msg Peter Puglese Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_027648.pdf
Correspondence 20191127-2354 RE AB 987 IBEC.msg Christopher E. Jackson Hatcher, Shannon@ARB' PREDEIR_024675.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1133 RE IBEC IT Coordination (5).msg Karen Lancelle Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_024745.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1133 RE: IBEC IT Coordination.msg Karen Lancelle Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_025002.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1144 RE: IBEC IT Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Karen Lancelle ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_025001.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1353 FW IBEC IT Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_025007.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1456 RE IBEC NOA Noticing (1).msg Gershwin, Dan Christina Erwin PREDEIR_024964.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1509 RE IBEC NOA Noticing.msg Christina Erwin Gershwin, Dan PREDEIR_024965.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1509 Attch: NOA_mailing list_draft.xlsx PREDEIR_024966.pdf
Correspondence 20191202-1523 Mtg re IBEC Document Collection.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson PREDEIR_025014.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0813 Clippers Project Approved by California Air Resources Board.msg James Butts Everyone Group PREDEIR_027588.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0859 RE Mtg re IBEC Document Collection (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_025038.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0859 RE Mtg re IBEC Document Collection.msg Mindala Wilcox Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_025039.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0908 Meeting Forward Notification Mtg re IBEC Computer availability at Library for EIR.msg Microsoft Outlook - on behalf of - Frances Tracht Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025013.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0948 NOC - IBEC.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025015.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0948 Attch: Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal.PDF PREDEIR_025016.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0948 NOC - IBEC.msg Cynthia Robinson '' PREDEIR_025065.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0948 Attch: Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal.PDF PREDEIR_025066.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1018 FW: NOC - IBEC.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_024983.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1018 Attch: Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal.PDF PREDEIR_024984.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1018 RE: NOC - IBEC.msg Addie Farrell Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_024985.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1018 RE NOC - IBEC.msg Addie Farrell Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025040.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1408 IBEC Volumes.msg Mindala Wilcox Frances Tracht PREDEIR_025008.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1408 Attch: DEIR Cv Dec2019_8.5X11_Web.pdf PREDEIR_025009.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1409 RE IBEC Volumes.msg Frances Tracht Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025035.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1453 Inglewood Basketball EIR .msg Frances Tracht Luz Torres ; Mirtha M. Kinoshita PREDEIR_025010.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1453 Attch: DEIR Cv Dec2019_8.5X11_Web (002).pdf PREDEIR_025011.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1453 Attch: IBECvolumes.jpg PREDEIR_025012.jpg
Correspondence 20191203-1541 RE Inglewood Basketball EIR (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Frances Tracht ; Luz Torres ; Mirtha M. Kinoshita PREDEIR_025167.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1544 RE Inglewood Basketball EIR (6).msg Frances Tracht Mindala Wilcox ; Luz Torres ; Mirtha M. Kinoshita PREDEIR_025036.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1546 RE Inglewood Basketball EIR .msg Pam Lieber Frances Tracht ; Mindala Wilcox ; Luz Torres ; Mirtha M. Kinoshita PREDEIR_025037.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1550 FW Inglewood Basketball EIR .msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_025143.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-1551 RE IBEC Volumes (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_025020.pdf
Correspondence 20191204-0839 RE IBEC Volumes (4).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025019.pdf
Correspondence 20191205-0854 RE IBEC Volumes (2).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025018.pdf
Correspondence 20191205-0857 RE IBEC Volumes (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_025017.pdf
Correspondence 20191205-0857 RE: IBEC Volumes.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_025054.pdf
Correspondence 20191205-0934 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;;;;;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;;; PREDEIR_025062.pdf
Correspondence 20191205-1925 Re Inglewood Basketball EIR .msg Pam Lieber Mindala Wilcox ; Frances Tracht ; Luz Torres ; Mirtha M. Kinoshita PREDEIR_025168.pdf
Correspondence 20191210-1111 CLIPPERS.msg Keith Hammond Craig Bragg ; Khaniley Sangare ; Vinnie Marsala ; Khalid Brown ;; Agodoa, Michael ; Michael.Whitmire ; Holli Carr ; mprideaux ; Konstantinidis, Nikolas A - (SoCal) ; Quaison Wiley ; Ray Karlovich ; Russell Boling ; Bayne, Steven PREDEIR_025721.pdf
Correspondence 20191211-0714 FW_ IBEC Contracts.msg Yakema Decatur Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_025096.pdf
Correspondence 20191211-0714 Attch: Agen12172019 - SR - Agmt with Trifiletti Consulting.docx PREDEIR_025097.pdf
Correspondence 20191211-0801 RE Confidential_IBEC Parking Lots 12-6-19 pdf.msg Louis Atwell Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_025121.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1017 RE IBEC IT Coordination (6).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' PREDEIR_025130.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1017 RE IBEC IT Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_025184.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1017 RE: IBEC IT Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell PREDEIR_025292.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1039 IBEC Murphys Bowl Funding Agreement 12 17 agenda item.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_025771.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1039 Attch; CEQA Funding Agreement Phase III.docx PREDEIR_025772.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1044 RE IBEC IT Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' ; Karen Lancelle PREDEIR_025131.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1044 RE: IBEC IT Coordination.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Karen Lancelle PREDEIR_025291.pdf
Correspondence 20191212-1602 RE IBEC Murphys Bowl Funding Agreement 12 17 agenda item.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_025834.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1330 LA Times Contact.msg Lisa Maier Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025161.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1330 LA Times Contact.msg Lisa Maier; PREDEIR_025330.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1348 IBEC Staff Report (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur PREDEIR_025768.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1348 Attch: CEQA Funding Agreement Phase III.docx PREDEIR_025769.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1439 FW LA Times Contact.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025144.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1439 FW LA Times Contact.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025739.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1541 IBEC Agreement Amendment.msg Desiree De La O Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Melissa Jaworowski PREDEIR_025770.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1623 RE LA Stadium CalTrans Signage.msg Peter Puglese Lewis Yee PREDEIR_025838.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1625 RE_ IBEC Agreement Amendment (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Desiree De La O ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Melissa Jaworowski PREDEIR_025712.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1630 Re_ IBEC Agreement Amendment (1).msg Desiree De La O Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025711.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1649 Mailing List.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025162.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1649 Attch: NOA_AB987_mailing list.xlsx PREDEIR_025163.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1649 Mailing List.msg Addie Farrell Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_025328.pdf
Correspondence 20191216-1649 Attch: NOA_AB987_mailing list.xlsx PREDEIR_025329.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-0913 FW Project List.msg Angel Leon-Martell Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025740.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-0913 Attch: Copy of List of current Project List Inglewood 10-30-19.xlsx PREDEIR_025741.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-0923 Clippers Meeting.msg Teresa Estrada Daniel Medina PREDEIR_025720.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-0944 Notification List.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_025787.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-0944 Attch: Notification List.xlsx PREDEIR_025788.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1043 FW_ Library Holiday Hours 2019_20.msg Harjinder Singh Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_025748.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1043 Attch: Library Holiday Hours for Christmas and New Year2019-20.pdf PREDEIR_025749.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1053 RE: Confidential: IBEC AB 987 noticing.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_025324.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1100 IBEC Inglewood Library Holiday Hours (1).msg Gordon Anderson Brian Boxer PREDEIR_025756.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1100 Attch: Library Holiday Hours for Christmas and New Year2019-20.pdf PREDEIR_025757.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1100 IBEC_ Inglewood Library Holiday Hours.msg Gordon Anderson Brian Boxer PREDEIR_025773.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1100 Attch: cid_3849A528-6D43-491A-9570-BD308D1566FE.pdf PREDEIR_025774.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1100 Untitled attachment 00340.html PREDEIR_025775.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1221 FW Inglewood Basketball EIR .msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson PREDEIR_025990.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1627 Legal Ad for Publication (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Katherine Gundell PREDEIR_025780.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1627 Attch: AB987 mailed notice_English.docx PREDEIR_025781.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1627 Legal Ad for Publication.msg Cynthia Robinson Katherine Gundell PREDEIR_025782.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1627 Attch: AB987 mailed notice_English.docx PREDEIR_025783.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1751 RE Legal Ad for Publication (1).msg Gundell, Katherine Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025839.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1751 Attch: NOTICE OF ELECTION TO PROCEED UNDER SECTION 21168.6.8 OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCE CODE_IBEC_City of Inglewood 2018921056.pdf PREDEIR_025840.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1751 Attch: Proof_ Ad no. 7656567_Dec 19th_LAT_9 col.pdf PREDEIR_025841.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1847 IBEC Newspaper Notice (13).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025760.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1847 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025761.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1847 IBEC Newspaper Notice (20).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025762.pdf
Correspondence 20191217-1847 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025763.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0817 Inglewood Clippers(( -) (1).msg Keith Hammond Craig Bragg ; Vinnie Marsala ; Khaniley Sangare ;; Elston ; Holli Carr ; Anita Collins ; Vielman, Antonio ; Plaines, Nathaniel L - (SoCal) ; Agodoa, Michael ; Michael.Whitmire ; Christopher, Thomas - (SoCal) ; Larry Dickerson; PREDEIR_025777.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0828 RE IBEC Inglewood Library Holiday Hours.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_025305.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0828 RE IBEC Inglewood Library Holiday Hours (1).msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_025790.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0828 RE_ IBEC_ Inglewood Library Holiday Hours.msg Brian Boxer Gordon Anderson PREDEIR_025851.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0925 FW IBEC Newspaper Notice (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Katherine Gundell PREDEIR_025727.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0925 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025728.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0925 FW IBEC Newspaper Notice (19).msg Cynthia Robinson Katherine Gundell PREDEIR_025733.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0925 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025734.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0947 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (12).msg Mindala Wilcox Katherine Gundell PREDEIR_025816.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-0947 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (18).msg Mindala Wilcox Katherine Gundell PREDEIR_025827.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1011 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (11).msg Gundell, Katherine Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_025812.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1011 Attch: Proof Final_Ad No.7656567.pdf PREDEIR_025813.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1011 Attch: Proof Final_Ad No.7656567.pdf PREDEIR_025814.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1027 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (10).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025809.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1027 Attch: LEGAL NOTICE_AB987_Final Copy.pdf PREDEIR_025810.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1029 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (9).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025807.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1029 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (15) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025825.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1032 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (14) (1).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025821.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1032 Attch: LEGAL NOTICE_AB987_Final Copy__revised.pdf PREDEIR_025822.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1033 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (8).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025804.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1033 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (13) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025818.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1052 RE_ Notification List.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti PREDEIR_025860.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1114 RE_ Notification List (11).msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Perla Solis PREDEIR_025856.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 RE Notification List.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025842.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 Attch: 2019.12 Notification List_updated 12.07.19.xlsx PREDEIR_025843.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 Attch: Copy of certified mailing receipts.xlsx PREDEIR_025844.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 RE_ Notification List (12).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025857.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 Attch: 2019.12 Notification List_updated 12.07.19.xlsx PREDEIR_025858.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 Attch: Copy of certified mailing receipts.xlsx PREDEIR_025859.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 RE_ Notification List.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025905.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 Attch: 2019.12 Notification List_updated 12.07.19.xlsx PREDEIR_025906.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1123 Attch: Copy of certified mailing receipts.xlsx PREDEIR_025907.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1127 IBEC Newspaper Notice (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown PREDEIR_025758.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1127 Attch: AB987 mailed notice_English.docx PREDEIR_025759.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1127 IBEC Newspaper Notice.msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown' PREDEIR_025764.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1127 Attch: AB987 mailed notice_English.docx PREDEIR_025765.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1207 Fwd If Then-The Clippers as Americas Team & Inglewood as Americas City -David Cummings.msg David Cummings Artie Fields PREDEIR_025750.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1213 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (12) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025815.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1213 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (16).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025826.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1218 IBEC Signed Agreement (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_025766.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1218 IBEC Signed Agreement (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_025767.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1218 IBEC_ Signed Agreement.msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_025776.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1224 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (11) (1).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025811.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1227 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (10) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025808.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1227 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (13) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025817.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1300 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (9) (2).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025805.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1300 Attch: Proof Final_Ad No.7656567_Pub Set.pdf PREDEIR_025806.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1304 RE IBEC Signed Agreement (1).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025828.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1304 RE_ IBEC_ Signed Agreement.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025853.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1305 RE IBEC Signed Agreement (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_025829.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1305 RE IBEC Signed Agreement (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist' PREDEIR_025830.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1305 RE_ IBEC_ Signed Agreement (13).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist PREDEIR_025852.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1434 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (7) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025802.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1434 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (7).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025803.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1436 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (6) (2).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025801.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1450 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (5) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025799.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1450 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025800.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1519 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (4) (1).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025797.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1519 Attch: Proof Final_Ad No.7656567_Revised Dates.pdf PREDEIR_025798.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1528 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (3) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025795.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1528 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (3) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025796.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1543 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (2) (1).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025793.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1543 Attch: Order 7656886 Receipt.pdf PREDEIR_025794.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1545 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (1) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025791.pdf
Correspondence 20191218-1545 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (1) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine' PREDEIR_025792.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1025 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (13).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown PREDEIR_025819.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1025 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025820.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1025 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice (14).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown PREDEIR_025823.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1025 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025824.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1230 FW Clippers Meeting.msg Teresa Estrada Daniel Medina PREDEIR_025722.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1703 FW IBEC Newspaper Notice.msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown PREDEIR_025974.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1703 Attch: AB987 newspaper notice_English_final.docx PREDEIR_025975.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1753 RE FW IBEC Newspaper Notice.msg Cynthia Robinson PREDEIR_026036.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1759 FW FW IBEC Newspaper Notice.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_025973.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1850 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (1) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject PREDEIR_026018.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1850 Attch: AB987 Notice_English.pdf PREDEIR_026019.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1850 Attch: AB987 Notice_Spanish.pdf PREDEIR_026020.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1850 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (2).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject PREDEIR_026024.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1850 Attch: AB987 Notice_English.pdf PREDEIR_026025.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1850 Attch: AB987 Notice_Spanish.pdf PREDEIR_026026.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1415 Mindy Wilcox IBEC .msg Juan Caceros Maurice Hernandez PREDEIR_026031.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1417 Re Mindy Wilcox IBEC .msg Maurice Hernandez Juan Caceros PREDEIR_026055.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1541 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Mindy Wilcox ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright PREDEIR_025945.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1606 Murphys Bowl and Ibec Inboxes.msg Juan Caceros Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026034.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1624 IBEC EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Maier ; Karen Lancelle ; IBECproject ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_025944.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1624 IBEC: EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Lisa Maier ; Karen Lancelle ; IBECproject ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Gerard McCallum ; PREDEIR_025964.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1625 RE Murphys Bowl and Ibec Inboxes (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Juan Caceros PREDEIR_026058.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1626 NOC For Signature.msg Addie Farrell Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox PREDEIR_025962.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1626 Attch: IBEC_NOC_12.27.19.docx PREDEIR_025963.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1705 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice - Proof of Publication & E-Tearsheet (7).msg Gundell, Katherine Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026037.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1705 Attch: e-tearsheet_Ad No.7656886_City of Inglewood.pdf PREDEIR_026038.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1705 Attch: LA Times Proof of Publication Affidavit_City of Inglewood_Ad No. 7656886 - Signed and Dated..pdf PREDEIR_026039.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1708 RE IBEC Newspaper Notice - Proof of Publication & E-Tearsheet.msg Mindala Wilcox Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_026040.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1714 IBEC NOC For Signature.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_025940.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1714 Attch: Notice of Completion_signed.PDF PREDEIR_025941.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1714 IBEC: NOC For Signature.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_025960.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1714 Attch: Notice of Completion_signed.PDF PREDEIR_025961.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1714 IBEC NOC For Signature.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_025999.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1714 Attch: Notice of Completion_signed.PDF PREDEIR_026000.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1742 FW Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_025981.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1742 Attch: AB987 Notice_English.pdf PREDEIR_025982.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1742 Attch: AB987 Notice_Spanish.pdf PREDEIR_025983.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1742 FW Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_025984.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1742 Attch: AB987 Notice_English.pdf PREDEIR_025985.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1742 Attch: AB987 Notice_Spanish.pdf PREDEIR_025986.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1744 Re Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (6).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026050.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1746 Re Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (5).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026049.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1751 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (1) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_026045.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1751 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (4).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_026048.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1807 CONFIDENTIAL: Legal Ad.msg Lisa Maier Gundell, Katherine PREDEIR_025958.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1807 Attch: Legal Ad_LA Times 12.20.19.docx PREDEIR_025959.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (1).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject PREDEIR_026021.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 Attch: AB987 Notice_English.pdf PREDEIR_026022.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 Attch: AB987 Notice_Spanish.pdf PREDEIR_026023.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (3).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject PREDEIR_026027.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 Attch: AB987 Notice_English.pdf PREDEIR_026028.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 Attch: AB987 Notice_Spanish.pdf PREDEIR_026029.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1820 FW CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad.msg Lisa Maier Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026129.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2048 Re CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad.msg Gundell, Katherine Lisa Maier PREDEIR_025909.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2048 Attch: Order 7657997 Proof.pdf PREDEIR_025910.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2048 Attch: DEIR Notice Ad no.7657997.pdf PREDEIR_025911.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2048 Re: CONFIDENTIAL: Legal Ad.msg Gundell, Katherine Lisa Maier PREDEIR_025955.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2048 Attch: Order 7657997 Proof.pdf PREDEIR_025956.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2048 Attch: DEIR Notice Ad no.7657997.pdf PREDEIR_025957.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-2138 Re Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (3).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026047.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-1601 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_026046.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-1601 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_026051.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-2113 Re CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad (7).msg Gundell, Katherine Lisa Maier ; Lisa Maier PREDEIR_025948.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-2113 Attch: DEIR NOTICE Ad No. 7657997__size 6 font.pdf PREDEIR_025949.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-2113 Attch: Order 7657997 Proof (1).pdf PREDEIR_025950.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-2113 Re: CONFIDENTIAL: Legal Ad.msg Gundell, Katherine Lisa Maier ; Lisa Maier PREDEIR_025952.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-2113 Attch: DEIR NOTICE Ad No. 7657997__size 6 font.pdf PREDEIR_025953.pdf
Correspondence 20191221-2113 Attch: Order 7657997 Proof (1).pdf PREDEIR_025954.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-0858 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad (2).msg Brian Boxer Lisa Maier ; Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026143.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1114 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad.msg Addie Farrell Brian Boxer ; Lisa Maier ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026175.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1209 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad (16).msg Lisa Maier Somphon Phaniphon PREDEIR_026147.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1209 Attch: Legal Ad_LA Times 12.20.19_revisions.docx PREDEIR_026148.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1328 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (15).msg Lisa Maier Christina Erwin ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_026172.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1330 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (14).msg Lisa Maier Phaniphon, Somphon PREDEIR_026170.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1330 Attch: Legal Ad_LA Times 12.23.19 FINAL.docx PREDEIR_026171.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1338 MLK Ad- Clippers Arena .msg Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_026032.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1338 Attch: Clippers_MLK_01A.pdf PREDEIR_026033.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1400 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (13).msg Lisa Maier Phaniphon, Somphon PREDEIR_026168.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1400 Attch: Legal Ad_LA Times 12.23.19 FINAL.docx PREDEIR_026169.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1414 Re MLK Ad- Clippers Arena .msg Sabrina Barnes PREDEIR_026056.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1422 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (12).msg Lisa Maier Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer PREDEIR_026165.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1422 Attch: AB987_LA Times_Legal Ad.JPG PREDEIR_026166.jpg
Correspondence 20191223-1422 Attch: AB987 Notice_ Inglewood Today News_Website.pdf PREDEIR_026167.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1443 Library contact.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026182.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1447 RE Library contact (1).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026053.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1447 RE: Library contact.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026231.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1540 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (11).msg Lisa Maier Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell PREDEIR_026164.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1721 AR website address.msg Karen Lancelle Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026225.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2217 RE AR website address.msg Mindala Wilcox Karen Lancelle' PREDEIR_026035.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2217 RE: AR website address.msg Mindala Wilcox Karen Lancelle PREDEIR_026219.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2226 RE Library contact.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell' ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026054.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2226 RE Library contact.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026186.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2226 RE: Library contact.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026218.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2241 RE Murphys Bowl and Ibec Inboxes (2) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Juan Caceros PREDEIR_026059.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2241 RE Murphys Bowl and Ibec Inboxes.msg Mindala Wilcox Juan Caceros PREDEIR_026061.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2322 IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown PREDEIR_026001.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2322 Attch: Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx PREDEIR_026002.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 FW IBEC Draft EIR Web Files.msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe PREDEIR_025976.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 Attch: website text.docx PREDEIR_025977.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 Attch: NOA_E.pdf PREDEIR_025978.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 Attch: NOA_S.pdf PREDEIR_025979.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0020 Re Murphys Bowl and Ibec Inboxes (1) (1).msg Juan Caceros Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026057.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0022 RE Murphys Bowl and Ibec Inboxes (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Juan Caceros PREDEIR_026060.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-1059 RE: Library contact.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026213.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-1126 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (5).msg Christina Erwin Phaniphon, Somphon ; Lisa Maier PREDEIR_026188.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-1323 RE CONFIDENTIAL Legal Ad AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR Updated (22).msg Phaniphon, Somphon Christina Erwin ; Lisa Maier PREDEIR_026173.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-1323 Attch: AD#7657997 Notice of Availability of DEIR receipt.pdf PREDEIR_026174.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-0946 FW Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin PREDEIR_026181.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-0952 RE Collab.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox PREDEIR_026185.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1018 FW IBEC Sponsor Comments on AQ.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_027299.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1018 Attch: 2019.04.11 SPONSOR.3.2 Air Quality_04062019 4812-8702-0180 v.1-cl.docx PREDEIR_027300.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1018 FW IBEC Screencheck Draft EIR Sections.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_027312.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1027 FW IBEC View 8.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject PREDEIR_027339.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-0000 "Revised Draft EIR" Document Transmitted on July 21, 2020 Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_037377.pdf
Administrative Drafts
Administrative Drafts 00000000-0000 Fig 3.14-12 Pre-Event Peak Hour Garage Access and Traffic Management Map PREDEIR_0013157.pdf
Administrative Drafts 00000000-0000 Fig 3.14-13 Post-Event Peak Hour Garage Access and Traffic Management Map PREDEIR_0013158.pdf
Administrative Drafts 00000000-0000 Fig 6-2 Alt 3 - City Yard PREDEIR_0014148.pdf
Administrative Drafts 00000000-0000 Fig 6-3 Alt 4 Different Location - Baldwin Hills PREDEIR_0014149.pdf
Administrative Drafts 00000000-0000 Fig 6-4 Alt 5 Different Location - Carson PREDEIR_0014150.pdf
Administrative Drafts 00000000-0000 Fig3.11-01_Decibel Scale and Common Noise Sources.pdf PREDEIR_0022561.pdf
Administrative Drafts 19370000-0000 Fig3.4-1_Kirkland_Map PREDEIR_0013078.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20030000-0000 Fig3.11-03_ALUP Noise Contours.pdf PREDEIR_0022563.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20180000-0000 FigS-1_ProjectElements.pdf PREDEIR_0022708.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 Chapter 3.0 Environmental Impacts, Settings, and Mitigation Measures.docx PREDEIR_0002527.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 3.9 Land Use and Planning__.docx PREDEIR_0002528.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 1.0 Introduction__.docx PREDEIR_026995.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 2.0 Proj Desc Figures__.pdf PREDEIR_026996.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 2.0 Project Description_Revised 11-15-18__.docx PREDEIR_026997.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 3.3 Biological Resources__.docx PREDEIR_026999.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 3.8 Hydrology and Water Quality__.docx PREDEIR_027000.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 3.9 Land Use Figures__.pdf PREDEIR_027002.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 7.0 List of Preparers and Persons Consulted__.docx PREDEIR_027003.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 Cultural Resources Tech Report_DRAFT 11-14-18__.docx PREDEIR_027004.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181115-0000 Cultural Tech Report Figures__.pdf PREDEIR_027005.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20181228-0000 Fig3.10-3_Century_Redevelopment_Project_Area_20181228.pdf PREDEIR_0002644.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-08_Sign_Traffic_Noise_Locs_Adj_Baseline_Wkdy_Post.pdf PREDEIR_0022568.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig 2-2 Project Site PREDEIR_0010248.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.10-1_Land_Uses_Arena_Parking_Garage.pdf PREDEIR_0013079.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.10-2_Land_Uses_Hotel_Site.pdf PREDEIR_0013080.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 3.14-28_Baseline (With Football Game at NFL Stadium) Plus Major Event Weekend Pre-Event Peak Hour.pdf PREDEIR_0020469.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-18_Composite_Operational_Noise_Impacts.pdf PREDEIR_0022578.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-19_Significant_Construction_Vibration_Impacts.pdf PREDEIR_0022579.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-20_Sign_Cum_Traffic_Noise_Locs_Adj_Baseline_Wkdy_Pre.pdf PREDEIR_0022580.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-22_Significant Cumulative Traffic Noise Impact Locations - Project Major Event (Weekend Post Event).pdf PREDEIR_0022582.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-23_Sign_Cum_Traffic_Noise_Locs_Adj_Baseline_Plus_NFL_Forum_Wkdy_Post.pdf PREDEIR_0022583.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-24_Sign_Cum_Traffic_Noise_Locs_Adj_Baseline_Plus_NFL_Forum_Wkend_Pre.pdf PREDEIR_0022584.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-05_Construction_Noise_Impacts_Daytime_Summary.pdf PREDEIR_0022565.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-09_Significant Traffic Noise Impacts - Scaled Adjusted Baseline Plus Project Major Event (Weekend Post Event).pdf PREDEIR_0022569.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-13_Operational_Noise_Contours_Project_2000Person_Event.pdf PREDEIR_0022573.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-17_Operational_Noise_Contours_Major_Event_PostEvent.pdf PREDEIR_0022577.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-21_Sign_Cum_Traffic_Noise_Locs_Adj_Baseline_Wkdy_Post.pdf PREDEIR_0022581.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-25_Significant Cumulative Traffic Noise Impact Locations - NFL Game Plus Forum Plus Project (Weekend Post Event).pdf PREDEIR_0022585.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-10_Sign_Traffic_Noise_Locs_Adj_Baseline_Plus_NFL_Forum_Wkdy_Post.pdf PREDEIR_0022570.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-11_Significant Traffic Noise Impact Locations - Scaled Adjusted Baseline Plus NFL Game Plus Forum Plus Project (Weekend Post Event).pdf PREDEIR_0022571.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-12_Operational_Noise_Contours_Project_Non-Event_Day.pdf PREDEIR_0022572.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.2-3_Air Dispersion Modeling Receptor Grid.pdf PREDEIR_0022559.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.2-4_ConstOp_CancerRisk.pdf PREDEIR_0022560.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-02_Sensitive_Receptors_Noise_Monitoring_Locations.pdf PREDEIR_0022562.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-04_Studied Roadway Segments.pdf PREDEIR_0022564.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-06_Construction_Noise_Impacts_Nighttime_Summary.pdf PREDEIR_0022566.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-07_Potential_Sleep_Disturbance_Worst-Case.pdf PREDEIR_0022567.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-14_Operational_Noise_Contours_Project_7500Person_Event.pdf PREDEIR_0022574.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-15_Operational_Noise_Contours_Major_Event_PreEvent.pdf PREDEIR_0022575.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Fig3.11-16_Operational_Noise_Contours_Major_Event_DuringEvent.pdf PREDEIR_0022576.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 FigS-2_Conceptual Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0022709.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Comments.1.0 Introduction.docx PREDEIR_027477.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Comments.3.0 Introduction to Analysis_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027478.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Comments.3.3 Biological Resources_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027479.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Comments.3.4 Cultural Resources_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027480.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Comments.3.6 Geology and Soils_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027481.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190000-0000 Comments.3.10 Land Use_B5-c.docx PREDEIR_027482.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190107-0000 Fig3.10-2_Land_Uses_Hotel_Site_20190107.pdf PREDEIR_0002643.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190107-0000 Fig 3.10-2 Land Uses Hotel Site Map PREDEIR_0013154.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Chapter 2.0 Project Description.docx PREDEIR_0002558.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 3.13 Public Services.docx PREDEIR_0002559.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 3.1 Aesthetics_1-16-19.docx PREDEIR_027006.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 3.4 Cultural Resources_1-16-19.docx PREDEIR_027007.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials.docx PREDEIR_027008.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems_1-16-19.docx PREDEIR_027009.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Cultural Resources Tech Report_Jan 2019.docx PREDEIR_027010.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Cultural Tech Report Graphics_Jan 2019.pdf PREDEIR_027011.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Email to Applicant Team_IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2, Part 1.pdf PREDEIR_027012.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Email to Applicant Team_IBEC_ ADEIR Bundle 2, Part 2.pdf PREDEIR_027013.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 2.0 Proj Desc graphics_Bundle 2.pdf PREDEIR_027014.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-1_Viewpoint Location Map.pdf PREDEIR_027015.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-2_Viewpoint1.pdf PREDEIR_027016.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-3_Viewpoint2.pdf PREDEIR_027017.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-4_Viewpoint3.pdf PREDEIR_027018.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-5_Viewpoint4_R.pdf PREDEIR_027019.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-6_Viewpoint5_R.pdf PREDEIR_027020.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-7_Viewpoint6.pdf PREDEIR_027021.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-8_Viewpoint7.pdf PREDEIR_027022.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-9_Viewpoint8_R.pdf PREDEIR_027023.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.1-10_Viewpoint9.pdf PREDEIR_027024.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.4-1_Kirkland_Map.pdf PREDEIR_027025.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.8-1_Database Search Results.pdf PREDEIR_027026.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3.8-2_Soil Sample Locations for the IBEC Project.pdf PREDEIR_027027.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3_13_1_Location_Emergency_Services_20190107.pdf PREDEIR_027028.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3_13_2_Location_Center_Park_20190116.pdf PREDEIR_027029.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190118-0000 Fig3_13_3_Location_Schools_20190110.pdf PREDEIR_027030.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 2.0 Project Description_....docx PREDEIR_0002569.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 3.1 Aesthetics v.1-clean PREDEIR_0002570.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 3.4 Cultural Resources_ v.1-clean PREDEIR_0002571.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 3.8 Hazards and Hazardous Materials PREDEIR_0002572.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 3.13 Public Services_cl.docx PREDEIR_0002573.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 3.15 Utilities and Service Systems PREDEIR_0002574.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190130-0000 Cultural Resources Tech Report.docx PREDEIR_0002575.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190221-0000 Fig3.0-1_Cumulative_Projects_20190221.pdf PREDEIR_0002641.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 1.0 Introduction_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002632.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.0 Introduction to the Analysis_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002633.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.3 Biological Resources_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002634.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.6_Geology and Soils_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002635.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.9 Hydrology and WQ_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002636.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.10 Land Use_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002637.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.12 Population Employment and Housing_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002638.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 5.0 Project Variants_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002639.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 7.0 List of Preparers_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_0002640.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig3.10-1_Land_Uses_Arena_Parking_Garage_Sites_20190302.pdf PREDEIR_0002642.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig3.6-1_Regional Fault Locations.pdf PREDEIR_0002645.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Paleo Fig 1 Regional Location.pdf PREDEIR_0002646.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Paleo Fig 2 Project_Location.pdf PREDEIR_0002647.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Paleo Fig 3 Geology.pdf PREDEIR_0002648.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig 3.0-1 Cumulative Projects Map, by ESA PREDEIR_0002649.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig 3.10-1 Existing and Surrounding Land Uses: Arena Site, Well Relocation Site, and West Parking Garage Site PREDEIR_0002650.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.14 Transportation and Circulation Existing Setting Only 2 28 19.docx PREDEIR_027046.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3.14.3 Transportation and Circulation Regulatory Setting Only 3-8-19.docx PREDEIR_027047.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 B_NOP Comments_B3_02282019_R.pdf PREDEIR_027050.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 D_Biological Resources Combined.pdf PREDEIR_027051.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 X_Paleo Report_B3_03022019.docx PREDEIR_027052.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_ExistingTransit.pdf PREDEIR_027053.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_NeighborhoodStreetSegments.pdf PREDEIR_027054.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_PedestrianNetwork.pdf PREDEIR_027055.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_RoadwayNetwork.pdf PREDEIR_027056.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_StudyIntersections.pdf PREDEIR_027057.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig3.6-1_Regional Fault Locations.pdf PREDEIR_027059.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig3.10-2_Land_Uses_Hotel_Site_20190107.pdf PREDEIR_027061.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Fig3.10-3_Century_Redevelopment_Project_Area_20181228.pdf PREDEIR_027062.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Paleo Fig 1 Regional Location.pdf PREDEIR_027063.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Paleo Fig 2 Project_Location.pdf PREDEIR_027064.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Paleo Fig 3 Geology.pdf PREDEIR_027065.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Weekday_AM_PM.pdf PREDEIR_027066.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Weekday_Pre_Post_Event.pdf PREDEIR_027067.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Weekend_Pre-Event_Peak.pdf PREDEIR_027068.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_ExistingTransit.pdf PREDEIR_027077.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_NeighborhoodStreetSegments.pdf PREDEIR_027078.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_PedestrianNetwork.pdf PREDEIR_027079.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_RoadwayNetwork.pdf PREDEIR_027080.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 3002_StudyIntersections.pdf PREDEIR_027081.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Weekday_AM_PM.pdf PREDEIR_027082.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Weekday_Pre_Post_Event.pdf PREDEIR_027083.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190302-0000 Weekend_Pre-Event_Peak.pdf PREDEIR_027084.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 1.0 Introduction.docx PREDEIR_027468.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.0 Introduction to the Analysis..docx PREDEIR_027469.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.3 Biological Resources...docx PREDEIR_027470.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.6_Geology and Soils...docx PREDEIR_027471.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.9 Hydrology and WQ....docx PREDEIR_027472.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.10 Land Use.docx PREDEIR_027473.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.12 Population Employment and Housing....docx PREDEIR_027474.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 3.14 Transportation and Circulation Existing Setting ....docx PREDEIR_027475.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190311-0000 5.0 Project Variants....docx PREDEIR_027476.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190327-0000 3.0 Introduction to the Analysis_B3.docx PREDEIR_027513.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation.docx PREDEIR_0013916.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions.docx PREDEIR_0013917.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 SPONSOR.3.4 Cultural Resources.docx PREDEIR_0013924.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 3.2 Air Quality.docx PREDEIR_027090.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 3.4 Cultural Resources.DOCX PREDEIR_027091.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 3.11 Noise and Vibration.docx PREDEIR_027094.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 3.13 Public Services.docx PREDEIR_027095.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 6.0 Project Alternatives.docx PREDEIR_027096.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Cultural Tech Report.docx PREDEIR_027097.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3.4-1_Kirkland_Map.pdf PREDEIR_027098.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3.11-1_Sensitive Receptors_20190327.pdf PREDEIR_027099.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3.11-2_Noise Monitoring Locations_20190327.pdf PREDEIR_027100.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3.13-1_Location_Emergency_Services_20190107.pdf PREDEIR_027101.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3_13_2_Location_Parks_20190318.pdf PREDEIR_027102.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3_13_3_Location_IUSD_Schools_20190318.pdf PREDEIR_027103.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig6-1_Regional Location of Alternatives.pdf PREDEIR_027104.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig6-3_Alt4 Different Location - Baldwin Hills.pdf PREDEIR_027105.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig6-4_Alt5 Different Location - Carson.pdf PREDEIR_027106.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig1_Regional_Location.pdf PREDEIR_027107.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig2_Project_Detail.pdf PREDEIR_027108.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig3_Project_Location_2018USGS_Topo.pdf PREDEIR_027109.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig4_Project Variants.pdf PREDEIR_027110.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig5_1937_Kirkman_Map.pdf PREDEIR_027111.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig11_Project_Site_Geology.pdf PREDEIR_027112.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig12_1923_Historic_Aerial_Map_20181009.pdf PREDEIR_027113.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig13_1928_Historic_Aerial_Map_20181009.pdf PREDEIR_027114.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig14_1963_Historic_Aerial_Map_20181009.pdf PREDEIR_027115.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190330-0000 Fig15_SurveyCoverage.pdf PREDEIR_027116.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190409-0000 SPONSOR. 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation.docx PREDEIR_0013925.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190409-0000 SPONSOR. 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions.docx PREDEIR_0013926.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190409-0000 SPONSOR.3.11 Noise and Vibration.docx PREDEIR_0013927.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190409-0000 SPONSOR.3.13 Public Services.docx PREDEIR_0013928.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190412-0000 Fig3.4-1_Kirkland_Map.pdf PREDEIR_0013959.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190502-0000 3.2 Air Quality.docx PREDEIR_027122.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190502-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation.docx PREDEIR_027123.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190502-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions.docx PREDEIR_027124.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190502-0000 3.11 Noise and Vibration.docx PREDEIR_027125.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190523-0000 Fig3.2-1_ Boundaries of the SCAQMD.pdf PREDEIR_0022557.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190524-0000 1.0 Introduction.docx PREDEIR_0013951.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190524-0000 3.0 Introduction to Analysis.docx PREDEIR_0013952.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190524-0000 3.3 Biological Resources.docx PREDEIR_0013953.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190524-0000 3.4 Cultural Resources.docx PREDEIR_0013954.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190524-0000 3.10 Land Use.docx PREDEIR_0013956.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 3.6 Geology and Soils.docx PREDEIR_0013955.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 3.12 Population Employment Housing.docx PREDEIR_0013957.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 3.13 Public Services.docx PREDEIR_0013958.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 2.0 Project Description_WORKING DRAFT.docx PREDEIR_027127.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 Appendix B_NOP Comments Summary Matrix_B5.docx PREDEIR_027135.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 Cultural Resources Tech Report_B5.docx PREDEIR_027136.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 Fig3.10-1_Land_Uses_Arena_Parking_Garage.pdf PREDEIR_027138.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 Fig3.10-2_Land_Uses_Hotel_Site.pdf PREDEIR_027139.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190526-0000 Paleo Report_B5.DOCX PREDEIR_027140.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190621-0000 IBEC Transportation Impact Analysis: Pedestrians, Bicycles, Transit, Parking, and VMT Descriptions PREDEIR_0013386.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190621-0000 IBEC Transportation Impact Analysis: Pedestrians, Bicycles, Transit, Parking, and VMT Descriptions PREDEIR_0013401.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190622-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation.docx PREDEIR_0013970.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190622-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions.docx PREDEIR_0013971.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190622-0000 3.12 Population Employment Housing.docx PREDEIR_0013972.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190622-0000 5.0 Project Variants.docx PREDEIR_0013973.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190622-0000 IBEC Bicycles Pedestrians Transit Parking and VMT Descriptions 6 21 19.docx PREDEIR_027145.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190623-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation PREDEIR_0013382.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190626-0000 3.12 Population Employment Housing PREDEIR_0013384.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190628-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Redlined) PREDEIR_0013383.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190700-0000 M_WSA_combined.pdf PREDEIR_0020482.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190704-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation PREDEIR_0014143.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 5.0 Project Variants\ PREDEIR_0014144.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 6.0 Alternatives PREDEIR_0014145.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig 5-1 West Century Pedestrian Bridge Variant PREDEIR_0014146.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig 5-2 Alternate Prairie Avenue Access Variant PREDEIR_0014147.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 5.0 Project Variants 7-16-19.DOCX PREDEIR_026844.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 6.0 Alternatives 7-16-19.docx PREDEIR_026845.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig5-1_West Century Pedestrian Bridge Variant.pdf PREDEIR_026846.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig5-2_Alternate Prairie Avenue Access Variant.pdf PREDEIR_026847.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig6-1_Regional Location of Alternatives.pdf PREDEIR_026848.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig6-2_Alt3 - City Yard.pdf PREDEIR_026849.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig6-3_Alt4 Different Location - Baldwin Hills.pdf PREDEIR_026850.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190716-0000 Fig6-4_Alt5 Different Location - Carson.pdf PREDEIR_026851.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190719-0000 5.0 Project Variants PREDEIR_0013385.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190719-0000 Draft Lighting Analysis Report PREDEIR_0020875.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190719-0000 App C_Lighting Analysis Report PREDEIR_0020876.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190731-0000 2.0 Project Description_ScreencheckJuly2019.DOCX PREDEIR_0020224.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190800-0000 Summary Table of Mitigation Measures (2).docx PREDEIR_0020874.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.15 Utilities Screencheck02Aug2019.docx PREDEIR_0020606.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 Construction with cranes 8.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0020607.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.15 Utilities Screencheck PREDEIR_0022552.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 1.0 Introduction_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026852.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.0 Introduction to Analysis_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026853.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.3 Biological Resources_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026854.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.4 Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026855.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.6 Geology and Soils_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026856.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.9 Hydrology and WQ_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026857.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.10 Land Use_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026858.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 3.13 Public Services_ScreencheckJuly2019.docx PREDEIR_026859.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 7.0 List of Preparers_ScreencheckJuly2019 (1).docx PREDEIR_026861.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 E_Bio_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026863.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 F_Cultural Resources_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026864.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 Fig3.4-1_Kirkland_Map.pdf PREDEIR_026865.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 H_GeotechReport_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026871.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 I_Paleo Report_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026872.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 M_WSA_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026873.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 N_AB 987_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026874.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190802-0000 Q_Hydrology_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026875.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190805-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation.docx PREDEIR_027483.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190807-0000 Fig3.2-2_Air_Sensitive_Receptors PREDEIR_0022558.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190808-0000 Fig3.6-1_RegionalFaultLocations.pdf PREDEIR_0020608.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190808-0000 Fig3.10_1_Land_Uses_Arena_Parking_Garage_Sites.pdf PREDEIR_0020609.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190808-0000 Fig3.10_2_Land_Uses_Hotel_Site.pdf PREDEIR_0020610.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190808-0000 Fig3.10-3_ALUP Land Use Compatibility Table.pdf PREDEIR_0020611.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190808-0000 Fig3.10-4_Century_Redevelopment_Project_Area.pdf PREDEIR_0020612.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 2.0 Project Description_Screencheck_08142019.DOCX PREDEIR_026881.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.1 Aesthetics_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026882.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.3 Biological Resources_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026883.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.4 Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026884.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026885.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.6 Geology and Soils_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026886.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026887.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.9 Hydrology and WQ_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026888.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.10 Land Use_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026889.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.12 Population Employment Housing_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026890.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.13 Public Services_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026891.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.15 Utilities_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026892.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 5.0 Project Variants_Screencheck_08142019.DOCX PREDEIR_026893.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 6.0 Alternatives_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026894.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 7.0 List of Preparers_Screencheck_08142019.docx PREDEIR_026895.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 2.0 Project Description.DOCX PREDEIR_027489.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190814-0000 3.10 Land Use.docx PREDEIR_027491.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 _Summary-Table (2).docx PREDEIR_026896.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 1.0 Introduction_Screencheck_08152019.docx PREDEIR_026897.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 3.0 Introduction to Analysis_Screencheck_08152019.docx PREDEIR_026898.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 3.8 Hazards_Screencheck_08152019.docx PREDEIR_026899.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 M_WSA_combined.pdf PREDEIR_026901.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 Screencheck Figures_08.16.19.pdf PREDEIR_026902.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190815-0000 1.0 Introduction.docx PREDEIR_027488.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190820-0000 3.14_Transportation_Part 1_Screencheck_8 20 19 (2).docx PREDEIR_0022344.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.2 Air Quality Screencheck_08272019.docx PREDEIR_026876.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.11 Noise and Vibration_Screencheck_08272019.docx PREDEIR_026877.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.14_Transportation_Part 1_Screencheck_8 26 19.docx PREDEIR_026878.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.14_Transportation_Part2_Screencheck_OUT.docx PREDEIR_026879.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 IBEC TMP 8 26 19.docx PREDEIR_026880.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.2 Air Quality Screencheck_08272019.docx PREDEIR_026903.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.11 Noise and Vibration_Screencheck_08272019.docx PREDEIR_026904.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.14_Transportation_Part 1_Screencheck_8 26 19.docx PREDEIR_026905.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.14_Transportation_Part2_Screencheck_OUT.docx PREDEIR_026906.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 IBEC TMP 8 26 19.docx PREDEIR_026911.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190827-0000 3.11 Noise and Vibrationons.docx PREDEIR_027487.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190828-0000 Summary_Screencheck_08282019.docx PREDEIR_0022706.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190828-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions_Screencheck_08282019.docx PREDEIR_0022707.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190828-0000 3.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions_Screencheck_08282019.docx PREDEIR_026994.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190828-0000 3.5 Energy Demand and Conservation.docx PREDEIR_027484.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190829-0000 3.1 Aesthetics Screencheck w sponsor comments.docx PREDEIR_027485.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190829-0000 3.2 Air Quality.docx PREDEIR_027490.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190829-0000 3.14_Transportation_Part2.docx PREDEIR_027492.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190831-0000 3.8 Hazards.docx PREDEIR_027486.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190831-0000 6.0 Alternatives.docx PREDEIR_027493.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 Draft Legal Ad_Inglewood Today.docx PREDEIR_0023143.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 Draft Legal Ad_LA Times PREDEIR_0023144.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 Summary.- IBEC Draft EIR PREDEIR_0023254.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.1 Aesthetics PREDEIR_0023255.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.11 Noise and Vibration PREDEIR_0023256.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.14 Transportation and Circulation PREDEIR_0023257.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 Chapter 6 Project Alternatives PREDEIR_0023258.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 _1_DEIR Cv Sep2019_10.5X11.pdf PREDEIR_026937.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 _2_Title_IBEC_DEIR_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026938.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 _3_TOC_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026939.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 _Summary_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026941.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 1.0_Introduction_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026942.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 2.0_Project_Description_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026943.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.0_Introduction_to_the_Analysis_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026944.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.1_Aesthetics_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026946.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.2_Air_Quality_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026947.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.3_Biological_Resources_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026948.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.4_Cultural_and_Tribal_Cultural_Resources_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026949.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.5_Energy_Demand_and_Conservation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026950.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.6_Geology_and_Soils_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026951.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.7_Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026952.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.8_Hazards_and_Hazardous_Materials_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026953.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.9_Hydrology_and_Water_Quality_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026954.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.10_Land_Use_and_Planning_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026955.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.11_Noise_and_Vibration_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026957.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.12_Population_Employment_and_Housing_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026958.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.13_Public_Services_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026959.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026961.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 3.15_Utilities_and_Service_Systems_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026962.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 4.0_Other_CEQA-Required_Considerations_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026963.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 5.0_Project_Variants_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026964.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 6.0_Project_Alternatives_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026966.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 7.0_List_of_Preparers_and_Persons_Consulted_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026967.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190900-0000 IBEC_Page_Flip_TOC.pdf PREDEIR_027516.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190905-0000 Draft _ Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report 8.14.19 PREDEIR_0023145.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190905-0000 Draft_ Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Transmittal 8.14.19 PREDEIR_0023146.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 _1_DEIR Cv Sep2019_10.5X11.pdf PREDEIR_026968.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 _2_Title_IBEC_DEIR_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026969.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 _3_TOC_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026970.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 _Summary_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026971.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 1.0_Introduction_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026972.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 2.0_Project_Description_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026973.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.0_Introduction_to_the_Analysis_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026974.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.1_Aesthetics_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026975.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.2_Air_Quality_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026976.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.3_Biological_Resources_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026977.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.4_Cultural_and_Tribal_Cultural_Resources_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026978.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.5_Energy_Demand_and_Conservation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026979.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.6_Geology_and_Soils_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026980.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.7_Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026981.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.8_Hazards_and_Hazardous_Materials_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026982.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.9_Hydrology_and_Water_Quality_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026983.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.10_Land_Use_and_Planning_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026984.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.11_Noise_and_Vibration_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026985.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.12_Population_Employment_and_Housing_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026986.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.13_Public_Services_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026987.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026988.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.15_Utilities_and_Service_Systems_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026989.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 4.0_Other_CEQA-Required_Considerations_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026990.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 5.0_Project_Variants_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026991.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 6.0_Project_Alternatives_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026992.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 7.0_List_of_Preparers_and_Persons_Consulted_Sept2019.pdf PREDEIR_026993.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.1 Aesthetics.pdf PREDEIR_027496.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation.pdf PREDEIR_027505.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 IBEC_Page_Flip_Title_IBEC_DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_027515.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 IBEC_Summary.pdf PREDEIR_027517.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 1.0_Introduction.pdf PREDEIR_027518.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 Project_Description.pdf PREDEIR_027519.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.0_Introduction_to_the_Analysis.pdf PREDEIR_027520.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 Aesthetics.pdf PREDEIR_027521.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.10_Land_Use_and_Planning.pdf PREDEIR_027522.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.11_Noise_and_Vibration.pdf PREDEIR_027523.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.12_Population_Employment_and_Housing.pdf PREDEIR_027524.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.13_Public_Services.pdf PREDEIR_027525.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation.pdf PREDEIR_027526.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.15_Utilities_and_Service_Systems.pdf PREDEIR_027527.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.2_Air_Quality.pdf PREDEIR_027528.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.3_Biological_Resources.pdf PREDEIR_027529.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.4_Cultural_and_Tribal_Cultural_Resources.pdf PREDEIR_027530.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.5_Energy_Demand_and_Conservation.pdf PREDEIR_027531.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.6_Geology_and_Soils.pdf PREDEIR_027532.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.7_Greenhouse_Gas_Emissions.pdf PREDEIR_027533.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.8_Hazards_and_Hazardous_Materials.pdf PREDEIR_027534.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 3.9_Hydrology_and_Water_Quality.pdf PREDEIR_027535.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 4.0_Other_CEQA-Required_Considerations.pdf PREDEIR_027536.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 5.0_Project_Variants.pdf PREDEIR_027537.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 6.0_Project_Alternatives.pdf PREDEIR_027538.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190911-0000 7.0_List_of_Preparers_and_Persons_Consulted.pdf PREDEIR_027539.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190912-0000 3.11 Noise.pdf PREDEIR_027502.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190912-0000 3.11 Noise.pdf PREDEIR_027503.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190912-0000 6.0 Project Alternatives.pdf PREDEIR_027508.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190913-0000 2.3 Air Quality.pdf PREDEIR_027495.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190913-0000 3.2 Air Quality p.72.pdf PREDEIR_027497.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190913-0000 Summary.pdf PREDEIR_027511.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190917-0000 Summary.docx PREDEIR_027494.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190917-0000 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation.docx PREDEIR_027504.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20190917-0000 3.14_Transportation_and_Circulation.pdf PREDEIR_027506.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Working Draft IBEC Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0000439.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Circulation Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002693.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Trifiletti Consulting Budget Scope for Clippers Phase 2_T.xlsx PREDEIR_0002851.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Study Area for Project Site V2 PREDEIR_0002960.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Related Projects PREDEIR_0003126.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of Culver City Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003127.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of El Segundo Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003128.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of Gardena Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003129.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of Hawthrone Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003130.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of Lawndale Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003131.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of Los Angeles Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003132.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 County of Los Angeles Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003133.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City of Manhattan Beach Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003134.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Data Collection Plan-Counts PREDEIR_0003240.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Data Collection Plan-Prelimianry Counts PREDEIR_0003241.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 City-Owned Parcesl Prior Vesting Chart PREDEIR_0003245.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Prior Uses (1) PREDEIR_0003247.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Prior Uses (1).pdf PREDEIR_0003248.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Master List Inglewood-Related Projects PREDEIR_0003250.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Related Projects - List for City PREDEIR_0003253.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Traffic Data Collection Plan Map, by Raju Associates PREDEIR_0003254.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Traffic Data Collection Plan Map, by Raju Associates PREDEIR_0003255.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Traffic Data Collection Plan Map, by Raju Associates PREDEIR_0003256.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Traffic Data Collection Plan Map, by Raju Associates PREDEIR_0003257.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Sample ALUC Application PREDEIR_0010131.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Aerial with outline PREDEIR_0010251.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Project Location Project Site Cover Page PREDEIR_0010253.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Rideshare V1 PREDEIR_0010254.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Proposed Inglewood Rent Stabilization Ordinance PREDEIR_0013544.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 J1_VIEW 10_EXISTING.jpg PREDEIR_0013981.jpg
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 J2_VIEW 10.jpg PREDEIR_0013982.jpg
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 K1_VIEW 11_EXISTING.jpg PREDEIR_0013983.jpg
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 K2_VIEW 11.jpg PREDEIR_0013984.jpg
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Laid Out.jpg PREDEIR_0023148.jpg
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Stack.jpg PREDEIR_0023149.jpg
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Catalog of References PREDEIR_0023147.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Conceptual Sign Locations [2][1].pdf PREDEIR_0023259.pdf
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 IBEC Lane Closure Diagram rev 2[3][1].pdf PREDEIR_0023260.pdf
Miscellaneous 19820000-0000 Special Report 143, Part IV, by California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0002820.pdf
Miscellaneous 19820601-0000 Mineral Land Classification Map, Aggregate Resources Only PREDEIR_0002819.pdf
Miscellaneous 19860923-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N1, and related documents PREDEIR_024763.pdf
Miscellaneous 19870000-0000; 20060000-0000 Letter Agreements between City of Los Angeles and City of Inglewood re. Project Nos. 3-06-0139-N5, N7, N3, NM, NN, NG, NL, N9, NB, ND; Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. DOT, FAA re Project No. 3-06-0139-29; and related documents PREDEIR_0015885.pdf
Miscellaneous 19870224-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N3, and related documents PREDEIR_024764.pdf
Miscellaneous 19870825-0000 Letter Agreement between City of Los Angeles Department of Airports and Inglewood Redevelopment Agency, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N3, and related documents PREDEIR_024765.pdf
Miscellaneous 19870901-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Noise Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020230.pdf
Miscellaneous 19870922-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N4; and related documents PREDEIR_0015874.pdf
Miscellaneous 19880920-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N5; and related documents PREDEIR_0015875.pdf
Miscellaneous 19890921-0000 Documents related to U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Project No. 3-06-0139-N6 PREDEIR_0015876.pdf
Miscellaneous 19900928-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N7; and related documents PREDEIR_0015877.pdf
Miscellaneous 19901211-0000 Letter Agreement between City of Los Angeles Department of Airports and Inglewood Redevelopment Agency, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N5 PREDEIR_0015878.pdf
Miscellaneous 19910917-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-N9; and related documents PREDEIR_0015879.pdf
Miscellaneous 19920929-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NB, and related documents PREDEIR_024766.pdf
Miscellaneous 19921215-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Circulation Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020225.pdf
Miscellaneous 19930615-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA, re Project No. 3-06-0139-ND, and related documents PREDEIR_024767.pdf
Miscellaneous 19930615-0000; 19950926-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project Nos. 3-06-0139-ND and 3-06-0139-NK; and related documents PREDEIR_0015880.pdf
Miscellaneous 19931221-0000 Specific Plan for Inglewood International Business Park.PDF PREDEIR_0020234.pdf
Miscellaneous 19940628-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NG; and related documents PREDEIR_0015881.pdf
Miscellaneous 19950700-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Safety Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020232.pdf
Miscellaneous 19950829-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NJ; and related documents PREDEIR_0015882.pdf
Miscellaneous 19950829-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NJ; and related documents PREDEIR_0015883.pdf
Miscellaneous 19951200-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Open Space Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020231.pdf
Miscellaneous 19960920-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NL; and related documents PREDEIR_0015886.pdf
Miscellaneous 19970930-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. DOT, FAA, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NM; and related documents; Letter Agreement between City of Los Angeles and City of Inglewood re. Project Nos. 3-06-0139-NM, NN PREDEIR_0015887.pdf
Miscellaneous 19971021-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Conservation Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020226.pdf
Miscellaneous 19971216-0000 Staff Report re Request to Amend the 1997-98 City Budget for Aircraft Noise Mitigation Activities and Authorization to Acquire Noise Impacted Properties in Century Noise Abatement Area PREDEIR_024768.pdf
Miscellaneous 19980714-0000 Letter Agreement between City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports and City of Inglewood, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NG and No. 3-06-0139-NJ; and related documents PREDEIR_0015888.pdf
Miscellaneous 19980714-0000 Letter Agreement between City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports and City of Inglewood, re Project No. 3-06-0139-NG and No. 3-06-0139-NJ; and related documents PREDEIR_0015889.pdf
Miscellaneous 20000000-0000 Table 1: E-4 Population Estimates for Counties and State, 1990-2000 with Census Counts PREDEIR_0013380.pdf
Miscellaneous 20000101-0000 IBEC Preliminary Landscape Plan 6.14.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0013980.pdf
Miscellaneous 20010508-0000 Staff Report re Letter of Agreement - Los Angeles World Airports Noise Mitigation Grant Funds PREDEIR_024769.pdf
Miscellaneous 20030513-0000 LA International Airport Influence Area Map PREDEIR_0010246.pdf
Miscellaneous 20030800-0000 Air Quality Management Plan, Appendices A-F PREDEIR_0002821.pdf
Miscellaneous 20031224-0000 LA County Airport Land Use Commision_staff-report.pdf PREDEIR_0010124.pdf
Miscellaneous 20040400-0000 Final Environmental Impact Statement for LAX Master Plan PREDEIR_0002822.pdf
Miscellaneous 20040803-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA, re Project No. 3-06-0139-29, and related documents PREDEIR_024770.pdf
Miscellaneous 20040824-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-30 PREDEIR_0015884.pdf
Miscellaneous 20040824-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-30 PREDEIR_0015890.pdf
Miscellaneous 20050816-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-33 PREDEIR_0015891.pdf
Miscellaneous 20050816-0000; 20060711-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project Nos. 3-06-0139-38 and 3-06-0139-33 PREDEIR_0015892.pdf
Miscellaneous 20060711-0000 Grant Agreement between City of Inglewood and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, re Project No. 3-06-0139-38 PREDEIR_0015893.pdf
Miscellaneous 20081009-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Hollywood Park Redevelopment Project, by Christopher A. Joseph & Associates PREDEIR_0002823.pdf
Miscellaneous 20090500-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report, LAX Bradley West Project, Vol. 1 PREDEIR_0002824.pdf
Miscellaneous 20100000-0000 Special Report 209, Update of Mineral Land Classification for Portland Cement Concrete-Grade Aggregate in the San Gabriel Valley Production-Consumption Region, Los Angeles County, California, California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0002825.pdf
Miscellaneous 20100000-0000 San Gabriel Valley P-C Region Showing MRZ-2 Areas and Active Mine Operations, Special Report 209 - Plate1, California Department of Conservation PREDEIR_0002826.pdf
Miscellaneous 20100323-0000 City of Inglewood, Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan (FINAL) PREDEIR_0014506.pdf
Miscellaneous 20100908-0000 Gabrielino Contact.PNG PREDEIR_0002856.png
Miscellaneous 20110101-0000 Report E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties, and the State, by California Department of Finance Demographic Research Unit PREDEIR_0013381.pdf
Miscellaneous 20110907-0000 Department of Transportation - California Scenic Highway Mapping System PREDEIR_0002836.pdf
Miscellaneous 20120926-0000 ALUC Consistency Review Matrix PREDEIR_0010125.pdf
Miscellaneous 20121011-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report, LAX Community Plan Area PREDEIR_0002827.pdf
Miscellaneous 20130100-0000 Final Environmental Report, LAX Specific Plan Amendment Study PREDEIR_0002829.pdf
Miscellaneous 20131000-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report, LAX West Aircraft Maintenance Area Project, Vol. 1 PREDEIR_0002828.pdf
Miscellaneous 20140114-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002655.pdf
Miscellaneous 20140128-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Housing Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020227.pdf
Miscellaneous 20140300-0000 Draft Environmental Impact Report, LAX Midfield Satellite Concourse PREDEIR_0002830.pdf
Miscellaneous 20140500-0000 AB32 Climate Change Scoping Plan, First Update PREDEIR_0003216.pdf
Miscellaneous 20141200-0000 Final Environmental Impact Report, LAX Northside Plan Update, Vol. III PREDEIR_0002831.pdf
Miscellaneous 20150128-0000 Resolution No. 15-OB-001 of the Oversight Board, Approving Long Range Property Management Plan for City of Inglewood PREDEIR_024748.pdf
Miscellaneous 20150200-0000 Hollywood Park Stadium, Alternative Project, Transportation and Parking Plan, by Linscott Law & Greenspan PREDEIR_0003207.pdf
Miscellaneous 20150220-0000 Excerpts from City of Champions Revitalization Initiative PREDEIR_0003107.pdf
Miscellaneous 20150224-0000 Hollywood Park Specific Plan.PDF PREDEIR_0020233.pdf
Miscellaneous 20150916-0000 Resolution No. 15-OB-007 of the Oversight Board, Approving Amendment to Long Range Property Management Plan for City of Inglewood PREDEIR_024749.pdf
Miscellaneous 20151001-0000 List of Inglewood Successor Agency Properties - Long Range Property Management Plan PREDEIR_024773.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160000-0000 Dodger Stadium Weekday Events and Dates (7/4/16 - 2/9/2018) PREDEIR_0002799.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160101-0000 ESPN Article Stanford v. Iowa Game Summary PREDEIR_0002816.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160400-0000 Rose Bowl Event Calendar - April 2016-2017 PREDEIR_0002802.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160607-0000 ESPN Colombia vs. Paraguay Football Match Report PREDEIR_0002804.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160609-0000 ESPN Mexico v. Jamaica Football Match Report PREDEIR_0002805.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160615-0000 Resolution No. 16-OB-003 of the Oversight Board, Approving Amendment to Long Range Property Management Plan for City of Inglewood PREDEIR_024750.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160701-0000 Reports and Documents, The New Downtown Inglewood, by Inglewood Arroyo Group PREDEIR_0002832.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160728-0000 The Telegraph Article: Chelsea v. Liverpool PREDEIR_0002813.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160907-0000 Theprp News Article: Earnings & Attendance from Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Deftones, Etc. Shows PREDEIR_0002811.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160914-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Land Use Element.PDF PREDEIR_0020228.pdf
Miscellaneous 20160915-0000 Forbes Article: Beyonce Shows This Is Her Time at Dodger Stadium PREDEIR_0002809.pdf
Miscellaneous 20161027-0000 ESPN USC v. Cal. Game Summary PREDEIR_0002808.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170100-0000 City of Inglewood General Plan - Land Use Map.PDF PREDEIR_0020229.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170102-0000 ESPN Article USC v. Penn State.Game Summary PREDEIR_0002817.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170200-0000 Final Environmental Impact Report, LAX Landslide Access Modernization Program, Vol. 11 PREDEIR_0002833.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 008.pdf PREDEIR_0015678.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170312-0000 City of Inglewood Public Input Form, Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_0003196.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170314-0000 LA Stadium & Entertainment District at Hollywod Park; Lake Park Improvement Plans PREDEIR_0015531.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170705-0000 ABC7 Article AmericaFest PREDEIR_0002814.pdf
Miscellaneous 20171007-0000 Rolling Stone Article - See Coldplay, James Corden Sing Petty's "Free Fallin" at Rose Bowl PREDEIR_0002812.pdf
Miscellaneous 20171124-0000 ESPN Cal v. UCLA Game Summary PREDEIR_0002807.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 California Environmental Quality Act Statutes and Guidelines PREDEIR_0002834.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 California Natural Resources Agency webpage regarding 2018 CEQA Statutes and GuidelinesCNRA-CEQAGuidelines.pdf PREDEIR_0002835.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Web Soil Survey, by United States Department of Agriculture PREDEIR_0002837.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Fact Sheet: New Source Review (NSR), United States Environmental Projection Agency PREDEIR_0002838.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Notes re Police Department PREDEIR_0015390.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Hollywood Park Residential - Mu-10 Title Sheet PREDEIR_0015697.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Existing Conditions Plan PREDEIR_0015698.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Horizontal Control Plan PREDEIR_0015699.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Grading Plan PREDEIR_0015700.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Utility plan PREDEIR_0015701.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 First Level Low Impact Developement Plan 032.pdf PREDEIR_0015702.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Podium Level Low Impact Development PREDEIR_0015703.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180000-0000 Fire Access Plan PREDEIR_0015704.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180101-0000 ESPN Article Georgia v. Oklahoma. PREDEIR_0002815.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180104-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002970.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180110-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002654.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180110-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002972.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180110-0000 City of Culver Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003137.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180117-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002974.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180117-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002975.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180124-0000 Inglewood-Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003103.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180125-0000 Draft NOP Checklist Mailing List PREDEIR_0002995.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180125-0000 NOP List COI Edits PREDEIR_0002996.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180125-0000 NOP List PREDEIR_0002997.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180126-0000 Inglewood-Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003105.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180129-0000 AB 52 Process by ESA PREDEIR_0003005.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180130-0000 Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Coordination Meeting PREDEIR_0002658.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180131-0000 Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Methodology Coordination Meeting PREDEIR_0002659.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180201-0000 City of Inglewood Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 18-19), July 2018 through June 2019 PREDEIR_024775.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180212-0000 Los Angeles Clippers Arena EIR Transportation Weekly Coordination Call Meeting PREDEIR_0002663.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180219-0000 Murphy's Bowl Weekly Check-In Call PREDEIR_0002672.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180219-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Minutes.docx PREDEIR_0002879.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 Sign In Sheet Template.docx PREDEIR_0002863.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Minutes.docx PREDEIR_0002880.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Minutes_LAWA.docx PREDEIR_0002881.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 Notice of Preparation of DEIR and Public Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_0002963.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 City of Inglewood NOP of DEIR and Public Scoping Meeting PREDEIR_0002989.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal PREDEIR_0002994.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180220-0000 Appendix B_NOP Comments Summary Matrix_B5 PREDEIR_0013076.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180226-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Minutes.docx PREDEIR_0002882.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180226-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Minutes_LA County PREDEIR_0002883.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180226-0000 City of Champions Revitalization Project 2024 Development - Hollywood Park.pdf PREDEIR_0003117.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180305-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002886.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 002.pdf PREDEIR_0015672.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 003.pdf PREDEIR_0015673.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 004.pdf PREDEIR_0015674.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 005.pdf PREDEIR_0015675.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 006.pdf PREDEIR_0015676.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 007.pdf PREDEIR_0015677.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 009.pdf PREDEIR_0015679.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 010.pdf PREDEIR_0015680.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 011.pdf PREDEIR_0015681.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 012.pdf PREDEIR_0015682.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 013.pdf PREDEIR_0015683.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 014.pdf PREDEIR_0015684.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 015.pdf PREDEIR_0015685.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 016.pdf PREDEIR_0015686.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 017.pdf PREDEIR_0015687.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 018.pdf PREDEIR_0015688.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 019.pdf PREDEIR_0015689.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 020.pdf PREDEIR_0015690.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 021.pdf PREDEIR_0015691.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 022.pdf PREDEIR_0015692.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map no 801314 023.pdf PREDEIR_0015693.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map 024.pdf PREDEIR_0015694.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 80314 - Struts - Street 0-3 PREDEIR_0015695.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 80314 - Struts - Street 0-3 PREDEIR_0015696.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 002.pdf PREDEIR_0015775.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 003.pdf PREDEIR_0015776.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 004.pdf PREDEIR_0015777.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 004.pdf PREDEIR_0015778.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 006.pdf PREDEIR_0015779.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 007.pdf PREDEIR_0015780.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 008.pdf PREDEIR_0015781.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 009.pdf PREDEIR_0015782.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 010.pdf PREDEIR_0015783.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 011.pdf PREDEIR_0015784.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 012.pdf PREDEIR_0015785.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 013.pdf PREDEIR_0015786.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 014.pdf PREDEIR_0015787.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 015.pdf PREDEIR_0015788.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 016.pdf PREDEIR_0015789.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 017.pdf PREDEIR_0015790.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 018.pdf PREDEIR_0015791.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 019.pdf PREDEIR_0015792.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 020.pdf PREDEIR_0015793.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 021.pdf PREDEIR_0015794.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 022.pdf PREDEIR_0015795.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 023.pdf PREDEIR_0015796.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 025.pdf PREDEIR_0015798.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180307-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract map No 80314 026.pdf PREDEIR_0015799.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180309-0000 Inglewood City Hall Community Room Layout PREDEIR_0003009.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180309-0000 Proposed Traffic Study Area.pdf PREDEIR_0003014.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180309-0000 Inglewood City Hall Community Room Layout Blank.docx PREDEIR_0003070.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180309-0000 Inglewood City Hall Community Room Layout Blank PREDEIR_0003072.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180309-0000 Inglewood City Hall Community Room Layout Blank PREDEIR_0003073.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180312-0000 Scope for Clippers Phase 2_Allocations.xlsx PREDEIR_0002849.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180312-0000 Scoping Meeting Signage.doc PREDEIR_0002864.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180312-0000 Clippers Community Outreach PREDEIR_0003197.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180312-0000 Community Contact List PREDEIR_0003204.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180312-0000 Inital Work Task PREDEIR_0003206.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180313-0000 Trifiletti Consulting Phase 2 Scope of Work PREDEIR_0002850.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180314-0000 TMP Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0003208.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180321-0000 Murphy's Bowl - Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indian's Consultation PREDEIR_0002884.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180321-0000 Murphy's Bowl - Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians Consultation PREDEIR_0002885.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180321-0000 Gabrieleno Tribe Consultation Notes PREDEIR_0003214.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180322-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda and EIR Technical Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002887.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180328-0000 IBEC Meeting Draft Agenda PREDEIR_0002674.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180328-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002888.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180328-0000 IBEC Draft Site Plan PREDEIR_0003077.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180329-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002889.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180409-0000 IBEC Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002677.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180409-0000 IBEC EIR Weekly Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002678.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180409-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda_1 PM.docx PREDEIR_0002890.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180412-0000 IBEC Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002681.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180412-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Minutes PREDEIR_0002892.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180420-0000 List of NOP Comment Letters.docx PREDEIR_0003210.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180423-0000 IBEC Team Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002684.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180423-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002894.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180424-0000 Metro Initial Transportation Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002896.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180424-0000 Envision Inglewood Presentation PREDEIR_0003010.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180424-0000 Inglewood Parking Areas (MapsTable) PREDEIR_0003212.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180424-0000 City of Inglewood Transit Services Map PREDEIR_0003213.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180426-0000 Hawthorne Initial Transporation Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002897.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180430-0000 IBEC Weekly EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002686.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180430-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002898.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180430-0000 Information Needs PREDEIR_0003181.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Culver City Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0003136.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of El Segundo Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003141.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Hawthrone Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003150.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003159.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Inglewood Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0003164.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Los Angeles Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003168.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Los Angeles Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003169.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180500-0000 City of Manhattan Beach Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003176.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180503-0000 IBEC Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002688.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180510-0000 Inglewood Related Projects Map. PREDEIR_0003215.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180514-0000 IBEC EIR Weekly Check-In Call Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002902.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180514-0000 City of Gardena Related Projects List.xlsx PREDEIR_0003146.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180515-0000 City of Lawndale Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003165.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180518-0000 Related Projects List_Eastside of Inglewood PREDEIR_0003174.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180518-0000 Related Projects List_Westside of Inglewood PREDEIR_0003175.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180521-0000 IBEC Team Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002689.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180521-0000 Pasadena Star-News Article - Taylor Swift PREDEIR_0002810.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180521-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda_Minutes PREDEIR_0002904.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180525-0000 Inglewood Updated Related Projects List. PREDEIR_0003160.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180529-0000 City of Los Angeles Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003170.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180600-0000 Socioeconomic Effects of 2918 Mission Street Market-Rate Development, for San Francisco Planning Dept, by ALH Urban and Regional Economics PREDEIR_0003236.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180606-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Weekly Team Check-In Call Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002690.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180606-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002907.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180606-0000 Related Projects Memo Draft PREDEIR_0003088.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180608-0000 Murphy's Bowl Legislation Notes PREDEIR_0003219.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180611-0000 IBEC EIR Weekly Team Check-In Call Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002691.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180611-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002909.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180611-0000 Related Projects Memo Draft PREDEIR_0003089.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180611-0000 San Francisco Planning Department's Appeal of Community Plan Evaluation 2918-2924 Mission Street Project Supplemental Responses PREDEIR_0003237.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180613-0000 City of Gardena Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003145.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180613-0000 City of Gardena Related Projects List Updated.xlsx PREDEIR_0003147.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180614-0000 City of Inglewood Former Redevelopment Agency Oversight Board Notice to Public of Proposed Action PREDEIR_024754.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180614-0000 City of Hawthrone Related Projects List Updated PREDEIR_0003151.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180618-0000 IBEC EIR Weekly Team Check-In Call Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002692.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180618-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002911.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180619-0000 Successor Agency Staff Report RE Request to Oversight Board to Adopt Resolution to Implement Amendment to Long Range Property Management Plan Re LAX Noise Mitigation Properties PREDEIR_024752.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180619-0000 Meeting Agenda of the Inglewood City Council/Successor Agency/Housing Authority/Finance Authority/Parking Authority PREDEIR_024755.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180619-0000 Meeting Agenda of the Inglewood Successor Agency PREDEIR_024756.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180619-0000 Meeting Minutes of the City Council PREDEIR_024757.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180619-0000 Meeting Minutes of the Successor Agency PREDEIR_024758.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180619-0000 Transcript of the City Council Meeting PREDEIR_024759.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180620-0000 Hollywood Park Residential Mu 2C 001.pdf PREDEIR_0015774.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Access, Circulation and Parking Agenda PREDEIR_0002913.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Plot Plan Resubmittal 001.pdf PREDEIR_0015671.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Details 035.pdf PREDEIR_0015705.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 General Notes 036.pdf PREDEIR_0015706.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Schedule & Notes 037.pdf PREDEIR_0015707.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Overall Plan 038.pdf PREDEIR_0015708.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Enlargement Plan Level 1 Street 039.pdf PREDEIR_0015709.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Englargement Plan Level 01 Street 040.pdf PREDEIR_0015710.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Enlargement Plan Level 2 Podium 041.pdf PREDEIR_0015711.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Englargement Plan Level 6 Roof 042.pdf PREDEIR_0015712.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Section & Elevation 043.pdf PREDEIR_0015713.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Section & Elevation 044.pdf PREDEIR_0015714.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Irrigation Notes 045.pdf PREDEIR_0015715.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Irrigation Plan Level 01 Street 046.pdf PREDEIR_0015716.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Irrigation PLan Level 02 Roof 047.pdf PREDEIR_0015717.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Irrigation Plan Level 06 Roof 048.pdf PREDEIR_0015718.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Irrigation Plan Details 049.pdf PREDEIR_0015719.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Planting Schedule & Notes 050.pdf PREDEIR_0015720.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Enlargement Plan Level 01 Street 051.pdf PREDEIR_0015721.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Enlargement Plan Level 01 Street 052.pdf PREDEIR_0015722.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Enlargement Plan Level 02 Podium 053.pdf PREDEIR_0015723.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Enlargement Plan Level 06 Proof 054.pdf PREDEIR_0015724.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Plainting Details 055.pdf PREDEIR_0015725.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landcape Planting Images 056.pdf PREDEIR_0015726.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Plainting Images 057.pdf PREDEIR_0015727.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Images - Hollywood Park Residential PREDEIR_0015728.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Images 059.pdf PREDEIR_0015729.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Tallies Parking Summary, Plumbing Fixtures Counts 060.pdf PREDEIR_0015730.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Area Diagrams 061.pdf PREDEIR_0015731.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Code Analysis Exiting Plans Story B1 Sotry 3 062.pdf PREDEIR_0015732.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Code Analysis Exiting Plans Story 4 - Roof 063.pdf PREDEIR_0015733.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Plot Plan Checklists 064.pdf PREDEIR_0015734.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Plot Plan Checklists 065.pdf PREDEIR_0015735.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Site Plan 066.pdf PREDEIR_0015736.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall & Segment Plan Notes 067.pdf PREDEIR_0015737.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Pla Basement 068.pdf PREDEIR_0015738.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Plan Story 1 069.pdf PREDEIR_0015739.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Plan Story 2 070.pdf PREDEIR_0015740.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Plan Story 3 071.pdf PREDEIR_0015741.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Plan Story 4 072.pdf PREDEIR_0015742.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Plan Story 5 073.pdf PREDEIR_0015743.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Roof Plan 074.pdf PREDEIR_0015744.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Elevations 075.pdf PREDEIR_0015745.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Elevation 076.pdf PREDEIR_0015746.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Elevations 077.pdf PREDEIR_0015747.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Couryard Elevations 078.pdf PREDEIR_0015748.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Courtyard Elevations 079.pdf PREDEIR_0015749.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Material Board For Reference Only 080.pdf PREDEIR_0015750.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Building Sections 081.pdf PREDEIR_0015751.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Plans 082.pdf PREDEIR_0015752.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Plans 083.pdf PREDEIR_0015753.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Plans 084.pdf PREDEIR_0015754.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Window Schedule 085.pdf PREDEIR_0015755.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cover Sheet 086.pdf PREDEIR_0015756.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 01 087.pdf PREDEIR_0015757.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 02 088.pdf PREDEIR_0015758.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 03 089.pdf PREDEIR_0015759.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 04 090.pdf PREDEIR_0015760.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 1st Story Lighting Floor 091.pdf PREDEIR_0015761.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 2nd Story Lighting Floor 092.pdf PREDEIR_0015762.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Roof Lighting Plan 093.pdf PREDEIR_0015763.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Lighting Elevations 094.pdf PREDEIR_0015764.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Courtyard Lighting Elevations 095.pdf PREDEIR_0015765.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Cover Sheet 096.pdf PREDEIR_0015766.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Mu 10 Overall Plan Basement 097.pdf PREDEIR_0015767.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 10 Overall Plan Story 1 098.pdf PREDEIR_0015768.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 10 Overall Plan Story 2 099.pdf PREDEIR_0015769.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 10 Overall Plan Story 3 100.pdf PREDEIR_0015770.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU10 101.pdf PREDEIR_0015771.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 10 Overall Plan Story 5 102.pdf PREDEIR_0015772.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Mu 10 Roof Plan 103.pdf PREDEIR_0015773.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Title sheet 027.pdf PREDEIR_0015800.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Existing Conditions 028.pdf PREDEIR_0015801.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Horizontal Control Panel 029.pdf PREDEIR_0015802.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Grading Plan 030.pdf PREDEIR_0015803.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Utility Plan 031.pdf PREDEIR_0015804.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Storm Drain Plan 032.pdf PREDEIR_0015805.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 First Level Low Impact Development Lid Plan 033.pdf PREDEIR_0015806.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Podium Level Low Impact Development Lid Plan 034.pdf PREDEIR_0015807.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Fire Access Plan 035.pdf PREDEIR_0015808.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Details 036.pdf PREDEIR_0015809.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 General Notes 037.pdf PREDEIR_0015810.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Construction Schedule and Notes 038.pdf PREDEIR_0015811.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Overall Plans 039.pdf PREDEIR_0015812.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Construction Enlargement Plans Level 01 Street 040.pdf PREDEIR_0015813.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Construction Enlargement Plans Level 03 Podium 041.pdf PREDEIR_0015814.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Construction Enlargement Plans Level 6 Roof 042.pdf PREDEIR_0015815.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Sections and Elevations 043.pdf PREDEIR_0015816.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Sections and Elevations 044.pdf PREDEIR_0015817.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Construction Details 045.pdf PREDEIR_0015818.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Construction Details 046.pdf PREDEIR_0015819.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Construction Details 047.pdf PREDEIR_0015820.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Irrigation Plan Level 1 Enlargement 048.pdf PREDEIR_0015821.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Irrigation Plan Level 3 049.pdf PREDEIR_0015822.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Irrigation Plan Level 3 050.pdf PREDEIR_0015823.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Irrigation Plan Details 051.pdf PREDEIR_0015824.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Planting Schedule and Notes 52.pdf PREDEIR_0015825.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Plan Level 1 Enlargement 053.pdf PREDEIR_0015826.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Plan Level 1 Enlargement 054.pdf PREDEIR_0015827.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Plan Level 1 Enlargement 055.pdf PREDEIR_0015828.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Plan Level 6 Roof Enlargement 057.pdf PREDEIR_0015830.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Details 058.pdf PREDEIR_0015831.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Images 059.pdf PREDEIR_0015832.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Images 060.pdf PREDEIR_0015833.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Images 061.pdf PREDEIR_0015834.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Landscape Planting Images 062.pdf PREDEIR_0015835.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Tallies Parking summary Plumbing Fixture Counts 063.pdf PREDEIR_0015836.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Area Diagram 064.pdf PREDEIR_0015837.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Code Analysis Exiting Plans Story 1 Story 4 065.pdf PREDEIR_0015838.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Code Analysis Exiting Plans Story 5 Roof 066.pdf PREDEIR_0015839.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Plot Plan checklists 067.pdf PREDEIR_0015840.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Plot Plan Checklists 068.pdf PREDEIR_0015841.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Site Plan 069.pdf PREDEIR_0015842.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 1st Story Floor Plan 070.pdf PREDEIR_0015843.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 2nd Story Floor Plan 071.pdf PREDEIR_0015844.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 3rd Story Floor Plan 072.pdf PREDEIR_0015845.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 5th Story Floor Plan 074.pdf PREDEIR_0015847.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Roof Plan 075.pdf PREDEIR_0015848.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Elevations 076.pdf PREDEIR_0015849.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Elevations 077.pdf PREDEIR_0015850.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Courtyard Elevations 078.pdf PREDEIR_0015851.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Material Board For Reference Only 079.pdf PREDEIR_0015852.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Overall Building Sections 080.pdf PREDEIR_0015853.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Plans 081.pdf PREDEIR_0015854.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Plans 082.pdf PREDEIR_0015855.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Unit Plans 083.pdf PREDEIR_0015856.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Window Schedule 084.pdf PREDEIR_0015857.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cover Sheet 085.pdf PREDEIR_0015858.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets -1 Building 2C 086.pdf PREDEIR_0015859.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 02 Building 2C 087.pdf PREDEIR_0015860.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 3 - Building 2C 088.pdf PREDEIR_0015861.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Lighting Cut Sheets 04 Building 2c 089.pdf PREDEIR_0015862.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 1st Story Lighting Fllor Plan 090.pdf PREDEIR_0015863.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 3rd Story Lighting Floor Plan 091.pdf PREDEIR_0015864.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Roof Lighting 092.pdf PREDEIR_0015865.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Exterior Lighting Elevations 093.pdf PREDEIR_0015866.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Cover Sheet 094.pdf PREDEIR_0015867.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Mu2c 1st Story Floor Plan 095.pdf PREDEIR_0015868.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Mu2C 2nd Story Floor Plan 096.pdf PREDEIR_0015869.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System Mu2C 2nd Story Floor Plan 097.pdf PREDEIR_0015870.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 2C 4th Story Floor Plan 098.pdf PREDEIR_0015871.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 2C 5th Story Floor Plan 099.pdf PREDEIR_0015872.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180621-0000 Security System MU 2C Roof Plan 100.pdf PREDEIR_0015873.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180625-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Check-In Call Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002694.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180627-0000 Resolution No. 18-OB-003 of the Oversight Board, Directing Successor Agency to Dispose of Parcels Identified as LAX Noise Mitigation Properties in Long Range Property Management Plan PREDEIR_024751.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180627-0000 Successor Agency Staff Report RE Adoption of Oversight Board Resolution to Implement Long Range Property Management Plan, as Amended PREDEIR_024753.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180627-0000 Notice of Special Meeting of the City of Inglewood Former Redevelopment Agency Oversight Board PREDEIR_024760.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180627-0000 Transcript of the Oversight Board Meeting PREDEIR_024761.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180627-0000 Statement of Proceedings for the Regular Meeting of the City of Inglewood Former Redevelopment Agency Oversight Board PREDEIR_024762.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180702-0000 EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002695.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180706-0000 Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report, by AECOM PREDEIR_0003187.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180711-0000 Agency Contacts Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003118.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180716-0000 City of Inglewood Notice of Preparation & Notice of Public Scoping Meeting for an EIR PREDEIR_0002967.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180723-0000 IBEC EIR Weekly Team Check-In Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002696.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180725-0000 Related Projects Inglewood Update PREDEIR_0003120.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180726-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002697.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180726-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002914.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180730-0000 Information Needs PREDEIR_0003182.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180803-0000 IBEC Demolition and Construction Assumptions, by AECOM PREDEIR_0003221.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180803-0000 Hollywood Park Non-Stadium Vicinity Park PREDEIR_0015530.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180806-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Agenda PREDEIR_0002698.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180806-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Agenda PREDEIR_0002915.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180813-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002699.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180813-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002700.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180813-0000 Hollywood Park Retail Figures, by Wilson Meany PREDEIR_0015388.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180814-0000 Updated Program Events and Employment PREDEIR_0003224.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180814-0000 HP PLOT PLAN SUBMITTAL – FULL SET - STAMPED - 11-01-18.pdf PREDEIR_0015327.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180814-0000 HP PLOT PLAN SUBMITTAL – ABRIDGED - STAMPED - 11-01-18.pdf PREDEIR_0020746.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180820-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002701.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180820-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002702.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180820-0000 Draft Related Project List PREDEIR_0003121.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180827-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Agenda PREDEIR_0002703.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180827-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0002917.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180827-0000 Draft IBEC Project Objectives PREDEIR_0003222.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180831-0000 Related Projects Memo.docx PREDEIR_0003090.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180900-0000 Excerpts from Caltrans Airport Land Use Planning Handbook PREDEIR_0003242.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180904-0000 Related Project List PREDEIR_0003122.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180905-0000 Proposed Assembly Bill 987 PREDEIR_0003227.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180906-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Team Workshop Agenda PREDEIR_0002704.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180912-0000 Stone Planning Qualifications PREDEIR_0003076.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180912-0000 AECOM Parking Plans PREDEIR_0003229.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180917-0000 Related Projects List Spreadsheets_v5 PREDEIR_0003095.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180917-0000 Potential TDM Measures PREDEIR_0003228.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180918-0000 Information Needs PREDEIR_0003185.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180918-0000 Proposed Bicycle and EV Parking PREDEIR_0003230.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180918-0000 Draft Parking Narratives PREDEIR_0003231.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180924-0000 Information Needs PREDEIR_0003186.pdf
Miscellaneous 20180924-0000 EIR Prelim Draft Schedule v8 PREDEIR_0003232.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181004-0000 IBEC Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002705.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181004-0000 IBEC Meeting Notes PREDEIR_0002928.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181008-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002706.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181009-0000 Inglewood Police Dept Crime Reporting Summary PREDEIR_0015461.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181010-0000 Public Street Improvement Plans Title Sheet ST-4679_1 PREDEIR_024502.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181010-0000 Public Improvement Plans Construction Notes ST-4679_2 PREDEIR_024503.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181010-0000 Public Street Improvement Plans Details and Typical Sections ST-4679_3 PREDEIR_024504.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181010-0000 Public Street Improvement Plans, ST-4679_4 PREDEIR_024505.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181010-0000 Public Street Improvement Plans, ST-4679_5 PREDEIR_024506.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181010-0000 Public Street Improvement Plans, ST-4679_6 PREDEIR_024507.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181015-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002927.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181022-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Conference Call Agenda PREDEIR_0002708.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181025-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002709.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181100-0000 Murphy's Bowl LLC, AB 987 Application for IBEC PREDEIR_0020873.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181105-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002710.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181107-0000 Murphy's Bowl Communication Protocol Sign In Sheet.pdf PREDEIR_0020744.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181107-0000 Murphy's Bowl Comm Protocol Sign In Sheet_1.pdf PREDEIR_0020745.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181119-0000 ESPN Chiefs v. Rams Game Summary PREDEIR_0002806.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181126-0000 IBEC EIR Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002711.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181126-0000 Team Workshop Sign-In Sheet Template PREDEIR_0002869.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181126-0000 Full Season Equivalent Ticket Purchases PREDEIR_0003244.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181129-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002712.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181203-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002713.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181206-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002714.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181206-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Minutes PREDEIR_0002942.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181210-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002943.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181213-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002715.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181218-0000 Revised IBEC Transportation Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002716.pdf
Miscellaneous 20181228-0000 Area Designations Maps/State and National, California Air Resources Board PREDEIR_0002841.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190000-0000 Project Site Map.pdf PREDEIR_0002961.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190103-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002652.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190103-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002969.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190107-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002971.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190110-0000 Praire Avenue Street Improvement Plans, ST-4680 PREDEIR_024508.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190110-0000 Praire Avenue Street Improvement Plans, ST-4680_2 PREDEIR_024509.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190110-0000 Praire Avenue Street Improvement Plans, ST-4680_3 PREDEIR_024510.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190110-0000 Praire Avenue Street Improvement Plans, ST-4680_4 PREDEIR_024511.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190110-0000 Praire Street Improvement Plans, ST-4680_5 PREDEIR_024512.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190114-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002973.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190116-0000 LAX Northside Plan Sign-In Sheet Template PREDEIR_0002870.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190124-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002656.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190124-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002945.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190128-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002657.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190128-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002976.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190129-0000 Caltrans and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Agenda/Minutes PREDEIR_0002947.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190129-0000 CalTrans and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting, IBEC Presentation PREDEIR_0002948.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190129-0000 Caltrans and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Agenda/Minutes PREDEIR_0002950.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190129-0000 Caltrans & City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002962.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190129-0000 CalTrans IBEC Presentation PREDEIR_0003190.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190201-0000 IBEC EIR Adminstrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002660.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190204-0000 IBEC Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002977.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190205-0000 Team Workshop Sign-In Sheet Template PREDEIR_0002868.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190205-0000 IBEC Coordination Team Sign-In Sheet PREDEIR_0020748.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190207-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002661.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190211-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda PREDEIR_0002662.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190211-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002978.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190212-0000 LA Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles Gigography, Concert History PREDEIR_0002800.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190212-0000 Rose Bowl Pasadena Concert Calendar Events for 2017 PREDEIR_0002803.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190212-0000 IBEC Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003084.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190214-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002664.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190214-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002979.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190215-0000 Rose Bowl Stadium 2017 Events Webpage PREDEIR_0002798.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190215-0000 Rose Bowl 2018 Events List.pdf PREDEIR_0002801.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190219-0000 Rose Bowl 2017 Calendar PREDEIR_0002818.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190220-0000 IBEC Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003083.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190220-0000 F&P Related Projects PREDEIR_0003125.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190221-0000 BEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002665.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190225-0000 IBEC EIR and Transportation Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002666.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190225-0000 IBEC EIR & Transportation Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002980.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190225-0000 AIA Boundaries Inglewood PREDEIR_0003079.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190225-0000 Arena Project AIA1 PREDEIR_0003080.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190228-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002667.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190228-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002981.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190304-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda. PREDEIR_0002668.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190304-0000 IBEC Meetings Table.xlsx PREDEIR_0002873.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190307-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002669.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190309-0000 Inglewood City Hall Community Room Layout Blank.docx PREDEIR_0003071.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190313-0000 IBEC EIR Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002670.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190313-0000 IBEC Meetings Table_ v2 .xlsx PREDEIR_0002871.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190313-0000 IBEC Meetings Table_ v3.xlsx PREDEIR_0002872.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190313-0000 IBEC Meetings Table_ v4.xlsx PREDEIR_0010116.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190318-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002671.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190321-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002673.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190328-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002675.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190329-0000 Green Book Article, Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants, United States Environmental Protection Agency PREDEIR_0002839.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190400-0000 South Coast AQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds PREDEIR_0002840.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190411-0000 IBEC EIR Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002679.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190411-0000 IBEC EIR Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda revised PREDEIR_0002680.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190415-0000 Table A: Related Projects List FINAL PREDEIR_0003114.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190415-0000 Table A: Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003115.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190415-0000 Table A: Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003116.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190418-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002682.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190422-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002683.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190423-0000 Traffic Control Officer Locations.xlsx PREDEIR_0010325.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190425-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002685.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190430-0000 IBEC Century Bridge Variant Site Plan 7.2019.pdf PREDEIR_0013978.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190430-0000 IBEC Century Bridge Variant Site Plan PREDEIR_0013979.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190502-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0002687.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190502-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0010123.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190502-0000 IBEC Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0010126.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190502-0000 IBEC Site Plan.pdf PREDEIR_0010127.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190509-0000 IBEC Related Projects List PREDEIR_0003082.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190509-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0010179.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190509-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020613.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190513-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0010243.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190513-0000 IBEC Approvals List PREDEIR_0010252.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190514-0000 ALUC and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Presentation_v5.pptx PREDEIR_0010242.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190515-0000 ALUC and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Presentation_v2.pptx PREDEIR_0010241.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190515-0000 ALUC and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Presentation PREDEIR_0010244.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190515-0000 Modal Split for Report and Review w jms edits.xlsx PREDEIR_0010323.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190516-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0010245.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190516-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020614.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190523-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0013075.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190523-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020615.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190531-0000 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0013149.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190606-0000 AQMD and City of Inglewood Collaboration Meeting Presentation PREDEIR_0013150.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190606-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0013151.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190614-0000 Exhibits-to-Supplemental-AB-987-Submittal 6-14-19.pdf PREDEIR_0020870.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190617-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013266.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190617-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Minutes.docx PREDEIR_0013267.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190620-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0013268.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190627-0000 IBEC EIR Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0013399.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190627-0000 IBEC EIR Administrative Draft EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0013400.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190700-0000 IBEC Construction Chart PREDEIR_0023007.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190708-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0014103.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190708-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda_revised PREDEIR_0014104.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190711-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_0014105.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190722-0000 IBEC ITC Considerations.docx PREDEIR_0015174.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190722-0000 IBEC Traffic Mitigation Measures - Cost Estimate Notes.docx PREDEIR_0015175.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190723-0000 Draft Caltrans Meeting Agenda.pdf PREDEIR_0015173.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190729-0000 IBEC EIR Screencheck DEIR Review Meeting Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020616.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190730-0000 List of NOP Comment Letters PREDEIR_0020740.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190731-0000 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda_updated (003).docx PREDEIR_0015172.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190800-0000 IBEC Presentation: Caltrans-City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting PREDEIR_0023591.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190806-0000 Vesting Tentative Tract Map No 80314 024.pdf PREDEIR_0015797.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190806-0000 Landscape Planting Plan Level 3 Podium Enlargement 056.pdf PREDEIR_0015829.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190806-0000 4th Story Floor Plan 073.pdf PREDEIR_0015846.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190814-0000 Potential Freeway ITS Mitigation PREDEIR_0020945.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190814-0000 LAX CORRIDOR-MAP OF THE TMS LOCATIONS_withPotentialAdditions.PDF PREDEIR_0020946.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190815-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0020944.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190819-0000 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda.docx PREDEIR_0022148.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190825-0000 FAA IBEC Presentation.pptx PREDEIR_0022345.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190826-0000 08.26.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda_revised v2.docx PREDEIR_0022586.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190826-0000 08.26.19 IBEC EIR Coordination Agenda_revised.docx PREDEIR_0022587.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190911-0000 IBEC_Page_Flip_DEIR.pdf PREDEIR_027514.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190917-0000 AQMD Results Meeting Presentation PREDEIR_0023592.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191001-0000 LA Stadium and Entertainment District at Hollywood Park Off_site Signing and Striping Plans, NS-SS1_1 PREDEIR_024490.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191001-0000 LA Stadium and Entertainment District at Hollywood Park Off_site Signing and Striping Plans, NS-SS1_2 PREDEIR_024491.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191001-0000 LA Stadium and Entertainment District at Hollywood Park Off_site Signing and Striping Plans, NS-SS1_3 PREDEIR_024492.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191001-0000 LA Stadium and Entertainment District at Hollywood Park Off_site Signing and Striping Plans, NS-SS1_4 PREDEIR_024493.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191017-0000 LA City Planning / AQMD Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_024001.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191113-0000 IBEC EIR Review Meeting Agenda PREDEIR_024513.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191217-0000 DRAFT Economic and Community Development Dept Staff Report, Recommending Approval of Third Amendment to CEQA Funding Agreement, Phase III PREDEIR_024635.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191217-0000 DRAFT Economic and Community Development Dept Staff Report, Recommending Payment of Stone Planning Invoice PREDEIR_024636.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191217-0000 Draft City of Inglewood Public Works Dept Staff Report RE Professional Services Agreement for Consulting Services PREDEIR_025695.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191218-0000 Notice Under AB 987 AB987FinalNotice_121719.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191220-0000 Caltrans Collaboration Meeting Agenda.PDF PREDEIR_025716.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191220-0000 LADOT Collaboration Meeting Agenda.PDF PREDEIR_025717.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191223-1404 Legal Notices - Notice of Availability AD7657997DEIRV2.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 Notice of Availability IBEC_NOA_122719_FINAL.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 Notice of Completion IBEC_NOC_122719_SIGNED_FINAL.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal PREDEIR_025786.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200114-0000 Certified Mail Receipts 02032020.pdf IBECEIR_027941.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 1
Transcripts/Minutes 20190910-0000 Sept 10, 2019 Inglewood City Council Meeting Transcription RE IBEC Project IBECEIR_026331.pdf
Correspondence 20191219-1759 FW FW IBEC Newspaper Notice.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026261.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-1518 RE Re MLK Ad- Clippers Arena.msg Sabrina Barnes IBECEIR_026280.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2322 IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_026269.pdf
Correspondence 20191223-2322 Attch: 2019.12.23 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_026270.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 FW IBEC Draft EIR Web Files.msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_026264.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 Attch: website text.docx IBECEIR_026265.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 Attch: 2019.12.23 NOA_E.pdf IBECEIR_026266.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0013 Attch: 2019.12.23 NOA_S.pdf IBECEIR_026267.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-0544 Re FW Library contact.msg Harjinder Singh Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026273.pdf
Correspondence 20191224-1059 RE Library contact.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026277.pdf
Correspondence 20191225-1951 Re Newspaper publication.msg Willie Brown Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026279.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-0838 Collab.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026307.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-0952 RE: Collab.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026329.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-0952 RE Collab.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026400.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1018 Re Website (11).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026411.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1023 Re Website (10).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026410.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1101 Re Files (9).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026402.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1111 Re Website (8).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026409.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1115 RE Files (7).msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Josh Howe IBECEIR_026401.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1115 RE: Files.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Josh Howe IBECEIR_026325.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1131 Re Website (6).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026408.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1138 Notice Received IBECEIR_026342.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1138 Notice Received.msg Tsujiuchi, Greg ibecproject IBECEIR_026394.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1251 ESA DeliverIt.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026344.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1315 RE ESA DeliverIt.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026311.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1444 Re Website.msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026412.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1528 Boxes.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026306.pdf
Correspondence 20191226-1552 All good with the library copies.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026303.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the IBEC Project - County Clerk Stamped IBECEIR_026256.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 Notice of Completion & Environmental Document Transmittal for the IBEC Project - State Clearinghouse Stamped IBECEIR_026257.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0700 Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_026388.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0700 Attch: NOA_English.pdf IBECEIR_026389.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0700 Attch: NOA_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026390.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0700 Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_026391.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0700 Attch: NOA_English.pdf IBECEIR_026392.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0700 Attch: NOA_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026393.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0701 Re Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Charles Du Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026406.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0721 Fw IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026354.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0721 Attch: 2019.12.23 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_026355.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0721 FW IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026358.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0721 Attch: 2019.12.23 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_026359.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0721 Fw IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026262.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0721 Attch: 2019.12.23 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_026263.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0830 RE: Boxes.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026315.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0751 Clippers Media Kit.msg Mayor Butts Eloy Morales Jr. ; Ralph Franklin ; George Dotson ; Alex Padilla IBECEIR_026338.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0751 Attch: FINAL IBEC Media Kit 12.27.2019.pdf IBECEIR_026339.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0759 RE Clippers Media Kit (4).msg Alex Padilla James Butts ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; Ralph Franklin ; George Dotson IBECEIR_026398.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0800 FW Clippers Media Kit.msg Alex Padilla Ramon Quinones ; Stella Padilla IBECEIR_026346.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0800 Attch: FINAL IBEC Media Kit 12.27.2019.pdf IBECEIR_026347.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0803 FW IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_026352.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0803 Attch: 2019.12.23 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_026353.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0803 FW IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_026356.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0803 Attch: 2019.12.23 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_026357.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0830 RE Boxes.msg Addie Farrell Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_026395.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0835 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center - AB 987 Notification IBECEIR_026343.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0835 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center-AB 987 Notification (1).msg Brian McCall Mindala Wilcox ; ibecproject IBECEIR_026405.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0932 RE Clippers Media Kit (2).msg Ramon Quinones Alex Padilla ; Stella Padilla IBECEIR_026397.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0936 RE Clippers Media Kit (1).msg Alex Padilla Ramon Quinones ; Stella Padilla IBECEIR_026396.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 IEBC NOA.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox; IBECEIR_026296.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026297.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19.pdf IBECEIR_026298.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 IEBC NOA.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox; IBECEIR_026308.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026309.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19.pdf IBECEIR_026310.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 IEBC NOA.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Josh Howe IBECEIR_026385.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026386.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1032 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19.pdf IBECEIR_026387.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1033 Re IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability (1).msg Willie Brown Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026404.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1034 FW IBEC Inglewood Today Notice of Availability.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026360.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1352 RE Clippers Media Kit.msg Ralph Franklin James Butts ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; George Dotson ; Alex Padilla IBECEIR_026399.pdf
Correspondence 20191228-0649 Clippers (1).msg Keith Hammond Craig Bragg ; Vinnie Marsala ; Khaniley Sangare ; Agodoa, Michael ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Elston ; Robin Waddy ; David Alexander ; Holli Carr ; Plaines, Nathaniel L - (SoCal) ; Brandon Johnson IBECEIR_026336.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20191230-1215 Clippers Arena (1).msg richard garcia Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_026337.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1432 Fwd Main library set up at 5 05 PM on 12 26.msg Harjinder Singh Mindala Wilcox ; IBECEIR_026369.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1432 Attch: imagejpeg_0.jpg IBECEIR_026370.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1434 Crenshaw Library set up at 5 05 PM on 12 26.msg Harjinder Singh Mindala Wilcox ; IBECEIR_026340.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1434 Attch: image.jpg IBECEIR_026341.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1440 RE online notice.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026407.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1521 FW IBEC DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026348.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: imagejpeg_0.jpg IBECEIR_026349.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: image.jpg IBECEIR_026350.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 IBEC DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library (1).msg Gordon Anderson Addie Farrell' ; Royce Jones ; 'Tiffany Wright' ; 'Whit Manley' ; Cynthia Robinson ; 'Christina Erwin' ; 'IBECproject' ; 'Brian Boxer' ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;;; IBECEIR_026375.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: imagejpeg_0.jpg IBECEIR_026376.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: image.jpg IBECEIR_026377.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 IBEC_ DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library.msg Gordon Anderson Addie Farrell' ; 'Royce Jones' ; 'Tiffany Wright' ; 'Whit Manley' ; 'Cynthia Robinson' ; 'Christina Erwin' ; 'IBECproject' ; 'Brian Boxer' ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; 'Christopher E. Jackson' ;;;; IBECEIR_026382.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: imagejpeg_0.jpg IBECEIR_026383.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: image.jpg IBECEIR_026384.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 IBEC DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library.msg Gordon Anderson Addie Farrell ; 'Royce Jones' ; 'Tiffany Wright' ; 'Whit Manley' ; 'Cynthia Robinson' ; Christina Erwin ; IBECproject ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; 'Christopher E. Jackson' ;;;; IBECEIR_026419.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: imagejpeg_0.jpg IBECEIR_026420.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1521 Attch: image.jpg IBECEIR_026421.jpg
Correspondence 20191230-1535 FW IBEC DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026351.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1535 Re IBEC DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library (1).msg Gerard McCallum Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026403.pdf
Correspondence 20191230-1535 Re_ IBEC_ DEIR Document Set Ups in Inglewood Main Library and Crenshaw Branch Library.msg Gerard McCallum Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026413.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1033 IBEC Correspondence Received.msg Mindala Wilcox Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Royce Jones ; Bruce Gridley IBECEIR_026416.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1033 Attch: DOC021.PDF IBECEIR_026417.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1033 Attch: DOC020.PDF IBECEIR_026418.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1100 FW Clippers Arena.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026345.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1120 IBEC AB 987 Notice.msg Mindala Wilcox '' IBECEIR_026374.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1024 IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1.2.2020.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' ; 'Fred Jackson' ; 'Louis Atwell' ; 'Kathy Ares' ; 'Tunisia Johnson' ; 'Royce Jones' ; 'David L. Esparza' ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; 'Sharon Koike' ; 'Peter Puglese' ; 'Evangeline Lane' ;;;; Addie Farrell ; 'Christopher E. Jackson' ; IBECEIR_026415.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1031 Re IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1.2.2020.msg Lisa Trifiletti Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026425.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 2
Miscellaneous 20190000-0000 Ceritified Mail Return Receipts 2.PDF IBECEIR_026504.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191200-0000 Ceritified Mail Return Receipts 1.PDF IBECEIR_026503.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191200-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipt 3.PDF IBECEIR_026505.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191226-0000 Inglewood Today AB 987 Notice.pdf IBECEIR_026560.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777328553627 - Emmanuel Liban.PNG IBECEIR_026603.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777329486931 - Kome Ajise.PNG IBECEIR_026608.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777329547915 - Michael OKelly.PNG IBECEIR_026610.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777329931917 - Caltrans.PNG IBECEIR_026615.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777330122524 - Federal Aviation Administration.PNG IBECEIR_026616.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331248074 - Christopher Thompson.PNG IBECEIR_026621.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331266485 - Robert J Sprawls.PNG IBECEIR_026622.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331284922 - Renne Purdy.PNG IBECEIR_026623.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331307478 - Douglas P. Carstens.PNG IBECEIR_026624.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331336040 - Maria P Hoye.PNG IBECEIR_026625.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331360880 - Shivaji Deshmukh.PNG IBECEIR_026626.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331385082 - John Hell.PNG IBECEIR_026627.png
Miscellaneous 20191227-0000 FedEx Shipment 777342555623 - CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife.PNG IBECEIR_026631.png
Correspondence 20191227-0835 FedEx Shipment 777328595288 Delivered - Richard Llewellyn.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026604.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0839 FedEx Shipment 777328663296 Delivered - Vince Bertoni.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026605.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0937 FedEx Shipment 777330320045 Delivered - David Mieger.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026620.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0938 FedEx Shipment 777330201941 Delivered - Michael Y Takeshita.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026618.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-0947 FedEx Shipment 777329886440 Delivered - Sachi Hamai.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026614.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1015 FedEx Shipment 777328743860 Delivered - Seleta Reynolds.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026606.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1020 FedEx Shipment 777329496082 Delivered - Greg Tsujiuchi.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026609.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1020 FedEx Shipment 777329617466 Delivered - Arnold Shadbehr.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026611.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1020 FedEx Shipment 777329653111 Delivered - Alan Leung.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026612.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1021 FedEx Shipment 777329698183 Delivered - City of Gardena.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026613.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1046 FedEx Shipment 777328810725 Delivered - Samantha Bricker.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026607.pdf
Correspondence 20191227-1059 FedEx Shipment 777330273631 Delivered - Grace Robinson Hyde.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026619.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191230-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331405905 - Alyson Stewart.PNG IBECEIR_026628.png
Miscellaneous 20191230-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331413248 - Bruce Durbin.PNG IBECEIR_026629.png
Miscellaneous 20191230-0000 FedEx Shipment 777331424440 - Yelena Zeltser.PNG IBECEIR_026630.png
Correspondence 20191230-1055 FedEx Shipment 777330137398 Delivered - Amy Bodek.msg Sheree Hemphill IBECEIR_026617.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191231-0000 Hermendesildo Victovio notice refused.pdf IBECEIR_026573.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1101 FW Clippers Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026447.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1120 IBEC AB 987 Notice.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026453.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1137 FW IBEC AB 987 Notice.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026448.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-1137 RE IBEC AB 987 Notice (1).msg Tsujiuchi, Greg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026456.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1024 Automatic reply_ IBEC_ Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020.msg Kathy Ares Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026443.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1024 FW IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (11).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026451.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1024 IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti;;;;; Christina Erwin; Brian Boxer; Whit Manley;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell; Christopher E. Jackson ; IBECEIR_026454.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1024 IBEC_ Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (1).msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox' ; 'Fred Jackson' ; 'Louis Atwell' ; 'Kathy Ares' ; 'Tunisia Johnson' ; 'Royce Jones' ; 'David L. Esparza' ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti;;;;; Christina Erwin; Brian Boxer; Whit Manley; Tiffany Wright;;;; 'Sharon Koike' ; 'Peter Puglese' ; 'Evangeline Lane' ;;;; Addie Farrell; 'Christopher E. Jackson' ; IBECEIR_026455.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1025 FW IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (9).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026450.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1025 Re IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (2).msg Gerard McCallum Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026457.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1025 RE IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (8).msg Whit Manley Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti;;;;; Christina Erwin; Brian Boxer; Tiffany Wright ;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_026460.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1025 Re_ IBEC_ Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (5).msg Gerard McCallum Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026463.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1025 RE IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (1).msg Whit Manley Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti;;;;; Christina Erwin; Brian Boxer; Tiffany Wright ;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_026562.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1031 FW IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (5).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026449.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1031 Re IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (3) (1).msg Lisa Trifiletti Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026458.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1031 Re_ IBEC_ Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (3).msg Lisa Trifiletti Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026462.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200103-0659 FW ACTION Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Lusk, Keith (FAA) ibecproject IBECEIR_026507.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1012 FW IBEC FAA (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026511.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1012 Attch: FW_ ACTION_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Lusk, Keith (FAA) ibecproject IBECEIR_026512.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1012 FW IBEC FAA.msg Mindala Wilcox Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026513.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1012 Attch: FW_ ACTION_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Lusk, Keith (FAA) ibecproject IBECEIR_026514.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1029 FW Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox James Butts ; Alex Padilla ; Ralph Franklin ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; George Dotson IBECEIR_026522.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1029 Attch: NOA_English.pdf IBECEIR_026523.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1029 Attch: NOA_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026524.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1029 FW Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox James Butts ; Alex Padilla ; Ralph Franklin ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; George Dotson IBECEIR_026525.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1029 Attch: NOA_English.pdf IBECEIR_026526.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1029 Attch: NOA_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_026527.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1048 IBEC Meeting Request (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026551.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1048 IBEC Meeting Request.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026552.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1049 FW IBEC Meeting Request (4).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026519.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1049 FW IBEC Meeting Request (7).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026520.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1247 FW IBEC Entitlements (11).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026509.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1247 IBEC Entitlements (6).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna; Fred Jackson ; ''; Royce Jones ; ''; ''; ''; '' IBECEIR_026540.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1247 IBEC Entitlements (10).msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_026542.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1247 IBEC Entitlements (12).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_026543.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1247 IBEC_ Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_026557.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1405 FW IBEC Meeting Request (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026517.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1405 FW IBEC Meeting Request (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026518.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1430 Canceled IBEC Entitlements (1).msg Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026501.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1430 Canceled IBEC Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_026502.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1430 FW IBEC Entitlements .msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026510.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1430 IBEC Entitlements (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_026539.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1430 IBEC Entitlements (7).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_026541.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1430 IBEC Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna; Fred Jackson ; ''; Royce Jones ; ''; ''; ''; '' IBECEIR_026544.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1716 IBEC Returned Mail (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Lisa Maier IBECEIR_026553.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1716 IBEC Returned Mail.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Lisa Maier IBECEIR_026554.pdf
Correspondence 20200106-1716 IBEC Returned Mail.msg Mindala Wilcox Addie Farrell ; Lisa Maier IBECEIR_026599.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-0000 Memo MW to Council.doc IBECEIR_026561.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200107-0000 FedEx Shipment 777328521025 - Erika Torres.PNG IBECEIR_026602.png
Correspondence 20200107-1140 RE Technical Data Request Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project (7).msg Heidi Rous Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_026640.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-1753 FW_ IBEC_ Returned Mail.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_026653.pdf
Correspondence 20200108-0932 FW FedEx Shipment 777382713144 Delivered.msg Anitra Rice Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_026574.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 3
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200102-1532 Technical Data Request Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Alina Mullins ibecproject IBECEIR_026464.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200104-0000 Inglewood Today NOA.pdf IBECEIR_026679.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-0955 FW_ Meeting request.msg Lisa Trifiletti Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026672.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-0957 RE_ Meeting request (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026683.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-0959 RE_ Meeting request.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_026684.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-1051 RE Technical Data Request Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_026682.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-1753 FW IBEC Returned Mail (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_026669.pdf
Correspondence 20200107-1753 FW IBEC Returned Mail.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_026670.pdf
Correspondence 20200108-0856 Clippers.msg Matt Prideaux Craig Bragg ; Keith Hammond ; Matt Map Prideaux IBECEIR_026665.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200108-1646 Follow-up Technical Data Request Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Alina Mullins ibecproject IBECEIR_026668.pdf
Correspondence 20200108-1726 Fwd Follow-up Technical Data Request Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Lisa Trifiletti Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026673.pdf
Correspondence 20200108-1726 Fwd_ Follow-up Technical Data Request_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Lisa Trifiletti Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_027213.pdf
Correspondence 20200108-1746 Fwd_ Follow-up Technical Data Request_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Lisa Trifiletti Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026667.pdf
Correspondence 20200108-1746 email not received.msg Mindala Wilcox helpdesk IBECEIR_026666.pdf
Correspondence 20200109-1008 ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ;; IBECEIR_027205.pdf
Correspondence 20200109-1055 IBEC website - noticing (1).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_026678.pdf
Correspondence 20200109-1055 IBEC website - noticing.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_026832.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200113-0000 IBEC SCAG Presentation 2020.01.14_DRAFT .pdf IBECEIR_027216.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-0943 CITY OF INGLEWOOD - Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer installing over 1 330+ EV chargers - Activity ID 103000057 .msg Christian Torres Harry Frisby IBECEIR_027157.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1258 RE Clippers Arena - Environmental Stats and Benefits (7).msg Angela Williams Gloria Chacon IBECEIR_027169.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1301 RE Clippers Arena - Environmental Stats and Benefits (6).msg Gloria Chacon Angela Williams IBECEIR_027168.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1411 RE Clippers Arena - Environmental Stats and Benefits.msg Angela Williams Gloria Chacon IBECEIR_027170.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1541 Emailing FINAL IBEC Media Kit 12 27 2019 (2) pdf.msg Ramon Quinones Ana Arias-Lopez ; Angela Williams IBECEIR_027160.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1541 Attch: FINAL IBEC Media Kit 12 27 2019 (2).pdf IBECEIR_027161.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1705 IBEC - Standing Call on Thursdays (1).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_027164.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1705 IBEC - Standing Call on Thursdays .msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_027214.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1721 RE IBEC - Standing Call on Thursdays (1) (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis IBECEIR_027172.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1721 RE IBEC - Standing Call on Thursdays (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis' IBECEIR_027173.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1721 RE_ IBEC - Standing Call on Thursdays .msg Cynthia Robinson Perla Solis IBECEIR_027222.pdf
Correspondence 20200113-1723 RE IBEC - Standing Call on Thursdays (2).msg Perla Solis Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_027174.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200114-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts 4.PDF IBECEIR_027156.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200114-0000 IBEC_SCAG_ Agenda_v1.docx IBECEIR_027202.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200114-0000 Sign In Sheet - SAG and City of Inglewood.jpg IBECEIR_027228.jpg
Correspondence 20200114-1138 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).pdf IBECEIR_027165.pdf
Correspondence 20200114-1149 Re_ city of inglewood.msg Sarah Miller Perla Solis IBECEIR_027219.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 IBEC comment ltr.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Royce Jones ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Lisa Maier IBECEIR_027183.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) located in the Vicinity of the intersection of West Century Boulevard and South Prairie Avenue in the City of Inglewood.msg Administration Gabrieleno ibecproject IBECEIR_027184.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).pdf IBECEIR_027185.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 Attch: IMG_2822.JPG IBECEIR_027186.jpg
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 IBEC comment ltr.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; IBECproject ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Royce Jones ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Lisa Maier IBECEIR_027195.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) located in the Vicinity of the intersection of West Century Boulevard and South Prairie Avenue in the City of Inglewood.msg Administration Gabrieleno ibecproject IBECEIR_027196.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 Attch: Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).pdf IBECEIR_027197.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200114-1530 Attch: IMG_2822.JPG IBECEIR_027198.jpg
Post DEIR Materials - Week 4
Correspondence 20191220-1204 RE_ IBEC DEIR - Meeting December 20_ 2019.msg Ramirez, Carlo Perla Solis IBECEIR_026437.pdf
Correspondence 20191220-1204 Attch: IBEC DEIR Meeting 10.20.2019 Sign-in Sheet.pdf IBECEIR_026438.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-0748 RE_ IBEC_ Meeting week of Jan 6 .msg Celia Diamond Lisa Trifiletti ; Jillian Wong ; Lijin Sun IBECEIR_026440.pdf
Correspondence 20191231-0835 RE_ IBEC DEIR - Meeting December 20_ 2019 (07-LA-2019-03039).msg Ramirez, Carlo Perla Solis IBECEIR_026436.pdf
Correspondence 20200109-0946 Re_ city of inglewood.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis IBECEIR_026839.pdf
Correspondence 20200114-0700 RE_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_027217.pdf
Correspondence 20200114-1003 RE_ IBEC DEIR - Meeting December 20_ 2019.msg Ramirez, Carlo Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_027223.pdf
Correspondence 20200114-1126 Re_ city of inglewood (1).msg Sarah Miller Perla Solis IBECEIR_027218.pdf
Correspondence 20200115-1039 RE Clippers Arena - Environmental Stats and Benefits (5).msg Gloria Chacon Angela Williams IBECEIR_027365.pdf
Correspondence 20200115-1039 Attch: 2020-01-14 Community Guide.pdf IBECEIR_027366.pdf
Correspondence 20200115-1051 Re CITY OF INGLEWOOD - Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer installing over 1 330+ EV chargers - Activity ID 103000057 (4).msg Harry Frisby Christian Torres IBECEIR_027362.pdf
Correspondence 20200115-1601 RE CITY OF INGLEWOOD - Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer installing over 1 330+ EV chargers - Activity ID 103000057 .msg Christian Torres Harry Frisby IBECEIR_027363.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200116-0000 01.10.20_IBEC_ALUC Agenda_v1.docx IBECEIR_027388.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200116-0000 IBEC AlUC Presentation_v2_2020.01.13.pdf IBECEIR_027393.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-0803 RE Clippers Arena - Environmental Stats and Benefits (3).msg Angela Williams Gloria Chacon IBECEIR_027364.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-0901 RE Clippers Arena - Environmental Stats and Benefits.msg Gloria Chacon Angela Williams IBECEIR_027367.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1108 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Elizabeth Roe IBECEIR_027358.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1108 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_027359.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1141 RE INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER (2).msg Harris, Dawn Angela Williams ; Elizabeth Roe IBECEIR_027371.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1153 RE INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER (1).msg Angela Williams Harris, Dawn IBECEIR_027370.pdf
Correspondence 20200116-1611 Re INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Elizabeth Roe Harris, Dawn IBECEIR_027372.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200117-0000 Caltrans IBEC Presentation.pdf IBECEIR_027390.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-0941 RE_ IBEC DEIR - Meeting December 20_ 2019 (07-LA-2019-03039).msg Perla Solis Ramirez, Carlo IBECEIR_027396.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-0941 Attch: Caltrans IBEC Presentation.pdf IBECEIR_027397.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1520 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027383.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1520 IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027410.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1525 FW IBEC Collaboration Meeting (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_027408.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1525 FW IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_027409.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1525 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_027413.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1556 IBEC FEIR Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027384.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1556 IBEC FEIR Meeting (1).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027411.pdf
Correspondence 20200117-1556 IBEC FEIR Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027412.pdf
Correspondence 20200121-1107 RE_ Technical Data Request_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Lijin Sun Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_027439.pdf
Correspondence 20200121-1407 FW_ IBEC FEIR Meeting.msg Brian Boxer - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis IBECEIR_027436.pdf
Correspondence 20200123-1204 RE South Coast AQMD Staffs Comment Letters.msg Lisa Trifiletti Lijin Sun ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_027418.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 5
Miscellaneous 00000000-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipt 5.PDF IBECEIR_027585.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1024 IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin; Brian Boxer;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell; Christopher E. Jackson ; IBECEIR_027599.pdf
Correspondence 20200102-1025 RE IBEC Collaboration Meeting Conference Call 1-2-2020 (1).msg Whit Manley Gordon Anderson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; Royce Jones ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;; Christina Erwin; Brian Boxer; Tiffany Wright ;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_027622.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200116-0000 Building an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan.PDF IBECEIR_027581.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200116-0000 IBEC Presentation.PDF IBECEIR_027612.pdf
Correspondence 20200121-1407 FW_ IBEC FEIR Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Christina Erwin ; Mindy Wilcox; Gordon Anderson; Royce K. Jones; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Loren Montgomery; Dennis Kanuk;; Gerard McCallum; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP; Robert Hodil; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP; IBECproject IBECEIR_027684.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200122-0000 AQMD _Sign In Sheet.pdf IBECEIR_027680.pdf
Correspondence 20200122-1301 RE_ Technical Data Request_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Alina Mullins Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Jillian Wong IBECEIR_027692.pdf
Correspondence 20200122-1648 South Coast AQMD Staffs Comment Letters.msg Lijin Sun Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_027695.pdf
Correspondence 20200123-1109 Fw IBEC FEIR Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox- on behalf of - Christina Erwin Peter Puglese IBECEIR_027713.pdf
Correspondence 20200124-1254 RE CITY OF INGLEWOOD - Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer installing over 1 330+ EV chargers - Activity ID 103000057 .msg Christian Torres Harry Frisby; Louis Atwell; Constance Turner; Michael X Glenn; Andrew Cortez; Dean Perez; Manuel Migueles; Marquis Randolph; Simon Horton; John Lanham IBECEIR_027730.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 6
Miscellaneous 20190826-0000 BenMAP_Native_PM25_6km_pooled.pdf IBECEIR_027766.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190826-0000 BenMAP_Native_PM25_6km_raw.pdf IBECEIR_027767.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190827-0000 BenMAP_Native_O3_2km_Pooled.pdf IBECEIR_027760.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190827-0000 BenMAP_Native_O3_2km_Raw.pdf IBECEIR_027761.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190827-0000 BenMAP_Native_PM25_2km_pooled.pdf IBECEIR_027764.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190827-0000 BenMAP_Native_PM25_2km_raw.pdf IBECEIR_027765.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190828-0000 BenMAP PostProcessing Results for TechRPT.pdf IBECEIR_027759.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190828-0000 BenMAP_Native_O3_6km_Pooled.pdf IBECEIR_027762.pdf
Miscellaneous 20190828-0000 BenMAP_Native_O3_6km_Raw.pdf IBECEIR_027763.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200000-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts 6.PDF IBECEIR_027889.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200000-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipt 7.PDF IBECEIR_027984.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200000-0000 Certifed Mail Receipts.pdf IBECEIR_028027.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200127-0000 Don Owens Certified Mail Returned to Sender.pdf IBECEIR_028028.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200123-0000 Crystal Greer Certified Mail Returned to Sender.pdf IBECEIR_027942.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1324 Emails for Clippers Event Invite (37).msg Julianne Rendon Jaime Gutierrez IBECEIR_027890.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1326 Emails for Clippers Event Invites.msg Julianne Rendon Gwen Goodman ; Alicia Smith IBECEIR_027892.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1330 Emails for Clippers Event Invite.msg Julianne Rendon Claudette Matthews IBECEIR_027891.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1344 FW Emails for Clippers Event Invite.msg Claudette Matthews Ralph Franklin IBECEIR_027893.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1346 Re Emails for Clippers Event Invites (35).msg Gwen Goodman Julianne Rendon ; Alicia Smith IBECEIR_027932.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1348 RE Emails for Clippers Event Invite (34).msg Jaime Gutierrez Julianne Rendon IBECEIR_027930.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1358 RE Emails for Clippers Event Invites.msg Alicia Smith Julianne Rendon IBECEIR_027933.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1502 IBEC Entitlements (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ; ''; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; ''; ''; ''; '' IBECEIR_027905.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1502 IBEC Entitlements (31).msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_027906.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1502 IBEC Entitlements (32).msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;; IBECEIR_027907.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1502 IBEC_ Entitlements (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;; IBECEIR_027911.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1635 Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (21).msg Julianne Rendon George Dotson IBECEIR_027921.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1635 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027922.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1637 Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (19).msg Julianne Rendon Alex Padilla IBECEIR_027919.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1637 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027920.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1641 Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (18).msg Julianne Rendon Eloy Morales Jr. IBECEIR_027917.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1641 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027918.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1642 RE Emails for Clippers Event Invite (17).msg Claudette Matthews Julianne Rendon IBECEIR_027929.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1646 Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (15).msg Julianne Rendon Ralph Franklin IBECEIR_027915.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1646 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027916.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1646 Re Emails for Clippers Event Invite (16).msg Julianne Rendon Claudette Matthews IBECEIR_027928.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1648 RE Emails for Clippers Event Invite.msg Claudette Matthews Julianne Rendon IBECEIR_027931.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1703 Re Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Gwen Goodman Julianne Rendon IBECEIR_027935.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1808 Fwd Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Eloy Morales Jr. Jaime Gutierrez IBECEIR_027901.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1808 Attch: image001.png IBECEIR_027902.png
Correspondence 20200128-1808 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027903.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1000 FW Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (9).msg Ralph Franklin Claudette Matthews IBECEIR_027895.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1000 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027896.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1400 IBEC Entitlements (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; IBECEIR_027904.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1400 IBEC Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_027908.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1400 IBEC_ Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ;; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; IBECEIR_027912.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1416 Invitation Only Event for District 4 Commissioners Board Members Inglewood Game Changer Los Angeles Clippers Arena Project.msg Claudette Matthews Monique Cole IBECEIR_027913.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1416 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027914.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1429 RE Murphys Bowl Reimbursement.msg David L. Esparza Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_027936.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1641 Meeting Request .msg Perla Solis Cardell Hurt ; 'James Kirk' IBECEIR_027976.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1703 FW Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Tia Bordenave Tunisia Johnson IBECEIR_027897.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1703 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027898.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0558 Re CITY OF INGLEWOOD - Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer installing over 1 330+ EV chargers - Activity ID 103000057 .msg Harry Frisby Christian Torres IBECEIR_027927.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0620 RE_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Alyson Stewart IBECEIR_027977.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0623 ALUC_City of Inglewood (1).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_027884.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0623 ALUC_City of Inglewood (1).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_027969.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0624 ALUC_City of Inglewood .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ;; IBECEIR_027885.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0624 ALUC_City of Inglewood .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ;; IBECEIR_027970.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-0933 Meeting Forward Notification_ IBEC Transportation.msg Perla Solis Christina Erwin IBECEIR_027975.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1553 Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Julianne Rendon Cinder Eller IBECEIR_027923.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1553 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027924.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1559 IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; John Pehrson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027954.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1559 IBEC AQ/GHG/Energy.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; John Pehrson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_027965.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1559 IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; John Pehrson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028010.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1832 FW Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (6).msg Cinder Eller IBECEIR_027998.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1832 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_027999.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1849 Ms Sabrano requests a copy of Clippers EIR.msg Damian B. Pipkins Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028019.pdf
Correspondence 20200130-1849 Ms. Sabrano requests a copy of Clippers EIR.pdf IBECEIR_027925.pdf
Correspondence 20200131-1143 FW IBEC AQ GHG Energy.pdf IBECEIR_027899.pdf
Correspondence 20200131-1143 FW IBEC AQ GHG Energy (1).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Fred Jackson IBECEIR_027996.pdf
Correspondence 20200131-1143 FW IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Fred Jackson IBECEIR_027997.pdf
Correspondence 20200131-1143 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028018.pdf
Correspondence 20200131-1444 RE_ Meeting Request .msg Perla Solis Cardell Hurt IBECEIR_027980.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-0847 City of Inglewood Clippers Stadium DEIR Review.msg Nicholas Zerman-Moriak Kent Tsujii ; Mingliang Shi ; Jeff Pletyak ; Perla Solis IBECEIR_027971.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1033 Meeting Request from City of Inglewood .msg Perla Solis IBECEIR_028051.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1323 IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley IBECEIR_028032.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1326 Clippers Invite RSVP.msg Alicia Smith Bryce Fluellen IBECEIR_027991.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1357 Re Clippers Invite RSVP.msg Bryce Fluellen Alicia Smith IBECEIR_028020.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 City of Inglewood_LA County Traffic Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Nicholas Zerman-Moriak ; Mingliang Shi ; Kent Tsujii IBECEIR_027989.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 Attch: Alhambra Campus Directory (4) (002).pdf IBECEIR_027990.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 City of Inglewood/LA County Traffic Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Nicholas Zerman-Moriak ; Mingliang Shi ; Kent Tsujii IBECEIR_028038.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 Attch: Alhambra Campus Directory (4) (002).pdf IBECEIR_028039.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 City of Inglewood_LA County Traffic Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Nicholas Zerman-Moriak ; Mingliang Shi ; Kent Tsujii IBECEIR_028045.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 Attch: Alhambra Campus Directory (4) (002).pdf IBECEIR_028046.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1512 FW Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Cinder Eller Cinder Eller IBECEIR_028000.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1512 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_028001.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1515 Fwd Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Cinder Eller Marcus Psalms IBECEIR_028005.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1515 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_028006.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1543 Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood (2).msg Julianne Rendon Angela Williams IBECEIR_028015.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1543 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_028016.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1623 RE_ Visitor Instructions.msg Nicholas Zerman-Moriak Perla Solis IBECEIR_028056.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1108 IBEC Entitlements Meeting.pdf IBECEIR_028011.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 7
Miscellaneous 20041200-0000 LA County ALUC Procedures.PDF IBECEIR_028087.pdf
Correspondence 20200129-1400 IBEC Entitlements (3).msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ; ''; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; ''; ''; ''; ''; '' IBECEIR_028135.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200130-0000 LF ALUC to City re NOA.PDF IBECEIR_028086.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200203-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts 8.PDF IBECEIR_028071.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 City of Inglewood LA County Traffic Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Nicholas Zerman-Moriak ; Mingliang Shi ; Kent Tsujii IBECEIR_028072.pdf
Correspondence 20200203-1450 Attch: Alhambra Campus Directory (4) (002).pdf IBECEIR_028073.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1045 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER (32).msg Angela Williams Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell IBECEIR_028174.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1045 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028175.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1047 FW INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER (31).msg Artie Fields Angela Williams IBECEIR_028119.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1047 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028120.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1047 FW INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Louis Atwell IBECEIR_028121.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1047 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028122.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1108 IBEC Entitlements Meeting (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_028137.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1116 Inglewood Game Changer Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Kathy Ares - on behalf of - James Butts Maria Barba ; Tunisia Johnson ; Kathy Ares IBECEIR_028178.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1207 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_028176.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1207 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028177.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1224 Clippers Invite.msg Alicia Smith Richard Diaz IBECEIR_028076.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1224 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_028077.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1443 Clippers.msg Cinder Eller 78thPlaceConnection IBECEIR_028074.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1443 Attch: Screenshot_invitation.png IBECEIR_028075.png
Correspondence 20200204-1445 Clippers Mixer.msg Cinder Eller Pol_CAS ; Gloria McPeake IBECEIR_028078.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1445 Attch: Screenshot_invite.png IBECEIR_028079.png
Correspondence 20200204-1452 Clippers.msg Cinder Eller Mark Fried IBECEIR_028081.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1452 Attch: Screenshot_invite.jpg IBECEIR_028082.jpg
Correspondence 20200204-1457 RE Clippers Mixer.msg Gloria McPeake Cinder Eller IBECEIR_028185.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1752 IBEC Entitlements (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_028134.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1752 IBEC Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_028136.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-1752 IBEC_ Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_028165.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-2043 Fwd Los Angeles Clippers Arena in Inglewood.msg Alicia Smith Joan Richardson IBECEIR_028129.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-2043 Attch: gamechanger.png IBECEIR_028130.png
Correspondence 20200204-2043 Attch: GameChangerInvite2020.pdf IBECEIR_028131.pdf
Correspondence 20200204-2134 Re CITY OF INGLEWOOD - Clippers Owner Steve Ballmer installing over 1 330+ EV chargers - Activity ID 103000057 .msg Christian Torres Harry Frisby IBECEIR_028184.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1145 RE_ Meeting Request .msg Cardell Hurt Perla Solis IBECEIR_028344.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1150 IBEC Extension Review Period Notices (1).msg Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028148.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1150 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng and Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028149.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1150 Attch: 2020.02.05 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_028150.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1151 FW IBEC Extension Review Period Notices (1).msg Christopher E. Jackson '' IBECEIR_028105.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1151 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng and Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028106.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1151 Attch: 2020.02.05 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_028107.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1151 FW IBEC Extension Review Period Notices (18).msg Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028116.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1151 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng and Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028117.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1151 Attch: 2020.02.05 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_028118.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1233 FW IBEC Extension Review Period Notices (17).msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028112.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1233 Attch 2020.02.05 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_028113.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1236 FW IBEC Extension Review Period Notices (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_028108.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1236 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng and Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028109.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1309 Fwd IBEC Extension Review Period Notices .msg Christopher E. Jackson Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_028126.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1309 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng and Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028127.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1309 Attch: 2020.02.05 Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_028128.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1309 Fwd IBEC Extension Review Period Notices .msg Christopher E. Jackson Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_028361.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1309 Attch: NOA Eng and Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028362.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1309 Attch: Inglewood Today NOA Ad.docx IBECEIR_028363.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1354 meeting with LA County Traffic.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028183.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1400 IBEC Website (16).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_028140.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1400 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng.pdf IBECEIR_028141.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1400 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028142.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1414 RE IBEC Website (15).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028189.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1415 RE meeting with LA County Traffic (15).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028195.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1415 RE_ meeting with LA County Traffic (8).msg Tom Gaul Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028201.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1511 RE Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (1).msg Addie Farrell Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_028197.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1511 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19_Spanish.docx IBECEIR_028198.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1511 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19.docx IBECEIR_028199.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1511 RE: Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report.msg Addie Farrell Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_028324.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1511 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19_Spanish.docx IBECEIR_028325.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1511 Attch: IBEC_NOA_12.27.19.docx IBECEIR_028326.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1515 RE meeting with LA County Traffic (14).msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028194.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1515 RE_ meeting with LA County Traffic (7).msg Lisa Trifiletti Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028200.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1528 RE meeting with LA County Traffic.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti' ; Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028196.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1528 RE_ meeting with LA County Traffic.msg Mindala Wilcox Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul ; Perla Solis ; Netai Basu ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028202.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 IBEC ALUC List.PDF IBECEIR_028085.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 LA County & City of Inglewood Collab Agenda.PDF IBECEIR_028088.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 Draft NOA English.docx IBECEIR_028277.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 Draft NOA Sp translation.docx IBECEIR_028279.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 Draft NOA Sp translation.docx IBECEIR_028280.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-0000 NOA Memo from SCH.pdf IBECEIR_028281.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 County Clerk Stamp_NOA.pdf IBECEIR_028282.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 County Clerk Stamp_Spanish_NOA.pdf IBECEIR_028283.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 LACDPW_Presentation..pptx IBECEIR_028327.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 LA County Public Works _Agenda_Sign In Sheets.pdf IBECEIR_028340.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200206-0821 DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Toan Duong ibecproject IBECEIR_028221.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200206-0821 Attch: ICU Significant Impact Thresholds.pdf IBECEIR_028222.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-0821 FW DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (13) (1).msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028230.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-0821 Attch: DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Toan Duong ibecproject IBECEIR_028231.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-0821 Attch: ICU Significant Impact Thresholds.pdf IBECEIR_028232.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1008 FW DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox; IBECEIR_028224.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1008 Attch: DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Toan Duong ibecproject IBECEIR_028225.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1008 Attch: ICU Significant Impact Thresholds.pdf IBECEIR_028226.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1008 FW DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox; IBECEIR_028236.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1008 Attch: DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Toan Duong ibecproject IBECEIR_028237.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1008 Attch: ICU Significant Impact Thresholds.pdf IBECEIR_028238.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1022 Revised Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR (1).msg Cynthia Robinson Addie Farrell IBECEIR_028206.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1022 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA eNG.docx IBECEIR_028207.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1022 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Sp translation.docx IBECEIR_028208.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1103 IBEC (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_028147.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1116 RE DEIR comments for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Tom Gaul Mindala Wilcox ; Netai Basu IBECEIR_028187.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1126 Re IBEC (11) (1).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028191.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1138 IBEC Comment Period Extended .msg Perla Solis Turner, Kim IBECEIR_028336.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1138 Attch: NOA Eng_202002051414097851.pdf IBECEIR_028337.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1145 Clippers EIR Extension.msg Greene, Scott Ling, Shine ; Truong, Cassie ; Forgiarini, Joseph IBECEIR_028334.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1145 Attch: NOA Eng_202002051414097851.pdf IBECEIR_028335.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1146 RE_ 2020_02_05 NOA Eng_202002051414097851_pdf.msg Greene, Scott Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_028342.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1152 RE IBEC (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_028190.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1152 RE IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_028193.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1154 Planning Weekly - February 5 2020.msg Fred Jackson Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028368.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1154 Attch: Planning Weekly.docx IBECEIR_028369.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1334 Updated NOA SCH No 2018021056.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028275.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1334 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_028276.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1334 Updated NOA, SCH No. 2018021056.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028310.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1334 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_028311.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1347 NOA Eng_pdf.msg Lisa Trifiletti Lijin Sun ; Alina Mullins ; Celia Diamond ; Jillian Wong ; Perla Solis IBECEIR_028328.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1347 Attch: NOA Eng.pdf IBECEIR_028329.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1353 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended (2).msg Perla Solis Shirley Hsiao' ; Burner, Lee ; Ernie Crespo ; Ramisi Watkins ;; Paige Hansen ;; Chang, Diana ; Vinita Waskow ; Joyce Rooney ; Page, Scott ; Greene, Scott ; Rod Goldman ; Leslie Scott ; Timothy McCormick ; Turner, Kim ; Zhang, Kaitlyn ; Jeffrey Lau ; IBECEIR_028169.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1353 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng_202002051414097851.pdf IBECEIR_028170.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1353 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended .msg Perla Solis Shirley Hsiao' ; Burner, Lee ; Ernie Crespo ; Ramisi Watkins ;; Paige Hansen ;; Chang, Diana ; Vinita Waskow ; Joyce Rooney ; Page, Scott ; Greene, Scott ; Rod Goldman ; Leslie Scott ; Timothy McCormick ; Turner, Kim ; Zhang, Kaitlyn ; Jeffrey Lau ; IBECEIR_028338.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1353 Attch: NOA Eng_202002051414097851.pdf IBECEIR_028339.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1405 FW EIR comments from Big Blue Bus City of Santa Monica.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028239.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1405 Attch: EIR comments from Big Blue Bus, City of Santa Monica.msg Timothy McCormick ibecproject IBECEIR_028240.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200206-1406 EIR comments from Big Blue Bus City of Santa Monica.msg Timothy McCormick ibecproject IBECEIR_028223.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1611 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended (1).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_028166.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1611 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng.pdf IBECEIR_028167.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1611 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028168.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1611 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended (3).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_028171.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1611 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Eng.pdf IBECEIR_028172.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1611 Attch: 2020.02.05 NOA Sp.pdf IBECEIR_028173.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1800 IBEC website (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_028139.pdf
Correspondence 20200206-1805 RE IBEC website (1).msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028188.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-0817 RE_ Meeting Request from City of Inglewood .msg Majcherek, Maria Perla Solis IBECEIR_028345.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-0832 RE Updated NOA SCH No 2018021056.msg Justin Le Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028268.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-0832 Attch:_Memo.pdf IBECEIR_028269.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-1606 City of Inglewood_LA County Fire Department Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028333.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200208-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipt 9.PDF IBECEIR_028358.pdf
Correspondence 20200208-0739 Construction Network -- City of Inglewood people-mover and Clippers Stadium projects (3).msg Kelly Asper Tunisia Johnson ; Maria Barba ; Sidia Landaverde ; Kathy Ares IBECEIR_028346.pdf
Correspondence 20200210-1329 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Sabrina Barnes IBECEIR_028365.pdf
Correspondence 20200210-1329 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028366.pdf
Correspondence 20200210-1558 FedEx Confirmations_02.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_028284.pdf
Correspondence 20200210-1824 NOP Notice or DEIR .msg Sean Moore Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028367.pdf
Correspondence 20200210-1826 Zoning Question .msg Sean Moore Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028372.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1308 IBEC website - Murphy Bowl.pdf IBECEIR_028364.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1323 Clippers update at The Wood - Murphy Bowl.pdf IBECEIR_028360.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1526 Re_ Meeting Request .msg Cardell Hurt Perla Solis IBECEIR_028390.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1601 [Re] IBEC AQ/GHG/Energy.msg Heidi Rous Christina Erwin ; Anitra Rice ;; IBECproject ; Jeff Caton ;;;; IBECEIR_028387.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 8
Correspondence 20200130-0624 ALUC City of Inglewood .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ;; IBECEIR_028414.pdf
Correspondence 20200205-1354 meeting with LA County Traffic.msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028460.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-1606 City of Inglewood LA County Fire Department Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028417.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-1606 City of Inglewood_LA County Fire Department Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_028418.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1308 IBEC website (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_028446.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1323 Clippers update at The Wood (1).msg Sharon Garrett Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028422.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1509 RE IBEC website (1).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028480.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1520 FW IBEC Entitlements (20).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_028433.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1520 FW IBEC Entitlements .msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_028434.pdf
Correspondence 20200211-1601 Re IBEC AQ GHG Energy (1).msg Heidi Rous Christina Erwin ; Anitra Rice ;; IBECproject ; Jeff Caton ;; Mindala Wilcox ;; IBECEIR_028479.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1157 Project Site Power-Point City Website Display (2).msg Evangeline Lane George Dotson ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028469.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1157 Attch: Murphys Bowl Powerpoint Presentation - Pg 5 - Street Location.docx IBECEIR_028470.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1204 SCH# 2018021056 - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) (1).msg Christine Asiata Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028482.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1453 RE IBEC Entitlements (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;;; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_028477.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1519 Project Site Power-Point City Website Display .msg Evangeline Lane George Dotson ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028471.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1519 Attch: Murphys Bowl Powerpoint Presentation - Pg 5 - Street Location.docx IBECEIR_028472.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1519 Attch: Murphys Bowl Powerpoint Presentation - Pg 9 - Bldg Notification-Street Location.docx IBECEIR_028473.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1618 RE_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_028527.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1619 IBEC - AQ.msg Heidi Rous Christina Erwin ; Anitra Rice ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tiffany Wright ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_028443.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1619 IBEC AQ Murphy Bowl.pdf IBECEIR_028444.pdf
Correspondence 20200212-1619 IBEC - AQ.msg Heidi Rous Christina Erwin ; Anitra Rice ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tiffany Wright ; IBECEIR_028521.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-0715 Re Project Site Power-Point City Website Display .msg George Dotson Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_028481.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-0846 meeting (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Phoebe Allen IBECEIR_028451.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-0846 meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Phoebe Allen IBECEIR_028461.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1031 Collaboration Meeting (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;;;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028425.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1031 Collaboration Meeting (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;; Royce Jones ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028426.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1033 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028454.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1049 Clippers IBEC EIR Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (9).msg Phoebe Allen - on behalf of - Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Jerry Tucker ; Ali Pouraghabagher ; IBECEIR_028419.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1052 Clippers IBEC EIR Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.msg Phoebe Allen - on behalf of - Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028420.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1259 RE_ Meeting Request from City of Inglewood .msg Majcherek, Maria Perla Solis IBECEIR_028529.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1342 RE City of Inglewood Metro Coordination Meeting (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis' IBECEIR_028474.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1346 RE City of Inglewood Metro Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028475.pdf
Correspondence 20200213-1512 EIR Discussion - Inglewood Basketball Stadium & Events Center.msg Majcherek, Maria Tsujiuchi, Greg ; Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_028525.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200218-1008 FW: IBEC: LACo FD Comment Letter.msg Addie Farrell IBECproject IBECEIR_028498.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200218-1008 Attch: LA Fire Dept Comments.PDF IBECEIR_028499.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1044 IBEC AQ/GHG/Energy.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; John Pehrson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Jeff Caton ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028495.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1046 Fw_ IBEC AQ_GHG_Energy - Murphy Bowl.pdf Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_028537.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1256 City of Inglewood_LADOT IBEC Coordination Meeting - Murphy Bowl.pdf Perla Solis Multiple Recipients IBECEIR_028535.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1341 IBEC Alternatives.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Paul Stephenson ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028563.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1634 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028566.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1642 Re_ meeting.msg Eddie Guerrero Perla Solis IBECEIR_028567.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 9
Correspondence 20200218-1341 IBEC Alternatives.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Loren Montgomery ; Paul Stephenson ; Whit Manley ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028600.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1634 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028605.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1101 IBEC City of Inglewood Metro Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028597.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1302 IAACC Mixer - Update on the Clippers Arena.msg Ramon Quinones Alex Padilla IBECEIR_028595.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1609 IBEC Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_028599.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1609 IBEC_ Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_028607.pdf
Correspondence 20200220-1701 IBEC Follow Up.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028598.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1615 Re_ meeting.msg Eddie Guerrero Perla Solis IBECEIR_028670.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1637 Invitation_ IBEC @ Fri Feb 28_ 2020 10am - 11_30am .msg DOT-CTB-Hollywood-Conf-Room ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Perla Solis IBECEIR_028667.pdf
Correspondence 20200219-1637 Attch: invite.ics;;; IBECEIR_028668.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200218-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF IBECEIR_028676.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-0856 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028698.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1046 Fw IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_028678.pdf
Correspondence 20200224-1046 RE_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Alyson Stewart IBECEIR_028738.pdf
Correspondence 20200224-1057 IBEC Request for 15min Call.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028687.pdf
Correspondence 20200224-1143 FW INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Jeffrey Zhu Angela Williams IBECEIR_028681.pdf
Correspondence 20200224-1143 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028682.pdf
Correspondence 20200224-1243 RE INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_028699.pdf
Correspondence 20200224-1329 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_028691.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-0950 IBEC_ City of Inglewood_Hawthorne Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Tsujiuchi, Greg IBECEIR_028734.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1249 IBEC A.msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Paul Stephenson ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028716.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1249 IBEC A.msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Paul Stephenson ; Mindy Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028723.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1305 IBEC City of Inglewood Hawthorne Coordination Meeting.pdf IBECEIR_028689.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1326 IBEC City Yard Alternative.pdf IBECEIR_028690.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1347 RE_ Inglewood Clippers EIR - Metro mtg 3_4.msg Perla Solis Ling, Shine IBECEIR_028743.pdf
Correspondence 20200226-0906 RE_ IBEC - IT Request for Meeting .msg Majcherek, Maria Perla Solis IBECEIR_028742.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 10
Correspondence 20200122-0958 IBEC Introductory Meeting.msg Paula Portz Phoebe Allen IBECEIR_027600.pdf
Correspondence 20200122-1035 RE IBEC Introductory Meeting.msg Phoebe Allen Paula Portz IBECEIR_027630.pdf
Correspondence 20200122-1105 Re IBEC Introductory Meeting.msg Paula Portz Phoebe Allen IBECEIR_027629.pdf
Correspondence 20200122-1250 RE IBEC Introductory Meeting.msg Phoebe Allen Paula Portz IBECEIR_027628.pdf
Correspondence 20200122-1603 Re IBEC Introductory Meeting.msg Paula Portz Phoebe Allen IBECEIR_027631.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1217 Meeting w Paula Portz of LEGENDS re IBEC Arena (1).msg Phoebe Allen Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Paula Portz IBECEIR_027727.pdf
Correspondence 20200128-1217 Meeting w Paula Portz of LEGENDS re IBEC Arena.msg Phoebe Allen Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_027728.pdf
Correspondence 20200207-0921 Clippers New Arena - Inglewood.msg Paula Portz Mandhir Singh IBECEIR_028359.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1431 Meeting w Paula Portz of LEGENDS re IBEC Arena (11).msg Phoebe Allen Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Paula Portz ; Mandhir Singh IBECEIR_028614.pdf
Correspondence 20200218-1431 Meeting w Paula Portz of LEGENDS re IBEC Arena.msg Phoebe Allen Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_028615.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-0949 IBEC City of Inglewood Hawthorne Coordination Meeting (1).msg Perla Solis Majcherek, Maria ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul IBECEIR_028796.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1142 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Sabrina Barnes IBECEIR_028815.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1142 Attch: INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE & NEWSLETTER.docx IBECEIR_028816.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1249 IBEC A.msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Loren Montgomery ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Royce Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Paul Stephenson ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028802.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1259 IBEC City Yard Alternative (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell IBECEIR_028797.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1313 RE IBEC City Yard Alternative (9).msg Louis Atwell Mindala Wilcox ; Cliff Pate IBECEIR_028825.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1326 FW IBEC City Yard Alternative (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_028772.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1326 RE IBEC City Yard Alternative (26).msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Cliff Pate IBECEIR_028826.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1444 Question about Clippers Arena article.msg Elizabeth Roe Angela Williams IBECEIR_028821.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1531 RE Question about Clippers Arena article.msg Angela Williams Elizabeth Roe IBECEIR_028830.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1532 Question about Clippers Arena article.pdf IBECEIR_028822.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1806 IBEC_ Entitlements (4).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_028811.pdf
Correspondence 20200225-1809 IBEC Entitlements (24).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_028800.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200226-0000 Hawthorne_Presentation.pdf IBECEIR_028744.pdf
Correspondence 20200226-1027 RE_ Inglewood Clippers EIR - Metro mtg 3_4.msg Ling, Shine Perla Solis IBECEIR_028895.pdf
Correspondence 20200226-1037 IBEC City Yard Alternative.pdf IBECEIR_028804.pdf
Correspondence 20200226-1037 RE IBEC City Yard Alternative (1).msg Cliff Pate Louis Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028823.pdf
Correspondence 20200226-1511 City of Inglewood_Metro Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028882.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-0900 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Royce Jones ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_028771.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1001 RE_ Caltrans_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Perla Solis IBECEIR_028891.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1053 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028809.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1053 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_028855.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1125 IBEC meeting (1).msg Christina Erwin Tom Gaul ; Heidi Rous ; John Gard ; Anitra Rice ; Addie Farrell ; Netai Basu ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ;; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_028806.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1137 FW IBEC meeting (1).msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of Christina Erwin Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028776.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1137 FW IBEC meeting (4).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028777.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1137 FW IBEC meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_028778.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1137 IBEC Meeting.pdf IBECEIR_028808.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1137 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028817.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1243 transportation meetings.msg Mindala Wilcox Perla Solis IBECEIR_028900.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1352 FW Invitation IBEC @ Fri Feb 28 2020 10am - 11 30am (1).msg - on behalf of - Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028781.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1352 Attch: invite.ics;;; IBECEIR_028782.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1352 FW_ Invitation_ IBEC @ Fri Feb 28_ 2020 10am - 11_30am .msg Perla Solis - on behalf of - Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028787.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1352 Attch: invite.ics;;; IBECEIR_028788.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1352 FW_ Invitation_ IBEC @ Fri Feb 28_ 2020 10am - 11_30am .msg Perla Solis - on behalf of - Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028885.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1352 Attch: invite.ics;;; IBECEIR_028886.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1354 Caltrans_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028765.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1354 Caltrans_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028880.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 RE transportation meetings.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028831.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 Attch: Invitation_ IBEC @ Fri Feb 28, 2020 10am - 11_30am .msg DOT-CTB-Hollywood-Conf-Room ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Perla Solis IBECEIR_028832.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 Attch: invite.ics;;; IBECEIR_028833.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 Attch: Caltrans_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028834.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 RE_ transportation meetings.msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_028896.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 Attch: Invitation_ IBEC @ Fri Feb 28, 2020 10am - 11_30am .msg; DOT-CTB-Hollywood-Conf-Room ; Lisa Trifiletti ;; Perla Solis IBECEIR_028897.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 Attch: invite.ics;;; IBECEIR_028898.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1356 Attch: Caltrans_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028899.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1402 IBEC Presentations .msg Perla Solis Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_028888.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1415 RE_ IBEC Presentations .msg Perla Solis Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_028894.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1440 FW IBEC Transportation (1).msg - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Perla Solis ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028779.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1440 IBEC Transportation.pdf IBECEIR_028810.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1440 FW_ IBEC Transportation.msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028883.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1440 Meeting Forward Notification_ IBEC Transportation.msg Lisa Trifiletti Christina Erwin IBECEIR_028890.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1531 FW IBEC Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center .msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Perla Solis Peter Puglese ; Perla Solis IBECEIR_028774.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1531 FW IBEC Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center.pdf IBECEIR_028784.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1531 FW_ IBEC_ Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center .msg - on behalf of - Perla Solis Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028884.pdf
Correspondence 20200227-1609 Meeting 03_05_20.msg Majcherek, Maria Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis IBECEIR_028889.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200228-0000 IBEC DEIR Comments Meeting Sign-in Sheet.pdf IBECEIR_028887.pdf
Correspondence 20200228-1718 IBEC_ Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_028909.pdf
Correspondence 20200301-2017 Clippers owner Steve Ballmer in advanced negotiations to buy The Forum from MSG, sources say.pdf Mark Fried IBECEIR_028903.pdf
Correspondence 20200302-1044 RE_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_028933.pdf
Correspondence 20200302-1406 IBEC_ Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028910.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200303-0000 Centinela Hospital_Presentation_03.03.2020_v3.pdf IBECEIR_028924.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200303-0000 Metro_Presentation_03.04.2020_v1.pdf IBECEIR_028932.pdf
Correspondence 20200303-1026 IBEC_ Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center (1).msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028930.pdf
Correspondence 20200303-1026 IBEC_ Meeting with Centinela Hospital Medical Center .msg Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_028931.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 11
Miscellaneous 20200304-0000 NOA English.docx IBECEIR_029014.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200304-0000 NOA Sp translation.docx IBECEIR_029016.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200304-0000 County Clerk Stamp_English.pdf IBECEIR_029018.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200304-0000 County Clerk Stamp_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_029019.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-0936 City of Inglewood_Metro Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Greene, Scott ; Ling, Shine ; Truong, Cassie ; Mindy Wilcox ; Forgiarini, Joseph ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_029042.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1044 Updated NOA, SCH No. 2018021056.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_029034.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1044 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029035.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1354 LADOT_City of Inglewood.msg Perla Solis Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Eddie Guerrero ;; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_029048.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1359 IBEC_ Modifications to City Website.msg Gordon Anderson Josh Howe IBECEIR_028948.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1359 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_028949.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1359 Attch: NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_028950.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1711 FW IBEC - Revised NOA.pdf Perla Solis IBECEIR_028942.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended.pdf IBECEIR_028951.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1051 IBEC EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_028998.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1053 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_028944.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1053 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_029026.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1053 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_029045.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1101 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended.pdf Perla Solis IBECEIR_028954.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1101 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended .msg Perla Solis Shirley Hsiao' ; Burner, Lee ; Ernie Crespo ; Ramisi Watkins ;; Paige Hansen ;; Chang, Diana ; Vinita Waskow ; Joyce Rooney ; Page, Scott ; Greene, Scott ; Rod Goldman ; Leslie Scott ; Timothy McCormick ; Turner, Kim ; Zhang, Kaitlyn ; Jeffrey Lau ; IBECEIR_029053.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1101 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029054.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1105 RE_ City of Inglewood_Metro Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Ling, Shine ; Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_029049.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1105 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029050.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1105 Attch: Metro_Presentation_03.04.2020_v1.pdf IBECEIR_029051.pdf
Correspondence 20200306-1131 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center - Comment Period Extended .msg Perla Solis; Eddie Guerrero IBECEIR_029046.pdf
Correspondence 20200306-1131 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029047.pdf
Correspondence 20200306-1516 Comment Period Extended - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center .msg Perla Solis Majcherek, Maria ; Leung, Alan ; Tsujiuchi, Greg IBECEIR_029043.pdf
Correspondence 20200306-1516 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029044.pdf
Correspondence 20200303-1010 FW IBEC Entitlements (21).msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of Cynthia Robinson Louis Atwell ; Boytrese Osias ; Mandhir Singh ; Ali Pouraghabagher ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_029078.pdf
Correspondence 20200303-1015 FW IBEC Entitlements .msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of Cynthia Robinson Thomas Lee ; Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_029079.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200304-0000 Comment Letter from Andrew Gerson.PDF IBECEIR_029155.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1516 IBEC - Revised NOA.msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown IBECEIR_029106.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1516 Attch: NOA English.docx IBECEIR_029107.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1711 FW IBEC - Revised NOA.msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown IBECEIR_029073.pdf
Correspondence 20200304-1711 Attch: NOA English.docx IBECEIR_029074.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended (1).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_029114.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Attch: 2020.03.04 NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029115.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Attch: 2020.03.04 NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029116.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended (5).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_029117.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Attch: NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029118.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-0924 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029119.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1053 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; IBECproject IBECEIR_029113.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1101 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended (1).msg Perla Solis Shirley Hsiao' ; Burner, Lee ; Ernie Crespo ; Ramisi Watkins ;; Paige Hansen ;; Chang, Diana ; Vinita Waskow ; Joyce Rooney ; Page, Scott ; Greene, Scott ; Rod Goldman ; Leslie Scott ; Timothy McCormick ; Turner, Kim ; Zhang, Kaitlyn ; Jeffrey Lau ; IBECEIR_029142.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1101 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029143.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200305-1302 DEIR Rodeway Comments for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Jig Patel ibecproject IBECEIR_029180.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200305-1302 Attch: Rodeway Inn Comments.pdf IBECEIR_029181.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1302 FW Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029075.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1302 Attch: Re_ Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Jig Patel ibecproject IBECEIR_029076.pdf
Correspondence 20200305-1302 Attch: Rodeway Inn Comment Letter.pdf IBECEIR_029077.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200307-0813 Arroyo - EIR comments.msg Nina Arroyo ibecproject IBECEIR_029179.pdf
Correspondence 20200309-1029 RE INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER (1).msg Jeffrey Zhu Angela Williams IBECEIR_029144.pdf
Correspondence 20200309-1029 Attch: Inglewood, Clippers article.pdf IBECEIR_029146.pdf
Correspondence 20200309-1029 Inglewood, Clippers article.pdf Perla Solis IBECEIR_029124.pdf
Correspondence 20200309-1052 RE INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_029147.pdf
Correspondence 20200309-1053 INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER - REVISED.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_029121.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project.msg Lijin Sun ibecproject ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029207.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project.msg IBECEIR_029208.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 1.msg IBECEIR_029209.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 3.msg IBECEIR_029210.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 5.msg IBECEIR_029211.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 7.msg IBECEIR_029212.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 8.msg IBECEIR_029213.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 9.msg IBECEIR_029214.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 10.msg IBECEIR_029215.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-1031 Attch: SCAQMD Comments on the DEIR for the IBEC Project Link 11.msg IBECEIR_029216.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 12
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200310-0000 Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County.PDF IBECEIR_029284.pdf
Correspondence 20200310-1715 IBEC Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_029252.pdf
Correspondence 20200310-1718 IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Christina Erwin Fred Jackson IBECEIR_029250.pdf
Correspondence 20200310-1735 RE 125 N Prairie -The Regent at Prairie development Inquiry.msg Sharon Garrett Walter Maynard ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029260.pdf
Correspondence 20200310-1744 Re 125 N Prairie -The Regent at Prairie development Inquiry.msg Walter Maynard Sharon Garrett IBECEIR_029261.pdf
Correspondence 20200311-0901 IBEC Entitlement meeting on March 4 2020.msg Boytrese Osias Gordon Anderson ; IBECEIR_029251.pdf
Correspondence 20200311-0914 FW IBEC Entitlement meeting on March 4 2020.msg Boytrese Osias Eddy Ikemefuna ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ali Pouraghabagher ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_029241.pdf
Correspondence 20200311-0957 Fw IBEC Entitlement meeting on March 4 2020.msg Gordon Anderson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029240.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-0000 Memo from Mindy Wilcox to Bettye Griffith re IBEC Projected Timeline IBECEIR_029239.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1033 IBEC City of Inglewood Hawthorne Coordination Meeting.msg Perla Solis Majcherek, Maria ; Leung, Alan ; Tsujiuchi, Greg ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu IBECEIR_029243.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1212 IBEC_ Conference Call for Monday 3_16.msg Perla Solis Majcherek, Maria ; Tsujiuchi, Greg ; Leung, Alan IBECEIR_029354.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1250 IBEC meeting invite.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; David Beauchamp ; Maureen Reilly ; Dennis Kanuk ; IBECproject IBECEIR_029248.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1445 RE_ IBEC_ Conference Call for Monday 3_16.msg Majcherek, Maria Perla Solis ; Tsujiuchi, Greg ; Leung, Alan IBECEIR_029362.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1517 IBEC meeting invite.msg Christina Erwin David Beauchamp ; Maureen Reilly ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; IBECproject ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_029249.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1517 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin David Beauchamp ; Maureen Reilly ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; IBECproject ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_029254.pdf
Correspondence 20200312-1517 IBEC meeting invite.msg Christina Erwin David Beauchamp ; Maureen Reilly ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; IBECproject ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_029313.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1535 Updated NOA SCH No 2018021056.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_029323.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0749 Re_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_029357.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0854 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended .msg Chan, Jane Perla Solis IBECEIR_029363.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 NOA of DEIR.PDF IBECEIR_029382.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200313-0000 2020.03.13 NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029625.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200313-0000 2020.03.13 NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029626.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1228 RE Clippers Projected Timeline (9).msg Bettye Griffith Guan, Mark (FAA) IBECEIR_029482.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1228 Attch: Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Ctr Projected Timeline.PDF IBECEIR_029483.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1250 RE Clippers Projected Timeline.msg Guan, Mark (FAA) Bettye Griffith IBECEIR_029484.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1733 FW IBEC Modifications to City Website (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Matthew Chambers IBECEIR_029409.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1733 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029410.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1733 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029411.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1752 Re IBEC Modifications to City Website (4).msg Josh Howe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029489.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1753 RE IBEC Modifications to City Website (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_029488.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1759 Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_029572.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1759 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA English.docx IBECEIR_029573.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1801 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended to March 24 2020 (4).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_029457.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1801 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029458.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1801 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029459.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1955 Re Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (1).msg Willie Brown Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029561.pdf
Correspondence 20200315-2152 RE Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_029562.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200316-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts 12.PDF IBECEIR_029381.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0000 Transmittal to County Clerk from ESA re NOA.pdf IBECEIR_029644.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0956 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended to March 24 2020 (3).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_029454.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0956 Attch: NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029455.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0956 Attch: NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029456.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1454 Re Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (23).msg Willie Brown Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029563.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1550 IBEC Transportation (20).msg Perla Solis IBECEIR_029441.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1613 IBEC EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_029420.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1613 IBEC: EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_029653.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1614 IBEC (16).msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_029444.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1614 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_029652.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200316-1738 West Basin Comment - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (SCN #2018021056).msg Uzi Daniel ibecproject IBECEIR_029464.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200316-1738 Attch: Inglewood Clipper EIR comment March17.pdf IBECEIR_029465.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1746 IBEC Transportation (13).msg Perla Solis Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Loren Montgomery ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECEIR_029439.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1746 IBEC Transportation .msg Perla Solis Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Loren Montgomery ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECEIR_029442.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-0829 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended .msg Chan, Jane Perla Solis IBECEIR_029675.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-0840 FedEx Shipment 770027495816 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029627.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-0842 FedEx Shipment 770027582094 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029628.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-0903 Re_ City of Inglewood_Metro Coordination Meeting .msg Ling, Shine Perla Solis IBECEIR_029671.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-0940 FedEx Shipment 770027678186 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029632.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-0941 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center - Request for Meeting 3_19 or 3_20.msg Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Perla Solis IBECEIR_029674.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1002 FedEx Shipment 770027652679 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029630.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1002 FedEx Shipment 770027663930 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029631.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1002 FedEx Shipment 770028681671 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029635.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1018 FedEx Shipment 770028045666 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029633.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1027 FedEx Shipment 770028418777 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_029634.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1028 IBEC Entitlements (2).msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_029422.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1040 FedEx Shipment 770028755600 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029636.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1054 FedEx Shipment 770027603924 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029629.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1110 RE_ FedEx Shipment 770027451850 Delivered.pdf^RE_ FedEx Shipment 770027451850 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029643.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1157 FW_ FedEx Shipment 770027777322 Delivered.pdf^FW_ FedEx Shipment 770027777322 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029638.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1206 FW_ FedEx Shipment 770027875414 Delivered.pdf^FW_ FedEx Shipment 770027875414 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029639.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1421 FW_ FedEx Shipment 770027559946 Delivered.pdf^FW_ FedEx Shipment 770027559946 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029637.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-0918 FW_ FedEx Shipment 770028906641 Delivered.pdf^FW_ FedEx Shipment 770028906641 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029642.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1017 FW_ FedEx Shipment 770028418777 Delivery Exception.pdf^FW_ FedEx Shipment 770028418777 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_029641.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1307 FW_ FedEx Shipment 770028418777 Delivered.pdf IBECEIR_029640.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1643 IBEC_ Transportation_Prep for Meeting with Caltrans .msg Perla Solis Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Loren Montgomery ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECEIR_029670.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1710 City of Hawthorne & City of Inglewood Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Majcherek, Maria ; Leung, Alan ; Tsujiuchi, Greg ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_029665.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 13
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200201-0000 H. Ginyard comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029981.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 S. Williams comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_030027.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 L. Holmes comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029998.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 H. Presha comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029986.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 H. Ginyard comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029982.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 H. Carr comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029976.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 E. Edwards comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029972.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 D. Mau comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029961.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 A. Roberts comment.pdf IBECEIR_029931.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200202-0000 A. Boles comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029926.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 Y. Hagos comment.pdf IBECEIR_030038.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 S. Pitts comment.pdf IBECEIR_030026.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 R. Gaskill comment.pdf IBECEIR_030015.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 O. Riley comment.pdf IBECEIR_030011.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 M. Kay comment.pdf IBECEIR_030007.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 L. Smith comment.pdf IBECEIR_030002.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 J. Phillips comment.pdf IBECEIR_029994.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 J. Allen comment.pdf IBECEIR_029989.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 E. James comment.pdf IBECEIR_029975.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 D. Morrison comment.pdf IBECEIR_029964.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 D. Mau comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029962.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 D. Cole comment.pdf IBECEIR_029951.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 D. Chenier comment.pdf IBECEIR_029950.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 Cuban Leaf comment.pdf IBECEIR_029947.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 C. Walton comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029944.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 C. Psalms comment.pdf IBECEIR_029943.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 B. Sparks comment.pdf IBECEIR_029937.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 B. Campbell comment.pdf IBECEIR_029935.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 A. Torregano comment.pdf IBECEIR_029934.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 A. Elzie comment.pdf IBECEIR_029929.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200203-0000 A. Boles comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029927.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 T. Bunn comment.pdf IBECEIR_030029.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 L. Green comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029996.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 H. Ginyard comment_3.pdf IBECEIR_029983.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 E. Baines comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029969.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 D. Scott comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029967.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 D. Martin comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029959.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 D. Faulk comment.pdf IBECEIR_029955.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 D. Deshay comment.pdf IBECEIR_029954.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 D. Baines comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029948.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 C. Walton comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029945.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 A. Albero comment.pdf IBECEIR_029925.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200204-0000 D. Hall comment_1.pdf IBECEIR_029956.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 T. Thomas comment.pdf IBECEIR_030034.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 S. Mitchell comment.pdf IBECEIR_030024.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 S. Jameson comment.pdf IBECEIR_030023.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 S. Cameron comment.pdf IBECEIR_030020.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 R. Bailey comment.pdf IBECEIR_030013.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 M. Hicks comment.pdf IBECEIR_030006.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 L. Wright comment.pdf IBECEIR_030004.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 L. Holmes comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029999.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 L. Green comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029997.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 J. Jameson comment.pdf IBECEIR_029992.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 I. Bailey comment.pdf IBECEIR_029988.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 H. Presha comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029987.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 H. Jackson comment.pdf IBECEIR_029985.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 H. Carr comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029977.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 E. Edwards comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029973.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 E. Baines comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029970.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 D. Mau comment_3.pdf IBECEIR_029963.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 D. Baines comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029949.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 C. McClellan comment.pdf IBECEIR_029941.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 C. Jackson comment.pdf IBECEIR_029940.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 B. Huellea comment.pdf IBECEIR_029936.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200205-0000 A. Spikes comment.pdf IBECEIR_029932.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 T. Wiley comment.pdf IBECEIR_030035.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 T. Prudent comment.pdf IBECEIR_030033.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 T. Johnson comment.pdf IBECEIR_030032.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 T. Hinton comment.pdf IBECEIR_030031.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 S. Williams comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_030028.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 Ri. Thompson comment.pdf IBECEIR_030019.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 Re. Thompson comment.pdf IBECEIR_030018.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 M. Prudent comment.pdf IBECEIR_030009.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 L. Holmes comment_3.pdf IBECEIR_030000.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 J. Butts comment.pdf IBECEIR_029990.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 H. Carr comment_4.pdf IBECEIR_029979.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 H. Carr comment_3.pdf IBECEIR_029978.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 E. Holly comment.pdf IBECEIR_029974.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 E. Baines comment_3.pdf IBECEIR_029971.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 D. Scott comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029968.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 D. Richardson comment.pdf IBECEIR_029966.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 D. Pearson comment.pdf IBECEIR_029965.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 D. Martin comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029960.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 D. Hall Comment_2.pdf IBECEIR_029957.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 A. Strong comment.pdf IBECEIR_029933.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200209-0000 A. Boles comment_3.pdf IBECEIR_029928.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 V. comment.pdf IBECEIR_030037.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 V. B comment.pdf IBECEIR_030036.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 T. Burnett comment.pdf IBECEIR_030030.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 S. Nelson comment.pdf IBECEIR_030025.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 S. Cotton comment.pdf IBECEIR_030022.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 S. comment.pdf IBECEIR_030021.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 R. Smith comment.pdf IBECEIR_030017.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 R. J comment.pdf IBECEIR_030016.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 R. comment.pdf IBECEIR_030014.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 P. Thompson comment.pdf IBECEIR_030012.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 N. A comment.pdf IBECEIR_030010.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 M. Marraffa comment.pdf IBECEIR_030008.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 M. A comment.pdf IBECEIR_030005.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 L. Thomas comment.pdf IBECEIR_030003.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 L. Jand comment.pdf IBECEIR_030001.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 K. Vettu comment.pdf IBECEIR_029995.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 J. Mur comment.pdf IBECEIR_029993.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 J. Fisher comment.pdf IBECEIR_029991.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 H. Ginyard comment_4.pdf IBECEIR_029984.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 H. comment.pdf IBECEIR_029980.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 D. Lew comment.pdf IBECEIR_029958.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 D. D comment.pdf IBECEIR_029953.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 D. comment.pdf IBECEIR_029952.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 Crowne Plaza LAX comment.pdf IBECEIR_029946.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 C. O comment.pdf IBECEIR_029942.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 C. Agrella comment.pdf IBECEIR_029939.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 B. T comment.pdf IBECEIR_029938.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200224-0000 A. Gamble comment.pdf IBECEIR_029930.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1621 IBEC_ Modifications to City Website.msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_029690.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1621 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA Sp translation.pdf IBECEIR_029691.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1621 Attch: 2020.03.13 NOA English.pdf IBECEIR_029692.pdf
Correspondence 20200313-1753 RE_ IBEC_ Modifications to City Website.msg Mindala Wilcox Josh Howe IBECEIR_029698.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200316-0000 Water Supply_WBMWD Comm. Beauchamp telephone notes.pdf IBECEIR_029858.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-0812 ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Alyson Stewart ; IBECEIR_029676.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1613 IBEC_ EIR Call.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_029685.pdf
Correspondence 20200316-1614 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_029684.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200317-0000 Comment Letter from L. Diane Sambrano.pdf IBECEIR_029767.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1028 IBEC_ Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_029687.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1353 RE Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (20) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown' IBECEIR_029806.pdf
Correspondence 20200317-1548 Re Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (19).msg Willie Brown Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029805.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-0954 RE Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (18) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_029803.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1039 FW IBEC Transportation.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_029779.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1228 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center - Request for Meeting 3_19 or 3_20.msg Perla Solis Ramirez, Carlo@DOT' IBECEIR_029761.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1243 Request for Meeting - City of Inglewood .msg Perla Solis Ramirez, Carlo@DOT IBECEIR_029765.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1445 City of Inglewood and Caltrans Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindy Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ;; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT IBECEIR_029742.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1558 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center - Request to do Meeting .msg Perla Solis Majcherek, Maria' IBECEIR_029762.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1632 Re Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (15).msg Willie Brown Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029802.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1638 RE Request for Online Publication (IBEC) (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Willie Brown IBECEIR_029801.pdf
Correspondence 20200318-1643 IBEC_ Transportation_Prep for Meeting with Caltrans .msg Perla Solis Netai Basu ; Tom Gaul ; Loren Montgomery ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECEIR_029754.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200319-0000 LA County Public Works comments.PDF IBECEIR_029914.pdf
Correspondence 20200319-1004 FW: IBEC: Summary of FAA OE/AAA 7460 Applications .msg Addie Farrell IBECproject IBECEIR_029727.pdf
Correspondence 20200319-1004 Attch: 1. IBEC FAA Certified 1A Survey Points.pdf IBECEIR_029728.pdf
Correspondence 20200319-1004 Attch: 2. IBEC FAA No Hazard Determinations.pdf IBECEIR_029729.pdf
Correspondence 20200319-1004 Attch: 3. FAA 7460 Application Summary.xlsx IBECEIR_029730.pdf
Correspondence 20200319-1604 URGENT - Quick Call .msg Perla Solis Ramirez, Carlo@DOT IBECEIR_029766.pdf
Correspondence 20200320-1030 RE_ URGENT - Quick Call .msg Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Perla Solis IBECEIR_029764.pdf
Correspondence 20200320-1314 RE_ City of Inglewood and Caltrans Coordination Meeting .msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; Mindy Wilcox ; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Edmonson, Miya R@DOT ; Gibson, Emily@DOT ; Nguyen, Tam D@DOT ; Horn, Sarah S@DOT IBECEIR_029756.pdf
Correspondence 20200320-1314 Attch: CT Presentation.03-20-20.pdf IBECEIR_029757.pdf
Correspondence 20200320-1445 City of Hawthorne & City of Inglewood Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Leung, Alan ; Majcherek, Maria ; Tsujiuchi, Greg IBECEIR_029741.pdf
Correspondence 20200320-1956 RE_ City of Hawthorne & City of Inglewood Coordination Call .msg Leung, Alan Perla Solis IBECEIR_029755.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200323-0000 PETA Comments.pdf IBECEIR_029922.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200323-0000 Gabrieleno Admin Comments.pdf IBECEIR_029921.pdf
Correspondence 20200323-1242 FW IBEC EIR Call (2).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Fred Jackson IBECEIR_029777.pdf
Correspondence 20200323-1242 Meeting Forward Notification FW IBEC EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_029794.pdf
Correspondence 20200323-1242 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC EIR Call.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_029795.pdf
Correspondence 20200323-1456 IBEC - EIR follow up.msg Heidi Rous Tiffany Wright ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Chris Holmquist ; Anitra Rice ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Christina Erwin ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_029883.pdf
Correspondence 20200323-1506 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Heidi Rous ; Tiffany Wright ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Dennis Kanuk ; Brian Boxer ; Olivia Chan ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029789.pdf
Correspondence 20200323-1509 IBEC - EIR follow up.msg Heidi Rous Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_029782.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200324-0000 LA Metro comments.pdf IBECEIR_029895.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200324-0000 Unite Here Local 11 Comments by Channel Law.pdf IBECEIR_029898.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200324-0000 Dept of Transportation - Caltrans comments.pdf IBECEIR_029920.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200324-0000 NRDC Comments.pdf IBECEIR_029924.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200324-0000 LADOT Comments.pdf IBECEIR_029923.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1115 RE_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) DEIR Comment Period Extended .msg Zhang, Kaitlyn Perla Solis IBECEIR_029918.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200325-0000 Phone Log - Carson.pdf IBECEIR_029856.pdf
Correspondence 20200325-0939 RE_ DevReview_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Perla Solis Ling, Shine ; Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_029916.pdf
Correspondence 20200325-1142 Re Baldwin Hills Mall Site - Development Application.msg Luciralia Ibarra Paul Stephenson IBECEIR_029857.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 14
Miscellaneous 20191211-0000 Attch: Signed GGN Letter - AB 987 IBEC Certification_from governer to OPR.pdf IBECEIR_030217.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191211-0000 Signed GGN Letter - AB 987 IBEC Certification.pdf IBECEIR_030219.pdf
Miscellaneous 20191211-0000 Attch: Signed GGN Letter - AB 987 IBEC Certification_application for IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_030218.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200300-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF IBECEIR_030049.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200300-0000 Culver CityBus Comments_IBEC DEIR.docx IBECEIR_030233.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1004 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) SCH 2018021056.msg Pettit, David ibecproject IBECEIR_030071.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1004 Attch: Clippers DEIR comment letter.docx IBECEIR_030072.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1630 Breaking News Clippers buy the Forum for $400 million clearing way for new arena construction (3).msg Los Angeles Times Sabrina Barnes IBECEIR_030046.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1631 Breaking News Clippers buy the Forum for $400 million clearing way for new arena construction (2).msg Los Angeles Times Council Office District2 IBECEIR_030045.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1632 Breaking News Clippers buy the Forum for $400 million clearing way for new arena construction.msg Los Angeles Times Lori Jones IBECEIR_030047.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1716 DevReview Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center.msg Truong, Cassie ibecproject IBECEIR_030073.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1716 Attch: 2015 Metro Transit Service Policy.pdf IBECEIR_030074.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1716 Attch: Inglewood Entertainment Cntr.pdf IBECEIR_030075.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-1754 FW IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_030053.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-2044 FW IBEC DEIR - LADOT Response.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030085.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-2044 Attch: IBEC DEIR - LADOT Response.msg Eddie Guerrero ibecproject IBECEIR_030086.pdf
Correspondence 20200324-2044 Attch: IBEC DEIR_LADOT Response.pdf IBECEIR_030087.pdf
Correspondence 20200325-0741 Fwd_ IBEC DEIR - LADOT Response.msg Eddie Guerrero Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_030220.pdf
Correspondence 20200325-0741 Attch: IBEC DEIR_LADOT Response.pdf IBECEIR_030221.pdf
Correspondence 20200325-2047 FW Breaking News Clippers buy the Forum for $400 million clearing way for new arena construction.msg apadilla2293 Ramon Quinones ; Stella Padilla IBECEIR_030050.pdf
Correspondence 20200326-1054 Phone call.msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_030228.pdf
Correspondence 20200326-1147 Re_ Phone call.msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_030230.pdf
Correspondence 20200326-1228 IBEC - AQ, GHG, Noise.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_030055.pdf
Correspondence 20200326-1228 IBEC - AQ, GHG, Noise.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; John Pehrson ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Jeff Caton ; Tiffany Wright ; Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ;; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030194.pdf
Correspondence 20200326-1231 IBEC.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_030057.pdf
Correspondence 20200326-1231 L.A. Clippers Owner Agrees to Acquire The Forum for $400M, Propelling New Arena Plans.pdf Western Real Estate Business Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_030058.pdf
Correspondence 20200327-1501 FW IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Fred Jackson IBECEIR_030130.pdf
Correspondence 20200327-1502 FW IBEC - AQ GHG Noise.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Fred Jackson IBECEIR_030128.pdf
Correspondence 20200328-1201 IBEC_ Bracketed Comment Letters.msg Christina Erwin Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030134.pdf
Correspondence 20200328-2133 RE_ IBEC_ Bracketed Comment Letters.msg Christina Erwin Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030140.pdf
Correspondence 20200329-1742 IBEC Transportation Small Group.pdf Brian Boxer IBECEIR_030133.pdf
Correspondence 20200329-1743 IBEC Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Christina Erwin ; IBECEIR_030225.pdf
Correspondence 20200329-1743 Attch: IBEC EIR Transportation Small Group Preliminary List of Transportation Comments.docx IBECEIR_030226.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-0855 IBEC Agenda 3.30.20.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Whit Manley ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; IBECproject ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_030188.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-0932 RE_ IBEC Transportation Small Group.msg Tom Gaul Brian Boxer ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Dennis Kanuk ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Christina Erwin ; IBECEIR_030236.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-1213 RE IBEC Bracketed Comment Letters.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_030139.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-1250 Re IBEC - AQ GHG Noise.msg Bruce Lackow Christina Erwin ; Tony Locacciato IBECEIR_030163.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-1653 IBEC FEIR Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_030132.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1136 IBEC FEIR Transportation Small Group Links to Revised Letter Bracketing.pdf Brian Boxer IBECEIR_030131.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1047 IBEC - Comment Letter.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030171.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200109-0000 Bracketed Richard Garcia comments.PDF IBECEIR_030300.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200113-0000 Bracketed South Coast AQMD comments.PDF IBECEIR_030302.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200113-0000 Bracketed South Coast AQMD comments.PDF IBECEIR_030303.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200114-0000 Bracketed Gabrieleno Tribe comments.PDF IBECEIR_030291.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200206-0000 Bracketed LA County Department of Public Works comments.PDF IBECEIR_030292.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200210-0000 Bracketed Big Blue comments.PDF IBECEIR_030278.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200210-0000 Bracketed Los Angeles County ALUC comments.PDF IBECEIR_030296.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200216-0000 Bracketed County of Los Angeles Fire Department comments.PDF IBECEIR_030283.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200306-0000 Bracketed FAA comments.PDF IBECEIR_030289.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200309-0000 Bracketed Andrew Gerson comments.PDF IBECEIR_030277.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200309-0000 Bracketed Nina Espinoza comments.PDF IBECEIR_030297.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200309-0000 Bracketed Rodeway Inn comments.PDF IBECEIR_030301.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200311-0000 Bracketed South Coast AQMD comments.PDF IBECEIR_030304.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200316-0000 Bracketed LA County Sanitation comments.PDF IBECEIR_030293.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200317-0000 Bracketed West Basin Municipal Water District comments.PDF IBECEIR_030306.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200320-0000 Bracketed Diane Sambrano comments.PDF IBECEIR_030285.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200323-0000 Bracketed PETA comments.PDF IBECEIR_030299.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200324-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_030281.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200324-0000 Bracketed Gabrieleno Tribe comments.PDF IBECEIR_030290.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200324-0000 Bracketed LA Metro comments.PDF IBECEIR_030294.pdf
Correspondence 20200325-0000 Letter from CA Governors Office of Planning & Research re ibec project is in compliance with review requirements for deir docs.PDF IBECEIR_030305.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200326-0000 Bracketed County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works comments.PDF IBECEIR_030282.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200326-0000 Bracketed NRDC (Petit) comments.PDF IBECEIR_030298.pdf
Correspondence 20200328-1608 RE IBEC Bracketed Comment Letters.msg Via, Tay Christina Erwin IBECEIR_030272.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200330-0000 Bracketed Caltrans comments.PDF IBECEIR_030279.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200330-0000 Bracketed Unite Here - Channel comments.PDF IBECEIR_030280.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200330-0000 Bracketed LADOT comments.PDF IBECEIR_030295.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-1653 IBEC FEIR Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Peter Puglese ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gordon Anderson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Whit Manley ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_030260.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1651 Draft Agreements.MSG O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_030286.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1651 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement - MB Draft 033120-c.docx IBECEIR_030287.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1651 Attch: Development Agreement - MB Draft 03-31-20-c.docx IBECEIR_030288.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200401-0000 Bracketed Culver CityBus comment.PDF IBECEIR_030284.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 15
Miscellaneous 20191211-0000 Attch: Signed GGN Letter - AB 987 IBEC Certification_travel efficiency.pdf IBECEIR_030365.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1722 FW IBEC EIR Comment.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030336.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1722 Attch: IBEC EIR Comment.msg Zhang, Kaitlyn ibecproject IBECEIR_030337.pdf
Correspondence 20200331-1722 Attch: Culver CityBus Comments_IBEC DEIR.docx IBECEIR_030338.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200401-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF IBECEIR_030313.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1047 IBEC - Comment Letter.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; John Gard ; Netai Basu ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030341.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1349 FW INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER - REVISED.msg Jeffrey Zhu Angela Williams IBECEIR_030317.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1411 RE INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER - REVISED.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_030332.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1621 IBEC Schedule (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; IBECEIR_030325.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1735 IBEC Zoom Mtg.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_030323.pdf
Correspondence 20200401-1752 Re IBEC & TOD Discussion.msg Philip Burns Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030331.pdf
Correspondence 20200406-1157 IBEC Zoom Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_030378.pdf
Correspondence 20200407-1152 IBEC.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer IBECEIR_030384.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 16
Correspondence - Public Comments 20010511-0000 Reference to public comment SCAQMD 3.10.20.pdf: Rule 1166 Volatile Organic Compound Emissions....pdf IBECEIR_030494.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20090000-0000 Reference to public comment ALUC 2.6.20.pdf: LA County Dept. of Regional Planning ALUC Webpage.pdf IBECEIR_030495.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20110000-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: U.S. Green Building Council, LEED Pilot Credit 55.pdf IBECEIR_030496.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20120710-0000 Reference to public comment NRDC 3.24.20.pdf: Environmental Justice at the Local and Regional Level Legal Background.pdf IBECEIR_030497.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20130900-0000 Reference to public comment Channel 3.24.20.pdf: Caltrans Technical Noise Supplement.pdf IBECEIR_030498.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20131202-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: USFWS Migratory Bird Treaty Act.pdf IBECEIR_030499.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20140000-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: Bird-building Collisions in the United States….pdf IBECEIR_030501.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20140000-0000 Reference to public comment Caltrans 3.24.20.pdf: Caltrans California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.pdf IBECEIR_030500.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20150000-0000 Reference to public comment Caltrans 3.24.20.pdf: Caltrans Strategic Management Plan.pdf IBECEIR_030519.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20150900-0000 Reference to public comment Metro 3.24.20.pdf: APBP Essentials of Bike Parking.pdf IBECEIR_030502.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20150904-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: New York Times Renovation at Javits Center.pdf IBECEIR_030503.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20151000-0000 Reference to public comment LADOT 3.24.20.pdf: LA County Metro Transit Service Policy.pdf IBECEIR_030504.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20160407-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: Los Angeles Magazine Urban Birding.pdf IBECEIR_030505.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20160520-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: The Architect’s Newspaper Architects completes bird-friendly....pdf IBECEIR_030506.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20160600-0000 Reference to public comment Caltrans 3.24.20.pdf: Caltrans California Transportation Plan 2040.pdf IBECEIR_030507.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20160700-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: USFWS Reducing Bird Collisions with Buildings....pdf IBECEIR_030508.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20170000-0000 Reference to public comment Metro 3.24.20.pdf: Metro Employer Annual Pass Program.pdf IBECEIR_030512.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20170000-0000 Reference to public comment Metro 3.24.20.pdf: LA County Metro Station Design Projects.pdf IBECEIR_030511.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20170300-0000 Reference to public comment SCAQMD 3.10.20.pdf: SCAQMD 2016 AQMP Appendix I, Health Effects.pdf IBECEIR_030509.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20171201-0000 Reference to public comment SCAQMD 3.10.20.pdf: Rule 1466 Control of Particulate Emissions....pdf IBECEIR_030510.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20180418-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: USFWS Collisions.pdf IBECEIR_030513.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20181024-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel James B. Nelson Fiserv Forum....pdf IBECEIR_030514.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20190122-0000 Reference to public comment Metro 3.24.20.pdf: Metro Inglewood First-Last Mile Plan.pdf IBECEIR_030515.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20191210-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: Associated Press, NYC Lawmakers Vote 43-3....pdf IBECEIR_030517.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County 3.10.20.pdf: LACSD Web Will Serve Program.pdf IBECEIR_030528.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment LACo FD 2.13.20.pdf: County of Los Angeles Fire Code.pdf IBECEIR_030525.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: Friends of Ballona Wetlands Field Guide.pdf IBECEIR_030524.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment PETA 3.23.20.pdf: Bird City Wisconsin Threats to Birds.pdf IBECEIR_030523.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment Caltrans 3.24.20.pdf: CEQA Guidelines Sections 15092(b), 15043.pdf IBECEIR_030522.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment Caltrans 3.24.20.pdf: CEQA Guidelines Section 15124.pdf IBECEIR_030521.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment SCAQMD 3.10.20.pdf: CARB Optional Reduced NOx Standards for Heavy-duty Vehicles.pdf IBECEIR_030520.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200000-0000 Reference to public comment Caltrans 3.24.20.pdf: Caltrans Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) Webpage.pdf IBECEIR_030518.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200127-0000 Reference to public comment SCAQMD 3.10.20.pdf: For Construction Pros Electrified Construction Equipment Gaining Momentum.pdf IBECEIR_030526.pdf
Correspondence 20200330-1214 RE IBEC Bracketed Comment Letters.msg Christina Erwin Addie Farrell ; Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030463.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200401-0000 Cornell Chronicle Chicago Tops List….pdf IBECEIR_030516.pdf
Correspondence 20200407-1727 IBEC Noise.msg Christina Erwin Heidi Rous ; Olivia Chan ; Anitra Rice ; Tony Chung ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; IBECproject IBECEIR_030434.pdf
Correspondence 20200408-1403 IBEC Noise.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_030435.pdf
Correspondence 20200408-1638 RE_ IBEC Transportation.msg Brian Boxer Christina Erwin ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECproject ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_030457.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-0846 RE_ Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Brian Boxer ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell ;; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_030556.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1450 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_030459.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1455 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_030460.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200410-1616 Environmental Impact Report comments from samuel-polk .msg catherine samuel-polk ibecproject IBECEIR_030559.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1547 IBEC-code questions for discussion.msg Fulton, Susan John Jones IBECEIR_030569.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1547 Attch: Pages from 20.0403 floor plans.pdf IBECEIR_030570.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1547 Attch: IBEC concourse.pdf IBECEIR_030571.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1559 IBEC; Draft Economic and Fiscal Impact Report.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_030602.pdf
Correspondence 20200409-1559 Attch: DRAFT HRA IBEC Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis Report 4.1.20-c.pdf IBECEIR_030603.pdf
Correspondence 20200413-2145 FW IBEC AQ GHG Energy.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030568.pdf
Correspondence 20200414-1743 IBEC Outreach Discussion.msg Dennis Kanuk Gerard McCallum ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Robert Hodil ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_030605.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-1447 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley IBECEIR_030589.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-1448 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley IBECEIR_030590.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 17
Correspondence 20200413-2145 FW IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030621.pdf
Correspondence 20200414-1427 FW IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson; Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_030617.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-0642 FW IBEC Noise Follow-up.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030624.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-0944 IBEC AB 987.msg Dennis Kanuk Chris Holmquist ; Robert Hodil ; Conrardy, Michael ; Larkin, Rob ; Wayson, Roger ; Mindala Wilcox ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley IBECEIR_030629.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1012 FW IBEC AB 987.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Dennis Kanuk Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030618.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1017 IBEC City of Inglewood Caltrans Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ramirez, Carlo@DOT ; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu IBECEIR_030627.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1050 IBEC City of Inglewood NRDC Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Mindala Wilcox ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; IBECEIR_030628.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1054 FW IBEC City of Inglewood NRDC Coordination Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Perla Solis Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030616.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1228 Re Transportation Small Group.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer IBECEIR_030674.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1256 RE Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030673.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1314 HR&A Study.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_030659.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1412 FW IBEC Draft Economic and Fiscal Impact Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer IBECEIR_030655.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1412 Attch: DRAFT HRA IBEC Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis Report 4.1.20-c.pdf IBECEIR_030656.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1422 RE IBEC Draft Economic and Fiscal Impact Report.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030669.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1422 IBEC Restaurant space.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Heidi Rous IBECEIR_030678.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1427 RE IBEC Restaurant space.msg Heidi Rous Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_030634.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1707 RE Inglewood Basketball Entertainment Center Wastewater Generation.msg Raza, Adriana David Beauchamp IBECEIR_030697.pdf
Correspondence 20200416-1707 Attch: Inglewood_Basketball_&_Entertainment_Center 86.pdf IBECEIR_030698.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1351 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_030812.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1729 IBEC Discussion - Transportation.pdf Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030760.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1729 IBEC Discussion 2.pdf Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030773.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion - Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030753.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion - Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu IBECEIR_030754.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion - Transportation 2.pdf Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030758.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu IBECEIR_030764.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030770.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030772.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1730 IBEC Discussion 3.pdf Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030774.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1731 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030761.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1731 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil IBECEIR_030762.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1731 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030763.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1731 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030767.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1731 IBEC Discussion 7.pdf Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030778.pdf
Correspondence 20200420-1732 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_030765.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 18
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200402-0745 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Draft EIR.msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031003.pdf
Correspondence 20200421-0000 GPA Notification Ltr.docx IBECEIR_031002.pdf
Correspondence 20200421-0914 IBEC NOTIFICATION.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_030899.pdf
Correspondence 20200421-0914 Attch: 2019.12 Notification List.xlsx IBECEIR_030900.pdf
Correspondence 20200421-1616 IBEC Revised Letter.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_030893.pdf
Correspondence 20200421-1616 Attch: GPA Notification Ltr.docx IBECEIR_030894.pdf
Correspondence 20200422-0901 IBEC Soils Discussion .pdf Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_030969.pdf
Correspondence 20200422-1459 FW IBEC Entitlements .msg Gordon Anderson Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_030885.pdf
Correspondence 20200422-1717 California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Veronica Lebron Louis Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_030875.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1503 IBEC Discussion - Transportation.msg Christina Erwin Peter Puglese IBECEIR_030898.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1504 RE Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_030912.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1505 FW IBEC Discussion - Transportation.msg Brian Boxer - on behalf of - Christina Erwin Peter Puglese IBECEIR_030886.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1614 Brown Act Violations Cure Correct Demand re IBEC Project (SCH 2018021056); California Public Records Act Request.msg Veronica Lebron Artie Fields ; Alex Padilla ; Eloy Morales Jr. ;; ibecproject ; James Butts ; Ken Campos ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ralph Franklin ; Wanda Brown ; Yvonne Horton ; IBECEIR_030990.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1614 Attch: Brown Act Violation Cure and Correct Demand to City of Inglewood re SCH 2018021056; CPRA Request.PDF IBECEIR_030991.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1843 Request for Advance Notice Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project; SCH 2018021056.msg Veronica Lebron Artie Fields ; Alex Padilla ; Eloy Morales Jr. ;; ibecproject ; James Butts ; Ken Campos ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ralph Franklin ; Wanda Brown ; Yvonne Horton ; IBECEIR_030992.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1843 Attch: Request for Notice re Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project; SCH 2018021056.PDF IBECEIR_030993.pdf
Miscellaneous 19940621-0000 FAA Grant Aip 3-06-0139-NG.pdf IBECEIR_031082.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1314 Intersection 85_ I-105 Eastbound On_Off-Ramps & 120th Street.msg Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_031095.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1314 Attch: 07-35700K LA-105 PIR.pdf IBECEIR_031096.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1647 Rodeway Contact Information.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_031032.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1647 Attch: andrew-lamming.vcf IBECEIR_031033.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1647 Attch: alan-fenstermacher.vcf IBECEIR_031034.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1801 IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECproject ; Fred Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer IBECEIR_031026.pdf
Correspondence 20200428-0825 RE_ Do you have time for a call_ .msg Lisa Trifiletti Jillian Wong IBECEIR_031098.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-0848 Re_ ALUC application.msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_031097.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 19
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200206-0000 Duong - Public Comment.pdf IBECEIR_031230.pdf
Draft 20200300-0000 Draft Economic and Fiscal Imparct Report: IBEC IBECEIR_031231.pdf
Draft 20200331-0000 Disposition and Development Agreement Draft IBECEIR_031228.pdf
Draft 20200331-0000 Development Agreement Draft IBECEIR_031229.pdf
Correspondence 20200427-1801 IBEC AQ GHG Energy.msg Christina Erwin Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECproject ; Fred Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer IBECEIR_031126.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200428-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipt.PDF IBECEIR_031113.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1012 IBEC City of Inglewood AQMD.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Anitra Rice ; Celia Diamond ; Jillian Wong ; Lijin Sun ; Alina Mullins ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_031123.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1034 RE_ IBEC_ City of Inglewood_AQMD .msg Celia Diamond Perla Solis IBECEIR_031251.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1128 Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.msg Henrik Nazarian Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031115.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1326 Fw Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031116.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1712 FAA Grant Question.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_031168.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-0715 RE FAA Grant Question.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer IBECEIR_031186.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-0943 Re_ ALUC application.msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_031247.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-0946 IBEC ALUC City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gerard McCallum ;; Alyson Stewart IBECEIR_031122.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-1205 IBEC Noise.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Heidi Rous ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes IBECEIR_031129.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-1314 IBEC Meeting.msg Gershwin, Dan Gerard McCallum II ; Loren Montgomery ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECEIR_031127.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-1350 Fw IBEC ALUC City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Perla Solis Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031117.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-1401 FW IBEC ALUC City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Fred Jackson - on behalf of - Perla Solis Fred Jackson - City of Inglewood IBECEIR_031118.pdf
Correspondence 20200430-1529 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_031125.pdf
Correspondence 20200501-0000 Objections to Improper Recordings; IBEC Project Case No. SCH 2018021056.PDF Robert Silverstein IBECEIR_031227.PDF
Correspondence 20200501-1055 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC City of Inglewood AQMD .msg Christina Erwin Perla Solis IBECEIR_031199.pdf
Correspondence 20200501-1210 IBEC Prep for AQMD City of Inglewood Meeting.pdf IBECEIR_031131.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-0758 Re: IBEC: Prep for AQMC/City of Inglewood Meeting.pdf IBECEIR_031213.pdf
Correspondence 20200501-1210 IBEC Prep for AQMD City of Inglewood Meeting.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Tiffany Wright ; Christina Erwin ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Loren Montgomery ; Raymond J Gorski ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031313.pdf
Correspondence 20200501-1904 Objections to Improper Recordings IBEC Project Case No SCH 2018021056.msg Veronica Lebron Artie Fields ; Alex Padilla ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; Fred Jackson ;; James Butts ; Ken Campos ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ralph Franklin ; Wanda Brown ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_031323.pdf
Correspondence 20200501-1904 Attch: 5-1-20 [SCAN] Objections to Improper Recordings; IBEC Project Case No. SCH 2018021056.PDF IBECEIR_031324.pdf
Correspondence 20200502-1307 Re Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Henrik Nazarian IBECEIR_031325.pdf
Correspondence 20200502-1310 RE Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.msg Henrik Nazarian Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031326.pdf
Correspondence 20200503-1702 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Maria Barba IBECEIR_031315.pdf
Correspondence 20200503-1712 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_031304.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-0714 Re IBEC ALUC City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting.msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECEIR_031329.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-0757 IBEC City of Inglewood AQMD.msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Anitra Rice ; Celia Diamond ; Jillian Wong ; Lijin Sun ; Alina Mullins ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ; Raymond J Gorski ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_031303.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-0841 Re IBEC ALUC City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting.msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gerard McCallum ; IBECEIR_031328.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-0848 RE IBEC ALUC City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting.msg Chris Holmquist Alyson Stewart ; Gloria Chacon IBECEIR_031327.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1222 FW IBEC.msg James Butts - on behalf of - O'Brien, Harry James Butts IBECEIR_031287.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1222 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Christopher Meany ; Gerard McCallum ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Forbes, Amy R. ;; James Butts IBECEIR_031314.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1505 IBEC.msg Gerard McCallum Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_031270.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1637 FW Arena.msg JAIKOWSKI, Marion Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031282.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1641 IBEC.msg Gerard McCallum Maria Barba IBECEIR_031267.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1655 Re_ IBEC_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_031464.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-2159 IBEC Review.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; John Gard ; Tom Gaul - Fehr & Peers ; Netai Basu ; Jeff Caton ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung IBECEIR_031319.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-0836 Clippers Forum.msg Keith Hammond Kim Gallagher ; Craig Bragg ; Elston ; Tat, Zorana - ; Anita Collins ; Khaniley Sangare ;; Plaines, Nathaniel L - (SoCal) ; Holli Carr ; Star Manning ; Smith, Joshua F - (SoCal) ; Pokwo, Steve - (SoCal) ; Khaniley Sangare ; IBECEIR_031280.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1137 RE Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.pdf Henrik Nazarian IBECEIR_031352.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1308 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_031434.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1737 IBEC Discussion (2).msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_031433.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 20
Correspondence 20200408-1422 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamana ; IBECEIR_031763.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-1010 IBEC Title Reports- DDA.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamanna IBECEIR_031759.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-1010 Attch: PR25012199-B-CS-Hyperlink (AB-MJB Title Notes).pdf IBECEIR_031760.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-1010 Attch: PR25010218-D-CS-Hyperlink (AB-MJB Title Notes).pdf IBECEIR_031761.pdf
Correspondence 20200415-1010 Attch: PR25010207-J-CS-Hyperlink (AB-MJB title notes).pdf IBECEIR_031762.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1022 Rodeway DDA discussion.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_031771.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1141 IBEC Questions Jim Rabe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031551.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1141 Attch: IBEC Questions Paul J. Silvern Jim Rabe IBECEIR_031552.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1141 Attch: IBEC Questions Paul J. Silvern Jim Rabe IBECEIR_031553.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1141 Attch: IBEC Questions Paul J. Silvern Jim Rabe ; Tim Quinn IBECEIR_031554.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1141 Attch: IBEC Questions Jim Rabe Paul J. Silvern ; Tim Quinn IBECEIR_031555.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1141 Attch: IBEC Questions Jim Rabe Paul J. Silvern IBECEIR_031556.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1146 More IBEC Questions Jim Rabe Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031557.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1146 Attch: More IBEC Questions Jim Rabe; IBECEIR_031558.pdf
Correspondence 20200423-1146 Attch: More IBEC Questions IBECEIR_031559.pdf
Correspondence 20200424-1959 Re Review March 25th Council Meeting.msg Gerard McCallum Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_031767.pdf
Correspondence 20200425-1717 FW EXTERNAL RE Redline - Rodeway PSA.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_031757.pdf
Correspondence 20200425-1717 Attch: DDA Discussion - Issues List.docx IBECEIR_031758.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1754 Re Review Checklist of to dos .msg Gerard McCallum Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_031766.pdf
Drafts 20200504-0000 MB.Draft General Plan Amendment Exh A and B-c[2].docx IBECEIR_031747.pdf
Drafts 20200504-0000 MB.Draft Specific Plan Amendment Exh A-c[2].docx IBECEIR_031748.pdf
Correspondence 20200504-1644 Change of Call in format.msg Gerard McCallum Pamela Duffy ; James Butts ; Royce K. Jones ; Royce K. Jones ;; Whit Manley IBECEIR_031749.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1137 RE Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.msg Henrik Nazarian Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031532.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1137 Attch: RE_ Arena.msg Le, Tony Henrik Nazarian ; Rodeheffer, Nancy IBECEIR_031533.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1243 FW Arena.msg Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031497.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1246 RE Fire Dpt submittal - Arena.msg Henrik Nazarian Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031534.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1308 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ; Olivia Chan ; Tony Chung ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_031527.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1345 FW Arena.msg Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031498.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1416 RE Arena.msg Henrik Nazarian Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031531.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1643 Conference Call - IBEC.msg Gerard McCallum James Butts ; Tunisia Johnson ; Christopher Meany IBECEIR_031495.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1737 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_031529.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1811 FW IBEC Discussion.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031508.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC Development Guidelines Index.docx IBECEIR_031560.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC Developmnet Guidelines - Part I.docx IBECEIR_031561.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC DG PII S1 Site Design and Features.docx IBECEIR_031562.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan.docx IBECEIR_031569.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC DG PII S2 Design Elements.docx IBECEIR_031564.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC DG PII S3 Landscape Elements.docx IBECEIR_031565.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC DG PII S6 Circulation.docx IBECEIR_031566.pdf
Drafts 20200506-0000 SEC DG PII S8 Loading.docx IBECEIR_031567.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-0800 IBEC AQMD City of Inglewood Coordination Call .msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Anitra Rice ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ; Celia Diamond ; Lijin Sun ; Jillian Wong ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_031511.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-0920 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_031520.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-1307 FW IBEC.msg Tunisia Johnson - on behalf of - O'Brien, Harry James Butts IBECEIR_031506.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-1310 FW IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry James Butts IBECEIR_031505.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-1556 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_031711.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-2057 IBEC Staff Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031515.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-2109 IBEC Hearing Preparation.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031514.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-2243 IBEC Temporary Construction Power .msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin IBECEIR_031707.pdf
Correspondence 20200506-2243 Attch: IBEC Temporary Construction Power.docx IBECEIR_031708.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200507-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF IBECEIR_031494.pdf
Drafts 20200507-0000 SEC DG PII S10 Specific Uses Review Draft.docx IBECEIR_031563.pdf
Drafts 20200507-0000 SEC DG PII S9 Sustainability and Environmental Sensitivity.docx IBECEIR_031568.pdf
Drafts 20200507-0000 SEC Infrastructure Plan Exhibits Binder.pdf IBECEIR_031570.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1036 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Tom Gaul ; Netai Basu ; John Gard ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Peter Puglese ; Gerard McCallum II ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_031677.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1516 FW IBEC Street Vacations.msg Eddy Ikemefuna Arturo Salazar IBECEIR_031503.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1516 Attch: 2020.06.03 101st St Vacation.docx IBECEIR_031504.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1530 Re IBEC Street Vacations.msg Arturo Salazar Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031536.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1540 Re IBEC Street Vacations.msg Mindala Wilcox Arturo Salazar ; Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031535.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1645 RE IBEC Street Vacations.msg Eddy Ikemefuna Arturo Salazar IBECEIR_031537.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1706 IBEC- Conference Call.msg Gerard McCallum Maria Barba IBECEIR_031524.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1715 IBEC- Conference Call.msg Gerard McCallum Christopher Meany ; James Butts IBECEIR_031523.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-1902 IBEC Draft Resolutions and Ordinance.pdf Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031530.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1026 Follow-up California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056; Billboard Project Case No. EA-MND-2019-102.msg Veronica Lebron Artie Fields ; Alex Padilla ; Eloy Morales Jr. ;; ibecproject ; James Butts ; Ken Campos ; Louis Atwell ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ralph Franklin ; Wanda Brown ; Yvonne Horton ; IBECEIR_031755.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1026 Attch: Brown Act Violation Cure and Correct Demand to City of Inglewood re SCH 2018021056; CPRA Request.PDF IBECEIR_031756.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1212 Meeting.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_031765.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1324 Re IBEC Check-In.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_031726.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1332 Re IBEC Check-In.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_031725.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1341 RE IBEC Check-In.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_031648.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1351 IBEC Check-In.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_031522.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1514 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil IBECEIR_031710.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-2140 RE Meeting.msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_031768.pdf
Correspondence 20200509-2020 Development Agreement .msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_031750.pdf
Correspondence 20200509-2020 Attch: Development Agreement - City Draft.docx IBECEIR_031751.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1046 Trifilleti_ IBEC_ AQMD Prep Call.pdf Perla Solis IBECEIR_031732.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1403 Re IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA and SPA.msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031886.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1403 Attch: MB.Draft Specific Plan Amendment Exh A-c[2].docx IBECEIR_031887.pdf
Correspondence 20200505-1403 Attch: MB.Draft General Plan Amendment Exh A and B-c[2].docx IBECEIR_031888.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-2042 IBEC Project Proposed draft Design Guidelines and Infrastructure Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031881.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-2051 IBEC Project Proposed Draft SE Overlay Zone.msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031905.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-2051 Attch: MB.Chapter 12 Ordinance-SE Overlay Zone Discussion Draft-c[2].docx IBECEIR_031906.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1720 Re IBEC Project Proposed draft Design Guidelines and Infrastructure Plan.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031883.pdf
Drafts 20200509-0000 Draft Development Agreement.docx IBECEIR_031880.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-0806 Re_ IBEC_ ALUC_City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting .msg Alyson Stewart Perla Solis IBECEIR_031899.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1149 Fw IBEC AQMD Prep Call.pdf Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_031790.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1300 City of Inglewood Clippers MSG post-closing settlement ag obligation withdrawal of public record requests.pdf Benjamin Hanelin IBECEIR_031901.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1300 Attch: City of Inglewood Clippers MSG post-closing settlement ag obligation withdrawal of public record requests.pdf^FOIA Withdrawal_2020-001514WS_2020-05-07.pdf IBECEIR_031902.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1300 Attch: City of Inglewood Clippers MSG post-closing settlement ag obligation withdrawal of public record requests.pdf^FOIA Withdrawal_2020-001531WS_2020-05-07.pdf IBECEIR_031903.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1300 Attch: City of Inglewood Clippers MSG post-closing settlement ag obligation withdrawal of public record requests.pdf^FOIA Appeal Withdrawal_2020-001531WS_2020-05-0.pdf IBECEIR_031904.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1434 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Whit Manley ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Harry O'Brien IBECEIR_031819.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1437 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis A. Atwell ; Whit Manley ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; IBECEIR_031823.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1504 IBEC.pdf Louis Atwell IBECEIR_031793.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 RE IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA map amendments.pdf Dan Gershwin IBECEIR_031795.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 RE IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA map amendments.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031889.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 Attch: General Plan Circulation Element 17 + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031890.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 Attch: General Plan Circulation Element 23 +IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031891.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 Attch: General Plan Circulation Element 29 + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031892.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 Attch: General Plan Safety Element 45a + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031893.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2103 Attch: General Plan Safety Element 45b + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031894.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2104 RE IBEC Project Proposed Draft SE Overlay Zone.pdf Dan Gershwin IBECEIR_031794.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2105 RE IBEC Project Proposed Draft SE Overlay Zone.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_031884.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-2105 Attch: Inglewood Zoning Map + IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_031885.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-0757 IBEC AQMD City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting.pdf Perla Solis IBECEIR_031792.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1008 IBEC Items 2.msg Brian Boxer; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Tay Via ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Joshua Steinhauer ; Peter Puglese ; Heidi Rous IBECEIR_031820.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1610 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_031898.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1532 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer IBECEIR_031869.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 21
Correspondence 20200508-1332 Re IBEC Check-In.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_032008.pdf
Correspondence 20200508-1341 RE IBEC Check-In.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christina Erwin ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_032009.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-0909 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_032121.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1043 Fw IBEC AQMD Prep Call .msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Perla Solis Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_031938.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1437 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Louis Atwell ; Whit Manley ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; IBECEIR_031995.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1453 IBEC Items.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ;; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_031985.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1454 IBEC Other.msg Christina Erwin Brian Boxer ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum ;; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ;; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_031994.pdf
Correspondence 20200511-1520 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031977.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-0758 IBEC AQMD City of Inglewood Coordination Meeting.msg Perla Solis Lijin Sun ; Jillian Wong ; Alina Mullins ; Celia Diamond IBECEIR_031973.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-0758 Attch: AQMD_IBEC_Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_031974.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1008 IBEC Items 2.msg Brian Boxer Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_031982.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1111 IBEC MMPR Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist James Yoon ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mandhir Singh IBECEIR_031987.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1131 IBEC MMPR Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist James Yoon ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mandhir Singh ; Steinhauer, Joshua IBECEIR_031986.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1317 RE Hearing Preparation - Radius Map and List.msg Elsa Moreno Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032001.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1317 Attch: ProjHearing_BufferRingsDissolve.pdf IBECEIR_032002.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1317 Attch: ProjHearing_BufferRings.pdf IBECEIR_032003.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1317 Attch: ProjHearing_AddressList.xlsx IBECEIR_032004.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1403 FW IBEC AQMD City of Inglewood Coordination Call.msg Mindala Wilcox on behalf of Perla Solis Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031936.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1421 FW Hearing Preparation - Radius Map and List.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031931.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1421 Attch: ProjHearing_BufferRingsDissolve.pdf IBECEIR_031932.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1421 Attch: ProjHearing_BufferRings.pdf IBECEIR_031933.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1421 Attch: ProjHearing_AddressList.xlsx IBECEIR_031934.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1426 RE Hearing Preparation - Radius Map and List.msg Fred Jackson Elsa Moreno IBECEIR_032000.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1433 RE Hearing Preparation - Radius Map and List.msg Fred Jackson Fred Jackson ; Elsa Moreno IBECEIR_031999.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1610 IBEC Discussion.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_031979.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1654 IBEC MMRP Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_031990.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1801 FW IBEC Project Proposed Draft SE Overlay Zone.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031954.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1801 Attch: Inglewood Zoning Map + IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_031955.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1806 Revised IBEC Report Numbering.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032017.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1818 RE Hearing Preparation - Radius Map and List.msg Fred Jackson Elsa Moreno IBECEIR_031998.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-1821 RE Revised IBEC Report Numbering.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032015.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-2024 RE Hearing Preparation - Radius Map and List.msg Elsa Moreno Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032005.pdf
Correspondence 20200512-2024 Attch: ProjHearing_AddressListWithinProjSites.xlsx IBECEIR_032006.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1046 IBEC - City of Inglewood Discussion.msg Gerard McCallum Steve Ballmer ;; Christopher Meany ; James Butts IBECEIR_031975.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1253 Mitigation.msg Molina, Rafael A@DOT Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_032182.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1705 FW IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA map amendments.msg Mindala Wilcox Boytrese Osias ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_031958.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1705 Attch: General Plan Circulation Element 17 + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031959.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1705 Attch: General Plan Circulation Element 23 +IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031960.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1705 Attch: General Plan Circulation Element 29 + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031961.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1705 Attch: General Plan Safety Element 45a + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031962.pdf
Correspondence 20200513-1705 Attch: General Plan Safety Element 45b + IBECf.pdf IBECEIR_031963.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1038 Phone Meeting Clippers Arena.msg Rodeheffer, Nancy Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_031997.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1242 Transportation Small Group.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley IBECEIR_032087.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1615 RE IBEC Project Proposed Draft SE Overlay Zone.msg.fguk7an.partial Gershwin, Dan Loren Montgomery ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032010.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1615 Attch: MB.Chapter 12 Ordinance-SE Overlay Zone Discussion Draft-c.docx IBECEIR_032011.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1615 Attch: Redline Ch 12 Ordinance SE Overlay Zone 5.14 draft against 5.7 draft-c.pdf IBECEIR_032012.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1758 IBEC Internal City Review of Entitlement Docs.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Boytrese Osias ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_031978.pdf
Correspondence 20200515-1005 RE IBEC Internal City Review of Entitlement Docs.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032007.pdf
Correspondence 20191203-0813 Clippers Project Approved by California Air Resources Board.msg James Butts Everyone Group IBECEIR_032224.pdf
Drafts 20200507-0000 Prelim Discussion Draft Ordinance No. 20-.DOCX IBECEIR_032398.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1030 RE Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center .msg Ramirez, Carlo@DOT Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_032400.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1233 RE IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA map amendments.msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032297.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1235 Re IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA map amendments.msg Mindala Wilcox Boytrese Osias ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032296.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1240 RE IBEC Proposed draft language - GPA map amendments.msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032298.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1529 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_032399.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1758 IBEC Internal City Review of Entitlement Docs.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Boytrese Osias ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_032257.pdf
Correspondence 20200514-1937 Zoom invite.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032328.pdf
Correspondence 20200515-1005 RE IBEC Internal City Review of Entitlement Docs.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032293.pdf
Correspondence 20200515-1052 Re IBEC Internal City Review of Entitlement Docs.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_032291.pdf
Correspondence 20200515-1407 Re IBEC DA Issues List.msg Maria Barba Lisa Trifiletti ; Tunisia Johnson IBECEIR_032287.pdf
Correspondence 20200516-1641 FW Zoom invite.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032251.pdf
Correspondence 20200517-1552 IBEC Entitlements Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;;;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_032255.pdf
Correspondence 20200518-0921 Re IBEC Internal City Review of Entitlement Docs.msg Phoebe Allen Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032292.pdf
Correspondence 20200518-1124 FW INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER - REVISED.msg Jeffrey Zhu Angela Williams IBECEIR_032249.pdf
Correspondence 20200518-1143 Re INGLEWOOD FORWARD CLIPPERS ARENA INFO FOR GUIDE NEWSLETTER - REVISED.msg Angela Williams Jeffrey Zhu IBECEIR_032299.pdf
Correspondence 20200518-1655 Fwd Clippers matter.msg Lisa Trifiletti Louis Atwell IBECEIR_032253.pdf
Correspondence 20200520-1036 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via IBECEIR_032352.pdf
Correspondence 20200519-1047 RE_ Follow-up Technical Data Request_ Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Project.msg Lijin Sun Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_032406.pdf
Correspondence 20200519-2053 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via IBECEIR_032353.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 22
Miscellaneous 20200303-0000 PR25010207-J-CS-Hyperlink (AB-MJB title notes).pdf IBECEIR_032592.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200303-0000 PR25010218-D-CS-Hyperlink (AB-MJB Title Notes).pdf IBECEIR_032593.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200303-0000 PR25012199-B-CS-Hyperlink (AB-MJB Title Notes).pdf IBECEIR_032594.pdf
Correspondence 20200518-1643 Clippers matter.msg Pettit, David Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_032595.pdf
Correspondence 20200518-2042 IBEC Project Status Call.msg Via, Tay Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge IBECEIR_032471.pdf
Correspondence 20200520-0907 IBEC Zoom needed.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032474.pdf
Correspondence 20200520-1108 IBEC Meetings.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Perla Solis ; Tiffany Wright ; Gershwin, Dan ;; Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_032469.pdf
Correspondence 20200520-1756 IBEC ITS Fair Share Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge IBECEIR_032466.pdf
Correspondence 20200520-1849 Fw IBEC ITS Fair Share Discussion.msg Gordon Anderson - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_032441.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-0757 IBEC ITS Fair Share Discussion.msg Louis Atwell - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_032468.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-0900 IBEC ITS Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ;; Gordon Anderson ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_032464.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1013 FW Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Louis Atwell - City of Inglewood IBECEIR_032538.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1014 call.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032528.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1104 IBEC Fee Schedule.msg Mindala Wilcox Sharon Koike IBECEIR_032459.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1109 Fw IBEC ITS Discussion.msg Gordon Anderson - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_032440.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1159 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_032602.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1418 Zoom Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032488.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1455 IBEC Entitlements Small Group.msg Cynthia Robinson Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge IBECEIR_032455.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1550 FW IBEC Fee Schedule.msg Sharon Koike Ed Johnson IBECEIR_032439.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1703 IBEC Entitlements Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_032454.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1758 IBEC MMRP timing .msg Dennis Kanuk Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032545.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1758 Attch: IBEC MMRP timing summary 5.21.2020.docx IBECEIR_032546.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1842 Re IBEC Fee Schedule.msg Ed Johnson Sharon Koike IBECEIR_032484.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-2030 Re Zoom Meeting.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032485.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 3-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development.docx IBECEIR_032582.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance.docx IBECEIR_032584.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels).docx IBECEIR_032585.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels).docx IBECEIR_032586.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Ancillary Development Site.docx IBECEIR_032587.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 Development Agreement - MB.docx IBECEIR_032590.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1508 FW_ IBEC_ Entitlements Small Group.msg - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_032600.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1527 IBEC; Transfer Agreement and Employment and Training Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_032570.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1527 Attch: Transfer Agreement (Successor Agency to City)-c.docx IBECEIR_032571.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1527 Attch: DDA Employment and Training Agreement-c.docx IBECEIR_032572.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1552 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Eric Schniewind ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_032548.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1702 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_032568.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1702 Attch: Development Agreement - MB 052220-c.docx IBECEIR_032569.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Inglewood IBEC (DDA Document).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry ; Bove, Matthew J. IBECEIR_032573.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance-20200521.docx IBECEIR_032574.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Ancillary Development Site-20200522.docx IBECEIR_032575.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-20200522.docx IBECEIR_032576.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Attch: 3-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-20200521 (00000003).docx IBECEIR_032577.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-20200522.docx IBECEIR_032578.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2125 Attch: 3-DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT-20200521.DOCX IBECEIR_032579.pdf
Drafts 20200525-0000 DDA Employment and Training Agreement.docx IBECEIR_032588.pdf
Drafts 20200525-0000 DDA Employment and Training Agreement-c.docx IBECEIR_032589.pdf
Drafts 20200525-0000 Transfer Agreement (Successor Agency to City).docx IBECEIR_032591.pdf
Correspondence 20200525-1915 Re Inglewood IBEC (DDA Document).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry ; Bove, Matthew J. IBECEIR_032580.pdf
Correspondence 20200525-1915 Attch: DDA Employment and Training Agreement-20200525 (Emailed).docx IBECEIR_032581.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1115 FW_ IBEC_ Screencheck Final EIR.msg Lisa Trifiletti Peter Puglese ; Louis A. Atwell IBECEIR_032601.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design and Features - figure 3.1.png IBECEIR_032687.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.2.png IBECEIR_032688.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.3.png IBECEIR_032689.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.4.png IBECEIR_032690.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.5.1.png IBECEIR_032691.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.5.2.png IBECEIR_032692.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.6.png IBECEIR_032693.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Design Elements - 2.7.png IBECEIR_032694.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Lighting and Acoustics - 5.1.png IBECEIR_032695.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Lighting and Acoustics - sec dg pii.png IBECEIR_032696.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Circulation - p.png IBECEIR_032697.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Parking - p.png IBECEIR_032698.pdf
Drafts 20200508-0000 SEC Design Guidelines - Sustainability and Environmental Sensitivity - p.png IBECEIR_032699.pdf
Drafts 20200514-0000 Draft Ordinance.pdf IBECEIR_032685.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-0000 City Manager Letter to Scott Krantz.pdf IBECEIR_032684.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2018 IBEC Screencheck Final EIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_032679.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2018 Attch: 1.0_Introduction_05222020.docx IBECEIR_032680.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2018 Attch: 2.0_Revisions_05222020.docx IBECEIR_032681.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2018 Attch: 3.0_Comments_and_Responses_part1_05222020.docx IBECEIR_032682.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-2018 Attch: 3.0_Comments_and_Responses_part2_05222020.docx IBECEIR_032683.pdf
Correspondence 20200525-2348 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Joshua R. Steinhauer IBECEIR_032664.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200526-0000 CH 1.0 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032671.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200526-0000 CH 2.0 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032672.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200526-0000 CH 3.0 Part 1 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032673.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200526-0000 CH 3.0 Part 2 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032674.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0938 Re IBEC Entitlements.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032619.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0957 RE IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032669.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1027 Re IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032670.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1041 RE IBEC.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032621.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1041 RE IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032665.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Email from Lebron, Silverstein Firm, to City of Inglewood.PDF Veronica Lebron IBECEIR_032700.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: Correspondence from Silverstein re Objections to General Plan Amendments & Notices of Exemption.PDF IBECEIR_032701.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 1 - IBEC_DEIR_Dec2019_WEB.pdf IBECEIR_032702.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 3 - IBECEIR_031888.pdf IBECEIR_032703.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 5 - 0412_PopulationHousing.pdf IBECEIR_032704.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 7 - Final Draft EJ Element 4-3-2020.pdf IBECEIR_032705.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 8 - Bill Text - AB-2222 Housing density bonus.pdf IBECEIR_032706.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 9 - CAPCOA-Quantification-Report-9-14-Final.pdf IBECEIR_032707.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 10a - IBECEIR_029924.pdf IBECEIR_032708.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1232 Attch: URL referenced in Footnote 10b - 20190201-AB900_IBEC_Community_letters_1.pdf IBECEIR_032709.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1406 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Tay Via ; Joshua Steinhauer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032649.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1746 IBEC Project Applicant EIR Comments.msg Via, Tay; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032647.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1746 Attch: CH 1.0 5.26.2020 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032648.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1756 IBEC EIR Comments.msg Via, Tay; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032642.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1756 Atch: CH 2.0 5.26.2020 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032643.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1806 IBEC EIR Comments.msg Via, Tay; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032644.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1806 Attch: CH 3.0 Part 1 5.26.2020 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032645.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1806 Attch: CH 3.0 Part 2 5.26.2020 comments for transmittal-c.docx IBECEIR_032646.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200527-0000 Proposed mitigation measure text (003)-c 4810-5519-2765 v.1-c.docx IBECEIR_032675.pdf
Correspondence 20200527-1139 Proposed Mitigation Measure Text.msg Via, Tay; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032650.pdf
Correspondence 20200527-1139 Attch: Proposed mitigation measure text 5.27.2020 (003)-c 4810-5519-2765 v.1-c.docx IBECEIR_032651.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 23
Correspondence 20200522-0941 IBEC Entitlements Small Group.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias ; Louis Atwell ; IBECEIR_032835.pdf
Correspondence 20200524-2243 IBEC Entitlements (HOLD).msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones Esq. ;;;; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_032832.pdf
Correspondence 20200525-2348 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Gerard McCallum ;; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Joshua R. Steinhauer IBECEIR_032844.pdf
Correspondence 20200525-2355 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;;;;;; IBECEIR_032831.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0757 Re IBEC Entitlements.msg Boytrese Osias Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032887.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0928 Fwd IBEC Entitlements.msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032830.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0938 Re IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_032886.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0957 RE IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin' IBECEIR_032890.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0956 IBEC Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;;;;;; IBECEIR_032851.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1027 Re IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032889.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1405 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Tay Via ; Joshua Steinhauer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032843.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1406 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Royce Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert B. Hodil ; Tay Via ; Joshua Steinhauer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032842.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1553 ENA No ---- for the IBEC Project.msg Eddy Ikemefuna Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032767.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1807 RE IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_032885.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1816 FW IBEC Status Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032827.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1816 Meeting Forward Notification IBEC Status Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Gloria Chacon IBECEIR_032879.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1835 RE ENA No ---- for the IBEC Project.msg Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna IBECEIR_032883.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-1950 FW IBEC Status Update.msg Tunisia Johnson James Butts IBECEIR_032826.pdf
Correspondence 20200527-0916 IBEC Status update at 10am.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032865.pdf
Correspondence 20200527-0943 Re IBEC Status update at 10am.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032893.pdf
Correspondence 20200527-1042 IBEC Status Update.msg Gloria Chacon Maria Barba IBECEIR_032862.pdf
Correspondence 20200527-1643 IBEC Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;;;;;; IBECEIR_032854.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200528-0000 Chapter 4 - MMRP.docx IBECEIR_033034.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-1325 IBEC Memorandum prepared by EKI.msg Dennis Kanuk Brian Boxer ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_032926.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-1325 Attch: EKI Memorandum.pdf IBECEIR_032927.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-1359 IBEC Draft MMRP.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Brian Boxer ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum ;; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Joshua R. Steinhauer IBECEIR_032923.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-1738 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Brian Boxer ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Joshua R. Steinhauer IBECEIR_032840.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 AECOM Letter.msg Via, Tay; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_032899.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 Attch: AECOM Letter-c.docx IBECEIR_032900.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 Attch: Dec 2019.NYC Bird Safe Building Law-c.pdf IBECEIR_032901.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 Attch: Standards for Bird Safe Buildings - 11-30-11-c.pdf IBECEIR_032902.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 Attch: SF Planning Code Section 139-c.pdf IBECEIR_032903.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 Attch: Design Guide Standards for Bird Safe Bldgs_Final-c.pdf IBECEIR_032904.pdf
Correspondence 20200528-2045 Attch: reducingbirdcollisionswithbuildings-c.pdf IBECEIR_032905.pdf
Correspondence 20200529-0723 IBEC Map.pdf Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_032852.pdf
Correspondence 20200529-0757 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum II ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Joshua Steinhauer ; Chris Holmquist ; IBECEIR_032934.pdf
Correspondence 20200529-1215 IBEC Entitlements 5 29 1-2pm.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ;;;; GMcCallum ; Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_032834.pdf
Correspondence 20200602-0851 IBEC Call .msg Lisa Trifiletti;;;;; Melissa Jaworowski ;; Perla Solis ; Sharon Koike IBECEIR_033119.pdf
Correspondence 20200602-1151 RE IBEC Addresses.pdf Elsa Moreno Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033048.pdf
Correspondence 20200602-1313 FW Clippers Projected Timeline.pdf Bettye Griffith Azarmehr, Raha IBECEIR_033045.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1544 Preliminary Draft Overriding Considerations Language.msg Via, Tay Whit Manley IBECEIR_033116.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1544 Attch: Overriding Considerations 4847-8916-4986 v.3-c.docx IBECEIR_033117.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 24
Drafts 20200401-0000 DRAFT HRA IBEC Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis Report.pdf IBECEIR_033414.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200403-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 9 Permitted Encumbrances-c.pdf IBECEIR_033415.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200428-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipt.PDF IBECEIR_033157.pdf
Correspondence 20200501-0000 City of Inglewood Memo re Initiation of Proceedings.pdf IBECEIR_033406.pdf
Correspondence 20200520-1056 IBEC Meetings.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Perla Solis ; Tiffany Wright ; Gershwin, Dan ; IBECEIR_033197.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0935 Re IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033221.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 FEIR_June2020_WEB.pdf IBECEIR_033386.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 0.1_Cover-Title_IBEC FEIR.pdf IBECEIR_033387.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 0.2_TOC.pdf IBECEIR_033388.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 1.0_Introduction.pdf IBECEIR_033389.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 2.0_Revisions.pdf IBECEIR_033390.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 3.0_Comments_and_Responses.pdf IBECEIR_033391.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 4.0_MMRP.pdf IBECEIR_033392.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App F_Cultural Resources_Revised Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033393.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App K.3_Tech Calcs_Revised Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033394.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App K.4 Revised Event TMP.pdf IBECEIR_033395.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200600-0000 App R_Analysis of Future Events_Additional Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033396.pdf
Correspondence 20200601-1020 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_033191.pdf
Correspondence 20200601-1322 RE IBEC Title Reports- DDA.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamanna IBECEIR_033412.pdf
Correspondence 20200601-1322 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 9 Permitted Encumbrances-c.pdf IBECEIR_033413.pdf
Correspondence 20200602-1534 IBEC Conference Call re Notice.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033183.pdf
Correspondence 20200602-2220 IBEC Notification.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033188.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1053 IBEC FEIR Electronic Copy.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033186.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1100 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Dodd, Jeff ; Bove, Matthew J. IBECEIR_033409.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1126 FW IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Cynthia Robinson ; Jerry Tucker ; Peter Puglese ; Louis Atwell ; Sabrina Barnes IBECEIR_033163.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1136 Fw IBEC Entitlements.msg Louis Atwell - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033165.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 IBEC Final EIR.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Brian Boxer ; Addie Farrell ; Gerard McCallum ;; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Ashley Weinstein-Carnes ; Joshua R. Steinhauer IBECEIR_033491.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: IBEC_FEIR_June2020_WEB.pdf IBECEIR_033492.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: 0.1_Cover-Title_IBEC FEIR.pdf IBECEIR_033493.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: 0.2_TOC.pdf IBECEIR_033494.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: 1.0_Introduction.pdf IBECEIR_033495.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: 2.0_Revisions.pdf IBECEIR_033496.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: 3.0_Comments_and_Responses.pdf IBECEIR_033497.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: 4.0_MMRP.pdf IBECEIR_033498.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: App F_Cultural Resources_Revised Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033499.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: App K.3_Tech Calcs_Revised Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033500.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: App K.4 Revised Event TMP.pdf IBECEIR_033501.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1224 Attch: App R_Analysis of Future Events_Additional Pages.pdf IBECEIR_033502.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1405 IBEC Infrastructure Plan Document Review.msg Chris Holmquist Gordon Anderson ; Louis Atwell ; Boytrese Osias ; Peter Puglese ; Mindala Wilcox ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ; Steinhauer, Joshua IBECEIR_033193.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1407 Fw IBEC Infrastructure Plan Document Review.msg Gordon Anderson - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Gordon Anderson IBECEIR_033172.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1424 FW IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge IBECEIR_033164.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1426 Re IBEC Entitlements .msg Louis Atwell IBECEIR_033222.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1445 Fwd IBEC Entitlements .msg Louis Atwell Lisa Trifiletti IBECEIR_033180.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1501 FW IBEC Entitlements.msg Gordon Anderson Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033162.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1502 Planning Commission Mtg Newspaper Notice - June 17th.msg Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033210.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1502 Attch: PC Hearing Notice_Final_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_033211.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1502 Attch: PC Hearing Notice_newspaper w AINsAddresses.pdf IBECEIR_033212.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1509 Public Hearing Notice Needs to be Posted Today.msg Fred Jackson Cynthia Robinson ; Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_033213.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1509 Attch: PC Hearing Notice_Final_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_033214.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1509 Attch: PC Hearing Notice_newspaper w AINsAddresses.pdf IBECEIR_033215.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1522 RE Public Hearing Notice Needs to be Posted Today.msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson ; Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_033239.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1522 Attch: PC Hearing Notice w AINsAddresses.pdf IBECEIR_033240.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1604 FW Public Hearing Notice Needs to be Posted Today.msg Evangeline Lane Aisha Thompson ; Jacquelyn Gordon IBECEIR_033175.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1604 Attch: PC Hearing Notice w AINsAddresses.pdf IBECEIR_033176.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1641 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; Dodd, Jeff IBECEIR_033408.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1647 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; Christina Erwin ;;;;;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033276.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1650 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Tiffany Wright Brian Boxer ; Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033374.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1651 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033277.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1706 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer ; Tiffany Wright ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033278.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1708 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Tiffany Wright ; Cynthia Robinson ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Whit Manley ;;;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033275.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1723 Collaboration Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson;;;;;; Christina Erwin ; Brian Boxer ;;;;;;;;; Addie Farrell ;;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_033284.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1733 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ;; Loren ; Dennis ; GMcCallum ; Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_033190.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1807 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Dodd, Jeff ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_033407.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-2006 Zoom info.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_033251.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-2205 Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033207.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-2205 Attch: PC Hearing Notice_English.pdf IBECEIR_033208.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-2205 Attch:PC Hearing Notice_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_033209.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0731 IBEC Zoom Information.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033198.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0800 Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033204.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0800 Attch: Hearing Notice_English.pdf IBECEIR_033205.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0800 Attch: PC Hearing Notice_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_033206.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0801 Undeliverable Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mail Delivery System IBECEIR_033246.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0801 Undeliverable Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mail Delivery System IBECEIR_033247.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0801 Undeliverable Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mail Delivery System IBECEIR_033248.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0802 Undeliverable Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mail Delivery System IBECEIR_033249.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0826 FW Notice of Public Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox Bernard McCrumby IBECEIR_033173.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1221 IBEC Notification List.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033189.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1221 IBEC Notification List.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033372.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1457 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; Dodd, Jeff IBECEIR_033410.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1817 Addresses.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_033487.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1817 Attch: ibec-full.pdf IBECEIR_033488.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1817 Attch: 1.0_Introduction.pdf IBECEIR_033489.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1817 Attch: 3.0_Comments_and_Responses.pdf IBECEIR_033490.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 IBEC Mailing receipts.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Perla Solis IBECEIR_033327.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619019075 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033328.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619103150 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033329.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619149622 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033330.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619200234 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033331.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619200234 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033332.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619239278 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033333.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619257987 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033334.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619280003 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033335.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619308146 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033336.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619327211 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033337.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619328961 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033338.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619344166 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033339.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619357020 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033340.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619379491 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033341.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619398567 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033342.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619400733 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033343.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619418209 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033344.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619434970 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033345.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619451079 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033346.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619473566 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033347.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619490661 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033348.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619490661 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033349.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619491863 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033350.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619551222 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033351.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619555180 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033352.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619568055 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033353.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619601735 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033354.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619627356 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033355.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619646763 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033356.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619659395 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033357.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619675120 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033358.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619687075 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033359.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619712930 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033360.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619731189 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033361.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619740632 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033362.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619759490 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033363.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619759490 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033364.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619781014 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033365.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619793235 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033366.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619801400 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033367.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619807989 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033368.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619817832 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033369.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619828428 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033370.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0226 Attch: Planning Commission Hearing Shipment 770619837282 Delivered.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033371.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0237 RE IBEC Notification List.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033380.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0237 Attch: IBEC Noticing - 500 ft Radius Address List.xlsx IBECEIR_033381.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0237 Attch: Public Hearing_Notification List_FINAL.xlsx IBECEIR_033382.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1033 RE IBEC Notification List.pdf Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_033244.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1457 IBEC Copies for Planning Commissioners.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin IBECEIR_033326.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200324-0000 Tri-Party Agreement.pdf IBECEIR_033652.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200519-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_033653.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200500-0000 IBEC DEIR Review of Suggested Mitigation Measure, for City of Inglewood, by Gorski.pdf IBECEIR_033659.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200522-0000 Draft Chapter 1 - Intro.pdf IBECEIR_033660.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200522-0000 Draft Chapter 2 - Revisions.pdf IBECEIR_033661.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200522-0000 Draft Chapter 3 - Comments.pdf IBECEIR_033662.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200522-0000 Draft Chapter 3 - Responses.pdf IBECEIR_033663.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-0838 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770605334170 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033603.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-0953 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770604902597 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033597.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-0953 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770604991202 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033600.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-0953 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770607935966 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033605.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1002 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770604933059 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033598.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1002 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770604938289 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033599.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1047 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770605695651 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033604.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1205 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770605268131 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033602.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1330 FedEx Shipment 770605565895 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033562.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200604-0000 Notice of 6-17-20 Public Hearing - english.pdf IBECEIR_033654.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200604-0000 Notice of 6-17-20 Public Hearing - spanish.pdf IBECEIR_033655.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200604-0000 IBEC Basic Site Plans.pdf IBECEIR_033505.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0901 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619257987 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033613.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0929 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619601735 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033576.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200605-0759 Documents for Planning Commission meeting.msg Greg Wittmann ibecproject IBECEIR_033658.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0916 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619801400 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033590.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1020 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619601735 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033575.pdf
Correspondence 20200607-1319 Re Lobby Access for Document Review (IBEC-Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center).pdf Emory Ward IBECEIR_033516.pdf
Correspondence 20200607-1338 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Response to Comments.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033512.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-0943 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619594019 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033572.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200608-1113 Garcia Comments on Clippers Arena.pdf Richard Garcia IBECEIR_033506.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1123 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619601735 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033574.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1135 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619568055 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033569.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200608-1354 Correction Required Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project; SCH 2018021056.msg Veronica Lebron Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_033669.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200608-1354 Attch: IBECEIR_032923-1.pdf IBECEIR_033670.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1510 IBEC Plan Check and Permit Process Discussion.pdf Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_033511.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1935 Re IBEC Command Room.pdf Jeff Lagreek IBECEIR_033514.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-0937 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619601735 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033577.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1003 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619504639 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033563.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1007 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619521150 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033564.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1011 RE Correction Required Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project SCH 2018021056.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033513.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1013 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619176681 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033609.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1014 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619521458 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033565.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1044 Example Presentation.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_033523.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1047 Re Example Presentation.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer IBECEIR_033548.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1145 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619568055 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033568.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200609-1439 Deprived of Public Participation during June 9 2020 City Council Meeting.msg Veronica Lebron Aisha Thompson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_033657.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1009 see below.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_033553.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1015 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_033545.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1417 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx Shipment 770619568055 Delivery Exception.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033571.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1417 Mailing Tracking Receipts.pdf^FedEx MPS Shipment 770664189857 Delivered.pdf FedEx IBECEIR_033596.pdf
Drafts 20200408-0000 2-track changes_section B202-204.docx IBECEIR_033671.pdf
Drafts 20200408-0000 Disposition and Development Agreement - MB Draft 033120-c (00000003).docx IBECEIR_033686.pdf
Correspondence 20200408-2148 DDA Revisions.msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry ; Gustavo Lamana ; IBECEIR_033712.pdf
Correspondence 20200408-2148 Attch: 2-track changes_section B202-204.docx IBECEIR_033713.pdf
Correspondence 20200408-2148 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement - MB Draft 033120-c (00000003).docx IBECEIR_033714.pdf
Drafts 20200422-0000 WBMWD Disinfection Station Potential Alternative Site.pdf IBECEIR_033672.pdf
Correspondence 20200422-1035 Potential WBMWD Disinfection Site.msg Chris Holmquist Louis A. Atwell IBECEIR_033690.pdf
Correspondence 20200422-1035 Attch: WBMWD Disinfection Station Potential Alternative Site.pdf IBECEIR_033691.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Depiction of Project Site-c.pdf IBECEIR_033673.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-A City Parcels Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033674.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-B Right-Of-Way Areas Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033675.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-C Pedestrian Bridge Airspace Legal Descriptions-c.docx IBECEIR_033676.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-D Private Parcels Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033677.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-E Hotel Site Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033678.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance-c.docx IBECEIR_033679.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-c.docx IBECEIR_033680.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033681.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033682.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Each Ancillary Development Site-c.docx IBECEIR_033683.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 10-A - Arena Site Use Agreement (City Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033684.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 10-B - Arena Site Use Agreement (Private Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033685.pdf
Drafts 20200429-0000 Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx IBECEIR_033687.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Revised DDA and Exhibits.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_033695.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx IBECEIR_033696.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Depiction of Project Site-c.pdf IBECEIR_033697.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-A City Parcels Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033698.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-C Pedestrian Bridge Airspace Legal Descriptions-c.docx IBECEIR_033699.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-B Right-Of-Way Areas Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033700.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-D Private Parcels Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033701.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 2-E Hotel Site Legal Description-c.docx IBECEIR_033702.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033703.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-c.docx IBECEIR_033704.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance-c.docx IBECEIR_033705.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033706.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Each Ancillary Development Site-c.docx IBECEIR_033707.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 10-A - Arena Site Use Agreement (City Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033708.pdf
Correspondence 20200429-1647 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 10-B - Arena Site Use Agreement (Private Parcels)-c.docx IBECEIR_033709.pdf
Drafts 20200500-0000 HRA IBEC Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis Report_Revised May 2020-c.pdf IBECEIR_033688.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0931 IBEC; Revised Draft Economic and Fiscal Impact Report.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones Esq. ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033710.pdf
Correspondence 20200526-0931 Attch: HRA IBEC Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis Report_Revised May 2020-c.pdf IBECEIR_033711.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1449 IBEC emails.msg Langs, Skye Kathryn A. Ramirez IBECEIR_033694.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1451 IBEC email.msg Langs, Skye Kathryn A. Ramirez IBECEIR_033689.pdf
Drafts 20200521-0000 Figure 4.1 Sports and Entertainment Complex Sign Zones 5.19.20.pdf IBECEIR_033736.pdf
Drafts 20200521-0000 Figure 4.6 External Orientation.pdf IBECEIR_033737.pdf
Drafts 20200521-0000 SEC DG PII S4 Signage and Graphics.docx IBECEIR_033738.pdf
Correspondence 20200521-1603 IBEC Project_ Proposed draft SEC Design Guidelines Section 4.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033784.pdf
Drafts 20200522-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan Sec 5.2-c.docx IBECEIR_033739.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1630 FW_ SEC Infrastructure Plan - Sec. 5.2.msg Chris Holmquist Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese B. Osias IBECEIR_033780.pdf
Correspondence 20200522-1630 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan Sec 5.2-c.docx IBECEIR_033781.pdf
Drafts 20200530-0000 Update to Section 5.1--SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan-c.docx IBECEIR_033735.pdf
Correspondence 20200530-1941 Proposed Revised Infrastructure Plan Section 5.1.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033782.pdf
Correspondence 20200530-1941 Attch: 5.30.2020 Update to Section 5.1--SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan-c.docx IBECEIR_033783.pdf
Drafts 20200603-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan.docx IBECEIR_033773.pdf
Drafts 20200603-0000 SEC Infrastructure Plan Exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_033777.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1215 IBEC_ SEC Infrastructure Plan and Exhibits.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033785.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1215 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan 6.3.2020.docx IBECEIR_033786.pdf
Drafts 20200604-0000 SEC Basic Site Plan Drawings.pdf IBECEIR_033762.pdf
Drafts 20200604-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan clean.docx IBECEIR_033774.pdf
Drafts 20200604-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan redline.pdf IBECEIR_033775.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1650 Re_ IBEC_ SEC Infrastructure Plan and Exhibits.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033787.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1650 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan 6.4.2020 clean.docx IBECEIR_033788.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1650 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan 6.4.2020 redline.pdf IBECEIR_033789.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1416 IBEC_ Basic Site Plan Drawings.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033790.pdf
Correspondence 20200906-1222 IBEC_ SEC Design Guidelines.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033803.pdf
Correspondence 20200906-1222 Attch: SEC Development Guidelines Index 6.9.2020.docx IBECEIR_033804.pdf
Correspondence 20200906-1222 Attch: App A SEC Design Review Checklist 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033805.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 App A SEC Design Review Checklist.docx IBECEIR_033751.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 IBEC ALUC Aviation Application and Attachments.pdf IBECEIR_033760.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 IBEC ALUC Consistency Review Matrix and Attachments .pdf IBECEIR_033761.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC Developmnet Guidelines - Part I .docx IBECEIR_033764.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S1 Site Design and Features.docx IBECEIR_033765.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S2 Design Elements.docx IBECEIR_033766.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S3 Landscape Elements.docx IBECEIR_033767.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S4 Signage and Graphics.docx IBECEIR_033768.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S5 Lighting and Acoustics.docx IBECEIR_033769.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S6 Circulation.docx IBECEIR_033770.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S9 Sustainability and Environmental Sensitivity.docx IBECEIR_033771.pdf
Drafts 20200608-0000 SEC DG PII S10 Specific Uses.docx IBECEIR_033772.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1334 Aviation Application to ALUC.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033791.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1334 Attch: IBEC ALUC Aviation Application and Attachments 6.8.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033792.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 IBEC_ SEC Development Guidelines Section.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033793.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC Developmnet Guidelines - Part I 6.8.2020 .docx IBECEIR_033794.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S1 Site Design and Features 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033795.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S2 Design Elements 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033796.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S3 Landscape Elements 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033797.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S4 Signage and Graphics 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033798.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S5 Lighting and Acoustics 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033799.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S6 Circulation 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033800.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S9 Sustainability and Environmental Sensitivity 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033801.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1558 Attch: SEC DG PII S10 Specific Uses 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033802.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 IBEC Project Site Aerial.pdf IBECEIR_033740.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 IBEC Project Site Uses and Ownership.pdf IBECEIR_033741.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S1 Figure 1.1 Minimum Building Setbacks.pdf IBECEIR_033742.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S1 Figure 1.3 Fences and Walls.pdf IBECEIR_033743.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S2 Figure 2.1 Massing Concept.pdf IBECEIR_033744.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S2 Figure 2.2 Sports and Entertainment Complex Height.pdf IBECEIR_033745.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S2 Figure 2.3 Frontages.pdf IBECEIR_033746.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S3 Figure 3.1 Landscape Design Areas.pdf IBECEIR_033747.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S4 Figure 4.1 Sports and Entertainment Complex Sign Zones.pdf IBECEIR_033748.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S4 Figure 4.6 External Orientation.pdf IBECEIR_033749.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 S6 Figure 6.1 Circulation.pdf IBECEIR_033750.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 SEC Development Guidelines Index.docx IBECEIR_033763.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan.docx IBECEIR_033776.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1300 FW_ IBEC_ SEC Design Guidelines.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033806.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1300 Attch: SEC Development Guidelines Index 6.9.2020.docx IBECEIR_033807.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1300 Attch: App A SEC Design Review Checklist 6.8.2020.docx IBECEIR_033808.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1628 Re_ IBEC_ SEC Infrastructure Plan and Exhibits.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033809.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1628 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan 6.9.2020.docx IBECEIR_033810.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1908 IBEC Project Site Aerial and Use_Ownership Map.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033811.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1908 Attch: IBEC Project Site Uses and Ownership.pdf IBECEIR_033812.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1908 Attch: IBEC Project Site Aerial.pdf IBECEIR_033813.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.4 Roofline and Profile.pdf IBECEIR_033752.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.5.1 Building Materials and Treatments.pdf IBECEIR_033753.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.5.2 Glass Facades.pdf IBECEIR_033754.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.6 Screening.pdf IBECEIR_033755.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.7 Pedestrain Bridges.pdf IBECEIR_033756.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 5.1 Lighting.pdf IBECEIR_033757.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 6.3 Pedestrian Features.pdf IBECEIR_033758.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figures 9.2 and 9.3 and 9.8.pdf IBECEIR_033759.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 IBEC_ SEC DG Graphics Figures.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033814.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 2.4 Roofline and Profile 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033815.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 2.5.1 Building Materials and Treatments 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033816.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 2.5.2 Glass Facades 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033817.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 2.6 Screening 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033818.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 2.7 Pedestrain Bridges 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033819.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 5.1 Lighting 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033820.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figure 6.3 Pedestrian Features 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033821.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1130 Attch: Figures 9.2 and 9.3 and 9.8 6.10.2020.pdf IBECEIR_033822.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1700 IBEC docs.msg Langs, Skye Kathryn A. Ramirez IBECEIR_033779.pdf
Correspondence 20200507-0000 AECOM Alternatives Letter-c (002)-c.docx IBECEIR_033882.pdf
Drafts 20200509-0000 Development Agreement - City Draft -rkj.docx IBECEIR_033883.pdf
Correspondence 20200509-2020 Development Agreement.msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_033872.pdf
Correspondence 20200509-2020 Attch: Development Agreement - City Draft-rkj.docx IBECEIR_033873.pdf
Drafts 20200605-0000 Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT Clean Version (1215).DOCX IBECEIR_033884.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-2149 Additional DA Revisions.msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_033870.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-2149 Attch:Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT Clean Version (1215).DOCX IBECEIR_033871.pdf
Drafts 20200606-0000 Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT Clean Version (1215).DOCX IBECEIR_033885.pdf
Drafts 20200606-0000 Development Agreement-MB FINAL DRAFT Version-c.docx IBECEIR_033886.pdf
Correspondence 20200606-1642 Revised DA.msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_033868.pdf
Correspondence 20200606-1642 Attch: Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT Clean Version (1215).DOCX IBECEIR_033869.pdf
Correspondence 20200606-1931 RE 662020 Revised DA.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_033878.pdf
Correspondence 20200606-1931 Attch: Development Agreement-MB FINAL DRAFT Version-c.docx IBECEIR_033879.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Development Agreement-MB Proposed FINAL-c.docx IBECEIR_033887.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Development Agreement-MB Proposed FINAL-c-1.docx IBECEIR_033888.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0852 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_033866.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0852 Attch: Development Agreement-MB Proposed FINAL-c.docx IBECEIR_033867.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1214 RE Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_033880.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1214 Attch: Development Agreement-MB Proposed FINAL c.docx IBECEIR_033881.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0930 IBEC. CEQA Findings and Override Sponsor Comments.msg Via, Tay Whit Manley IBECEIR_033876.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0930 Attch: IBEC. CEQA Findings and Override Sponsor Comments 4847-6266-0032 v.1 (002) (003)-c.docx IBECEIR_033877.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0932 FW AECOM Alternatives Letter.msg Via, Tay Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_033874.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0932 Attch: AECOM Alternatives Letter-c (002)-c.docx IBECEIR_033875.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 IBEC. CEQA Findings and Override Sponsor Comments 4847-6266-0032 v.1 (002) (003)-c.docx IBECEIR_033889.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 25
EIR Reference Materials 19900000-0000 Collisions Between Birds and Windows_Klem.pdf IBECEIR_034015.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 19970101-0000 LACo 1997.Traffic_Impact_Analysis_Guidelines.pdf IBECEIR_034063.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20010511-0000 Rule 1166 - Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Decontamination of Soil.pdf IBECEIR_034071.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20020100-0000 Summary Report on the Bird Friendly Building Program_EvansOgden.pdf IBECEIR_034016.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 DEIR Hollywood Park Redevelopment_Table of Contents.pdf IBECEIR_034079.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - I. Introduction-Summary.pdf IBECEIR_034080.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - II. Project Description.pdf IBECEIR_034081.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 DEIR Hollywood Park - III. Related Projects.pdf IBECEIR_034082.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.A. Aesthetics.pdf IBECEIR_034083.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.B. Air Quality.pdf IBECEIR_034084.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.C. Geology-Soils.pdf IBECEIR_034085.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.D. Hazards Materials-Risk of Upset.pdf IBECEIR_034086.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.E. Cultural Resources.pdf IBECEIR_034087.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.F. Hydrology-Water Quality.pdf IBECEIR_034088.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.G. Noise.pdf IBECEIR_034089.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.I. Land Use.pdf IBECEIR_034090.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.J. Public Utilities.pdf IBECEIR_034091.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.K. Public Services.pdf IBECEIR_034092.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.L. Traffic-Transportation.pdf IBECEIR_034093.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - IV.M. Parking.pdf IBECEIR_034094.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - V. General Impact Categories.pdf IBECEIR_034095.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.A. Alternatives_Introduction.pdf IBECEIR_034096.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.B.1 Alternatives-No Project.pdf IBECEIR_034097.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.B.2 Reasonably Forseeable_ Hollywood Park Athletic Stadium.pdf IBECEIR_034098.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.B.3 Reasonably Forseeable_ Hollywood Park Convention Center.pdf IBECEIR_034099.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.C. Alternative_RU 800.pdf IBECEIR_034100.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.D. Alternative_RU 1000.pdf IBECEIR_034101.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.E. Alternative_RU 3500.pdf IBECEIR_034102.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.F. Alternative_Maximum Housing Alt.pdf IBECEIR_034103.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VI.G. Alternative_Env Superior.pdf IBECEIR_034104.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VII.A. References.pdf IBECEIR_034105.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VII.B. Preparers of the EIR.pdf IBECEIR_034106.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081006-0000 Hollywood Park DEIR - VII.C. Abbreviations.pdf IBECEIR_034107.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081009-0000 Hollywood Park Redevelopment Project DEIR_Cover.pdf IBECEIR_034077.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20081009-0000 DEIR Hollywood Park Redevelopment_Cover-Title Page.pdf IBECEIR_034078.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20090000-0000 Architectural and Landscape Risk Factors Associated with Bird-Glass Collisions_Klem.pdf IBECEIR_034017.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100000-0000 Twin Cities Bird-Building Collisions_Zink.pdf IBECEIR_034019.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20100600-0000 Seasonal, Taxonomic, and Local Habitat Components of Bird-window Collisions_Bordenetal.pdf IBECEIR_034018.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20120710-0000 CA DOJ Environmental Justice at the Local and Regional Level Legal Background 7.10.2012.pdf IBECEIR_034035.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20130100-0000 Window Area and Development Drive Spatial Variation in Bird-Window Collisions_Hager.pdf IBECEIR_034020.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20131200-0000 LACo 2013.TIA Guidelines Draft Update.pdf IBECEIR_034064.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20140100-0000 Bird-building collisionis in the United States_Loss.pdf IBECEIR_034021.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150224-0000 Champions Initiative Staff Report.pdf IBECEIR_034040.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20150716-0000 FAA_ORDER_1050_1F.pdf IBECEIR_034045.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20160309-0000 Poway v. Poway - 4th Appellate.pdf IBECEIR_034067.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf IBECEIR_034050.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A1_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034051.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A2_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034052.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A3_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034053.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A4_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034054.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A5_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034055.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A6_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034056.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A7_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034057.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A8_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034058.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A8_20101217.pdf^AC_150_5200-33B.pdf IBECEIR_034059.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A9_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034060.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_A_20101217.pdf IBECEIR_034061.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20161200-0000 LA World Airports_2016_section-337--wildlife-hazard-management-plan-complete.pdf^Section_337_WHMP_Appendix_B_20180117.pdf IBECEIR_034062.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170421-0000 SCAQMD_DEIR_Pepper Ave.pdf IBECEIR_034073.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20171201-0000 Rule 1466 - Control of Particulate Emissions from Soils with Toxic Air Contaminants.pdf IBECEIR_034072.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 CityofInglewood-InglewoodMunicipalCodeArticle1.1Section12.16-1.pdf IBECEIR_034022.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 CityofInglewood-InglewoodMunicipalCodeArticle7.1Section12-24.12.pdf IBECEIR_034023.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 CityofInglewood-InglewoodMunicipalCodeArticle11.1Section12-32.13.pdf IBECEIR_034024.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180000-0000 SoCal Edison_2018_2018-annual-report.pdf IBECEIR_034075.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180119-0000 Schneider_2018_Welcome to the Neighborhood_ America’s Sports Stadiums Are Moving Downtown - The New York Times.pdf IBECEIR_034074.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 CBC_2019_Section 1030 Emergency Escape and Rescue.pdf IBECEIR_034039.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190000-0000 Sanitation_2019_Loadings_Table_1.pdf IBECEIR_034069.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190415-0000 Fire Dept Response.pdf IBECEIR_034025.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190418-0000 Metro_2019_Board Report_Dodgers Gondola_4.18.19.pdf IBECEIR_034065.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190500-0000 SCAG_2019_CityofInglewoodProfile.pdf IBECEIR_034070.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190514-0000 StaplesCenterVacatedEventDaysAnalysis.pdf IBECEIR_034042.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190600-0000 Caltrans_2019_I405_ATM-CM_Project_Initiation_Report_SHOPP.pdf IBECEIR_034036.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190821-0000 Naser_2019_CHMC_City of Inglewood_Planning Manager_8.21.19.pdf IBECEIR_034066.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190924-0000 Inglewood Annual Budget 2019-2020.pdf IBECEIR_034049.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20191002-0000 FAA__NoHazardDetermination.pdf IBECEIR_034044.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20191101-0000 IBEC_GHG_Emissions_Commitment_Letter_Executed_With_Attachments_1_and_2-c.pdf IBECEIR_034034.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20191120-0000 CARB_2019_emfac_off_model_adjustment_factors_final_draft.pdf IBECEIR_034037.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20191120-0000 Attch: CARB_2019_emfac_off_model_adjustment_factors_final_draft.pdf^EMFAC_Off_Model_Adjustment_Factors_Final_Draft_ADA compliant.pdf.accreport.html IBECEIR_034038.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200000-0000 Bird_Collision_Deterence_LEED.pdf IBECEIR_034027.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200429-0000 Telephone Notes.pdf IBECEIR_034041.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200430-0000 Telephone Notes - Howard_David_J - US Census Bureau.pdf IBECEIR_034048.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200506-0000 May PC Agenda Packet.pdf IBECEIR_034026.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200506-0000 Kanuk_IBEC_ Temporary Construction Power.pdf^IBEC Temporary Construction Power.docx IBECEIR_034029.pdf
Drafts 20200507-0000 Figure 1.3 Fences and Walls.pdf IBECEIR_033936.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200507-0000 FehrandPeers_405 fair share memo.pdf IBECEIR_034046.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200521-0000 Stone Planning Proposed Attendance Restriction memo.pdf IBECEIR_034076.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200527-0000 Safe Rule Memol.pdf IBECEIR_034068.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200528-0000 EKI Memorandum.pdf IBECEIR_034043.pdf
Correspondence 20200529-0000 LA Fire Dept Letter - Notice of Proposed Amendments.pdf IBECEIR_034115.pdf
Drafts 20200603-0000 Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations.pdf IBECEIR_034108.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0237 RE IBEC Notification List.msg Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033990.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0237 Attch: IBEC Noticing - 500 ft Radius Address List.xlsx IBECEIR_033991.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-0237 Attch: Public Hearing_Notification List_FINAL.xlsx IBECEIR_033992.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-1343 IBEC Entitlements 06 08 20 1 30pm.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ;;;;; IBECEIR_033968.pdf
Correspondence 20200608-2236 IBEC 06 08 4 00.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ;;; Dennis ; GMcCallum ; Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_033969.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-0955 FedEx Shipment 770632224570 Delivered.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033935.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1908 IBEC Project Site Aerial and Use Ownership Map.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033972.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1908 Attch: IBEC Project Site Uses and Ownership.pdf IBECEIR_033973.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1908 Atch: IBEC Project Site Aerial.pdf IBECEIR_033974.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1011 RE Correction Required Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project SCH 2018021056.msg Mindala Wilcox Veronica Lebron' ; Fred Jackson ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_033989.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-2118 FW Clippers Arena.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033948.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-2135 RE Lobby Access for Document Review (IBEC-Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center).msg Mindala Wilcox Emory Ward IBECEIR_034002.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.4 Roofline and Profile 6.pdf IBECEIR_033937.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.5.1 Building Materials and Treatments.pdf IBECEIR_033938.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.5.2 Glass Facades.pdf IBECEIR_033939.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.6 Screening.pdf IBECEIR_033940.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 2.7 Pedestrain Bridges.pdf IBECEIR_033941.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 5.1 Lighting.pdf IBECEIR_033942.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figure 6.3 Pedestrian Features.pdf IBECEIR_033943.pdf
Drafts 20200610-0000 Figures 9.2 and 9.3 and 9.8.pdf IBECEIR_033944.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1420 Clippers Replays Virtual Summer Camps and More.msg LA Clippers Frances Tracht IBECEIR_033932.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1420 Clippers Replays Virtual Summer Camps and More.msg LA Clippers Bettye Griffith IBECEIR_033933.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1426 Clippers Replays Virtual Summer Camps and More.msg LA Clippers Donnell Norwood IBECEIR_033931.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1438 Clippers Replays Virtual Summer Camps and More.msg LA Clippers Esmeralda Navarro IBECEIR_033930.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1440 Clippers Replays Virtual Summer Camps and More.msg LA Clippers Jerry Cosby IBECEIR_033929.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1446 Clippers Replays Virtual Summer Camps and More.msg LA Clippers Teresa Estrada IBECEIR_033934.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1508 FW IBEC Entitlements .msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_033955.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1756 July 1 2020 PC Cases.msg Eddy Ikemefuna Bernard McCrumby ; Marissa Fewell ; Arturo Salazar ; Taylor Kay ; Angel Leon-Martell IBECEIR_033979.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1756 Attch: PC Meeting Case Schedule 2020.docx IBECEIR_033980.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Amendment SPC Reso-3.pdf IBECEIR_033890.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Infrastructure Plan and DG Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033891.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 EIR Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033892.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 IBEC Development Agreement PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033893.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 IBEC GP Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033894.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 IBEC ZCA Ordinance.pdf IBECEIR_033895.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 SEC Design Guidelines-2.pdf IBECEIR_033896.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 ZC ZCA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033897.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0730 RE California Public Records Act Request Ordinance 94-24.msg Veronica Lebron Aisha Thompson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_033986.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0931 RE Clippers Arena.msg Fred Jackson IBECEIR_033987.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Alex Padilla IBECEIR_033916.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Kathy Ares IBECEIR_033917.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Eloy Morales Jr. IBECEIR_033918.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Cinder Eller IBECEIR_033919.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Ramon Quinones IBECEIR_033920.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Claudette Matthews IBECEIR_033921.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Alicia Smith IBECEIR_033922.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Gwen Goodman IBECEIR_033923.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team George Dotson IBECEIR_033924.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Jaime Gutierrez IBECEIR_033925.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Tunisia Johnson IBECEIR_033926.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-0959 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Clippers Arena Outreach Team Ralph Franklin IBECEIR_033927.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1023 FW Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Cinder Eller Cardell Hurt ; Geoffrey Meeks IBECEIR_033946.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1050 Fwd Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Ramon Quinones Alex Padilla IBECEIR_033963.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1053 RE Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Alex Padilla Ramon Quinones IBECEIR_033988.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1144 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Julianne Rendon George Dotson IBECEIR_033915.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-1205 FW Public Hearing June 17 2020 IBEC.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033959.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-1205 Attch: Public Hearing June 17, 2020 IBEC.msg Dev Bhalla ibecproject ; Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_033960.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-1205 Attch: Public Hearing Inglewood.pdf IBECEIR_033961.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-1206 Public Hearing June 17 2020 IBEC.msg Dev Bhalla ibecproject ; Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_034118.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-1206 Attch: Public Hearing Inglewood.pdf IBECEIR_034119.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1241 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Ralph Franklin Claudette Matthews IBECEIR_033914.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1307 FW Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Claudette Matthews Ralph Franklin IBECEIR_033945.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1339 Fwd Public Hearing June 17 2020 IBEC.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033964.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1339 Attch: Public Hearing Inglewood.pdf IBECEIR_033965.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1400 Re IBEC SEC Infrastructure Plan and Exhibits.msg Boytrese Osias Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_033999.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-1520 Special Accommodation Advance Request for June 17 2020 Planning Commission Hearing .msg Naira Soghbatyan Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_034013.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1634 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Julianne Rendon Alex Padilla IBECEIR_033913.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1634 FW Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Julianne Rendon Eloy Morales Jr. IBECEIR_033947.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1635 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Julianne Rendon Ralph Franklin IBECEIR_033912.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1637 Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Julianne Rendon James Butts ; Artie Fields ; Louis Atwell ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_033928.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2110 IBEC ZCA Ordinance and SEC Design Guidelines.pdf IBECEIR_033975.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2335 IBEC EIR Reso, GPA Reso, SPA Reso, DG Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033971.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2347 IBEC DA PC Reso and ZC ZCA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_033970.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-0000 ESA Memo re Feasibility of IBEC Alternatives.DOCX IBECEIR_034109.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 IBEC. CEQA Findings and Override (Combined).docx IBECEIR_034110.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1140 IBEC_ ESA Memorandum on Alternatives.msg Whit Manley Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_034113.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1140 Attch: ESA memo re feasibility of IBEC alternatives.DOCX IBECEIR_034114.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1208 FW Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th, 2020.pdf IBECEIR_033962.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1241 RE Clippers Arena.pdf IBECEIR_034006.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1706 IBEC_ Draft CEQA findings and override.msg Whit Manley Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ' IBECEIR_034111.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1706 Attch: IBEC. CEQA Findings and Override (Combined).docx IBECEIR_034112.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200612-1738 Request to Clarify and Confirm Rescission of June 9 2020 Approvals of PH-1 and PH-2 and Public Records Request.msg Veronica Lebron Aisha Thompson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_034117.pdf
Drafts 20200609-0000 SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan.docx IBECEIR_034438.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1628 Re IBEC SEC Infrastructure Plan and Exhibits.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_034428.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1628 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan 6.9.2020.docx IBECEIR_034429.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1716 FW IBEC Revised Draft Economic and Fiscal Impact Report.msg Mindala Wilcox Brian Boxer IBECEIR_034149.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-1716 Attch: HRA IBEC Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis Report_Revised May 2020-c.pdf IBECEIR_034150.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 ZCA Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034439.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 1. EIR Reso_PC.docx IBECEIR_034440.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 1.A. EIR Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034441.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 2. Draft PC GP Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034442.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 2.A GPA_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034443.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 2.B GPA_Exhibit B.docx IBECEIR_034444.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 2.C GPA_Exhibit C.docx IBECEIR_034445.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 DA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034446.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Draft PC GP Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034447.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Draft SPA_Text_Ex_A.docx IBECEIR_034448.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 EIR Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034449.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 EIR Reso_PC.docx IBECEIR_034450.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 GPA_Exhibit C.docx IBECEIR_034451.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 Design Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034452.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 SEC Design Guidelines_all.docx IBECEIR_034453.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 SPA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034454.pdf
Drafts 20200611-0000 ZC and ZCA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034455.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1852 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Whit Manley ; Brian Boxer ; Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_034262.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200611-2033 Follow-up California Public Records Act Request.msg Veronica Lebron Jacquelyn Gordon ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_034337.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2110 IBEC ZCA Ordinance and SEC Design Guidelines.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034419.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2110 Attch: SEC Design Guidelines_all.docx IBECEIR_034420.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2110 Attch: 2020.06.17 ZCA Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034421.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 IBEC EIR Reso GPA Reso SPA Reso DG Reso.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034391.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: EIR Reso_PC.docx IBECEIR_034392.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: EIR Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034393.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: Draft PC GP Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034394.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: GPA_Exhibit B.docx IBECEIR_034395.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: GPA_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034396.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: GPA_Exhibit C.docx IBECEIR_034397.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: Draft SPA_Text_Ex_A.docx IBECEIR_034398.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: SPA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034399.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2334 Attch: PC Design Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034400.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2347 IBEC DA PC Reso and ZCZCA PC Reso.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034388.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2347 Attch: DA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034389.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-2347 Attch: ZC and ZCA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034390.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 PropGenPln_MapswithOverlay.jpg IBECEIR_034456.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 PropGenPln_MapswithOverlay-ver1.jpg IBECEIR_034457.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 Existing Zoning Map with Overlay.jpg IBECEIR_034458.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 ExistingZoning_MapswithOverlay.jpg IBECEIR_034459.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 General Plan Map with Overlay.jpg IBECEIR_034460.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 IBEC Project Conceptual Landscape Plans.pdf IBECEIR_034461.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 IBEC Project Conceptual Renderings.pdf IBECEIR_034462.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 PC Design Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034463.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 PropGenPln_MapswithOverlay-ver2.jpg IBECEIR_034464.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 Proposed Zoning Map with Overlay.jpg IBECEIR_034465.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 PropZoning_MapswithOverlay.jpg IBECEIR_034466.jpg
Drafts 20200612-0000 SEC DG PIII_Infrastructure.docx IBECEIR_034467.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 SEC DG_Part I.docx IBECEIR_034468.pdf
Drafts 20200612-0000 Zone Change Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034469.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1003 FedEx Shipment 770619568055 Delivery Exception.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_034291.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1140 IBEC ESA Memorandum on Alternatives (06 12 2020).msg Whit Manley Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP IBECEIR_034161.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1140 Attch: ESA memo re feasibility of ibec alternatives.DOCX IBECEIR_034162.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1612 FW IBEC ZoningGP Draft Maps.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034348.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1612 Attch: IBECEIR_034349.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1612 Attch: IBECEIR_034350.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1612 Attch: IBECEIR_034351.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1612 Attch: IBECEIR_034352.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1612 Attch: IBECEIR_034353.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1812 Re IBEC ZoningGP Draft Maps_1 .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034434.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1812 Attch: General Plan Map with Overlay.jpg IBECEIR_034435.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1812 Attch: Existing Zoning Map with Overlay.jpg IBECEIR_034436.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1812 Attch: Proposed Zoning Map with Overlay.jpg IBECEIR_034437.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1843 Re IBEC ZoningGP Draft Maps .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034430.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1843 Attch: Existing Zoning with Overlay 2.jpg IBECEIR_034431.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1843 Attch: Proposed Zoning Map With Overlay 2.jpg IBECEIR_034432.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1843 Attch: General Plan Map with Overlay 2.jpg IBECEIR_034433.jpg
Correspondence 20200612-1945 IBEC Zone Change Ordinance and Development Guidelines Part I.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034422.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1945 Attch: Zone Change Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034423.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1945 Attch: SEC DG_Part I.docx IBECEIR_034424.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-2046 IBEC Infrastructure Plan and Design Guidelines PC Resolution.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034401.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-2046 Attch: SEC DG PIII_Infrastructure.docx IBECEIR_034402.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-2046 Attch: PC Design Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034403.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-2359 IBEC Conceptual Renderings and Conceptual Landscape Plans.msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034385.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-2359 Attch: IBEC Project Conceptual Landscape Plans.pdf IBECEIR_034386.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-2359 Attch: IBEC Project Conceptual Renderings.pdf IBECEIR_034387.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 3. SPA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034470.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 3.A. SPA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034471.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 3.B Draft SPA_Text_Ex_B.docx IBECEIR_034472.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 4. ZC and ZCA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034473.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 4.A. ZC and ZCA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034474.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 4.B ZC Zone Change Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034475.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 4.C 2020.06.17 ZCA Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034476.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 5. Dev Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034477.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 5.A Dev Guidelines Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034478.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 6. DA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034479.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 6.A DA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034480.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_1. EIR Reso_PC.pdf IBECEIR_034481.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_2. Draft PC GP Resolution_PC.pdf IBECEIR_034482.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_2.C GPA_Exhibit C.pdf IBECEIR_034483.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_3. SPA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034484.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_3.B SPA Reso_Exhibit B.pdf IBECEIR_034485.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_4.B ZC Zone Change Ordinance.pdf IBECEIR_034486.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_4.C 2020.06.17 ZCA Ordinance.pdf IBECEIR_034487.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_5. Dev Guidelines Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034488.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_6. DA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034489.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 Redline_ZC and ZCA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034490.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 SEC DG Part I clean 6.13.20.docx IBECEIR_034491.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 SEC DG Part I REDLINE.pdf IBECEIR_034492.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 SEC DG Part II all clean.docx IBECEIR_034493.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 SEC DG Part II all REDLINE.pdf IBECEIR_034494.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 SEC DG Part III clean.docx IBECEIR_034495.pdf
Drafts 20200613-0000 SEC DG Part III REDLINE.pdf IBECEIR_034496.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 IBEC Proposed Sponsor Edits to EIR Resolution GPA Resolution and SPA Resolution and Applicable Exhibits.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034362.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 1. EIR Reso_PC.docx IBECEIR_034363.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 1.A. EIR Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034364.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: Redline_1. EIR Reso_PC.pdf IBECEIR_034365.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 2. Draft PC GP Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034366.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 2.A GPA_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034367.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 2.B GPA_Exhibit B.docx IBECEIR_034368.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 2.C GPA_Exhibit C.docx IBECEIR_034369.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: Redline_2. Draft PC GP Resolution_PC.pdf IBECEIR_034370.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: Redline_2.C GPA_Exhibit C.pdf IBECEIR_034371.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 3. SPA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034372.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 3.A. SPA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034373.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: 3.B Draft SPA_Text_Ex_B.docx IBECEIR_034374.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: Redline_3. SPA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034375.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0044 Attch: Redline_3.B SPA Reso_Exhibit B.pdf IBECEIR_034376.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 IBEC SEC Development Guidelines .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034404.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 Attch: SEC DG Part I clean 6.13.20.docx IBECEIR_034405.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 Attch: SEC DG Part I REDLINE.pdf IBECEIR_034406.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 Attch: SEC DG Part II all clean 6.13.20.docx IBECEIR_034407.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 Attch: SEC DG Part II all REDLINE.pdf IBECEIR_034408.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 Attch: SEC DG Part III clean 6.13.20.docx IBECEIR_034409.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0706 Attch: SEC DG Part III REDLINE.pdf IBECEIR_034410.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 IBEC Proposed Sponsor Edits to Dev Guidelines Resolution Development Agreement Resolution and Applicable Exhibits.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034355.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 Attch: 5. Dev Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034356.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 Attch: 5.A Dev Guidelines Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034357.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 Attch: Redline_5. Dev Guidelines Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034358.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 Attch: 6. DA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034359.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 Attch: 6.A DA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034360.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0955 Attch: Redline_6. DA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034361.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 IBEC Proposed Sponsor Edits to ZCZCA Planning Commission Resolution ZC City Council Ordinance and ZCA City Council Ordinance.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034377.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: 4. ZC and ZCA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034378.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: 4.A. ZC and ZCA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034379.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: 4.B ZC Zone Change Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034380.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: 4.C 2020.06.17 ZCA Ordinance.docx IBECEIR_034381.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: Redline_ZC and ZCA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034382.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: Redline_4.B ZC Zone Change Ordinance.pdf IBECEIR_034383.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1022 Attch: Redline_4.C 2020.06.17 ZCA Ordinance.pdf IBECEIR_034384.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1552 Fwd .msg Boytrese Osias Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_034354.pdf
Drafts 20200615-0000 Existing Zoning with Overlay 2.jpg IBECEIR_034497.jpg
Drafts 20200615-0000 General Plan Map with Overlay 2.jpg IBECEIR_034498.jpg
Drafts 20200615-0000 Proposed Zoning Map With Overlay 2.jpg IBECEIR_034499.jpg
Correspondence 20200615-0835 Infrastructure Plan.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox ; Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_034425.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200615-0849 Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) SCH 2018021056.msg Pettit, David ibecproject IBECEIR_034426.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200615-0849 Attch: Clippers arena DEIR response comment letter 6-15-20.docx IBECEIR_034427.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200615-0907 Attch: Letter to City of Inglewood.pdf IBECEIR_034500.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200615-0907 Letter re hearing of June 17.msg Brogan, Kevin H. ibecproject IBECEIR_034501.pdf
Drafts 20200616-0000 App A SEC Design Review Checklist.docx IBECEIR_034505.pdf
Drafts 20200616-0000 SEC Development Guidelines Index.docx IBECEIR_034506.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1143 Re IBEC SEC Design Guidelines .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034502.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1143 Attch: SEC Development Guidelines Index 6.9.2020.docx IBECEIR_034503.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1143 Attch: App A SEC Design Review Checklist 6.16.2020.docx IBECEIR_034504.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1135 CA PRA - IBEC.pdf Veronica Lebron IBECEIR_034679.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1135 Attch: CA PRA - IBEC_Redacted.pdf IBECEIR_034680.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1350 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Tiffany Wright ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; 'Royce K. Jones' IBECEIR_034570.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0028 RE IBEC Conceptual Renderings and Conceptual Landscape Plans.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034580.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0842 RE IBEC Proposed Sponsor Edits to EIR Resolution, GPA Resolution, and SPA Resolution, and Applicable Exhibits.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034581.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1605 IBEC GPA with Exhibits.pdf Marissa Fewell IBECEIR_034571.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-0836 IBEC Plan Check and Permit Process Discussion.pdf Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_034574.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-0838 IBEC Plan Check and Permit Process Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas IBECEIR_034573.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1603 Update on IBEC.pdf Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_034584.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1605 Update on IBEC.msg Gerard McCallum Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_034583.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1632 FW REMINDER Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event TONIGHT!.pdf Cinder Eller IBECEIR_034568.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1848 Special Accommodation Advance Request for June 17 2020 Planning Commission Hearing (IBEC).msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034582.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-2153 RE Public Hearing June 17, 2020 IBEC - non viable link.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034576.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1040 public hearing on Clippers arena.pdf City News Service IBECEIR_034577.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1058 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Robert B. Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton IBECEIR_034618.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1925 Request for Clarification and DecisionDocuments re June 16 2020 CC Agenda Item Nos. SPH-2 and SPH-3..msg Naira Soghbatyan Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_034677.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-2303 To the Inglewood Planning Commission public hearing city of inglewood scheduled for June 17 2020 IBEC.msg Dev Bhalla Mindala Wilcox ; ibecproject ; Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_034678.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200617-0846 Objection Relating to Tonights Special Planning Commission Meeting.msg Jamie Fisher Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034675.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200617-0846 Attch: Objections on Behalf of Dev and Roopa Bhalla.pdf IBECEIR_034676.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1744 Fw_ IBEC.msg Lisa Trifiletti - on behalf of - Brian Boxer Perla Solis IBECEIR_034681.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Comments Objections to April 13 2020 Planning Commission Special Meeting Agenda Items 5.d and 5.e; Advance Notice Request.msg Veronica Lebron Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034688.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: Advance Notice Request; Comments & Objections to Notices of Exemption; Agenda Items 5.d and 5.e.PDF IBECEIR_034689.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: URL slipsheet.pdf IBECEIR_034690.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190201-AB900_IBEC_Community_letters_1.pdf IBECEIR_034691.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190201-AB900_IBEC_Community_letters_2.pdf IBECEIR_034692.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190204-AB900_IBEC_Inglewood_Residents_Against_Takings_Evictions_Comments.pdf IBECEIR_034693.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190204-AB900_IBEC_MSG_Forum_AB_987_Comment_Letter_without_Exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_034694.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190204-AB900_IBEC_MSG_Forum_AB_987_Comment_Letter_EXHIBITS_1-4.pdf IBECEIR_034695.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190204-AB900_IBEC_MSG_Forum_AB_987_Comment_Letter_EXHIBIT_5.pdf IBECEIR_034696.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190204-AB900_IBEC_MSG_Forum_AB_987_Comment_Letter_EXHIBITS_6-7.pdf IBECEIR_034697.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190204-AB900_IBEC_MSG_Forum_AB_987_Comment_Letter_EXHIBITS_8-10.pdf IBECEIR_034698.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190222-AB900_IBEC_Comment_Climate_Resolve.pdf IBECEIR_034699.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190304-AB900_IBEC_NRDC.pdf IBECEIR_034700.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190422-AB900_IBEC_MSG_Supp_Lette_re_IBEC_App_Tracking_No-2018021056.pdf IBECEIR_034701.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190621-IBEC_Comment_NRDC_Clippers_response_6-21-19.pdf IBECEIR_034702.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190628-AB900_Inglewood_Comment_Opposition_to_Supplemental_Application.pdf IBECEIR_034703.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190628-AB900_Inglewood_Comment_resident_letters.pdf IBECEIR_034704.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190628-AB900_Inglewood_Comment_Resident_Letters_1.pdf IBECEIR_034705.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190628-AB900_Inglewood_Comment_Resident_Letters_2.pdf IBECEIR_034706.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190628-Final_Inglewood_Community_Letters.pdf IBECEIR_034707.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190628-IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_034708.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190903-AB900_IBEC_Community_Letters.pdf IBECEIR_034709.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190903-AB900_IBEC_Inglewood_Community_Letters-2.pdf IBECEIR_034710.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20190909-AB900_IBEC_MSG_OPR_Letter_September_2019_with_exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_034711.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20191112-AB900_IBEC_AB987_Inglewood_Residents_Against_Takings_and_Evictions .pdf IBECEIR_034712.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20191114-Barbara_Boxer_GHG_Emissions_Commitment_Letter.pdf IBECEIR_034713.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200413-1854 Attch: 20191205-AB987_IBEC_Comment_MSG_Forum.pdf IBECEIR_034714.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Objections re IBEC DEIR FEIR (SCH 2018021056) and entitlements.msg Esther Kornfeld Aisha Thompson ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; ibecproject ; Mindala Wilcox ; IBECEIR_034715.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Atch: Objections to IBEC Project DEIR & FEIR; SCH No. 2018021056_Redacted.pdf IBECEIR_034716.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: URL slipsheet.pdf IBECEIR_034717.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Footnote 7 Objections.pdf IBECEIR_034718.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 9a Density Is New York City’s Big ‘Enemy’ in the Coronavirus Fight - The New York Times.pdf IBECEIR_034719.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 9b The Subways Seeded the Massive Coronavirus Epidemic in NYC by Harris .pdf IBECEIR_034720.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 10b With death toll hitting 83, the MTA contemplates a memorial for its Covid fallen.pdf IBECEIR_034721.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 10c 7 De Blasio claims he said early on to avoid NYC mass transit.pdf IBECEIR_034722.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 11a Five Ways COVID-19 May Impact The Future Of Infrastructure And Transportation.pdf IBECEIR_034723.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 11b Public Transit Makes U.S.pdf IBECEIR_034724.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 11c MTA workers cleaning around the homeless on NYC subways.pdf IBECEIR_034725.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 13 MTA Bus and Subway Pandemic Preparations Not Working_ Union - THE CITY.pdf IBECEIR_034726.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch:Footnote 17 IBECEIR_031906.pdf IBECEIR_034727.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 18b Metro Pursuing Disruptive Centinela Grade Separation on Nearly Complete Crenshaw Line – Streetsblog Los Angeles.pdf IBECEIR_034728.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 20 IBECEIR_030991.pdf IBECEIR_034729.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 22 IBECEIR_030279.pdf IBECEIR_034730.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 23 IBECEIR_030294.pdf IBECEIR_034731.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 25 IBECEIR_030295.pdf IBECEIR_034732.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 27 IBECEIR_030282.pdf IBECEIR_034733.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 31 20190628-IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_034734.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 32 IBECEIR_030287.pdf IBECEIR_034735.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 33 ITC_INITIAL_STUDY_SECURED_201807161911179144.pdf IBECEIR_034736.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 35 20190124-AB900_IBEC_AB987_NOC_Form.pdf IBECEIR_034737.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 36 PREDEIR_0000036.pdf IBECEIR_034738.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 37 PREDEIR_0002337.pdf IBECEIR_034739.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 38 PREDEIR_027103.pdf IBECEIR_034740.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 39 2019-20_LCAP_Complete_2019-10-08.pdf IBECEIR_034741.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch:: Footnote 42 _ Environmental Health and Safety _ Oregon State University.pdf IBECEIR_034742.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 43 IBECEIR_033034.pdf IBECEIR_034743.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 45 IBECEIR_031887.pdf IBECEIR_034744.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 48 IBECEIR_032579.pdf IBECEIR_034745.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 49 IBECEIR_031082.pdf IBECEIR_034746.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1242 Attch: Footnote 50 II. Project Description (PDF).pdf IBECEIR_034747.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1442 Brown Act Violation on June 9 2020; Comments to June 16 2020 CC Agenda Item Nos. SPH-2 and SPH-3; and Objection to June 16 2020 CC Agenda Item No. O-1.msg Naira Soghbatyan Aisha Thompson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_034748.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1442 Attch: June 9 2020 City Council Hearing FB Comments.pdf IBECEIR_034749.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1442 Attch: URL slipsheet.pdf IBECEIR_034750.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200616-1442 Attch: Agenda 2020.pdf IBECEIR_034751.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 26
Correspondence 20200611-1120 FW IBEC SEC Infrastructure Plan and Exhibits.msg Mindala Wilcox Louis Atwell ; Boytrese Osias ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_034812.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1120 Attch: SEC DG PIII SEC Infrastructure Plan 6.9.2020.docx IBECEIR_034813.pdf
Correspondence 20200611-1317 Fwd Public Records Request - Planning Commission Agenda.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034832.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1208 FW Clippers Arena Virtual Update Event June 15th 2020.msg Alex Padilla Ralph & Juanita Franklin IBECEIR_034792.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1241 RE Clippers Arena.msg Fred Jackson IBECEIR_034928.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0028 RE IBEC Conceptual Renderings and Conceptual Landscape Plans.msg Mindala Wilcox Dennis Kanuk' IBECEIR_034940.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0816 AECOM Alternatives Letter.msg Via, Tay Mindala Wilcox ;; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_034767.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0816 Attch: AECOM Alternatives Letter-c (002)-c.docx IBECEIR_034768.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0842 RE IBEC Proposed Sponsor Edits to EIR Resolution GPA Resolution and SPA Resolution and Applicable Exhibits.msg Mindala Wilcox Gershwin, Dan IBECEIR_034939.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 FW IBEC Proposed Sponsor Edits to Dev Guidelines Resolution Development Agreement Resolution and Applicable Exhibits.msg Gershwin, Dan Fred Jackson IBECEIR_034795.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 Attch: 5. Dev Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_034796.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 Attch: 5.A Dev Guidelines Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034797.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 Attch: Redline_5. Dev Guidelines Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034798.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 Attch: 6. DA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_034799.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 Attch: 6.A DA Reso_Exhibit A.docx IBECEIR_034800.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-0958 Attch: Redline_6. DA PC Reso.pdf IBECEIR_034801.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1108 Quick Touch Base re logistics collaboration.msg Loren Montgomery Mindala Wilcox ; Cynthia Robinson ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_034924.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1422 RE Please call Boytrese .msg Fred Jackson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034952.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-2026 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Tiffany Wright ;; 'Gershwin, Dan' ; '' IBECEIR_034878.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-0838 IBEC Plan Check and Permit Process Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas IBECEIR_034908.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200615-1553 Fwd Public Hearing June 17 2020 IBEC.msg Dev Bhalla ibecproject ; Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_035099.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200615-1553 Attch: Public Hearing Inglewood.pdf IBECEIR_035100.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1605 Update on IBEC.msg Gerard McCallum Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_034978.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1942 IBEC- Update.msg Gerard McCallum Royce Jones ; Tiffany Wright ; Whitman Manley - Remy Moose Manley, LLP ; '';; Christopher E. Jackson ; Via, Tay ;;; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_034770.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-1943 IBEC- Update.msg Gerard McCallum Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_034769.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-2151 RE Documents for Planning Commission meeting.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035102.pdf
Correspondence 20200615-2153 RE Public Hearing June 17, 2020 IBEC.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035103.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1027 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Robert B. Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton IBECEIR_034901.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1048 IBEC.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ;;; Phoebe Allen IBECEIR_034903.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1058 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Robert B. Hodil ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tay Via ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton IBECEIR_034902.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1509 FW CA PRA IBEC Project Billboard Project.pdf Louis Atwell IBECEIR_035101.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1510 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102 (6).msg Louis Atwell Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034789.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1515 IBEC.msg Weinstein-Carnes, Ashley Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_034900.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1524 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Yvonne Horton Veronica Lebron IBECEIR_034791.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1751 IBEC.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_034898.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission IBEC Power Point Presentation.pptx IBECEIR_035083.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Additional Comment Letters.pdf IBECEIR_035084.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Errata.pdf IBECEIR_035085.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Packet.pdf IBECEIR_035086.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200617-0000 Planning Commission Special PC Agenda Page.pdf IBECEIR_035087.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1118 City of Inglewood Attorney-Client Privileged Documents.pdf Ken Campos IBECEIR_035088.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1624 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No. EA-MND-2019-102.pdf Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_034829.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1757 FW_ Public Records Request - Planning Commission Agenda.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035072.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1047 IBEC Mitigation Review.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via ; Fred Jackson ; Mindy Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_035005.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1052 IBEC GHG.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ;; Robert Hodil ; Tiffany Wright ; Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Mindy Wilcox ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_035042.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1555 Re Canceled IBEC Plan Check and Permit Process Discussion.pdf Cameron Curtis IBECEIR_034955.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200618-1658 Local Property Owner Inquiry about the Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center Building Project.msg Jasmine Lee Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035089.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-0000 Response to Demand for Deletion of Alleged Privileged Documents; IBEC Projec SCH 2018021056.pdf Robert Silverstein IBECEIR_035090.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1228 Comment Letters (IBEC).pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035092.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1228 Attch: Comment Letters (IBEC).pdf IBECEIR_035093.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1350 IBEC .msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Louis A. Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via ; Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035004.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200608-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF IBECEIR_035122.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1058 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_035153.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1868 EIR Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits_1.pdf IBECEIR_035215.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1869 GPA Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_035216.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1870 Reso 1870 - 061720 - SPA-2020-001.pdf IBECEIR_035217.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1871 ZC and ZCA PC Reso Final Approved with Errata.pdf IBECEIR_035218.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1872 DG Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits_1.pdf IBECEIR_035219.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200617-0000 Resolution No. 1873 DA Resolution_Final Approved with Exhibits_1.pdf IBECEIR_035220.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-0615 FW CA PRA IBEC Project Billboard Project.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035105.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-0615 Attch: FW CA PRA IBEC Project Billboard Project URL slipsheet.pdf IBECEIR_035106.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1521 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_035133.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1624 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Evangeline Lane Yvonne Horton ; Aisha Thompson IBECEIR_035132.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1047 IBEC Mitigation Review.msg Brian Boxer Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via ; Fred Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Gordon Anderson ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery IBECEIR_035158.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1052 IBEC GHG.msg Christina Erwin Dennis Kanuk ;; Robert Hodil ; Tiffany Wright ; Anitra Rice ; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_035157.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Resos.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_035196.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Attch: EIR Reso_PC.docx IBECEIR_035197.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Attch: Draft PC GP Resolution.docx IBECEIR_035198.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Attch: SPA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_035199.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Attch: 4. ZC and ZCA PC Reso.docx IBECEIR_035200.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Attch: 6. DA PC Reso revised.docx IBECEIR_035201.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-1700 Attch: 5. Dev Guidelines Resolution.docx IBECEIR_035202.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1215 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035152.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1350 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via ; Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035143.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1816 Response to Demand for Deletion of Alleged Privileged Documents IBEC Projec SCH 2018021056.msg Veronica Lebron Ken Campos ; Michael Pan IBECEIR_035203.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1816 Attch: Response to Demand for Deletion of Alleged Privileged Documents; IBEC Projec SCH 2018021056.PDF IBECEIR_035204.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-2136 IBEC PC Resolutions.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035159.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1310 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Yvonne Horton Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035168.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1345 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_035131.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1458 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Mindala Wilcox Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_035166.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1502 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Yvonne Horton Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035167.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1554 Fwd IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035139.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1554 Attch: invite.ics O'Brien, Harry O'Brien, Harry ; Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035140.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1602 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Jeff Caton ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_035162.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-0904 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No. EA-MND-2019-102.pdf Evangeline Lane IBECEIR_035194.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1312 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.pdf Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035104.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 27
Correspondence 20200617-1451 June Special Planning Commission Agenda.msg Evangeline Lane Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_035284.pdf
Correspondence 20200617-1451 Attch: 2020 06 17 PC Agenda_special1.docx IBECEIR_035285.pdf
Correspondence 20200619-1350 IBEC .msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via ; Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035281.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1554 Fwd IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035256.pdf
Correspondence 20200622-1554 Attch: invite.ics O'Brien, Harry O'Brien, Harry ; Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035257.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-0800 Agenda Update.msg Harjinder Singh Yulanda Parson IBECEIR_035239.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-0904 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035292.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-0924 Re Agenda Update.msg Christopher E. Jackson Harjinder Singh ; Yakema Decatur ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035289.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-0925 RE Agenda Update.msg Yakema Decatur Christopher E. Jackson ; Harjinder Singh ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035288.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1022 RE Agenda Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_035287.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1314 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Chris Holmquist Harjinder Singh ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_035307.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1314 Attch: 200623 IBEC East Parking Area & Hotel Site Exhibit.pdf IBECEIR_035308.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1417 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Sergei Builoff Chris Holmquist ; Harjinder Singh ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_035305.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1417 Attch: BSM Certificate of insurance for Inglewood.pdf IBECEIR_035306.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1420 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Evangeline Lane Mindala Wilcox ; Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_035291.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1421 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Harjinder Singh Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035304.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1428 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Harjinder Singh Sergei Builoff ; Chris Holmquist ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_035303.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1431 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Chris Holmquist Harjinder Singh IBECEIR_035302.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1432 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Harjinder Singh Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035309.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1516 FW California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Yvonne Horton IBECEIR_035246.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1518 RE California Public Records Act Request IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 Billboard Project Case No EA-MND-2019-102.msg Yvonne Horton Evangeline Lane ; Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035293.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1543 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Louis Atwell ; Peter Puglese ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Tay Via ; Chris Holmquist ; Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_035268.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1628 RE Comment Letters (IBEC).msg Lijin Sun Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035299.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1215 FW IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson IBECEIR_035253.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1255 RE IBEC PC Resolutions.msg Alyson Stewart Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035301.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1456 Clippers Project Plan review Services.msg Jay Elbettar Ali Pouraghabagher IBECEIR_035242.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1600 Clippers Arena 2.msg skybull317 Fred Jackson IBECEIR_035241.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1703 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Gordon Anderson ;;;;; IBECEIR_035264.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1728 IBEC.msg Gerard McCallum Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ;;; IBECEIR_035266.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1804 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Meany IBECEIR_035265.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1013 RE Agenda Update.msg Mindala Wilcox Yakema Decatur ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Harjinder Singh IBECEIR_035290.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1017 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge IBECEIR_035271.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1022 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Jeff Caton ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_035270.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1030 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge IBECEIR_035269.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1142 RE Clippers Project Plan review Services.msg Ali Pouraghabagher Jay Elbettar IBECEIR_035295.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1151 RE Clippers Project Plan review Services.msg Jay Elbettar Ali Pouraghabagher IBECEIR_035296.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1228 FW IBEC Civil Plans.msg Chris Holmquist Boytrese Osias IBECEIR_035251.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1314 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Royce K. Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_035267.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200600-0000 Mailing Labels from City of Inglewood Planning to Various.PDF IBECEIR_035386.pdf
Correspondence 20200629-1508 IBEC .msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Jeff Caton ; Anitra Rice IBECEIR_035387.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1041 IBEC.pdf Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035388.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200628-1924 CLIPPERS ARENA.msg Sheri Davis George Dotson IBECEIR_035453.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200609-0000 Further Objections to General Plan Amendments & Notices of Exemption.PDF Robert Silverstein IBECEIR_035454.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200429-0000 DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Depiction of Project Site.pdf IBECEIR_035455.pdf
Miscellaneous 20170815-0000 AMENDED RESTATED ENA.pdf IBECEIR_035461.pdf
Correspondence 20200609-1604 DA.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035463.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1100 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Dodd, Jeff ; Bove, Matthew J. IBECEIR_035464.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1641 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; Dodd, Jeff IBECEIR_035465.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1806 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Dodd, Jeff ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035466.pdf
Correspondence 20200603-1807 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Dodd, Jeff ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035467.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-0907 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Dodd, Jeff ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035468.pdf
Correspondence 20200610-0803 Development Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035469.pdf
Correspondence 20200612-1505 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry; Royce K. Jones ; Loren Montgomery ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035476.pdf
Correspondence 20200616-1803 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Whit Manley ; Royce K. Jones ; Gershwin, Dan ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035477.pdf
Correspondence 20200620-0930 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035478.pdf
Correspondence 20200624-1804 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher Meany IBECEIR_035479.pdf
Correspondence 20200625-1314 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Royce K. Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_035480.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-2208 Inglewood Clippers (DA Current Draft).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_035485.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-2208 Attch: Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT 6-4-2020 Version (1815).DOCX IBECEIR_035486.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-2208 Attch: Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT 6-4-2020 Version (1815).pdf IBECEIR_035487.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1532 Marketing Coordination Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_035488.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1532 Attch: Marketing Coordination Agreement-c.docx IBECEIR_035489.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1227 Re Inglewood Clippers (DA Current Draft).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry IBECEIR_035493.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1227 Attch: Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT 6-5-2020 Version (1215).DOCX IBECEIR_035494.pdf
Correspondence 20200605-1227 Attch: Development Agreement-City FINAL DRAFT 6-5-2020 Version (1215).pdf IBECEIR_035495.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-0839 RE Revised DDA and Exhibits.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_035496.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-0839 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Depiction of Project Site.pdf IBECEIR_035497.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-0839 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 9 Permitted Encumbrances-c.pdf IBECEIR_035498.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1259 Revised DDA.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_035500.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1259 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx IBECEIR_035501.pdf
Drafts 20200604-0000 Development Agreement Final Draft.DOCX IBECEIR_035502.pdf
Drafts 20200604-0000 Development Agreement-City Final Draft.pdf IBECEIR_035503.pdf
Drafts 20200605-0000 Development Agreement-City Final Draft.DOCX IBECEIR_035504.pdf
Drafts 20200605-0000 Development Agreement-City Final Draft.pdf IBECEIR_035505.pdf
Drafts 20200623-0000 Disposition and Development Agreement.docx IBECEIR_035506.pdf
Drafts 20200623-0000 Marketing Coordination Agreement.docx IBECEIR_035507.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200630-1215 FW: Further Objections to General Plan Amendments and Notices of Exemption for, and of General Plan Amendment GPA-2020-01 and GPA-2020-02; CEQA Case Nos. EA-CE-2020-036 and EA-CE-2020-037.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035508.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200630-1215 Attch: Further Objections to General Plan Amendments and Notices of Exemption for, and of General Plan Amendment GPA-2020-01 and GPA-2020-02; CEQA Case Nos. EA-CE-2020-036 and EA-CE-2020-037.msg Veronica Lebron;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECEIR_035509.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200630-1215 Attch: FW Further Objections to General Plan Amendments and Notices of Exemption for and of General Plan Amendment.pdf IBECEIR_035510.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200628-1256 Clippers Arena.msg Tina Pool George Dotson IBECEIR_035511.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200630-1255 Brown Act Violations Cure and Correct Demand in Connection with City Council Meetings on June 9 and 16, 2020.msg Veronica Lebron Artie Fields ; Alex Padilla ; Aisha Thompson ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; Fred Jackson ;; ibecproject ; James Butts ; Ken Campos ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ralph Franklin ; Wanda Brown ; Yvonne Horton ; IBECEIR_035512.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200630-1255 Attch: Brown Act Violation Cure & Correct Demand re 6-9-20 & 6-16-20 City Council Meetings; Cease & Desist.PDF IBECEIR_035513.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 28
Miscellaneous 20191120-0000 Notice of Entry of Judgment with Attached Judgment-c.pdf IBECEIR_035660.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200218-0000 revised NOA.pdf IBECEIR_035516.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200305-0000 revised NOA.pdf IBECEIR_035517.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200309-0000 Chavles_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035532.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200313-0000 NOA digital.pdf IBECEIR_035518.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200313-0000 Robert H_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035562.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200316-0000 Deppe_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035533.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200318-0000 Banks_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035529.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200327-0000 Greer_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035536.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200403-0000 Roberts_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035563.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200416-0000 Banks_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035528.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200430-0000 FAA_ltr_return to sender envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035519.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200529-0000 Granberry_return envelope.pdf IBECEIR_035535.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200610-0000 Keyser Marston Memo re Peer Review - Economic and Fiscal Impact Report - IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_035666.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1342 RE IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; IBECEIR_035554.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1727 RE IBEC - Sub-Station Command Room.msg Jeff Lagreek Peter Puglese IBECEIR_035557.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1735 IBEC- Scheduling.msg Gerard McCallum Royce Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Via, Tay ;; Loren Montgomery ; Chris Holmquist ; Dennis Kanuk ; IBECEIR_035549.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1819 RE IBEC - Sub-Station Command Room.msg Peter Puglese Jeff Lagreek IBECEIR_035556.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1820 RE IBEC - Sub-Station Command Room.msg Jeff Lagreek Peter Puglese IBECEIR_035558.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1053 zoom-.msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_035569.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1102 FW IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Cynthia Robinson Fred Jackson IBECEIR_035534.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1102 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Tiffany Wright ; Whitney Welsch ; Royce Jones ;; IBECEIR_035539.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1103 IBEC Meeting at 11 00am.msg Cynthia Robinson Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_035548.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1503 IBEC follow up.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Heidi Rous ; Mindala Wilcox ; Jeff Caton ; Anitra Rice ; Saltsman, Benjamin ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035547.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200703-0000 4.0 MMRP Table.docx IBECEIR_035658.pdf
Administrative Drafts 20200703-0000 FEIR Chapter 4 MMRP.docx IBECEIR_035659.pdf
Correspondence 20200703-0927 IBEC. Chapter 4 MMRP proposed revisions.MSG Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox ; Peter Puglese ; Brian Boxer ; Christina Erwin IBECEIR_035661.pdf
Correspondence 20200703-0927 Attch: 4.0 MMRP Table.docx IBECEIR_035662.pdf
Correspondence 20200703-0927 Attch: FEIR Chapter 4 MMRP.docx IBECEIR_035663.pdf
Correspondence 20200703-2015 Notice of Entry of Judgment.MSG Via, Tay Whit Manley IBECEIR_035664.pdf
Correspondence 20200703-2015 Attch: Notice of Entry of Judgment with Attached Judgment-c.pdf IBECEIR_035665.pdf
Correspondence 20200604-1608 CA PRA Request.pdf Veronica Lebron IBECEIR_035743.pdf
Correspondence 20200618-0000 ALUC Memo.pdf Bruce Durbin IBECEIR_035745.pdf
Correspondence 20200629-0000 ALUC Memo.pdf Bruce Durbin IBECEIR_035746.pdf
Findings 20200701-0000 Findings and Order_finalized[1].pdf IBECEIR_035744.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200701-0000 ALUC Staff Report and Exhibits.pdf IBECEIR_035747.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-0848 RE SPH- IBEC.pdf Yulanda Parson IBECEIR_035667.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-0848 Attch: RE SPH- IBEC.pdf IBECEIR_035668.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1159 IBEC follow up.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_035673.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 IBEC ALUC Findings and Order .msg Dennis Kanuk Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035730.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: Findings and Order 07012020_finalized[1].pdf IBECEIR_035731.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_Memo-20200629.pdf IBECEIR_035732.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_Memo.pdf IBECEIR_035733.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_Staff-Report-IBEC_07012020.pdf IBECEIR_035734.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitA-ALUP_Policies_and_Table_and_AIA_map.pdf IBECEIR_035735.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitB-Draft-Findings-and-Order-07012020.pdf IBECEIR_035736.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitC-Hearing-Notice.pdf IBECEIR_035737.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitD-ALU-Consistency-Matrix-as-submitted-by-applicant.pdf IBECEIR_035738.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitE-Inglewood-Staff Report-Ordinances-Guidelines-Development-Agreement.pdf IBECEIR_035739.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitF-Link-to-EIR-Documents.pdf IBECEIR_035740.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitG-Project-Site-Plans.pdf IBECEIR_035741.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-1556 Attch: 2020-001033_ExhibitH-Inglewood-Resolutions.pdf IBECEIR_035742.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200707-0000 City Council Agenda.pdf IBECEIR_035748.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200707-0000 SPH-1 City Staff Report.pdf IBECEIR_035749.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 29
Miscellaneous 20200623-0000 IBEC East Parking Area & Hotel Site Exhibit.pdf IBECEIR_036016.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1314 RE MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Chris Holmquist Harjinder Singh ; Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_036020.pdf
Correspondence 20200623-1314 Attch: 200623 IBEC East Parking Area & Hotel Site Exhibit.pdf IBECEIR_036021.pdf
Correspondence 20200707-1759 RE IBEC - Sub-Station Command Room.msg Jeff Lagreek Peter Puglese IBECEIR_035782.pdf
Drafts 20200708-0000 MB.Non Ch 12 Amendments Ordinance-c.docx IBECEIR_035752.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1234 IBEC Project Proposed Sections of Non-Chapter 12 Amendments Ordinance.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_035777.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1234 Attch: MB.Non Ch 12 Amendments Ordinance-c.docx IBECEIR_035778.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1558 IBEC.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Fred Jackson ; Heidi Rous ; Jeff Caton ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Robert Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ;; Anitra Rice ; Saltsman, Benjamin ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_035774.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1602 FW IBEC Project Proposed Sections of Non-Chapter 12 Amendments Ordinance.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_035768.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1602 Attch: MB.Non Ch 12 Amendments Ordinance-c.docx IBECEIR_035769.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1734 IBEC - Sub-Station Command Room.msg Peter Puglese James Kirk ; Jay Park ; Jeff Lagreek ; Victor Nunez IBECEIR_035773.pdf
Correspondence 20200708-1806 RE Clipper Arena Command Center Zoom Meeting 1000AM.pdf Patrick Au IBECEIR_035784.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200709-0000 Cert of Liability Ins.pdf IBECEIR_035750.pdf
Drafts 20200709-0000 Development Agreement-MB Draft.docx IBECEIR_036017.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0830 Ad for Friday 7 10.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_035849.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0830 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_English.docx IBECEIR_035850.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0838 FW Ad for Friday 7 10.msg Christina Erwin;; Gundell, Katherine IBECEIR_035865.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0838 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_English.docx IBECEIR_035866.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0905 RE Ad for Friday 7 10.msg Phaniphon, Somphon Christina Erwin IBECEIR_035873.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0956 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036018.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-0956 Attch: Development Agreement-MB Draft 070920-c.docx IBECEIR_036019.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1051 RE Ad for Friday 7 10.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin ; LATClassifieds ; Phaniphon, Somphon IBECEIR_035868.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1051 Attch: Proof_ESA_Ad #7706360.pdf IBECEIR_035869.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1055 RE Ad for Friday 710.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine ; LATClassifieds ; Phaniphon, Somphon IBECEIR_035889.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1349 RE Ad for Friday 7 10.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin ; LATClassifieds ; Phaniphon, Somphon IBECEIR_035870.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1349 Attch: Revised Proof_ESA_Ad #7706360.pdf IBECEIR_035871.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1349 Attch: Order 7706360 Receipt.pdf IBECEIR_035872.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1352 RE Ad for Friday 710.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine ; LATClassifieds ; Phaniphon, Somphon IBECEIR_035890.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-2210 IBEC Record.msg Christina Erwin Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_035867.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200710-0000 7/21/20 Public Hearing Posted Notice_MAILING.pdf IBECEIR_035896.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200710-0000 Public Hearing Posted Notice_English.docx IBECEIR_035892.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-0953 Re Notice of City Council Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)-July 21, 2020.pdf Charles Du IBECEIR_035785.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-0955 MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.pdf Chris Holmquist IBECEIR_035781.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-1017 FW IBEC Record.pdf Fred Jackson IBECEIR_035771.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-1151 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer John Gard ; Dennis Kanuk IBECEIR_035823.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1216 FedEx Shipment 770918635713_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035997.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1219 FedEx Shipment 770918625767_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035996.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1220 FedEx Shipment 770914545705 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035995.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1221 FedEx Shipment 770914317950_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035993.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1221 FedEx Shipment 770914477958_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035994.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1222 FedEx Shipment 770913946029_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035992.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1223 FedEx Shipment 770913820482 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035990.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1223 FedEx Shipment 770913911160 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035991.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1225 FedEx Shipment 770913380716_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035987.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1225 FedEx Shipment 770913459643_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035988.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1225 FedEx Shipment 770913495251_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035989.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1226 FedEx Shipment 770913054191_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035984.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1226 FedEx Shipment 770913112670_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035985.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1226 FedEx Shipment 770913264268_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035986.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1227 FedEx Shipment 770912954134_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035982.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1227 FedEx Shipment 770912980028_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035983.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1228 FedEx Shipment 770912928402 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035980.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1229 FedEx Shipment 770912928402_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035981.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1230 FedEx Shipment 770912891905 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035978.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1231 FedEx Shipment 770912891905_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035979.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1232 FedEx Shipment 770912870642 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035976.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1232 FedEx Shipment 770912870642_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035977.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1233 FedEx Shipment 770912802465_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035975.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1234 FedEx Shipment 770912726003 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035973.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1234 FedEx Shipment 770912726003_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035974.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1235 FedEx Shipment 770912454792_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035970.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1235 FedEx Shipment 770912485747_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035972.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1236 FedEx Shipment 770912485747 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035971.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1237 FedEx Shipment 770912389810_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035969.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1238 FedEx Shipment 770912318600 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035967.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1239 FedEx Shipment 770912318600_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035968.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1240 FedEx Shipment 770911646966_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035963.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1240 FedEx Shipment 770911693620_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035964.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1240 FedEx Shipment 770911880371_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035965.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1240 FedEx Shipment 770912262843_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035966.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1241 FedEx Shipment 770911289604_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035960.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1241 FedEx Shipment 770911354900_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035961.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1241 FedEx Shipment 770911535679_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035962.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1243 FedEx Shipment 770910981076_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035957.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1243 FedEx Shipment 770911089425 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035958.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1243 FedEx Shipment 770911089425_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035959.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1244 FedEx Shipment 770906287359_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035954.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1244 FedEx Shipment 770910916656_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035955.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1244 FedEx Shipment 770910950905_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035956.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1245 FedEx Shipment 770906270320_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035953.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1246 FedEx Shipment 770905827217 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035951.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1247 FedEx Shipment 770905406023_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035949.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1247 FedEx Shipment 770905577176_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035950.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1247 FedEx Shipment 770905827217_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035952.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1248 FedEx Shipment 770905104592_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035945.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1248 FedEx Shipment 770905191205_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035946.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1248 FedEx Shipment 770905232058_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035947.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1248 FedEx Shipment 770905334307_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035948.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1249 FedEx Shipment 770904404539_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035941.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1249 FedEx Shipment 770904416495_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035942.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1249 FedEx Shipment 770904433215_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035943.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1249 FedEx Shipment 770904531123_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035944.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1250 FedEx Shipment 770904362436_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035939.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1250 FedEx Shipment 770904386308_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035940.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1251 FedEx Shipment 770904340589 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035938.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1252 FedEx Shipment 770904282788_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035935.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1252 FedEx Shipment 770904296648_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035936.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1252 FedEx Shipment 770904326894_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035937.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1253 FedEx Shipment 770904205301_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035932.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1253 FedEx Shipment 770904229787_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035933.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1253 FedEx Shipment 770904245051_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035934.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1254 FedEx Shipment 770904137657_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035928.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1254 FedEx Shipment 770904150426_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035929.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1254 FedEx Shipment 770904168965_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035930.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1254 FedEx Shipment 770904187228_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035931.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1255 FedEx Shipment 770904068506_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035924.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1255 FedEx Shipment 770904085884_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035925.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1255 FedEx Shipment 770904102620_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035926.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1255 FedEx Shipment 770904121522_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035927.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1256 FedEx Shipment 770903971073_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035920.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1256 FedEx Shipment 770904019600_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035921.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1256 FedEx Shipment 770904034379_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035922.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1256 FedEx Shipment 770904051084_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035923.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1257 FedEx Shipment 770903914868_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035917.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1257 FedEx Shipment 770903929210_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035918.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1257 FedEx Shipment 770903946820_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035919.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1258 FedEx Shipment 770903829250_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035913.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1258 FedEx Shipment 770903852020_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035914.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1258 FedEx Shipment 770903870177_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035915.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1258 FedEx Shipment 770903891690_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035916.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1259 FedEx Shipment 770903771994_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035910.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1259 FedEx Shipment 770903786622_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035911.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1259 FedEx Shipment 770903808079_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035912.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1300 FedEx Shipment 770903720570_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035907.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1300 FedEx Shipment 770903737360_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035908.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1300 FedEx Shipment 770903755130_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035909.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1301 FedEx Shipment 770903651029_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035905.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1301 FedEx Shipment 770903670480_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035906.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1302 FedEx Shipment 770903562674 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035903.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1302 FedEx Shipment 770903562674_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035904.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1303 FedEx Shipment 770903493361_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035900.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1303 FedEx Shipment 770903518737_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035901.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1303 FedEx Shipment 770903538599_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035902.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1305 FedEx Shipment 770903443389_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035897.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1305 FedEx Shipment 770903473050 Delivery Exception.pdf IBECEIR_035898.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1305 FedEx Shipment 770903473050_ Your package has been delivered.pdf IBECEIR_035899.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200713-1410 Proof of 7/21/20 Public Hearing Notice.pdf IBECEIR_035894.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200713-1410 Revised Proof of 7/21/20 Public Hearing Notice.pdf IBECEIR_035895.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200713-1411 USPS Mailing List.csv IBECEIR_035999.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-0946 Notice of City Council Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)-July 21 2020.msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject IBECEIR_036050.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-0946 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_English.pdf IBECEIR_036051.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-0946 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_036052.pdf
Correspondence 20200710-0946 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_Spanish.pdf^2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_Spanish.docx IBECEIR_036053.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1021 FedEx Shipment 770913820482 Delivery Exception.msg Addie Farrell IBECEIR_036088.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1409 RE IBEC Entitlements.pdf Christopher Jackson IBECEIR_036057.pdf
Drafts 20200714-0000 Development Agreement-MB Draft 071420-c.docx IBECEIR_036150.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1823 RE IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036151.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1823 Attch: Development Agreement-MB Draft 071420-c.docx IBECEIR_036152.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-0901 FW FedEx Shipment 770903580857 Your package has been delivered.msg Addie Farrell Natasha Eulberg IBECEIR_036147.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1029 FedEx Shipment 770914545705 Your package has been delivered.eml Addie Farrell Natasha Eulberg IBECEIR_036214.pdf
Correspondence 20200713-1158 FedEx Shipment 770913911160 Your package has been delivered.eml Addie Farrell Natasha Eulberg IBECEIR_036213.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-0000 Response Memo_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036212.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200716-0000 IBEC EIR Errata_July 2020_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036209.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200716-0000 IBEC EIR MMRP_July 2020_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036210.pdf
Findings 20200716-0000 IBEC_CEQA findings and override_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036211.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-0828 Revised Collaboration Meeting.msg Brian Boxer Cynthia Robinson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ; Louis Atwell ; Kathy Ares ; Tunisia Johnson ; David L. Esparza ;;;;;;; Christina Erwin ;;;;;; Sharon Koike ; Peter Puglese ; Evangeline Lane ;;;; Addie Farrell ;; Royce Jones ;; Perla Solis ; Christopher E. Jackson ;; Netai Basu ; Artie Fields ; Tom Gaul ; Heidi Rous IBECEIR_036207.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1252 IBEC CEQA Documents 07162020.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox IBECEIR_036178.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1252 Attch:Response Memo_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036179.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1252 Attch:IBEC EIR MMRP_July 2020_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036180.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1252 Attch:IBEC_CEQA findings and override_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036181.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1252 Attch::IBEC EIR Errata_July 2020_07162020.pdf IBECEIR_036182.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1442 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036218.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1442 Attch: Memorandum of Purchase and Sale Agreement - Recorded-c.pdf IBECEIR_036219.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200324-0000 City Council Hearing Transcript.PDF IBECEIR_035081.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200519-0000 City Council Hearing Transcript.PDF IBECEIR_035082.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200710-0000 7/21/20 Public Hearing Notice with Website confirmation page attached_English.PDF IBECEIR_036308.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1012 IBEC- COMMUNICATION Re Command Room Contacts for PD.msg Cameron Curtis James Kirk ; Peter Puglese IBECEIR_036260.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1325 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Royce Jones ; Tiffany Wright ; Christopher E. Jackson ;; Fred Jackson IBECEIR_036257.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1823 RE IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036278.pdf
Correspondence 20200714-1823 Attch: Development Agreement-MB Draft 071420-c.docx IBECEIR_036279.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200715-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF IBECEIR_036251.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-1405 Clippers Arena .msg Kelly Stockton Weeks Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036252.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-1502 IBEC Entitlements.msg Cynthia Robinson Eddy Ikemefuna ; Royce Jones ; Mindala Wilcox ; Fred Jackson ;;;;; IBECEIR_036256.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1657 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Heidi Rous ; Tay Via ; Robert B. Hodil ; Dennis Kanuk ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Fred Jackson ; IBECEIR_036259.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-1735 Hard Copies of Staff Reports Needed.msg Yulanda Parson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036255.pdf
Correspondence 20200716-2214 RE IBEC.msg Royce K. Jones O'Brien, Harry ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036280.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-0905 RE IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036305.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-0905 Attch: Memorandum of Purchase and Sale Agreement - Recorded-c.pdf IBECEIR_036306.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-1056 IBEC Final Staff Report and Attachments.msg Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036302.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-1056 Attch: 2020.07.21 IBEC_PH.pdf IBECEIR_036303.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-1056 Attch: City Council Staff Report attachments.PDF IBECEIR_036304.pdf
Post DEIR Materials - Week 30
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 Memorandum: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measure 3.7-1 in the Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project SUPERCEDED Heidi Rous ; Brian Boxer Mandy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_036659.pdf
EIR Reference Material 20200721-0000 Final Memorandum: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measure 3.7-1 in the Environmental Impact Report for the Proposed Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC) Project Heidi Rous ; Brian Boxer Mandy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce Jones IBECEIR_036520.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200710-0000 LA Times IBEC Notice.pdf IBECEIR_036342.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-1209 RE Ad for Friday 7 10.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin ; LATClassifieds ; Phaniphon, Somphon IBECEIR_036327.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-1209 Attch: LA Times Proof of Publication_Environmental Science Associates - Ad #7706360_Signed & Dated.pdf IBECEIR_036328.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-1209 Attch: e-tearsheet_Environmental Science Associates - Ad #7706360 - July 10, 2020.pdf IBECEIR_036329.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-1929 Murphys Bowl 617 Planning Commission Presentation.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036340.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-1929 Attch: Murphys Bowl 617 Planning Commission Presentation.PPTX IBECEIR_036341.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-2239 Re Agenda07212020.msg Yakema Decatur Tiffany Wright ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Gerard McCallum IBECEIR_036334.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-2239 Attch: Re Agenda07212020.pdf IBECEIR_036335.pdf
Correspondence 20200718-0525 Re Agenda07212020.msg Gerard McCallum Yakema Decatur IBECEIR_036354.pdf
Correspondence 20200718-0935 FW Physical Postings of 7212020 agendas.msg Yakema Decatur Mindala Wilcox ; Tiffany Wright ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones IBECEIR_036343.pdf
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2515.jpg IBECEIR_036344.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2516.jpg IBECEIR_036345.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2517.jpg IBECEIR_036346.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2518.jpg IBECEIR_036347.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2519.jpg IBECEIR_036348.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2520.jpg IBECEIR_036349.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2521.jpg IBECEIR_036350.jpg
Correspondence 20200718-0935 Attch: IMG_2522.jpg IBECEIR_036351.jpg
Correspondence 20200720-1112 IBEC Project LA Times 710 Notice.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036352.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-1112 Attch: 2020.07.10 LA Times IBEC Notice.pdf IBECEIR_036353.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Agenda.PDF IBECEIR_036336.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Staff Report - public hearing - item 4.PDF IBECEIR_036337.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Staff Report - consent calendar - item 2.PDF IBECEIR_036338.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Council Staff Report - consent calendar - item 3.PDF IBECEIR_036339.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20101100-0000 Route_to_Carbon_and_Energy_Savings_TCRP_J11_T.pdf IBECEIR_036517.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200716-0000 Permit Parking Email Blast_v13_07.16.2020.pdf IBECEIR_036515.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20170727-0000 Metro Board approves purchase of 95 electric buses and goal of full electric fleet by 2030 _ The Source.pdf IBECEIR_036514.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20180910-0000 Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transit.pdf IBECEIR_036516.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20190128-0000 IRATE v. City of Inglewood -- Judgment (ENA) (December 2018).pdf IBECEIR_036522.pdf
Drafts 20190315-0000 Prop Site Plan - Clippers Arena1.pdf IBECEIR_036453.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20191120-0000 Notice of Entry of Judgment with Attached Judgment-c.pdf IBECEIR_036521.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200320-0000 2020 American Public Transportation Fact Book.pdf IBECEIR_036512.pdf
EIR Reference Materials 20200514-0000 Carlo Ramirez to Lisa Trifiletti.pdf IBECEIR_036513.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200710-0000 Spanish public hearing notice with website/snapshot pg.PDF IBECEIR_036526.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-1458 Murphys Bowl.msg Yulanda Parson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036427.pdf
Correspondence 20200717-2049 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; 'Royce K. Jones' ; Tiffany Wright ; Yakema Decatur IBECEIR_036422.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC_Revised DEIR_July2020.pdf IBECEIR_036500.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix F_Revised_CulturalResources.pdf IBECEIR_036501.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix K_Revised_Transportation_Data.pdf IBECEIR_036502.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix L_SewerAreaStudyPlan.pdf IBECEIR_036503.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix R_Revised_AnalysisofFutureEvents.pdf IBECEIR_036504.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix A_NOP.pdf IBECEIR_036608.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix B_NOPComments.pdf IBECEIR_036609.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix C_LightandGlare.pdf IBECEIR_036610.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix D_AirQuality.pdf IBECEIR_036611.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix E_BiologicalResources.pdf IBECEIR_036612.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix G_EnergyandGreenhouseGasEmissionsData.pdf IBECEIR_036613.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix H_GeotechnicalReport.pdf IBECEIR_036614.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix I_PaleontologicalResourcesReport.pdf IBECEIR_036615.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix J_NoiseData.pdf IBECEIR_036616.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix M_WaterSupplyAssessment.pdf IBECEIR_036617.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix N_AB987-PRCSection21168.pdf IBECEIR_036618.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix O_HazardousMaterials.pdf IBECEIR_036619.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix P_AirspaceHazards.pdf IBECEIR_036620.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix Q_HydrologyData.pdf IBECEIR_036621.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200720-0000 IBEC RDEIR Appendix S_DisplacementStudy.pdf IBECEIR_036622.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0828 Notice of City Council Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)-July 21 2020.msg Mindala Wilcox '' IBECEIR_036428.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0828 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_English.pdf IBECEIR_036429.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0828 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_036430.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0828 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_Spanish.pdf^2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_Spanish.docx IBECEIR_036431.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0843 RE Notice of City Council Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)-July 21 2020.msg Pettit, David Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036441.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0941 Emailing 20190315 Prop Site Plan - Clippers Arena1 pdf.msg Thomas Lee Steven Ycute IBECEIR_036401.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0941 Attch: 20190315 Prop Site Plan - Clippers Arena1.pdf IBECEIR_036402.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-1112 IBEC Project LA Times 7 10 Notice.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036423.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-1112 Attch: 2020.07.10 LA Times IBEC Notice.pdf IBECEIR_036424.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-1804 Presentation from IBEC Applicant for CC Meeting.msg - on behalf of - Gerard McCallum Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_036439.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-1804 Presentation from IBEC Applicant for CC Meeting.msg - on behalf of - Gerard McCallum Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036440.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1407 FW Further Objections to IBEC Project SCH 2018021056 FEIR and Other Approvals July 21, 2020 CC Hearing, Agenda Item No. PH-4.pdf Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036412.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-1946 FW Presentation from IBEC Applicant for CC Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Fred Jackson IBECEIR_036406.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-2005 IBEC Entitlements.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; 'Royce K. Jones' ; Tiffany Wright IBECEIR_036418.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-2308 IBEC City Council Hearing.pdf Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036417.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 Wilson Meany IBEC-City Council Presentation_Final.pptx IBECEIR_036455.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-0000 IBEC Responses to Late Letters.pdf IBECEIR_036499.pdf
Environmental Impact Documents 20200721-0000 City of Inglewood Memo re EIR Errata.pdf IBECEIR_036523.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 City Presentation.PPTX IBECEIR_036524.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200721-0000 City of Inglewood Website - Errata posted.PDF IBECEIR_036525.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200721-0000 IBEC_Presentation_FINAL.mp4 IBECEIR_036454.mp4
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-0928 FW IBEC comment by Horton.msg ibecproject Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_036518.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-0928 Attch: IBEC.msg Horton Smith IBECEIR_036519.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1212 RE Presentation from IBEC Applicant for CC Meeting.pdf Thomas Bunn IBECEIR_036446.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1601 IBEC Memo of July 21 2020.msg Brian Boxer Tay Via ; Daniel Dameron ; Loren Montgomery ; Dennis Kanuk ; Gerard McCallum II ; Chris Holmquist ; IBECEIR_036481.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200721-0000 IBEC Newspaper Publication (Final).docx IBECEIR_036587.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200721-0000 IBEC Newspaper Publication_ESA - Ad #7708381 - July 23,2020.pdf IBECEIR_036588.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200721-0000 Order 7708381 Proof.pdf IBECEIR_036589.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-0000 IBEC Responses to Late Letters.pdf IBECEIR_036603.pdf
NOD 20200721-0000 City Transmittal of NOD to County Clerk.pdf IBECEIR_036604.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1336 Further Objections to IBEC Project SCH 2018021056; FEIR and Other Approvals; July 21 2020 CC Hearing Agenda Item No. PH-4.msg Veronica Lebron Artie Fields ; Alex Padilla ; Aisha Thompson ; Eloy Morales Jr. ; Fred Jackson ;; ibecproject ; James Butts ; Ken Campos ; Mindala Wilcox ; Ralph Franklin ; Wanda Brown ; Yvonne Horton ; IBECEIR_036605.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1336 Attch: Letter with exhibits and references.pdf IBECEIR_036606.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1336 Attch: URL slipsheet with links that couldnt be attached individually.pdf IBECEIR_036607.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1410 Public Comment to Be Read Aloud During July 21 2020 City Council Hearing.msg Veronica Lebron;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECEIR_036596.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1410 Attch: LA Times Article - Garcetti says economy reopened too quickly, warns of new stay-at-home order.pdf IBECEIR_036597.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1410 Attch: LA Times Article - LA May become the biggest US city with a second stay-home order.pdf IBECEIR_036598.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1411 Public Comment to Be Read Aloud During July 21 2020 City Council Hearing.msg Veronica Lebron;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECEIR_036599.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1411 Attch: LA Times Article - Garcetti says economy reopened too quickly, warns of new stay-at-home order.pdf IBECEIR_036600.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1411 Attch: LA Times Article - LA May become the biggest US city with a second stay-home order.pdf IBECEIR_036601.pdf
Correspondence - Public Comments 20200721-1546 Agenda Item PH-4 Public Comment to Be Read Aloud During July 21 2020 City Council Hearing.msg Veronica Lebron;;;;;;;;;;;;; IBECEIR_036602.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1608 Register and Submit CEQA Documents - SCH # 2018021056.msg Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036586.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1654 Legal Ad.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine IBECEIR_036563.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1654 Attch: IBEC Newspaper Publication (Final) (00555851xB0A85).docx IBECEIR_036564.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1701 RE Legal Ad.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036584.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1708 RE Legal Ad.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine IBECEIR_036585.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1723 RE Legal Ad.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036581.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1723 Attch: Order 7708381 Proof.pdf IBECEIR_036582.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1723 Attch: IBEC Newspaper Publication_ESA - Ad #7708381 - July 23,2020.pdf IBECEIR_036583.pdf
Drafts 20200717-0000 2020.07.21 IBEC_PH.pdf IBECEIR_036658.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0741 RE Register and Submit CEQA Documents - SCH # 2018021056.msg OPR State Clearinghouse Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036642.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0741 Attch: How to Register onto the CEQA Database.pdf IBECEIR_036643.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0741 Attch: CEQA Database User Guide 2020_Agencies.pdf IBECEIR_036644.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1239 SCH Number 2018021056.msg Mikayla Vaba Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036648.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1330 RE SCH Number 2018021056.msg Christina Erwin Mikayla Vaba IBECEIR_036645.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1355 SCH Number 2018021056.msg Mikayla Vaba Christina Erwin IBECEIR_036647.pdf
NOD 20200723-0000 NOD opr website printout .pdf IBECEIR_036660.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200609-0000 Staff Report re. CSD application submittal (June 9, 2020).PDF IBECEIR_037080.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1352 Attch: 2020 06 17 PC Hearing Notice_English.pdf IBECEIR_037061.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1352 Attch: 2020.06.17 PC Hearing Notice_Spanish.pdf IBECEIR_037062.pdf
Correspondence 20200613-1352 packets.msg Mindala Wilcox Evangeline Lane ; Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_037060.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200629-0000 RFP for Financial Services -- ITC CSD (June 29, 2020).PDF IBECEIR_037079.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Attch: scan0021.pdf IBECEIR_037049.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Attch: scan0020.pdf IBECEIR_037050.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Inglewood Today Proof of Publication for IBEC.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox IBECEIR_037044.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Attch: Scan0038.pdf IBECEIR_037045.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Attch: scan0005.pdf IBECEIR_037046.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Attch: scan0006.pdf IBECEIR_037047.pdf
Correspondence 20200630-1253 Attch: scan0008.pdf IBECEIR_037048.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200700-0000 Public Notice_Return to Sender Envelopes.PDF IBECEIR_037013.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1632 Proof of Publication for Inv No 803134.msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown' IBECEIR_037065.pdf
Correspondence 20200701-1632 Attch: Invoice No. 803134.PDF IBECEIR_037066.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1632 RE SPH- IBEC.msg Yulanda Parson Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_037073.pdf
Correspondence 20200702-1609 SPH- IBEC.msg Cynthia Robinson Yulanda Parson IBECEIR_037078.pdf
Correspondence 20200706-0848 RE SPH- IBEC.msg Yulanda Parson Cynthia Robinson IBECEIR_037074.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1138 IBEC Meeting.msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; ''; ''; ''; ''; Gordon Anderson ; Jeffery A. Lewis ; Christopher E. Jackson IBECEIR_037042.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1645 Notice for Online Only 2020 07 21.msg Cynthia Robinson Willie Brown' IBECEIR_037056.pdf
Correspondence 20200709-1645 Attch: 2020.07.21 CC Posted Notice_English.docx IBECEIR_037057.pdf
Correspondence 20200715-1504 Meeting Reminder and Info.msg Cynthia Robinson Christopher E. Jackson ; '' IBECEIR_037055.pdf
Correspondence 20200721-1942 Clippers Arena on Agenda Today.msg Nextdoor Park Cir-Morningside Park Neurit Yanez IBECEIR_037012.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200617-0000 Special Planning Commission Meeting Transcript IBECEIR_037121.pdf
Transcripts/Minutes 20200721-0000 City Countil Meeting Transcript IBECEIR_037134.pdf
NOD 20200723-0000 Notice of Determination: Appendix D IBECEIR_037120.pdf
Correspondence 20200720-0000 Wilson Meany Letter to Mindy Wilcox - Checks for filing the Notice of Determination IBECEIR_037122.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200700-0000 Current Occupant_3624 W Century_return to sender envelope.pdf IBECEIR_037123.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200700-0000 Various_return to sender envelopes.PDF IBECEIR_037124.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200700-0000 Edwards_return to sender envelope.PDF IBECEIR_037125.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200700-0000 IBEC Certified Mail-backs - Various.pdf IBECEIR_037126.pdf

Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020

The following materials are part of the record of proceedings after the close of the public hearing on July 21, 2020.

Category Document Date

(YYYYMMDD-HHMM, military time)
Title or Description Email From Email To Website File No.
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 30
Correspondence 20200722-0601 The Localist Inglewood approves environmental impact report for Clippers’ new arena.msg LA Daily News Crystal McGlover POSTCERT_037008.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0602 The Localist Inglewood approves environmental impact report for Clippers’ new arena.msg Daily Breeze Vanessa Scrubb POSTCERT_037006.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0602 The Localist Inglewood approves environmental impact report for Clippers’ new arena.msg Daily Breeze Lori Jones POSTCERT_037007.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0602 The Localist Inglewood approves environmental impact report for Clippers’ new arena.msg Daily Breeze Selma Salausa POSTCERT_037009.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0916 RE Legal Ad.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_036641.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-0952 Re Legal Ad.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_036646.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1001 New Inglewood Arena.pdf POSTCERT_037082.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1018 Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg James Butts Everyone Group POSTCERT_036958.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1019 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Kevin Schadt POSTCERT_036974.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1020 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Jaime Gutierrez POSTCERT_036972.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1020 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Raquel Mendez POSTCERT_036973.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1027 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Tracy Spencer POSTCERT_036971.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1037 Re Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Christopher Lewis Thomas Bunn POSTCERT_037002.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1048 Re Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Chris Lewis Thomas Bunn POSTCERT_037001.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1056 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Qiana Lowe Sanita Davis POSTCERT_036968.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1056 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Qiana Lowe Tina Ramlall ' POSTCERT_036969.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1104 RE Legal Ad - Ad #7708381 .msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_036639.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1104 Attch: Order 7708381 Receipt.pdf POSTCERT_036640.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1116 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Jose O. Cortes Maria Cortes ; Yesenia Vazquez ; Jo Nuno ; POSTCERT_036967.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1140 Inglewood City Council Approves Environmental Study for Clippers Arena.pdf POSTCERT_037081.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1451 Re Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Jo Nuno Jose O. Cortes POSTCERT_037003.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1601 Agen07282010 - SR - Adoption of 4 ORdinances related to the IBEC Project.msg Yakema Decatur Yulanda Parson POSTCERT_036667.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1601 Attch: Agen07282010 - SR - Adoption of 4 ORdinances related to the IBEC Project.docx POSTCERT_036668.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1611 RE Agen07282010 - SR - Adoption of 4 ORdinances related to the IBEC Project.msg Yulanda Parson Yakema Decatur POSTCERT_036998.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1706 FW Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Qiana Lowe Tina Ramlall ' POSTCERT_036975.pdf
Correspondence 20200722-1945 Fwd Clippers EIR Approved by Coty Council.msg Nicole Loudermilk Watch Commander POSTCERT_036980.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0000 City Letter to Silverstein Enc NOD.PDF POSTCERT_036984.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0856 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (284).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sandra Wilson POSTCERT_036952.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0856 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (285).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Angela Williams POSTCERT_036953.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0856 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (286).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mark Fried POSTCERT_036954.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0856 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (287).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Yakema Decatur POSTCERT_036955.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0856 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (288).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gwen Goodman POSTCERT_036956.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0900 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (282).msg Ken Miller | Publisher George Dotson POSTCERT_036950.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0900 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (283).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Alex Padilla POSTCERT_036951.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0902 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (277).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Alicia Smith POSTCERT_036945.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0902 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (278).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Alex Padilla POSTCERT_036946.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0902 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (279).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sharon Garrett POSTCERT_036947.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0902 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (280).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cinder Eller POSTCERT_036948.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0902 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (281).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Catrece Bragg POSTCERT_036949.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0912 FW Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval.msg Teresa Sanford Roberto Chavez POSTCERT_036965.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0913 FW Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval.msg Karen A. Gray POSTCERT_036966.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (2).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose A. Fernandez (SGT) POSTCERT_036672.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (3).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Margarita Cruz POSTCERT_036673.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (4).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Annie Weir POSTCERT_036674.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (5).msg Ken Miller | Publisher ITC Operations POSTCERT_036675.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (6).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jean Waters POSTCERT_036676.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (7).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael Collins POSTCERT_036677.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (8).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Fidel Barajas POSTCERT_036678.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (9).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Dee Wickramarachchi POSTCERT_036679.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (10).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Scott Noorda POSTCERT_036680.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (100).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Alicia Howard POSTCERT_036681.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (101).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Francine M. Jackson POSTCERT_036682.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (11).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Shasen Bates POSTCERT_036683.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (102).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_036684.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (12).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Brian P. Ball POSTCERT_036685.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (103).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Adam Butler POSTCERT_036686.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (13).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Joey Chirco POSTCERT_036687.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (104).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gary Siddall POSTCERT_036688.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (14).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Wayne Miles POSTCERT_036689.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (105).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ed Ridens Jr. POSTCERT_036690.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (15).msg Ken Miller | Publisher John Baca POSTCERT_036691.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (106).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Georgia Smith POSTCERT_036692.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (16).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Dawn Fite POSTCERT_036693.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (107).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Freeman Smith POSTCERT_036694.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (17).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Matthew Chambers POSTCERT_036695.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (18).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Raul Bravo POSTCERT_036696.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (19).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose Gonzalez POSTCERT_036697.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (20).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Hoda Beckman POSTCERT_036698.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (21).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Andrew Cohen POSTCERT_036699.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (22).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jane Lindsay POSTCERT_036700.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (23).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Phil Mauricio POSTCERT_036701.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (24).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sylvia Fernandez POSTCERT_036702.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (30).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Vanessa Tovar POSTCERT_036703.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (31).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Max Koffman POSTCERT_036704.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (32).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mario Smith POSTCERT_036705.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (33).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jalesa Hernandez POSTCERT_036706.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (34).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jessica Field POSTCERT_036707.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (35).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Eloy Morales Jr. POSTCERT_036708.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (36).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Evangeline Lane POSTCERT_036709.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (37).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Brian Walker POSTCERT_036710.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (38).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sandra Wilson POSTCERT_036711.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (39).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Margaret Baird POSTCERT_036712.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (40).msg Ken Miller | Publisher William Charles POSTCERT_036713.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (41).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Chandra Caldwell POSTCERT_036714.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (42).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Kim Hunter POSTCERT_036715.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (43).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Herman Browne POSTCERT_036716.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (44).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tony Nguyen POSTCERT_036717.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (45).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Yvonne James-Taylor POSTCERT_036718.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (46).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sharon Mickle POSTCERT_036719.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (47).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Johnetta Carey POSTCERT_036720.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (48).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ismael Perez POSTCERT_036721.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (49).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Patrick Orta POSTCERT_036722.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (50).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_036723.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (51).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Linda Peterson POSTCERT_036724.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (52).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Marie DiBernardo POSTCERT_036725.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (53).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Carmen Lopez POSTCERT_036726.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (54).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Diana Andrade POSTCERT_036727.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (55).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Leonca Cahee POSTCERT_036728.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (56).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lauren Amimoto POSTCERT_036729.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (57).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Stephanie Mouton POSTCERT_036730.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (58).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Anthony Barbarin POSTCERT_036731.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (59).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ron Paul POSTCERT_036732.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (60).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sharon Koike POSTCERT_036733.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (61).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Aleathia Scott POSTCERT_036734.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (62).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Wendy Dihain POSTCERT_036735.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (63).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Karen A. Gray POSTCERT_036736.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (64).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Geoffrey Meeks POSTCERT_036737.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (65).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Arrick Turner POSTCERT_036738.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (66).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose Reyes POSTCERT_036739.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (67).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Kenneth Henderson POSTCERT_036740.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (68).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Rosalyn Marshall POSTCERT_036741.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (69).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sylvia Baker POSTCERT_036742.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (70).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gloria Centeno POSTCERT_036743.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (71).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Aisha Thompson POSTCERT_036744.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (72).msg Ken Miller | Publisher David L. Esparza POSTCERT_036745.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (73).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Erika Vasquez POSTCERT_036746.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (74).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Pablo Velasco POSTCERT_036747.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (75).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Anabel Molina POSTCERT_036748.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (76).msg Ken Miller | Publisher James Kirk POSTCERT_036749.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (77).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael Bolliger POSTCERT_036750.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (78).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Kenya Carey Crook POSTCERT_036751.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (79).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Marvin Aguilar POSTCERT_036752.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (80).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tracy Spencer POSTCERT_036753.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (81).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Wanda Brown POSTCERT_036754.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (82).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sharie Cacioppo Jones POSTCERT_036755.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (83).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Thomas Bunn POSTCERT_036756.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (84).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Evonne Jones POSTCERT_036757.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (85).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Bettye Griffith POSTCERT_036758.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (86).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jacqueline Sipaque POSTCERT_036759.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (87).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose O. Cortes POSTCERT_036760.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (88).msg Ken Miller | Publisher NeCosia James POSTCERT_036761.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (89).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lorraine Sanchez POSTCERT_036762.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (90).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Daniel Milchovich POSTCERT_036763.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (91).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Phyllis A. Samuel POSTCERT_036764.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (92).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Susan Valdry POSTCERT_036765.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (93).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cody McKinsey POSTCERT_036766.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (94).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael Davis POSTCERT_036767.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (95).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Debra Le POSTCERT_036768.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (96).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sabrina Barnes POSTCERT_036769.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (97).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Debra Carter POSTCERT_036770.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (98).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Thomas Lee POSTCERT_036771.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (99).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lester Iguchi POSTCERT_036772.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (108).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Derrick Deconinck POSTCERT_036773.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (109).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Peggy Velasquez POSTCERT_036774.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (110).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ramon Medina POSTCERT_036775.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (111).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Bianca Plascencia POSTCERT_036776.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (112).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Selma Salausa POSTCERT_036777.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (113).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jeff Lagreek POSTCERT_036778.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (114).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tonuia Alleyne POSTCERT_036779.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (115).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael Han POSTCERT_036780.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (116).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ralph Franklin POSTCERT_036781.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (117).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ken Campos POSTCERT_036782.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (118).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Eric Tapper POSTCERT_036783.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (119).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Irina Martirosian POSTCERT_036784.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (120).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tanya Perry POSTCERT_036785.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (121).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Nicole Loudermilk POSTCERT_036786.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (122).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Neal Cochran POSTCERT_036787.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (123).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Angel Galvan POSTCERT_036788.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (124).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Micah Herd POSTCERT_036789.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (125).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Javier Alcala POSTCERT_036790.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (126).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_036791.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (127).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jena O. Mills POSTCERT_036792.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (128).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Adrienne Dodson POSTCERT_036793.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (129).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tunisia Johnson POSTCERT_036794.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (131).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Dirk Dewachter POSTCERT_036795.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (132).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lisa Hawkins POSTCERT_036796.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (133).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Joseph Cupo POSTCERT_036797.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (134).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Scott Collins POSTCERT_036798.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (135).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Eddy Ikemefuna POSTCERT_036799.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (136).msg Ken Miller | Publisher John Smith POSTCERT_036800.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (137).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Patricia G. Patrick POSTCERT_036801.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (138).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Chris Wunno POSTCERT_036802.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (139).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Catrece Bragg POSTCERT_036803.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (140).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Victor Perez POSTCERT_036804.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (141).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Angie Cole-Primm POSTCERT_036805.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (142).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Shelia Jones POSTCERT_036806.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (143).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Teresa Sanford POSTCERT_036807.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (144).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Charles Meremikwu POSTCERT_036808.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (145).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Kathy Ares POSTCERT_036809.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (146).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Wendy Jacques POSTCERT_036810.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (147).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Flynn Marine POSTCERT_036811.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (148).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Barmeshwar Rai POSTCERT_036812.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (149).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mike Spencer POSTCERT_036813.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (150).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose J. Ramirez POSTCERT_036814.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (151).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Arturo Salazar POSTCERT_036815.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (152).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cliff Pate POSTCERT_036816.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (153).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Toya Ferguson POSTCERT_036817.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (154).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Marco Tan POSTCERT_036818.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (155).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Alex Padilla POSTCERT_036819.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (156).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Watch Commander POSTCERT_036820.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (157).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Craig Martin POSTCERT_036821.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (158).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Anthony Watson POSTCERT_036822.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (159).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Oscar Mejia POSTCERT_036823.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (160).msg Ken Miller | Publisher George Dotson POSTCERT_036824.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (161).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gina Quinones POSTCERT_036825.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (162).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jeffery A. Lewis POSTCERT_036826.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (163).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cesar Jurado POSTCERT_036827.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (164).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Zerai Massey POSTCERT_036828.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (165).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mark G. Gordon POSTCERT_036829.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (166).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Charles Nguyen POSTCERT_036830.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (167).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Brenda Davis POSTCERT_036831.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (168).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Derald Brenneman POSTCERT_036832.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (169).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ericka Ford POSTCERT_036833.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (170).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Dionisia Lewis POSTCERT_036834.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (171).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Conchita Cox POSTCERT_036835.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (172).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mark Fried POSTCERT_036836.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (173).msg Ken Miller | Publisher John Jones POSTCERT_036837.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (174).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Olga Garcia POSTCERT_036838.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (175).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Stephanie Johnson POSTCERT_036839.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (176).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Phoebe Allen POSTCERT_036840.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (177).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose Becerra POSTCERT_036841.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (178).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Serena Martinez POSTCERT_036842.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (179).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gabriel De La Torre POSTCERT_036843.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (180).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Scott Kotani POSTCERT_036844.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (181).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jamal Brown POSTCERT_036845.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (182).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael Pan POSTCERT_036846.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (183).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Carletta Stallings POSTCERT_036847.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (184).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Keauonna Buckhanon POSTCERT_036848.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (185).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Esmeralda Navarro POSTCERT_036849.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (186).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Christina Herrera POSTCERT_036850.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (187).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Rebia McKoy POSTCERT_036851.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (188).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jacqueline Layne POSTCERT_036852.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (189).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Rahman Kafele POSTCERT_036853.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (190).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Artie Fields POSTCERT_036854.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (191).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Frederick Osorio POSTCERT_036855.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (192).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Harry Frisby POSTCERT_036856.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (193).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_036857.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (194).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Roman Gomez POSTCERT_036858.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (195).msg Ken Miller | Publisher David Salcedo POSTCERT_036859.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (196).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Vanessa Mays POSTCERT_036860.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (197).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lloyd Forbes POSTCERT_036861.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (198).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Bryan Hand POSTCERT_036862.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (199).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sean Yanez POSTCERT_036863.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (200).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Rosa Lopez POSTCERT_036864.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (201).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mark Fronterotta POSTCERT_036865.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (202).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gilbert Gonzalez POSTCERT_036866.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (203).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Morris Smith Jr. POSTCERT_036867.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (204).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Alejandro Cornejo POSTCERT_036868.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (205).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Chris Beckman POSTCERT_036869.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (25).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Juan Trinidad POSTCERT_036870.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (206).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Olga Hebert POSTCERT_036871.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (26).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mimi Win POSTCERT_036872.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (207).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Treese Burt POSTCERT_036873.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (27).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Kimberly Franks POSTCERT_036874.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (208).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Maria Dipadua POSTCERT_036875.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (28).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jennifer Malone POSTCERT_036876.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (209).msg Ken Miller | Publisher David Villamil POSTCERT_036877.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (29).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sheila Madere-Belson POSTCERT_036878.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (210).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Thai Pham POSTCERT_036879.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (211).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Boytrese Osias POSTCERT_036880.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (212).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Craig Bragg POSTCERT_036881.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (213).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mirtha M. Kinoshita POSTCERT_036882.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (214).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Paul Lopez POSTCERT_036883.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (215).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mary Rouzan POSTCERT_036884.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (216).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Aaron Elzie POSTCERT_036885.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (217).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Isabel Soto POSTCERT_036886.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (218).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gloria McPeake POSTCERT_036887.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (219).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tracy Claverie POSTCERT_036888.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (220).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Luz Torres POSTCERT_036889.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (221).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Harjinder Singh POSTCERT_036890.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (222).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Juan Mata POSTCERT_036891.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (223).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Salvador Fernandez POSTCERT_036892.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (224).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gwen Goodman POSTCERT_036893.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (225).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Imelda Galaviz POSTCERT_036894.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (226).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Carmen Hayes POSTCERT_036895.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (227).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Loren Robinson POSTCERT_036896.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (228).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Qiana Lowe POSTCERT_036897.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (229).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Debbie Crenshaw POSTCERT_036898.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (230).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jose Barragan POSTCERT_036899.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (231).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Raul Fernandez POSTCERT_036900.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (232).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ana Arias-Lopez POSTCERT_036901.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (233).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Eduardo Mendez POSTCERT_036902.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (234).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Tracey Duncan POSTCERT_036903.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (235).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gilbert McDonough POSTCERT_036904.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (236).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Jaime Gutierrez POSTCERT_036905.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (237).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Anita Castellanos POSTCERT_036906.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (238).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Ali Pouraghabagher POSTCERT_036907.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (239).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Billy Chau POSTCERT_036908.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (240).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Sonia Godinez POSTCERT_036909.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (241).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Yakema Decatur POSTCERT_036910.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (242).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Damian B. Pipkins POSTCERT_036911.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (243).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Victor Nunez POSTCERT_036912.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (244).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gudelia Valdovinos POSTCERT_036913.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (245).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Thomas Uwal POSTCERT_036914.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (246).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Michael Concha POSTCERT_036915.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (247).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Teresa Estrada POSTCERT_036916.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (248).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Marisela Mansour POSTCERT_036917.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (249).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Loyd Waters POSTCERT_036918.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (250).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Joi Aldridge POSTCERT_036919.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (251).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Paul Devlin POSTCERT_036920.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (252).msg Ken Miller | Publisher James Butts POSTCERT_036921.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (253).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Brigette Birkbeck POSTCERT_036922.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (254).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Joe Greenwood POSTCERT_036923.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (255).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Latrice Brown POSTCERT_036924.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (256).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Martha Gomez POSTCERT_036925.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (257).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cinder Eller POSTCERT_036926.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (258).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Brandon Ely POSTCERT_036927.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (259).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_036928.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (260).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Oscar Salcedo POSTCERT_036929.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (261).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Steven Ycute POSTCERT_036930.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (262).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Angela Citizen POSTCERT_036931.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (263).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Marian Haynes POSTCERT_036932.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (264).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lori Jones POSTCERT_036933.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (265).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Lori Williams POSTCERT_036934.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (266).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Celeste Hewson POSTCERT_036935.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (268).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Daniel Ragazzo POSTCERT_036936.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (269).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Angela Williams POSTCERT_036937.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (270).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Frances Tracht POSTCERT_036938.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (271).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Maria Heaney POSTCERT_036939.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (272).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Gina Thierry POSTCERT_036940.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (273).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Maurice Hernandez POSTCERT_036941.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (274).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Travis Towle POSTCERT_036942.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (275).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Cheryl Daniels POSTCERT_036943.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval (276).msg Ken Miller | Publisher Yolanda Douglas POSTCERT_036944.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-0914 Clippers Arena Obtain Major Approval.msg Ken Miller | Publisher Louis Atwell POSTCERT_036957.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-1051 Urbanize Daily Inglewood City Council Approves Environmental Study for Clippers Arena.msg Urbanize LA Lori Jones POSTCERT_037010.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-1227 FW Inglewood City Council Approves Environmental Study for Clippers Arena.msg Ralph Franklin Claudette Matthews POSTCERT_036978.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-1624 NOD Letter.msg Cynthia Robinson Fredia Rhodes' POSTCERT_036989.pdf
Correspondence 20200723-1624 Attch: IBEC Silverstein NOD Letter.PDF POSTCERT_036990.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 31
Miscellaneous 20200700-0000 Certified Mail Return Receipts.PDF POSTCERT_037225.pdf
Correspondence 20200724-1228 ESA DeliverIt.msg Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037105.pdf
Correspondence 20200724-1018 IBEC- Re Plan Check & Permitting.msg Cameron Curtis Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037245.pdf
Correspondence 20200724-1616 Clippers Arena.msg Gallucci, Nick Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037226.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1331 IBEC City Council hearing.pdf Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037132.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1558 IBEC 617 Planning Commission Hearing Transcript.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037135.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1558 Attch: Planning Commission Meeting June 17, 2020_CERTIFIED COPY.pdf POSTCERT_037136.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1716 Clippers arena approved by Inglewood City Council for Recycle Today newspaper.pdf Angela Williams POSTCERT_037130.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1716 Clippers arena approved by Inglewood City Council for Recycle Today newspaper.msg Angela Williams Elizabeth Roe POSTCERT_037227.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1716 Attch: Clippers arena approved by Inglewood City Council for Recycle Today newspaper.docx POSTCERT_037228.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1720 Clippers arena approved by Inglewood City Council for Recycle Today newspaper.msg Angela Williams Elizabeth Roe POSTCERT_037229.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1720 Attch: Clippers arena approved by Inglewood City Council for Recycle Today newspaper.docx POSTCERT_037230.pdf
Correspondence 20200727-1642 IBEC.msg Gershwin, Dan Brian Boxer POSTCERT_037152.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200728-0000 Inglewood City Council Agenda.pdf POSTCERT_037118.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200728-0000 Inglewood City Council Staff Report - ordinance.pdf POSTCERT_037119.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200728-0000 Certification of Administrative Record of Proceedings.PDF POSTCERT_037207.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200728-0000 Various_return to sender envelopes.PDF POSTCERT_037232.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-0801 Re Clippers arena approved by Inglewood City Council for Recycle Today newspaper.msg Elizabeth Roe Angela Williams POSTCERT_037248.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-0905 IBEC street improvement.msg Boytrese Osias Peter Puglese ; Eloy Castillo POSTCERT_037243.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-0910 RE IBEC street improvement.pdf Peter Puglese POSTCERT_037133.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-0910 RE IBEC street improvement.msg Peter Puglese Boytrese Osias ; Eloy Castillo POSTCERT_037249.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-1112 IBEC 721 City Council Hearing Transcript.msg Gershwin, Dan Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037137.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-1112 Attch: City Council Meeting July 21 2020_CERTIFIED COPY.pdf POSTCERT_037138.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-2227 Attch: 100 million reasons why Inglewood approved a development pact for a new LA Clippers arena – Daily Breeze.pdf POSTCERT_037211.pdf
Correspondence 20200728-2227 100 million reasons why Inglewood approved a development pact for a new LA Clippers arena.msg Mark Fried James Butts ; James Butts POSTCERT_037212.pdf
Correspondence 20200729-0909 RE 100 million reasons why Inglewood approved a development pact for a new LA Clippers arena.msg James Butts Mark Fried POSTCERT_037247.pdf
Correspondence 20200729-1045 27-inch raw water transmission relocation for Clippers Arena.msg Thomas Lee Ismael Perez POSTCERT_037214.pdf
Correspondence 20200730-0754 Clippers.pdf Keith Hammond POSTCERT_037213.pdf
Correspondence 20200730-1325 IBEC.pdf Harry O'Briend POSTCERT_037244.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-0917 IBEC Meeting Today at 1000 AM.pdf Yulanda Parson POSTCERT_037242.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 32
Miscellaneous 20200723-0000 LA County Registrar-Recorder Receipt for filing Notice of Determination.pdf POSTCERT_037339.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200730-0000 Office Trailer_Prairie 105th.pdf POSTCERT_037306.pdf
Correspondence 20200730-1047 Potential Trailer Location - IBEC.msg Aylesworth III, Robert Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037291.pdf
Correspondence 20200730-1047 Attch: Office Trailer_Prairie 105th.pdf POSTCERT_037292.pdf
Correspondence 20200730-1327 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Bove, Matthew J. ; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037285.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-0000 Letter to GSWC for requesting as-built plans.pdf POSTCERT_037305.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-1154 Meeting w Cameron Curtis of Legends re Permits Processing for Clippers Arena.msg Phoebe Allen Eddy Ikemefuna ; Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037289.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-1300 IBEC GSWA as-built request coordination.msg Boris Tantchev Thomas Lee POSTCERT_037280.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-1300 Attch: Letter to GSWC.docx POSTCERT_037281.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-1439 RE IBEC Authorization letter to D&D Engineering to obtain GSWA as-built plans.msg Thomas Lee Boris Tantchev POSTCERT_037293.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-1439 Attch: Letter to GSWC for requesting as-built plans.pdf POSTCERT_037294.pdf
Correspondence 20200731-1540 RE IBEC Authorization letter to D&D Engineering to obtain GSWA as-built plans.msg Boris Tantchev Thomas Lee POSTCERT_037295.pdf
Correspondence 20200804-0657 Clippers New Arena - Inglewood.msg Paula Portz Anita Castellanos ; Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037276.pdf
Correspondence 20200804-0935 IBEC Street relocation plan.msg Boytrese Osias Peter Puglese POSTCERT_037286.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-0847 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion.pdf Chris Holmquist Phoebe Allen, Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037338.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 33
Correspondence 20200805-1047 Inglewood Ex Well 6 New Well 8 and Raw-water transmission relocation around Clippers Arena 8 5 2020.msg Thomas Lee Wong, Karen@Waterboards POSTCERT_037422.pdf
Correspondence 20200805-1047 Attch: 20200729 27-inch raw water transmission relocation -Clippers Arena.pdf POSTCERT_037423.pdf
Correspondence 20200805-1210 RE: POST FEIR - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center POSTCERT_037376.pdf
Correspondence 20200805-1354 IBEC Entitlements (38).msg Cynthia Robinson Mindala Wilcox ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; POSTCERT_037404.pdf
Correspondence 20200805-1354 IBEC Entitlements .msg Cynthia Robinson Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037405.pdf
Correspondence 20200805-1832 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037464.pdf
Correspondence 20200806-0948 IBEC Infrastructure Job Walk .msg Peter Puglese Victor Nunez ; Raquel Mendez ; Daniel Morrow POSTCERT_037416.pdf
Correspondence 20200806-1354 IBEC_ Coordination Meeting RE_ AB 987 .msg Perla Solis Perla Solis ; Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Robert Hodil POSTCERT_037496.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-0849 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion (24).msg Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson ; Mandhir Singh ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas ; Paula Portz ; Stephen J. Duethman POSTCERT_037417.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-0849 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037418.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1630 IBEC.msg Brian Boxer Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP POSTCERT_037344.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 IBEC Clippers DDA.msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry POSTCERT_037357.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT-20200807.DOCX POSTCERT_037358.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA Employment and Training Agreement-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037359.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Ancillary Development Site 8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037360.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037361.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037362.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037363.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037364.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1724 “Revised Draft EIR” Document Transmitted on July 21 2020.msg Brian Boxer Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037381.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-0905 IBEC Coordination Meeting RE AB 987 (10).msg Perla Solis Lisa Trifiletti ; Whit Manley ; Tiffany Wright ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox ; Royce Jones ; Robert Hodil POSTCERT_037402.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-0905 IBEC Coordination Meeting RE AB 987 .msg Perla Solis Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037403.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1600 RE Clippers New Arena - Inglewood - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION (5).msg Mandhir Singh Paula Portz ; Anita Castellanos POSTCERT_037445.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1617 IBEC Project Status Update (4).msg Gerard McCallum; Royce Jones ;; Christopher E. Jackson ;; Bove, Matthew J. ; POSTCERT_037419.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1617 IBEC Project Status Update.msg Gerard McCallum Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037420.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1650 IBEC Ordinance Publication.msg Christina Erwin Katie Gundell POSTCERT_037462.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1720 '$100 MILLION CLIPPERS PROPOSED INVESTMENT IN CITY OF INGLEWOOD.msg Marco Tan Wanda Brown POSTCERT_037378.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1726 '$100 MILLION PROPOSED INVESTMENT BY LA CLIPPERS IN INGLEWOOD.msg Marco Tan Wanda Brown POSTCERT_037379.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1726 Attch: Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center, Sept 2019 Presentation.pdf POSTCERT_037380.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1731 IBEC (1).msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037406.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1731 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037421.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1744 RE IBEC Ordinance Publication Ad #7713435.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037483.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1744 Attch: Order 7713435 Proof.pdf POSTCERT_037484.pdf
Correspondence 20200810-1744 Attch: Environmental Science Associates_IBEC Newspaper Publication confidential draft - RMM Notes - August 12, 2020 - Ad #7713435 .pdf POSTCERT_037485.pdf
Correspondence 20200811-0826 Re Clippers New Arena - Inglewood - ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION.msg Paula Portz Mandhir Singh ; Anita Castellanos POSTCERT_037446.pdf
Correspondence 20200811-0920 RE IBEC Ordinance Publication Ad #7713435 (2).msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_037491.pdf
Correspondence 20200811-1000 RE IBEC Ordinance Publication Ad #7713435 (9).msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037481.pdf
Correspondence 20200811-1000 Attch: Order 7713435 Receipt.pdf POSTCERT_037482.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 34
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037584.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037585.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037586.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037587.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Ancillary Development Site 8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037588.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DDA Employment and Training Agreement-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037589.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 5-DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT-20200807.DOCX POSTCERT_037590.pdf
Correspondence 20200811-1520 Notice of Intent to Sue General Plan Amendments GPA-2020-001 and GPA-2020-002; Adoption of Environmental Justice Element Amendment of Land Use Element; Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC).msg Veronica Lebron Aisha Thompson ; James Butts ; Yvonne Horton POSTCERT_037535.pdf
Correspondence 20200811-1520 Attch: 8-11-20 [SCAN] Notice of Intent to Sue.PDF POSTCERT_037536.pdf
Correspondence 20200812-1752 Re IBEC Discussion.msg Paula Portz Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037511.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-0553 Re IBEC Discussion (2).msg Paula Portz Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037510.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-0707 Meeting Forward Notification Collaboration Meeting.msg Christina Erwin Cynthia Robinson POSTCERT_037523.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-0900 Re IBEC Discussion (7).msg Mandhir Singh Paula Portz POSTCERT_037568.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-0906 IBEC Discussion (4).msg Mandhir Singh - on behalf of - Paula Portz Ali Pouraghabagher POSTCERT_037509.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-0936 Re IBEC Discussion.msg Paula Portz Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037569.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1052 IBEC Extension of ENA.msg O'Brien, Harry Artie Fields POSTCERT_037548.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1052 Attch: 200810 ENA Extension to March 2021-c.pdf POSTCERT_037549.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1100 IBEC review.msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindy Wilcox ; Christopher Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Jacqueline De La Rocha ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Saltsman, Benjamin POSTCERT_037522.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1100 IBEC review (4).msg Christina Erwin Tiffany Wright ; Whit Manley ; Mindala Wilcox ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Brian Boxer ; Jacqueline De La Rocha ; Dennis Kanuk ; Loren Montgomery ;; Gerard McCallum ; Tay Via - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Daniel Gershwin - Coblentz Patch Duffy & Bass LLP ; Saltsman, Benjamin POSTCERT_037558.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1100 IBEC review.msg Christina Erwin Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037559.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1138 IBEC-SPH report (3).msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037560.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1138 Attch: 2020.07.02 IBEC_SPH_clean.docx POSTCERT_037561.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1154 IBEC Funding Agreements (2).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist' POSTCERT_037550.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1154 Attch: Fourth Amendment to CEQA Funding Agrmnt No. 18-055.PDF POSTCERT_037551.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1154 Attch: Fifth Amendment to CEQA Funding Agrmnt. No. 18-055.PDF POSTCERT_037552.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1401 IBEC Discussion.msg Paula Portz Mandhir Singh ; Anita Castellanos ; Cameron Curtis ; Daniel Rojas ; Chris Holmquist ;;;;; Duethman, Steve POSTCERT_037557.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1404 RE IBEC-SPH report.msg Christopher E. Jackson Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037512.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1418 reports.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037570.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1418 Attch: 2020.07.28 CC Adoption Report.docx POSTCERT_037571.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1418 Attch: 2020.07.21 IBEC_PH_final.docx POSTCERT_037572.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1549 Agen08182020 - SR - SPH - DDA for IBEC.msg Yakema Decatur Yulanda Parson POSTCERT_037541.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1549 Attch: Agenda 08182020 - SR - SPH - DDA for IBEC.docx POSTCERT_037542.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1552 RE Agen08182020 - SR - SPH - DDA for IBEC.msg Yulanda Parson Yakema Decatur POSTCERT_037566.pdf
Drafts 20200814-0000 DDA ATTCH NO. 7-A - Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels) 8-14-c.docx POSTCERT_037598.pdf
Drafts 20200814-0000 DDA ATTCH NO. 7-B - Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_037599.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1340 RE Agen08182020 - SR - SPH - DDA for IBEC.pdf POSTCERT_037513.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-2122 Revised Arena Site Deeds.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamanna ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037573.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-2122 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_037574.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-2122 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels) 8-14-c.docx POSTCERT_037575.pdf
Drafts 20200817-0000 6-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-8-17-20.docx POSTCERT_037581.pdf
Drafts 20200817-0000 6-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-8-17-20.docx POSTCERT_037582.pdf
Drafts 20200817-0000 6-DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT-20200817.DOCX POSTCERT_037583.pdf
Correspondence 20200817-1120 Scheduling Weekly IBEC Meeting for Ali and Mandir with LA County Fire Department ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION.msg Daniel Rojas POSTCERT_037576.pdf
Correspondence 20200817-1250 Inglewood Clippers (DDA GDCP At 7A GDPP At 7B).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry POSTCERT_037577.pdf
Correspondence 20200817-1250 Attch: 6-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-8-17-20.docx POSTCERT_037578.pdf
Correspondence 20200817-1250 Attch: 6-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-8-17-20.docx POSTCERT_037579.pdf
Correspondence 20200817-1250 Attch: 6-DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT-20200817.DOCX POSTCERT_037580.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-0937 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base.msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist POSTCERT_037567.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1007 FW IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (1).msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Bernard McCrumby ; Marissa Fewell ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson POSTCERT_037546.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1007 FW IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base.msg Mindala Wilcox - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Cynthia Robinson POSTCERT_037547.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1007 IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas ; Stephen J. Duethman POSTCERT_037556.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1409 Information requested from LAWA regarding close-out reports from properties purchased with part LAWA funds in relationship to the Clipper Arena.pdf Diana Andrade Walter Lauderdale POSTCERT_037564.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 35
Drafts 20200730-0000 Appraisal Report_NEC Prairie & 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037711.pdf
Drafts 20200802-0000 Appraisal Report_3700 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037702.pdf
Drafts 20200802-0000 Appraisal Report_3822 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037703.pdf
Drafts 20200802-0000 Appraisal Report_10117 S Prairie - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037710.pdf
Drafts 20200803-0000 Appraisal Report_3832-3836 W 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037704.pdf
Drafts 20200804-0000 Appraisal Report_3844-3940 W 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037705.pdf
Drafts 20200807-0000 Appraisal Report_3901 W 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037706.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 IBEC Clippers DDA.msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry POSTCERT_037664.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT-20200807.DOCX POSTCERT_037665.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA Employment and Training Agreement-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037666.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Ancillary Development Site 8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037667.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037668.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-8-3-20.docx POSTCERT_037669.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037670.pdf
Correspondence 20200807-1632 Attch: 5-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 4 Schedule of Performance-8-7-20.docx POSTCERT_037671.pdf
Drafts 20200810-0000 Appraisal Report_3930 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037707.pdf
Drafts 20200811-0000 Appraisal Report_4018-4044 W 101st - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037708.pdf
Drafts 20200811-0000 Appraisal Report_4020-4046 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037709.pdf
Drafts 20200814-0000 Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_037694.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1715 Draft Appraisals; Sites1 2.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_037653.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1715 Attch: 3700 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037654.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1715 Attch: 3822 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037655.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1721 Draft Appraisal; Site 3.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_037647.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1721 Attch: NEC Prairie & 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037648.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1725 Draft Appraisal; Site 4.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_037649.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1725 Attch: 10117 S Prairie - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037650.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1733 Draft Appraisal; Site 6.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_037651.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1733 Attch: 3844-3940 W 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_037652.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1929 Revised DDA.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamanna ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037692.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1929 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_037693.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1910 IBEC.pdf Harry O'Brien Phoebe Allen; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037606.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1010 IBEC CONF. CALL @ 1000 A.M..pdf Vanessa Scrubb Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037605.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037695.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037696.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B-1 - Form of Possessory Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037697.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B-2 - Form of Fee Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037698.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Each Ancillary Development Site-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037699.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 8 - Employment and Training Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_037700.pdf
Drafts 20200822-0000 7-Disposition and Development Agreement-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037701.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-1350 IBEC.pdf Harry O'Brien Phoebe Allen; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037716.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 InglewoodClippers (DDA Revisions).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry POSTCERT_037674.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037675.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037676.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B-2 - Form of Fee Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037677.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 8 - Employment and Training Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_037678.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-Disposition and Development Agreement-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037679.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Each Ancillary Development Site-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037680.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-2133 Attch: 7-DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B-1 - Form of Possessory Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-20200822.docx POSTCERT_037681.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200824-0000 DDA Project Location Map_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_037759.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200824-0000 LA Times Order 7716275 Proof.pdf POSTCERT_037761.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1051 IBEC Check-in and Coordination.pdf Brian Boxer Phoebe Allen; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037715.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1313 IBEC.pdf Harry O'Brien Phoebe Allen; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037714.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1338 Ad for City of Inglewood.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_037727.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1344 RE Ad for City of Inglewood.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037742.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1752 RE Ad for City of Inglewood (10).msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_037754.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1752 Attch: DDA NOD Project Location Map_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_037755.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1752 Attch: DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL 8.24.20.docx POSTCERT_037756.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1812 RE Ad for City of Inglewood (6).msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037736.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-2249 RE Ad for City of Inglewood (8).msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037737.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-2249 Attch: CITY OF INGLEWOOD OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION - ESA - Ad #7716275.pdf POSTCERT_037738.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-2249 Attch: Order 7716275 Proof.pdf POSTCERT_037739.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200825-0000 LA Times Receipt 8.25.20.pdf POSTCERT_037758.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-0800 Re Ad for City of Inglewood (1).msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_037734.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-0851 082520 MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.pdf Chris Holmquist Harjinder Singh POSTCERT_037712.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-0933 RE Ad for City of Inglewood (2).msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_037735.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1008 RE Ad for City of Inglewood (9).msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037740.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1008 Attch: Order 7716275 Receipt.pdf POSTCERT_037741.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1103 RE Proof of Publication Affidavit & e-tearsheet.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037751.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1103 Attch: LA Times Proof of Publication_Environmental Science Associates -Ad #7713435 - August 12, 2020 - Signed & Dated.pdf POSTCERT_037752.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1103 Attch: e-tearsheet_Environmental Science Associates -Ad #7713435 - August 12, 2020.pdf POSTCERT_037753.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1820 Fwd Ad for City of Inglewood.msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037729.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1820 Attch: Order 7716275 Receipt.pdf POSTCERT_037730.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1822 Re Proof of Publication Affidavit & e-tearsheet (12).msg Gundell, Katherine Christina Erwin POSTCERT_037750.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200826-0000 DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL.docx POSTCERT_037760.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200826-0000 LA Times_CITY OF INGLEWOOD OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION - ESA - Ad #7716275.pdf POSTCERT_037762.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 36
Correspondence 20200818-0937 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (8).msg Mindala Wilcox Chris Holmquist POSTCERT_037893.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1007 FW IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base.msg Mindala Wilcox Bernard McCrumby ; Marissa Fewell ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson POSTCERT_037796.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1022 FW City Council Memos.msg Mindala Wilcox Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037951.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1022 Attch: Memo MW to CC EIR Errata.doc POSTCERT_037952.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1022 Attch: Memo_CC Revised Public Hearing EJ Resolution.doc POSTCERT_037953.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1051 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (6).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037892.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1051 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (51).msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037896.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1057 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (5).msg Cameron Curtis Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037891.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1057 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (50).msg Cameron Curtis Chris Holmquist ; Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_037895.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1059 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (4).msg Mindala Wilcox Cameron Curtis ; Chris Holmquist POSTCERT_037890.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1059 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (49).msg Mindala Wilcox Cameron Curtis ; Chris Holmquist POSTCERT_037894.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1113 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base (1).msg Cameron Curtis Mindala Wilcox ; Chris Holmquist POSTCERT_037889.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1113 RE IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base.msg Cameron Curtis Mindala Wilcox ; Chris Holmquist POSTCERT_037897.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1116 IBEC Design Guidelines Touch Base.msg Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas ; Stephen J. Duethman POSTCERT_037820.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1911 IBEC (41).msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037814.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1911 IBEC (42).msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037815.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1911 IBEC (21).msg O'Brien, Harry Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037956.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1010 IBEC CONF CALL @ 10 00 A M .msg Vanessa Scrubb Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_037819.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1231 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion (40).msg Chris Holmquist Ali Pouraghabagher POSTCERT_037825.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1302 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion (38).msg Chris Holmquist Mandhir Singh ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas ; Paula Portz ; Stephen J. Duethman ; Ali Pouraghabagher ; Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037824.pdf
Correspondence 20200821-0557 Clippers Name.msg Keith Hammond Craig Bragg ; Sangare, Kahniley A - ; Rory Kollar ; Daniel Gallery V ; Ran Woodfin ; Justin Foster POSTCERT_037794.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-1352 IBEC (30).msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037812.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-1352 IBEC (31).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037813.pdf
Correspondence 20200822-1352 IBEC (18).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037955.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1315 IBEC (24).msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037810.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1315 IBEC (25).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ;; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037811.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-0853 082520 MURPHYS BOWL LLC - TEMPORARY RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT.msg Chris Holmquist Harjinder Singh POSTCERT_037769.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-0853 Attch: 200825 IBEC City Access Request Exhibit.pdf POSTCERT_037770.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1520 IBEC (17).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ;; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda ; Gerard McCallum ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_037809.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1520 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037827.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1640 10023 S Prairie and others pothole for utilities Clippers Arena.msg Raul Fernandez Adrian Huerta POSTCERT_037764.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1640 Attch: Permit 20-00400.pdf POSTCERT_037765.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1640 Attch: Pothole Plan Approved.pdf POSTCERT_037766.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1640 Attch: TC Plan Approved.pdf POSTCERT_037767.pdf
Correspondence 20200825-1640 Attch: invoice for 20-00400.pdf POSTCERT_037768.pdf
Correspondence 20200826-1030 RE Proof of Publication Affidavit & e-tearsheet.msg Christina Erwin Gundell, Katherine POSTCERT_037933.pdf
Correspondence 20200826-1110 RE 10023 S Prairie and others pothole for utilities Clippers Arena (14).msg Adrian Huerta Raul Fernandez POSTCERT_037856.pdf
Correspondence 20200826-1253 RE 10023 S Prairie and others pothole for utilities Clippers Arena.msg Raul Fernandez Adrian Huerta POSTCERT_037857.pdf
Correspondence 20200826-1426 RE IBEC Entitlements (1).msg Mindala Wilcox Cynthia Robinson ; Eddy Ikemefuna ; Fred Jackson ;; Royce Jones ;;;; POSTCERT_037884.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-0918 RE Collaboration Meeting.msg Mindala Wilcox Artie Fields ;;;;; Christopher E. Jackson ; Cynthia Robinson ; David L. Esparza ;; Evangeline Lane ; Fred Jackson ;;; Kathy Ares ; Louis Atwell ;;; Perla Solis ; Peter Puglese ;; Sharon Koike ;; Tunisia Johnson ;;;; Catherine Aguilar ;;;; Lisa Trifiletti ;;;;; POSTCERT_037858.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-0939 FW IBEC Permits Processing Discussion.msg Mandhir Singh - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037802.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-0939 FW IBEC Permits Processing Discussion.msg Mandhir Singh - on behalf of - Chris Holmquist Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037954.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-0940 RE IBEC Permits Processing Discussion.msg Christopher E. Jackson Chris Holmquist ; Mandhir Singh ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas ; Paula Portz ; Stephen J. Duethman ; Ali Pouraghabagher POSTCERT_037899.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1002 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion (2).msg Chris Holmquist Mandhir Singh ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas ; Paula Portz ; Stephen J. Duethman ; Ali Pouraghabagher ; Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_037823.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1002 IBEC Permits Processing Discussion.msg Chris Holmquist Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_037826.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1906 RE Appraisals (8).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038012.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1906 Attch: 3822 W Century - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_038013.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1910 RE Appraisals (7).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_037978.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1910 Attch: NEC Prairie & 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_037979.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1912 RE Appraisals (6).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038010.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1912 Attch: 10117 S Prairie - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_038011.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1920 RE Appraisals (5).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038008.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1920 Attch: 3832-3836 W 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_038009.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1923 RE Appraisals (4).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038006.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1923 Attch: 3844-3940 W 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_038007.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1925 RE Appraisals (3).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038004.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1925 Attch: 3901 W 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_038005.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1935 RE Appraisals.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_037981.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1935 Attch: 4018-4044 W 101st - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c.pdf POSTCERT_037982.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 3822 W Century - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038014.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 3832-3836 W 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038015.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 3844-3940 W 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038016.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 3901 W 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038017.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 4018-4044 W 101st - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038018.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 10117 S Prairie - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038019.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 NEC Prairie & 102nd - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038020.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 37
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 3700 W Century - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038145.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 3930 W Century - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038146.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200828-0000 4020-4046 W Century - Inglewood - Appraisal Report-c (signed).pdf POSTCERT_038147.pdf
Correspondence 20200902-0920 IBEC (14).msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones ;; Gerard McCallum ; Via, Tay ; Weinstein-Carnes, Ashley ; Gershwin, Dan ; Steinhauer, Joshua ; Bove, Matthew J. POSTCERT_038036.pdf
Correspondence 20200902-0920 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Phoebe Allen ; Cheryl Jackson POSTCERT_038039.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-0801 8 00 - 9 30 am Construction Network -- City of Inglewood people-mover and Clippers Stadium projects.msg Kelly Asper Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge POSTCERT_038021.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-0801 8 00 - 9 30 am Construction Network -- City of Inglewood people-mover and Clippers Stadium projects (12).msg Kelly Asper Lisa Trifiletti POSTCERT_038022.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-0801 8 00 - 9 30 am Construction Network -- City of Inglewood people-mover and Clippers Stadium projects.msg Kelly Asper Tunisia Johnson ; Maria Barba ; Sidia Landaverde ; Kathy Ares POSTCERT_038023.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-0904 FW Potential Trailer Location - IBEC.msg Aylesworth III, Robert Craig Bragg POSTCERT_038032.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-0904 Attch: Office Trailer_Prairie 105th.pdf POSTCERT_038033.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1402 IBEC - 27 Water Transmission Line.msg Robert Dizon Thomas Lee POSTCERT_038035.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1409 RE IBEC - 27 Water Transmission Line.msg Thomas Lee Robert Dizon POSTCERT_038057.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1427 FW IBEC - 27 Water Transmission Line - welded steel comment.msg Thomas Lee Ismael Perez ; Jose J. Ramirez ; Steven Ycute ; Felipe Medina POSTCERT_038031.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1459 Re IBEC - 27 Water Transmission Line - welded steel comment.msg Steven Ycute Thomas Lee POSTCERT_038056.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1650 Staff Reports - IBEC DDA (September 8th City Council Meeting).msg Phoebe Allen Yulanda Parson POSTCERT_038069.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1529 Memorandum regarding CEQA coverage for September 8 2020 Proposed Actions.msg Brian Boxer Mindy Wilcox POSTCERT_038081.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1529 Attch: IBEC Memo from Brian Boxer to Mindy Wilcox re September 8 Actions 9.4.2020.pdf POSTCERT_038082.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1625 IBEC NOD.pdf Christina Erwin Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_038152.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1627 IBEC NOD.msg Christina Erwin Mindy Wilcox POSTCERT_038166.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1627 Attch: IBEC DDA NOD_9.8.20.pdf POSTCERT_038167.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-0000 Transmittal Letter to County Clerk Recorder re NOD POSTCERT_038169.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200908-0000 City Council Agenda Sept 8 2020.pdf POSTCERT_038170.pdf
NOD 20200908-0000 Notice of Determination - IBEC - DDA POSTCERT_038171.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200908-0000 Staff Report (DR-2) Sept 8 2020.pdf POSTCERT_038177.pdf
Staff Reports/Agendas/Related Meeting Materials 20200908-0000 Staff Report (PH-1) Sept 8 2020.pdf POSTCERT_038178.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Notice of City Council DDA Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)- September 8 2020 - Historical Funding Records.msg Richardson, Al (FAA) Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_038172.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Attch: DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_038173.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 RE_ Inglewood Historic Funding - LAWA Records.msg Richardson, Al (FAA) Bettye Griffith POSTCERT_038174.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Attch: Noise-Land-Management-Disposal-AIP-Funded-Noise-Development-Land.pdf POSTCERT_038175.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1046 Staff Report Part 2 - IBEC DDA - City Final.pdf Phoebe Allen Michael Tate POSTCERT_038154.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1308 RE Notice of City Council DDA Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)- September 8 2020 - Historical Funding Records.msg PANTOJA, KATHRYN R. Mindala Wilcox ; Bettye Griffith POSTCERT_038176.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 38
Correspondence 20200813-1620 URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020 (3).msg Phoebe Allen Keauonna Buckhanon POSTCERT_038373.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1620 Attch: Budget - Stf Rpt for SSPH for Ingl Basketball and Ent.Ctr. DDA 08.13.20.pdf POSTCERT_038374.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1621 URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020.msg Phoebe Allen Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_038375.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1621 Attch: Finance - Stf Rpt for SSPH for Ingl Basketball and Ent.Ctr. DDA 08.13.20.pdf POSTCERT_038376.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1817 RE URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020 (1).msg Keauonna Buckhanon Phoebe Allen POSTCERT_038329.pdf
Correspondence 20200813-1817 Attch: Budget - Stf Rpt for SSPH for Ingl Basketball and Ent.Ctr. DDA 08.13.20.pdf POSTCERT_038330.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-0946 RE URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020 (33).msg Phoebe Allen Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_038334.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1101 FW URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020.msg Michael H. Tate Phoebe Allen POSTCERT_038241.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1101 Attch: Finance - Stf Rpt for SSPH for Ingl Basketball and Ent.Ctr. DDA 08.13.20.pdf POSTCERT_038242.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1145 Staff Report - SPH for Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center DDA for August 18th.msg Phoebe Allen Yakema Decatur POSTCERT_038363.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1145 Attch: Approved Buckslips - Ingl Basketball and Ent. Ctr. DDA 08.14.20.pdf POSTCERT_038364.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1145 Attch: Stf Rpt - SPH Ingl. Basketball and Ent. Ctr. DDA 08.14.20.pdf POSTCERT_038365.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1216 Memo - DDA Agreement.msg Phoebe Allen Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_038277.pdf
Correspondence 20200818-1216 Attch: REVISED - City Coucil Memo re SPH for DDA Agreement 08.18.20.pdf POSTCERT_038278.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1144 Planning Weekly - August 19 2020.msg Fred Jackson Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_038290.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1144 Attch: 2020.08.19 Weekly.docx POSTCERT_038291.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1454 Amended and Restated Exclusive Negotiating Agreement No 17-456.msg Phoebe Allen Aisha Thompson POSTCERT_038197.pdf
Correspondence 20200819-1454 Attch: Memo - Amended and Restated ENA No. 17-456 08.19.20.pdf POSTCERT_038198.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1606 RE URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020 (31).msg Sharon Koike Phoebe Allen ; Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_038333.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1613 RE URGENT - Staff Report for SPH for Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center DDA - August 18 2020 (28).msg Sharon Koike Christopher E. Jackson ; Phoebe Allen ; Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_038332.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Revised DDA and Exhibits.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamanna ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda POSTCERT_038345.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_038346.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_038347.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Each Ancillary Development Site-c.docx POSTCERT_038348.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 8 - Employment and Training Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_038349.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 5 Scope of Development-c.docx POSTCERT_038350.pdf
Correspondence 20200820-1802 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_038351.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200821 Summary Report - FINAL IBEC 33433 2008014.pdf POSTCERT_038387.pdf
Correspondence 20200823-1848 Revised DDA Grant Deeds.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Gustavo Lamanna ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda POSTCERT_038352.pdf
Correspondence 20200823-1848 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_038353.pdf
Correspondence 20200823-1848 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-A - Form of Grant Deed for Arena Site (City Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_038354.pdf
Correspondence 20200823-1848 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-C - Form of Grant Deed for Each Ancillary Development Site-c.docx POSTCERT_038355.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1731 Revised DDA and Deed.msg Bove, Matthew J. Royce K. Jones ; Gustavo Lamanna ; Christopher E. Jackson ; Aguilar-Guerrero, Brenda POSTCERT_038342.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1731 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_038343.pdf
Correspondence 20200824-1731 Attch: DDA ATTACHMENT NO. 7-B-1 - Form of Possessory Grant Deed for Arena Site (Private Parcels)-c.docx POSTCERT_038344.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200826-0000 2020.08.26 DDA Notice LA Times POSTCERT_038381.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200826-0000 DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_038411.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1206 RE Request to Post Information Online Citys Website.msg Phoebe Allen Josh Howe POSTCERT_038327.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1602 FW Request to Post Information Online Citys Website.msg Phoebe Allen Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_038183.pdf
Correspondence 20200827-1602 Attch: FW Request to Post Information Online Citys Website.pdf POSTCERT_038184.pdf
Correspondence 20200828-0000 Norris Summary Letter RE Appraisal Reviews (IBEC Sites 1-10) Final POSTCERT_038426.pdf
Correspondence 20200828-0000 Norris Letter Report RE Appraisal Reviews (IBEC Sites 1-10) Final POSTCERT_038427.pdf
Correspondence 20200829-1119 FW Publishing Request for LA Sentinel and LA Watts Times.msg Christopher E. Jackson Brandon I. Brooks' POSTCERT_038235.pdf
Correspondence 20200829-1119 Attch: DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL LA Sentinel and LA Watts Times.docx POSTCERT_038236.pdf
Correspondence 20200829-1651 Re Publishing Request for LA Sentinel and LA Watts Times.msg Brandon I. Brooks Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_038324.pdf
Correspondence 20200829-1651 Attch: LAWT-Inglewood-PublicNotice-FP.pdf POSTCERT_038325.pdf
Correspondence 20200829-1651 Attch: Sentinel-Inglewood-PublicNotice-FP.pdf POSTCERT_038326.pdf
Correspondence 20200901-1848 Marketing Coordination Agreement.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038273.pdf
Correspondence 20200901-1848 Attch: Marketing Coordination Agreement-c.docx POSTCERT_038274.pdf
Correspondence 20200901-1848 Attch: 200831a Marketing Protection Zone-c.pdf POSTCERT_038275.pdf
Correspondence 20200901-1848 Attch: 200901b Billboard Allowable Locations-c.pdf POSTCERT_038276.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200902-0000 2020.09.02 DDA Notice LA Times POSTCERT_038382.pdf
Correspondence 20200902-1132 September 8 2020 Buck Slips .msg Christopher E. Jackson Phoebe Allen POSTCERT_038357.pdf
Correspondence 20200902-1148 RE September 8 2020 Buck Slips .msg Phoebe Allen Christopher E. Jackson POSTCERT_038328.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1524 URGENT - Staff Report Acceptance of the Grant Deed Transferring Thirteen Parcels - September 8 2020.msg Phoebe Allen Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_038377.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-1524 Attch: Stf Rpt - Acceptance of the Grant Deed Transferring 13 Parcels (IBEC DDA) 09.08.20.pdf POSTCERT_038378.pdf
Correspondence 20200903-2059 RE Clippers Arena.msg Gallucci, Nick John Jones POSTCERT_038302.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1555 Notice of City Council DDA Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)- September 8 2020 (1).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject POSTCERT_038279.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1555 Attch: DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_038280.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1555 Notice of City Council DDA Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)- September 8 2020 (5).msg Mindala Wilcox ibecproject POSTCERT_038283.pdf
Correspondence 20200904-1555 Attch: DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_038284.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-0918 Request to Upload Documents on the Citys Website - Economic & Community Development Department.msg Phoebe Allen Josh Howe POSTCERT_038187.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-0918 Attch: Request to Upload Documents on the Citys Website - Economic & Community Development Department.pdf POSTCERT_038188.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Notice of City Council DDA Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)- September 8 2020 - Historical Funding Records.msg Richardson, Al (FAA) Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_038418.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Attch: DDA Public Notice for Newspaper_FINAL.pdf POSTCERT_038419.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Attch: RE_ Inglewood Historic Funding - LAWA Records.msg Richardson, Al (FAA) Bettye Griffith POSTCERT_038420.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1028 Attch: Noise-Land-Management-Disposal-AIP-Funded-Noise-Development-Land.pdf POSTCERT_038421.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1045 Staff Report Part 2 - IBEC DDA - City Final.msg Phoebe Allen Michael H. Tate POSTCERT_038360.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1045 Attch: PH - IBEC DDA - City Final (2) 09.08.20.pdf POSTCERT_038361.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1045 Attch: PH - IBEC DDA - City Final (3) 09.08.20.pdf POSTCERT_038362.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1308 RE Notice of City Council DDA Hearing Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center (IBEC)- September 8 2020 - Historical Funding Records.msg PANTOJA, KATHRYN R. Mindala Wilcox ; Bettye Griffith POSTCERT_038422.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1329 IBEC.msg O'Brien, Harry Aisha Thompson ; Aisha Thompson POSTCERT_038263.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1329 Attch: Wolken Declaration-c.pdf POSTCERT_038264.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1329 Attch: jackson Declaration-c.pdf POSTCERT_038265.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1522 FW Staff Report Part 2 - IBEC DDA - City Final.msg Michael H. Tate Sharon Koike POSTCERT_038238.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1522 Attch: PH - IBEC DDA - City Final (2) 09.08.20.pdf POSTCERT_038239.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1522 Attch: PH - IBEC DDA - City Final (3) 09.08.20.pdf POSTCERT_038240.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1701 Breaking News Clippers given final approval to buy land needed for arena.msg Los Angeles Times Hector Velasquez POSTCERT_038200.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1722 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access (24).msg LA Clippers Esmeralda Navarro POSTCERT_038209.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1722 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access (25).msg LA Clippers Jerry Cosby POSTCERT_038210.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1723 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access (22).msg LA Clippers Bettye Griffith POSTCERT_038207.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1723 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access (23).msg LA Clippers Teresa Estrada POSTCERT_038208.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1724 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access (20).msg LA Clippers Nicole Loudermilk POSTCERT_038205.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1724 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access (21).msg LA Clippers Frances Tracht POSTCERT_038206.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1724 Clippers New Arena Sign Up for Exclusive Access.msg LA Clippers Donnell Norwood POSTCERT_038211.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1822 LA Clippers get final city approval to build Inglewood arena.msg Steve Overly Neal Cochran POSTCERT_038185.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-1822 Attch: LA Clippers get final city approval to build Inglewood arena.pdf POSTCERT_038186.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-2028 Clippers secure land for $1 8 billion arena in Inglewood open wait list for season tickets.msg Mark Fried Pol_Exec POSTCERT_038214.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-2035 RE LA Clippers get final city approval to build Inglewood arena (18).msg Neal Cochran Steve Overly POSTCERT_038319.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-2039 RE LA Clippers get final city approval to build Inglewood arena (17).msg Neal Cochran POSTCERT_038318.pdf
Correspondence 20200908-2041 RE LA Clippers get final city approval to build Inglewood arena.msg Neal Cochran POSTCERT_038320.pdf
Correspondence 20200909-1205 FW Potential Trailer Location - IBEC (1).msg Aylesworth III, Robert Christopher E. Jackson ; Mandhir Singh POSTCERT_038233.pdf
Correspondence 20200909-1205 Attch: Office Trailer_Prairie 105th.pdf POSTCERT_038234.pdf
Correspondence 20200909-1312 SCH Number 2018021056.msg Meng Heu Christina Erwin POSTCERT_038402.pdf
Correspondence 20200910-1325 RE IBEC - 27 Water Transmission Line.msg Robert Dizon Thomas Lee POSTCERT_038315.pdf
Correspondence 20200910-1544 Inglewood Clippers (DDA City Final 8252020).msg Gustavo Lamanna O'Brien, Harry POSTCERT_038384.pdf
Correspondence 20200910-1544 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-City Final.docx POSTCERT_038385.pdf
Correspondence 20200910-1544 Attch: Disposition and Development Agreement-City Final.pdf POSTCERT_038386.pdf
NOD 20200911-0000 Filed NOD - DDA approval (unofficial copy) POSTCERT_038383.pdf
Correspondence 20200911-1531 Inglewood/Clippers (DA) POSTCERT_038424.pdf
Correspondence 20200911-1531 Attch: Inglewood/Clippers (DA) POSTCERT_038425.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200914-0000 DDA Resolution 20-129 (final-signed) POSTCERT_038437.pdf
Resolutions/Ordinances/Approvals 20200914-0000 City GD Acceptance Resolution 20-128 (final-signed) POSTCERT_038434.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200915-0000 Final-Signed Disposition and Development Agreement POSTCERT_038438.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 39
Correspondence 20200814-1728 Draft Appraisal; Site 5.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038450.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1728 Attch: 3832-3836 W 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_038451.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1735 Draft Appraisal; Site 7.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038452.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1735 Attch: 3901 W 102nd - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_038453.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1737 Draft Appraisal; Site 8.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038454.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1737 Attch: 3930 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_038455.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1739 Draft Appraisal; Site 9.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038456.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1739 Attch: 4020-4046 W Century - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_038457.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1742 Draft Appraisal; Site 10.msg O'Brien, Harry Christopher E. Jackson ; Royce K. Jones POSTCERT_038458.pdf
Correspondence 20200814-1742 Attch: 4018-4044 W 101st - Inglewood - draft-c.pdf POSTCERT_038459.pdf
NOD 20200911-0000 Filed NOD - DDA approval POSTCERT_038442.pdf
Miscellaneous 20200915-0000 Final Executed Development Agreement POSTCERT_038477.pdf
Correspondence 20200917-1518 Murphys Bowl IBEC Project Hotel Site Lot Merger paperwork (1).msg Evangeline Lane Christopher E. Jackson ; Mindala Wilcox POSTCERT_038444.pdf
Correspondence 20200917-1518 Attch: Wilson Meany-Chris Holmquist Murphys Bowl IBEC Project Hotel Site Lot Merger Paperwork.PDF POSTCERT_038445.pdf
Correspondence 20200918-1111 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center (IBEC) - Offsite Sewer Plans.msg Lester Rodriguez <> Boytrese Osias <>; Ashli Marzett <> POSTCERT_038483.pdf
Correspondence 20200918-1711 Executed Documents .msg Royce K. Jones '' POSTCERT_038475.pdf
Correspondence 20200918-1711 Attch: Final DDA-Attachments Documents.pdf POSTCERT_038476.pdf
Correspondence 20200919-1535 IBEC Development Agreement.msg Royce K. Jones '' POSTCERT_038478.pdf
Correspondence 20200919-1535 Attch: Final Executed Development Agreement.pdf POSTCERT_038479.pdf
Correspondence 20200921-1210 Fw_ POST FEIR - Inglewood Basketball and Entertainment Center .msg Lisa Trifiletti Perla Solis POSTCERT_038480.pdf
Correspondence 20200921-1322 RE Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center (IBEC) - Offsite Sewer Plans (2).msg Lester Rodriguez <> Boytrese Osias <>; Ashli Marzett <> POSTCERT_038485.pdf
Correspondence 20200921-1324 RE Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center (IBEC) - Offsite Sewer Plans (1).msg Boytrese Osias <> Lester Rodriguez <>; Ashli Marzett <>; Gudelia Valdovinos <> POSTCERT_038484.pdf
Correspondence 20200921-1419 RE Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center (IBEC) - Offsite Sewer Plans.msg Gudelia Valdovinos <> Boytrese Osias <>; Lester Rodriguez <>; Ashli Marzett <> POSTCERT_038486.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 40
Correspondence 20200923-0625 IBEC-ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION Re_ Command Room Contacts for PD[2].eml Cameron Curtis James Kirk ;; POSTCERT_038515.pdf
Correspondence 20200923-1516 IBEC SEC Design Review Process Discussion[8].eml Chris Holmquist Chris Holmquist ; Stephen J. Duethman ; Mindy Wilcox ; Cameron Curtis LEED AP ; Daniel Rojas POSTCERT_038511.pdf
Correspondence 20200923-1545 IBEC-ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION Re_ Command Room Contacts for PD[1].eml Peter Puglese Cameron Curtis ; James Kirk ; Jeff Lagreek POSTCERT_038514.pdf
Correspondence 20200923-1555 IBEC-ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION Re_ Command Room Contacts for PD.eml Jeff Lagreek Peter Puglese POSTCERT_038513.pdf
Correspondence 20200924-1224 IBEC-ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION Re_ Command Room[1].eml Cameron Curtis Peter Puglese ; James Kirk ; Jeff Lagreek POSTCERT_038522.pdf
Correspondence 20200925-1116 IBEC - 24_ Water Transmission Line - Thrust Blocks.eml Robert Dizon POSTCERT_038488.pdf
Correspondence 20200925-1219 IBEC Street Plan Redlines Dropoff.eml Lester Rodriguez Boytrese Osias ; Ashli Marzett ; Gudelia Valdovinos POSTCERT_038512.pdf
Correspondence 20200925-1548 8_00 - 9_30 am -- CONSTRUCTION NETWORK presentation City of Inglewood_ Clippers Stadium & People Mover[2].eml Kelly Asper Kelly Asper ; Tunisia Johnson ; Maria Barba ; Sidia Landaverde ; Kathy Ares POSTCERT_038532.pdf
Correspondence 20200925-1548 8_00 - 9_30 am -- CONSTRUCTION NETWORK presentation City of Inglewood_ Clippers Stadium & People Mover[3].eml Kelly Asper Kelly Asper ; Gudelia Valdovinos ; Tanna Nash ; Joi Aldridge POSTCERT_038533.pdf
Correspondence 20200925-1548 8_00 - 9_30 am -- CONSTRUCTION NETWORK presentation City of Inglewood_ Clippers Stadium & People Mover[4].eml Kelly Asper Kelly Asper ; Lisa Trifiletti POSTCERT_038534.pdf
Correspondence 20200929-1321 IBEC Street Plan Redlines Dropoff[1].eml Lester Rodriguez Boytrese Osias ; Ashli Marzett ; Gudelia Valdovinos POSTCERT_038540.pdf
Correspondence 20200929-1333 IBEC Street Plan Redlines Dropoff.eml Boytrese Osias Lester Rodriguez ; Ashli Marzett ; Gudelia Valdovinos POSTCERT_038539.pdf
Record of Proceedings After July 21, 2020 - Week 41
Correspondence 20200929-0918 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - MMRP 3.11-2(a) Chris Holmquist Mindala Wilcox 20200929 Inglewood Basketball & Entertainment Center - MMRP 3.11-2(a)_.pdf
Correspondence 20200929-1441 RE_ IBEC Street Plan Redlines Dropoff Gudelia Valdovinos Boytrese Osias; Lester Rodriguez; Ashli Marzett 20200929 RE_ IBEC Street Plan Redlines Dropoff.pdf
Correspondence 20200930-0724 Clippers Arena Ibradfutl Gwen Goodman 20200930 Clippers Arena.pdf
Correspondence 20200930-2230 IBEC_ PLANNING REVIEW AND MMRP Mindala Wilcox Eddy Ikemefuna; Bernard McCrumby; Marissa Fewell 20200930 IBEC_ PLANNING REVIEW AND MMRP.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-0800 FW IBEC-ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION Re Command Room Cameron Curtis Cameron Curtis; Peter Puglese; James Kirk; Jeff Lagreek 20201001 FW IBEC-ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION Re Command Room.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1214 Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing Perla Solis Joi Aldridge 20201001 Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing 6.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1219 RE: Louis"s Schedule for ITC/IBEC Briefing Joi Aldridge Perla Solis 20201001 RE_ Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing 5.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1224 RE: Louis"s Schedule for ITC/IBEC Briefing Perla Solis Joi Aldridge 20201001 RE_ Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing 4.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1320 RE: Louis"s Schedule for ITC/IBEC Briefing Joi Aldridge Perla Solis 20201001 RE_ Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing 3.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1328 RE: Louis"s Schedule for ITC/IBEC Briefing Perla Solis Joi Aldridge 20201001 RE_ Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing 2.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1337 RE: Louis"s Schedule for ITC/IBEC Briefing Joi Aldridge Perla Solis 20201001 RE_ Louis's Schedule for ITC_IBEC Briefing .pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1334 Re: Murphy"s Bowl Project Meeting Christopher E. Jackson Gerard McCallum 20201001 Re_ Murphy's Bowl Project Meeting.2.pdf
Correspondence 20201001-1341 RE: Murphy"s Bowl Project Meeting Gerard McCallum Christopher E. Jackson 20201001 RE_ Murphy's Bowl Project Meeting.pdf
Correspondence 20201002-1156 Executed DDA for IBEC 2020 Christopher E. Jackson Phoebe Allen 20201002 Executed DDA for IBEC 2020.pdf
Correspondence 20201002-1500 IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal Steve Duethman Mindy Wilcox 20201002 IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal.pdf
Correspondence 20201002-1530 IBEC-Murphy"s Bowl Project Meeting Gerard McCallum ""; "Champion, Douglas M.";; Royce Jones;; Christopher E. Jackson;; 20201002 IBEC-Murphy's Bowl Project Meeting.pdf
Miscellaneous 20201005-0000 IBEC Certified Mail Returns 20201005 IBEC Certified Mail Returns.pdf
Correspondence 20201005-1104 FW: IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal Mindala Wilcox Bernard McCrumby 20201005 FW_ IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal.pdf
Correspondence 20201005-1227 RE: Executed DDA for IBEC 2020 Phoebe Allen Christopher E. Jackson 20201005 RE_ Executed DDA for IBEC 2020.pdf
Correspondence 20201005-1732 RE: IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal Mindala Wilcox Steve Duethman 20201005 RE_ IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal.2.pdf
Correspondence 20201005-1909 RE: IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal Steve Duethman Mindala Wilcox 20201005 RE_ IBEC SEC Design Guidelines Submittal.pdf
Correspondence 20201008-1000 IBEC Permits and Processing Discussion Daniel Rojas Mandhir Singh; Cameron Curtis; Paula Portz; Duethman, Steve; Ali Pouraghabagher; Christopher E. Jackson; Chris Holmquist 20201008 IBEC Permits and Processing Discussion.pdf